1 I i PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. W. S. RAKHH . . Publisher Entered at the postoflice at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through tho malls, as second-class matter. flT Tim Herald Is tho Official Publica tion of Box Butte county and its circula tion is nearly twice that of any other Al liance paper. 7" ADVERTISING RATES: Display per single column inch per month......... .30 Business locals, per line first insertion .10 Each subsequent Insertion, per line .05 Legal notices at statute rates. Random Thoughts That was a neat rompliment which Senator Cullom paid our own Wm. J Bryan oit his Recent visit to Washing ton. Referring to the Nebraskan's growing corpulency, tho atnid old sen ator said: "You arc growing In more ways than one." Cotno to think of it who was tho last democratic nominee for president? Subscription, J1.50 per year in advance. PERSONAL. Tun Hbrai.0 manager, having bought the subscription accounts hereby notifies 3011 that If your subscription is delinquent you may expect Ji stnlcmoutof your account by mail in the near future. Yon have now had an opportunity to see what kind of paper you may expect In the future. We expect to give you the best paper that skilled printers can produce. To do this wo must have what is due us. You can save us some postage and cleric hiro by romiltiug "us at once. To mnko it an object to you wo will givo you free n year's sub scription to the Weekly State Journal, published at Lincoln, Ncbr., to every new subscriber paying n year in advance, nud also to every old subscriber who pays up and pays, a year in ad vance The publication day of Tub Hrrald will bo Thursday in the future instead of Friday. Your pa per will reach you one day earlier. W. S. Rakhr, Pub. Tins is a good time to bo vaccinated, 'then you are sine. It is a positive preventative against small pox. We are not opposed to physicians. But with disease abroad in the land it is well to take sanitary mcasuro to pre vent getting up against a doctor's bill ,this applies to both city and indi ,It is with genuine plcasuro that the writer returns to the bahnyweather of Alliance, haying left Lincoln Tuesday morning with tho thermometer at 18 below, and a foot of snow, while here overcoats are discarded aud shirt sleeves are in evidence. There comes a time in the history of evctv tyranny-cursed country when tho alternative of concession or revolu tion presents itself. Is Russia con fronting that alternative now? Will wisdom or forco bo the remedy applied, that is to say, will it bo peace and pro gress or blood and slaughter? The spcctaclo of tho cowardly autocrat flee ing from' tho first portentous breath of the coming storm, leaving his brutal minions to slaughter and repel tho ad vance guard of the rising host that sooner or later will wreak heaveti3 vengeance and their own on a blood stained dynasty, is not an encouraging symptom. It is not always easy to distinguish the genuine article from tho imitation. We saw a man a fow days ago whose wife had just obtained a divorce and married anothur, and, lot us hope, a better man. The individual who found himself an odd number as a re sult of these transactions was a very prince of wags or at least was pie .tending to lie one when we first saw him. lie was full of quips and jokes and was tho "portost" man in tho crowd. Was it pretense? Was the man happy in his enforced release fioin tho gulling chninsof matrimonial boudage? Wo inclined to the latter view, until next day whon we hoard him pouring a mawkish talc of bitter wrongs into tho eats of un unwilling victim, to whom he clung with drunken affection. Even then, some people knowing he was drunk, might have said he wasnol his natural self. Tom Lawsou is showing up a phase of stock jobbing in the cast that west ern" people never knew existed. He Jias tho courage of his convictions, knows nud tells the facts. Honest men need nut fear him but rogues take to their heels. Law ton should take n week off and visit Denver. Some things there seen! to need publicity. A little more "Lawton" in most com munities would redound to their good. Opio Read, the author of many pop ular stories, has been serving as a grand juror in Chicago, and has pub lished his impressions of what he not inaptly terms "the modern star cham ber." Along with the princely pay which he received as a juror, Mr. Read avers that he acquired an insight into the immorality of the community which revealed depths far beyond his uttermost imaginings previous to that time. Although most of Read's works arc of tho sun-and-shadow, rippling brook, suddcn-ardcnl-lovc type, re