The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 27, 1905, Image 10

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Of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, the
Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills.
No other female medicine in the world has receded such widespread and
unqualified endorsement.
No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or such
boats of grateful friends as has
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Tt will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ovarian
Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration. Falling and Displacement of the
"Womb, and consequent Spinal Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the.
Change of Life.
It has cured more cases of Backache and Leuoorrhooa than any other rem
edy tho world has ever known. It is almost Infallible in such cases. It
dissolves and expels tumors from the" Uterus In an early stago of de
velopment. Irregular, Suppressed or Painful Menstruation, "Weakness of tho Stomach,
Iudigcstion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debll
ltv quickly yield to it. Womb troubles, causing pain, weight and bnckacho, in
stantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circumstances it
invigorates tho female sysUin, and is as harmless as water.
I fr quickly removes that Bearing-down Feeling, extreme lassitude, "don't
caro" and " want-to-bc-left-alone " feeling, excitability, irritability, nervous
ness. Dizziness, Faintness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy or the " blues"
andlieadochc. These are sure indications of Female Weakness, or some de
rangement of the Uterus, which this medicine always oures. Kidney Complaints
and Backache, of either sex, the Vegetable Compound always cures
Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred
thousand times, for they get what they want a cure. Sold by Druggist
everywhere. Refuse all substitutes.
It Cures Colds, Coughs. Soro Throat. Croup,
Influents, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and
Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption la first
ttage.nnd a sure relief In advanced stages. Use
at once. You will see the excellent etreot after
taking- tho first doe. Sold by denlsrt every
where, Large bogles 23 cents and 50 cents.
Follow the F1J."
If you aro thinking of a trip
write and let us tell you best rates,
time, route and send rntuked Umo
This saves you worry and an
noyance and makes you feel at
Home all the tray.
Call Wabash City Office. 1001 Far
nitm St., or address
Harry C. Moores,
G. A. P. 9. Watart R. ft., Omaha, Neb.
on the
Free Horqestead Lands
Western Canada
Carry tho bannerfor
ylolda of wheat and
other grains) for
tec Ire 153,00000 ai a result of their Wheat Crop
Ths returns from Oatt, Barley sad other (ratal, as
well as cattle and bone, add considerably to tnl.
Secure a Free Homestead at once, or purchase
from some reliable dealer while land are selUsxat
preseatlorr prices.
Apply for Information to Superintendent of Imtnl.
ration, Ottawa, Canada, or to authorised Canadian
OoTernment Aaent W. V. Bennett, 861 New Xvrk
Ufa Hollaing, Omaha, Nebraska.
Fleaee say where yon taw this adTertlnmen'.
Mustang Liniment
it a ponltlve core for Pllex.
I Heat uSfe jJKfTfae Good? 13ee"
Eve,ry housekeeper Bhould know
that if they will buy Deflanco Cold
Water Starch for laundry uso they
will savo not only tlmo, because It
never sticks to the iron, but because
each package contains 1G oz. on full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches aro put up in ft-pdund pack
ages, and tho price is the same, 10
cents. Then again because Detlanco
Starch is free from all injurious chem
icals. If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12-oz. package it is because he has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dlsposo of before he puts in Defiance.
He knows that Detlanco Starch has
printed on every packago in large let
ters and figures "1C ozs." Demand De
fiance and save much time and money
and the annoyance of the iron stick
ing. Defiance never sticks.
Kven n kind word, when you can do
no bettor .will help to stay the pangs
of hunger.
Insist on Getting It.
Pome grocers say they don't keep
Defiance Starch. This Is because they
have a stock on hand of other brands
6ontalnlnn only 12 ounces In a pack
age, which they won't be able to sell
first, because Defiance contains 16
ounces for the same money.
Do you want 16 ounces Instead of 12
ounces for same money? Then buy De
fiance Starch. Requires no cooking.
Men who pack water on both shoul
ders always end up with empty
Dr. DaVlil Kennedy's FitTurito Kemmly Is
adapted to both esses and all atrss Cures kUlocv anl
U'tr ouniUAiit, and purines tbeblsed. llallaraKclsu.
