)1 '1 U I i r hi i i l'i THE ALLIANCE HERALD ' i ' " T. J. O'Kcefe, Publisher. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. Brief Telegrams Prof. Adolph von Mcnzel, Berlin's most famous painter, lias celebrated hlB 89th blrthilny. Tho total attendanco nt the Louisi ana Purchnso Exposition was 18,741, 073, according to tho official flgvres. Tho children's homo of tho Slstors of Morcy nt Lorotto, Pa., was de Btroyod by flro yostorday. Tho official voto of South Carolina for prosldont was: Park or, C2.8C3; Iloosovolt, 2,271 J Dohs, 22; Watson, 1. Tho roport that Austria-Hungary has offered to reopen tho ct nmorclnl troaty ncgotlatlona with Germany is connrmea. Tho offlclnl canvass of tho voto of North Dakota gives Iloosovolt G2.CG8, - Parker 14,290, Dobs 1,915, Swallow, 1, 105. Watson 1C3, Comploto returns of tho election In Kentucky glvo Parkor 217,170; Ilooso volt 205,277, Swallows C.C09, Debs 3, C02. Watson 2,511. Secretary Shaw fsubmlts to congress estimates aggregating $019,009,852 for appropriations for tho fiscal year end ing Juno 30, 1900. Keprosentatlvo Morrill of Penn- Bjivanla Introduced a bill to rcduco representation In states whoro cltt tens am disfranchised. John 13. Redmond has called a meet ing of tho Irish parliamentary party for January 15 In Dublin to discuss tho distress In tho west of Iroland. Prof. Robert Koch of Borlln will start for South Africa, Docombor 17, to cngago In further scientific investi gation of rlndorpcst and othor animal dlsoascs. Treasury Minister Luzznttl. nt Rome, mado a etatomont boforo tho chambor of deputies sotting forth that tho last budget closed with $11,000, 000 suriiluB. To connect tho cannl zono on tho Isthmus of Panama with tho United States by cablo Is tho purposo of a bill Introduced by Represontatlvo Wagner of Pennsylvania. Tho department of agrlculturo is sued a roport announcing nrtor ex tonsivo Investigation, that tho uso of purls green in controlling tho cotton boll wcovll Is absolutely ftilllo. An appropriation of $17,000 for de fraying tho cxponses .if tho Inaugura tion of Prosident Roosovolt is pro vided for in a Joint resolution intro duced In tho sonnto and house , Tho house committee on rivers and harbors decided to send for somo of tho district onglnoers, an they desiro to hear from them on tho neods of rivers and harbors In their respective districts. Germany is not taking cognizance of tho Drltish government's action In refusing to permit ho German steamer, Captain W. Monzel, to sail from Cardiff with coal for tho Russian fleet President Richard Emory of tho Gorman bank of nuffalo, N. Y., Cashier Paul Wornor and Assistant Cashier William P. Luodko pleaded not guilty to tho chargo of grand larceny. An appeal for a law strengthening tho power of tho federal court, per mitting It to arrost defendants whore ever found in United States torritory, Is asked of congress by Attorney Gcni oral Moody. Charles Sholton, Josoph Hedges. Burton Snyder and Gwin Snyder, each under 22 years of age, woro arrested at Kansas City for attempting to wreck an incoming Missouri Pacific passenger train. Because ho was refused admission to tho lowor floor of a theater in Peoria, 111., on account of his color Henry C. Gibson, a negro constable was given a verdict of $25 by a Jury composed mainly of business mon. Tho senate confirmed tho nomina tions of Captains Francis W. Dickens, P. P. Wildo, Charles II. Davis, Charles J. Train, Georgo W. PIgman and Georgo A. Convorso to bo roar ad miral In tho navy. Secretary Hitchcock in a communi cation to congress, recommends an amendment to tho law rolativo to stock trespassing on Indian reserva tions eo as to provide for tho selzuro and sale of such ctock. James Smith, Jr., as receiver, sold at auction at Newark, N. J., all the stock of tho subsidiary companies of tho United States Ship Building com pany to Georgo R. Shelton, chairman of tho reorganization committee for $350,000. Tho German government has paid $3,500 indemnity to Carl Buners, n former merchant of I.unoborg, who was unjustly convicted of receiving stolen goods in 1902 and who served fifteen months In tho penitentiary, when now evidence was discovered showing bo was not guilty. Tho opinion of Judgo Sanborn of tho United States