The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 16, 1904, Image 4

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I.OQK iimrrrnitv
Jl or It. 1. llnnlslmcRlc I oJro. No. (M2
Mels evory Sunday nflcrnoon at a.,
Hell's liflll. Visiting brothers welcome
J. A., V. M.
M. Hakgravka, Sec'v.
I O.T. M -Moots overy flrnt utitl third Vrr
ilnyntHiixlo Hull VMtlnjr Mnrriilies col
(llnlly Invito!. MitH. K. J. IIkt-oi,i, I, f.
M.. .MNir. YorM It. It.
Itor.w, lliciiti.VNiiius-AlllHiico Cusll,' No
4-1 iwets very -coond mitl fourtli Thursday
ivenlnfjln . O W. Ilnll. Visiting (.'liiiiimii
ronlfnllv Invited.
K V. Woods. u. V. hmiiv,
Pi-c'y. U I'.
OrricK 1'iione lftO. Ki:RH.Ncr I'uosnaa
Mourns I, g una 3, I'lisl National Nink build
Iiir, Alllitncu, Nub Notary In oHlcc.
. Atln,n,rs ni JL.IIW ..
Collections givon Prompt Attention.
KMITII V lirvn.K IHV K. TA 11.
North Mitln St .
1tt. Xt RICA 31101, e
i a
e In Alliance 10-30 of every month. J
Office over The Famous . . .
5 'Phone 391 9
i.ih itox uirrri: a i:ri:.
I'liuni' :.
On IN iiimHirt'(l In limn or round.)
n.m cunt m.och,
ai.i.ianci:. ni ji.
Culls auswi-ml from nflleo duy or nlzlit.
Tvlepliouu No. m.
ORIooou'rl'oslofllcf. AM.IANUK. NHII
H. H. Bellwood,
llolstcu llulldltic - AMjIANJi:, NK1
onioo In Vim Niitlotuil Itunk block. Alll
anco Nebraska.
Physician mm Surgeon liny and night calls
OllliuoM-r UoKtii-Htoru. 1'liono ISO.
1 II Y S I 0 I V N A N I) S V It O U () N
Formerly Interim Hmm-oiuthlc IIon
pllal (Intxiolty ot Iowa.
'Phono 251. OIIIch over IxcUood.
Night culls answered from oflU-e.
E. E. BARR, n. D.
Physician and Surgeon "
All Diseases of the
NOSE and
Successfully Tieated
Fitting; of Spectacles a Specialty
Office Over Alliance Shoe Store
Guy Lock wood . .
Funeral Director and Kmbalmer
Phones Office 214, Res 205
Expert l.udy
Attendant.. AlllQIlCe, Neb,
Hila Grand Tonsorial
Okville Owen, Proprietor.
1 irstclass service. Patronage solicited.
SEE Jos. Carey & Co.
For house moving, well boring
making and cleaning cesspools
moving box cars, cte . . . .
ftbe Ibcralb.
. . . Associate Editor
Entered at the nostofhec at Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through the
mails, as second-class matter.
ttV Tiik Hkraui is the Official PublicR
tion of Box Butte county and Its circula
tion is nearly twre that of any othor Al
liance papor
Display, nor single column inch por
month 50
Business locals, per line first insertion .10
Each subsequent insertion, por lino .05
Legal notices at statute rates.
Subscription, $1.50 per ear in advance.
Miss Estellu Bolin will leave ne
wools to spend Cluistimm at bur home
in ork.
- W--s,
The Lovul lVlllplntlll Legion will
nieot at the M. E. church Ttiusxlav
evauing, Pec, 30.
Mi. iiiul Mis. I. U. Hager lotuincd
tho lattet pail of last week fioni Otta
wa, III., where lliey were nailed by the
illness of u tolatiw.
Messis. Peter Annen, B. Pitr. John
Gmling and Leo. Mueller spent Thurs
day in the uictiopolis on business be
fore the land office.
