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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1904)
I HAVE- tock nd Notice to I i v it. , f i Tr ".ki t V lii til nil 1 1 R 13 I ''- 1 .1' Across the street from THE OLD STAND And am ready to serve fine MEALS . . . . " AT ANY TIME iflr of the day or night. ttnw MIWCUMH quick KIUWI) CUISINE EVERYTHING NEW. We desire to meet all our old friends, and One Thousand New Ones. LOOK ME UP. FEATHER it '? V V i ft e d ;..;..j.;.5).j.j;.j;.3,.;.s.t .;..'.;. -jt. ;.;, .;.,;... ennan & Co., DEALERS IN -"JT Drtififs, Pert Toilet Art and nines ! Ivto'EOo FIRST NATIONAL BANK DLOCK. Paints, Oils and Wall Paper Alliance, Nebraska. vxv'yxyyM' 111111 E S - S8? FKOM Nothing is mars interesting than the minufacture of hisfji grade lumber. We I) ty only of th.3 best manufacturers and Innce can issurs vou the best of every thing in tli3 ltn? of ttj lldlng Material. iBWHimnMBUM ami muuimiMmBtauniitmitm CALL AND SEE US OCR PRICES ARE RIGHT PHONE 73 Forest Lumber Company. HOLSTEFS"" PH ARM AC Y . . . . Best Quality SULPHUR IN 100 POUND SACKS FOR $3-5 Special Prices on Larger Lots at iiolsten's. tockmen, Stockmen: It will pay you to advertise your - brands in this paper. The Herald has the largest circu lation of any newspa per in Western Ne braska. Nehrciskn Stock (iiowcr s Association. (Incorporated.) A.M. Mortl-ott. president, ltush.llli; It. M. tlsiin.tnii, vhv-preslileiit. Alliance; 14. M dearie Jr., seort'tiiry-trvusiner, OkrIuIIii Kofutlvn foinuilttoe K. I'. Myr, lectin; It. It. Khicnld. llliiKlmtu; John Hrounnn, Allhmeo'.I. K. VMiilloskhk, Allmuoe; 1.. K. t.ovrt Hjunuls; John M. Admns, Potter; It. M. Alton. Ames; K. Usoo, l.odjiepole; Kiert KlilMl, Orlniittn; V.. C. UtirrK Chadi-on; 1.. V. lllfkoll, Kimball; ltohert GrHlmtii, Al liance; John Conway. Dtmntug; II. Cook, At.te;A. S. Hood. Alliance. I II " lllllll'l I. MlMH II ink I f t 'I 111 t- - ., HiumI 1m. i ml, i iiriiii.ii. nuil 1 ) r-t In I A I .iwnrrti. lli-4-i'tttM ( lttik of Common of (irnirt Maml, Nrlumk.i: mi and nidi of joti ntv lierrtiv not Mod IIihi mi (lie sid tiny of April IW. Jolin 'Aclnel pim-lmsod nt tun snip th NuMfl Knsi yiiiiMn- i.f (!( tun , in Township SS vt khhu ti. In llutli' county. Iwbrmka . 'I h it Mint Nnd was lined lu tin nam of !ue in I I. Shiiiv Mini thai null! puti'tms ot tlS l s.ili'of ;ilil liiml w tHir for tin-vhm of i iu. Nir. ist, ismv ihw nn i nmi tlmt iiiiwiU"ni mc imt lnim mlt " UI IhihI ij .lulin fini for Hi ohIn I J1-' mitl IIV I lint Hn' 1 1 him for lfil tillltlon of tin' it f ''Olrtlld IiiikI wUI cxtittvtiii th-tlirtiy of trll tlflfi iiaicii viii'ini'i'. Nviim-ikM. thin :iniitu3 ot .Vitvemt t. (!! fj)-lin'3 Jollt I ISWt . MOSMJlt fc TIH.I.V, .Iiin, Ncli Mix-!. Iinuidt'd us slunvu on imiI on (iltlii-r sldr. Also J-O on fill or sldo. To wiis hi l- ami rmiKf W riMJKAN Cunlon. Sioux county, Noli. (Crom II Cross) on loft slk Also III on loft thiKli. Underslopf on left our. 1 torsos branded smno iih out tU on loft Jaw mid u on lettHliouldor. - K i P J c ifi- XMTAitfU'-yisaak uico.s T. .1. l)t)I). s-ar- FX-. U.jitt FA. 0t . fflacSSlKsK, Noli. 3 o fonuoctod any tihifo mi loft side 1iiiii;i on lioud of IMnc Crook, sliorldan :ouu.nty lOINT-(r-HOCKS 1IANC1I. JOHN U'UKKl j:a SONS Alllauoo SC HILL a2s A " 'mm i.MII "J2AT1 f xv lr Noli. Cnttln hraiidod OK oti loft side: also ok and o"k on loft sldo. itnus.. iH'hlll. Nob. Cattlo lirandod on ilulit tlilli or XV on rlht sldo. Ton n ship 27, ninco 4",Sliorldim fotinty. Contort Not left. . 