The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 20, 1905, Image 7

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General and Personal News or Alli
ance and Vicinity.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. 12. V. Crntnor
n,son. Jan. 18 tli.
Ira Marks of Omaha visited his cousin
Ed of this city yesterday.
Just received a new car of Lexington
Flour- Geo. W. Young.
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
See Humphrey for picture framing1, up
holstering and furniture repairing.
Go to the Alliance National Bank to
deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf.
Klondyke social tonight by the Junior
League, at the home of F. M Phelps.
Mrs. John O'Kcefc Sr,, who has
been seriously ill for some days, is slow
ly improving.
Master Machauic Kramer of the 13.
& M. has been on the sick list a por
tion of this week.
Mrs. L. A. Surpris was called to
Pueblo Monday on account of the scr
ions illness of a telatiyc.
C. A. McGogy, one of The Her
ald's subscribers at Marsland tarried
n the metropolis Tuesday.
Norton Received a large consignment
of new goods this week, including a
handsome new line of shoes.
County Judge Spacht leaves to
morrow morning for Sargent, Neb.,
to attend the wedding of his neicc.
Home rendered leaf lard nr per
pound. Gaurantccd pure. Buslmcll
& Olday, proprietors Palace meat
market. 3-lf.
Frank Curric, the handsome and
genial Representative of .this district
stopped over in Alliance Sunday, en
route to Lincoln.
A very enjoyable card party furnish
ed entertainment for a number of
friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. C. Taylor Monday evening.
Bank drafts are cheaper and more
convenient than post office orders.
When you want to send money away
go to The First National Bank. 3-tf
The home of Mr. and Mrs: G. W.
Riddel was made happy Tuesday
morning by the arrival of a bright lit
tle girl bab'. Tim Herald force ex
tend congratulations.
Mr. George Wertz, .who has been
confined to his room at the hotel
Charters for the past month with pneu
monia was able to leave with his fam
ily for his home in St. Joseph, Mo.,
last Monday.
Rev. C. W.I Ray, pastor of the
Methodist church circulated a petition
this week addressed to the Mayor and
city Council. The object of the peti
tion was the enforcement of the laws of
the city with reference to gambling
and Sunday saloon closing. The
petition was liberally signed.
The Alert Fire Company are the
proud possessors of a handsome and
massive oak office table presented as a
token of merit by the Forest Lumber
Company. The table is ten feet lont;
and three feet two inches wide and
weighs 750 pounds. It was made by
E. P. Woofls of this city and is as
handsome a piece of furniture as ever
came to town. The lumber company's
generosity was prompted by the heoric
work of the fire laddies at the recent
fire when the Dech livery burned.
Best Quality
Special Prices on Larger Lots at liolsten's.
Palace Liveiy Bam
S. H. DESOH, l?i'oi.
ONE JU.OCK west op Good turnouts, strict attention to our business,
THE NEW zmnden . , and courteous treatment to all has won for us the
UUILUING. 'Phono 72 excellent patronaRa we enjoy. Trv us.
Ml JimWWl
Dier ks' Lumber 5 Coal Co.
Also agents for Nebr. Central
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house.
The C & t club mot at the home of Mrs.
Hillier last evening.
Good 4 room houso for rent. P.
J. Nolan. a-3t.
Dr. Koous, dentist. Oftleo upstairs
Norton block.
Tinware, onniuoled wato and all
kitchen utensils at Goo. Darling's.
Don't forget George Darling's house
furnishing store whan in need of goods
in his line. '
J. M. Butler chief clerk of the rail
way mail service with hcadqunrtcrs
in Lincoln, was in town today.
For Sale My residence property on
Hast Wyoming Ave; 5 rooms and
bath. Part cash, easy terms. J. 12.
Miss Rose Trumblc returned from
Chicago Sunday, where she had been
visiting her mother and' brother for
several weeks.
Can you afford to do without the
official publicatioii of the county for
1905 when it can bo had for the small
sum of J! 1. 50 in advance ?
The ladies of the First Presbyterian
church will give a chicken pie supper,
next Wednesday evening Jan. 25th, in
the social 100m at the chuich.