lieved here ahd there by a wholesome murder or twe, yet they are not with out indications of a passably liberal knowledge of the shady side of human ity. At least, one would be safo in as suming that when Opio says Chicago is immoral, stealing apples out of Far mer Brown's orchard is not the most serious charge that comes before a grand jury there. Tin: time is at hand for Alliance to commence the construction of a sewer age system, and nothingis so impera tively needed for sanitary leasons as well as for convenience. A number of now residences are contemplated for Alliance as soon as sewerage is provided- The coming spring election is the time to commence action, and if we have properly felt tho public pulse, sewerage bonds would carry by a prac tically uuamnimouB vote. Let us have a sewerage system at once. Tun permicious activity of some newsmongers out in Wyoming towns, .reporting smallpox where it dooB not exist, is the most contcmptable kind of slander on a town or community. No thing gives a town a black eyo so quick, and such erroneous reports should be grounds for incarceration of the re porter. So far as Tun Herald has been able to learn the disease is con fined to the town of Billings and the authorities there have it under control, and rigid quarantine regulations pre vail, TiB beginning of the end of tho Russian dynasty has come. The peasants of that benighted country backed up by tho laboring classes, are in opeu revolt in both St. Petersburg and Moscow, with every prospect of overthrowing the government. The clergy, and the liberal press are in sympathy with tho revolutionists aud they seem to have a leader in tho per son of a priest of the Greek church. The war reverses in the east have had much to do with determining the sen timents of tho Russian peasantry revolt and that last aud most despotic mou archy that baa been a blot on civiliza tios tor ages, is tottering on its throne. Let us hope the end is near. According to reliable advices the destitution among tho working people of England, but especially of London, horrible beyond imagination. Hun dteds of thousands of absolutely des titute men and women, uttcily unable to secure employment of any kind at any price. Driven from the country districts to tho over crowded cities, robbed of their inheritance to the soil by an antiquated system which has given the land to a few idle, useless so-called noblemen, tho unfortunate British workman has a gloomy future before him. Some one has said that great as is the need of charity in Eng land, there is greater need of a states man. Yes, a statesman who could and would smash into smithereens the atrocious system which gives thou sands of acres of land to a siugle in dividual for a pleasure ground, while hundreds of thousands of human beings suffer for the necessities which could be produced thereon. As Others Sec Us. Gretna Breeze: Gretna people were rather surprised to learn the first of the week that lion. W. S. Raker had left Gretna and had purchased the Alliance Herald at Alliance, Neb., and had at once taken possession. The Herald is one of the best paying propositions in the north west, in the newspaper line, and Mr. Raker will make it a power for ropublicau ism up there. Mr. Raker is an experienc ed newspaper man, and ever since he sold out the old Gretna Reporter In Gret na, has had an idea of reentering the life again at some future date. He is a first class citizen in every respect, a strict par tisan, and will be a splendid addition to Alliance. He has been a resident of Gret na ever since the town started and has accumulated a snug competence here, as well as having the confidence and respect of every one. He has been an active poli tician and has been instrumental in the success of his party here during the past several years. We welcome him back into the newspaper field and wish him success in Alliance. Gretna loses a good and sub stantial citizen and Alliance has gained what Gretna has lost BuUato (Wyo.) Voice Hon. V, S. Raker, formerly of Gretna, Neb., the writer's boyhood home han bought tho Alliance, (Neb.) Herald, and assumed charge of that publication last week. For years the Herald lias been tho leading newspaper of northwest Nebraska, enjoy ing a large circulation, a healthy advertis ing department, augmented by a wide in fluence. Editor Rnkcr is au able news paper man, strong in his convictions and forceful in expression. His has been a prominent figure in Nebraska politics for a number of years past, and ho is number ed among tho really smooth politicians of the g. 0. p. in that state. At the congres sional convention or the second congres sional district last f.'