' THE ALLIANCE HERALD T. J. O'Keefo, Publisher. ALLIANCE, NEBHA8KA. A colony of 5,000 Italians Is to lo cato In Missouri. Slight oarthquako shocks havo been felt In portions of Panama. Thcro Is much typhoid among Ger man troops In Southeast Africa. Total pnhl admissions to tho Woild's fair 12.80 1.C1C. Tho Stool Bolt association In Now York has decided to ndvanco tho prlco of bolts ?i per ton. Much of tho Influx of Immigration at tho present tlmo is of an uudeslr ablo character. King Charles and Queen Amelia nrrlved at Lisbon on thoJr roturn from their visits to Great Britain and France. A dispatch from Glasgow says tho Canadian Pacific railroad has ordered three largo high speed steamships from Falrchlld & Co. Tho Nebraska hen Is getting busy about thrco weeks ahead of tlmo and ns a result tho prlco of eggs Is de creasing from day to day. Gcorgo I Shoup, former United Slates senator from Idaho, died at his homo In Boise In his sixty-eighth year, after an Illness lasting several weeks. Emperor Nicholas has purchased tho entlro srlvnto collection of Vcr cstchagln's pictures, which It was an nounced had been offered for sulo at auction, for JGO.000. Tho Urltlah steamer Tottenham has been chartered at San Francisco to railroad building material to Chemul po to bo used In ropalrlng tho Harbin branch of tho Siberian railroad. President Hoosovelt has accepted an Invitation to attend tho Lincoln day dinner to bo given by tho republican club of Now York on February 12. Tho president will deliver nn nddross. Tho houso of Hoo-Hoo, which was erected on tho World's fair grounds at a cost of $25,000, Is bolng torn down preparatory to being sent to Cuba, whero It will bo used as a casino. Major E. II. Hardin, who was court martialcd on n chargo of neglect In pot having a sufllclcnt guard at Malto prison, from which thlrty-thrco natlvo prisoners escaped, was acquitted at Manila. A physician at Rogers, Ark., Is au thority for tho statement that MIs"b Carrlo Sawney, residing thrco miles louthwest of tho city, has abstalncn from food for forty-eight days with ao ill offcctH. At Pittsburg, Pa., Charles M. Reed f Erlo, supposed to bo a millionaire, was declared to bo a bankrupt by Jo seph Dufllngton In tho United States district court Reed's liabilities aro nearly $1,000,000 At a special meeting of tho share holders of tho Grand Trunk railroad it was agreed to guaranteo tho lssuo i)f J7.G00.000 I per cent gold bonds for tho construction of tho Lako Superior branch of tho road. Captain John J. Pershing, Flfteonth ravalry, has been selected by tho war department as military nttacho at To klo, Japan, to succeed Lieutenant Colonel Wood, whoso term of foreign duty has expired. Princo Fushlml was entertained In Now York at tho unlvorslty at a din ner given by General Stewart L. Woodford, formerly minister to Spain. Tho dinner was private and thoro wero no speeches. Rev. Frederick W. Pitts of St. Stephen's Episcopal church, Boston, has rccolvcd notlco of his appoint ment as canon of Christ church cath edral, St. Louis. Ho is undecided as to his acceptance. Tho houso committee on lnterslnto and forolgn commcrco lias authorised a favorable report on tho Vrccland bill, making it unlawful to stamp tho words "United States assay" ou gold or silver used In arts. Belgium's national pavilion at tho World's fair is tho first of tho forolgn buildings upon which tho work of de molition has begun. This structure Is partly of steel, tno framework con sisting of tnat material. Tho annul register of tho United States naval academy for tho year 1904-05 shows tho number of midship men in tho academy ,to bo 823, tho largest number In tho institution at tho end of a scholastic year. Professor II. K. Wolfe, principal of the Lincoln, Nob., high school, has been offered and accepted tho chair of philosophy and pedagogy at tho University of Montana. Ho will as sumo his duties in February. Tho Italian government has ordered tho Immedlato execution of those re pairs upon St. Mark's at Venice, which aro of an urgent character, and that everything necessary bo dono to prevent any damage to tho Basilica. Gifts amounting to $437,370 wero announced by President Harper at tho fifty-third quartorly convocation of tho Uulverslty of Chicago. John D. Rockefeller