circuit court deny ing tho application for a writ of habeas corpus made by Michael Doud of Denver, who was imprisoned by tho supremo court of Colorado on a charge of contempt growing out of tho recent election, was mado pub lic in St Louis. Chancellor von Buelow, replying to an attack of tho socialists on the Gor man military budget in tho reichstag. declares that a nation which spends $75,000,000 yearly for liquor can af ford $300,000,000 for nfllttary pur-pose, COMPLETELY RESTORED. Mrs. P. Brunzcl, wife of P. Unitize), block dealer, rosldonco 3111 Grand nvenuo, Evorelt, Wash., says: "For flf- .j, teen years I suf- frv fl( fcrcd with torrlblo l Tto P'1'" Jn my nck. did not know what it was to onjoy a night's rest and aroso In tho morn lug feeling tired and unrofreshed. My suf ferine sometlmos was simply Inde scribable When I finished tho first box of Donn's Kid ney Pills I folt llko a different woman. I continued until I hnd taken five boxes. Donn's Kidney Pills act very effectively, very prompt- Iv. relievo the aclinic nalna and all other annoying difficulties." Fostcr-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For snlo by all druggists. Prlco 50 cents per box. A platonlc friendship can bo so re garded by but two people. ! FLOCKING INTO CANADA. Immigration From Dakota and Adjoin- Ing States Major Edwards, United States Consul General at Montreal, Describes the Movement as Due to Scarcity of Land. Montreal. Nov. 15. Malor Allison Edwards, United States Consul Gen eral, who returned today from n visit to his homo nt Fargo, North Dakota, said In an interview: "Tho proper way to describe tho manner in which tho people of North Dakota aro com ing over into Western Canada is to say they aro coming over In droves. Among tho peoplo there did not seem to bo any thought of there being a boundary lino at all. it is simply a question," added tho major, "of there not being any moro land In North Dakota nnd tho surrounding States, and tho peoplo aro Hocking to Canada to get good farms. Naturally tho number that will como over will in crease nil tho tlmo, and I may say tho peoplo you aro getting nro tho best peoplo In the west. They nro well supplied with money and nro well acquainted with tho conditions under which they will have to work." Tho agents of tho Canadian Govern ment, nro prepared to glvo the fullest Information regarding homestead and othor lands. Put Dlamo on Printers. Ono of Browning's roirfarks is char acteristic. Ho onco said to Dr. Knight "that all tho unlntclliglbllity of 'Sor dollo' Is duo to the printers. Thoy would chango my punctuation and not print my commas, somlcolons, dashes and brackets." Every housokeeper should know that if they will buy Deflanco Cold Water Starch for laundry U3e they will savo not only time, becauso It never sticks to tho iron, but becauso each packago contains 10 oz. ono fulj. pound whllo all other Cold Watei. Starches aro put up In i-pound pack ages, and the prlco Is tho same, 10 cents. Then again becauso Defiance Starch is free from all Injurious chem icals. If your grocer trios to sell you n 12-oz. package It Is becauso ho has a stock on hand which ho wishes to dispose of before ho puta in .Defiance. Ho knows that Deflanco Starch has printed on evory packago in largo let tors and figures "16 ozs." Demand Deflanco and save much time and money and tho annoyance of tho iron sticking. Deflanco never sticks. A great many of us can quoto Shake spoaro to no purpose Insist on Getting It. Some grocers say they don't keep Defiance Starch. This Is because they have a stock on hand of othor brands containing only 12 oz. In a package, whlchth ey won't be ablo to sell first, because Defiance contains 16 oz. for the same money. Do you want 10 os. Instead of 12 or. for same money7 Then buy Defiance Starch. Requires no cooking. No amount of looking right can fix you for living wrong. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CA8TOHIA, a tafo and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see Uiat It Bears tho ' &L4&3k Signature In Uee For Orer 30 Ycara. Tho Kind You Have Alwsja Bought, What a glr! loves about a football gamo is that, not knowing anything about it, she can pretend to enjoy it wildly. Defiance Starch should be In every household, none so good, besides i oz. more for 10 cents than any other brund of cold water starch. People who beliovo In tho absentco deity Beem to bcllcvo also in an omni present devil. Quarrels of women seldom last very long. They understand the art of making up. Censure Is tho tax n man pays to tho publlo for being eminent Jonathan Bwift It Is very easy to get mad with somebody for doing what it would bo very unreasonable for anybody to got mad over If you did it If Satin's Janitor were anything llko the apartment house brand his ten ants would Boon bo kicking for more heat. It is a maxim with mo that no man was ever written out of reputation but by himself. Richard Bentloy. It's a poor kind of affection for . creed taut prevents Its correction. i i; rtjp NEWS IN STATE IN BRIEF. The now Cnrnogle library at Hast ings Is now open to tho public. George Frltzen, a farmor living sev eral miles northeast of Beatrice, died from uo effects of injuries received by boing thrown from a wagon dur ing a runaway. Tho Bank of Vordon has been in corporated with a capital Btoclt of $15,000. W. O. and L. B. Cornoll nro tho Incorporators. Tho statement of tho thrco banks of Sownrd on November 10, shows that nt that tlmo they held on deposit tho sum of $879,123.01, a good showing for a town of Soward's size Tho Northwestern railroad has paid its taxes at Staton, amounting to $3, C70.14, leaving only a balance of $59.71 unpaid. This amount is road tax and thcro is somo question as to its val idity. Tho Elgin Elevator company of Elgin, has filed amended nrtlclcs of incorporation with, tho secretary of state, increasing Its capital stock from $10,000 to $30,000, and fixing tho paid up capital nt $5,000. Two largo barns on tho promises of Mrs. R. It. Livingston nnd Ed. Fitz gerald at Plattsmouth wcro burned. Tho flro department had hard work in keeping tho flames from spreading to other adjoining property. Principal H. K. Wolfo of tho Lin coln high school has been offered a position ns professor of psychology in tho University of Montana nt Mis soula, Mont Ho has signified his in tention of accepting tho offer. Two business blocks in Ponca caught flro from nn unknown causo and woro consumed beforo tho flro could bo chocked. Tho J. Conor & Co. grocory business, ono of the larg est In tho city was destroyed. Stato Superlntendent-oleet McBrlen has appointed Ed C. Bishop, vico president of the Lincoln Business col lego, doputy stato superintendent Mr. Bishop has been In educational work for a number of years. II. G. Hastings of Lincoln, indicted at tho recent session of tho federal grand Jury for using I ho mnils for the purposo to defraud has pleaded guilty to tho charge beforo Judgo Mungcr and was sentenced to pay a flno of $25. With a view of preventing tho pos siblo spread of contagious disease, tho Board of Education of Bcatrico has Instructed teachers in tho city schools to ascertain In every case possible tho exact cause of absence of each pupil in her room. Following" is tho record of mort gages filed in Sarpy county during tho month of December: Farm mortgages filod $4,550, released $8,973; town mortgages filed $5,820, released $1, 000; chattel mortgages filed $17,801.09, released $621.05. A meeting of farmers living In tho vicinity of Waverly and as far south as Prairio Home was held for the pur pose of organizing a mutual telephone company. A temporary organization was effected with H. C. Vanney, chair man and Sam Roitz secretary. Tho main lino of tho proposed company's wires nro to run from Havelock con necting there with some lino to Lin coln. A pamphlet has been Issued by tho Nebraska Stato Poultry association containing a list of tho prizes to be given at tho twentieth nnnual ex hibition of poultry to bo held Janu ary 10-20 nt tho Lincoln Auditorium. On tho evening of January 17, a meet ing will bo held In tho state university chapel at which a speaker will ad dress tho poultry ralsors. Tho an nual officers' meeting of tho associa tion will bo hold at 5 p. m., January 17, In tho secretary's office at the auditorium. McCook is coming Into more promi nence ns a grain shipping and clean ing point. To meet this condition W. II. Ferguson is building a largo clean ing and storage house, in