Grniidiun Elinore leturned fioni
Heiningfoul last weok, havitnj spent
!ootnl mouths theie with her dangh
tet, Mis. D. O'Keefe.
Win. Mabin was in the citv Monday
and puichascd some land near Beiea
fioin Hetman Pctlick. Mr. Mabin will
make his home theie.
Geo. T. Rodgers leturned
to his home at Stanbiiiv, Mo. lie has
spent honietimc licie with his biothci
James whobi condition is wtill seiious.
Mtsr-G. W. Young, accompanied by
her little son, Ray, left Thuihday of
last week foi their home at Lincoln af
tei an extended visit to Alliance fiicnds
and 1 datives.
J. R. VanBoskiik's hoise became
frightened Tuesday at Capt. Cut bin's
automobile and as a consequence the
chicle is laid up for lepaits. It seems
difficult to pcisuade Alliance houses to
take kindh to the "swift flying
l)i. Kiamcr .11 rived Monday from
Hyniiuis. Henceforth his dental ofllce
in this city will be open from the 10th
to 30th of each month. He has de
sired making such arrangement for
sometime but his large practice between
Alliance and Thedford prevented him
from so doing.
Wm. Bevan left Wednesday for the
land of his bit th County Limerick,
Belaud, to make his mother a visit.
Mr. Bcv.111 has visited his brotheis,
Richaul and Frank, on the ranch
twenty miles uoithwcst for several
months. He came here from New Zea
land, having lived there fifteen years
and two yeais in Australia.
Mi. G. I). Woods des'ues to an
nounce that he is ptepared to fuinisli
music at public or private entertain
ments any evening in the week except
Sunday. With the double horn pho
nograph and fiue selection of records,
botli vocal and instrumental, Mi.
Woods is piepared to furnish music
suitable for anv social occasion. Reas
onable charges. Dates made at Tin:
Hr.itAi.D office.
W. 11. Matthics has settled with the
instil mice companies for the loss sus
tained by cause of the fire in his tailor
shop several days ago for about
S440.00. The loss to the property not
insured, which included several suits of
clothes, ovei coats and other articles,
is close to $400.00. Mr. Matthies is
still unable to use his hands, which
were sevetly scorched during the fire.
J. A. Mallery has moved his grocery
stock to the new location and now has
things neatly arranged. New shelving
and other substantial improvements
have been made and the store ptesents
an attractive appearance. The spacious
room is well filled with groceries, fruits,
flour, etc., and the many patrons of
Mr. Mallery will find him in better
position than eer to supply their
Kilmer's stoie was entered last Sat
urday night by thieves w ho gained en
trance from the second story. The
work was evidently that of a juvenile
band who contented themeselves with
cany ing off sweet stuffs and tobacco.
Boys who make a practice of this sort
of business had better go slow, for the
result of such petty thievery only leads
to greater crime, and the end is the
penitentiary. Don't think for a mom
ent that you will not be caught, for
theie was never a thief, no matter
how shrewd, but finally came to the end
of his rope in such affairs.
Col. Wisner, the liveliest old news
paper man ot us all, has disposed of
the Bayard Transcript to a firm by
the name of Ehpie&t & Green, and
though in his sixties he will again en
ter the newspaper field at the inland
town of Oshkosh. near Cliappell, Deuel
county. The colonel has purchased a
new outfit and we are told that it is
one of the finest in the land. The
Transcript is good property and the
new proprietors will find ample field in
which to do business. Colonol Wisner
is a genial newspaper man and will
make a success of his new venture with
out doubt.
Fflmcrs' nnd Stockmen's Institute.
Artaiigements are being made foi
the holding of an agricultural and live
stock institute in this city on Januaiv
0. A. S. Reed and J. R. Van Bosktrk
will he chaiimati and secretary of the
institute and with the assistance of
otheis will no doubt succeed in making
this meeting a grand success. Repre
sentatives of the Mate nKncultuial de
partment will be present together with
the excellent local talent existing in
Box Butte coutiH theie will be valua
ble infoi itiation propounded that all
should hear. Wo will be able to give
an extended review of the same next
week. A like institute will also be
held at Heiningford Jatiuun 10. Mr.
