The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 13, 1905, Image 7

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    !? '
Of the United
States Treasury
Ano'.'.v Prominent Physician Uses
and Endorses Pc-ru-na.
vhl examiner of tho U. S. Treas
u Department, graduate of Co
! il)ia ttollege, and who served three
m at West Point, has the follow
1tk ' say of Peruna:
"Allow me to express mygratl
t'wc to you for the benefit derived your wonderful remedy.
Orte short month has brought
turtU a vast change and I now
consider myself a well man after
months of suffering. Fellow suf
ferers, Peruna will cure you."
a constantly Increasing number of
physicians prcscrlbo Peruna in their
practice. It lias proven ltn merits so
thoroughly that even the doctors have
ovnrcotno their prejudice against so
called patent medicines and recom
mend it to tbelr patients.
Pernna. occupies a unique position
in medical science. It is tho only in
terna! systemic catarrh remedy
lenown to tho medical profession to
day. Catarrh, aa everyono will admit,
is too canso oj one-half tho diseases
whitik afTHct mankind. Catarrh and
catarrhal diseases afflict one-half of
tho pcoplo of United States.
Robert R. ltoberts, M. D., Wash
ington, D. C. writes :
"Through my own experience
as well as that of many ot my
Mends and acquaintances who
have been cared or relieved of ca
tarrh by the uso of Hartman' s
Peruna, I can confidently recom
mend It to those suffering from such
disorders, and have no hesitation In
prescribing It to my patients."
Robert R. Roberts.
Catarrh Is a systemic disease cur
Rble only by systemic treatment. A
remedy that cures catarrh must aim
directly at the depressed nervo cen
ters. This is what Peruna does.
Peruna immediately invigorates the
nerve centcra which give vitality to
the mucuuo membranes. Then catarrh
To the housewife who has not yet
become ucquaiutcd with the new things
of cverjday use in the market and
who Is reasonably satisfied with tho
old, we would suggest that a trial of
Deflauce Cold Water Starch bo made
at once. Not alone because It Is guar
anteed by the manufacturers to be su
perior to any other brand, but because
each 10a package contains 16 ozs.,
while all the other kinds contain but
12 ozs. Tt Is safe to say that the lady
who once uses Defiance Starch will us
no other. Quality and quantity must
Cobhett a Model of Style.
A London reviewer says that he
nco asked a famous editor what writ
er ho would propose as a model ot
style for a Journalist. Without a mo
ment's hesitation, tho great man an
swered, "Cobbctt."
Try me Just once and I am sure to
come again. Defiance Starch.
Somo men talto so much exercise
that they arc all tho time exhausted.
Looking at sin leads to loving it.
It Cures Colds. Coughs. Sore Throat, Croup,
Influenza, Whooping Cough, Uroncbltla aiui
Athma., A certain euro tor Consumption in H rt
Watf&VfaulttKUMjrrilerffr'aavanoeJMiiKe. Ux
at once You will see the excellent eflect after
tukirnr tho Brat dose. Sold by dealers every
where. Iauvo bottles 25 cents una 60 centx.
iMTut Salltr U U Warli."
i:abtar are tneda bjr
Johoaoa, f Incubttur
Man.wtiQ made WfUi le
tnrp Invention bit OLD
A per-for-tUetf batch
er. CteVdaya free trie
andante yetii'e guaran
tee, l'or bl free caU
lRoe. 800 uvultry Ulut
tretluu. cadrtAi.
Box O. T.. Clay Canter. Heb
Mustang Liniment
etirea Cute, Dnrns, Braises.
also other pirenumca.
VVrlto or cill at office for freo inform
lion, Illgbrattestiraonialt from prom
tl.o.l M.IL-JICU MIIU yUBll-iailft. KrWr"
bfiiifuui ruBiinriJocior. nourtceior
-iiiiiiuuiccautca. i reaiea euccceuuiij
b mall. Slijoiri' eiperienca.
UfifW IW jeoiioiTca. -'itu. eaa.aM.aa,
iTai AstinoToit atK., OMAMA. Nt.
Mj atj7.