Messrs. Bernard Pitz and Peter Annen
from near Dunlap were in Alliance Mon
day as witnesses for Mrs. Mary Fcndrich
who submitted final proof on her homestead.
Nearly all the ailments of the human
race in these days are caused by the Blood.
Stomach and Kidneys being out ot order.
There is not a case on record than Co-Lon-Co
hasn't cured. Ask your druggist.
William Roy Cliffe and Mis.
Amanda A. Gold, both of this city
were married by Judge Spacht, yester
day afternoon at the office of the
county judge.
Dr. Allen, the dentist, was confined
to his home the fore part of the week
with an acute attack of lumbago. We
arc pleased to note that the doctor is
up and about again.
Along with our fancy hand painted
China and Havilaud china, wo have
glassware, lamps and white and dec
orated dinner sets at a surprisingly low
figure. Geo. Darling.
S. C. Reck returned to Rushville Mon
day and will look after some prospective
work further east on the lilkhoru. His
work on the new court house it Rushville
is highly satisfactory and Judge Westover
stated while here recently that Mr. Reck
even did more than the contract called for.
The Alliance Grocery company have
bought two stocks of merchandise at
Mitchell, the Decriug store and the
Tillotson & Co. store. They will be
consolidated and known as the Mitch
ell Mercantile Co. Mr. Quivy has
assumed the management and left
last Sunday to take inventory of the
stock bought. We congratulate Mitch
ell on securing sui.h a desirable acqui
sition to their city. Mrs. Quivy will
remain here until spring.
Adams Comedians under the manage
ment of G. Faith Adams have a four
night engagement at the Phelan opera
house. They opened Wednesday
night to a good house and have the
best aggregation of actors that have
been in Alliance for many moons. The
specialty work of the Deagans is ex
ceptionally fine. To-night the bill is:
"Why Women Sin." Matinee Satur
day p. in. at 2:30; vaudeville and coin
ed. Saturday night bill: '"Out of the
Fold" If J'ou are a lover of melodrama
it will pay you to attend.
For that small repairing- we
have the fixings, Boards for
sidewalk laying, fencing and
the like, can be had from us
at reasonable price.
T n t -r-
Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22
Harold B Miller, M D . physician and
surgeon, office nnd residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb,
V. M. and C S. Sowers were called to
Beaver City thin morning to the bedside
of their mother who is dangerously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hucke of Hcming
ford have been in the city since yesterday.
Mrs. llucke is having dental work done.
Thomas Olcsou leaves tomorrow
night for Chicago and other eastern
markets to buy his spring stock of
Ralph M. Woilev and Edith E.
Wright, both of this county, were
granted n marriage license Tuesday,
Jan. 17, by Judge Spacht.
The two 12 year old children, twins,
of Mr. mid Mrs. Harry Cunningham,
who have been suffering from a severe
attack of the grip have recovered and
are again in school.
Ed Wildy, one of the most genial
young men of Hcmiugford came down
to Alliance on busines the first of the
week nnd whilo in the city made this
printcry a pleasant visit.
Gus Colburn has had charge of the
collection department of the Alliance
steam laundry during the past two
weeks and is making himself quite use
ful to that establishment.
A, J. Marcey of Guthrie, Iowa, arrived
Monday to fill the position of atsistant
principal of the Alliance High school, to
fill vacancy caused by the resignation of
C. A. Woods who has accepted a position
on the Alliance Grip.
Mrs. L. W. Ldwards arrived from An
tigo, Wis., this week and is the guest of
Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. Dr. and Mrs. Kd
wards were called to Wisconsin scmutimc
ago by the death of his father and they
have decided to make that their home for
the present.
The official board of the M. E.
church will meet at the parsonage at
7:30 next Monday evening.
Ladies Aid Society will meet at the
home of Mrs. M. E. Johnson next
Wednesday aftemoonlat 2: o'clock.
The Epworth League prayer meet
ing will be held at the home of Mr.
G. P. Jones next Tuesday evening at
7:30 o'clock.
Sei vices will be held at the church
as usual. Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Preaching at n a. 111., and 7:30 p. in.