D. P. Ashburn will be one of the state's
iepiesentatives who will be piesent.
Will Let the StnuTVight.
County Attorney Mitchell ictuui"d
today from Lincoln, where he went
Tuesday to attend a meeting of the
countv attoine8 of the state, which
was called for the pui pose ol deciding
what action should be taken to compel
the Union Pacific and Burlington rail
roads to pay theii taxes. Mt. Mitchell
sas that Attorney Geneial Prout and
a few of his counts attorney friends
thiotighout the state had a fine scheme
piepared but it fell flat. Mi. l'nmi
dosiied to have a le.solution passed
piovidinir that Norris Brov n. ntmmnv
general elect, should be deiciriied with
authoiity to hire assistant counsel to
"piosecute" the case against the lail
loads, and that every county in the
state should help pay for the additional
counsel so emploved. But the lesolu
tion was voted down, thanks to the
honesty of a majoiity of the county
attorneys, who decided that should it
be necessarv for the attoi nej general
to employ assistant counsel the state
should foot the bills, inasmuch as it is
as v itallv interested as the counties.
Out Republican friends who were loud
in their piaises of the levcnue law, be
foie election, and are now paying their
taxes under protest, can lellect seriously
on the position taken by the fusionist
clement that would piotect their in
teicsts. Caltlc RusUinr7.
Heibeit M. Andeison was taken into
custodv in this city last Satuulav
charged witli stealing seven head of
cattle from the t .inch of E. 11. Abbott,
located about fifteen miles southwest of
Alliance. He was taken to Sidney and
is now in the custody of Sheiiff Lee of
Cheynne county. Six head of the miss
ing stock weic found north of this, city
and the remaining one is said to have
neon killed and the meat sold about
town. Andetbon will have his trial
Decembei 27.
Railroaders Tnko o Little Jotinl.
Mike and Pat Nolan, R. J. Dewey
and James Devlin constituted a party
of homesteaders who drove out last
Satuulav to look ovei the claims they
filed on at the opening last June.
Their land is situated in Sheiidan
county, and the owners thereof con
cluded that a little jaunt in the autumn
atmosphere would be beneficial and
pleasant. Engineer Mike Nolan acted
as pilot with Dewey as his assistant in
conveying the passengers, Pat and im,
to the promised land. But owing to the
fact that the head pilot had never made
a inn over this division he lost his bear
ings, before the patty had made any
distance and after drifting for some
time they weie lelieved from this em
bairassing plight by an old merit of the
sand hills who emerged from his dug
out and pointed in the direction of the
Ciirrryanch, which lie on their route.
On arriving at this place the (piaitet of
lordly landowners from Alliance found
it necessaiy to make a swap for another
hoise in place of one that slipped an
ccccuttic on the way. At the Currv
ranch the torn ists again played in good
luck. Mere they met the accommodat
ing Mr. Joy who took compassion on
the boys and piloted them to his place,
where, fatigued and hungry, they took
shelter Sunday morning," when they
succeeded in teaching their claims. Ac
cording to the report of the patty, Mike
Nolan's section is the "garden spot" of
catth. Pat Nolan's piize is a close
second, while Dewey's and Devlin's aie
me not to be sneezed. The are all
well pleased with their holdings. On
the way back to town, the three engin
eers and foreman again lost their way
m the wilderness, but aftet driving over
the piairie and around one sand hill
seven times, without time-card or rails
to guide them, they caught sight of Al
liance in the dusk of the closing day.
To a lost mariner the sight could not
have been more quickening than it was
to these men of the road.
A. 0. U. W. Elect Officers.
Alliance Lodge, No. 202, Ancient
Order United Workman, elected the
following officers last Monday even
ing: Louis Buechsenstein Mastet Woik
man. J. A. Smith Foi eman.