Generous impulses will keep one
warm and comfortable, even in freez
ing weather.
Important to Mothers.
Exs-nlna carefully ercry bottle of CASTORIA,
a eafs and sure remedy for Infants and children,
and so that It
Dears the
Signature of
la Vie For Orer 30 Years.
The Klad Toa lUre Always Bought.
Tho magic of first lore is that it
good so soon and is remembered so
Take Laxative Brouo Quinine Tablet. All drug
slits refund the money If It falls to cure. . w.
UroYo'a signature it on each box. tsc.
Novelty is an essential attribute of
the beautiful especially novelty In
Lewis' "Slnglo Binder." The richest
quality cigar on the market at straight 6c,
Always reliable. You pay 10a for clears
not so good. Lewie' lactory, Peoria, III.
Happy Is the roan who is admired
and praised by his follows for he is
All Up-to-Data Housekeepers
use Defiance Cold Water Starch, be
cause It Is better, and 4 ounces more of
It for same money
tr edUtud via
c&rfTli.F-.M't Ey. Wat
SYRUP GMTM CMftsM fiat. CUs.
News in Nebraska
Osceola's auditorium han been com
pleted at n cost of (12,000.
Special Pension Agont Ilotramel
dlod in Grand Island last wock.
In Madison oounty, Androw Kelson,
a young Dano, klllod Carrie Jacobson,
and then took his own life. Tho girl
had refused to mnrry tho man.
Three horses and a barn went up
In flameB at Silver Creek. Tho barn
belonged to Mrs. Cahrlton and the
horses to Walter Adcock and Frank
Tho annual meeting of tho Stato
Savings and Loan association w.ib
held In Beatrice. The business of the
year showed a net Increase of assets
amounting to $40,000.
Josef Suumnr of Ellis, Gago county,
wants $20,000 for tho pain of a frac
tured skull and tho collapse of his
nervous system. Ills suit is against
tho Rock Island company.
Eliza Li. Hart has filed suit In the
district court of York county against
Alice Haron, In tho sum of $5,000
damages, alleging alienation of her
husband, J. It. Hart's affections.
At O'Neill tho Jury in tho caso of
Joseph Nlckdlizok, trlod for criminal
assault on Lena Krlnch, 13 years old,
disagreed, and wns discharged. Tho
JurorB stood 9 to 2 for conviction, ono
man voting blnnk each tlmo.
Tho Western Union Telegraph com
pany, In a brief filed in tho suprome
court, attacked tho constitutionality
of that section of tho now revenue
law which provides for tho taxation
of Us franchise as an equal vnluo to
the sum of the gross receipts.
An attempt to burn up tho Norfolk
city jail, in which he was securely
locked and in which, If he had been
successful, ho and all other prisoners
would have lost their lives, William
Zorgc, serving a thirty-day sentenso
for stealing, waB foiled by tho pollco.
A warrant was Issued at West
Point for the arrest of Anton Engle
mann, a prominent Jeweler of that
city, on a chargo of insanity. Mr.
Englemann has been suffering for
some time with an acute nervous dis
order, which has Anally affected the
The sugar factory at Leavitt has
just finished up Its season's work.
Tho factory was operated 115 days of
twenty-four hours each, bo that on an
eight-hour basis It can be seen that
it amounted to-more than a year of
rogular working days. Tho amount of
sugar refined was 14,000.000 pounds.
Sheriff Bauman of Dodge county,
started out for Kansas City in search
of Elza Howard, aged 22, who was
married in that city a few days ago to
Miss Minnie Garrison of Fremont.
Another young woman of Fremont.
Mies Minnie Kaasch, has sworn out a
complaint charging Howard with be
ing tho father of her unborn child.
