The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 30, 1904, Image 1
LINC C'LN NKB l The Alliance Herald. Official Publi cation of Box Butte County. Largest ClrcU' lation of any Al liance Paper. VOLUME XII. ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1904, NUMBER 2 W fUC'r,r '""'J t fit U Christmas flt the Churches. At the Baptist ctuucli a very pleas. ant ami successful entertainment was given Saturday evening, the program being a longtliy one and those taking part are to be commended for the oal expressed throughout the eveninc. A handsomely arranged tree was a most pleasing feature of the exercises, es pecially to the clnldien, was loaded down with beautiful presents for the little ones, who were perfectly do lighted with what the tree held for them. LOCAL HAPPENINGS General nrni Personal Mews of Alii anco and Vicinity. At the First Piesbytcrian church beautiful Christmas exercises were held under the direction of Misses Fav Van Hoskirk and Bessie Mitchell and Mrs. Kustin. The entertainment consisted of a lcnghty program hv the children and Mr. Hemingway as Santa Glaus. As at the other churches a finely dec orated tree well filled with presents and candies did much to interest. Taken as a whol'. the congregation was de lighted from start to finish and spoke very highly of the manner in which the little ones had been trained. A Happy New Year to nll. Have von made that lesohition? The Christinas exercises at the M. E. church drew a large audience, Sat urday evening to witness the exercises. The program although short was very entertaining throughout. The exercise ot the little "Brownies" composed of a class of small boys made a pretty picture as they entered the house diawing a large sled followed by old Santa. A larpe tree also was noticahle nt this church, which was well laden with gifts and candies for the younger folks besides a handsome silver com munion set presented to the church by Rev. and Mrs. C. V. Ray. Mrs'. Santa also came in for a visit. The Feast of Christmas 1004 was celebrated with due solemnity and de votion in the Catholic church. The altars were tastefully decorated with a profusion of roses, hyacinths and smi lax, presenting a very impressive and beautiful sight, lighted up by many tapers. Christmas services began by High Mass at fi o'clock a. m. A very elaborate Mass was sung by the choir. The Offertory Solo, "O Dies Prae clara" sung by Miss Bohn being worthy of particular mention, on account of its really artistic rendering. Miss Mc Dermott presided, with her well known ability, at the organ. The greater part of the congregation went to Holy Communion. There was a second Mass at 8 a. in. At 10 o'clock Mass, the children's choir under the direction of Miss Bohn more than delighted the congregation by the devotional singing of Christmas Hymns. It was the children's first public effort and they did splendidly. Father Galvin poach ed a short sermon appropriate to the occasion at each of the Masses. m. ETTuuuaiToTES. Miss Madge Hill returned today from a few dava visit at Linrohi. R. H. Watkius returned yesterday from n two weeks visit at Omaha and Fremont. The Ladic's Union will bo enter tained next Wednesday afternoon bv Mrs. Carl Nelson. Win. Welch, a well known stockman of Bingham, transacted business in the metropolis Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gilman and family spent Xma yry enjoyably with Hcmingford friends. Mrs. Kustin, county super iulendonf. scnt Christmas among friends and rel atives at Heniiugford. Miss Delia Strong, of Lakeside, spent the holidays in this city with her brother, K. C. Strong arid family. Geo. W. Young left last Saturday morning for Lincoln, where he will spend the holidays with his family. A number of buisted water pipes throughout the city is the result of the sudden cold snap the first of the week. Principal D. W. Hayes of the High school is in attendance at the state teachers meeting now in session in Omaha. Ira Bushnell of the Palace meat market attended the nin.siiuerado ball at Hcmingford Monday night and re ports having had a good time. Mrs. J. C. Minor of Lincoln is in our city spending a few days with her son, W L. Minor, the traveling rcpre setative of the International Harvester Co. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bicnnnncaino np from their ranch at Orlando Satur day and spent the holidays with their relatives in this city. Talk about your Christmas gift; well it wasn't in it with the one Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hutchinson received Christ mas night, their present being n little daughter. Mike and John Hagarty and sisters, Misses Mayme, Nora and Margaret came up from Bridgeport to span J Christmas under the parental roof. Their cousin, Miss Norn Ryan, ac companied them. J. T. Foster of Selway, Mont., ar rived a few days ngo,to visit friends in the northwest part of the county where he formerly resided. He has been in Montana three years and is prospering in the stock business. Mr. Foster is in towrr todav. Evan Sage, son of our popular sta tion agent, L. S. Sage, came from the east last Skturday and is spending the vacation with his parents. Mr. Sage finished a course in the University of Uncago last summer anil is now pro fessor of latin in a college at Hillside, Wisconsin. .- Mr. and Mrs. D. C. M duty re are en joying a visit from their son Carl. He is now employed by the Canadian Pa cific as conductor out of Nelson, Brit-' ish Columbia. Carl will visit his par ents ami many Alliance friends until after New Years when he will return to his field of labor via Denver. Services will be held at the church as usual. Sunday school at 10 a. m., preaching at rr a. m., and 7:30 p. in. Morning subject: "Forgetting the past and Reaching Forth." Evening sub ject: "1 have set before you an Open Door." Junior League at 2:30 p. ru. Epworth League at G:3o p. 111. All are cordially invited to attend. The Sunday school teacher's meet ing will he held at the home of W. W. Norton with W. B. Wetherell next Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. in. Bible Study class will be held at the home of E. J. Swanson. and also the Epwordr League business meeting will be hold on the same evening after the Bible study next Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. in. All members are urged to be present as this is the first meeting in the year and ought to be well at tended. The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. James Bollwood Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The regular prayer meeting will be held in the' basement of the church next Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. All are invited to attend, Services in the First Presbyterian 4 church next Sunday at the usual hours. The sacrament of the Loid's Supper will be administered in the morning. It is expected that the Christmas music will be repeated in the morning. Fireman Runyon and his good wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a daugh ter December 21. The trains have been running con siderably behind their schedule time for the past week, the delay being caused by the severe cold weather and heavy snows east and west of Alliance. A number of the secret societies of Alliance will change their places of meeting to the Zbinden hall after Jan r. Nine lodges have already been booked for this change. The marriage of Lewis Montgomery, of Alliance and Miss Julia lohnson, of New Castle, Wyo., was solemnized at the M. E. parsonage yesterday morn ing at 10 o'clock by Rev. C. W. Ray. The end of another year is upon us, and quite a number of Alliance mer chants ha'e already began taking an inventory of their stocks preparatory to their stocking up with new goods for the spring trade. J. B. Krnest is in town from Alliance, Nebr., to visit for several days with his family. He arrived just in time to welcome a bright little stranger to the family circle, who came Saturday morning. Carroll (la.) Sentinel. Attorney J. E. Porter of Crawford was in the city Saturday on land office business. Mr. Porter was elected coun ty attorney of Dawes county at the last clectiorr. There is only one thing wrong with Mr. 'Porter his politics. Edgar S. Bellwood came up from Avery, Saturday, to spend Christmas with his paronts, Mr. and Mrs. James Bellwood. Mr. Bellwood is manager of the St. Louis Press Brick company at Avery. He returned Wednesday. Miss Loise Krajicek, the efficient clerk in Mr. Fletcher's insurance office, was treating her friends Monday with delicious bon bons, the Columbia In surancs company having sent her a large box as a Christmas remembrance. Win. Boland, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hill, who has been in a hospital at St. Joseph, Mo., for the past three weeks has had two opera tions performed orr him for kidney trouble and word reaches us that he will have to undergo a third operation. There is nothing so necessary for a people to enjoy a happy arrd prosper ous year as to begin it aright. Eyory citizen of Alliance and Box Butte county should see to it that the year 1905 starts properly bv calling at this