T Dr. Llewellyn Jordan,
Medical Examiner United States
T Treasury,
) A-
disappears. Then catarrh is per
manently cured.
If you do not dcrlvo prompt and
satisfactory results from tho uso of
Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hart
mann, giving a full statement of your
case, and he will be pleased to give
yoi his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
Tho Hartman' Sanitarium, Columbus,
Malicious Personal Questions.
Don't ask personal questions that
carry tho sting of humiliation, remem
bering always that any satisfaction de
rived from saying mean things Is ob
tained at the price of fecllng3 that
should be regarded always as sacred.
It is unusual that a single Institution in a
city of 8,000 pcoplo will ovorshudow in Im
portance overy other interest, but such Is
tho case wltn tho American School of
Osteopathy, and A. T. Stdl Infirmary at
Kirksville, Mo.
A stranger in Kirksville is immediately
impressed with the idea that the town is
sustained by this institution, in fact,
Kirksvlllo has been mado what it is to-day
by Dr. Still aud his famous School and
Infirmary. It Is tho largest patronized un
endowed institution of Its Kind in tho
United States.
Dr. Still's school enrolls over TOO students
yearly and each student in required to at
tend four terms of five mouths each before
completing the course of study. Thore aro
over 2.000 graduates and the? are prac
ticing in every state and territory of tho
Union. About two-thirds of the states
have passed special laws legalizing tho
This school teaches every branch taught
in medical colleges except -'drugs" and
osteopathy is substituted for that. So
thorough is thajteuohiijg n, anatomy that
over ono hundred human bodies aro dis
sected yearly by tho students.
At the. Infirmary, patients from every
part of tho country utid with almost every
form of dise&su are constantly under treat
ment. For tho past fifteen years almost
every train cotnlug to Kirksville has
brought some new sufferer hoping to find re
lief by the science of Osteopathy. By tho
thousands who have left the institution
benefited by tho treatment, the science has
been heralded to tho world as a safe and
rational method of euro. Several years ago
a freo clinic was established in connection
with the practice department of the school
and this is still in operation. Hundreds of
tno wortny poor, wno areunametopayror
treatment, aro treated every afternoon by
the senior students froo of charge.
If your friends' bellevo- you to bo
poor, they will conspire to lteop you
poor. If they think you rich, they will
all try to mako you richer.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
at mercury will itireiy dmroy the mom ot tmelt
and cuiuplctely derauge iu whula Ttem when
coterlng It llirouch (lie niucou iurtct. Such
arllclet tUould oevrr 1 UKd eiwpc on preicrlp
tloua from reputable ptiydcluit, a luc damaaa tbej
will do U ten fold to ttie good you can poulDly de
rite from llitni. Haifa Cttalrh Uare.nianufaciared
by K. J.Cl.eney A Co., Toledo, O., cuntatni do mer
cury, and It uken luterually, acting directly upon
tie tiluod and uitteout aurfacet of the iyttein, In
burlng llall'i Catarrh Curu ba tura juu get tba
genuine. Itli taVeu Internally and made la Toledo,
bio, by V J. Cheney A Co. 1 etttnttraiala free.
Sold by Dru jkIu. I'rlca. Tic par bottle.
Take JlaU'aVamlly ruin forcoanlpatlua.
And Chain the Mat.
A Brooklyn minister of a prag
matical turn of mind has his front
doormat chained to his house, and
to inculcate tho right spirit in the
passerby has bad the motto "Trust in
God" worked In scarlet letters of large
seize in the middle of the mat.
Important to Methars.
Eismine carefully erery bottle of CABTOIUA,
a. a&fa and tare remedy for InfaaU sad children,
and aee that it
la Uae For Orer 30 Yeara.
The Kind Tott Hare Always Bought.
New Material for Ships' Decks.
A substance called petrollgnite Is
being adopted as a material for tho
decks of ships. It is prepared from
sawdust, mixed with certain minerals,
and formed Into slabs, under high hy
draulic pressure. Its valuablo prop
erties are that It is non-inflammable,
and is not slippery when wet
Russian Bristles Best.
A first essential of a good hairbrush
is that the bristles should really be
bristles, not imitations, and that they
should be of a good kind. Russian
bristfes aro the best; they aro ob
tained from tho back of the wild boar.