addition to his present elevator. Tho now building will be of capacity sufllcient to store 30,000 bushels of grain In addition to its cleaning facilities. Stato Superintendent Fowler has certified to Stato Auditor Weston hi apportionment or scnooi money, amounting to $272,257.00, certified to him by Treasurer Mortenson Decem ber 5. Tho whole number of school children in tho districts of tho state Is 377,419 and tho money will bo dis tributed $0.721305 per pupil. Doug'.ns county will get tho largest amount, $30,988.40. Immense quantities of new corn aro being marketed in West Point nt this time Tho roads aro in excellent con dition and this, together with tho lib eral price paid for corn, is inducing tho renter class to put tho grain on tho market to meet rent payments due January 1. Corn Is of excollont qual ity, dry and bright, with remarkably plump kernels. It grades better this year than for many years past Welcomo Davidson, aged slxty-flvo, for twenty-flvo years a farmer of Plorco county, was found dead In his field near Foster. His faco was gashed and his foot were entangled in tho linos. What at first was thought murder is now considered an accident Tho Nebraska Oil company and tho Lincoln Oil company havo been in corporated by Charles T. Boggs, S. A. D. Shilling and Allen W. Field of Lin coln, Each company has a capital stock of $5,000. The companies will operate oil fields controlled by the in corporators in Indian territory. NEBRASKA STATE TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION Program of Unusual Interest for the Coming Meeting. A program of unusual Interest has been propnred for tho thirty-ninth an nual meeting of tho Nebraska Stato Teachers' association, to bo held in Omaha, December 28, 29 and 30. Tho Millard hotel has been selected as headquarters for tho asyoclntlon. All meetings of tho general sosslons. in cluding tho evening lectures and musi cal entertainments, will bo hold in tho First Methodist church at Twentieth and Davenport streets. Tho various section meetings will be held in tho High school building. A great nrray of prominent educa tors will appear, among' them Miss Sarah Loulso Arnold, for years pri mary supervisor of Boston schools, and at present dean of Simmons' college. A number of first class lecturers nnd musical attractions havo been secured for tho occasion. General Z. Sweeney, who will address tho to.iohnrn on Thursday ovcnlnrr. December 29. on tho subject "Bedrock in Anglo-Snxon Civilization," is one of tho foremost of American lecturers. Ho 13 a mem ber of tho Victoria institute, London; tho Institute of Christian Philosophy, Now York, and tho National Geograph ical society, Washington, D. C. Gener al Sweeney was at ono time consul general to Turkey. Ho hay also filled tho chair of chancellor of Butler uni versity. It is said of blm that ho can noia any auuienco spellbound for hours. At the opening general session Wed nesday evening, December 28, tho Royal Hungarian orchestra, ono of tho finest in tho country, will glvo a con cert Tho Invocation at this tlmo will bo pronounced by tho Rev. E. Comblo Smith of Omaha. C. C. Wright, Omaha's city attorney, will give tho address1 of welcome, to which Super intendent W. L. Stephens of Lincoln will respond. Frank It. Robinson's locture on "Russia" is booked for Friday evening. Mr. Robinson has traveled extensively In Russia, and has a bet of magnifi cent stereoptlcon views with which ho illustrates his talk, making It of un usual Interest Dr. Benjamin L. D'Ooge, well known ns scholar, lecturer, teacher and au thor, will address tho I.atln teachers on Wednesday afternoon and the toachers In general session on Thurs day morning. SInco 1880 Dr. D'Oogo has been professor of Lntin in tho Michigan stato norranl college, and bo foro that, for a number of years, was nn inbtructor in Latin In tho Univer sity of Michigan, of which ho is a graduate He received tho degree of Ph. D. at Bonn in 1901. On Wednos- day ho will speak on "Latin Composi tion In Socondnry School"!," and on Thursday on "What Is tho Practical in Education?" Adrian M. Newens of Ames, la., the well known impersonator, will give scenes from Elizabeth Stuart Phelps' "A Singular Life," at tho general ses sion Thursday