The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 13, 1905, Image 1

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    State Historical Society TO)
The Alliance Herald.
Official Publi
cation of Box
Butte County.
Largest Circu
lation of any Al
liance Paper.
Iflk-W-i -
Organizes in Allionco This Week Will
Take Part in Municipal Elec
tion Next Spring.
A union meeting was held fit the M.
E. church Sunday evening, Rev. J. 13.
Cams, state superintendent of the Anti
Saloon League being the speaker.
Monday evening Rev. Cams gave a lec
ture at the U. 1. church, his subject
"What I saw Across the Water." He
had large audiences and while hero
organized a branch league having the
following officers:
President Rev. G. C. Jcffers.
Secretary H. G. Warrick.
Treasurer D. W. Hughes.
Agitation committee Rev. J. Mc
Council, Frank McFarland, E. C. Hill.
Legislative committee Rev. H. P.
V. Bogue, W. R. Akers.
Law Enforcement committee Rev.
C. W. Ray, J. N. Johnston, D. C. Mc
Intyrc. Financial committee Mrs. W. L.
Randall, Mrs. R. B. Hamilton, Mrs.
D. C. Mclntyre.
Entertainment committee Pastor's
wives, Mrs. Uogue chairman.
A committee of the league will wait
upon the proper authorities and urge
them to suppress gambling in this city
and it is also understood that the league
will take an active part in the munici
pal election next spring.
All officers are requested to meet
next Monday evening at the Baptist
church at 7:30.
Arrangements Perfected.
Everything is in readiness for the
success of the Farmers' Institute to be
held in Alliance, Tuesday of next
week, and it is desired that every one
interested in any branch of. agricul
tural pursuits, be present .at this meet
ing. The following program will be pre
sented. " , , -.. -10:30
a. in. '
Vocal solo Miss W. Holm.
Lecture by Hon. D. P. Ashburn,
"Breeding and Developing a Dairy
Question Box.
Instrumental solo Miss McCorkle.
1:3d p. m.
Lecture by T. C. Ferguson. "Grow
ing and Marketing Potatoes."
Vocal solo Miss W. Bohn.
Recitation Miss Ethel Nolan.
Lecture by D. P. Ashburn, "Raising
Calves on Skim Milk."
Question Box.
Instrumental solo Miss McCorkle.
7:30 iwn.
Vocal sblo Miss W. Bohn.
Lecture by D. P. Ashburn. "Poul
try Raising"
Instrumental solo Miss McCorkle.
City. Affairs.
Reports of city officers, showing as
follows, were icad and accepted on mo
tion: City Trcas., bal on hand Jan 6.5688.53
Police Judge, Sues col.. $127.35
Police Judge, marshal fees 47.25 174.60
Water Commissioner rents col. .303. 05
Street Com. poll tax collected... 60.00
Councilman Mollring reports that he
has partially looked into poll tax mat
ter; city attorney reports the same. On
motion of Mollring, duly sccouded, city
attorney waB ordered to wait on the
county commissioners at meeting next
Tuesday and see what can be done in
the mafler.
City Engineer Hazard reports he has
served notices requiring delinquent
property owners to numbor buildings.
Report accoptod and engineer dis
charged from further work in the mat
ter. The following claims wore road,
passed to committees on claims,
approved, returned and warrants or
dered drawn: .
S. C. Boon, salary, marshal S 75.00
A. Cardwall,' salary, night mar. . . . 55,00
F. W. Harris, dark ,,nd postage, . . 10.75
A. Hill, 'water com 05,00
M. A, Shay, street coin 60.00
Jai. Iiellwood, special police 6.00
H. A. Miller, hauling dog carcasses .50
W. N. Corueal, scavenger........ 5.50
Frank Garrett, street labcr 5.75
Frank Garrett, labor, team 3.00
Danl Dunn building cribStd. pipe. 2.50
Forest Lumbsr Co., Lbr. and coal. 90,55
Auburn Tel. Ceo. Co., phooc rent. Coo
Achoson & Joder, hardware 35.40
R. J, Lawrence, light and pl'm'g.. 401.12
J. P. Hazard, City Engineer 9.05
Mr. T. C. Forguson, of Heaver
Crossing will speak on the "Growing
and Marketing of Potatoes," He has
been on our force only one voar, but in
this short time he has "proven himself
to be one of our strongest Institute
speakers. Few farmers can sum up
more practical experience to their
credit. Mr- Ferguson is intimately
acquainted with the business from the
growing of a few hills in the garden to
the raising of a hundred acre field. He
has travelled in the potato field one
third the distance of the circumference
of the globe. He has dug 50,000 bush
els and sold potatoes to 1 joo people.