Morning subject: God's care over the
Hebrews. Evening subject: The Bless
ings of being Established. Junior
League at 2:30 p. 111. Epworth
League at 6:30 p. in. All are cordially
invited to attend all services.
United Presbyterian Church.
Sabbath school at 10 a. in. "Blues
and Reds" rally.
Y. P. C. U. meeting at 0:45 subject;
"How to win souls for Christ."
Preaching scryice at 11 a. m. subject:
"The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit."
subject at 7:30 p. in. "Christian
Mid-week prayer meeting at the
home of Mr. R. B. Hamilton Thursday
at 7:30 p. 111. subject "Paul as a
Christian Worker." Come.
First Presbyterian Church.
First Presbyterian church: preaching
by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Bogue, at 1 1
a. m. and 7:30 p.m.: Sunday school
at 10 a. m.; Christian Endeavor at
6: 45 p. m.
Sheriff's Sale,
liy vlrtuuof mi order of salo issued by the
clerk of tlii district court of l!ox llutto coun
ty, Nebraska, upon u decree rcnilcred by suld
court In favor of James H. Skinner, plain
tiff, and against O S. .Morgan, defendant.
1 will offer 011 tho 11th day ofl'ebruary,
A. I). 1003. at Iu o'clock a. m. on Mild
day. ut tho ost front door of tho court
houso iu Alliance. In said county, sail thu
following described real estate, to wit:
Northeast Quarter, of section 17, Iu Town
ship J, norlo ltango 40, west oth V. M.
lit ilov Itutto county. NebrtiNka, at public
auciion 10 mo uigiii'si uio.icr lor oasn. to sat
isly said orilerof salu,lntliesiiiiiof$.st)i77nnd
luteis'st, costs and accrjini costs subject to
all unpaid taxes. IKA ItEKD.
Smith P. Tutti.e, Shell i 1 said County
Attorney for I'lalntlll. V 1 Jau. 0
Shcrlfrs Snlc.
No. 1KB.
lt.v virtue of an oriler of huIo issued bv llm
clerk of the district court of llox llutto coun
tvNebraska, ukiii a ilecreo rendered bv said
court In fuvor of John l.elth, plaliitllr, and
aguinst William CJrlmas. Thomas Trulim, V.
11. Lanniiig, Trustee, V. II. Luniiing
defendants. I will, on the L'Kth (lav
of February. A. V. IDOi, at 10 o'clock
u. m. on said nay, at tno nest rrontdnor of tho
court houso In Alliuncu. in said county, sell
tho following described real estate, to-wit:
The northeast quarter of section t'3, Iu town
ship 'X. north ot rungo 50, west of tho sixth
principal meridian, in uox unite county. Ne
braska, at nnlilln unction tn tin. Iil-..i.t Mil
der for cash, to satisfy said order of ..lo in
the sum of 158.t.8 and futorest. cost ami
accruing costs, taxed ?00.s0, sublet to nil uu-
Ijuiu viixes.
'lit A HKED.
SherllT of said Couuty.
Smith I. TiiTTi.r,
Attorney for I'lalntllf. fp Fob. SO
Contest Notlco
No. WJS8.
U. S. Lund Olllco, AUIunce. Nob., Aug. 18, IN4.
A Mitllciuut contest utliduvlt bavins lieen
filwl In UiIh ottice by August l)rows,coutest:int,
Uh'tiluht !lomo!teadcntr No. STIO. nmdo Bun.
uud north half southeast ipiartvr of boctlou
iu, iiMYii.siwii fi, raiiKu ii uy inns. u. ixlng,
ciiiiteMMi. in which It is allcKcd that nafil
C'Iiuh. !. KIhk has not resldeil upon suld tnict
hluui-d.ito of entry, nor nmile liny lmpne
menu thereon. Said allodi;ed ahsoiico,
from tho said land wiib not duo to
his employment In tho iiriuy, navy or
mnrlno corps ot the United Stntoo as 11 prlvuto
soldier, ollieer, beainun or murine (lurtnuthe
war with Spain or during any other war in
which the United HtatfH may be euk'uifed. suld
parties are hereby notllled to uppear. respond
ik till fiff.,r fil'litmir... tfitml.ltii. L..II ..11.. .1.... ..
