The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 09, 1904, Image 5
A W" r J V tfc "i (,1, ' Pi ?v 1 fj- i ' 1-7 ; ' j iv Kidney and m Backache Also Purifies thc Blood. All DUe&aes of the kidneys, bladder, and urinary organs. Abo catairh, heart disease, gravol, dropsy, rheumatism, backache, femala troubles. Cure Don't become dlscouraced. There Is a. cure for vou. If iipcivisarv wrllo Dr. 1'ontior. He has spent a lifetime curing Just ouch cases as yours. All conviltrUlons FREE. Suffered for 10 Years with Backache and Kidney Trouble Omaha, Neb., Feb. 4, 1903. Dr. M. M. Fenner, Fredonia, N. Y. Dear Doctor : I have suffered for the past ten years with backache and kidney trouble, and have tried a great many of tho most prominent physicians in Boston and Omaha and all tho patent medicines I heard of in hope of receiving relief. Finally seeing your ad. I purchased a bottle of your Kidney and Backache Cure I wish to thank you for the benefit received for after u.'ing only two bottles I am entirely cured, having no pain or ache of any kind. Sincerely Yours, Miss Alice McDonald. 2954 Harney St. Sold by Druggists, 50c. and $1. Get Cook Booked Treatise on the Kidneys FREE. M. M. Fenner, M. D., Fredonia, N. Y. For Sale bv F. 1. HRENNAN & CO. ' Zr J&M t 4 fc tfl J .'..'..'-... :: '.-.".""."".".". ww: ;..;..;.;..j..;...;...;..;..j.;..j.;.j.j.j;..j.j.;.yv...,, I F. J. Brennan & Co.... DEALERS IN " Drugs, Perfumes -"Toilet Articles.! ;: Paints, Oils and Wall Paper it: S'arnskt BNLAoTiAL Alliance, Nebraska. x-m::wmhH"M:' t i Palace Livery jBsurn. S. II. DICSCII, 1'rop. ONI', iii.uck W'KST or Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, the ni: zhindkn . , ami courteous treatment to all has won for us the uuiI.niNG. 'Phone Ti excellent patronane we enjoy. Trv us. IISIIK, S8HIH KKOM Nothing is more interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. We buy only of the best manufacturers and hence can assure you the best of every thing in the line of Building Material. CALL AND SEE US OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT PHONE 73 Forest Lumber Company. HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY Best Quality SULPHUR IN 100 POUND SACKS FOR $3'5 Special Prices onLarger Lots at Holsten's. For that small repairing we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying, fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. Trv Dierks' Lumber 5 Coal Co. Also agents for Nebr. Central Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 Were You Thankful? Well! Now make some one slse feel thankful. How? Just go to Newberry's and purchase a few useful novelties for Christmas. ISo High Holiday Prices Just straigt every day values. Ilest goods at lowest prices. Do people complain of dull times? Just drop in at Newberry's. No dull times here. The reason is obvious. f vy"Viwuwi."U".'wwrti t J i - X X C -A.. 3TEl"rBEI2KE3"Sr. An AppctUIn 1)1 alt Thnl la n KnYor llr In Jnpnn, Not bo well known union ;; the occi dentals n soj muice. but of equal hut It ha 1111 nppetlzer, N wasabl. Its use Is lu .lnpnn. It nerves the siuno purpose that hoiKCtndMi does on occidental tables, but is less acrid. My own Introduction to wnnntil wn unique. I count oniony my most plena Inj,' experiences lu tills sunrise land my meeting with Tiiiulo Yuno, novel ist ami dlplomnt. And not the least Item In my debt of gratitude to him Is that ho taught me to appreciate iny raw llsh and wasabl. Mr. Yano has boon the mikado's ambassador to China and other lands. One night nt thc Nippon club he led up to a delicate subject on the menu with much diplo macy. He Dually got my assent to the statement that a cosmopolitan appe tite Is one of the distinguishing marks of cultivated travel. Then ho passed mo taw llshl I confessed that I was willing to be a stick In the mud or any other variety of sllurlan rather than take place with the International elect by eating such a dish. My host, however, was pain fully insistent, dually adding that with raw llslt they, of couibe, ate wasabl. Now, 1 did not have even a vague notion of what this might be, but with that raw proposition before me It was comforting to know that at least It was to bo diluted with something. I conjured up an experience lu tuklng castor oil ambushed under Bherry and snrsapnrllla, which, while not a bever age one would grow to crave, might have been worse. I figured out also that with my gaucherlcs with chop sticks I