office and order Tun HiiKAi.n for the next twelve months. It will be a profit able investment. Miss Bessie Pcrrin, who is studying medicine at the University of Colorado, is spending her vacation during the holi days on her homestead near Alliance, having arrived here Sunday evening. This is her third year in the school of medicine and will soon complete the course proscribed bv the medical authorities, and, of course, capture the sheepskin. Mrs. Martha A. Sullivan who came here three weeks ago to visit her daughter, Mrs. Pardee.dicd Thursday. Mrs. Sullivan was 75 years of age and her home was at Joplin, Mo., where her remains were taken for interment this morning, accompanied by Mrs. Pardee. A funeral service was held at the home last evening by Rev. Dr. Boguc of the First Presbyterian church. Alex Muirhead drove; down from Heniiugford last evening accompanied by his brother, Dr. A. L. Muirhead, who visited him a couple of days. The doctor practiced at Heniiugford a few years ago but is now a resident of Omaha, where ho is connected with the Creighton Medical, college. The doctor and brother made Tin: Ur.i(.i.i a visit and chatted over old times at he former county seat. Mike Elmore arrived in the city Sat urday from Cumberland, Maryland, to spend Christmas with his mother and stay a couple of days looking after his business interests. He drove out to his ranch Monday and left Tuesday for Missouri going from there to Mary land. Mr. Elmore has lost none of his genial nature and as usual received a warm reception from his host of friends in this city. He was accom panied here by his sou Michael who with Johnny returned to Maryland to enter school. W. S. Raker of Gretna, Sarpy coun ty, spent a couple of days in Alliance this week visiting a number of old time friends. Mr. Raker, who is post master of his town, is one of the most prominent republicans irr the eastern part of the state, his name having been prominently before the con gressional convention at Omaha last fall. He expressed himself as favor ably impressed with the prosperous ap pearance of Alliance and thinks that this section of the Btate will continue to advance rapidly. The school children will, aflar Jan. 0, have to lay aside the pleasures they are now enjoying and again settle J own to their studies as that is the time set by the school board for the opening of the last half of the school year. Let each pupil take his or her place on that day with a firm determi nation to make it a profitable season of study to themselves and to thoir in structors, and then when the vacation of summor comes you can with satis faction and pride, look back over your work and say, "Well done." Sheriff and Mrs. Itccd Return. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Reed, who have been in the East for the past siv weeks visiting relatives and friends, returned home Monday. They repot t having had "a high old time." Among the most important places visited bv them was Mr. Reed's old home and haunts in his boyhood days, but they are changed and there are man' new faces that are tilling the places of his ac piaintnncos of younger days, some having died, while others have left Ponu& Ivania for the west, as he did. This was his first visit to his old home in twenty-two years. Among the places visited by them were: Sunbnry and Williamsport, Pa., Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, Boone and Perry, Iowa. While in Washington they had the pleasure of viewing many national and historic places, and also had the honor of spending an evening with Congress man Kinkaid. They also looked in on one or t.vo sessions of congress, just to sec how the affairs of this nation wore being handled by the men in whose hands they are entrusted. All in all it was a visit a& well as a sight-seeing tiip that will ever ho remembered by them and envied by others. They were accompanied on their visit east by his brother, Emanuel Reed and wife of Perry, Iowa. A Pleasing nnterlainnicnt. Last Friday night the pupils ot Misses Fanny McCoy and Mae Heath gave a joint entertainment in the Letan church which was attended by every one in both communities. There was barely standing room in the building, and all present enjoyed greatly the splendid literary program that had been carefully prepared by teachers and pu pils. Both of these schools, No. r and No. 124 rani? among the best in the county in large attendance and are presided over by two of the most en ergetic, progressive teachers who spare neither time nor labor that their pu pils may be a credit to the county