The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 30, 1904, Image 7

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Approach of the Dawn.
t "When you get Into a tight place
end everything goes against you until
It seems that you cannot hold on n
mlnuto longer, never glvo up then, for
that Is Just tho placo and tho time
thnt tvo tldo will turn." Harriet
IV pc t Stowo.
Wasungion It Popular Name.
There aro moro counties In tho
I'M'.tort States named for Washington
t!iti fur any other man. Tho capital,
s. tate and two cities exceeding 20,000
k population also bear bis namo.
iKin't you know that Defiance Starch
ltt-llPB being absolutely superior to
Mil other, It put up 16 ounces In pack
h.Ms and sells nt panic price ns 12
i ..en' packages of other kinds?
Many a train of thought carries no
Jt Cures Colds, CouRhs, Sore Throat. Croup,
nfluciizn, Whoopinit Couch, llronchitls nnd
Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first
fctnces.aiiilu surorcllcfln ndvnucoil Ntaces. Vms
nt once. You will seo tho excellent effect after
tnkltiR the first dose. Sold by deHlers eery
vt here. Largo bottles Sj cents and W cents.
II anyone offered you a good
dollar for an imperfect one
would you take it?
If anyone offered you one good
dollar for 75 centi of bad money
would you (eke it?
We offer you 10 ounces of the
very beil starch tnade (or !0c
No other brand is jo good, yet
all others cost 10c for 12 ounces.
Ours is a business proposition.
and cheapest
We guarantee it satisfactory.
Ask your grocer.
Omaha, Neb.
Blc:;.d.r5f Thompson's Ey Wafir
W. N. U., Omaha.
No. 531904
'II, II..U J III ' ' l.'"rjj 3?
cf-Jti. - "Sf
Atec(able IV cparalionror As
similating lucFoodandncduIa
Ung the Stomachs atulBowcls of
Promotes DigcslionChecrfur
nessandRest.Contains nellhcr
Opiura.Morpliine nortlincral.
Aperfect Remedy forConslipa
Hon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness nnd Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
5YRUP cures coughs and colds.
i ill 1
jg. .??-. m
Not Wholly Beneficent.
Experiments with tho theory that
muslo may bo used ns n mcdlclno
show that appreciable changes of
pulso and blood pressuro follow tho In
flucnco of an automatic piano. Wo
havo noticed It ourselves. It had not.
however, occurred to us thnt tho effect
was sedativo or curative Philadel
phia North American.
When a high-salaried offlco finds it
necessary to seek tho man you may
expect to seo .thieves trying to brcuk
into jail. Chicago News.
Many Children Aro Sickly.
Mother Gray'sSweot Powders forChildrcn,
used by Mother Gray, a nurso In Children's
Homo, Now York, euro Fovorlshncss, Head
actio, Stomach Troubles, Teething Dls
order. Wreak up Colds and Destroy Worms.
At all Druggists ,25c. Satnplo mailed ITUEM
Address Allen S. Oluibted, Loltoy, N. Y.
How to Quiet a Horse.
When a witness In an English court
remarked that it was necessary to sit
on a horse's head when ho was down
to keep him quiet, tho Judge replied:
"Nothing of tho kind. Peoplo don't
seem to understand that tho only
thing necessary to keep a horse from
kicking when he Is down is to get
hold vf. bis ear and keep his noso up
In tho air. 1 havo seen a lady keep a
liorso quiet In that way without soiling
her gloves."
UNDOMA Hair Tonic will lend tc
your hair that soft Huffy appearance
appreciated by people of good taste
and refinement.
Ask Your Dnrhcr.
Send us your name for free treat
Scott a Rapid Writer.
Scott Is said to have written "Wnv
crley" in less than six weeks. He
wrote very rapidly, seldom revised
and as a consequence his novels were
full of blunders, errors and nnachron
$30.00 per M. Lewis' "Single Binder,"
straight fie cigar, costs more than otltci
bra nils, but thin price given tho dealer a
fair profit and the smoker a better cigar
Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111.
Books Always In Plenty.
There Is no truer word than that of
Solomon: "There is no cud of making
books." The night of a great library
vermes It; thero Is no end indeed,
It were pity there should be. Bishop
Hundreds of dealers sny the extra
quantity and superior quality of De
flance Starch Is fust inking placo of
all other brands. Others say they can
not' sell any other starch.