morning, and Thursday afternoon ho will address tho High school section on the topic, "Tho Hu manizing Influences of Good Litera ture ' Other speakers well worth hearing aro tho Rev. M. P. Dowllng, Mrs. Mary II. Hunt, national superintend ent of temperance education, and Su perintendent W. M. Davidson of Omaha. Father Dowling, who is the president of Crelghton university at Omaha, will glvo an address at the general session Thursday morning, on "Social Discontent; Some of Its Causes and Roracdles." Friday morn ing "A Trinity of Aims" is tho topic chosen by Superintendent Davidson for his address. Pardon for n Boy. Morris HIdy, sent to tho penitent iary from Scott's Bluff county a year ago for a two-year term for forgery, is freo now. Upon tho recommondation of Judgo Grimes, who sentenced him, and a largo number of citizens, Gov ernor Mickey commuted the sentence The boy Is 18 years of ago and Is tho son of W. C. HIdy of Nevada, la. Judgo Grimes- said that had ho known tho young man could not havo been paroled inside of a year ho would not havo sentenced him to the peniten tiary for a longer period than ono year. Drowns Herself In Well. BLAIR Mrs. Peter Jensen, aged C2 years, who has lived on a farm about ono mile from tho city for several years, drowned herself in a well. Increase at State Farm. LINCOLN The enrollment at the state farm shows 'an increase of twelve over last yenr.tho attendance at the present term 'doing 124, Other students are expected and It Is quite likely that tho agricultural school will num ber 140 before the closo of the pres ent term. Drowned In Water Tank. OGALLAIA Enoch Griffith, aged about 70 years, committed suicide hero at tho county farm by drowning. He climbed a ladder and Jumped into a largo water tank, whero his body was found, Premium for Fine Poultry. Secretary Ludden of tho Stato Poul try association is sending out to poul try fanciers tho list of premiums to be awarded at the coming poultry show to be held In Lincoln January 1G for five days, x'he premiums aggregate J1.C0O. SUM!! SEA. JUUiVSTEKS SCIENCE HAS DEMONSTRATED THEIR EXISTENCE. Mv-jeurw and Aquariums Have Evl dence That Stories of Strange Deni zens of the Deep Are Not All Myths Snakes Abound In Brazilian Seas. There is a belief current that tho sea serpent has boon laughed out of oxistence. But this is not tho case. Evldonco hns been suppressed becauso of the mocking, incredulous hearers. But to-dny scienco has weighed, meas ured und photographed sea monsters, and their reality Is established at last Forty years ago a kraken was .stranded on tho Danish coast and tho scientific world heard of It From that time, year after year, these crea tures havo been noted. In 1801 tho warship Alecton pursued ono for three hours, fighting nil tho time It wns killed at length, but its carcass was lost in attempting to draw it over board. Tho slzo wns roughly cstimnt ed nt eighty feet from tip to tip. A clergyman measured an arm which three Newfoundland fishermen secured ns a trophy In 1773 after a linnri.rn. hand fight with ono of theso monsters. Six feet had been cut from it in tho struggle, ten feet remained upon tho body. Tho Intermediate portion was nineteen feet long. Ono measuring fifty-six feet was nctunlly landed soon after, and it now lies in tho museum at St Johns. Tho New York aquarium has a fine specimen taken in 1877. Its body is nino feet six inches long and seven feet in circumference, and tho arms stietch sixty foot from tip to tip. Big gcr specimens aro recorded largest o all that tnkon in Logio bay and an chorcd to tho shoro by a grapnel o single arm measuring not less thar forty-flvo feet. In 1875 somo Conno mora fishermen saw ono of theso mon sters asleep and assailed it, though they had not other weapons than theli knives. Tho fight lasted two hours till tho men, keeping out of reach, hat cut off its limbs ono by one Th tentacle proved to bo thirty feet long and the eyes fourteen inches in diamo tor and tho beak four inches long. II was sick or wounded beforo tho dis covery, or probably tho talo would never havo been told. Any ono who sails In small vessels atound tho shores of a tropical coun ttt- Trim- t!n )..w1a.1 ff n....1.. T .. j iuuj Dto II11MUH.U5 UL U1IUKU3. Ill the Brazilian