He has imported and distributed over
15,000 bushels of seed. The tests that
Mr. Ferguson has conducted have been
very extensive and exact, and has pro
duced regularly in his fields over three
times the average yield of the state.
He has found that one proper cultiva
tion given at the right time adds 30
bushels per acre to the yield, and that
one failure to cultivate at the right time
often ruins the crop. With this prac
tical knowledge gained in the field, Mr.
Ferguson combines the knowledge
gained by visiting all the leadiug potato
growing distiicts from Canada to the
Gulf, studying the soils and methods of
cultivation. He presents the result of
the vast amount of experience in a
practical and entertaining maimer.
This season he marketed his crop at
Go cents per bushel. Mr. Ferguson
will lecture on "Growing and Market
ing Potatoes" at Alliance J nn. 17 and
at Hcmingford Jan. 18, 1905.
Adams Comedians.
G. Faith Adams, for many years the
manager of the Delia Pringlc Opera
Company, and well known to many
Alliance people, will on January 18, 10
and 20th present four plays in the opera
house here. They are "The Little
Minister," "Out of the Fold," "The
Scciet Dispatch." and "The Buffalo
Mystery." Miss Marie Dale, formerly
with one of Frohman's large attractions
apjjjjars as leading.lo.dy, and hcr.jyip
port is strong.
In a communication received from
Mr. Adams, he states that but few
stands will be made between Chicago
and the coast, but that a long engage
ment will be played in San Francisco.
Later, the company will go to Portland,
remaining there during the entire expo
sition. The company is a large one
and receiving some very flattering no
tices from the press of the cities.
Our good people should be sure to
avail themselves of the opportunity to
see all of vthesc attractions, as it is not
often that the smaller cities are favored
by the appearance of such an actress
as Miss Dale. Tickets may be had at
I. 0. 0. r. Elect Officers.
Jpn Tuesday evening of this week
the I. O. O. F. lodge at this place
elected the following officers:
T. Pool, N. G.
G. Zum, V. G.
W. O. Barnes, Sec.
B. F. Lockwood, Trcas.
Theo. Waddell, R. S. N. G.
W. Buchinan, L. S. N. G.
J. Kennedy, R. S. V, G.
B. Young, L. S. V.G.
J. C. Beck, Warden.
J. Patrick, I. G.
At the close of the election the
members repaired to Steon's cafe
u here an elegant bunquet was spread
at whicn upwards of seventy people
participated. Much brotherly love
was shown upon this occasion, and
the event will long he remembered by
those present.
Serious Accident.
Charles Causlet, who was employed
on the Brcnnan ranch thirty miles
southoast had both bones of his log
broken below the knee by a horse fall
ing on him Tuesday. The injured man
was brought to Alliance and attended
by Dr. Bowman, who roports him doing
as well as could bo expected. It was
certainly a long, cold trip this weathor
for a person in Mr. Causlot's condition.
The Rev. C. T. Coerr, of the Dio
ceo of Now York, has accoptod tho
appointment to the charge of tint Epis
copal church of this city and
will preach ' at both services next
Sunday. The Reverend gentleman
comes highly recommonded as a
preacher and worker from letters re
ceived from clerpy and laity in the
localities in which he has worked.' The
congregation will doubtless show their
greeting by a large attendance at the
services next Sunday.
General and Personal News of Alli
ance ami Vicinity.
Dr. Kramer enmo in from the east
Dr. H. L. Scoggin, of the Bridge
port News was a visitor in the city Fti
day. Tho Ladies Union will meet with
Mrss Jacoby next Wcdnosdaya fttor
Rev. C. W. Ray who was under the
weather last week has recovered suffi
cient to be up and nbont.
Charlie Shindler came down from
Hcmingford Tuesday evening to attend
the Odd Fellows banquet.
Rev. M. L. Dailey came up from
Broken Bow yesterday and visited
Father Galvin till noon today.
Mrs. C. H. Vinsel visited her sistor,
Mrs. Virgil Putmati, on tho ranch south
of Alliance a few days this week.
Engineer Horney who was hurt down
the line several weeks ago has so far
recovered as to be on the streets this
W. S. Raker, our successor, arrived
in the city this afternoon and will as
sume the management of Tun HnR.u.0
from this date.
Karl Forsstrom and August Drew
were down from their ranches north of
Hcmingford Tuesday on business befoie
the land office,
After a pleasant holiday visit hoic
with his parents, Ed Nolcman left
Monday morning for St. Joseph, to
resume his school studies.
Mrs, piiarltB St. George, of Colorado
Springs, nrrived in the city Sunday to
visit her sister, Mrs. Marcus Franklc,
and brother, Percy Cogswell.
The city schools are again carmstly
at work and each pupil seems to be
trying to make, the romaiuing . montljk"
of study the most profitable of the
school year.
J. A. Sheldon drove down from his
ranch yesterday accompanied by his
brother-in-law, Thos. Lyons, of Gree
ley county, who has been visiting him
for a week. Mr. Lyons returned home
today. .wwww
James Hollinrake, former county
commissioner from the second district,
was in tho city Monday on business
connected with the improvements re
cently made on tho public road north
of Hcmingford.
Elmer E. Lesli, the whole-souled
representative of the Curpcntcr Paper
Co., of Omahs spent Saturday and
Sunday in Alliance. Mr. Lesh has a
host of friends here who are pleased
when he is in town.
H. L. Bushnell, of Hcmingford,
shipped a car of hogs to Omaha Mon
day. They were raised in this county
and some of the porkers weighed nearly
400 pounds. It has been a number of
years since a car load was shipped
J. S. McCabe came cown from Box
Butte Monday, and while in the city
he paid his respects to this printery by
the renewing of his subscription. Mr.
McCabe is an old time subscriber and
would not be without his favorite
local paper, Tin: Hurai.d.
While the driver tor the Alliance
Steam laundry was delivering Saturday
evening his horse decided that the
weather was too fresh to stand without
tying and according took a spin around
a block. The result is that the laundry
people will have to buy a new wagon or
expend about S50 repairing the old one.
The Herald Again Recognized
T the meeting of tho Board of County Commissioners,
Wodncsday, Tub IIkrauu was again designated as
the official publication of Box Butte county for the
year 1905 and was awardod the contract for furnishing all
stationery and supplies. The Hukald appreciates this roo
ognitiou, and as in the past, will endeavor to faithfully carry
out its part of the contract.
I I c A Nuwborry, F. J. Bctzold and
,H Wttlk,18 wonl to DoU.or U)is
week ts ntteud'thc stock meeting.
Mossrs. It. P. Moyors, A, R. Mod
tSett and C. C. Joy, well known stock
men, wore in Alliance the latter part of
last week.
' Mrs. F. J. Kraomor and daughter,
Ilonh. who have been visitimr in the
! upsteni part of the state returned to
Alliance Sunday.
Sorvices in the First Presbyterian
church next Sunday at n n. in. and
730 p. 111. Sunday school at 10 n. 111.
niul Y. P. S. C. E. at 0:45.
Bruce Wilcox entertained his sister,
Mrs. George Hunter, of Cencstotn,
S. D., a poition of last week. She
Ldepnrtod Monday morning for her
Miss Josie O'Donncll departed for
Denver Wednesday where sho will re
main for some time. Mr. and Mrs.
Q'Donnell are moving to Englewood,
So. Dak.
"Uncle" Zed Goodwin' has been
down a few days with a threatened at
tack of i.neumoniti but is improving at
this writing his many friends are
pleased to learn.
J. F. Akcrman who has been cm-
cloyed on the government buildings at
Ft- Robinson, left the first of tho week
tp resume his work there. He has
boon spending tho holidays hero with
his home folks.
Hi I. Gorman, socrotary to General
Superintendent Rhodes leturncd today
from a flying trip to Storling, Holyokc
and Cheyenne. Mr. German says the
thermometer legislured 23 bolow at
Cheyenne at 5 o'clock last evening.
Miss Loon, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Mallory, celebrated her
tenth birthday last Saturday with n
party in the evening at which nearly
sixty of her friends participated.
Games and refreshments were indulg. tlieyourjg'ricople.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Johnson arrived
in Alliance yesterday nftcrnon from
Brookfield, Mo., and will in all proba
bilty make this city their home. Mr.
Johnson is an engineer and has secur
ed a run out of Alliance on the B, &
M. We extend to them a welcome.
John N. Clark, who settled in the
Snake Creek valley a few miles west
of where Alliance now stands, but now
residing nt Wichita, Kans., arrived
in this city last Saturday and is visit
ing with his brother George and fam
ily, besides attending to some business
Fred Mollring was at Newcastle,
Wyo., the first of tho week to see his
parents. We regret to learn that his
father, A. F. Mollring, is dangerously
ill and while he may linger for several
days there is no hopo for recovery.
Mr. Mollring was formcily water com
missioner of this city and many friends
will regret to learn of his condition.
Engineer James Devlin left last Sat
urday for Holyokc, Colo,, having been
given a run out of that city with the B.
& M. Mr. Devlin will probably remain
thorc only a few months, howevor, and
will continue to look upon Alliance as
his home. Jim is a gonial fellow and
we hope to see him return in the near
Fred Mollring was at Newcastle,
Wyo., tho first of the week to see his
parents. We rogrot to learn that his
father, A. F. Mollring is dangerously
ill and while ho may lingor for several
days thore is no hope tor his recovery.
Mr. Mollring was formerly wator com
missioner, of this city and many friends
will regret to learn of his condition.
- jj -
The fine new residence of Cnl Lam.
111011 southeast of town has been com
pleted and the event was celebrated
hist Saturday night with nn old time
"house'wnrming" which was partici
pated in by ovor a 150 persons. A
danco and Biipper occupied the time of
the guests which wore enjoyed by nil
present. A number from Alliance
were among tho invited ones.
Alliance now has three feed stores,
the third one having been ndded to the
numbor hist week by F. L. Kisor, of
Lead City, who has placed W. D. Dav
idson, an 6ld and well known rosidont
of this city ay manager. It in presumed
that othtfr linos will ba added to the'
stock soon. It is located in the rooms
south of Spry's saloon which is owned
bynn Omaha brewing compnny.
Kearney Democrat: The Western
Mercantile Company is opening a new
dry goods store in the opera house
block in the room rccontly vacated by
the Kearney Grorery company. The
business will be in charge of R. R.
Greer and Ed. Mollring, both formerly
in business in Keaincy nnd well known
to tuuuy of our people.
McCook Tribune: -Dr. and Mrs. W.
V. Gngo nnd Jack came down from
Denver, last Friday night, and were
the guests of Mrs. Adclo Pholau until
Monday iioqu. Tho doctor looks nnd
feels much improved 111 health, and
feels confident of comploto recovery.
The doctor nnd wife attouded the an
nual Kappa Sigma Knppa banquet, Sat
nrdny night, adding unexpected joy to
the occasion.
Bachelors Entertained.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cogswell enter
tained a number of Mr. Cogswell's
bachelor friends Wednesday even
ing at an elegant seven course din
ner. Mrs. Cogswell was assisted
by Mrs. Cliarlos St. George, of
Colorado Springs, a sister of Mr. Cogs
well. After dinner the gentlemen on
JQ3:qflVS.'l'PKjj!LJiocial mnihmr
and it must be acknowledged took their
departure with a feeling of envy to
wards the favored mortal who is pos
sessed of a better half that could serve
so elaborate a repast as the one they
had onjoyod. This fact wns especially
noticableon John Wikor and it is the
unanimous opinion of the: hoys that he
will be tho next in position to outer
tain. Those present were:
Glen Hampton
W. Eubanlcs
M. O'Connor
Lee Perry
W. A, McAlllstfir
Harry Thielo
I'd Rearduu
John Wiker
Dr. Kramer
Monte Hatgrnvoa
J. A, lteanlon
Geo. Darling
T. J. O'Keefe.
County Dads In Session.
The county commissioners ' have
been in session this week. On Mon
day L. F. Smith, commissioner elect
for tho third district was inducted into
office and no one doubts that Mr.
Smith .vill make a conscientious and
capable public scivant. Mr. Wehu,
the rqliiing member, served the coun
ty well sinco his appointment and re
tires with the good will of nil.
County Assessor A. S. Reed has
appointed for his deputies tile follow
ing persons:
Alliance F. II. Mollring,
Lake J. R. VanBoskirk.
Wiight and BoydJ. W. Christy.
Nonpareil and Lawn Chris Hansen.
Dorsey Ben Johuson.
Ruuningwator John Jelinek.
Libeity and Snako Creek Joseph
A full roport of tho proceedings wili
be published noxt week.
Services will be held at tho church
as usual next Sunday. Sunday school
at 10 a. in. Preaching nt n n, in.,
and 7:30. Morning subjoct: "The
Steward that Christ Commended."
Evoding subject: "The Evading Daily
Responsibilities." Junior League at
2:30. Epworth League at .'30 p. hi.
All are cordially invited to attend.
The rogular prayer meeting will be
hold at the church next Thursday even
ing at 7:30.
Tho Ladies Aid society will meet at
the home of Mrs. Burrie to spend the
day next WedlJedoy, Jan. 18.
The Teacher's nicotine will bo held
at the homo of Rey, C. W. Ray, next
Wednesday cvaniug at 7530 o'clock.
The Bible study class will meet
at the home 0 Miss Delia Reed next
Tuesday evening at 7:30 q'clock.
We close our
store every
evening at 6
o'clock ex
cept Tuesday
-- x
ITho Horace Boguo Store
if You Wish to
Buy or Sell
ranch properties, or irrigated farms,
anywhere in Nebraska or Wypniing,
communicate with us. Wo quickly
dispose of good properties wliero a
reasonable price is asked. Wo nego
tiate western investments of all kinds.
Manage local properties for non-resident
owners. Write insurance and
fidelity bonds.
German Investment Co.
J. W. GERMAN, Manager
Alllnncc . . Nebraska
R. W. Spcrry and family arrived in
the city Wednesday to mako their
home hero. Mr. Sperry has accepted
a position on Tub Hniui.n. ,Ho has
been employed on the' Auburn
!tor the Iffirr'twcSTeA aitfr
highly recommended.
H. L. Bushnell of Hemingford, Neb.,
was at tho yards this morning with a car
of hogs. It is rather unusual to get hogs
from Box Butto county, but Mr. Dushnoll
says that the farmers out there are raising
a few and they put in fifteen or twenty
acrto of corn-far feed andsecure generally
a fair yibld. They also grow considerable
barley and ryo for feed. Drovers Journal,
South Omaha.
Northeast Alliance.
Uncle Jed Goodwin "is on the sick
Frank Thompson and family are
visiting in Iowa.
Mrs. Hood is rapidly , .recovering
from her Into illness.
Mrs. J. B. Ufford is slowly improv
ing from her protracted illness.
Mrs. Dodd has returned from her
tiip to Omaha where she has been vis
iting. Bertie Gregg and Marion Sullen
borgor spent the holiday Season at the
home ot their patents.
L. C. Henderson of Arkansas City
Sundaycd with J. B. Danner. Mr.
Henderson is formerly from Illinois,
Mrs. Waldren and little brother
Everett have returned from Iowa
whore the former has been ' visiting
relatives thore.
Prof. Samuel Suiysdr, Jr., made
quite, an extensive tour one of those
windy days last weok iif this part of
town with his air ship.
Miss Susie Frazier returned from
the country where she has been visit
ing during the holidays, and is no.v
ready for her school duties.
Mrs. Bullock returned home with
her invalid sistor who has been sick for
four yoars, Hor health is speedily re
covering since her arrival iu Alliance.
Grandma Hague is able to be re
moved to her homo in tho sand hills,
after suffering several weeks with
pneumonia at the home of her sou
C. C. Smith is building and improv
es his half block northeast of the
high school building which will un
doubtedly benefit the appearance o
northeast Alliance.
For Sale My residence property on
East Wyoming Ave; ,5 rooms and
bath. Part cash, easy terms. J. E,