The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 09, 1904, Image 8
1 i I I . Ui I I TR.fcv ,. fierce. Fire 0000000000o '' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Insurance. HnMlrtOFORD, Nehhabka. Acrnt for the Caledonian, of Scotland, which Insurer town property only, and the Coluni IiIh, which liisuifs town and farm property and llvu fctock. lloth uro reliable old line companies Notarial "Work.. 0oOKOOOOOOO t t W. M. FOSKETT Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, BY THE DAY. or 3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hr.MiNr.roitn, Nmi. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing -t'Af.Ii ON- I. D. NICHOLS Also has in stock a new line of GENTS' SHOKS of tho best manufacture and at prices that will stilt. Call and examine the stock before you buy and you will Bave money. At K. Madten's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. Contractor and Builk Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G, GADSBY, Uriel; Shop West of Alllnncu Nutlo.iiil Huk, Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400. ZBINDEN BROS,, .DEAL.KR8 IN Flour i Feed. , "Home Comfort" Flour Ib Our Leader. Try It.... Stock and Stockmen. Stockmen: It will pay you to advertise vour brands in this paper. The Herald has the largest circu lation of any newspa per in Western Ne braska. Nebraska Stock Grower s Association. (Incorporated.) A. M. AIndlsett pirslclunl. ltulivlllc; It. M. Hampton, vice-president. Alliance; E. M Hoarle Jr., seeretury-trciiNurer, Ogulullu Executive committee -K. I'. .Mycru, Lena It. It. ICIiK'uld, Wiitfhanr, John Ilruniutn, Allliinrui.1. It. Vunllosklrk, Alliance; K. K. Lowe, H mints; John M. Adams, Totter; 11, M.Allen, Ames It. Mco, Lodgepolc; Evort Eldrcd, Orlando; E. C. HurrU, Cliudronj L. V. Illckull, Kimball; Itobert Graham, Al liance; John Conway, Dunning; ,1. H Cook, Agile: A. 8. Heed. Alliance. mo.m:ii & TUM.Y, Jess, Neb Block branded us shown on cut ou either side. Alsod-Oouelth er side. Town sbl I) 21 j and rtngo 4'l. Canton. county, Neb. (Cross II Cross ou loft side. Also llloii left, thigh. Under Hlopu on left ear. Horses branded samo iih eattli ou left Jaw and u on left shoulder. m CUltltAN HItOS., Htoux DIIWI), T. .1. rtLiTi '' "i mi -.,.n.u wmrmn i PHONE 105. WKST SIDE MAIN BTltKIVr. Alliance. Nub. II 5 connected any placu on left side. limine on bead of, 1 I it o reek, .Sheridan omity, I'OINT-Ol'-HOCKS RANCH. JOHN O'lCKETE & PONS. Alliance, Neb. Cuttle branded OK on left side: also OK 1111(1 OK on leftside. Notice to Redeem. TIio KtUtof N'brusV, t . ".,, llox Ililtte County. " ToSntnuel l, Shaw, Rank of Commerce of (lrnd Island, Nebraska, and llersehel A. Dlwnnls, Reeelvei'of Hunk of Commerce of (Iriind Island, Nebraska! Von liti'l fiieb of you ire hereby notllled that on the sib day of April W3. John Weluel purchased t tux sale the North East Quarter of ieetlon 24, In Township !" of ItuniH -III. In Hot Ilntto Count v. Nelirnsku. That snld land was taxed In the mime of Sam uel U Shaw and that mild pure huso of tax sale of said laud Mas made for the veins of IMV. IM7, IsW, 1KP11, IKK) and Mill and thai Mihseiiueiit taxes have been paid on said land hv.lohti Wflnel for the years lua and Intl. That tho time for redemption of the aforesaid laud will expire on tho (tJi day of April IliW Dated Alliance, Nebraska, iIiIh 30th day of NnvumlNT, 1104. fp-l)ec'J John Wnnut Contest Notice. IT, S. IaiiiI Olllce. Alllnnce Neb., Nov. Id, 1WI. A Milllclciit contest aflldnvlt having liecn tiled in this ofllco by 'Ihoiuas Cliarleston, eon t es taut, ngnlnst Homestead entry No. 4l!l,mailo July I-', IW1, for southwest quarter sectional, township HO north, range .V) west by John .Me llnle, contested, in which It Is iillosed that John Mcllale never leslded ou said tno't, nor made any Improvements theieou. That tabl alleged uhsoiifu from the said land was not tine to his employment In the army, navy or marine corps of the Culled states as it prlvato soldier, olllccr, seaman or marine during tho war with Spain or ilm lug any other war In which the Culled Stat ,s may lie en taited, salil parties are hereby notllhsl to ap pear, rcMo!id and otlerevldeiicotoueliluits.ild allpHiitlon tit HI o'clock a, m. on January 10, IPO,, before tho Register mnl Iteeelvernt the United states Land Uftlro In Alliance. Nebraska. fp Nov. M HniJCE Wilcox, HckIsU'i-. Shciiff Sale. No. i:HI. lly viltueof an older i f sale Ustied by tho del K of the (list riot com t of llox Hutto count . Nebraska, iiikiii a decree rendered by s.iid court In favor of 1 rank I'. Iloon, rlaliitltT, mid iiKiilustChas. I). Wells and Etta Wells, defendants, 1 will, ou the llttli day of De cember, A. I) , W4, at 10 o'clock a. in. on bald day, at tho west fiont door of the court hoiue In Alliance, In said county. sell the following descilhud real estate, to-wlt: ConimcncltiKiit a point on east Hue of lot three, In section three, township twenty-four north, of niiiko forty-clnht, twenty rods south of the northeast corner of said lot three and rtiuiilnK thenco west twenty four rods, par allel with the north line of said lot, thence south llftj-tlnee and otic-third rmls, thenco eat parallel with tho north line tweut)-fotir rods to east lino of said lot, thenco north on the east Htm of snld lot lllty three undone third rods to place of beginning, eoiitainiiiK elRhl acres of laud, bo It the Niime.more or less, subject to n rond one rod w hie on tho west side of this tract, In llox Ilntto county, Ne braHka, at publlu tiucthiu to tint highest bid der for cash, to satisfy Hiild order of sale, in Hiunof Sr:i7.fi0 mid Interest, costs nud accruing costs tned lit J:l "! and piihjcct to nil unpaid taxes. Iiia Ri.hii.SherllTof S.1I1I County. U A. Kerry, Attorne.v for I'lalntllV. fNov 11 &$JM$$ Vve, DeVvuaoT tells you the latest about dresses. K jlliVBWRiI jfltAff aaB SCIIIMj HltOS., Hchlll, Nub. Cuttle branded ou right thigh or XV on right side. Township 27, ratigu 45,Sherldaii county. STORM LAKE RANCH, ROIIERTtJRAHAM, Clemau, Neb. As In cut ou right or left hip; left ear cropped. Horses branded O on left Jit w. 7MTSWM.k For a Full Line of... AND Staple Fancy Groceries Best Colfe Fii J Superior Flours, nsr ll. st && t ysf w f v u K. MARIN. Ilemlngfonl, Neb. Cattle branded flying horseshoe ou light hip, us Incut. Homo ranch mm. -o-U7-W). Horse ranch in L'iWH. A. DIEMNO. llox llutte. Neb. Cut tie branded as I) cut on left hip, also with the bar over Instead of under brand. Alsoouleft hide R'iichiiwH section 17. In township '., range 40. II A. ALLISON. Lakeside, Nub. Cattle branded N-ot Wght hip. Raugo In Twp. 2, range 4., Slier dun county. f-N- HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . . :: Embalming Company That Can't be Beat In Town.... Qucensware, Tinware aild Enameled ware 1 flH9 7r CALL ON. A. D. RODGERS. Calls snswered protnptlv Jay or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. Tlrs. Humphry, Lady Assistant Residence phone 269. FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Heating Steam and hot water Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB. We will tell you that our store is the place to buy X-HAS PRESENTS AND WHY. Prices are right. Look here. Sheriffs Snle. No. 1570. lly vlrlc of unorder of s tie Issued by the clerk of thn district court of llox Ilntto coun ty Ni'biaslm, Upon a decico rendered by said comt In fiunr of llenjamln Johuson.t lalutllf, and against John C Welsiteraiid W.Kiihnstock, defendants-. I will on the Kith day of Dec, A. I). HO', at 10 o'clock n. 111. on s ild day. at the west front door of the court liotmolu Alli ance, In wild count), sell ttiu following de scribed real estate, to-wlt: Tho southeast .uarter. section i. In town ship -4. r.ingoSO, west of tho sixth principal meridian, In llox llutte County, Nebraska, at public auction to the highest bidder for ciihIi, to satisfy said order of S.1I0 In tic) sum of fl.U'l'.riOand interest, costs and accruing costs taxed at t'lO.'K.and subject to till unpaid taxes. IRA KKK1), ' Sheriff of said county. L. A. Retry, Atlorno- for I'ialntitr. fp ll Notice to Creditors. In county Court, within and for Ho v Hutto county, Nebraska, Sept. aj, iiW4, In thu mutter of the estate of John berster, deceased. To the ci editors of said estate: Youaio huruby notllled, that 1 will sit at thu County Com t Room In Alliance In wild county, on tho ,'Wth day of March, 1WS, ut 0110 o'clock p m.. to receive and cMimluo all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. Tho time limited for thu pres entation of clultni against snld estate Is six mouths, from the-Jttb dav of Sent . A I). liJI. and thutlmu limited for p.ijinent of debts Is one jetir from sahl ,'4th day of September 11110. Witness my liaml and tho seal of snld' county court, tills U tt I. day of Seutemlter, lt04 , 1 ,it ,1 fj i ,-r. rt. ii-i 1,1, ska 1,1 1' p Uec 2-4 w. County Judge. Taken Up. Stray steer, at my ranch near Lawn, about two years, Hereford stock, branded VT (connected) on left side. Owner can have steer by paying all expenses. Sec. 3I-28-5L LOUIS HOMRIGIIOU.SRN. The Fall Season Is here. So are We With Special Prices on provisions of all kinds. Call in and see us before buying. Lee Acheson 'Phone No. 4. ras UTime Table Alliance, Neb. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance LINCOLN, OMAHA, CHICAGO, ST. JOSEPH, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, DENVER, HELENA, BUTTE, SALT LAKE CITY PORTLAND, SAN FRANCISCO. polnth west and 4 -inch circle 6-inch circle 8-inch circle Medallion mhoii; Medallion , 5,x?,easib!lck Pictures Medallion . " ,v Medallion Picture Pictures... Pictures... .j ffjt metal brass bound edges with jrilt metal ornaments brass bound edges rt only ornaments q gm ' 5C only 15C only 20C OOC 6x8 Pictures .o i p- f Cupids, Poets and Cupids, Poets and .pco-mcli Pictures Presidents in me- Presidents in me- in all gilt frames in 2-inch oak ven- dallion form in dallion form in with easel backs eer frames. genuine carbon genuine carbon Will surelv go at cwr M LonR. Prits- ,3 pictures prints, 4 pictures ' m combination in combination 40c A. 35c 75c $j oo mmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmammm MMHarMMraiM mmmmmiiinmamm niinfBff(nMMNMrMMiif4MWMMM4MM Six Musician Popular Pedestal 8-ft. Fanc-V w.ood Seat Pictures . . n. . Dinincr Table Rockers in golden Dutch Pictures Dining l able oak and ffenuine under one glass in , . f in quartered golden oak mahonganv all ""i It frame una in a iramt polish finish, with uatent rt lockin.' device $2 oo $i.50 Be$30 Vlj5;u.7f v Children's Libran Bookcases c' , i ..M. Upholstered H. , r. . , and Combination -ancy Lamps Rockers g o"i?'!lt a" Bookcases and with decorated bowls , ., KOCKers Writing Desks and globes in genuine leather .,,,,, M j aml at 5 $10.50 $11.75 Misses' Rockers kPixJ at $1.25, $4.50 19.00 and 23.00 A prices and up to $35 $s 5Q anrf $62B I National "Mission" Carpet Sweeper, $5.00. Other National Roller Bearing Sweepers at prices as low as $2.75 We have positively the biggest line of HOLIDAY GOODS in the city. See for yourself. irigfj Housefurnisher. r &H m8&g&&g&&&gi&m&&&a& sSfrgfeg&gs&m!&&&i&mlgiQas Kris Kringle HAS SMLECTKD NORTON'S STORE and all ioiuts east and all so 111 11. i.k.vb a l'ot.t.ows, Mountain Time: No. 41 l'lissonuer dally. Donilwood, Hillings, all volnt north unit webt. :JSam. .No. 42 Passenger dally, l.lneoln, Ouialiu, ChleuKO iind all tvolnts oust .. 2:l5u.iu. No. "Wl ravsoiiKer dally, for IVnvar t))dun,Halt Ijike, .-nil l-'r;in-etseo and all limn mediate lvoluLs, depuris ut.. .. , 2.15 u.W. No, 802 l'aweiii;er dully from Denver and all Iniormedlaie (Htlnts, arrives ut .. No, MttPally. exeep Suiiday. for points south and west, de parts ... . . igsOO u. u No 9tW Dally, except .Sunday, from south and west, arrives 4t55p. m. Sleeiilnsr, tllnlti'; and reeilnlnr chair ears (seats freel on throuwh trains. Ticket nold and bugciiBO checked to uny point lu the I'nlted Mutes or Cuuadu lor Inform. ith n, llmo table and tickets call on or write to IfcS siAOK, Agent, or K S. Wakllcy, Uen eral Passenger Agent, Omaha Nebnska. as his official headquarters, and the assortment beautiful presents he left for us to distribute exceeds anvthinir ever shown in Alliance To those who want to buy the most lasting ents vou will find of far before. pres- Purses Silk Dress Patterns, Ladies' Tailor Made Suits, Ladies' Cloaks. Waists, Toilet Sets, Bags and Hen's Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Shoes, Gloves, Hufflers, Silk Handkerchiefs and Finest Neckwear Toy Department Mere will be the inventor in found all of the latest creations of Mechanical Toys, Automobiles, Hook and Ladder Fire Wagons, Police Patrols and hundreds of different articles that please the children. SOMETHING NEW is shown in those Silk and Rubber Toilet Articles. Nothing you could give will be more appreciated than one of these sets. The store will be open evenings until 8 o'clock in order to give those who cannot visit the store during the day an opportunity to select some of these beautiful and useful X-mas presents. We do not want one dollar's worth of these goods in the store on Christmas morning, and will make prices that will clean them all out before that time. Come earlv and see the entire stock. AD D rtdvow y--w-'srF y.- w i '-?$' -: -Yi "--wp'-wm'-mi " -tr. f Pi! A S. 1 I W 1 1 .HHHttSttiill!Ld S.