The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 27, 1905, Image 1

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Publication of
Box Butte
Circulation of
any Alliance
you aro in need of house furnishings Lock
wood's store is the place to go. Prices are
right and so is their stock. No matter
what vou want they have it.
Have No Doubt About It "Is Simpkins
sure his wife's poodle is dead?" "He must
be. I see he is offering $50 reward for it."
those pieces of furniture repaired or up
holstered to look like new? Bring them to
Lockwood's; we have an expert upholster
er and repair man.
Nothing in Comparison Ada (At Jen
nie's wedding) She had to wait thirty
minutes for the bridegroom. Wasn't that
perfectly awful?
Lilly Languishingly That's nothing to
waiting thirty years.
SEE US. No Remnant sale at Lock
wood's, our Christmas trade cleaned us
out. In all departments you will see at
once on entering our store, a bright, new
stock, just received. We have no old
relics or eye-sores left. Everything just
the latest designs, unpacked and waiting
for your inspection.
US. We have no tag sale, but everything
tagged at prices that will make competitors
BLANKETS. Our blankets are so cheap
that it don't pay to buy coal, Keep
warm with a pair of our blankets.
Honeymoon Cookery "And so my lit
tle wife cooked this all herself? What
does she call it?"
"Well, I started it for bread, but after
it came out of the oven I concluded I'd
better put some sauce on itano call it pud-
dinS'" ,
a piece of our new Bird's Egg blue enamel
ed ware and you will use no other. Hand
some and durable. Look in our window
and see 'em.
"Bronson is very ill; he's got to have
his teeth extracted." "What arc you talk
ing about? Bronson's teeth are all false."
"I know it. He's swallowed 'em."
Naval Recruiting Station.
J. W. Bcttens, advance agent for the
U. S. Naval Recruiting party was in
town today and announced the estab
lishment of a recruiting station here
with headquarters at the Hotel Char
ters, next Monday morning, Jan. 30.
The officers in charge of the recruit
ing station will be Jas. H. Taylor,
cockswain; J. B. Lowe, gunners mate;
B. V. Cole, hospital-corps.
Recruits are wanted for all branches
df the navy. Seaman apprentice must
be between the age of 17 and 25,
mechanics between the age of 21 and
35. Here is an opportunity for able
bodied young men who kick on Alliance
and vicinity because there is not
enough water.
items of Northeast Alliance
Little Lois Krounts is on the sick
Phil Pullman is up from the ranch
this week.
Mrs. H. V. Beach has recoyered
from her recent attack of pnuemonia.
Mr. Hewitt in Simonson's addition is
having his residence very prettily dec
orated with a new coat of paint.
Mr3. J. B. Ufford and sob Eldo have
been suttenng trom a very serious
throat trouble but are now gaining
strength slowly.
Mrs. John Hague and daughter Vera
have just returned from Bridgeport
where they went for the benefit of the
formers health.
O. O. Rotter who has been visiting
his parents left Wednesday night for
Alamosa, Cali., whore he will resume
his work as machinist.
Charles Smith and wife entertained
Cal Simson's family Monday evening
at a six o'clock dinner. The latter ex
pect to leave town in the near future.
We pay 4 per cent on- monevIef t for
six months and 5 five per cent on money
left a year. 55.00 will open a savings
account. Begin 1905 right by opening
an account with us and saving some
money. The First Nat'l. Bank.
Mrs. M. E. Livingston, who has
been visiting her daughters, Mrs. V. M.
Putman and Mrs. C. H. Vinsel, for
sometime will leave Sunday morning
.Jor her home at Blooinfield, Iowa,
P.Kinsley, one of the old-time set
tlers near Hemingford, transacted bus
iness at the court house today.
F. I. Bctzuld went to DeadwoodJ
Wednesday for a few days stay.
Don't forget the 25 per cent discount
sale at the Alliance Cash Shoe store.