FlatUry makes no friends.
X M......r ' ZZSocJaaaaj .
w-- " T VJe0BBBl
a----- - ' ' ?B
News in Nebraska
Vcrdon, with less than GOO inhabit
ants, has thrco strong banks.
Tho new Denver hotel at Hastings
was destroyed by flro last week.
Tho Burlington ha8 begun steel
work on tho cut-off near Wymoro.
Wm. Synder, n Columbus butcher,
lost his fingers in a sausage machine.
A branch ot tho Salvation Army
has opened for business nt Wymoro.
Tho year Just closed waa an Mm
usually prosperous ono for Nebraska.
Grafton is in want of some ono to
open a milllnary establishment in tho
O'Neill finds a school district debt
of ?23,000, whero it thought it owed
Boys and girls of Wymoro High
school have each organized basket
ball teams,
Ia J. Qutztner of Columbus has
started to work as bookkeeper in tho
state auditor's omce.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fletcher of
Alliance last week celebrated their
golden wedding.
Tho David City Telephone Ex
change has passed into tho hands of
tho Surprise Telephone company.
By tho overturning of a buggy Rov.
C. A. Mastcn and Rev. Alexander
Leonard wore Injured nt Kearney.
Diphtheria prevails to considerable
extent at Shelby. Thoio has been
three deaths thus far.
Tho Masonic Temple association of
Ilavclock has filed nrticlcs of incor
poration with tho secretary of stnte.
Tho capital stock Is $1C,000.
Tho first horso stealing caso in
Cass county since the organlnztlon ot
tho vigilance committee, was report
ed to Sheriff McBrldo last week.
Frank Todd and Georgo Dowd, two
bank robbers, wero last week sen
tenced at Nebraska City to tho peni
tentiary for Ave and soven years re
spectively. Tho now Osceola water bonds were
sold to Harris & Co. of Chicago for
?2G,2C5( being a premium of ?2C5. Tho
Issuo Ib twenty-year bonds and draw
5 per cent interest.
Hllma Klnman, single, aged 38, of
Sevedeburg, was brought before tho
examining board of Saunders county
and adjudged insane. She was taken
to the asylum at Lincoln.
City Marshal U L. Aldrich of Falls
City shot himself In tho foro finger
of tho left hand while manipulating a
revolver of smnll calibre, which ho
supposed was unloaded.
At Ixulsvillc, Otto Weslcyan, who
had been drinking for somo time, and
who was locked up, set flro to tho
mattress and furniture and camo near
suffocating before the Jail door could
bo broken oien.
Abo L. Lloyd, a young fnrraer, was
probably fatally injured at PIckrell,
Gngo county, by driving under a large
beam over a pair of Bcales with a
load of corn with the result that he
was badly crushed.
Rollo Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs
Nerl Smith, residing fivo miles west
of Harvard, is on a visit to his par
ents, having on December 29, been
discharged from the army at PlattB;
burg, "N. Y having nt that time com"
pletcd a three years' service.
Charles Snyder a young man In the
employ of Patterson and WIngard,
met with nn accident nt tho Parker
ranch, six miles west of Fremont
Parker was adjucttng a gasoline en
gine and as he started tho machine
his light cont sleeve caught In the
cog wheels drawing his arm in and
badly cutting and grinding tho flesh
No bones wero broken.
Ed Ruby, vho lives seven miles
northeast of Weeping Water, whllo
chopping wood, had his axe caught bj
a limb and tt glanced and struck him
Just behind the right ear, cutting oil
a part of tho bono and musclo and
cutting through tho ear. He will likely
At Auburn ex-State Senator Peter
Berlot was arrested upon the charge
of illegal voting last fall. Ho was ar
ranged before County Judge Mc
carty and took a thirty day contin
uance. In his biennial report to the legis
lature, Secretary Adna Dodson of the
state board of irrigation, has suggest
ed certain amendments to tho irriga
tion law of tho state. He wishes a
provision to require the filing of n
copy of the petition of organlzaton of
each irrigation district, that tho board
may have a complete boundary record
of all the districts In the state.
