The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 27, 1905, Image 8

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A Synopsis of Proceedings of the Twenty Ninth Gen
era! Session.
SENATE Balloting for the United
States senator formed the Interesting
phase of the cession of tho sonato on
the 17th. Tho hour """(I for tho ballot
j Aa 11:30. Ltoufcnant Governor Mc
ailton Announced that the first can
vass of the senatorial voto would bo
Ukon and Assistant Secretary Groovy
called the roll. Thirty-two senators
votod for Elmer J. Burkett. Senrttor
Hart was absent The committee on
revenue reported favorably on the
bill of Senator Good to classify prop
erty under tho revenue law. It wan
placed on general Mo. Senate file 5,
by 8endtpr Epperson of Clay, was
placed on general fllo. This bill pro
vides lor complete records In buKs
Involving land titles. In other clrisses
of litigation If a complete rocord Is
ordered It must bo paid for by tho
litigants. Tho matter of rules and
committees was taken up. Tho com
mittee xn 'mining and the commltteo
on emigration were abollshod and tho
commltteo on gamo created. Tho Judi
ciary commlttoo has eight members.
HOUSE The first threo bills to
pass tho house were unnnlmously ap
proved by that body on roll call on
tho 17th. T-cso wcro hotiso roll 63, by
"Wilson, appropriating $80,000 for tho
payment of legislative salaries, house
roll 04, by Wilson, appropriating $20,-1
000 for tuo jmyment of legislative In
cidental expenses, and house roll 55
by Wilson appropriating $18,000 from
Uo ftorfolk asylum fund to tho Lin
coln asylum fund. Tho house having
fixed Iho hour of 11 o'clock for voting
on United S'tntes senator, and that
hour having arrived, proceeded to
Toto. There were no nominating
speeches. Tho voto resulted, Elmer J.
Burkett 86; Itlchard I Motcalf 9, Al
fred Sorcnson 1 and J. A. Douglas of
Ilock county, a tnomber of tho legis
lature, 1. Tho apuokor thereupon de
clared Mr. Burkett tho cholco of tho
house Uarnee of Douglas moved that
each emptoyo of tho house be allowod
pay for bIx; days weokly, the pages to
receive $1.00 per day, tho, elective
officers ,S4 anu tho. appointive holp $3.
Tilts' precipitated an "oconomy" fight
, Mriofay 'ot Lancaster movod that the
rcsoiutlonfbo referred to the speaker.
Tho resolution waa tabled. Bills woro
Introduced: To creato a etato regis
trar of vital statistics and to provide
for tho appointment of local registrars
for compensation of local registrars of
26 cents for each certificate to be paid
out of tho county funds, for tho regis
tration of births and deaths and tor
the. payment out of tho funds appro
priated forHho stato board of health
of tho expenses Incurred In hooping
vuai eiHUBucB. to nuow z.uuu or more
members ot any fraternal Insurance
organization, organized under the
laws of another stato, to withdraw
from such organization and form a
new BopMy of their own and issue
new certificates without ro-oxamlna-tlon
of. fuetnbors. To mako void liquor
Ilconses in, caso whero license has
contracted for oxclualvo purchase of
liquors from one or more persons and
requiring Jtlmt, oxcept in cities of the
metropolitan class, whore tho ontlro
matter Is toft to tno fire and poltco
feoara, wholosale and retail business
may eot be transacted under one
IIcobbo; emergency clause. To provldo"
for tho payment ot road taxes in
cask la. all cbuntioa not under town
sate organization, and to divide tho
proceeds equally between the county
road fund and tho district road fund.
SENATE For the first time, on
tkeV48t$, the sonato, In commlttoo of
the whole, discussed bills on general
file. There, wore only two bills to be
considered, and both wero ordered en
Krosfled.or' a third reading. They
wer 6!flF. 8, by Good of Nemaha, pro
vldlag Chat tho state board should
hare txswer to equalize property by
lowering or raising valuations upon
the different classes, and S. F. t, pro
vidjsg for a elmpllflcatlon of tho pre
paration of evldonco for an appeal to
the aaprcmo court After tho reading
of tiUaa on, second and first readings
the scaatq adjourned to the house to
become a part of tho Joint session
that elected, Elmer J. Burkett United
BtatoiBcnator. A number of bills were
Introduced, among them being: Ap
pointing a Btato board ot control for
the Bot&Iera' homes and all charitable
tastlUitlons, appointments to be mado
by thoigQveraor and the board to
'coaster; oJT three members, each ot
whom hall receive $2,C00 a year and
servant years. Tho board shall make
all appointments for heads of Instltu
tloas3tto consolidate the Girls' Indus
trial eohoot at Kearney, transferring
the inmates, ot tho former to Kearney
asd resting or leasing tho state build
ings at OeneVa. Allowing county
treasurers to do away with a needless
record book and making valid all en
tries ado in tho wrong book.