Win, Welch a ranchman from Bing
ham was a visitor to Alliance Satur
day. The 25 per cent discount sale con
tinues till Feb. nth, at the Alliance
Cash Shoe store.
Herman Rehder, a fireman on the
Burluigton, and his family have gone
to Lincoln to visit relatives.
Charles and John Johnson both of
Lincoln arc in the city prospective
purchasers of Box Butte ranch prop
erty. George Darling the furniture man is
distributing the most handsome calen
der that has appeared in Alliance this
A. M. Miller, ex-county treasurer,
came down from Hemingford last Sat
urday to look after business matters in
D. W. Hughes, one of Alliance's
wide-awake rustlers is again putting up
ice. He will store about a thousand
toii3 here.
G. W. Hembray of Decatur county.
Iowa, visited in and about Alliance last
week the guest of his father-in-law,
James Skinner.
Clayton Reed who makes periodical
visits to our neighboring town Hem
ingford was in that city a couple of
hours last Sunday.
Miss Rita Thompson who has been
teaching school near Hemingford since
last fall returned to Alliance Sunday
and will remain, here' with her mother
for a while at least.
W. H. Star a fireman on the B. &
M., and Miss Frances M. Fryling were
married Saturday, Jan. 21, by Rev. Cv
W. Ray. Both are from New Castle,
Wyo.. but will make Alliance their
With commendable promptness the
Royal Neighbors paid Mrs. James -A.
Rodgers $2,000 on the death of the late
James Rodgers. Less than three weeks
elapsed until the beneficiary had re
ceived draft in full.
G. D. Woods entertained his Sun
day school class Tuesday evening at
his residence with music, games and
lunch. Those present express them
selves as being well pleased with' the
entertainment accorded.
W. M. Wilson has purchased of
Mrs. Richardson the frame building
on Box Butte avenue which was used
as a restaurant for a number of years.
Mr. Wilson will occupy the building
and is moving his stock of second hand
goods therein. The consideration was
General Superintendent, G. W.
Rhodes, and Supt. D. F. McFarland
on special car No. 34. were in Bridge
port Wednesday on their way to Gurn
soy. The object of their trip is said
on good authority to bo to complete
arrangements fcr the extension of the
road from Gurnsey to Sunrise.
Bridgeport Blade.
The Stcen Cafe has changed hands
and will in future bo known as the
European Cafe. The well known
caterer W. S. Hayes is the new pro
prietor and the cafe will bo conducted
in the most modern, up-to-date style.
Mrs. Haskins the retiring proprietor
has not indicated her future intentions.
D. W. King who has been operating
an "In-door II fie Shoot" in Alliance
for the past two months departed the
first of the week for the Black Hills
country where he expects to do a more
lucreative business. Mr. King is a rus
tler and we wish for him success where
ever he may locate.
Fire destroyed two business houses
on the east side of O street opposite
the Oliver Theatre. The lossis esti
mated at Si 50,000, the buildings were
valued at half that amount. The
thermometer stood at 18 degrees be
low zero at the time, which hampered
the firemen. Fire chief Clement had
an arm broken by falling through the
roof of one of the buildings.
Register Bruce Wilcox and wife Vis
ited her parents near Bridgeport Sun
da j.
For Sale: Cheap: Four room brick
residence. F. C. Reeves. 409 West
Boulevard, So. Alliance. 6-tf
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Reed drove' to
Hay Springs Wednesday to attend 4hc
Lumlcv-I Iargravcs nuptials.
W. D. Rumcr, of the Rumcr depart
ment stoic loft for Chicago the first of
the week to buy his new spring stock.
For Sale: House and two lots, two
blocks east of First National hank.
Enquire nt the houso or saloon W.
N. Corneal. fi-tf
Charley Brinkman returned to Al
liance from Hemingford where ho has
been building an addition to Ar M
Miller's house.
T. H. Beeson employed in the.
Biulington elcctrict light plant here,
j -. 1-. T l-... ,.i
i;uu iu V.1USIU11, j.uwu, luiuuiiuw iiigiui
to visit friends.