The latest museum freak Is a pig
with two legs. OutHlde n museum it
Isn't necessary to have lour legs to
be a hog.
Dealers say that as soon as a cus
tomer tries Dcllnncc Starch it Is im
possible to sell them any other cold
water starch. It can be used cold oi
A little sympathy that gets into out
feet is worth a whole lot of sorrow
that never soaks deeper thnn our feel
ings. Mr. 'Wlrulow-it Sootlilntr 5jrnp.
Por children tfctlilnu, mftma ttie iturae, rninrri h
Uaintumluo, allaji (win, ( urea wind cullo. 23c a buttle
A little sonow may teach more
than many sermons.
"Ilr. David KeniMMly'n Fnvorltn Kennedy
euml myMitfuf - terrlhl. ill.e&3,e. With iilr&aure I
toattfytoltauiarve ouat-Blaicy." J.bwtn, Albiij,.N'. Y.
The empty head needs a haughty
For Infantu and Children.
The Kind' You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
Tua otMTaun loaiuf, rw Yona errv.
B LllHtS WHIM ML tUt tAllS.
Beat Coiwn Syrup. TuteaOood. Vt
IntinuL Anlrt hT drntrUU-
iTf ruTHf rnnnr
rT Alt
Leading Opponent of Policy Praises
the System and Its Results. .
Tho American who dronda municipal
ownership for fear of Its being used
to crento pollticnl mnchlnory nnd rob
tho public nnd who dcclnrcs that wo
must first establish tho merit system
may be nstonlshcd, says a wrltor In
tho World To-Dny, when ho lenms tho
fixtcnt of tho development of llrlllsh
municipal trading under theso condi
tions. Seeking to lenrn "tho other sldo" of
municipalization In Gicat Itrltatn, tho
investigator Is nt every turn referred
to Arthur Kay, a distinguished citizen
of Olnsgow nnd head of the groat mer
chandising house of Arthur & Co., ns
tho arch enemy of municipalization.
Ho is president of the Citizens' union
and tho Taxpayers' federation. When
asked, "Do you think Glasgow should
own and operato its trains 7" ho an.
swered: "Certainly. The owning nnd
operating of these tramways has been
highly prolltablo nnd thoroughly satis
factory, tho accounting Is correct and
nobody opposes It."
"But you think tho trnnis should bo
operated for profit in relief of rates?"
"Not at nil. They should bo run on
a low factor of safety, and profits bo
sunk In betterments or reduction oi
"But this is soclallsm7"
"Well, they call it socialism muni
cipal socialism."
And this from the mnn who was to
hnvo given tho final word against mu
nicipalization! In Groat Britain there
Is opposition, not to municipal owner
ship as such, but only to Its excesses
Frog Culture by Millions.
Tho cultivation of frogs Is a new In
dustry, but it can bo made profitable,
ns thero arc thousands of acres of
swampland In Pennsylvania, worth
less, which could be utilized. About
two million will be distributed In tho
stato. Some of tho applications re
ceived by tho department are very
amusing, nnd they will bo stored nwny
nmong the stnto archives. A Now Bed
ford applicant wants to know If tho
frogs "will flourish and do well in
ponds thnt havo been constructed for
fish, hut abandoned, or ponds that aro
mado to cut Ico off, ns they are fed
with clean water." A Brrndysvllle,
-Bucks county, farmer, asks for from
ten thousand to fifty thousand frogs
with which to stock Neshnminy Creek,
which, he snys, "seems to be run out
of fish, so let us have some bullfrogs."
A Tullytown mnn writes for a supply
to stock "our mlllponds with, aB they
aro excellent ponds for that purposes."
A Philadelphia man writes to know if
tho frogs are green, and "If they will
keep babies awake nights by their
croakings." A Clearfield county man
asks if the frogs aro "good eating,"
and whether thoy aro "real frogs or
only hoptoads." Pittsburg Chronicle.
What's in a Name.
Representative Olmsted of Penn
sylvania, says that old Dr. Levi Bull
was a clergyman of tho Episcopal
faith and lived In Chester county, his
stnto, not many years ago. Tho good
old doctor wns called upon to bap
tise n child, tho offspring of 11 family
with tho surnnmo of Frog. Without
nny preliminary observations tho
fnther and mother were called to tho
front at tho end of the second part or
lepson of tho service.