gave $245,000 for current expenses and $00,000 for Improve ments to tho heating plant Tho Harvard university catalogue for 1904-05, Issued a few days ago, chows Harvard's registration this year, exclusive of tho summer school and Radcllffe college, to bo 4,136, as compared with 4,328 last year, or a lots of 192 In tha university. News in Brief aaMHnaaasi VOTE OF STATES OFFICIAL CANVAS8 OF NATIONAL ELECTION RETURNS. TEDDY'S PLURALITY 2,547,578 Total Vote Shows a Decrease of 460, 078 Compared With Four Years Ago Parker Carried 13 States, Bryan 17, McKlnley 28, Roosevelt 32. CHICAGO Tho official canvass of tho votes enst November 8 for presi dential electors was completed Thurs day, when tho result was announced In Minnesota, North Dakota and Watfilngton. Tho Associated Press Is thcroforo nblo to present tho first table giving tho official voto of all tho forty-flvo states. Tho total voto is 13,508,490, against 13,908,574 in 1900, a decronsc of 4C0.078. Tho ballots wero divided as follows: Roosovelt (Hop.) 7.G27.C32 Parker (Dom.) C.080,054 Debs (Soc.) 391,587 Swallow (Pro.) 2C0.303 Watson (Pop.) 114.G37 Corrogan ,Soc. Labor) 33,453 Holcomb (continental labor) 830 Roosovelt received over all, 1,716, 7C8, and over Parker, 2,517,578. In 1900 McKlnley had IC7.01C moro than nil tho other candidates, and 859,984 moro than Bryan. Tho voto for Roosovelt was 409,822 moro than for McKlnloy, whllo that for Parker was 1,277,772 less than that for Bryan. McKlnley polled moro votes than Roosovelt In Alabama, Georgln, Ken tucky, Louisiana, Mnlno, Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Carolina, South Cnrolina, Tcnncsseo, Toxas and Virginia. Roosevelt got moro than McKlnloy In tho other thirteen states. Parker received moro than Bryan In Delaware, Georgia, Mississippi, New Jersey, Now York, Rhodo Island, South Carolina and West Virginia, whllo Bryan got moro than Parker In tho remaining thirty-seven states. Tho republicans mndo gains over their voto In 1900 In thirty-two states and tho official figures show losses In thirteen. Tho totnl gains of tho re publicans woro 732,048, pnd tho total losses, 312,219; making tho net gain 419,799. Tho democrats polled moro votes In eight Btatcs than In 1900, but less In thirty-seven. Their total gains wero 80,792 and tho total losses 1,291,101; net loss 1.2G0.G99. Roosovolt carried thirty-two states, against twenty-eight for McKlnley, and has 33G (ocloral votes under tho apportionment of 1900. McKlnley had 292 under tho apportionment of 1890, thcro having boon nn addition of twenty-nlno by tho lust apportion ment. Parker carried thirteen Btates, against seventeen by Bryan, and has' 140 electoral votes., Bryan had 1G5 under tho apportionment In forco In 1900. Watson received his largest vote In Georgia, tho total voto of that Bta'c being 22.GGI, with 20.508 In Nebraska, being nearly one-third of his agre gate, 114.C37. Barker polled 50,218 In 1900. Tho prohibition voto In 1900 was 20S.791, in November 2G0.303, a gain of G1.512. JAPS LOSE MOUND. Russian Reports Say 203-Meter Hill Is Again In Their Possession. ST. PETERSBURG General Kuro patkln has telegraphed to tho general staff that ho has received a report from Chlncso sources to tho effect that tho Russians havo recaptured 203-Meter hill at Port Arthur, with the guns mounted by tho Japanese. Kuropatkln's dispatch, which Is dated Dec. 31, also reports further reconnolssanco of boti. tho Russians and Japanese, but ?ays they were not productive of Impoitant results. Tho weather at tho front Is sunny and tho thermometer registers 14 de grees fahrenheit. The war office has no additional In formation regarding General Kuropat kln's report that tho Russians havo recaptured 203-Meter hill, but tho offi cials consider It certain that tho com-mnnder-In-chlof would not havo sent tho report unless It camo through ex ceptionally reliable channels. MORE DENVER MEN IN JAIL. Deputy Sheriff Among Those Adjudg ed Guilty of Contempt. DENVER Tho supremo court ad judged Leonard Rogers, William G. Adams, Louis Hamburg and Thomas Kinsley guilty of contempt for con duct In tho second precinct of tho Seventh ward In this city at the re cent election in violation of tho court's Injunctive order. Each was glvon a Jail sentence and a