Bank drafts are cheaper and more
convenient than post offico orders.
When you want to send money- away
go to The First National Bank. 3-tf.
The weather man has been trying
for some time to five us some pretty
rough weather, but old '"King Sol"
keeps a peeping out through the clouds
and drives the storm away.
Can you afford to do without the
official publication of the county for
1905 when it can be had for the small
sum of 5U50 in advance ? Que years
subscription to the Weekly State Journ
al free with each subscription.
J. B. Gray returned from a business
trip to Sheridan last night and told of
having seen a performance of the Beg
gar Prince Opera Co., there and speaks
very highly of them as popular entain
ert. They play a two night engage?'
ment here next Monday and Tuesday
Monte Hargrave left for Hay Springs
Saturday where he will attend- the
wedding of his sister Miss Maud, well
known in Alliance society circles. Mr.
C. F. Lumley, cashier of the Beaver
City hank was the lucky groom. The
couple 'will be "at home" at the latter
after Feb. 1st.
Things we have heard "Another
friend gone wrong" and bought his
furniture at Darling's, and all on ac
count of that "Red Tag Sale."
"Guess that "Red Tag" business is a
good thing for Darling, there goes the
third load of goods today." "Funny
thing Darling is busy all the time.
Guess his advertising pays him."
W. J. Minnick the well known ranch
man living nine miles northeast of
town, fell from his horse and broke his
leg last night just at dusk. He had
noticed a stray steer and mounting lus
horse went after him. The horse
stepped in a hole and fell throwing
Minnick in such a manner as to break
his leg near the hip. Lew Munger
was at the ranch at the time and heard
his calls for help and brought him in.
Dr. Moore was called and reduced the
fracture, but it will be some time be
fore Mr. Minnick leaves his bed.
What 10c
China and
Hat Rack Finishing Braid
Whittemores Polish A good Hammer
Granite Soap Dish t ,. Large Coal Shovel
Large Screw Driver . J, Tea Pot
3-Piece Kitchen Set '', Spring Scales
Dish Pan - Set Tea Spoons
Lamp Shade , , Coffee Pot
Tea Bell ' Ladies Gartors "
Eye Shade - , ' Whisk Broom
Pair Side Combs Cup aud Saucer
Men's Garters Men's Tie
Williams Shaving. Soap Cloth bound Book
Shaving Soap , , ' Fine Haudkerchiqf
Large Towel ' - Hatchet ' "
Leather Watch Chain Towel Rack "
Gem Pan ' Purse
Cutting Pliers ' ' ' Pair Shears "
Large Dipper Brqnd Pan
Rubber Balls Shoe Brush
Rattles Doll
Only a Small List
Brakcman W. C. Ileclan loft this
week to' visit relatives at Mullen ami
John A. Hunzicker has the agency
for the Oriental Coffee & Tea Co., and
is booking orders rapidly.
For Sale My residence property on
East Wyoming Ave; 5 rooms and
bath. Part cash, easy tonus. J. E.
Homo rendered leaf lard nc per
pound. Gaurantecd pure. Bushnoll
& Olday, proprietors Palace meat
maikot. 3-tf.
Clark Olds, one of Hcmingford's
best business men was looking after
business matters in Alliance the first
of the week. '
Parties knowing themsol ves indebt
cd to 1110 on account aio requested to
ciill and settle before February t,
Geo. W. Young.
Bring in your cream wo aro pay
ing 28c for hand separated cream for
last half of January W. E. Spencer,
agent Harding Cream Co. it
Tom Hopkins a ranchman, and
Ilniry Green a merchant from Hem
ingford paid Alliance and The IIi;uau
ofiiice a pleasant visit Tuesday.
S. W. Thompson has bought the
Quivcy residence and will occupy it
as soon as the Quivcys remove to
'Mitchell where they aro engaged in
.the mercantile business.