Bernard McGreevy, president of tho
failed Elkhorn Valley bank at O'Neill,
was bound over to the district court
on two complaints, one charging him
with receiving $500 for deposit after
he knew tho bank was Insolvent and
tho other with embezzling $2,711
school monoy. District Judge West
over fixed tho bond at $1,000 in each
Miss May Powell, a graduate from
the State university in Lincoln, and a
similar school of education In In
diann, and one of tho most success
ful teachers In the PlattsmcAith High
school, has tendered her resignation
to the school board, and has accepted
a similar position, that of teacher of
mathematics, in tho High school in
By a decision of the supremo court
tile stato of Nebraska la entitled to
2,200 acres of land in Boyd county,
and the settlers thereon must be
ejected. The principal contentions of
former Land Commissioner Follmer
regarding the rights of the state are
upheld by the court. Tho settlers who
claimed the right to hold the land ob
tained no satisfaction whatever.
State Treasurer Mortenscn will re
tire $110,000 of general fund state
warrants this month. A call for $60,
000, and including No. 107,295, goes
Into" effect at once, and another has
been made for January 28, for $50,000,
which will include all warrants regis
tered on or before May 11, 1903, which
will make the state only nineteen
months behind in the payment of its
Reports of the Union Pacific road
prepared by William Mahl, comptroll
er, show the gross earnings for No
vember, 1904, -were $5,719,798 and tho
exponses including taxes were $3,023,
846, leaving a surplus of $2,695,951.
Tho surplus in November, 1903, was
$2,404,351, showing an increase of
$291,000. The gross earnings for five
months ending November 30, 1904,
wore $20,551,122, and tho expenses
for tho samo time, including taxes
were $13,782,045, leaving a surplus of
The Nebraska Volunteer Firemen's
association concluded Its twenty-third
annual convention in Columbus last
week. Tho meeting waa agreeably sur
prised when Treasurer Graff of Sew
ard reported ho had something over
$700 on hand.
Tho rural county delivery service
was put into effect In York county
last week, there being twenty-four
carriers for the county, with an aver
ago of twenty-eight miles to tho car
rier. This makes It so no farmer in
tho county is over one-halt mile from
a route.
Through arrangements made by
Sarpy county farmers with tho agri
cultural department of tho Stato uni
versity a fanners' institute will bo
held In Paplllloa two flay, February
3 and i .
Pays for btolen Vest
Some months ago tho vicar of Ro
gate, Sussex, received a letter from
Australia asking him to try to find
a man In his vlllago who had had his
waistcoat stolen thirty years ago. Tho
vicar found tho man and told his Aus
tralian correspondent In duo tlmo
ho recelvod a letter Inclosing $50 for
tho owner of tho waistcoat Tho writer
enld that with tho $2.50 ho had found
In tho waistcoat ho had gained a new
Btart in llfo and was now well-to-do.
Money Mado by Beggar.
No beggar In New York makes lose
than $5 a day, according to the Now
York Times. They receive contribu
tions varying from ono penny to $25.
Somo of them aro oxperts in their
Itnes and play only for donations of
$5 and $10 and upward, telling plans
Iblo stories of unpaid rents, dying
vivos nnd starving children, of fun
oral oxponses, nnd other harrowing
pxperlencos that appeal to tho sympa
thies of tonder hcartod humanity.
Juryman's Truthful Excuse.
A juryman who appeared boforo
Sir Jamos Hannon in n London court
room recently was in dcop mourning
and claimed exemption from service
on tho ground that ho was Interested
in a funeral that day at which ho do-
Blrcd to bo present "Oh, certainly,"
said tho courteous judge, and tho man
went snd'facodly away. "Do ou know
tho man you havo exempted 7" asked
tho clerk. "No." said Sir James. "Ho
is an undertaker," was tho xoply.
Savory Stew Was of Dog.
A few officers of a British Bhlp wcro
dining with a mandarin at Canton.
Ono of tho guests wished a second
helping of a savory" stew, which ho
thought was composed of duck. Not
knowing a word of Chinese, ho held
up his plato to his host, saying, with
smiling approval: "Quack, quack,
quackl" The mandarin was an Intel
ligent Chinaman. Shaking his head ho
pointed to the dish of stow and said:
"Bow, bow. bowl"
Robbed Hearse for Feathers.
