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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1904)
; V THE QLB FOLKS AT HOME Are Never Without Pe-ru-na in tho Homo for Catarrhal Diseases. zraSs. I! If II s,r vafetts.. m M&ryw fit w i t M WandMRl I'. ll 1L JS W I & WSMI iJNO.QOTSOtt, independence, "Mo Remarkable Cures Effected By Pc-ru-nn. Under date of January 10, 1897, Dr. Jlartman received tho following let ter: "My wife lias been a sufferer from a complication of diseases for the past twenty-five years. Hor case has baf fled tho skill of somo of tho most noted physicians. Ono of her worst troubles was chronic constipation of several years' standing. She was also pausing through that most critical period In tho Hfo of a woman change of life. "In Juno, 1895, I wrote to you about her enso. You advised a course of Pcruna and Manalln, which wo at once commenced, and have to say It completely cured her. "About tho same time I wrote you about my own case of catarrh, which nod been of twenty-five years' stand ing. At times I was almost past going. f commenced to use Peruna according to your Instructions and continued Its use for about a year, and It has com pletely cured me. Your remedies do all th nt you claim for them, and even more." John O. Atkinson. In a letter dated January 1, 1900, Mr. Atkinson says, after five years' experience with Peruna: "I will ever continue to apeak a good word for Peruna. I am still cured of catarrh." John O. Atkinson, Inde pendence, Mo., Box 272. Ask your Druggist for a free Franklin's Wise Advice. Lot all your things havo their places; let each part of your business havo its time. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform, without fail, what you resolve. Lose no tlmo, be always employed in something use ful. Bonjamln Franklin. Adds Milk to Water. An Irish dairyman, accused of add ing water to his milk, vehemently de nied tho charge. It turned out thnt ho had spoken the truth. He always put tho water In first, and added the milk to tho water. It sometimes happens that a girl hides tho family bible in order to keep her age hid. All Up-to-Date Housekeepers use Defiance Cold Water Stnrch, be cause It Is better, and 4 oz. more of it for Bame money. Tho younger tho doctor tho moro germs ho knows. Early In the morning, late at rnlght, or whenever ustd, Defiance Starch will be found always the same, always the best. Insist on having it, the most for your money. Satisfaction or money back guaranteed. It b manufactured under the latest improved condi tions. It b up-to-date. It is the best. We give no premiums. We sell 16 ounces of the best starch made for 10 cents. Other brands are 12 ounces for 10 cents .with a tin whistle. Manufactured by TUB DEFIANCE STARCH CO., Omaha. Nebv 4S'e.x7i2f Thompson's Eye WUr "M""'""'1" HfHE All II KF f AUR. Bert Cough &; "" "-SX .--T" I 7S& . Tutes uooa. ih i FxJ la Umi dbrdraraUta, laKETCEWfiljAilglMaa Kiifvm''ifJU A fctv. &. iiV'Lur XHilaaaaaaaaaaaaaVr X Nlfg 1 5P Tirana M, CHVANDD Minn. Mrs. Alia Schwandt, Sanborn, Minn., writes: have been troubled with, rheuma tism and catarrh foriwenty-flve years. Could not sleep day or night. After having used Peruna I can sleep and nothing bothers me now, It I ever am affected with any kind of sickness Peruna will bo the medicine I shall use, My son was cured of catarrh oi the larynx by Peruna." Mrs. Alia Schwandt. Why Old People aro Especially Liable to Systemic Catarrh. When old ago comes on, catarrhal diseases comes also. Systemic ca tarrh is almost universal In old people. This explains why Peruna has be come so indlspensablo to old people Peruna Is their safeguard. Peruna 1b tho only remedy yet devised that en tirely meets theso cases. Nothing but nn effective systemic remedy can euro them. A reward o" $10,000 has been de posited In tho Market Exchange Bank, Columbus, Ohio, ns a guaranteo that tho abovo testimonials 'are genuine; that wo hold in our possession authen tic letters certifying to tho same. Dur ing many years' advertising wo havo never used, in part or in whole, a sin glo spurious testimonial. Every ono of our testimonials aro genuine and In the words of tho ono whoso namo Is appended. Peruna Almanac for 1905. Acute Sense In Insect3. Certain senses in Insects appear to be beyond compreheuslou. The