A tory in told by a London paper
9t a cabman who recently lost his
voice when a man was brazen eaough
tey4ilm only the legal fare with
out' tlWj customary tip. The cabby
looked "(at! tho coin In the palm ot his
band and tried bard to summon up
words capable of expressing a por
tion; of what be felt. Meanwhile the
nan ad disappeared, and when the
afaby (discovered this his language
eo-apfelcly failed him. Finally a
'fsslghboring cabman came to his re
Hail "Lave htm to God, Mike," ho
'aid; "live him to God."
HOUSE After tho house had been
In session a short time on tho 18th,
a recess was taken to moot with the
sonato in Joint session for the eloctlon
of a United States senator. Standing
committees roported favorably on H.
Ft. 1, II. R. 5 and for more time on H.
It. 3, the guaranty bond bill by Burns
of Lancaster, the bill by Kyd of Gago
to-ro-adopt'Cobbey's statutes and the
bill ot Windham ot Cass for six1 su
premo court commissioners, respec
tively Bills' introduced included: An
act defining tho duties of railroad com
panies In tho shipment and transport
ation of llvo slock, and providing pen
alties for tho violation thereof. Re
quires railroads to allow one round
trip pass for each car of llvo stock
and an additional return trip pass for
each two cars In addition shipped at
same time; makes roads liable for
damago o stock on rcquost to furnish
such transportation; requires caboose
on stock trains; stock to bo transport
ed at average speed ot not less than
sixteen miles an hour. An act to pro
vldo for participation by tho state jf
Nebraska at tho Lewis and Clark ex
position and for tho appropriation of
$15,000 therefor. An act to provide for
consolidation or reinsurance of tho
risks of fraternal beneficiary societies
with or by other societies or organ
izations, and providing a plan there
for. Requires approval of tho state
auditor and a two-thirds voto ot local
or supremo lodges or societies con
cerned. An act to regulate tho salo of
cocaine, tnorphlno and opium, requir
ing a physician's certificate for pur
chase, Imposing penalty of S20 to $100.
An act to appropriate tho sum of
$3,000 for the purposo of constructing
nadltional fish ponds, etc., at the state
fUh hatcheries at South Bend. An act
to dcclaro void sales, trades or other
disposition of stocks ot goods or por
tions thereof in bulk. Identical with
sonato bill.
SENATE Tho first bill that pass
od the senate occurred on tho 19th
and that was a revenue law amend
ment Sonato fllo No. 3, by Good ot
Nemaha, was lndorsod after third
reading. This bill provides for a class
ification of property. When tho state
board of equalization raises the valu
ation of property In a county, if tho
bill becomes a law, the valuation of
proporty may bo raised. It is claimed
that this bill will prevent all tho tax
payers from suffering from tho nh tak
ings ot n particuar class of property
owners. Senator Cady requested that
tho Judiciary commltteo preparo a bill
listing all proporty that Is exempt
from taxation. Tho sonato went into
the commltteo of tho wholo with
Senntor Fries of Valley In tho chair,
Sonato fllo No. G, by Senator Epper
son, was takon up. It provides that
complete records shall only bo taken
In the cases of real estate litigation
involving titles in othor suits. The
measuro was ordored engrossed for
third reading. Tho following bills wero
Introduced Into tho senate: To per
mit errors in assessment to bb cor
rected by tho local board of equaliza
tion. To permit cities, towns and vil
lages to engage in commercial light
ing and to voto bonds for electric
light plants. Tho bonds must mature
In twenty years, and may bear as high
as 7 per cent Interest To provldo for
a stato registrar of vital statistics.