Horaco Walpolo once told this story
of Lady Allsbury: On her return to
London from abroad hor ladyship
found that tho duches of Devonshire
had Btill tho highest feathers. Upon
this she tried to get ono higher, with
out success, till sho luckily thought
of Bonding to an undortakor. Ho Bcnjt
word that his hearses wero all out,
but they wero oxpectod homo in a few
days and thon ho hoped to accommo
dato hor ladyship.
Men Arranged Divorce Laws.
Although moro wives obtain di
vorces than husband no authority for
giving a woman a divorce will bo
found In either Buddhism. Taoism,
Shintolsm, Confucianism, Hlndoolnm,
Mohammedanism, JudaUm or Chris
tlanlty. But that part of tho several
faiths was arrnnged by tho men font
as a personal matter of tholr own.
M&nv Children Are Sickly.
Mother Gray ' Sweet Powders for Children,
used by Mother Gray, a tiurso in Children's
Home, Now York, cure Fevorlshncss, Head
cho, Stomach Troubles, Teething DU-
srdcrs, Break up Uoiosanuiiostroy worms.
Address Alien S. Olmsted, Lelloy, N. Y.
A good life keeps off wrinkles, but
. good wrinkle sometimes keeps off a
tot of trouble
Mrs. 'Wlnatows Boothlne- ftrap.
for children teetnlnp , softens tbs g-utat, reanees t
summation, allaytpeta,cureawlndullb. SOoabouia.
Man who knows himself thoroughly
has tho key which will unlock all
more painful than
Neuralgia i
but there Is nothing sorer to
cure thin
St Jacobs Oil::
The eld monk cure. It Is pen e
tratlnr, prorast and untelUnc.
T Price 95o. anct 50s. ,
"Lariait sUsr ta tas WerU."
folar atsre eaees ertahter srsd fetter eelere thta any etear dsa. One 15o ataUae eeters iIsb. eeel aad eettea
ffxHm l JJtKr'KKr'LtiKKKKLji. .SsBsawaW
ee'-I AfciJjeX' " VI W,, ti fillsiiifBwaslsiBwar jswrBWaawK CSHtVsW. SaSSa. I
La Crisp Is EpMemto Catarrh.
IT Bpares no class or nationality. Tho
cultured nnd tho Ignorant, tho aris
tocrat and tho pauper, tho mases nad
the classes are nlikesubjcctto la grippe.
None aro exempt alljiro liable.
Grip 1b well named. Tho original
French term, la grippe, has been short
ened by tho busy American to read
Without Intending to do so, a new
word has been coined that exactly
describes tho case. As if some hideous
giant with awful grip had clutched us
in Us fatal clasp.
Men, women, children, wholo towns
and cltlc3 aro caught In tho baneful
grin of a terrible monster.
juavo yon tno gnpr ur, rauicr, una
tho grip got you? If so, read tho fol
lowing letters.
Thcao testimonials speak for them
selves as to tho efficacy of Peruna. in
cases of la grlppo or its aitor-oirccts:
A Southern Judge Cured.
Judgo Horatio J. Goss, Hurtwoll, Ga.,
"Somo fivo or six years ago I had a
very severe spell of grip which left mo
with systemic catarrh.
"A friend advised mo to try .your
Tfcst'a all It will
cut to out ef
or ltO.cca' la
CDbttors eompltt,
I ild dews st irar
rallrotl tUlloe, all
rrsliat ebartti ?
paid No tW -
St r" AllnuTltopaiaM.
are lh wotM's itudir d (Mutators. Tarn wills Cdlfor.
nla rrtweotf. attmtos Und MaroustiMl. Cpft bwwr
bMilnf lyitsm. t tt sqvsi luass nsatias surfMt to wur
bastw. OslrthlrtronU worth ofol I r.lr4 for sh.Uk.
all mMhlBM al4 en 00 Paja' free Trial, l,ln reii
isrr spportsaltr ts a sirs to are rtibL ai.rj mmsIos
rarrUf a 6 rsars susrsatts. Too tots no rUk with tits
fiDKB HATCH-tasrossUns Ust hss stood ttsswt.t
Ums.IUB4forrWakcokl.taS0 If vimllTssMtof Mlsstf
slrpl ait w adanss tadlsasMiis i If .. Clsr ratr.
bPrk match incubAtoh OeftlPANf
Clar Qf r, Wsb. laeUnayolla. laa.