neu ters among ants, known as tho "ter mites," aro blind, and yet they will reduce a beam of wood in their bur rowings without once Inlawing to tho surface. Mother Cray's Sweat Powders for Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse In the Children's Homo in New Vork, cure Constipation, Fevorishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and repulato the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 1)0,000 tes timonials. At all Druggists, 25c. Sample) FUEK. Address A. S.Olrastod, LcRoy.N. Y. World's Great Men. Great men are the fire pillars In this dark pllgrlmago of mankind; they stand as everlasting witnesses of what has been, prophetic tokons of what may still bo, tho revealed, embodied possibilities of human nature. Car lyle. Colors of Varying Warmth. Certain blind persons can tell tho color of a flower by laying it against their cheek. Actual experiment shows that blossoms of certain colors are In reality warmer than those of other tints. Tito well earned reputation and increas ing popularity of tho Lewis' "Single Binder." struifjht fio cigar, is duo to th maintained high quality and appreciation of tho smoker. Lewis' Factory, Pooria, I1L Nothing destroys the memory of a man like doing him a favor. Why It Is the Best isbecnuse made by an entirely differ ent process. Defiance Starch Is un like any other, better and one-third more for 10 cents. Who aro a llttlo wise tho best fools be. John Donne. Nothing' Is so eensltlYB to cold is a r? nerve and this Is the cauie of Neuralgia St. Jacobs Oil by friction and penetration warme, aoothes and cures the wortf cues. Pries 25c, and 60c. S4 BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. ..jmum MktJKtomn J& MARK. Y HOW TO FIND GROUSE. Uncertain Birds to Which Rules Co Not Always Apply. Tho rtiffod grouso Is one of the un certain birds to which no hard nnd fast rules will apply, says a writer In Outing, yet ho has a few small po culiatities of which advantage may bo taken. In wild, heavy woodland, his original haunt, ho has a woaknoss for two things an old toterund, or any seldom used road, nnd tho bank of n stream. A man a bit of woods wllh which ho Is unaccustomed probably will see moro grouse near an old road thnn. anywhere else. In hilly country tho lower slopes of tho ravines aro npt to bo tho bust ground. In lovol country tho long strips of thicket bor dering largo blocks of standing tim ber nro ideal places and If tho thicket happens to mark tho edge of a clover field so much tho belter. Never pass even a small thicket which stands out In a clover field with n wood upon any side. Grouse nro fond of clover and until tho winter sets in aro apt to bo In any fair shel ter near tho field. Later, in snow tlmo, tho borders and Interior of largo woodland swamps nro tho chosen places. If there bo a region of thick, low-lying forest, having close-grown beech ridges hero nnd there, theso surely will repay tho labor of boating them, for they nro almost certain to bo tho strongholds of all tho ruffed grouso of tho neighborhood. Old windfalls and slashings nro good be causo they afford ncrc3 of tho sort of shelter tho birds prefer in cold weather. Should a single bird flush, proceed wnrlly and ready for instant action, for a second and pcrhnps thrco or four stragglers may bo within gun shot of tho spot. Ground good for ono bird may bo as attractive to three or four, although each Individual re mains somo slight dlstnnco from tho others. When boating border thick ets with a comrade, I prefer to work in tho cover about along the lino whero thicket nnd forest join. Most men will chooso tho outside, but ruffed grouse nlmost invariably dash for tho wood, henco across tho lino of fire of tho inside man. Such shots aro nono too easy nnd trees have a knack of getting in tho way, yet n3 a general thing tho lusido position menns tho most fun. An Ingalls Story. Mr. John J. Ingalls, who was alwayn stoical, who wns not seemingly af fected by passion and who was per fectly Indifferent to pleasure or pain, wns somo years ago making a long drlvo in tho western pnrt of tho state with a compnnion. They wero out campaigning, wero full of gyp wntcr, wero wholly enveloped In tho dust of tho desert, their broncos being com pletely fagged while wearily approach ing