fine. Tho court announced that tho evi dence showed that Rogers, Adams and Hamburg had prevented tho appoint ment of a republican clerk, and Kins ley had ejected tho supremo court watcher from tho polls. Rogers is a deputy Blierlff and was a candidate on tho democratic ticket for the stato senate Kinsley Is a prize lighter Needed Money Is In Sight. COLUMBUS, O. Tho executlvo committee of tho American Anti Saloon lcaguo closed Its mooting hero yesterday after laying plans to oxtend tho organization Into districts which havo not horotoforo been ponotrated. It was announced that tho loaguo now has In sight sufficient funds to carry out all its plans for tho coming year. John G. Wooloy of Chicago was pres ent and submitted a proposition to consolidate all tho temperance papers of tho country, which was taken under advisement INSISTS ON A CHANGE. The President Committed to Railroad Legislation. WASHINGTON Prosldent Rooso volt discussed with several callers the proposed legislation regarding tho question of railroad freight rebates and tho qucsUon of empowering the Intcrstnto commerco commission with nuthorlty to adjust freight rates whero found to bo excessive Among thoso who talked with tho president wero Secretary Morton and E. P. Bacon, chairman of tho executive committee of tho Interstate commerce commission. Tho prosldent Is anxious that legis lation In tho Interest of shippers be onnctcd nt tho earliest possible dato and tho matter has been conslderea by him with many of his recent call ers. It was stated by ono of tho president's callers that Attorney Gen eral Moody now was engaged In tho preparation of a bill which, substan tially, would embody tho views of tho administration on tho question, and that tho mea8uro would bo presented to congress probably soon nftcr tho holiday recess. Tho president has announced that tho bill ho is willing to Hupport must ho fair to both tho railroads and tho people. Ho believes that tho Initial steps toward tho de sired legislation should bo taken at tho present session of congress, and, If possible, that the legislation pro posed Bhould be crystallzed Into law nt tills time. Senator Heyburn of Idaho had an extended talk with tho president on tho subject of federal chnrtcrs for corporations doing nn Interstate com merco business. Tho senator Indi cated his Intention to Introduce in tho senate after tho holiday recess a mcasuro providing for tho Incorpora tion under United States laws of all corporations. Tho bill as prepared by Senator Heyburn will provide that corporations now In existence must tako out federal charters and that such corporations as may bo organ ized thereafter shall Incorporate under federal laws. All such corporations will bo under tho supervision of tho department of commerco and labor through tho bureau of corporations. The bill has not boon matured thor oughly yet, but Senator Heyburn hopes to havo It ready for Introduc tion Immediately after tho holidays. ISLAND STILL IN NEBRASKA. Meanderlngs of Old Muddy Cannot Take It Away. WASHINGTON Tho supremo court of the United States decided tho boun dary caso between tho states of Mis souil and Nebraska In favor of tho stato of Nebraska. The caso Involved tho question as to whether a change of tho course of tho Missouri river had tho effect of changing land which had theretofore been on the west side of tho river, to the east side of tho river, from tho jurisdiction of Ne braska to tho jurisdiction of Missouri, but tho court held that it did not. Tho opinion wns by Justice Harlan, hold ing thnt tho boundary must remain In tho mlddlo of the old channel as be foro tho change. Tho tract of land thnt caused tho controversy is known as MeKisIck's Island, lying between Nemaha county, Nebraska, and Atchison county, Mis souri. The controversy originated In 18G7. Previous to that year tho is land wns regarded as Indisputably In Nebraska. Tho river at that point was in tho shnpo of an ox yoko, and on tho night of July 5 of that year tho water broke across tho land lying in ono of tho bendB, thus throwing tho land on tho east, Instead of tho west sldo, of tho livor. The claim was made by tho Nebraska authorities that this was made by the digging of a ditch. In his opinion Justlco Harlan ex pressed his opinion ndmlttlng that con gress had not Intended by its act ad mitting Missouri into tho union to change tho established rule and mako tho varying channels of the Missouri river tho western boundary of that state. 