5. lAttd Olflff. Alllnis?. Nob., A sulllrtiiit cimlfsl nlnilnx H STORM LARK RANCH. KOIIKItT CRAIIAM, .Nn. in. IDOI. ImTlHK I'Oiili HUsl in thN union lif TIioihh Clmrlostoii, wm t-slntit,KnlnstlliHhOstoiMloiitry No. IIMumdo Itilv i. Itmi. forsoiiiliirosi iittm toi Motion !. nwiisiliS) tun th, minto SO wost M John M- IlltlO, I'lllllCMtl'O. Ill Wllll'll n is iiiionisi Hill i .lolin Mfllnlo iifvfr nsl(lod on Hld Irinit, nor iiindo iiiiv liiiprvoiiiont ihorjn. Tint -MldKlloH'si iilixpiu'o fiiiin tin stild land tths not lino lo tun oinployiuonl In tho unity, limy or nmrliio foi of iho I'nllisl 'stHlosHd ii prhnto imiIiIU'I'. oilloor, wimiHii or niNrlno iiurnitf tho friirnith .sjiilIu orilm Insr hii ollior wiif In whK'li I lm I'nitfil Mitt" niiiy 1m t'li- KHinil, siiltl iMiitlos nro hi'irti) liultllnl In tin pt'iir, rmitimd Hint nllorm liU'iH'OtoiioMiiK wtlil ullotfiiiloii mi iu o'oliM'k h. in oti.liinuury ID. ItHtt, Imruro tlio llnflster unil Ii'i-olvtii nt tin I'liiKsl Sinlos litnid Ofttoo In Allmnoo. NolimskM. f Nov. ti lllll'f't: Wiuvix. ltoglntf r. Notice tO Cli.lltOs. In cnuiii)' Cumt. within nnd foi llox llntto count v. Nolininku. Si'pi, :(, nwl. In the imitti't of. Iho OMtnto of .lolin toislvr, (loooHsisl. I'o tin) fi'odltors of snlil ost.lci Yon mi lioroby nolllloil. tlmt I will sll nt tho County t'oiitt Itiioin lu Allhuu'i In snid ooiiuty. on tlio ;Wlh :ltiy of Mitroh, liw:,. 'at ou oolook i til. to roOflo ami oMitiiluo nil oliunis iiKiilnst snld tstntf wllh uxlon to tholf inljusttiioiit iiiul illottlilioo Tlio tlino limited fur tlio iles i ututlon of flalniH usalnst said ostato Is st iiinnihs. from tin aith day of S'pt .A 1 . 1101, anil thollii.i' lln Hod for pa.Miioul of dolus Is inn' from mild Ith day of M'ptomlior HI. Uiiuoss my I in ml nuil tin soul of Mild fount eourt, thls'.'ltli dav of Soiitomlior, llVI, (A 'I riiiCoiyi I). K. SiMi lir, si'i,i 1 i Uoo r.,-4w. County .liiditi Oulci of Homing on Orlsliml 1'iobntc or Will. ST ATI: ol' NKIIUAHKA I ISl IIVIITK ClIl'NTV, I ' At aootinty oiiurt. hold at tlio founly court room, iu mid for nthl count). ll"o. 1.', A. 11 . mu. I'rosi'iit, 1). K. Simi'lit. Countj .liitliro In Hi, iimltoi' of estate of lli'iitj ti. Tiijlor, llffOllMMl. On ii'iidlm; ami Mlltitf tin- petition f Mrs. I'.llraliotli I in ltir,piitvluif tlmt tho liistiumoui. tiled on tho lu'lh day of Hocomhoi Hi II. mid purportliiK to ho the lut will and Ti'sitiinniii of tlio suhl doocnsul, inav ho iiriived, upproioil. pioliHtod. tnlowul. and iicordoil us Iho lust will ami ifsiiiiiioul of tho snlil llonry (J. Ta,lor, do I'oiiM'd, and (hut tint nxofiit Ion of said IiibIIu iiient nmy l loinmlltod and tho nilintiilsl ra tion of said oslato inu lK'uranloil lo r.llaln'tli Taj lot as I'M-ciiirU Oi'iloii'il, tint .luniiai) til, A. 1) IIU), al 'J n'fini'k p in.. Is asslifiHMl for healing said it'lltlou uhonall pi'mons llltenmted hi said ninttor miiy appear at a county court to ho hold lu nuil for said county, ami Miotv ciiusc why the iiniior nf pitltlunor slioulil ilul ho Kiaiitnl; ami tlmt linllee nf the peiidenoj of snlu jii'litlou, nuil tlio hciirhiK tlioroof. ho (.lien toall peisuiis liitciOKtoil iu said mutter li tuihllsliiu n copy of this order In Tin I1i.uai.ii u weekly newspaper print ed la said comity, for throe Mieoosslin weeks, prim in sun ii.i) oi uoariUK. Niitlcu 1m further irlven that on the t:.'tli ilnj of .laiiuiirs, llHi, nt III ii'i'liM'kn. in., lheie will no Liken tliiiiloposmonor Mlas It leu ton and It. It. Ilnrth iH'foiticomtiolent authori ties ut tliuolllce nf II II llarth III thoclty of (irand Islniid. Hall county. Nohrnsltn. said depositions to lm lined III proline and piohat luirsaid will. (Atruofopyi I). It. S-i-aciit. lHitl :in-fii-1 dr. Ill County .Indite. ANCH PROPERTIES WANTED w for twine llCll ttt'' t IT j-om tllre to sell your raneli, no multtir whether lctttk tit N'tjbrtiskft or Wyotnltig, we would llltu to Have yfiti ftll or write nuil glvo tm n tlecH)ttoii or !t, lofcther wltli yoor vury Ipwoet juice. We rtnt the price hoth with Hi ill withoul such toe' m nmy lm on ll. If yjr iwlco Is teneoniihle, ve will find n jiurclmMt' within it erv short timo, nml oor clmrn for viua will le oulhHy mttlefnclory to yon. If you went to bttv a mnoh or nouns pnaturo laud, or mi inigKtoil fnnii in the North I'lfttle Vulley, we would hIbti like to lnwo you ooiiiimuilcftto with u. Wa offrtr for ! hoihb e.vcolletil jiroiiertfefi nifhiy of them Krmrt ImrgeJite nnd Wo enn tnnhe yoit soino rock! pny iitont tetiun. We ulno umkn tnortgase lonut on and ttrigRtoil lnmln. approved ranch Gentian Enveslment Company, .1. W. GERMAN. Mmingiir, ALL1ANCK. - - NEBRASKA ......... ..x..m...:..:..:..:... V.W.'' i I x y ? V I V Clemau, Noli. As lu out on rlKht or loft hip: left oar cropped. Horses hrumled () ou left Jaw. C Eft I j IBS ii ViiLfTWllUnEirrr x.5.11-! wyJilvivifr:lF v. MAIUN. Itl-mlu'.'ford, Neh. Cut tlo liramltd flylnc hnrsoslioo on ilixht hip, as Incut. Homo ranch sec. 'Jd-V7-W). Horse riiui'li in Jil-Jti. A. DII.LIMi. llo Unite. Neh attle liraiidi'd us I) cut on lofi iilp. iiUn with tin' oor instead of under liraml. Alsoonlett sldo R'lichnwU .... ... in., i i-iwiiiii ii, nm 111 townslilp IUI1KU4H. Mi JV I STY IX CD'J Mada by Kabmaioo Corset Co. Alto Solo MuVors ol Amorlcan Dcauly mi I-. u. uortets I American Beauty Corsets Style 689 MMIUWHMnHMMMnM Now e.tLnileil hip model, wide lnce at top, lino quality sntnen with bene sup- porters, sic t8 (030 for. .. . , 5C Style 416 Medium short oxtuiulml hip, A new model for 05C Style 1089 A medium straight front irdia, vary (Iitiuty model, wide lace trimmod n for 50C Style 123 Tho pride of Amnrican ladles Low Iront, Ioiik hip. Iioso sniipoiler side.. nnd front host cloth nontlj' trimmed... sj)!. 5 Fred Mollring, r THE CHINESE BABY. Nebraska Hide and Leather Co. Established I87S Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leatherand Saddlery Hardware Always Reliable. L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nehraska City. Nebraska. m TT3 I U- L' 1 l-j .. . 