Chief Clerk Harnley of the office of
State Superintendent Fooler han
completed the last of tho statistical
tables for uso in the roport of the su
perintendent. The tables show the
total resources of the varous school
districts to bo JC072.9CC.67. The dis
tricts have on hand 11,182,789.63. Dis
trict bonds issued during tho year,
$331,426.29; canceled within the year,
$116,051.18; district Indebtedness
bonded, $2,730,539.52; not bonded,
$554,457.04; value of school district
property, $10,919,921.84.
Trailing a loaded shotgun along the
prairie, John Johnson, aged 15, of
Norfolk, was surprised when, stum
bling, the gun went off and burled its
load into his side. Tho right arm waa
torn partially off, with a good cmat
terlng of shot lodged in tho right
hand. He will recover.
Byron Hammond, a former resident
of Beatrice, who has been working
for Kllpatrlck Bros. In Wyoming, nr
rivod last week to visit friends. On
the way to Beatrice Mr. Hammond
says he was robbed of $300 by a
stranger whom he met on the train.
Testing the Richness of Milk.
Dairymen abroad havo been experi
menting for tho piirposo of determin
ing which yield of milk, tho morning
or ovenlng, Is tho richer of tho two.
Tho doclslan was in favor of tho even
ing milk being tho richer, both for but
ter and chocso making qunllttcs. Tho
milk ot cows fed on ground feed In
winter wan richer than that produced
by tho 8amo cows from grass in tho
Tte tatatlra nroma Quinine Tablet. All ilrttff-
Sltti refund tho mnney If It falli In cure. K. W.
rovo't lEnature la on ecb box. tttc
Happiness In Poetry.
Thero aro o many holy and tender
emotions flying about in our Inward
world, which, 1'ito angels, can never
assumo tho body ot nn outward act;
so many rich nnd lovely flowers spring
up which bear no seed, Mint it is a
happiness poetry was invented, which
rocolvcs Into its limbers all theso in
corporeal spirits, and tho perfurao of
all those flowers. Jean Paul Richtcr.
Mr. Wloatow (toothing Nyrnn.
For children teething, tof teni tba guraa, redoeea to
4asunaUoa,aUajapaIu,oureiwlndcoUw. locabottia.
Modern Surgical Methods.
Tho uso ot tho needle and thread
In closing wounds has come to bo a
Bno art In former days the surgeons
were mcro bunglers, and most wounds
left hideous Bears. But at tho present
day tho manner In which arteries aro
ligatured, tendons spliced, intestines
sutured aud wounds closed is the
foundation of bucccss, no skilled uso
of the scalpel taking Its place.
"Dr. I)tI1 Kennedy'
Favorite Keiweny
Kate ma prompt and complete relict trom dypiiA aua
relief from dypi!a aud
The Simple Life In Gotham.
After all, tho simple Ufa Is wide
spread hero. Wo do nothing but labor
to get a few dollars to pay tho office
holders. Political bosses do all our
thinking for us, so we have no cares
along that line, but simply work and
sleep until It's time to go to the poor
house. Surely nothing could be sim
pler. Now York Telegram.
Many Children Aro Sickly.
used by Mothor Gray, a nurse In Children's
Homo, Now York, cure Fevorlshness, Head
acho, Stomach Troubles, Teething Dis
orders, Break up Colds aud Destroy Worms.
At all DruKglsts'.SOc. Samplo mailed FREE.
Address Alton S. Olmsted, LoRoy, N. Y.
Magnesite In California.
Magneslle, which is used in tho
making ot flro brick and other fire
proof building materials, has beon
discovered in largo quantities In San
ta Clara and Stanislaus counties, Cal
ifornia. They aro tho only known de
posits in tbo United States. Hither
to America has imported magneslto
from Grceco and Syria.
Dr. O. B. Wood cures Rupturo by
a new process, in a few weeks, with
out loss of timo or inconvenience.
Rectal diseases cured without the
knife. Send for circular. O. S. TVood,
M. D., 521 N. Y. Llfo Bldg.. Omaha.
Character Told by the Chin.