'Missouri," ho added, "does not dls puto tho fact that when Nebraska was admitted Into tho union tho body of land described In tho present record as McKl8slck's island, or Island pre cinct, wns In Nebraska. It Is equally clear that these lands did not cease to bo within tho limits of Nebraska by reason of tho subject nvulslon." Tho final decreo U postponed pre pared for thirty days to allow tho Mis ourl and Nebraska authorities to agroo as to tho location of tho center of the old channel. After the Beef Combine. KANSAS CITY Horbort Knox Smith, acting commissioner of corpo rations of tho department of com merce and labor, has written to ', number of Kansas City meat dealers for additional testimony regarding tho operations of tho local packers who are members of tho alleged beef com bine. A representative of tho depart ment was horo recently gathering sta tistics from tho local butchers. Nebraska Pension Bills. WASHINGTON Every member of tho Nobraska delegation has Intro duced many pension bills during the congress which will close March 4 with satisfactory roflults. Tho fow bills which havo parsed this month woro soma of tho holflovers introduced last winter. It 13 sijfo to predict that nono of tho ponslop bills Introduced this month will ass .botW houses this session, and n that caso every bill Introduced thps session must bo reintroduced nexrf winter. Possibly a very meritorious Iblll may succeed. FOR REGULATION CONGRESS 8HOULD CONTROL IN TER8TATE COMMERCE. SO SAYS CARFIELD'S REPORT Alleges that the Bureaus of the Com missioner of Corporations Furnish Means by Which People Engaged In Interstate Business Can Be Con trolled. WASHINGTON Tho first annual report of tho commissioner of corpora tions wns submitted to congress Wed nesday by Commissioner Garfield. Ho says no satisfactory reform Is to be expected under tho state system of Incorporation; thnt tho federal govern ment has at Its command sufficient power to remedy existing conditions In Its control of interstate commerce. Ho therefore BUggosts that congress consider tho advisability of enacting a law for tho legislative regulation of Interstate and forolgn commerco tin der a license of franchise, which In general Bhould provide as follows: "Tho granting of a federal franchiso or license to engage In Interstate com merce. "Tho Imposition of all necessary re quirements ns to corporato organiza tion and management ns a condition of tho retention of such franchises or license. "The prohibition o? all corporations and corporato agencies from engag ing In lntcrstato and foreign com merco without such federal franchiso or license. "Tho full protection of tho grantees of such franchise or license who obey tho laws applicable thereto. "Tho right to rcfuso or withdraw such franchiso or license In caso of violation of law, with appropriate right of judicial appeal to pi event ahuso of power by the administrative officers." Commissioner Garfield says tho bureau under tho direction of the sec retary of commerce and labor, affords tho npproprlote machinery for tho ad ministration of such a law. COST OF WARS TO NATIONS. Resolution in House Calling for In formation. WASHINGTON Representative Bartholdt (Mo.), In accordanco with the action of tho international peace congress at Boston, requesting him to Introduce a resolution in congress calling for certain statistics relative to tho cost of wars, Introduced a con current resolution instructing tho sec retary oi commerce and labor to col lect and compile statistics on tho cost of wars In all countries from 1800 down to tho present time; the amount pftd for pensions, and other allow ances to soldlors and sailors engaged In such wars; tho amount paid to hos pitals and retreats for disabled sol diers and sailors; tho amount of prop erty destroyed in such wnrs by land and sea; tho additional cost of main taining armies and navies In time of peace, to each nation during that period; an approximate estimate of tho indirect expenses and damages by such wars to the health and prosper ity of each nation resulting