10 o clock 11. in., on March, 10, UWi, beforo the
jirji.nitr uuu i.s-ui.rr hi ine uillieil Stales
Lund Olllco ia Alliance, Nobrnska.
Tltrt ktifil iniiluliitil I. . l
aflidavlt, (Hod Junuay 10 1005. set forth facts
which show that after Uue diligence personal
-, ,..--,. -" "w -"H"l' tru 1I1UUU l, 18
uruureu uuu uirt civu uiui mien DUtlCO W) KlVCIl
proper ClWrx, wxw.
votk K
I divin I,. Johnson trior Johnson Mr
Johnson ilrit nam unknown, brother of
Charles, I .lulniwim. dironsed, Mrs Johnpoii,
llrtl mime unknown mother of (.hartc.. J.
.lohlinun deceased, heirs of Charles .1, Johnson,
deeenved awl unknown heirs nr riiflrlooj.lolin-sundt-reaipd,
defendants will take milieu Unit
on thn day of Ixvi'iniwr IVWl. John II. Shirk,
plaintiff hurt-In. IlleJ his petition in the dis
trict court of llox Ittitte county. Nrhtuskix
against Mild defendant thoolivt nnd lruor
of which tiro to foreclose n ccrtnln mortrngp
executed I iy tho Hiihl Churls ,1. Johnson, de
ceased, loiiottfrhsl Kclnmim nnd by hiuiHold
and nssluni'd to plitlulllf upon the S K. M of
S. W section 7, township 27, 1 unite 41', In Mild
county, Insecure the pn)iiint of u promissory
notetUtcd KcliriMrjr ir. ISKl, for the Mini of
f ir.Oillii' lVhrnMy ri.lMO. Tliaillicrolv now duo
upon t-ntd nolo niul mortgage the Mini off,U
for which (fiun with Interest from this date
plnliitlll prays fur n decree that defendants lie
renulnsl to pay the unmoor tlut suld prom
ises nmr bo sold to satisfy thciitnoiiiit found
You are required to answer wild petition on
or before thu tftli duy of I'YIirunr)- mV.
John II. Siihik, I'lulutln".
luted .tun. 19. ltU. fp-.i)
Nebraska Stock drawer h Association.
A. M. Modlsott. president, Utislnlllol It. M,
Hatnpton, 'vlco-president. Allluiico; 12. M
Penrlo jr., secrotiiry-truiisiirur, Ogulitlla.
K.xecutlvo committee I'. 1 Myers, Leniii
It. It. ICInciild, Illtigluim; John Ilrennmi, Vimllosklrk, Allluiico; K. K.
Lowe, Htuniits) John M, Adams, l'otter; It.
M. Allen, Ames; It. Unco, Lodgcpolc; Kxert
Hid red, Orlando; I'.. C. llitrrln, Children; L.
W. Mli'koll, Kimball; Hubert Ornhiiui, Al
liance; John Couwny, Dunning; J. II- Cook,
Agate; A. S. Heed, Alliance.
Jess, Neli.
Stock hrmideil
us shown on cut
on either side,
Alsod-O on eith
er side.
Tow II Nil I n !M-
and range 43. Vi-
rumtAN HHo.s.,
Clinton, Sioux
county, Neb.
(Cross II dross)
onlvflslilo. Also
II I on left thluh.
Under lopo on
left our.
Horses bruuded
Mimu an eattla on
left Jsiw mid U on
loft lionlder.
Alliance, Neb.
.1 5 connected
any placo on left
side, ltango on
head of Ptnu
Creek, Sheridan
Alliance, Nob.
Cattle branded
OK on left side:
also OK and ok
on left sldo.
Sclilll, NuU
Cattle branded
on right tlilgh or
XV on right
Township 27,
range 4,'j, Sheridan
Cleninn, Neb.
Ah In cut on
right or left hip;
loft ear cropped.
Horses branded U
on left Jaw.
K. M All IN.
Cattle branded
flying horseshoe
on tight hip. as
Incut. Ilomu
ranch sec. ij-'.'7-fiO.
Horse ranch
in 20-4t.
llox Unite, Neb.
n.ittlu branded us
I) cut on loft hip,
also with thu bar
-over Instead of
under brand.