Tho chin Is one ot tho most sub
stantial parts of tho face when It is
normal, and by physiognomists Is said
to register unerringly certain charac
teristics,' to tell on one for weal or
woe." Others say that this Is not so,
for ono may smile and yet bo a villain,
and tho smile is what makes the fa
cial characteristic.
UNDOMA Hair Tonic will lend to
your hair that soft fluffy up pea ran co
appreciated by people of good taste
and refinement.
Ask Your Barber.
Send us your name for free treat
You never loso any of your sorrow
by shedding sour looks.
Every housekeeper should know
that It they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry uso they
will save not only timo, because it
never sticks to tbo iron, but because
each package contains 1C oz. ono full
pound whllo all other Cold Water
Starches aro put up in .pound pack
ages, and tho prico is tho same, 10
cents. Then again becauso Defiance
Starch is free from all injurious cheru-'
icals. If your grocer tries to sell yes '
a 12-oz. package it Is because be has
a stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of beforo he puts In Defiance.
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package In large let
ters and figures 'MG oza." Demand De
fiance and save much timo and money
and the annoyanco of tho irou stick
ing. 'Defiance never sticks.
It doesn't take any grit to grumble,
The Old Monk Core
ttTz-gwTTiTTTi;r:g TTrrrTXYrm
Color more eoodt briahter and latter colon thin anr
Uk it ler or we will tend pott paid at 10c a package.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
lflM iPjtamwWW
i aWa .r amW kammmT Mmm amw
BwiSHWtetST JOam
ammmmmaJtSPXm gPlMr JaammmmmwWk
Mrs. L. C. Glover, Vice Pres. Milwaukee,
Wis., Business Woman's Association, is'
another one of the million women who
have been restored to health by using
Lydia E PkJdham's Vegetable CIompoiiricL
" Dear Mns. Pjhkiiam i I was married for several yearn and no children
blessed my home. The doctor said I had a complication of female iroBbles
and I could not havo any children udIcm I could be cured. lie tried to care
ma, but after experimenting for several months, my husband became dls-i
trusted, and one night when we noticed a testimonial of a woman who feadl
been cured of similar troubles through tho use ot IVydIa XJ. Pinkham'aj
Vegetable Compound, ho wont out and bought a bottle foe mo. i HMdt
your medicine for thrco and one half months, improving steadily in health,
and in twenty-two months a child came. I cannot fully oxprcsa the joy &ai)t
inanuiuinesa tnat in in my heart, uur noma lsauincreut place now, asxre
havo something to live for, and all the credit is dun to Jjydlu IS. lMnkbam'fl
Vccotablo ConiDOiind. Yours very sincerely. Mm, J. O. Glover. CM Grove
St, Milwaukee, Wis.' Vice President, Milwaukee llusinesn Woman's Ass's. I
Women should not fall to profit by tbo experience of tlicso two
Tvoinon ; just ntt surely as they were cured of the troubles enume
rated in tbelr letters, just so certainly will Lydia K. Piiikbam's)
Vegetable Compound cure o( hers wbo suffer from vroml troubles, '
inflammation of the ovaries, kidney trouble ncrvrttis excitability, ;
and ncrvou prostration ; remember that it is Lydia 13. Pink-,
bain's Vegetable Compound that Is curing women, and don't allow
any druggist to sell you anything clso in its place. ,
Au Indiana I.ady Tolls of a Wonderful Cnro: )
If there' is anvtbiricr in vour
i s I- v
special advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkbam. She can surely boln
vou, for no person in America can speak from a wider cxpcrlenca
In treating female Ills. Address is Lynn, Mass. ; bcr advice is free
ana &:ways neipiui
FORFEIT tr we einnotinrthwllb nrodaca tba original Ittraa(J il(Batart
aUa taaUinokiala, which will prora ibalr abnlua ganolnanaM.
JLydlaC 1'lBkbnm Hod. Co., !;, MM.
Tbre RTtat yurtulU hara again ibowe wondarfol
raaulw on tba Freo l!omclel Landi ot Wetteru
Canada tbltyear.
Magninoanli-llmata ftrtnerapiowbiglnthtlrilUrt
tleeyti to tba wlddla of Nuremtior.