C. A. Gleason Overseer.
Geo. Darling Receiver.
V. W. Irish Financier.
A. T. Lunn Recorder.
L. H. Mackey Guide.
W. S. Green I. W.
Fred Richstein O. W.
Medical exauiineis Dr. W. K. Mil
ler and Dr. Geo. Hand.
Our f 1 lend Cooper, of the Rushvillc
Recorder, has cut all of his dead-beat
subscribers and of course will make
some enemies. The Tribune man has
had the same expeiience, and will .state
for the benefit of Brother Coopoi that
it has found the enmity of such peo
ple preferable to their friendship by
the sacrod ratio of at least 16 to 1.
When the heathen ragos you will pros
per. It is the man who finds fault
with the home paper you can keep off
your list with benefit to yourself and
the community you live in. Crawford
. s'vvNs' V-
A practical, satisfactory, economical solution of
J-MW..UV.M., winuii wu
Another Mile-Stone.
With todaj's issue Tin Hihwd
rounds out another volume of its ex
istatice being a completion of the
eleventh mile-stone. And it is not out
of place to briefly slate, that as the
jeais glide by, the general business
of this punting establishment is
all that cm: be desiied In the publisher.
Tiik IIuitAi.n's subscription list has
kept pace with its pioguss in
othet departments and is lodav
the leadei in circulation of anv
paper i.. Box Butte county. This
fact can be attested to l a glance at
the advertising columns, winch are so
libeiallv pationied the veai 'lound.
It has always been and will continue to
be the aim of the publisher to give to
the public a local paper that will ptove
satisfactory to sub-ciibei and advir
tisei alike. Those who expect to use
piin'eis' ink during the coining season,
with confidence of deriving the gieat
est results, have only to investigate
our list to detetniiuo its piestigc.
In return for the libeial patronage
bestowed in the past, the publishei of
Tin: Hkkvld is heaitily thankful, and
hopes to nieiit a continuance of the
same business lelationship by fair
tieatinetit and giving in return the
greatest piofits and advantages for such
German Investment Company.
The Get man Investment company is
the title of a new coiiceMi that has been
foimcd to ttansacta ieal estate,
investment and loan business in this
section of the west, with hcadiiaiters
in this city. The manager theieof is
Mr. G. W. German, in whose name
the company found favoi to give the
otgaiiisatioti its appellation. Mr. Gei
nian but lccentlvai rived from Lincoln
wheie he has been identified with Un
loading real estate men of the capital
city. He is an old resident of Ne
braska, having made his home in Gage
count), way back itij 1872, and has
ever since been in touch with the busi
ness inteiests of the east that have
dealt in western lands and secuiities.
In referring to the adveitiseinent pub
lished on the first page of this issue,
the leader will gain full information of
the German Investment company's
character- This new depattute is some
thing the business ciicles of Alliance
will heartily welcome, for heretofore
the only extensive teal estate business
tiansacted here has been of a drifting
uatuie with no collective or individual
interests paving stiict attention there
to. The office of the new firm is located
in the McWhinney building, just north
of the opeta house, wheie they aie
comfortably installed and ready to look
to the wants of their patrons.
Mt. H. J. German, secretary to
General Supeiintendent Rhodes of the
Burlington, and a son of the manager
of this new company, is also identified
with the Geiman Investment company
in a financial way and all together the
oiganization is backed by honorable,
unimpeachable men, whose word and
chaiacter are above rcpioach.
Should Include the Platte Valley.
The following dispatch from Wash
ing regarding a hill as introduced by
CongiessniAii Mondcll of Wyoming is
of vital interest to those who have filed
on similiai homesteads along the North
Platte river, and the proposition should
also include in Nebiaska project, where
settlers aie subject to similar conditions.