tho end of a flfty-mllo drlvo. Not a word had been spoken for half an hour. Ingalls sat stlflly bcsldo his companion, his hair, his face, his clothing thick with the alkali dust that floated in clouds abovo them. Clear ing his throat as he turned his faco to tho west, he majestically waved his hand to his companion, and, speaking In his characteristic guttaral tones, said: "What a magnificent sunset." Eldorado (Kan.) Republican. No Money in Voting. A colored man who registered In Brooklyn seemed rather stupid, and most of tho questions bothered him. Ho asked that they be repeated and thought long beforo answering them. "Whero did you live when you voted last?" asked tho chairman. "Now, what do you want to know that fur?" ho asked. "Tho law requires It," was tho re ply. "I never voted befoah," ho an swored. Then ho seemed to think that an explanation wns demanded, bo ho added: "You see, I vo lived In No'th Calllny. An' down thnr you hev to pay poll tax of two dollars er yo kalnt vote. An' arter yo pay tho tax they givo yo only ono dollar fer votln'." Society to Teach Hygiene. A new association, tho Institute ot Hygiene, has been formed, eays Na ture of London, having for its object tho dissemination of knowledge on tho subject of personal and domestic hy giene. It alms to be self-supporting, and In order to accomplish this has organized a permanent exhibition ot hygienic products and appliances, con sisting of foods, clothings, filters, stoves, etc., open freo to tho general public, nnd a special section devoted to drugs and medical and surgical ap pliances to which medical mon nlono nro admitted. Tho rcvenuo gnined from tho rentB paid by exhibitors will bo devoted to educational work, which will tako tho form of local lectures, vlth examinations and certificates. By Comparison. Not half so limpid aro your eyes As some that tlanli mo soft rcpllex. Not half so tempting are jour lips As some, al.iH! ns some I know: Nor Imlf so dear thn-cbln that dips Abovo your bobom'.i timid show As chins whcie dimpling lilies blow. Vcr smiles bowlUlorlnjr. your hair, Yov.r woman's ways, tho gowns you t ear. Not half so lieart.entnnsllnK they As those of other lmllofi fair With whom I meet most every day. Not half ah, no! but twlco and thrice As captivating', sweet anil nlco In every charm nre jou than nil Who ever held mo in their thrall! Town Topics. Nine-Pound Potato. Greeley, Colo., claims tho largest potato raised in the Centennial Stato this year. Tho tuber for which tho championship is claimed weighs nine pounds and was sent to tho ex position at St. Louis. Roy Smith of Montroso, Colo., has flvo potatoes whoso combined weight Is twenty-two pounds Climate of California Desert. Tho cllmnlo of tho California des ert In midwinter Is tho finest to bo found In tho world, bar nono. Tho air is balmy, tho days warm nnd tho nights cool enough for comfortnblo Bleep. Mosquitoes, fleas nnd other In sect pests nro unknown (snvo by tho Indians and half breeds, whoso socloly it Is not necessary to culttvato), whllo flies nro absolutely a minus quantity on tho doserL Much Waste of Coal. A squnro foot of uncovered pipe, filled with ateam nt 100 pound pres sure, will radlnto and dlssipnto In a year the hent put Into 3,710 pounds of steam by tho economic combustion of 398 pounds of coal. Thus ten square foot of bare plpo corresponds approximately to tho wasto of two tons of coal per annum. Description of Persian Sheep. A traveler, giving nn nccount of tho Torslnn 6hcop In 1708, snys: "Tho talis frequently weighed eight or ten pounds, and they havo bIx or eight horns, somo of which stood out hori zontally nnd caused a great deal of bloodshed when tho rams engaged with ono another. Both tho wool nnd flesh of theso sheep were greatly val ued." Largest Sun Dial. Thero Is a lnrgo promontory In tho Kgcnn sen, known as Hnyon lloroo, which extends 3,000 feet abovo the level of tho water. As tho sun swings around tho shadow of this mountnl? touches ono by ono n clrclo of islands separated by regular Intervals, which net as hour mnrks. It Is tho largest sun dial in tho world. Mixed Relationship. A man brought up at St. Albans as an incorrigible) roguo wns proved to havo married his aunt. Ills children arc, therefore, his first cousins and ho is his own uncle. Ills