HOUSE Tho houso was In session
for less than two hours on tho 10th,
and then adjourned for tho day. House
roll No. 6, by Kyd of Gage, to change
the mothod provided for tho drawing
of Jurors In Gage county, was re
commended back for indefinite post
ponement by the standing commltteo
and the report was adopted. Most ot
tho morning was spent in committee
of tho whole, with Perry of Furnaa in
the chair, in considering house roll
No. 13, by Voter of Cedar. This Is to
glvo landlords a lien for ront upon
all crops grown upon the leased
premises and to provide for enforce
ment thereof under tho same pro
cedure as governs in regard to chat
tel mortgages. The bill was recom
mended for passage. Voter explained
at some length the provisions ot the
bill and declared it was a necessary
measure for the protection of land
lords against dishonest renters. Ho de
plored the fact that similar measures
bad always, been defeated In previous
sessions. The clerk read to tho house
a lettor received from Congressman
Hlnshaw ot the Fourth district, as fol
lows: "I am In receipt of a resolution
adopted by the house ot representa
tives expressing approval ot the viows
nf President Roosevelt on dealing
with corporations, as outlined In his
lost mecage to congress, and request
ing that tho Nebraska delegation shall
sustain tho president and vote to in
crease the power and authority of tho
Interstate commerco commission, as
Lord Howard De Waldon of Eng
land has made himself pre-eminent In
the art ot fencing. Ho is ono ot tho
best swordsmen in Britain, and Is al
most as much at homo with tho an
cient swords of the ages ot romance
as with modern weapons. Through
this Idea of practicing with old fash
ioned arms Lord Howard was led on
to collect them, and he has already
added several exquisite specimens to
his old armor. One ot these Is an' in
laid sword once the property of Louis
XVI of France.
condition s may require. I desire to
say that I am fully In accord with the
vjews ot the president on tho ques
tion ; Lave had frequent Interviews
with him upon this subject and shall
endeavor to do my duty toward legis
lation to give additional powers to
the Interstate commerce commission."
Bills Introduced included: To require
all buildings, except prlvato resi
dences, above three stories in height,
to be equlppod with fire escapes;
present limit Is four stories; also re
quires fire escapes on theaters; emer
gency clause. To protect trade and
commorce against unlawful Restraints
and monopolies and to prohibit tho
giving or receiving of rebates on the
transportation of property.
SENATE Senator Thomas of
Douglas county Introduced his voting
machlno bill on tho 20th, and tho
Douglas delegation, it 1b understood,
will urge Its passage. The bill among
other thngs provides for a "voting
machine commission." to be composed
of the governor, tho secretary of state
and the state auditor, who shall havo
charge of the matter. These have tnb
right to employ or appoint three den,
utles to havo supervision of the ma
chine. Sevoral committees roported
favorably on bills. The senate ad
journed shortly after 11 o'clock until
Monday. They following blllB wero in
troduced: An act relating to negotiable
instruments, being an act to ostabllsh
a law uniform with tho laws of other
states. An act to apportion tho stato
Into jndlclal districts and for tho elec
tion of officers thereof. To appro
priate tho sum ot $3,000 for construct
ing additional fish ponds and making
general Improvements at the Btato
fish hatcheries at South Bond. Pro
viding for tho stocking of prlvato
pondB with fish or spawn under direc
tion of the gamo warden. An act to
provldo for tho publication ot tho
proceedings of tho regular and special
meotlngs of tho directors of irriga
tion districts. An act to prohibit the
keeping or selling ot intoxicating
liquors as a beverage within four
miles of United States fort, army
post or soldiers' home.
HOUSE On tho 20th the house held
another short morning session, ad
journing at noon. H. R, 18, by Kyd of
Gago, a brldgo bill, was made a spec
ial ordor for Tuesday, when tho
house goes into committee of the
wholo. Tho idea of this measure as ox
plained by Kyd Is to make all con
tractors bid to plans drawn by tho
county commissioners for the con
struction of Iron bridgos. Bills wero
Introduced: An act to equalize tho
distribution among counties of tho
onefourth of tho school fund, ignor
ing the provision of distribution on a
population basis. An act to compel
railroads to put hinged gates over'
private railroad crossings. Providing
that mill sites shall rovert to origin
al owners when mills nre not operated
for ten years or rebuilt within two
years after destruction. An act to al
low any constable In the county to
Borvo papers Issued from a Justice of
the peace court in cases Involving
peace warrants. Providing for tho elec
tion of six Justices of the peaco and
six constables in Omaha, tho con
stables to bo elected every four years.
Authorizing any constable In the
county to act whore tho constable of
tho court or product Is disabled.