Those in touch with the powcis that
control the actions of this legislation
should interest themselves in having the
bill so arranged as to include the Platte
Valley. The dispatch reads as follows:
Washiogtou, Dec. 9. Congressman
Mondell yesterday introduced a bill to
give entrymen under the proposed Sho
hone irrigation enterprise in Big Horn
county, Wyoming, leave of absence from
their entries until May 1, 190G, upon show
ing that water is not available for irriga
tion of their lands. In explanation of this
bill Representative Mondell says that
lands in the Shoshone region cannot be
cultivated without irrigation and it is im
practicable for settlers to reside upon the
lands in their present state. He thinks it
advisable to pass a general law giving
settlers the right to one year's leave of ab
sence and thinks it but fair to extend to
settlers under the irrigation projects the
same privilege of leave of absence that is
allowed settlers under the homestead act,
Don't foi get the ball to be given next
Monday night in the Zhinden hall by
the Modem Biotherhood of America.
Evtuy preparation is being made for an
enjoyable time and ou will miss a
raie treat if jou fail to attend.
Wanted To
ranch. G. L.
Mom ait.
Al&x. Graham expects to start next
Monday for a visit at the old home
in Ireland.
25 cts for cream. W. E. Spencer,
Agt., Harding Cream Co.
V -va-vr 'x
ror flie I
are , ciemotTUrannv: c.vry i;u.
' WAN,-wi'V.x,K.-N
iwsasasrjw. j .
"Vw .
Hon'i I i i-t t" -f n ' m)
g n Souvcmr JSCntl-w
fi.fiseh and B -.lutit-ilN
W.r'UiAwA. ' -V AX.
Would Make a fine Present.
Now tint tin holul.iv sfifrou !- near
at baud and thought- of the loiss ,u
home and dear ineii 1- will come i.
youi lecollection mute vividly than
ever, it is a good time to scud them
something that will bo of special inter
est. Theie i-i nothing that so fasci
nates the mind and oe a- scenes and
views of the locality in which the
sendei lives 01 perhaps fu; a tunn i
sojouiuing. To those in western Ne
biaska, and especially Box Butte
county and the city of Alliance, no
bettei leineiubiance could be had than
a copy of the Tin lli.i'vins special
souvenir edition. We still hav c a few
copies of this tine woik on hand, and
those who desiic to transmit a copy
through the mail, will find them neat lv
wrapped and ready to send. The illus
trations are something fine and the
frontispiece in colors a woik of the
highest art. This edition has won the
distinction of being the finest thing of
the kind evei published in the west and
hence its value as a special holidav
token. The pt ice, 25 cents, is only a
trifle coiupaied to the apptt-ciatioti it
will give to those leceiving it.
In speaking of this beautiful woik.
we quote from the inanv hundieds of
expressions the following comments:
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house.
Forest Lumber Co. mike a specialty ol
manufacturing dipping vats.
Dr. Koons, dentist.
Norton block.
Office upstairs
See Humphrey for picture framing", up
holstering and furniture repairing.
Harold B. Miller, M. D., phvsician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
Go to the Alliance National Bank to
deposit vour money. Oct. 7-t f.
Spcclul sale Ladles .suit- and Sklits at
Itcgun s
Those indebted to Zbindeu Bros, aie
icquested to call and settle their ac
counts at once, as the firm wants to
close same by the rst of the year. 52-2
Swell line of pictures and medallions
at Darling's.
Look over Geo. Darling's stock he
fore making selections for Xmas gifts.
Geo. G. Gadsby will take down
screen doors and windows and store
them till spring when they will be re
paired, painted and put up again. He
will also make and put up storm doors
and windows. Phone 400. o-iG tf
Friday is Fresh Fruit Day at
Gleason's Delicacy Store. Nov. ti-tf
' Money to Loan.
$2000 to loan on approved security at
10 per cent interest
Dec. 2-jt G. L. Mofpatt.
Two good girls wanted at the Bany
house at once.
Come and examine our Xmas goods.
Everything at cost. G. W. Young.
Closing out evoiy thing logardloss
of cost. Call and got price. G. W.