schools. The children of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wilson were among the visitors and participated in the program to the great pleasure of the audience. Sensational Charges Withdrawn. From the accompanying affidavit which we publish it evidently appears that there was a grave misunderstand ing in the item which we published in 'last week's issue concerning certain charges and counter charges between F. W. Lester and W. C. Bavnc. We are glad that the affair has been set tled amicably and from the sworn statement here below it would appear that there was no foundation for those charges. The affidavit is as follows: State of Nebraska. Box Butte County, ss. I, W, C. Bayne, being first duly sworn. depose and say that I tins day state that v. w. uester never to nry Knowledge mis treated myself or family and that the funds this day paid me arc in full settlement for any charges I have made against him, and that th charges were made for the pur pose of securing money which I am in need of. W. C. Bavnij. Subscribed and sworn to before me this nth day of December, 100.1. I). W. Bim.KK, Justice of the Peace. On Sunday morning at rr o'clock the funeral services over the roiiiains of James A. Rodgers wore held at the Baptist church by Rev. G. C. joffers. The local lodge of Modern Woodmen assembled at thoir hall and having inarched in a body to the resi dence of the deceased in South Al liance they escorted the remains to the. church. The W. O. W. and the Royal Neighbors were also represent ed by delegations. Many artistic and appropriate floral designs presented by the local lodges and by sorrowing friends made manifest the esteem in which the deceased was held. Thc funeral was attendod by a large con course of people. The interment took place in Greenwood comotery. nt $3. per hook, which can bo used as desired, all in one night or otherwise. These cninmuUtiou tickets n'"c a sav ing to subscribers iniumneh as nil the best seats will be ?r, each. The "Beggar Prince" company is a fin one of Koine thirteen years stand ing and contains some exceptionally fine singers among them being Irene Palmer, prima donna, suprnno; Ger trude Hutchinson mczo snpraua: Leliu Thome, suprnno, Addie Mum ford and Winfried Peterson, contral tos, F. W. Walters and Jay C. Tay lor tenors, George Byron Bronti and Carl Linbctg, baritones", F. A. Wade and Jack Spaulding comedians, Iran Rudisal, musical director and a select chorus of excellent voices. Any one desiring to help secure the company and at the same time first choice of seats "subscribers day" at the "wholu?alc" rate should call at Holstun's Pharmacy and sign the list for the number of commutation books desired. Big LMi'igToTllTTv. A. The Modern Woodmen will hold a grand rally at Alliance on February 7. Hon. A. R. Talbot of Lincoln, Head Consul of the ord-ir will deliver an ad dress to the public in the afternoon and assist in the exemplification of the secret work in tho evening at which time a largo class ol candidates will be adopted. Several uunrby camps will be present. Remember the date and make up your mind to 'become a member of this grand beneficiary so ciety. The lovors of that class of operatic drama which "chases skeletons from feasts, and paints landscapes in the brain of man," are soon to bo favored by the arrival in Alliance of tho jolly Delhi Pringlo Stock Company. This is one of the greatest things of its kind ever seen in the western country, ns it carries twenty people, hand, orchestra and special scenery; besides all this it travels in its own private car. 'The Delia." At this time Miss Pringle .is taking the. largeir cities ,of Iowa, fly storm, and the press of that state, with one accord, is singing the praises 1 of herself and tho most excellent com pany which she has rallied to her sup port. Especially is mention being made of Bill and Bob, the champion bag punching bull dogs of the world, and one journal of good repute stakes upon authority that an offer of money, al most unbelievable as to tie amount has been refused by Miss Pringle for these two marvelous canines; the of fer is said to have been made by the Ringling people. All persons should drive dull care away for a season, and sec this great combination at the Vliolan Opera House for three evening performances, commencing Thursday, Jan. 5II1., and for the matinee of Sat urday, Jan. 7th. The indications were that tho weatherman did not fare well Christ mas day, for he opened wide the throttle to his cold blast machine before the day had half passed and as a result