grandmother and his mothcr-ln-lnw aro tho samo person. Apparently tho judgo sympa thized with him, for ho was dis charged. Earthquake Source of Profit. Earthquakes occasionally profit man kind, ns In tho caso of Ouzoun-Ada, a town on tho Caspian. Tho port of tho town was visited by an earth quake last year, nnd since then it hns been found open to steamers which could not enter It before, owing to tho shnllow wntcr. to cum: a coi.i in onk hay Tike Laxative llromu tjulnlne Tablet. All droij guu relurnl the money It It fall to cure. 1.. W. Ureva'i signature li ou each box. 25c. Mystery of Lost. Pins. It Is calculated that only 1 per cent of tho pins manufactured aro worn out or broken. Tho other 90 per cent nro lost, but what becomes of them, whero they go, nnd who gets them, or why somo of them aro not nfter- wards discovered and again put to uso aro mysteries. Another Argument for Good Roads. "Mabel," said Mrs. Subbubs, stern ly, "when that young man was leav ing you at tho gata last ovenlng I heard several sounds like kisses." "In deed!" replied tho girl. "Oh, I know I What you heard was tho nolso ho made pulling his feet out of tho mud as ho walked down tho path." Storr'e Biting' 8arcasm. It waB Emery Storrs who said that a fellow lawyer reminded him of a beautiful houso with masslvo portals and Impressive cornices which, when you opened tho front door, landed you immediately in tho back yard. Do You Know What An Aniline Blue Is? The Handr Bluelntr Book, whoso "ads" havo been appearing regularly In our columns for several mouths past, is well deserving ot special mention to all our readers. Ono sheet from tho Handy Blueing Book will produco ten gallons of blue- water of tho proper consistency for tho laundry. Decades ninco, Anilino blueing was tested by Germany, tho dye connoisseurs, nnd now it Is tho only bluo upon tho European market. It is used by shirt and collar factories everywhere. Why? Beenuso It will not spot, streak, pierce or injuro tho lineus and will bring them out a snowy white. Tho average man Buffers moro from an overloaded stomach than from tho pangs of conscience. SPECIAL NOTICE. "UNDOMA Hair Tonic will lend to your hnlr that soft fluffy appearance appreciated by people of good taste nnd refinement. Ask Your Barber. Send us your namo for free treat ment THE UNDOMA COMPANY, Omaha. It isn't necessary to acquire an au tomobllo la order to run in debt. IMPERIAL HERNIA CURE. Dr. O. S. Wood cures Rupture by a new process, In a fow weeks, with out loss of tlmo or Inconvenience. Rectal diseases cured without the knlfo. Send for circular. O. S. Wood, M. D C21 N. Y. Lifo Bldg., Omaha, Other people's experience is never a dear teacher to you. THE PERUNA ALMANAC IN 8,000,000 HOMES. Tho leruna Lucky Day Almanac has becomo a fixture in over eight million homes. It can bo obtnlned from all druggists freo. Bo sure to Inquire early. Tho 1905 Almanac Is already published, and tho supply will soon be exhausted. Do not put It off. Get one to-day. Many a man is driven to a corner saloon because his home isn't home like. PUTNAM Calor ort ooo-da brlohler and latter colors thin any teiuluu .III land boat oald at 10c a package. aaaLIVR &Kit3$&j& j AT-jMf?" 1,! s i-VTv 'jTioLIIIIIIIIII rvj .wiw.o- vei.k"r"v- & - m The letters of Miss ture is printed above, and Miss Claussen, prove beyond question that thousands of cases of inflammation of the ovaries and womb are annually cured by the use of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Diun Mits. PiNirnAM: Gradual loss of strength and nerve forco told mo something was radically wrong with mo. 1 had severe shooting pains throught tho iwlvio organs, cramps nnd extreme irritation com pelled mo to seolt medical ndvice. Tho doctor said that I had ovarian troublo and ulceration, nnd advised nn operation. I strongly objected to this nnd decided to try lij'tlla K. Plnklinm's Vcgotalilo Compound. I soon found that my judgment was correct, nnd that nil the good tilings said nbout this medicino woro true, nnd day by day I felt less pain nnd increnscd appetite. Tho ulceration soon healed, and tho other complications disappeared and in cloven weeks I was once moro strong nnd vigorous and perfectly well. "My heartiest thanks aro sent to you for tho great good you havo dono me." Sincerely