Tho houso adopted a report of the
printing committee awarding the con
tract for 1,000 copies of tho gover
nor's annual message to tho Stato
Journal company, which was tho low
est bidder. Tho price waB $1.25 a
page. The message will contain
about thirty-five pages.
New Judicial Apportionment.
Tho Judicial apportionment bill In
troduced in tho senate on tho 20th by
Breoso of Sheridan, provides for fif
teen districts and that the present
incumbents shall not be disturbed.
The bill divides tho Btato as follows.
Whero there is no number to Indicate
the district shall havo one Judge:
First Richardson, Nemana. Johnson,
Pawnee. Gasra and Jefferson; two judges
Second. Otoe and Cass.
Third. Lancaster; three Judges.
Fourth. Douglas, 8arpy, Washington
and Burt: seven Judges.
Fifth. Saunders. Seward, 'Butler, York,
Hamilton and Polk; two Judges.
Sixth. Dodge, Colfax, Platte, Merrick
and Nance; two Judges.
Seventh. Ballno. Fllmore, Thayer,
Nuckolls and Clay.
Eighth. Cumlnir. Stanton, Dixon, Da
kota. Cedar and Thurston.
Ninth. Wayne, Madison, Antelope,
Pierce, Knox, Holt. Boyd, Ilock, Brown,
Keya Paha; two Judges.
Tenth. Adams, Webster. Kearney,
Franklin. Harlan and Fhelps.
Eleventh. Boone. 'Hall. Wheeler. Gree
lev. Garfield. Loun. Valley. Howard,
nialne, Thomas. Hooker, Grant; two
rweiitn. uumuo, Dawson. Cuater.
, Keith,
Cheyenne. Deuel, Scott's Bluff. Kimball,
iuiiiiier, iucx-nerson, jvnnur, jreriuns.
.Fourteenth. Gosper, Furnas, Frontier,
lied Willow, Hayes, Hitchcock, Chase,
Fifteenth. Cherry, Sheridan, Dawes,
atoux, Box Butte.
Bank of England Trade.
Obsequious Clerk "Of course, mad
am, I can't sell you a tall like the one
you have on at the same price."
Woman's Home Companion.
It is estimated that a fog in tendon
entails an exnedlture of S115.C0O for
a single day's extra lighting.
Speaker Cannon Is now wielding a
gavel made from a piece of dogwood
which grew on the farm where ho
was born near Guilford, N. C. John
C. Fox of that place presented it to
Mr .Cannon. "Uncle Joe" was de
lighted to get the relic and assured
Mr. Fox that he would take tho best
care ot it "But you know," he added,
"tho life of a gavel In the houso o(
representatives is a short merry and
difficult one. It has a rough road to
travel and Is subject to a great 'many
hard knocks. It doesn't lead the alas
pla life by a ccnsidsrable sight"
Commlttoe of International Congress Plana Thorough Edu
cational Campaign.
Early in October there waB held In
St Louis, at the Hall ot Congresses,
In connection with tho World's Fair,
the American International Congress
of Tuberculosis, which consisted of
representatives gathered from all
parts of the American contlnont, to
jlscuss the bast means of preventing
nd curing this dreadful disease. Spe
cial attention waB given to the subject
of provcntlon. The congress was in
session threo days. Many Important
lucstlons were discussed and commlt
:ees were appointed for tho purposo
of carrying forward nn active cam
paign against this most terrible ot all
the foes of human life. The commit
tee of publicity was charged with tho
duty of organizing a proper educa
tional campaign 'in connection with
Chautauquas, conventions, associa
tions and fraternities of various sorts,
for tho purposo of placing In ttie
hands of the public information re
lating to tho best means of preventing
and combatting this scourge. Thoso
who aro especially interested In this
phase of tho question should address
for further Information the American
Congress on Tuberculosis, Commltteo
on Publicity, 28 Thirty-Third Place,
Chicago, 111.
Movement to Suppress Tuberculosis.
Science has demonstrated beyond
question that pulmonary tuberculosis
or consumption of tho lungs is both a
preventablo and a curable disease.
This dlseaso is produced by germs
which find their way into tho body
through abraslonB of the skin, through
tho mucous membrane of the mouth
or tho intestines and through tho
lungs. Tho germs of tho dlseaso aro
found in tho sputum of persons suf
fering from tuberculosis. Tho germs
aro also found In the flesh and milk of
animals Buffering from tho dibease.
Tho gorms are found nearly every
where. These germs cannot llvo in
tho tissues of a thoroughly healthy
person, as the cells of the body are
capablo of destroying the germs, but
Lwhon tho body Is weakened by Indi
gestion, uy mo nanus oi Dreaming
foul or bad air, by anything which im
pairs tho health, tho tissues lose their
power to destroy germs so that when
thoy enter tho body thoy find lodge
ment, grow and develop and tubercu
losis of tho lungs, bowels or ot somo
other part is tho result
Statistics show that at least 150,000
persons dto of this disease in this
country annually. Four or flvo tlme3
that number of persons are sick all
the timo with this disease. Tubercu
losis kills moro than any other mal
ady. Experience has shown that tho
discaso is not incurable, as has been
generally supposed, but Is a very cur
ablo malady if taken In time, and if
the right treatment is applied. Not
less than one hundred thousand lives
could bo saved every year by tho ap
plication of proper means for prevent
ing and curing this terrible dlseaso.
Danger In Alcohol In Cold Weather.
When tho skin is warm it is red or
pink In color. Tho cold air of winter
causes tho skin to become whiter in
color. This Is due to tho contraction
ot the blood vessels of the skin. Tho
amount of blood passing through the
skin is decreased, and tho amount of
heat thrown off into tho cold air is
likewise decreased. If a glass of wino
or brandy is taken the skin becomes
red. The sensation of warmth pro
duced is delusive. Tho victim Im
agines himself warmer. Indeed, the
skin Is warmer, but at tho samo timo
a great increaso is observed in the
heat thrown oft from the skin. The
result Is an enormous loss of heat to
tho inBido ot the body.
Dr. Parkes, the eminent English
sanitarian, says: "All observers con
demn the use of spirits, and oven of
wine or beer, as a prevontlvo against
cold." Tho names of Dr. King, Dr.
Kane, Capt Kennedy and Dr. Hayes
may also be cited as holding to this
opinion. In tho last expedition In
search ot Sir John Franklin tho wholo
crew wero teetotalers.
Prof. Miller states that tho Russian
military authorities "interdict Its uso
absolutely in tho army when troops
aro about to move under extreme
cold, part of the duty of the corporals
being to smell carefully tho breath of
each man on the morning parade, and
to turn back from tho march thoso
who havo indulged In spirits, it having
been found that Euch men aro pe
culiarly Bubject to be frostbitten and
otherwise Injured."
Dr. Carpenter Is authority for the
statement that the Hudson Bay com
pany haB,-for many years, entirely ex
cluded spirits from tho fur countries
of tho north, over which they havo
exclusive control, "to tho great Im
provement," as Sir John Richardson
observed, "of the health and moralB
of their Canadian servants and of the
Indian tribes."
Health By Training.
Health-getting, for the chronlo in
valid, Is simply a matter of training, of
health culture under favorable condi
tions, which include the discarding
of all disease-producing habits, Buch
as tho use of tobacco, tea, coffee and
all irritating, indigestible and disease
producing foods.
The free uso of flesh foods is no
doubt a causo of liver and kidney dis
ease, as well as of stomach disorders.
The uric acid of flesh food Is also a
cause of rheumatism ana gout, as well
as nervousness and calculies.
For substantial and permanent re-
covery, the beBt method Is training.
Weak muscles must bo trained to act
with energy. Weak nerves must b
toned up and steadied. The weak
stomach must be trained to normal ac
tivity and tho wholo body must be
brought in harmony with tho forces
which mako for health.
Buttermilk for Consumptives.
Buttermilk is an excellent food for
tubercular patients. It may bo taken
In tho quantity of one to threo quarts
a day, according to tho amount ot
other food taken. Tho patient may
take two meals, three meals, or four
meals a day, according to tho quantity
of food taken at each meal, and tho
kind of food. A safo rule Is never to
allow a consumptive to go hungry. Ho
should cat whenever ho has appetite,
au ..,. iuii uiBu- jiunui ui iu
stomach may bo utilized in furnishing
tho body with constructive material.
Wanted An Appetite.
Don't bo without ono. Why go to
tho dining room under protest Don't
try to buy appetlto at a dollar a bot
tle. Earn It. One should enjoy eating
and ho will, If ho has a natural appe
tite, such as comes to ono who works
for it.
Tho outdoor lifo creates appetite,
and a cold morning bath awakens the
brain, lungs, heart, liver, stomach and
tho appetite. An Ico bag over tho
stomach for half an hour beforo meals
Ib a good natural appetizer for a bed
ridden invalid.