'lT i t C1 I 1' WYV. " f.-L'iT L I II S YUM lniir 1.1 . 1 :SS.Titi M m . a 'U ' ttsa Wir-r Ufenrus. k X " ik:' IJ' '. .A - jjtf For that small repairing1 we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying, fencing and he lik e, can be had from us at reasonable price. Irv Dierks' Lumber i Coal Co. 1 Also agents for Nebr Central Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 Were You Thankful? Well! Now make some one slse feel thankful. How? Just go to Newberry's and purchase a few useful novelties for Christinas. ISo High Holiday Prices J net straigt every day values. Hest goods at lowest pticots. Do people complain of dull times? Just drop in at Newberry's. No dull times bote. The reason is obvious. C. -A.. IsTIE-'vBiEIEBK-Sr 11 KnkosldiJ. Neh. Oaltle hrandod JJ on 'inht hip. Italian In Tivp. 2fl, rauK'o 45, Sher- duu county. Al I.ISON '3t;5R!SSiBAV'3?5s Bxiii.TiTi:'" ITime Table Alliance, Neb. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA. HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, and all points east and all points WCSt and south. ink I.bavk as Follows, Mountain Ti mk No 41 I'lissoiiKor dally. Dendwnod. IllllIiiKs, all polnls north mid I I.W..I.. I.IIIV .fill. ami all , l'.':35 a. in. W'L'St No. 42 1'ius.soiiKtT dally, Oiimha, Chlc.iKi) noluts east . !i.- m. No. 301 l'assouifur dally, for Donvor Ok'don.s'alt I.hUo, ?n Fran cisco and nil Intermediate miliits, departs at ;':iK.tii No. 302 I'assenKur dully from Diiuvor ami alt Intermediate point, arrives at . . 10: iVi.m. No. SXilully, excep Sunday, for points south and west, de parts.... . issoi in No. 300 Dully, except Sutiduy, from south tiud uost, urrlvos .. 1:55 p. in. gloupliiK. dlnliiK and iwllnliiK chair ears isouu free) on tlirouuh tnilns. Tlckuln sold and KKgunu uhockod to any point In the United Mutguor Oiinudu, For infortiiallou. time tahltm and tlekuts call on or writs) to I- S. t-Aiin, Axnut, or I.. V. wakni.uv, Com. iintl 1'usMiiMer AkuiiI. Omaha. NuhrHsku. Elnbornte Cerrinonlos 'tlmt Tnke l'lui'c After lln Illrlli. On the oveiihiK of ihe llrst day after the bnby lias urrivfil tho iiatcrfamllliiH, ticrordlnj; to tho f'hl:te.-o custom, prot trnti's himself bofori a Josh nml, touch ItiK his head to the Hour, voieos tlmnks to the pods nuil to tho houor.thli an cestors for thoniall son who was Hcnt porrect of body nnd full of health. On tlio orvnliiK of the hirontl day the cero niouv Is lene.ited. nnd on the third day the voieo or tho wife joins that of the husband in thankHKlvin;:. Also on tin third day a limited number of relatives nnd friends an railed In lo witness th lirht head shave. The -ooius of the home are decorated for this occasion with 'green brmii'lies of eltheivllr, cedar or spruce, to Insure fiicntf-siioy, or kooiI IneU, to the house. Other ornamentations in honor of the baby are long hIIU threads, beaiini? lit tle circles, hipiares and hearts of gold mid Bcatiet paper. These are festooned from the walls ami are huujj from the eelllnj,'. A few