"Namo thiB child," said the doc
tor. "Wo name it after you, sir," said
tho mother, as she handed the baby
to tho doctor.
"Oh. but you r-amed the last after
me. It was was christened Levi," said
tho minister.
"Well, doctor, call this one after
your t'other namo."
And tho minister did, christening it
Dull, and tho youngster went forth
with tho cognomen of Hull Frog.
Huston Herald.
It Was Good Advice.
The man laughed uproariously. "I'm
a pretty healthy looking specimen, am
I not, doctor?" ho asked.
"You certainly are," answered tho
"Well, ten years ago you told me to
prepare for death."
"Did I?"
"You did."
"Well. I bee no reason to be hilari
ous about it. That's good advice, at
any time, Isn't It?"
"Yes, but "
"Doesn't your preacher give you tho
same advice?"
"Of course, but you sec "
"Well, why don't you go and laugh
at him? 1 did only my duty by you,
and from what I know of you, I would
say that 1 can't think of any one who
has moro extended preparations to
make. Good day, sir."
"Sometimes," mused the mnn as ho
went out, "It Is easy to make a point
and difficult to clinch It."
The Dog's Cold Note.
When Noah, perceiving 'twas time to em
bark. Desired the Creatures to enter the Ark,
The Dk with a fileiulllncsa truly sub-
AbhIhUmI in lienllnjr them. Two nt n tlmo
He drove in the KleiilmnU, Zebras iirul
Until thoy wore packed like a boxful of
Tho Cat in tho cupboard, tho Mouse on
tho fthclr,
Tho Hujr In tho crack. Then he backed
In himself;
Kut such wus tho lack of available ppneo
lin couldn't lurk all of him into the place;
And so, thouKh the ilvura lushed over
tho pJiiln
And tlov n 'mm tho heavens fell blan-
Kcta ot rain.
IIo stood with lils muzzlo thrust out
through the door
The whole 40 days of that terrible pour!
liccauHn of which dronchlnc, tho Bukvu
The noso of a healthy Dob always is cold.
Arthur Gulterman, In New York Timos.
Helping the Cook.
Boarding Mistress What aro tlioso
boarders grumbling about now?
Servant They'ro roasting the beet
Ancient Ann Reflects.
A mnn thinks it awfully stupid for
a woman to loso her pockotbook, but
he forgets how often sho has to help
him find his collar button, nnd romem
ber for him Just whero ho put his hat
Baltlmoro American.
Deeds Not to Be Recalled.
No mnn sees all tho meaning of his
deeds beforo ho commits them; but,
once committed, It seems as though
thoy had become part of tho history ot
the universe, and tho consequences
nro Inexorable.--It. J. Campbell.
Cut Atdermantc Speech Short.
Ivong speeches by Liverpool (Eng
land) nldormen are not encouraged
The lord mayor of London has beon
provided with n sandglass and tin
member of tho council may speak
moro than ton minutes.
Storekeepers teport that tho extra
quantity, together with the superior
quality of Defiance Starch makes It
next to Impossible to sell any other
Sleepless Creature.
Thero nro several species ot ftnh,
reptiles nnd Insects which never sleep
during tho whole of their existence.
Among fish It Is positively known
thnt idko, salmon nnd goldfish novor
sloop nt nil; also that thero aro sev
eral others In tho fish family that
novor sleep moio thnn a few minutes
a month. Thero nro dozens of species
of files which never Indulgo In slum
b"r, nnd from thrco to flvo species of
serpents which also never slcop.
Longevity In Warm Climates.
Statistics show that moro peoplo
llvo to be 100 years old In warm ell
mates than In northern countries. We
know that hero In Mexico thoro are
many centenarians, for In towns not
forty miles from tho capital aro not
n fow men and women boyond tho 101
year line. Germany reports 778 con
tonnrlans, Franco 213, England 140 nw1
Spain 401, nnd tho population of Spnit
Is relatively small. Mexican Herald
to cimn a cm.i in onb day
TaVo Laxative llpitno Cjiilnlno Tatilota, All ilrnir
elsta refund tlio money If It falls to cure. K. W.
Ururo'a Isuuturn la ou each box. 25c.
A Sunday Custom.