Another mothod is a hot application
over tho abdomen for flvo minutes, fol
lowed by an ico rub over tho samo
parts for ono or two minutes. This
not only produces an appetite but
stimulates tho flow of the .digestive
Juices and thus furnishes tho ability
to digest
Diet for Tuberculosis.
The tubercular patlont needs pro
telds, or tissue-building foods, but only
just tho amount which can be assimi
lated and utilized by. the body. Any
oxcosb must be treated liko poisons,
and hence must be a burden to both
liver and kidneys, and a was to of vital
Protelds must bo taken, not only in
moderate quantity, but in tho purest
form possible. Tho vegetable kingdom
presents protelds in combination with
fats in great abundance, and in nuts,
which can bo mado easily digestible
by thorough chewing or by proper
Tho yolks of eggs afford also a com
blnatlon of fats and protelds which Is
admirably suited to tho tubercular pa
tlent Milk, especially rich milk, Is"
another food adapted to this class ol
patients when it does not produce
"biliousness" through indigestion
Many tubercular patients havo dlla
tatlon ot the stomach. Such cases
must avoid milk. Nearly all can take
nuts If tho right kind Is selected and
great care is taken with the mastica
tion. Pecans, hickory nuts, almonds
and filberts, plnons, or plno nuts are
the best varieties. Half a pound ol
nuts may bo token dally by the con
sumptive, not only without harm, but
with great benefit if combined with
other foods. A diet consisting of nuts;
well-toasted bread and fruits is a per
feet dietary for tho tubercular patient.
Tho yolks of a dozen eggs may be
used in placo of nuts.
Lentil and Nut Loaf To one pint of
rather dry lentil pulp add ono cup of ,
grated Brazil nuts and sufficient stalo
breadcrumbs to make a stiff mixture.
Season with salt and sage If desired.
Press Into a bread tin and bako in a
slow oven ono hour or longer.
Fruit Soup Into one cup of warm
water put one rounding tablespoonful
of sago and cook in a double boiler
one-half hour. Then add two or three
wholo cooked prunes, one-fourth cup
stewed raisins, two tablespoonfuls
stewed cranberries, ono teaspoonful
lemon Julco and sugar to suit the
taste. Allow it to heat until the fruit
is hot, and servo. Vermicelli or pearl
barl.ey may bo substituted for sago,
and dried cherries, with strawberry
and lemon Juice, used in place of tho
fruits mentioned.
Snowballs with Prunes Steam rice
ono hour or until tender, then form
into balls, with one large or two small
prunes In tho center. Serve with a hot
sauce made by warming for a few
minutes one-half cup of meltose, to
which the Julco of one lemon has been
added and a little prune Juice to make
It of a consistency to pour easily.
(Banana and Nut Salad Feel three
bananas and slice thin; add one-half
cupful broken (not chopped) walnut
meats. Pour over this two-thirds cup
of the dressing and mix well. Serve
on platters garnished with lettuce
Peas Croquettes Boll until thor
oughly done two cupfuls ot Scotch
peas. Rub through a colander and
add two well-beaten eggs, a little
minced parsley, a small grated onion,
salt to taste and dry bread crumbs
enough to make quite stiff. Form Into
croquettes, roll In beaten eggs and
breadcrumbs and bake In oven about
ten minutes. A cup of chopepd wal
nuts will improve the croquettes.
Savory Lentils Cook two cupfuls of
lentils until 'well done. Rub through
a colander and add Bait and sage to
taBte. To serve, heap In the center ol
tho dish and pour tomato saucs
around it
Sinking Spelt, lleadachea, ItheumatUm,
AH Cauted by l'oor Blood Cured.-
Dr. Wllllama rink rilla.
When Mrs. Williams was asked tor
somo details of tho fearful illuoss from
which she had so long suffered, she spoke
as follows :
' ' Ever sinco I hod nervous prostration,
about thirteen yoars ago, I have had
periodical spells of completo exhaustion.
Any exoitement or unusual aotfvity
would throw ino iuto a stato of liiole'ss
noss. At tho beginning -my strongth
would corao back in a modornto tlmo,
bnttho period of weakness kept length
ening until nt last I would lio helpless
as maay as threo hours at a stretch."