'Allara bound to be more iban pleaed with tba
final result, or the peat aeatun'a hanr attt." Katract.
Coal, wood, watrr. bajr In abundaace. Bcboolt,
eburcbei, inarleu cud cotent.
Apply for InfurmatlnnU) Superintendent of Imml
rtattMU, Ottawa, Canada, or tu autburtied Casadlaa
Oovernmnit Ajtetit W. V. llunclt, 801 New York
Life DutliXoe, uuiaba, Nebratka.
rieaae tajr ere yju taw tbli adTtrtlKment.
Thil'i all II Will
cotl to k on (
ar SUOec Im
caUalon complU.
Ial4 down M jour
railnma UUot U
t fftf hi rhavnM ft
lia, nawDH
a-" ailrwdUnxrat.
v U. vatU'a tUod.ra lawUtm,. TkrM w.t). VtHtofi
ata rJae4. Atlwto lla4 iatviuaottl. Cppr a.1wlar
iMfttlnf ,?". 131 uarlaa,llag tutfftc. w a,Ur
awUl. PcljUiiitrcoMiUio(ullfMiilt. foraaaltb.
ill hu&Ibm MJ4 laja' YraaTrtal.ahlaa w
at rr ftpffluallr to t tnr mi .c rltlA, Vi.ry aiMbta
c.rrlM a ft rMr f..ral.. T,a tok n ti.k wlia U.
DBB R1TCH-Ili ukUu tUtliu thai ItibUd
tin.. H.a4forratooai.tiag UiimlttUtm
aibti kii.f adlnM luJI.n.rolU) )f.l. CUtO.oUr. -
U3AI w v aiaii
VlarVaatar. nt.
laUiA,llA M.
From cold, hard labor or exercise,
relaxes the stiffness and the sore
ness disappears.
Price, 20c. and 50c.
other d. One 10c packiae colon silk, wool and cotton equatlr welt nnd It guaranteed to gM perfect result.
Write lor free booklet-How to Die. Bleach and Mix Color. MUXICO: ttUOU CO., VtrtanxlU; MUtvuri
flenJ na your bidet,
tr a will tan tbent and
make Coatt. Kobe,. I
Mltteoi and Xlntt. Ueit work In (tate Kuarantecd.
Gedor Rapids Robe & Tannery,
Cedar Ropida, loe.
W. N. V., Omaha.
No. 21905.
over, Vice Pres. Milwaukee,
" Dsar Mrs. Pinkuau i It Is a pleasure
for me to write and tell what your wonderful
medicine has done for me. I waa sick for
three years with change of life, and y '
physician thought a cancerous condition ef
the womb. During these three yeara ll
suffered untold agony. t.
"I canuot find words In wthich to, ex
press my bad feelings. 1 did not expoet to
ever see another well !? I read some of the
testimonials recomending your medicine and j
decided to write to you and give your treat
ment a trial.
"Before I had Uken half a hottlefK
Tjydia 13. Pinkbam'a Vccctabl m-
bottles and ana so well I can do ill kinda j
work." Mas. Ltzzm Himbxe, uajen, Ind.
caso about which vou would like
"cWWSSrThompsiB't Ey W!f
, witfriF All IISF FAUS. am
Bnt Oouibrns. 'Xsile aooO,, Ua M .
numit. bom oy druavuta. . an
tBBaaaWHaBaaaaaaaaaaw. idSaawa
I know how important Hbj W
ft SUch li the but sbveh (A
nudt. Hwotin'i itkJt '.
,1 the iron. H s btwU.' ill
m hi tell tlotiy ttklua to th; j I
ck)thtik4wl Witlw J
I ft & far lest, goes futhtr,
ill WHIM. Alk lK takl aaKs
m iron. DfilaM O airh at aU m
ym sj jm
m grown. 16 oz. far K) ccnti.' ft
m ft
: a Tic&fnAHCfSTAfiaico., m
: f mm -tab. V
.. ft ft
m - m W
m. aaaaaaaaasw' 1
bAw 1 -aaaw,aaw I
" . aaaaw - "-