National Roller Bearing Carpet
Sweepers won the three highest medals
at St. Louis exposition. See them at
Geo. Darling's.
Hm$Mi&a: z
' m ff
S-?-- 'JS,'.',? -!,?.', i S1 ?; .' i -., Ste-" ti
loiidays !
th- Orisfnas (ritt
"w. tin v. show vou ?
.-V. ..Vr.,.,-..,
'fixt ;sr, .c wfiTT -r. :." a-ewairanua
s wwww --u'W-'V-'W-'V-
1. icn Is .-I, i 1 I ,ti
of tbc HUimicc Uxtj d Onlv is.c
Omaha D.tiK Be.-: The Industiial
etht'oiiot '1 in Ai.i.ivmi- (Neb.) Hr.R
vi.n is as dehgl.tlul to the eve as the
first now eis of spiiug. Nothing finer
has issued from nn press in Nefhaska.
A I'luiracfcusiic pirtuieol Indian life,
punted 111 coloi-, adonis the front
page. Half tone pictmes of scenes in
town and cmmtiv ami poitiaits of
piountieiit people illuminate the many
puge.- ot niattei desciiptivo. htstoii
eal. litoi.uv and statistical. Publisher
(J Leete deserves the glad hand from
the people of the stato in general and
from Alliance in patticular.
Omaha Daily Wotld Heiald: The
Industiial Edition ot Tut: Al-lianck
Hiku.i, T. I. O'Keefe, publisher, is
one of the neatest and most compre
hensive publications that ever'inade
its appearance in the west. It is print
ed on heavy book paper. The first
page is handsomely illustrated with a
large coloied picture, showing a num
ber of mounted Indians viewing in the
distance a passing lailwav tiain, and
as one of the led men points to it he
seems to sa , "That is the beginning
of the end." On the inner pages are
many half-tone pictures of prominent
western men and beautiful scenes, in
terwoven with leviews of the giowth
and developciuent of the great west.
It is such publications as these that
help build up the "great American
dtseit." and Editoi O'Keefe is to be
cougiatulated on the valuable contri
bution he has made to the interests of
his growing town.
Mr Conrad an insurance agent from
Hastings, was in these pans a few days
ago, and done quite a business among our
ranchmen in his line.
(Juite a number of our citizens were do
ing business in Hemingford Saturday.
Those were Arthur Bass, Lee and Scott
Hood, Geo. E. Zimmerman, W. C. Phillips
and Miss Pearl Broshar.
Our people arc still subject to accidents
AfewdavsagoC W. Lockwood climbed
on top of a 10 foot water supply tank and
by accident fell across a gate below, and
is believed to have fractured a couple of
his ribs and was laid up for several davs
for repairs.
Again' Sunday while on their way
home from Sunday school, by some mis
management of the horse. Mrs. Broshar,
Miss Edith, and Miss Jessie Leavett, were
thrown from the buggy by the seat giving
awav. No oue was Imn nnd. ., -..,
shaking up.
Charles Moravek is building a cattle
shed on his new ranch.
G H. Clavton and familv ilc;inn
at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Bro
shar, Sunda evening. Also at same
11 m
tune and place Mr. Jones and family from
the Wilson ranch on Snake creek.
See Geo. Darling's ad on last page.
Geo. A. Hills pays 8c in trade for
cured natives. 7c in trade for heavy
side brands, 6c in trade for light side
brands,; ic less for cash; 7c in trade
for green natives, fie in Bade for heavy
side brands, 5c in trade for light side
brands; tc less for cash. I buv horse
hides, sheep pelts and furs. " Bring
them in. Now is the time to save a
hide for a robe.
Nearly all the ailments of the human
race m these dajs are caused by the Blood.
Stomach and Kidneys being out of order.
I mire is not a case on record thanCo-Lon-to
hasn't cured. Ask your druggist.
F10111 my premises about May
rod heifer, end of tail white, branded
S on right hip; i ear old last May.
L. Savipv,
Hemingford, Neb.
' 1