yours, Miss Mauoaiikt Mehklbv, 27G Third SL, .Milwaukee, "Wis. fliss Claussen Saved from a Surgical Operation. ss iwemw -- -ff"l.J 'fruitless operations cost mo. If tho womonwho aro suffering, nftd! the doctors do not help them, will try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, they will not Imj disappointed with tho resulta." Miss Claka M. Claussen, 1307 Penn St., Kansas City, Mo. $5000 FORFEIT It "" cannot forthwith prolate tlia origin! Utten tad ilf natures abate UdfmoulaU. which vlll prura their abtolutn Renulnentut . Idl K. l'lnkfaam Med. Co Lynn, Xw. Laid Dy for a Rainy Day. Among tho belongings of an aged pauper who died nt Ureslau wero found moro than two hundredweight of stalo bread and biscuits, 300 bottles of medicino from tho workhouRO dis pensary, $300 in cash and $250 in securities. Trying Spring Weather. Ono of tho odd observations of the medical profession is that of tho deaths in all parts of tho country, tho number Is larger In March and April ot each year and smaller in October and November. Tho best way to lteep people from getting onto your curves is to bo per fectly straight. Mr. Wlnilow Rnnthlng Sjrrnp. For children teetMnKi noftrni the irunit, reduce to 4immiUoD,alUjrpaia, cures wlnUcollu. S&cabolUe. Thero nro no good manners with poor morals. It Cures CoMs, CoukIis, Pore Throat. Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Unmcbitls nnd AhUimu. A certain cure for Consumption In flnt staRi-s.amla sure relief In Brtvunri'dxtaKtu, Che lit once. You will we the exrcllcnt effect utter taking tho tint iloso. SoW by dealer every where. Large bottles 25 emu and W cents. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 511904 HANDY BLUEING BOOK. In Bheou of PURE ANILINE BLUE. Nobottlei. Ko paddles. No waste. Gives Lho samo amount ot blueing water each wash-day. Aslc your grocer for it or tend lOo for a book ot 6 leaves. Thi Handy Bluilng Book Co., 87 E. Lakt St., Chiciji, III. FADELESS DYES other die. One 10c eackiie colon Ilk. wool and cotton equalli wall and U Guaranteed to c!e perfect retuHe, Write Isr lea bookl.V-How te Die. Bleach and Mil Colors. MOiiMOX VftOo CO., IfnieiaedM, MUtuZl Merkley, whose pic-' "Dkati Mns. Pinkuam: Tt seems to me that all the endorsements that I havo read of the vuluo of Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound do not express one-half of tho virtue tho great medicino really possesses. I know that it saved my lifo and I want to givo tho credit whore it belongs. I suf fered with ovarian t rouble for flvo ycarsjhad Oirco operations and spent hundreds of dollars on doc tors und medicines but this did not curo mo after nil. " However, what doctors nnd medicine.1) failed to do, IiVdla 13. I'lukliam's Vegetable Com- 5ound did. Twenty bottles restored me to per ect health nnd I feel Bure t hat had I known of ita value before, and let tho doctoi-s alone, I would havn Iwttn snared nil tho mill and exnenso that Canton the Paris of China. Canton Is tho Paris of tho far East, tho fashion center of that plcturcsqno country of lilies and tea. All tho nris tocratlc Celestials, In whatcvor part of tho world they may be, still watch that center with eager interest for tho decrco put forth every year by that capricious authority of southern China. Ho that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune, for they aro Impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief. Francis Uacon. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment in it positive cure for PUch. MIXED FARMING WHEAT RAISIM9 RANCNIN6 Three PTcatpnrinltJ hecln thown wonderful reiulta on the Kree Jluweitetd Laada of WetUrn Canada tbli year. Uiimlflrenl climate- farmera plowing In ttelriblrt llee ) In Ibo middle of NoTembcr. "Allare bound to be more than pleated with tho final reull of the pataaoo'harveu." Katracl. Coal, wood, water, bar In abundance. bcbooU, Churcbca, markeu convenient. Applr f or tnformaUon to Superintendent of 1mm). erailon, Ottawa. Canada, or to authorised Canadian tloTernnient Aurnt- W. V. Dennett, 80J Mew Yorie Life lluildlng, Ouiaba, Nebraika. l'Jeaie iijr w I ere yja law tbla adiertliement. m Save A on Drugs J write for our lUO-imtfocutnloKiitf, I'ATKNT MKD1CINKS. KUBBKK QOODH. THUBSHH. SHERMAN & NCCOMELl DRUG (0. Cor. 16th and Dodjo, Omaha. Neb. m