seas they havo been caugm miriy leet long. Tho crow of n vessel which was sailing in tho Indian ocean saw three largo sperm whales como into view. Ono of them was seer to bo struggling In the grip of a gigan tic serpent, tho coils of which ap peared to bo eight or nino feet long, tho head and tall being both visible Tho strugglo lasted about fifteen min utes, when tho serpent sank with its victim. Didn't Have to Remove His Arms. Congressman W. H. Jackson ol Maryland was arguing--that tho con versational delivery of speech was as affective with an Intelligent audienco ns tho declamation of a man whose brilliant periods nro nlways accom panied by arm swinging. "You aro right," said a listener, "and your statement reminds mo of n young lady who had two suitors. Both men had about tho sarao advantages and prospects, but gossip declared that tho girl would decide in favor ol tho man who was a lawyer, for he knew better how to present and win his caso, but gossip erred; tho law yer was rejected. Later It was learn ed from a friend in whom tho betroth ed had confided tho reason for her choice 'Harry is convincing, but JohD is Just as convincing and does no) havo to remove his arms every time ho wants to say somothlng.' ' Phila delphia Record. Rockefeller's Lay Preaching. Members of tho Sunday school class of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., tell It quietly that ho has changed much in tho Inst year and a half in his 'dis quisitions on morals. When ho first took up his father's work as a teacher ho stuck closely to tho Bible, studious ly avoiding whatever suggested the slightest leaning toward tho sensa tionalism of lay preaching. Ho stood by his texts, which camo mostly from tho Psalms, Proverbs and the four gospels. Talking of the parable of tho rich man was his delight, being born In tho shadow of $200,000,000, and his class quickly loarnod that Lazarus was bis ideal. Lately ho has drifted into n species of pleasant stimulation of the serrecs of his hearers, and now is In danger of becoming a thriller. Judge Van Wyck Tells One. Judge Augustus C. Van Wyck was arguing with sundry members of tho North Carolina society against having a constitution that was too elaborate. He declared that ho preferred a strong society and a weak constitu tion to a weak society and a strong constitution. "This reminds mo," ho said, "of tho reply made by Rufus Choato when a friend congratulated him on having a strong constitution. 'Bless your life,' said Choate, 'I wore out my constitu tion twenty-flvo years ago, and Blnco then I havo been living on my by laws.' " Nearness of Heaven. Surelv. yon heaven, whero ansels eee Gpd's face. Is not so distant as we dem From this low earth? 'TIs but a llttlo space. Tho narrow crosslngr of a slender stream: TIs but a veil, which winds might Mi Yes, theso nre nil that us of earth dl- Frojn Hie' bright dwelling of the tlorlfled The lands or which F dream Uoratloua Bonsr. Oath According to the Koran. All Achmet, an Arab, was a witness In tho Now York court of special ses sions recently. Ho refused to tako tho Christian oath, saying ho would swoar as becomes n member of his raco and faith. He wa3 allowed to do so, and this was tho oath ho took: "I swear by tho beard of the prophet, by tho ltasba, by tho black stono nnd by my hnrem to tell tho truth, all tho truth, nnd only tho truth." Boat Made From a Pearl. A Jeweler In Turin hns mndo n tiny boat of n slnglo pearl. Tho hull Is finely shaped and might servo ns n modol for a racing sloop, tho sail Is of beaten gold, studded with diamonds and tho binnaclo light is a perfect ruby. An emerald serves as its rud der, and its stand is a slab of ivory. Its weight is less than ono ounce, and It Is said to havo cost $5,000. Singing Insects of Japan. Among tho natural curiosities of Japan aro its singing Insects. Tho most prized of these tiny musicians is a black bcotlo named "susumushl," which means "insect bell." Tho eound that It emits resembles that of n llttlo silver bell of tho sweetest and most delicate tone. Reads Like a Miracle. Moravia, N. Y., Dec. 12th. (SD4- clal) Bordering on the miraculous i tho case of Mrs. BenJ. Wilson of this place. Suffering from Sugar Diabetes, pho wasted away till from weighing 200 lbs. she barely tipped tho scales at 130 lbs. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her. Speaking of her euro her hus band says: "My wlfo suffered everything from Sugar Diabetes. Sho was sick four years and doctored with two doctors, but received no benefit Sho had to much pain all over her that sho could not rest day or night Tho doctor said that sho could not live "Then nn advertisement led mo to try Dodd's Kidney Pills and they help ed her right from tho first Five boxes of them cured her. Dodd's Kid ney Pills were a God-Sent remedy to us and wo recommend them to all suf fering from Kidney Disease" Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all Kidney Diseases including Brlght's Disease, and all kidney aches, Including Rheu matism. Too Much Warmth. "Well, sah, w'en do preacher told Br'cr Williams dar wuz a warm wel como waltln' for him on do other side, you could 'a' beam him hollerin' fer ice clean 'crost do settlement!" At lanta Constitution. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the teat of tho dleae. Catarrh la a Mood or consti tutional dleae. und In order to euro It you roust take Internal rcmerilen. Ilall'a Catarrh Cure It taken Ic tcrnally, ami acta directly on the blooj and roucout aurface. Hall'i Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medi cine. Itwai prei-crlbed by one of the belt phyttelani In UjH country for yeara and In regular procrlplton. It M eompoied of the bot tonlca known, combrhed with tbo beat blood porlnera, actrnR dlrccUron the tnuooua aurfacea. The perfect combination of the twolngredlcntala what pnxlurea eueh wonderful re. lulta In cutlng catarih. Send for tritlmontala. free e ,a, F- CHENEY CO., Prop... Toledo. O Bold by Drunrtata, price 75c. '" Take Haifa Family Pllli fr loniUpalloa. A woman's arms havo to bo awful thin for her to think then aren't shapely in spite of it You do not have to throw grit in four neighbor's eye to prove that you ire a man of sand. Ask Your Druggist for Allen's Foot-Ease. "I tried ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE recent Jy, and have Just bought another supply. It has cured my corns, and tho hot, burning and itching sensation in my foot which was almost unbearable, nnd I would not be with out It now. Mrs. W. J Walker, Camdeo, N.J." Sold by all Druggists, 25c. Tho man who has no Interest in beaven is not likely to have much principle on earth. . A GCAItANTEKD -CUKE FOB riUM. Itching, llllnd, Illeedlnic or 1'r.itrudtnt Pllea. Your drugglai will refund money If PAZO OINIilENT Xalla to cure you In 6 to li daya, 50c Charity leaves enough sins uncov ered to prevent gossips from acquir ing lockjaw. TIso's Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible medicine for coughs anil colds. N. Yi". Samdkl, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, two. Thero isn't nearly as much enjoy ment in boing a drinking man if no body In your family objects. SjanBPaaaTc ojcit ridnct and liven cum FREE ELft!in,foRjw "aasia Uu.UTt ti.NNiDfa tosa bondout, jf.V. The ony time a liar fools others Id when he tells tho truth. To Make Eyes Darker. Going to bed early will make the eyes deeper In hue The woman who wants her light brown eye3 to appear black will go to bed an bonr sooner. Sho will sleep facing a dark cnrtaln nnd will waken gradually in the morn ing. Effect of Color on Plants. Put a growing plant under red glass and it shoots up very tall and spindly. Green glass causes a similar effect, but not quite so strongly marked Bluo glass, on tho other hand, seems to dwarf vegetablo growth. Changes In the Cabinet. WASHINGTON. Thnt there mny be changes in tho diplomatic service nnd possibly in the cabinet 13 evident from a statement mado by a high of ficial of tho state department, reply ing to an inquiry, in which ho said thnt tho president expects all tho members of his cabinet and all am bassadors and ministers tb send in their resignations between now and March 4 next Contractors Turned Down. Tho Btato board of public lands and buildings refused tho request of tho contractors who aro building the Nor folk asylum for an extension of tho timo of completion of tho building to February 1. Tho contract called for completion October 1. 1 M . 1 L r,F r; Ax