In some of tho sin nil English vil
lages the custom still prevails of ring
ing tho church bell for flvo minutes
nt 8 o'clock Sunday morning If thero
Is to be a sermon preached nt tho 11
o'clock scrvlco. If no bell rings tho
prudent housowlfo understands that
tho scrvlco will bo shorter, nnd she
arranges her dinner hour according'
Cornstarch to Remove Grease.
Cornstarch will remove grenso most
effectually. Huh a lltllo fresh, dry
cornstarch Into tho soiled plnco and It
will begin at onco tho process of ab
sorbing tho grease. Brush tho first
t.sed off carefully from tho garment,
und proceed In tho same way with
moro until tho disfigurement has en
tirely disappeared.
Knew Where' the Ball Struck.
They wero on a golf courso not far
from Glasgow. "A splendid stroke!
Cnddlo, did you follow that ball? said
tho player who had Just driven. "Naw,
sir." replied the caddie, "but I think
that gentleman wl' the red coat can
tell you whero it struck. I seo him
feeling his head."
A Detached Belfry.
Tho villago church of East Bergholt.
Suffolk, Is probably tho only ono Ir
England which possesses an entirely
distinct building for tho belfry. The
bells nro hung in a shed many yards
away from tho church, and aro work
ed from above Instead of from be
neath. George Eliot's "Mlddlemarch."
Georgo Eliot Js said to havo writ
ten "Middfemarch" in four months.
Somo doubt Is thrown upon this state
ment by tho fact that sho commonly
worked slowly, writing with great care
nnd deliberation, nnd making few
erasures after tho work was done.
Dates from Twelfth Century.
Tho grotcsquo knocker on tho sanc
tuary door of Durham cathedral,
which bears a rather distant resem
olanco to a Hon, is said to bo of the
'.welfth centur-.
What Shocking Tastel
"I met Mabel this morning out
walking with her brown colllo dog.
Sho was wearing a bluo frock. Just
fancy wenrlng a bluo frock with a
Drown dog'." Stra" Stories.
Tho Sunday suit never mado the
Monday saint.
Burdens may bo tho ballast that
saves tho ship.
The moro helpful tho deed the moro
holy tho day.
"Worry is tho worst wolf that comes
to our doors.
A frozen heart docs not mnko a
tlff back.
Color not ooodi brlohter and faiUr eolori than ant
tlk iMiti Vr will ind poit paid at Wc a aackioo.
Modesty Is a great ornament, hut
sometimes It is moro ornnmentnl
than useful.
A good reputation Is llko good
health; it Is nut fully appreciated tin
til It Is lost.
Canned ohnrlly may feed tho
hungry, but It cannot fill tho henrt.
Tho groat thing Ih not so much to
fill tho pews ns to fill the people.
Love leaps over tho Hues of liking.
h'B-h1' fjrr iLi.y 'V r ' lJbJf &
BieeeeeVL - L?vuvw.-A'LWOTirvVilirji&JieeeeeeeeeB
tjtmr ji- JSIb S ILT .aLm
Miss Rose Hennessy, well known as
a poetess and elocutionist, of Lexington,
Ky., tells how she was cured of uterine
inflammation and ovaritis by the use of
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
DKAn Wns. Pinkham : I have been so blessedly helped through the tiso
of Lydia 12. Pinkhnm'H Vegetable. Compound thnt I feel it hut just to
acknowledge it, hoping that It may help somo other woman HuffcrluR' as I did.
" For years I enjoyed tho best of health ami thought that I would always
do so. I attended parties nnd receptions thinly clad, nnd would lie suddenly
chilled, but I did not think of tho results. I caught a bad cold eighteen
months ago while menstruating, and this caiibcd inflammation of tho womb
and congested ovaries. I suffered excruciating pains and kept getting worse.
My attention was colled to your Vegetable Compound nnd tho wonderful
cures it had performed, and I made up my mind to try It for two months and
boo what it would do for me. Within ono month I felt much hotter, and
at tho close of tho secoud I was entirely well.
"I have advised n number of my lndy friends to use it, nnd all express
themselves as well satisfied with tho results as I wns." Miss Hose Noiia.
IIknnksbv, 410 S. Hroadway, Lexington. Ky.
Tho cxporlonco nnd testimony of some of tho most noted.
women of America go to prove beyond u question that I.ydlaE.
Pinkliiim'H Vegetable Compound will correct all Htich trouble nnd
nt onco, by removing tho cause, and restoring tho organs to a
normal and healthy condition.