.ll, Mr. Raker wss a candidate for representative in the lower house of congress, and received the solid support from two, out of the three, count ies in the district. He failed ol nomina tion because and only because he re sided outsido the city ot-Omahn. Politic ally, there's a gulf between Raker and my self ai wide as the Atlantic Ocean and ,in the untamented erstwhile we chummed socially and fought politically but he's an honest, widc-a-wako gentleman, and it were easy to predict that the Alliance Herald will lose none of its strength or influence under his supervision. May success attend him. The Papillion Times W. S. Raker, postmaster, Insurance man, and formr ly editor of tho Gretna Reporter, of Gretna, has purchased of T. J. O'Keefe, tho equipment, building, business and good-will of tho Alliance, Neb. Herald. Mr. Kaker will move his family to that place and will personally conduct the pub lication of the paper. Tho retirement of Mr. Raker from Sar py county comes a3 a surprise and will leave a gap difficulUlo fill. To the repub lican party of this county, especially, will his loss bo distinctly felt. Mr. Uakcr has for years becu identified as a leader of the republicans in this section and was a can didate last fall for the nomination for congressman from the second Nebraska district. The hopelessness, however, of a Sarpy county man competing with a Douglas county aspirant for that honor was hoon apparent and Mr. Raker went into the convention knowing he was doom ed to defeat, having only tho Sarpy county delegation back of him. Mr. Raker is a good newspaper man, and, when need bt, can pour forth vitrol from his sharp and caustic pen. We wish him success in his now field. Springfield Monitor: W. S. Raker has purchased and assumed control of the Herald, a noblJy newspaper at Alliance, Neb. Raker was at one time editor of the Gretna Reporter, and to say the leat lie made tho naner interesting. That he has again entered the newspaper field is not surprising, for he is well qualified for the work, has plenty of natural editorial ability and likes the basinets. He prom ises to make the editorial columns a feat ure of his paper and that promise will be made good. The Herald is a neat look ing paper and gives evidence of the pros perity which liberal patonage brings. That it will be equally successful under the new management is assured, and the Monitor is confident in its prediction that when Mr. Raker shall have had the bene fit of further practical experience he will shine among the brightest lights of Neb raska newspaperdom. We need hardly add that tho Herald will be republican in politics. Gering Courier. T. J. O'Keefe has sold the Alliance Herald, material, busi ness and building, to W. S, Raker, former ly of Gretna, Neb. We are riot informed of Col. O'Keefe's future plans, but presume he will stay in the newspaper field some where, having made a marked success. The new publisher we have known for a long time, and know he is all right. In fact he is known to a number in Gering, having been here on several occasions He is a competent man and we hope he will prosper. The paper becomes republican, naturally, with his ownership. Scottsbluff Republican: T. J. O.Keefe has bold the Alliance Herald to V. S. Raker, of Gretna, Neb. Tom has been the editor and proprietor of the Herald for the past ten years and has given the people over there a good paper measured from a pop standpoint and no doubt his retirement from the Herald will be greatly missed by many. The Republican wishes him success in whatever business enter prise he may choose to follow in the future. Platte Valley News; The Alliance Herald, published by T. J. O'Keefe at Alliance, Neb., announces in the issue of January x3th that the paper has been sold to W. S. Raker of Gretna, Nebraska. The Herald has been edited democratic in the past, but the new purchaser has an nounced its political position as assuming the republican faith. We trust that by this change we do not lose Brother O'Keefe from the newspaper fraternity, and we welcome Mr. Raker in our ranks. Scottsbluff Herald: The Alliance Herald has been sold by T. J. O' Keefe to W. S. Raker, of Gretna, this state, who will conduct it henseforth for the best in terests of Raker and republicanism. The Herald Is a good newspaper and while we regret to see Mr. O'Keefe drop out of the newspaper harness, we wish the new publisher success. Gordon Journal: The Alliance Her ald has changed proprietors and politics at the same time. T. J. O'Keefe has sold On! On! & 3.M The Red Ta Sale U ' . "-"!. T ' The Most Popular Bargain Sale Ever Con ducted in Alliance Think of Saying 20 to 333 Per cent As explained in our advertisement last week, during this wonderful discount sale, we are selling goods for CREDIT OR ON Take advantage of this excellent offer, we cannot hold forth such an inducement ' longer than February 13, 1005. Here arc a few new prices for your careful study p jjD n Cotton top Mattresses Regular price $3,50 Sale price Jardiniere Stands Regular price $1.25' Sale price ' Rattan Roman Chair Regular price $5.50 ." Sale price Golden Oak Chiffonier Regular price $8.50 Sale price -..!..'