from such wnrs, and tho number of killed, wound ed and disabled ou each sldo during such wars. Tho resolution provides that tho statstlcs bo printed and dis tributed under the direction of con gress in tills and other countries, as preliminary to an international pcaco congress to bo held In Washington or Tho Hague, July 0, 190G. HEALTH OF TROOPS EXCELLENT Encouraging Report From General In Philippines. WASHINGTON Brigadier General lUinnnll commanding the department of Luzon, Phillpplno islands, in his annual rerort to tho war department says that tho general health of the troops Is excellent, the dtsnppcaranco of cholera having romoved one of tho greatest sources of anxiety. The Im proved health conditions nro said to bo duo to tho construction of new posts, tho absenro of hard field ser vice, tho drinking of distilled water and enforced nbstlncnco from native fruits and uncooked vegetables. It is recommended that continuous servlco in tho Philippines bo limited to two years in order to avert nervous break down which is said to bo quite com mon among tho white troops in tho islands. Wants Better Examinations. WASHINGTON Announcement was made at tho stato department Thursday that tho govornment has for tho second tlmo called upon Venezuela to explain tho arbitrary expulsion from that country of A. F. Jaurette, n newspaper man nt Caracas, Tho first explanation offered by President Castro was altogether unsatisfactory. England Annexes Islands. SYDNEY, N. S. W. Two British warships havo sailed for the Tonga Islands with tho purpose, it is an nounced, of annexing them. Mrs. Powell Not Guilty. WAYNE, Neb. District court is In session this week. Judgo Boyd pre siding. Tho caso of tho Stato vs. Mrs. Kemp Powell, In which tho de fendant is charged with an attempt to murdor her husband by shooting him with a revolvor at thoir home four teen miles southwest of Wayno, about five months ago, inflicting a danger ous wound, was heard. Mr Powell was taken to tho hospital at Omaha, where under medical aid he recovered. Mrs. Powell was acquitted. THE LAND FRAUDS. Men In High Places Said to Be In volved. WASHINGTON Tho Post says: Senator Mitchell and Represcntatlvo Blnger Hnrmann of Oregon left Wash ington last night for Portland to ap pear before the federal grand Jury and faco charges which they have been advised Implicated them in Oregon land frauds. Both Senator Mitchell and Mr. Har mann declare In most positive terms that they aro absolutely Innocent and havo nothing to fear from returning to Oregon. Both assert with equal posltlveness that tho time has come when "this outrageous persecution must stqp." They will Insist upon their right to go before the grand jury and mako answer to all charges that may bo mado against them, confident that they will bo able to establish thoir Innocence. They expect to havo a hearing on Saturday. When asked last night why ho had decided to return to Portland at this tlmo after declining to go as a wit ness when summoned by subpoenas a week ago, Senator Mitchell said: "I was advised yesterday by tele grams from Portland thnt It was re ported there that Puter, Watson and others of tho gang had mado confes sions implicating me and that there would be an effort mado to Indict mo and Hermann before the Jury which meets tomorrow. A week ago, when I was called as a witness, I had no intimation that it was claimed that I was Implicated In any way and I did not feel It my duty to go and sacrifice public business, but tho moment I was advised that I was being attacked personally I concluded I was Justified In sacrificing public business and everything else to go and defend my character against assaults that I know to bo without any foundation what ever." Senator Mitchell sent this telegram yesterday to District Attorney Hall and Assistant Attorney General Honey: "I will bo In Portland next Satur day. I demand thorough Investigation before giand jury of all charges, if any, against me. I also demand right to appear as witness before grand jury." Representative Hermann before leaving mado this statement: "Information having been received thnt there was a probability that an attempt would be made to lnvolvo Senator Mitchell and myself In tho grand jury Investigation as to land frauds In Oregon. I believe It to bo my duty to proceed to Portland and there ask tho privilege of meeting any charges which may be preferred." Both Senator Mitchell and Mr. Her mann say, continues the Post, that i-o movement against them has been dl roced by Secretary Hitchcock and at tribute it to his personal hostility to ward them. RURAL CARRIERS OUT. Two Members of Executive Board of National Association Discharged. WASHINGTON Postmaster Gener al Wynne on Wednesday removed two more rural carriers for alleged efforts to influence legislation, tho employes being H. E. Nlvln of Berthold, Colo., and J. W. Whitehead of Medina, O. Nlvln Is chairman of the executlvo board of tho National Rural Carriers' association. Whitehead also is a mem ber of tho executive board and Is sec retary of tho Ohio stato organization ot. the carriers. The executive board held a meeting In St. Louis, as tho re suit of whose instructions President Cunningham of tho association is said to havo called ou the members of the national committee of both the re publican and democratic parties to as certain what support they would give to tho Interest of tho carriers. The plans for this organization carried on before tho November election by President Cunningham and Secretary TuniDcr, both of whom wero recently dlsmls-ed as tho result of an Investiga tion of their work, were, It is charged by tho postal authorities, approve and endorsed by Nlvln and White head. RUSSIA ANXIOUS FOR TREATY. Hope United States Will Not Aban don Arbitration. ST. PETERSBURG Considerable surprise is manifested at the foreign offico regarding tho reports from Eng lish sources representing tho Wash ington govornment as disposed to abandon tho Russlnn-Amerlcan arbi tration treaty because of the char acter of the modifications proposed by Russia. Emperor Nicholas Is sincerely anxious to conclude a treaty with tho United States. It is pointed out that tho modifications proposed aro direct ly modeled on tho arbitration treaties provided for by The Hague conven tion, slightly amplifying tho Anglo French model, which practically con fines arbitration to the interpretation of treaties and juridical questions. Russia has already negotiated similar treaties with Belgium and Sweden nud Norway and desires to mako others with the larger European powers. Steel Trust Prices. NEW YORK Tho leading steel manufacturers were In session In Jer sey City amy reaffirmed the present price of $2-1' per ton on steel billets. It Is believed, however, that an ad vance of $2 per ton will be made In this product soon after tho new year. Following tho meeting of tho billet manufacturers members of tho structural steel combination met In (his city and, according to tho best Information, reaffirmed the present price for their products. It is known that conditions favor higher prices. Lights on Brooklyn Bridge. There aro three lights on tho Brook lyn bridge which are never seen by those who havo occasion to uso th bridgo at night, but those three light mean much to tho masters of sailing vessels whoso masts approach or ex' ceed tho 135 feet between tho cento of tho 6pan and tho water. One of thrf three Is directly In tho center of thd span and marks the highest point, thrf other two nro at each sldo of tho cen ter light, about 10 feet from tho tow crs, and mark the danger limit Lord Rosebery's "Good Story." In a recent English biography ap pears an anecdote told In tho charac teristic English manlier. Tho write.4 remarks: 'Lord Rosebery told a very" good story (for ho Is always amusing) about a gentleman who was traveling In tho southern United States. The visitor was being shaved by a negro barber and noticed tho oxtremo blunt ness of tho razor. '"Yes. sir,' said tho barber, It 1b vury blunt, Bar; I was out last night wld tho boys."' Newspaper Circulation. A statistician has learned that the annual aggregation of tho circulation of the papers of the world Is estimated to bo 12,000,000,000 copies. To grasp the Idea of this magnltudo we may state that It would cover no fewer than 10,450 squaro miles of surface ; that It is printed on 781,250 tons of paper; nnd, further, that if tho num ber (12,000,000,000) represented, in stead of copies, seconds, i. would tako more than 333 years for them to elapse. Found at Last. Hensley, Ark., Dec. 2Gth. (Special) That a sure cure for Backacho would bo a priceless boon to the people, and especially the women of Amorlca, is admitted by all interested in medical matters, and Mrs. Suo Williams of this place is certain she has sound in Dodd's Kidney Pills the long-looked for cure. "I am 38 years old." Mrs. Williams Bays, "and I hnvo suffered with tho Backacho very much for thrco or four years. I havo been treated by good physicians and got no relief, but thanks to God. I have found a euro xt last and It is Dodd's Kidnoy Pills I have taken only ono box nnd it has dono mo more good than all the doc tors In three or four years. I want all sufferers from Backacho to know that they can get Dodd's Kidnoy Pills and get well." Backacho is ono of tho first symp toms of Kidney Disease. Guard against Brlght's Disease or Rheumatism by curing It with Dodd's Kidney Pills. To Train Servants. Hamburg Is to have a school for training servants. It is not intended to compete with existing schools which provide training in domestic science for girls of well-to-do fami lies. Every housekeeper should know that If they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry uso they will save not only time, because It never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 1G oz. one full pound while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in -pound pack ages, and tho price is the samo. 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch Is free from all Injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to cell you a 12-oz. package It Is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he put3 In Defiance. Ho knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package In large let ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand Defiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the Iron sticking. Defiance never sticks. Purity of the Mind. You can no moro filter your mind Into purity than you can compress it into calmness; you must keep it pure if you havo it pure, and throw no atones Into It if you would havo It quiet Ruskin. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will bo pleased to leara that lilt l.Ni at lean ono dreaded dl'eate tbatucleuce ban been able tu cure In all Its ttage. and that 1 Catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Cure la tlie only rxikltlYA cure now knon tu the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a contlllntlonal disease, requires o cmittltu tloiul treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken In ternally, action directly upon the Mood and inucoua turfacca of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and mtIiik the patient strength by bulldlDK uptbn conriltutlnn and assist Iuk ua'ure In dulns In work. The proprietor ba o much faith In tta curame power that they oiler One Hundred Dollar for any case that It fall U cure. Send for lint of testimonial. Addresa K. J. ( IlKKKY it CO., Toledo, O. bold by all DrugnUU. "5c. Take lialt'a Family Villi for constipation. Cupid is a sorry leader; after lead lng people Into trouble he leaves them to fight it out themselves. A Rare Good Thing. "Am using ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, and can truly say 1 would not hu vo been without U so long, had I known tho relief it would give my aching feet. I think it a raro good thing for anyono having soro or tired f cet. Mrs. Matllu Holtwcrt, Providence, R. I." Sold by all Druggists, 25c Ask today. Statesmen who "also ran" are nat urally slow to predict a bright future for their country. A CJUAIIANTHK.I) CUIIE FOIt TILES. Itcblnx, llllnd, lIleedtaK or l'rotrudlnir I'lle. Youi druggist will refund money If l'AZO OlNTMKJiT falls to cure you la to It days. 50c The quickest way to beat a woman In an argument is to listen and saj nothing. riso's Curo cannot be too highly spoken of ai a. cough cure J. W. O'HniES, 33 Third Ave. JT., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 0. 1000. It Is a good deal easier to stir up a hornet's nest than It Is to find tile right place to crawl Into. If you don't get the biggest and best It's your own fault. Defiance Starct is for sale evewwhero and thcro it positively nothing to equal it In qual ity or quantity. '5J . i