Miss Laura Wadum who has been
in the office of the International Har
vester Co., has accepted a position with
Miller Brothers and will divide he
time in the store and insurance office.
Miss Lena Wildy of Hemingford
who went to Lincoln a few days ago to
visit relatives was unable to remain
tljore owing tovi.ll health and was
omTgcd'td return'to'a higher altitude.
She spent a couple of days with Al
lianco friends this week.
An Oriental ot Japanese tea or "at
home" was (jiven on Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs. Marcus
Fran Id c in honor of her sister. Mrs.
St. George who is here from Cripple
Creek. Over half a hundred of Al
liance ladies were present.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sheldon were
in from Box Butte precinct yesterday
visiting the dentist, Mr. Sheldon
made Tub Hkkalh a visit and renew
ed his "subscription. He is expecting
his parents' from St. Paul. Neb., to
visit them in the spring. They were
former residents of the county and
have a host of friends here.
George Y. Fisher, the second son of
Captain Allen G. Fisher, who has
been lying at the Elmore hospital the
last three weeks in failing condition
passed peacefully away Thursday at
3:15 a. m. Funeral will be held at the
Methodist church Friday at 2:30 p. m.
The city council and officers will attend
in a body and by resolution of the
council the business men ale requested
to close their houses from 2 till 4 in
the afternoon. The young man was
eighteen years of age. The city
mourns with Captain and Mrs. Fisher.
Chadron Times.
Will Buy at
Notion Store
of Our Bargains
.. " , !
Thero will be a new time card out
on the Sterling division next Sunday.
The most important change in tho train
service of that division will bo that the
Bridgeport-Guernsey train that now
runs each day except Sunday will be
made a tri-weekly train, Tho train
service on that lino being cut down on
account of lack of business.
Freight traffic Manager Thos. Millet
of tho Burlington system died at his
home in Chicago Tuesday morning.
Mr. Miller was pant seventy years of
ago and had been with the Ilurlinglon
for a (lumber of years. At one time he
was general height agent of tho lines
west of tho river at Omaha.
Sullivan's bridge gang and Haddix
track gang that have been doing spec
ial work at different places on tho Al
liance division were taken off this week
on account of work completed.
Dispatcher Gohhardt made n trip
over the division this weok to fumilar
izc himself with tho various conditions
that make it hard to get trains over tho
road 011 time in cold weather.
R. J. Blair formorly a brakcman out
of Alliance visited friends in the city
this week. Since leaving Alliance Mr.
Blair has been working for tho North
western out of Chadron.
Engineer W. Fane i3 visiting his
family in Sheridan this week, Mr.
Fane is a Sheridan division engineer
who has been helping out at Alliance
for the past two months.
The steam shovel outfit commenced
work this week at Alliance loading coal
front the large pile stored hero and it
will, be shipped to different pointn along
trio line.
Brakcman P. F. Woolgomood was
called to Lincoln on 42 Inst Sunday
on account of the illness of one of his
children who was visiting in that city.
General Superintendent G. W.
Rhodes and Master Mechanic F. J.
Kraemer went west on a tour of in
spection yesterday morning.
Mrs. G. L. Milliken and daughter
wore called to Kewanqe, 111., this week
on account of the serious illness of
Mrs. Millikon's mother.
A. H. Noil agent at Hyannis has
gone to Dcadwood and will move his
family and household goods from that
place to Hyannis.
W. F. Cody (Buffalo Hill) was a
passenger through Allianco Wednesday
enroute from Denver to Cody, Wyo.
Conductor J. N. Andrews is on the
sick list and conductor H. McClellau
is on passenger in his place.
Boiler-maker E. J, Breunan of Al
liance shops has been tiansforred tem
porarily to Dcadwood.
Brakcman A. M. Baker of the Seneca-Ravenna
local run has resigned
from the service.
The new siding recently put in be
tween Marsland and Girard will be
knoA'n as ,lNye."
H. L. Ormsby agent at Ejroken Bow
is taking a vacation and has gone to
New Orleans.