L.W.. 1.11. 1
"TV., lull f,MO
In township
range w.
Lukesldu, Neb.
Cattlo brandisl
N on Wght hip,
ltangu in Twp,
6, rungo 43, Slier
dan county.
Time Table
Alliance. Neb,
and all poluts east and nil points west and
Tkaiku Lkavk as 1'oM.QWfl, Mountain Times
No. 41 I'assenger dally. Deadwpod,
Hillings, all points north and
., .. w't , 12:33a.m.
No. 42 Passenger dally, Lincoln.
Omaha, Chicago and ull
v . K,lllU Wl,t..i
No. 3011'asscngor dully, for Uonvor
Ogdeu.Salt IjiUe, San 1'ran
Cisco und ull Intermedluto
.. ., iwlnti. departs ut 2:45u.m,
No. 302 l'usseiiger dally from Denver
and alt Intermedluto points,
arrives ut. 10:43a.m.
No. 3051)aily, excep Sunday, for
points south und west, de
parts... , , . .,.., 12:50 iu in
No. 30tt Dally, except Sunday, from
south und west, arrives. ... 4: 55 p. in.
Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars
jseutu free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggage checked to uny point In tho
United States or Cunada. Tor information,
time tablet and tickets call on or writs to
L.S.8AOE. Agent, or L. W. Wakilby. den
era IPassenger Agent. Omaha. Nebrnska.
nftf Nf4t0i.VP'?'Vt 'rm
WJ , i - I, IWSK
m 4
Our 7th
Discount Sale
Sale Commences January Uth, and Continues
Until Saturday
on the entire line of Gents', Ladifes', Boyl', Misses and";
Childrens' ,
&nuizz ana
also 25 per cent discount off
prices, and our shoes arc marked in plain figures, "his,,
is no old out of style or past decade offer, but all new,
up-to-date goods.
Remember the Dates January ll
to February 11
Don't Miss it. There is money in it if you come in and ,
make a purchase at the
Alliance Cash Shoe Store I
The latest styles always
No shoes churned or sent out
Hartford Fire Iusuruncn Company.
North American of Philadelphia.
Phoenix of lllooklyn, Now York.
Continental of New York City.
Niagara Klro insurance Company.
Now York Underwriters, Now York.
Commercial Union Assurance Co., Loudon
Office Up-Stnlrs,
IMctchci- lllock.
Dray and Transfer Line.
The only sprinR
Phone 139.
H) iamonds,
c Souvenirs
Repairing in all its , flail orders promptly
Branches. attended to.- -W
AI. O. Barnes,
Jeweler and Optician.
Was the largest business year in our history.
pleased customers. Now we propose to make
A still larger and more satisfactory year than its preilecossor. We
shall endeavor to pursuu the same policy that has heretofore, made
this store the most popular
iu the west. And with our constantly improving facilities .for. buying
in larg: quantities, we shall be able to give vou better values lor ottr
money than ever before. Wishing you a Happy aud prosperous New
Year, and respectfully requesting a continuance of your cstemed pat
ronage, I remain,
IK J. Krennan cc Co....
Paints, Oils and Wall Paper
fb1?& bnlaotal Alliance, Nebraska.
Forest Lumber Company.
Night February
the regular all the season'
i 4
The best shoes only
on approval during this sale
Liverpool. London mid Globe Ins. 90.
German American Ins. Co., Now York.
Farmers und .Merchants Ins. Co:, Lincoln.'
Columbia Kir Insurance Company. ;"
I'hlladelphlti Underwriter). ri
I'hoculx Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.
Alliance, Nebraska.
about what to do with.your Household Goods,
, S. A. Miller will tako charge of them; store them
jsjg in n nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship
dray lino In the city.
(iiuw UWOIIbVli X14tttUi WaWMUVW
S. A. Miller.
Gold Jewelry,
Thanks to our well
t---t ,
Drugs, Perfumes
and Toilet Articles.
Nothing is more interesting than the
manufacture of high grade lumber, We
buy only of the best manufacturers and
hence can assure you the best of every
thing in the linn-of Building Material.