" You, were under inodical trcatntont,
of courso? '
"Yes, when I becamo so bad that I
had to givo up my housework, in May of
1003, X was being treated for kidney
trouble, and later tho doctor thought my
difficulties came from chango of lifo. I
was not only weak, but I had dizzy
feelings, palpitation of tho licart, misery
- -aMupv hot flashes, linrvnnii Iif.irl.
aches, rhoumatio pains in tho back nud
hips. Tho doctor did mo bo littlo good
that I gavo up his treatment, and really
feared that my caso was incurablo."
Wliat saved you from your Btato of
hopelessness? "
In July of 1003 I bad a very bad
spell, and my husbaud camo iu ouo day
with a little book which told of romark
ablo cures effected by a romody for tho
1 hlood-and tho nerves, Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. Ho bought a box for mo, and
thnt was tho beginning of my return to
health. My appetite grow keen, my food
no longer distressed mo, my nerves woro
quieted, and my strength began to ro-
"How long did you tako this remedy?"
"For two mouths only. At the end
of that timo I had regaiuod my health
aud cheerfulness, and my friends say
that I am looking better than I Lave
douo for the past fifteen years."
Mrs. Lizzie Williams is now living at
No. 410 Oedar street. Qaincy, Illinois.
The pills wliich she praises so highly,
euro all diseases that come from im
poverished blood. If your system is all
run down, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro
tho very best romody to tako. , Any drug
gist can Bupply them.
Tho famous diamond, "Star of
South Africa," belonged originally to
a witch doctor. A farmer named
Nieuwkerk traded a wagon and sever
al oxen for it, and sold it for $55,0t).
Itching and Painful Sores Covered
Head and Body Cured In Week
By Cutlcura.
"For fifteen years my scalp and
forehead was one mass ot scabs, and
my body was covered with sorest
Words cannot oxpress how I suffered
from the itching and pain. I had giv
en up hope whon a friend told mo to
got Cutlcura. . After bathing with
Cutlcura Soap and applying Curtl
cura Ointment for threo days, my
head was as clear as ever, and to my
surprise and Joy, one cake ot soap and
ono box ot ointment mado a complete
cure In ono week, (signed) B. B.
Franklin, 717 Washington St., Alle
gheny, Pa."
The great thing which counts In
this world Is not talent, but faithful
ness. John Clifford.
Dcafness-Cnnnot Be Cured
iMd partloa of tbe ear. f hem K only one war w
cure ocetdcii. ana ton h or coniuiuuonu remoaiei.
Dcafneta 1 earned bjr an Inflamed condition of tbe
Bucoua lining of tbe Euittchlin Tube. When tbla
tube la Inflamed yon baToaruntbltoR sound or ns
perfect bearlor. and wben It li entirely doted. Deaf
nesa u tbe remit, and onlew tbe Inflammation can be
taktn out asd tbu tube reitored to It normal con!!
tlon, bearing win be deKrored foreran nine cum
nut ot ten are cauted bf Catarrh, which It nothing
nut kb inutmea condition ox toe diucoui innicu.
We will etre One Hundred Dollar for any caae of
Pearneu (cauied br catarrh) tbat cannot be cured
tT tiau a uatarrn uura. oena rot circular, free.
F. J. CllKNKY CO.. Toledo. XL
Bold br DrorjrtsU.ISo
Take Ball' Famllr llllt for esBitlpaUon.
The pure In heart aro slow to credit
calumnies, but they sometimes liko to
hear about them.
Why It Is the Best
Is because made by an entirely differ
ent process. Defiance Starch Is unlike
any other, better and one-third more
tor 10 cents.
A liberal education Is considered
tho best dowry, but 10,000 a year
Is still rather liked.
Plso's Cure Is the best medicine we ever osed
tor all affections of tho throat ana lungs. vyji.
O. Ekdsut, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10, 1800.
Say little, look wiso and all your
neighbors will flock to you for ad
vice. Defiance 8tarch
should be in every household; none o
(food, besides 4 ouncea more for 10 cents
than any other brand ot cold water
29.001 Mo iujilcrcttTMr
0U OFFER. jafsSi;
ro. wiiaina binding ondentud.
2? S.t7DJSft!?SL t m a
"? and rtlm onlTimora
nJlk than any other Crtim
Bepontor tniit. fa can re
turn toe ImnuluuVuw
aUly return anr mnr it
STin'SXT.'-'.r??? mau M
Ju"tt, f ree, rxwpeJd, our
n -o
i i
-5 !
t a
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