Brakeniaii A. Burrell of Alliance loft
this week to visit his family at Davis
City, Iowa.
Conductor C. D. Rider and wife of
Alliance wont over to Denver this
Engineer Carl Nelson of Alliance is
laying off and has gone to Kansas
Conductor A. J. Dwyer is confined
to his home on account of sickness.
Fireman J. McKirahan of Alliance is
laying off and has gone to Omaha.
Brakcman I. E, Kennedy and bride
returned to Alliance Tuesduy.
Engineer C. F, Clark of Alliance is
on the sick list this week.
Fircmau H. Lang of Alliance has
resigued from the service.
Mrs. H. E. Fitchie of Edgemont ' is
visiting in Kansas City,
Mrs. J. I. Hicks visited her sjster at
Marsland this week. JK
Mrs, G, W. Johnson of Alliance is
visiting in Omaha,
Horace Bogue Store
Are you' interest
ed in
We have j'ust received a
shipment of the latest
They are ready to be
looked at
Are you a looker?
If You Wish to
Buy or Sell
much properties, lor irrigated farms,
anywhere in Nebraska or Wyoming,
communicate with us. Wo quickly
dispose of good properties where a
reasonable price is asked. Wo ncgo
Mate western investments of all kinds.
Manage local properties for non-resident
owners. Write insurance and
fidelity bonds.
German Investment Co.
J. W. GERMAN, Manager,
Alliance . . Nebraska
Ait Enjoyable Reception.
A very enjoyable reception - was
given Inst Saturday evening M the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. N,, VVorloy
of this city in honor of then newly
1fiutiledgt)llrr'Ka1)h i?nd hfs w'tfe." A
number of friends aud neighbors
came to participate in the social event
and after spending a very pleasant
time together the guests were served
to most delicious refreshments. A
most delightful evening was spent and
after wishing these worthy young peo
ple u long and happy life, tho guests
departed feeling that they had been
royally interlained,
Howlers Get Bent.
The Alliance Bowling team went to
New Castle Tuesday evening for a con
test with the bQwlors of that town and
got the worst of it, the New Castle's
winning both games. The first ono by
a margin of 18 pins and the second by
28 pins. The first stood 3406 toj424
in favor of Newcastle. Tho"-$econd
score was 24S2 to 2510 in favor of
Newcastle. The Alliance team were
Dr. Bowman, George Brown, Fred
Rccksheim, Geo. Jones and W, S.
Ridgell. The Newcastle bowlers were
Putnam, Wade, Crawford, Ncwlcu and
Johnson. A roturn series of games
will bo played here next week.
Major Wilde of Wyo. says:. "The Path
finder dam, which will soon be in course
of construction by the government, wiU
be of far greater importance tb Chevenne
and Scottsbluff counties than the average
reader realizes." Tho benefits' to be de
rived by the storage of this immense
amount of water when applied to the finest
quahty of land on. earth, through tho best
constructed canal in the world, durioc the
growing reason is beyond computation; it
can uui uc appreciated, mere win De
no other SDOt in the United Stains llmt
will excell it for the production of alfalfa,
juimucs, augur ueeis, sman gram ana
many varieties of fruit. Bridgeport Blade.
Rumor lias had it that the time of ttfS
running of the Guernsey trains would be
changed back to the old schedule time.
This however 13 not true.. It is true how
ever that new buildings are tobe put up
in the yards at bridgeport, and that this
town is likely to be made a division on the
Guernwy line. Bridgeport Blade.
Clayton Reed and Claud Vaughn
spent Sunday afternoon at Heming
ford. , Up to the hour of going to press
they have not advised this office the
nature of their business.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hickey of Canton
were in the metropolis to-day combin
ing business with pleasure.
Mrs. W. J, Hamilton went up to Ft.
Robinson to visit relatives this week.
Brakeman H. G. Lawsom visiter!
friends at Grand Island this week.
) i" y