feet away the threads ure Invisible and the Kay scraps of pa per appear to be lloatlnn iu the ulr. For the head slmvlnj; the Ktiests nre seated iu a hemiclrele before the Joss. Tho mother Is carried to a seat of honor to tho rijht of tho Joss, and the bnby, swathed in yards of scarlet nnd purple silk, is brought In on an elnbo rnte pillow. The eldest child or near est relative cnrrles n green brunch, crossed with threads of scurlet paper, and waves it slowly over the head of the bnby. This wards off evil influ ences nnd Insures good henlth. After a iiuulnt ceremony by the father be fore the Joss the tiuy forehead of the bnby is shaviil by the mother aud a christening similar to that of the Christian religion -except that the prayer is made to the ancestors nnd tho'water used to sprinkle the baby Is perfumed wllh stinilalwoml- Is u part of the ceremony. The name by which the child Is aft erward known is also bestowed by tho mother. After the shining of the head n cap of hcnrlet silk, with decorations of gold and Jewels anil Willi n tiny round hole iu the top. Is placed upon the baby's bend, anil the christening Is completed. In every Chinese family, however poor, at least ono bantiuet Is given In honor of the birth of a boy. The bantiuet viands may be only rice nnd a bit of wilt llsh. and there may bo only n hnh dozen or so present. Nevertheless the feast Is given, for it Is baby's right, and the rights of bnblos nre rospestcd by oriental parents. Lea He's Weqkly. . . FIRE iv icusors i''JL,ic'roiiioi. INSURANCE AGENT' nEPHESCNTB THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. llartfuiil I'lio lusurniifeCiimpnn). Not tn Auierlfiiu of I'hllmlolphla. l'hoenlx of Hlookljn, New York. Continental of Now York City. Manilla Fire insurance, Company. Now York linderw liter. Now Yoik. Commercial Union Assurance Co., I.iudoii Office t'p-StllllH, liutuher lllocu. I.lvoipool, London uud (.Holm Ins. CO. fJuriiian American Inn. Co., Niv York. 1'iiniicr and Mcicliants Ins. i'o , Mneitlii. Cnliiiiihla Flro In-urnnce ( imnwiiy. I'litliidelphia Underwrliors. I'lioenU Ins, I ii.. Ilnufnitl, I'niiii. Alliance, Nebraska. Dray and Transfer Line W HEN YOU CO TO LEAVE TOWN, c'.m't worry about what to do with your Iloustl.I'd Good S, A. Miller will take charge of them store thfen in a nice, dry and cool place and pre): and sbif them wherever desired. Charlies reasonable. Phone 139. rt Tiie only spring dray line in the city. 5. A. Miller. ymmonds, Watches, U "SSsa. .Gold Jewelry, Souvenirs O IB Repairing in all its flail orders promptly Branches. -" attended to. AJ. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. oooooooooka 0 Fire $ Insurance. JIUMI.NGl'OKD, NEOKASKA. t 0 0 0 0 0 00 C00000000 A'.'ont fjr the Caledonian, of Scotland, which Insuioo town tiropeity oly. and tho Coluni ilu, wlijch lniurek town and farm property uud live stock, lloth ar rtillHblo oll lluocom-pMHt Noto.i'ita.1 Work,! W. M. FOSKETT --ULctiorLeer t Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, or I BY THE DAY. tiy Satisfaction guaranteed. If t. you want to uuy or sen rancn prop erty, list it with me Hhmingford, Neu, r