"Dkaii Mna. Pinkham: About two yearn ugo I consulted aphy
fiician about my health which lintl become bo wretched that I Avas no
longer able to bo about. I had sovoro backache, bearing-down pains,
pains across tho abdomen, was very nervous and irritable, and thia
trouble grew worso each month. Tho physician prcsorilKjd for mo, but
I soon discovered that ho was unablo to help me, and I thon docided to
try Lydia E. Pinkham'H Vegctablo Compound, and soon found that
it was doing mo good. My appotito was returning, tho pains disappear
ing, and tho general benenta wero well marked.
" You cannot realize how pleased I was, and after taking the mcdl
cino for only three months, I found that I was completely cured of my
trouble, and havo been well and hearty ever siucc,and no moro fear tho
monthly period, as it now passes without pain to me. Yours very truly,
Miss Pkahl Aokeiis, 327 North Summer St., Nashville, Tenn."
When a mcdlclno has been successful in restoring to health
moro than a million -women, you cannot well say without trying it
'I do not bolleve It will help mc.M If you are III, do not hesitate
to get a bottle of Lydia 12. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound nnd
wrlto Blrs. Pinkham nt Jynti, Mass., for special ndvlco. Jlcr ad
vice is free and helpful, write to-day. Delay may be fatal.
uUire Utiluioulali, wtilcU will prove
on tho
Freo Homestead Lands
Wostorn Canada
Carry the bonnorfor
yields of wheot oncl
other grains for
100,000 FARMERS
receive tliflWfM) i a remit of tbelr Wheat Crop
The return! from Oati, llarler and other Rratnt, aa
well u cattle and horse., acta cvntlderabljr to till.
Secure a Free ilmneteal at once, or purrbaia
from tome rrllahle dealer while Und. are telling at
Apply for Information to Superintendent uf Imml
ration, Ottawa, Canada, or tu authorized Canadian
(lovernmrnt Agent W. V. Dennett, Svlt New York
Life Ilulldlng, Omaha, Kebratka.
l'ltui lay where you taw till advartltament.
cured to atar cured. Eminent
JULlvea, mlnlttwa, oongreuiuen
and t be medical preaa declare
tnr curea permanent. 1 euro
after othera fall. WltlTH TO
Addrcaa. Ilr. IV Towna, Fond du UcWla,
We Buy Raw Furs of All Kinds
from all part a of the country, lllnbett caib prlcei
paid. We k Ive you prompt returna. Write fur circular,
S. B. Selren, 610-510 W. Locuit St, Dei Molnei. la.
- H - K' - HW - HHHHH
i1K4&K& MARK.
rlgzS.?y ' "7r
other die. One 10c pickige colon tllk. wool and cotton auajlf wajl and auarantetii to ! Mifect rwull
Writ lor Iraa booklet-How to Die. Bleach and Mix Colore. MuXuim UUVu CO., VnltniiU, Mtu
A battleship in tho hand in worth
two ultimatums In tho bush.
Insomnia Is seldom caused by the
things a man doesn't say.
Tho favorito pastimo of a lynching
party is looping tho loop.
Ixts of peoplo pray for tho poor
and let it go nt that.
It's a wlso industrial slock that
knows Its own par.
IT " we cannot forthwith nrotlneo tho original letters an J lgimtureof
b iiieir amoiuifi gemiineneiM
Lydii K. l'lukliaiu Med.
heir aluolutfi Keiitincnen.
. Co.. I.jun, Mats.
..Grand Island Route..
..Double Daily Service..
with new 80-foot Acrtyleno OaK
lighted Pullman Chair cart)
(seats free) on night trains antl
Pullman high-hack scat Coaches
ou day trains, hotween Kunsua
City anil St. Joseph. Mo.; Hia
watha, Seneca, Marysville, Kan.;
Falrhury, Fairfield, Hastings
and Grand island, Noh.
Connections mutlo at Kansas
City for all points East, South
and West.
At Grand Island direct con.
mictions nro mado with Union
Paclllc fast trains' for Califor
nia and tho Pacific Northwest.
General Passenger Agent,
St Joseph, Mo.
- H - r - HI - - : - hKH - r - l - H - hh
The Old Monlt Cure
Pains and Aches
of tho human family, relieves
and cures promptly.
Price 23c. and 50c.