National Oats
r nmate. oat of the eastern
iaons. per aorw.
Von can beat tnat record In left.
, Fop lecsuatl this mUm
l we mall yon free lot of farm seed
samples bum " wm.wr. "- ,
I insatieDouuiiBoswpHusMa j
tnouaanas 01 oust aasraa.
u create,
. who wi.
XaatM City, ft:, Smaha, Sib., Sioux Tails, B,B.
tee aearaat dealer er write feretreaUr.
KANSAS $6 ft $10 Ptf Aert
Splendid aeotlont. Combined farmtac sad stock
ralslnff. l.TS toVS.OO 1'crAore. Kansas,
Colorado and Nebraska. Onlr ono-tenta cash.
Uett land barcalne In West, Ask
D. A. MoAlXAVTKK. Land Commtttlocer
Oept. UH V. V. K. K. Co., Qmalia. Neb.
I Write or call at office for free Informs'
lion, lllfhtit tetttnionlalt t ronj prom
inentetateaman,nlphjlciana. Con-Itult-'ourFanillrPoctor.
No braces or
ispsiuBncaausoo. iieaioaeuccesarour
bjr mail. 81s years' eiperlence. . .
l it aiortwvkt OvauaiUe SOrtklasstt latL
CsRTtjWlHZ. MeoareasTea. ci.itusi,,kh.
teToat Aiuinaroii eta.. OMAHA, nib.
W. N. U. Omaha.
No. 4 1&M.
Peruna, which I did anil was immedi
ately benefited and cured. Tho thlrtl
botUe completed tho cure." II. .7. Gosa.
Cures to a Few Week.
Miss Jean Cowglll, Grlswohl Opera
House, Troy, N. "Y.,1 Is the leading lady
with tho Aubrey Stock Co. She writes
tho following:
'During tho past winter of 1901, I
Buffered for several weeks from a severe
attack of grip, which left a serious
catarrhal condition of the throat and
"Homo ono suggested Ucntna. As a
last resort, after wasting much time
nnd mouoy on physicians, 1 tried tho
remedy faithfully, and In a tow weeks
was as well as ever." Jean Cojvgill.
Saved by Pe-rit-na.
Hon. .Tames It Gulll is ono of- the old
A.t mid nnct. fiuffiAmoft mon n Omnlm.
Neb. lie has done much to mako It what
it is, serving on public boards u. number
of times. Ho endorses Peruna in the
following words:
"I am 08 years old, am hale and
hearty and Peruna has helped mo attala
it Two years ago I had la grippemy
llfo was dlBpalred of, Peruna saved
mo." J. It. GuilL .
A striking contrast
kHwcii OeilaiKt.Surch
x4 fty stfrer brand will
twfund try compsrloa.
Dfknce Stcrch stiffens,1
whitens, beautifies with
out rottrflf;.
)t rive clothes' feack
their newness.
ft Is absolutely pure,
'it will not Injure the
nsost delicate fabrics.
For flnethlnes and all
thlnfs use the best there
Hi. pefiance 5tarch
r fsnts fer 16 wnces.
(Ahe bTBn4 10 csMS fsr
A striklnff csntrasi
enbatora are rnada tr
Jobuson, Us lneabator
Man.wbo made MJ0OJ be
fore Inveatlnf hit OIB
fore Invei
A par-for-lueir hatch
er. Terty caya' free trial
and a nre year's aoaran
tee. for bt free eata
logue, B00 poultry tllvt-t
t rations, addreu,
Boa O. T.s CIA Canter.. Web.
Ask Your Karks-r
When Antws-rina Adyfrt(trnriit
Kindly Mention Thla Pfr.
9 j B.