. Golden Oak, P.rincess Dresser Regular price $28.00 A I Sale price Roman Seat, leather upholstered Regular price $11.50 Sale price Picture, Pharoah's Horses Regular price $2.50 Sale price We do better than we advertise .d 3J5 6.50 2 LOO 8.50 1.50 Dorlin the plant to W. S. Raker of Gretna, Neb., giving possession last Friday. We regret to lose Mr. O'Keefe out of the newspaper field. Fremont Daily Herald: The democracy of Northwest Nebraska lost a valued news paper worker when T. Ji O'Keefe quit the Alliance Herald. . The new proprietor, W. S. Kaker, will make some alteration in its politics. Grand Island Democrat: T. J. O'Keefe bas sold the Alliance Herald to W. S. Raker of Gretna, Neb., who will henceforth publish same as a republican sheet. We regret to lose O'Keefe from the list of democratic editors. WiLLIAH MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT LV.V, ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. vwww ! :--xx--:-:- THE CHURCHES. FIRST PKESBYTKUIAN Preaching services Sunday at n a. m. and 7 130 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 5:45 p. m. Rev. II. P. V. Bogue. D. D., Pastor. UNITED PRESUYTHRIAN Preaching services n a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a, m, Y. P. C, U. at 6:30 p, m. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Preaching services at n a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 . m. Jnnior League at 2:30 p. m. Ep worth League at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening at 7 30. Money to Loan. $2000 to loan onrapproved security at 10 per cent interest Dec. 2-3t G. L. Moffatt. Orricu Phone ISO. kksiuence Piionk 203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 1, S and 3, First National bank build tng, Alliance, Nub. Notary lu ofUcu. BOrTT&BARKERr .. Attoruoys tit Lirvy .. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. SMITH 1. TUTTLE. I It A E. TA II. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main St., - ALLIANCE. NEH. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LTNE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone N o, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance f T T V Y I V T V 2 !-!! rlissWilhemine Bohn S Instructress of 5$ Voice Culture Class and Individual Lessons For terms, etc., cull ut 600 Box Uutto ! nvfiiuo, 'I'lioiieSJl J e a In Alliance 10-30 of every month. Office over The Famous , . . 'Phone 391. eesecod0 25c FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Heating. Steam and hot water Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB Read The Herald Will Cure Your Cough One 25c bottle of Horehound, Honey and Tar has cured many a cough. It will cure yours. Why not try it? Sold by Prescription Druggist 306 Bex Butte Ate. FREY & BALFE, 08TEOPATH10 PHYSICIANS. 018 110X HUTTE AVENUK. I'hone 23S, Calls nnnwered in town or country. J. E. MOORE, M. D. I'LETCHER BLOCK, ALLIANCr, NEH. Oiills answered frpm ofllco day or night. Telephone No. Ci H. H. BELLWOOD F. E. CLOUGH PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. Holstcn HtitldiiiB, - ALLIANCE, NEB. L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offlco In First National Hank bfock. AM anco Ncbruriku. DR. G. W. MITCHELL, riifblcUn ane Surgeon Day and nljrtit calls. Ofllco over Horuc Store. Phono 150. DR. GEO. HAND, HO.M r.O PATH IO PHYSICIAN AND SUKGUO.V formerly Intcrno Homeopathic Hos pital University ol Jowii. Phono 2ol. Ollk-o oor Alliance Shoe Store. Night calls answered from ollicu. E. E. BARR, M. D. Specialist , Eye. Ear, Nose, Throat, and nil Chronic Diseases Phone -Ofllco :t llesldenco 151 OiriCK Houns to js. 2 to 5. SunduysSto4. Guy Lockwood school or UHADUATE CHICAGO EM1IALMING . . Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. Res '205 Expert Ludy Attendant .. AlllflllCB, tjel), Hila Grand Tonsorial Parlors. Orvillk Owen, Proprietor, Firstclass service. Patronage solicited. LEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete . , . . ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA. i v i3 . J IV & ikS M 1 -: