The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 06, 1905, Image 3

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T. J. 0'Kef, Publisher.
News in Brief
Herbert Simmons, a negro, was
lynched at Ncal, Ga., for tho killing
of J. A. Tark, a whilo man.
Tho Japaneso government lias
agreed to negotiate an arbitration
treaty with tho United States.
Tho Chicago Subway company pre
pares to expend $15,000,000 In local
Improvements In tho near futuro.
Tho retirement of Hear Admiral SI
lar Terry resultod in tho promotion of
Captain Joseph H. Craig to bo rear ad
miral. Announcement was inado at tho
White houso of tho names for batter
ies on tho Atlantic, dulf and Pacific
If tho duty is acceptable to him Hear
Admiral Lnmbort will probably bo ap
pointed president of tho lighthouse
Santiago SImonot of Utuado, Porto
Rico, a doputy collector of internal,
rovonue for the district of Arcclbo, is
East Boston has celebrated the official
opening of tho new tunnel under Bos
ton harbor uniting tho city proper and
East Boston.
Two men and two horses woro
drowned and frozen at a deep pool at
tho old crossing of Plnoy Fork creek
near Dlllonvalo. O.
Advices received at Esquimau from
tho British admiralty Btato that tho
proposed abandonment of Esquimau
by tho navy will bo roconsldorcd.
Tho Ncuo Frolo Prcsso says Pre
mier von Koerbor at an audionco of
Emperor Francis Josoph tendered his
resignation on tho ground of ill health,
At Mobile Jamos Robinson was sent
to Jail for thirty days for nn assault.
Tho oftenso for which ho was con
victed was klralng a young lady
against liar will.
Tho Echo do Paris learns thnt Ad
miral Kaznakoff received n cipher dis
patch from Grand Duke Aloxls Inform
ing him that tho, emperor wishes to
confer with him concerning the North
sea affair.
Attorney General Woody filed a pe
tition in St. Paul, Minn., alloglng Il
legal combination of twonty-flvo con
cerns, with tho ucnoral Paper com
pany as salos ngont, and asks for an
Josoph S. Frollnghuyson, who has
been solectcd as personal aide to Gov-
ornor-oloct Stokea of Now Jersey, Is
nn insurance broker and a cousin of
tho lata Secretary of Stato and Sena
tor Frellnghuyscn.
In Chicago Judgo Walker decided
that tho city Is not llablo for dam
ages growing out of tho loss in con
nection with tho loss of llfo In tho
'Iroquois thcatro fire.
At a conference In London of Brit
ish, continental and Atlantic steam
ship lino managers n satisfactory
agreomont was readied with regard
to Scandinavian traffic.
Tho Connecticut .Tobacco Growers'
association has sent to each senator
and representative from Connecticut
in congress a circular letter protest
ing against tho removal of tho tariff
from Phlllppino tobacco.
Secretary Wilson has promulgated a
circular giving tho results of tests
mado la nccordanco with an act of
tho last congress, directing him to ob
tain in tho open market samples of
seeds of grass, clover or alfalfa.
Representatives of the banking
houso of Mandolssohn &. Co. at Berlin
havo gone to St Petersburg to tako
part in nogotlnting tho new Russian
loan. It la now assured hero that
tho loan will amount to J240.000.000.
Seven moro Indictments In tho land
fraud cases woro returned by tho
grand tury in Portland, Oro. Two or
tho bills were returned under fictitious
names, which fact is the basis of re
ports tnat men of prominence aro
among tho accused.
Russian officials- havo demanded of
tho Chinese foreign office tho rostt-.
tution of tho ammunition apparently
destined for Port Arthur seized by tno
Uhlneso authorities at Fongtal, near
hero, four davs ago.
W. R. Jones, manager of tho Chi
cago office of tho Washburn-Crosby
company of Minneapolis, Minn., died
In Chicago from injuries sustained in
a fall over a banister in his home.
His skull and neck wero broken by
tho fall.
Tho State bank of Uedham, la., was
placed in tho hands of a receiver on
tho order of State Auditor Carroll and
an effort will be mado to Uquldato Its
affairs which aro badly Involved
through an alleged $15,000 shortage of
Cashier J. A, Caton.
It is announced that tho war office
placed orders with tho Vickers Sons
& Maxim company, Armstrong White
worth & Co., and other largo ordi
nance manufacturers for a number of
twolvo-poundor flold guns, to rearm
tho wholo British army.
Justice Olpistod or New York hand
ed down an opinion, holding that tho
law against tho soiling or giving away
of streot railway transfers is constl-
A charter was granted to tho North
western Railroad company of Elk City,
Okl., capital 31,875,000. to build from
Elk City through Day, Woodward and
Beaver counties in Oklahoma.
Ladeu with tho largest enrgo ever
shipped out of San Francisco on a
vessel, the steamer Mongolia depart
ed for Chinese and Japaneso ports.
Her freight amounts to 18,000 tons.
President of, the Vegetarian Associa
tion (to candidate for membership)-
"Before you aro admitted as a mem
bef to our society, I must ask you one
serious question 'What is tho causa
of that large grease spot on your neck
tie ?' " ,
Twenty-Four-Hour Man.
Antonio Cuez, of Padrclla, Portugal,
has not slept for threo months. No
doctors can euro him, and tho mdjt
powerful opiates have no effect. Ho
drives mules In tho daytime and acts
rb a watchman at night.
Egyptians Used Fine Toots.
Whon tho pyramids wero built tho
laborers did not work under such dls
advantages as havo long been attrl
butcd to them. Researches show thai
thoy had solid and tubular drills ant!
lathe tools. Tho drills were Bet with
jewels and cut into tho rocks with
keenness and accuracy.
Discovered It for Himself.
"I meant to havo told you of that
hole," said tho kindly host to his
friend, who had suddenly disappeared
in tho courso of a stroll through tho
grounds into a pit full of water. The
friend climbed out and shook himself.
"It doesn't matter," ho said, cheerily,
"I found lt
Indenture In Ancient Egypt.
Recent excavations In Egypt havo
rovealed a bond dated A. D. 100 ap
prenticing a slavo for two yeara to
tho "somlograph," to bo taught to read
and wrlto shorthand, or "tho signs
that your son Blonyslos knows," tho
teachor receiving in all 120 drachmas
about $23.
To Plant Forest.
Tho Unlvorslty or California, at
Berkeley, faces a magnificent view of
bay, Island and shore, but tho high
hills behind It aro bare They aro to
bo covered with redwoods, (Irs, man
sanltas, tan and whito oaks and ma
drones. Not until wo know all that God
snows can wo estimate to tho full tho
power and tho Bacrcdncsu of some ono
ilfo which may seem tho humblest in
.ho world. John Ruskin.
Discharging a sixtcch-lnch gun If
thcro Is such n thing doesn't mako
pearly so great a racket as discharg
ing a cook.
Common sense is tho knack of see
ng things as thoy nrc, and doing
things aB they ought to bo done. C.
B. Stowd.
Tho chasto mind, llko a polished
piano, may admit foul thoughts with
jut rocolvlng their tincture. Sterne.
Tho pcoplo who wear second-hand
-lothcs havo somo difficulty In bellov
ng in tho eternal fitness of things.
I havo no patience with a man who
would rather havo a lot of nncostors
:hau make a nnmo for himself.
A friend of mlno who has tho grip
.nforms mo that a frlezo on tho wall
s worth two colds In tho head.
Tho longest way rouud may bo the
ihortost way home, becnuso thoro aro
qo saloons on tho longest way.
Tho devil never worries over tho
mrfh who Baves all his smiles for the
itrangor. Ram's Horn.
Tho man who insists that business
'8 only buslnoss Is apt to provo that
religion Is only humbug.
Tho homes of a nntlon aro tho bul
warks of personal and national safety
ind thrift. J. G. Holland.
Tho most agrceablo peoplo In the
world aro thoso who never havo any
opinions of their own.
Tho lowly placo of service may bo
tho mountain top of communion.
Tho rich man cannot havo a bettor
sank than tho poor mnn's cellar.
Thcro Is no Thanksgiving without
Srutltudq nhiy&'ifjg '
Certain Habits Unconsciously Formed
and Hard to Break.
An lnget.lous philosopher estimates
that tho amount of will power neces
sary L break a life-long habit would,
if it could bo transformed, lift a
weight of many tons.
It sometimes requires a higher do
grco of heroism to break the chains
of a pernicious habit than to lead a
forlorn hope in a bloody battle. A
lady writes from an Indiana town:
"From my earliest childhood I was
a lover of coffee. Before I waB out
of iny teens I was a ralsorable dys
peptic, suffering torrlbly at times with
my stomach.
"I was convinced that It was coffeo
that was causing 'be trouble and yet
I (ould not deny myself a cup for
br.eakfart. At tho ago of 3G I was
In very poor health, Indeed. My sis
ter told iuo I was In danger of becom
ing a loffco drunkard.
"But I novor could give up drink
ing coffee for breakfast although It
kept ire constantly 111, until I tried
Postuiu. I learned to make It prop
erly according to directions, and now
we can hardly do without Postum for
breakfast, and caro nothing at all for
"I am no longor troubled with dys
pers'a, t'o not havo spells of suffering
with my stomach that used to troublo
mo st when 1 drank coffee." Name
given by Postum Co., Battlo Creek,
Lcbk in each pkg. for tho famous
littio book, "The Tload to Wellville."
County Superintendents Addressed by
Mr, Fswler.
At tho state teachers' meeting in
Omaha Stato Superintendent Fowler
spoke to county superintendents in
part, as follows:
Nebraska occupies an unrivaled posi
tion in having tho lowest per cent of
illiteracy of all tho states In tho union.
Nowhere has tho valuo of a common
school "education been moro gericrally
and universally acknowledged than
hero, nor has tho freo secondary and
higher education In the stato been al
together neglected.
Tho constitution of Nebraska, adopt
ed In 1S75, declared that all moneys
arising from tho Bale on leasing of
sections No. 16 to 3G In each township
in this Btato should bo perpotual funds
for common school purposes, of which
tho annual interest or Income only can
bo appropriated; and tho interest on
theso school lands sold and leased, to
gether with that or warrants, county
bonds and school district bonds, cer
tain fees and licenses, and tho stato
school tax of lVa mills or lc3s upon
tho dollar or assessed valuation of all
taxable property in tho stato, provides
a sum in excess of $700,000 appor
tioned annually to all tho common
school districts of tho state. This
amount will Increaso from year to
year rather than diminish. Local
school districts may tax themselves
not to exceed 25 mills on tho dollar
of assessed valuation. All fines, pen
alties and license moneys aro appro
priated exclusively to tho uso and sup
port of tho common schools In tho re
spective subdivisions where they may
Tho constitution also states that the
legislature shall provide for tho free
instruction In tho common schools of
all persons between tho nges of 5 nnd
21 years. Free education, Including
freo textbooks and supplies, Is fur
nished in all school districts tn tho
state. School government, organiza
tion nnd management In Nebraska is
amost purely local, each ono of tho
G.CC7 districts being rcsponslblo for
its own school. Each district pro
vides a full courso of Instruction In
ell of tho eight grades or years of
work bolow the ordinary high school,
and many of them furnish, graduate
certificates upon tho completion of
this work. The course includes read
ing, writing, spelling, arithmetic,
grammar, geography, history, physi
ology, etc. In Bomo of tho larger
cities of tho stato kindergartens have
been established.
When a Bchool district has a popu
lation of 150 or moro children of school
ntro, It may organlzo as a high school
district and furnish foo high schvl
privileges to nil us pupils who com
pleto tho clhhfh grades of work bolow
tho high school.
Wo havo In Nebraska eighty-five vil
lages maintaining a High school
courso of ono year, or a total or nine
grades of work; thcro aro 175 villages
with High school courses of two
years; 101 villages or cities with High
school courses threo years In length,
nnd olghty-four cities In tho stato
maintaining a full four years' High
school courso sometimes differentiated
rin Hovi1 sHontll" K.m-Ush nnil
commercial courses, above the eighth
grades of common scnool work. Abovo
theso wo havo as a superstructure the
magnificent University of Nebraska,
with its faculty or 200 and an attend
ance of moro than 2,500. Tho univers
ity has a heavy endowment from
lands donated to tho stato by tho
United States, and is supported by the
proceeds of investment or a perma
nent fund, by other Incomes and by a
tax of 1 mllluron tho dollar of as
sessed valuation of tho state.
During tho last school year (1903
1904) there woro enrolled In the
schools of Nebraska 280,000 children;
the state had G.767 school houses, of
which thlrty-flvo wore stone, 339 brick,
105 log, 273 sod, and the rest wood
or frame buildings. Tho liutnber of
sod school houses In tho stato In 1S90
was nearly 800, but It has steadily de
creased since that time, whilo tho
number of brick buildings rapidly In
creases. Tho valuo or school district
property In tho state Is estimated at
$11,000,000; the total Indebtedness or
all dislficts at $3,2S5.000. and tho total
annual expenditures at $1,900,000. Ne
braska employs annually 9,700 teach
ers, including 3,250 in graded schools.
Krens Gives Bond.
. LINCOLN William Krens or Cus
ter county gave bond for $1,500, and
was released pending tho final decis
ion upon his case. In tho Custer
county district court ho was sentenced
to two years in tho stato penitentiary
for burning a stack of grain.
ANSLEY Moro pralrlo chleUona
wero killed In October and November
this year In the neighborhood or Ans
ley than ovor before, but tho pot hunt
er who kills birds' in tho summer lias
been stopped, and the rosult U that tho
birds aro both plentiful and tame.
Depositors Get 39 Per Cent.
LINCpLN Receiver William C.
May luis Mod with Secrefary Itoyse
of theftato banking board his final
report of the affalis of tho defunct
People's Stato bank off Gothenburg.
Which failed In 1901. Tho depositors
havo recolved a paymont of 39 per
cent and tho rocolvor has been dis
charged. Tho Institute for tho Feeble Minded
at' Beatrice fittingly observed Christmas.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. N. Peterson of Polk
county last -week celebrated their gol
den wedding.
At a regular meeting of tho Fre
mont Turnvereln it was voted to send
a team to compcto at the national turn
fost, which meets next year at In
dianapolis. Tho homo of P. B. Noff, an Imple
ment dealer in Broomflold, was enter
ed by burglars n few nights ago and
robbed of $20, several rings and other
pieces of jewelry.
Whilo oiling nn engine nt the elec
tric power houso at Boatrlco Engineer
Peter Drouland got his hand too near
tho machino and tho index finger of
his left hand was torn off.
Invitations havo been Issued at
Plattsmouth announcing tho forthcom
ing marrlago Of F. C. Kingsbury of
Arizona and Miss Para Lovo of Fp
mont, which will occur January 4,
Roscoo Pound will resign his l.isl
tion aB dean of tho law school at tho
Stato University to enter practice,
having formed a law partnership with
Frank M. Hall and Frank n. Woods.
Tho body of Howard Penn who
killed hlmsoir at York in a fit of
despondency arrived in Broken Bow
from that place and was taken to tho
nnldcnco in Former Sheriff Arm
strong. About 11 o'clock in tho forenoon
ono of tho inmates In tho open ward
at tho asylum at Hastings escaped,
coming toward Hastings. Ho is do
scribed as being about 28 years old,
weight 150. dark mustache.
Tho city council o Grand Island
has passed on its first reading an or
dinance regulating tho running of au
tomobiles, limiting tho speed to flvo
miles an hour In tho business district
of tho city and twelve miles an hour
In all other districts.
Tho other night young Georgo Coil
of Dawes county walked from tho peni
tentiary to tho trolley car station at
Lancaster a freo man. beneficiary of
ono of Governor Mickey's Christmas
commutations. Coll was convicted
flvo years ago of murdering a sheep
man named Ryan, with whom, ho and
his father, a cattleman, had had
troublo over tho range.
Governor Mlckoy has assured Su
perintendent Greeno of tho Lincoln
Hospital for the Insano that there Is
absolutely no need for any Investiga
tion into tho affairs of that Institu
tion. Tho official called at tho execu
tive department for a conference and
was assured that tho governor had
perfect confidence In him and tho In
tegrity of his management.
Phoenix, (Ariz.) dispatch: Sheriff
Hall of Holt county, Neb., arrived with
a requisition fr Bernprd W. Mc
Greevy, absconding president of tho
Elkhorn Valley bank of O'Neill, Neb.
The sheriff ild he would not leave
before Monday and perhaps not then.
Ho Is impressed with the story that
Cashier Patrick Hagerty Is In hiding
here and hopes to capturo him.
Tho committee that has bogged tho
Burlington Railroad company for a
now depot at York in tho placo of
tho barn-like structure now used by
tho company there hope that York
will have a New Year's present in tho
way or a notice from tho company
that they will build a much needed
depot at York that will bo In keeping
with the rapid growth and tho size of
tho place.
Each prisoner In the penitentiary
was given a Christmas present. Tho
gift was of modest proportions, con
sisting of a large bag of candy, mado
in tho prison kitchen, but each man
was remembered. Many of them re
ceived little trinkets from friends and
relatives at homo. Little mementoes
of homo life and jars or jam and jelly,
with other delicacies, wero received by
many or the men.
Tho anhual meeting of tho Gage
county poultry and pet stock Bhow will
bo held in tho opera houso at Blue
Springs January 3 and 4.
December will bo a good month
from the standpoint of tho stato peni
tentiary in that the census will l) In
creased there by twenty-nine.
A circular letter will be Bent out to
county treasurer's by State Treasurer
Mortensen asking them to begin tho
year properly by promptly remitting
state taxes to the treasury on Monday
or Tuesday. Many county treasurers
aro taking advantago of tho renewed
offer of tho Burlington and the Union
Pacific to pay a part of their taxes,
pending the decision on tho applica
tion for Injunction.
Atter having been mourned as a
dead man for the past seventeen years
John Marquardt has turned up nt
Harrlsburg, Ore., allvo and a busy
man. Almost a score of years ago he
loft Norfolk and two years later his
mother and brothers gave him up as
dead. Even tho dato of his death had
boen fixed, services held and each an
niversary help apart becauso of tho
funoral tone it bore. A letter recolved
last week came as a joyful greeting.
In tho case of the Missouri Pacific
Railway company against CnBs county
Judgo Josson found for tho plaintiff,
fixing tho amount of damage In tho
sum of 1 cent, Tho company sued for
$1,000 damage.
Gust Jonos, a stranger in Cuming
county, was comlttod to Jail on a
chargo of stealing a team of horses
tho properly of James Tlghe, living
near Bancroft. Tho prisoner was
caught with tho team In his posses
sion and was brought before Justice
McDermott and was bound over to the
district court in default of bail.
Live Stock Trades
CATTLE .Packers were or the opinion
that receiptn would be considerably
heavier than on tho previous days of this
week, but It wan found that supplies wero
much Bmaller than generally expected.
As a result buyers were nil out- In good
season and tho prices paid were rully
as good as thoBe In force yesterday. Tho
demand for anything at all desirable In
tho wny of corn-fed steers was brisk and
fully steady prices wero paid. In somo
?ase tho market looked a llttlo stronger.
Uuycrs all seemed to be anxious for fresh
luppllcs, and owing tn the small receipts
there was not enough to go around. Tho
cow market was nlso nctive, with prices
steady to strong, tho better bunches
ihowlnj? tho most strength. Tho sam
s with steers, there wero not enough to
eo around, so that salesmen experienced
little troubio in disposing of everything
they had on hand. Hulls, veal calves nnd
tags sold nt Just about tho same prices
tn tho day before. There was a much
bettor demnnd for stockcrs and feeders
than has been noticed before. Several
country buyers wero In tho yards, and,
s a result, speculators wero willing to
tako on fresh supplies and tho prices
paid wero a Htlto stronger, or fully as
rood as those in force at tho closa of last
HOGS Tho demand was In good shape,
ts both local packers and shippers were
tnxlous for supplies. Tho small number
sn sale, though, made It Impossible for
them to till moro than their most urgent
requirements. Tho market could bo
nuotcd Just about 20 iilghor than yes
.orday'B average. The long string went
at $4.76'.t. with a few loads at J4.55, and a
rew at H.60, with a top of J4.G5. The qual
ity of tho hogs was unusually good,
coarse heavy loads being unusunlly
scarce. Thero was very little chango In
tho market.
8HI2BP Quotations for fed stock: Good
lo choice yearlings. J5.25G&.50; fair to good
yearlings. J5.0Ofi5 23; good to choice weth
ers. J4.90i5.23j fair to good wethers. JI.C3
f4.90; good to choice ewes, J4.15S-l.40; fair
to good owes, jr:904.15; common to fair
ewes, Jl.fi0ft3.90; good to choice lambs,
t6.W16.50; fair to good lnmbs, $5.7506.00;
feeder yearlings, Jl.40m.C5; feeder weth
ers, JI.13S4.40: feeder ewes, J3.25Q3.65;
feeder lambs, J5.00go.50.
CATLE Market for steers slow. oth.
era steady; native steers, J3.75SC.23;
jouthem Bteers, J3.00ft4.50; southern cows.
H.73Q3.25; nntlve cows and heifers. J1.76W
S.00; Blockers and feeders, tZ.'Z'iH.W,
bulls. J2.25& 1.00; calves. J3.00ee.60; west
ern fed steers, J3.D0fc3.60; western fed
Cows. J1.75fi3.&0,
HOGS Market 5c higher; bulk of sales,
M.454.70; heavy, Jl.l4.75: packers, J1.55
JM.70: plg3 and lights. J3.83iT4.55.
SIIHKP AND LAMBS Market strong;
muttons, Jl.00fT3.2o; lambs, J3.00fcfi.76;
range wethers, Jl.60ir3.75; ewes, 53.75y4.7S.
Odell Announces That There Will Bo
No Opposition to Re-Electlon
of Depew.
NEW YORK Chauncey Mitchell
Depew of Now York will Biicceed him
self for a term of six years as United
States senator from tho stato of New
York,, continuing as tho colleague of
Senior Senator Thomas C. Piatt, who
has four years to servo.
Tho formal announcement of this
conclusion was made lato at tho Fifth
Avenue hotel by Governor Odell as
chairman of tho republican state com
mittee and came as tho culmination
of a scries of conferences by promi
nent republicans extending over sev
eral weeks, and practically 'continu
ous during tho past threo days,
Tho purport or the announcement is
that tho candidacy of former Gover
nor Frank S. Black of Troy, which has
been warmly pressed by his friends
during the past fortnight or moro is
to bo withdrawn and that tho namo
or Senator Depew will be the only ono
presented to tho caucus of republican
legislators, which will select tho
party's candidate for senator.
Over Half Million Hogs Slaughtered
Since November.
CINCINNATI. O. Price Current
says: For tho holiday week tho mar
keting of hogs has been comparative
ly liberal, although falling short of re
cent weekly records. Total western
packing, 5G5.000 head, compared with
720,000 head tho preceding week and
330,000 head last year. Since Novem
ber 1 tho total is 5,005,00 head, against
4,225,000 head a year ago. Prominent
places compare as follows:
1904. 1903.
fhlcngo 1.350.000 1.290.OM
Kansas City COO.000 350.00C
Omaha 3fiO.0OO 320.00C
St. Mollis 390.000 2C5.00C
St. Joseph.. 316.000 24S.0M
Indianapolis 300,000 250.00C
Milwaukee 201,000 212.00C
Clnclnnotl , 141,000 128.00C
nttumwa 150,000 111,000
Cedar Rnplds 110.000 101.000
Sioux City 133.000 SS.000
St. Paul i 180,000 173,000
Inventor Smith Dead.
SALINA, Kas. Captain Hamilton
Ezra Smith, Inventor of laundry ma
chinery In general uso and of tho first
round halo cotton binding appliance,
and who was a member of the citi
zens' committee of New York that
overthrew the Tweed Ring, died here,
aged 85 years. Interment will be iri
France Prepares for Trouble.
TOULON, France Owing to tho
crises In Morocco tho navy yard hero
shows the greatest activity. Prepara
tions ne going on to havo a naval di
vision consisting of tho battleships
Charlemagne and Lena and two cruis
ers; in readiness to proceed to Moroc
co if the crisis accentuates.
Want HI? Hcrses Well Fed.
ITHACA, Neb. For a Christmas
present Rural Carrior Charles L.
Scheirel recejved a sack or corn or
oats from every patron along his routo.
England's New Battleships.
LONDON According to tho Dally
Mall, tho admiralty is preparing de
signs for new battleships of 17.000 to
18.000 tons and carrying ton 12-Inch
guns. It has not been decided whoth
er thoifceols will bo laid down in 1905.
Crude OH Goes Down.
PITTSBURG Tho Standard Oil
company mado a reduction of five
cents In nil grades of crudo oil ex
cept raglan, which cut was two cents.
Western oil declined three cents today.
To Preserve Cider.
Whero elder is used from the cask,
to prevent spoiling In tho partly empty
cask, pour upon tho cider a quart of
somo tasteless oil, such as ollvo or
peanut oil. Tho oil will form n thin
film on tho surfaco of tho elder andt
prevent access of tho acetic and putre
factlvo ferments always present in tho
air. Southern Farm Magazine.
Daughter Don't invito my rural
ucclo In tho reception room any more
Mother Did he mako any bad
breaks beroro the company, dear?
Daughter I should say so. When 1
showed him a Louis XIV chair h
asked If Louis was a good chalrmaker
A New Longest Word.
What is believed to bo tho longest
word in tho English language has jus!
been discovered "by an enterprising,
druggist It is "ortho-ethoxy-ana
mono-bcnzoyl-amldoquluolln," and la
tho correct scientific namo for a well
mown proprietary medicine
Steel Fishing Rods.
Steel fishing rods havo been brought
to such a state of perfection that thoy
aro now being sold extensively in tho
place of those of bamboo. It is said
that they aro handler to carry, and
aro better balanced
Shouting Their Praises.
KIrkland, 111., Jan. 2nd. (Special)
Cured of tho terriblo Rheumatic
pains that mado him a crlpplo for
years, Mr. Richard R. Grcenhon, an
old and respected resldont of this
placo Is shouting tho praises of the
remedy that cured him, Dodd's Kid
ney Pills.
"I had tho rheumatism in my left
limb so that I could not walk over ten
to fifteen rods at a time, and that by
tho use of two canes," Mr. Grecnhon
says. "I would havo to sit or lie
down on the ground when I was out
trying to walk and tho sweat would
run down my face, with s6 much pain,
I could not Bleep at night tor about
five or six weeks.
"I tried different doctors' medicines,
but they wero all no good. Then I
sent for Dodd's Kidney Pills and
almost from the first they brought
relief. By the tlmo I had taken four
teen boxes of them my rheumatism
was all gone and I can truly say I
feel better than I havo in tho last
twenty-flvo years."
Chemistry on Rallroadc
The operation or a modern railway
is a place whero chemistry would
hardly seem likely to bo much in evi
dence, but every large railway system
maintains expert chemists in whoso
laboratories questions of vital Import
ance to railroad economies aro con
stantly undergoing minuto chemical
The World's Greatest Skin Soap The
Standard of Every Nation of
the Earth.
Millions of tho world's best people
use Cutlcura Soap, assisted by Cutl
cura Ointment, tho purest and sweet
est of emollent skin cures, for preserv
ing, j-urifytng and beautitying tho
skin, for cleansing tho scalp of crusts,
scales and dandruff, and tho stopping
of falling hair, for softening, whiten
ing and soothing red, rough and soro
hands, for .baby rashes, ltchlngs and
chaflngs, and many sanative, antisep
tic purposes which readily suggest
themselves to women, especially
mothers, as well as for all the pur
poses of the toilet, bath and nursery.
Origin of Petroleum.
Until recently It was almost univer
sally believed that petroloum. Ilka
coal, -as derived from fossil vegeta
tion or possibly from animals or fishes
or somo long past age. Now it is as
serted by many scientific men that it
may not be of any organic origin, but
may bo duo to subterranean chemical
UNDOMA Hair Tonic will lend to
your hair that soft fluffy appearance
appreciated by people of good tasto
and refinement.
Ask Your Barber.
Send us your namo for freo treat
Mankind's Many Languages.
Thcro are no fewer than flvo thou
sand distinct languages spoken by
mankind. Tho number of separate di
alects Is enormous. There aro more
than sixty distinct vocabularies in
Brazil, and In Mexico the Nahua lan
guage has been broken up Into seven
hundred dialects. There aro hundreds
tn Borneo.
IicblnK. llllart, Weeding or l'ninidluif rile. Your
dnitffclit will re f inul monejr If l'AZO OIKTMEJiT
falli to cure yuu la 6 to it daya. S0c
To ndmtro a vlrtuo without seeking
to emulato It is to enervate tho soul.
J do not bclicAO Plso's Cure tor Consumption
has an equal for coughs nnd colds. Jony V
UoYElt, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15, 1800.
Some men will miss heaven becauso
thoy sit so long by tho wayside dis
secting their guide books.
Whon a man is too old to bo mado
a fool of by a pretty woman bo's cer
tainly in the contonarlan class.
If tho public could suo for breach of
pronilso most political officeholders
would bo bankrupt.
When ono starts out to do tho great
est good to tho greatost number. No.
1 Is usually "It."
Many a Bocletv womnn inn1 n vn
swim deep enough to get her bathing
sun wet.