nearly knocked the bottom out of the thoi inomcters and drove inhabitants of part of the globe to their coy corner on top of the stove. Have u well filled stocking and a fine repast next Christ mas for him, which migh have a ten dency toward persuading him to give us milder weather on that day at least. The entertaining and eloquent lec ture delivered at the Congregational church Monday night by Comrade W. R. Akers, was listened to by a po d audience with marked interest. Mr. Akers has bestowed much study on his subject. Jerusalem and its Environ ments," and an evening is- well spent in hearing him. His address was well supplemented by "Tic Wondrous CrosB," sung by the male piartott, Chadron Times. SAT'RDAY I II I Mill DEC 3 1st WILL Bl 11 ' TD Hi X1 x TD I fi T-i "ST L Tlift llm! ii nun .t-ajULmt'emnma jrr scTxtVr &t voWV COYHVX fat &oVVs vjaxe Vrv casvVcv$ Wvwn. wp mb Boguc Store PLEASE CASH TICKETS BY JANUARY OT .3 .- -g-ng-xwanii mnsaaimiBrJKamKm mmwmaim Season of Opera for Alliance. Alliance has an opportunity to se cure F. A. Wade's famous "Boggar Prince Comic Opera company for two nights. Manager Broome of the Phelan opera house, has 011 foot a plan which if it can he satisfactorily arranged will give lovers of good comic opera two nights of their favorite amusonietit by the above excellent organization, pre senting on Tuesday evening, January 24, "Fra Diavolo" and on Wednesday ovening "The Beggar Prince." The engagement depends on an advance sub scription sale of at lbaat 200 commuta tion books of four tickets to each book Begin the New Year Right. This is the proper time for every body to balance accounts a;.d thus find out "whore they're at." Tho pub lisher of Tin-: Hiikai-p doairos to do this and requests nil persons having accounts against him to present same. Card of Thanhs. We desire to extend our sincorc thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted us during our late be reavement, Mks. J. A. Ropc.uks and Famu.v. G. T. Rpnr.itKS. Good 4 room house for rout. P. J. Nolan. 2-3t. SPECIAL TLKM OF COURT U. S. Covin Sentenced for Six Years anil Charles Brown Three. His Honor, Judge W. II. Weslover arrived in the city Wednesday morn ing and convened a special term of court in tho forenoon. Benjamin S. Caviu who committed an assault on a young girl last week, mention of which was made in last week's issue, ontured it plea of guilty and was sen tenced to the penitentiary for a term of b!x years at hard labor. Cavin is 7J years of ago. It is our opinion that ho will he a subject for the asylum inside o( six months, Charles II. Brown, colored, who broke into the section house at Girard Christmas day securing a considerable amount, of money (and jewelry, also plead guilty and was given three years at hard labor. Sheriff Reed took the prisoners to Lincoln yesterday. A representative of Tins Hkkalo from a personal talk with our adver tisers, learns that a very satisfactory holiday trade has boon tendered them and as a matter of fact they have enjoyed a splendid trade throughout the entire year. The Christinas exercises at Lakeside wore pronounced a most excellent en tertainment. They were irr charge of an Alliance boy, A. E. Judson who is teaching school there this winter. A large number of Alliance people" attended a dance nt He-uingford Mon day evening. They all report having had a fine time. Chas. Bachmnn of this city furnished the music. Along with our fancy hand painted China and Haviland china, wo have glassware, lamps and white and dec orated dinner sots at a surprisingly low figure. Geo. Darling. Carr you afford to do without the official publication of the county for 1905 when it can be had for the small sum of 1.50 in advance ? The buvs and girls say that hugging (the stove) was an exceedingly pleasant pastime last Sunday evening, and no turning down of lights. Messrs Ernest Olday and Charley Bniikiuati visited among their many friends at Hcmingford, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Keofe, of Hem- 'ngford, spent Sunday and Mondaj in Alliance the guosts of relatives. Register Bruce Wilcox and family are visiting Mrs. Wilcox's parents at Bridgeport this week. The Social hour club will hold it next meeting at tho homo of Mrs. L. A. Shawvor. II. C. Armstrong passed through this city yesterday enroute form Omaha to Sheridan. Don't forget George Darling's house furnishing store when irr need of goods in his line. James Collins, living north of Alli ance has been seriously ill for several days. Tinware, enameled ware and all kitchen utensils at Geo. Darling's,