might manage without ex citing suspicion to drop the llsli before the fatal moment, and eat only the mysterious wasabl. Hut whether through cowardice or courage I can not say, flHh and relish made quick and simultaneous journey to my ie luctant palate, and In the never to be forgotten Instant there Hashed Into my consciousness the undeniable truth that in all my occidental years I had been denied one of the most savory dishes In the world. Charles Lamb's Chinaman had Jubilant delight over his first taste of roast pig, but that Is a degraded passion compared with an Anglo-Saxon's initial ecstasy over an oriental morsel of raw namdsu gar nished with the uppeth'.lng roots of Eut renin wasabl. All honor to tri umphant agricultural Japan, and may this far eastern member of the mus tard fundly take deep root and spread and llourish In my native land! Har old Boice In Ilooklovers' Magazine. Scrkc9 will bo held nt the church next Suuda an usual, Suudnv school sen ice nt 10. n. in. Preaching nt it; n. in,, and 7:30 p. 111. Morning sub ject: "Power of Love in Dailv life, livening subject; "Is There a Chance to be saved nfter Death d" Junior League will meet in the basement of the church at 2:30 p. 111. Epworth League meeting nt 6:30 p. in. All nic cordially invited to attend. The Sunday school teachor's meet ing will he held nt tho homo of Miss Wilson, 320 Wyoming Avo. Wednes day cvouing at 7:30. The Ladies Aid society will meet with Mrs. L. R. Dewey next Wednes day afternoon at 2. o'clock. As this is the last meeting hefoie the holidays the ladies wish to have a large atten dance. Hible study class will meet nt the home of Alex Mueihead next Tuesday evening at 7:30. School Report. To the Hoard ol Iulucation and patrons ot the Alliance City schools. Find herewith appended a partial list for the month ending November 25, itjo . lolul ntiMilicrof uupHs enrolled this month Niiitilieruf Ikivs .. . NmnlxTot ulrN Total ciii'iiIIimI ui (Into . ... critKo dully nttcnilmirn. A itiiku ntiinbor IhIoiikIiik. , IVr ccnt.of ilully iittiMiiluiiru NuialKir nf tiinlics lVr cent, of liunctiiidlt.v. . ...741 ..:U7 ..401 .7H1 ..II7J..VJ .."Oil 15 ...lCi.IW) .. 'T.. HUH PW SITLE 609 Mids byKalamitoo Cortet Co. Alto Solo MaVtrt ol American Datuty and f. C. Cortala maiei nan uuauiy iajii oct e 689 Styli Now e (ended hip model wide lace at top lino quality sateen with lioe uup porters, size 18 to 30 for Style 416 75c Medium short oxtendod hip, A ncw model for 05C Style 1089 A medium straight front girdle, very dainty model, wide lace trimmed rt for 50C Style 123 The prldo of American ladies. Low front, long hip. hose supporter side. and front best cloth neatly trimmed. . .4'5 Fred Mollring, fllgr. PEOPLE S Field Arrlvei!. After Kugene Field's, return from his first trip to Kuropo, where he "upent his patrimony like a prince," and be fore he went to Denver, he had n little close personal experience with hard times. One day he walked Into a lend ing St. Louis hotel and, squaring him self before the register. Inscribed his name in his well known copperplate chlrogriiphy. The clerk had never heard of him. but he read the name with a quick glance and said: "Do you wish n room, Mr. Kldld?" ' "No," was the answer. "Dinner?" "No." "Then may I ask what you do wautV" continued the clerk. "I Just wanted to arrive." replied Field solemnly. "I had not arrived at a good hotel for many mouths. I feel better. Thank you," and he stalked out with long, heavy strides. KlnniliiKura. A writer on flamlntroes, which he has studied In their haunts lu the Ba hamas, says of them: "They are prob ably as near to the geese us to any other oiilor of birds, having a similar structure of bill and feet and some what similar feather character. They are unique, however, In their curiously bent bill, which, though gooselike in general economy, Is constructed lu every detail upside down, as the bird lu feeding reaches down to the bottom and places tho top of tho bill down. The tongue Is also constructed In the same Inverted way. Tho webbed feet are for sustaining the birds In the soft ooze they love to feed In, actios: like snow shoes." Neither aliment nor tuiily fur tho month r.'.'i Nell her absent nor tartly to ilnle jjgi .Number prevent every day .... . AID .NumlxT of visitor..... ... H Minuets lost by tiintlnus Wl 'I'eiiehers tunly nt seliool . . I Ti-nehers inrilj at Teacher s Meeting . a Teachers absent with substitute - luilfilnys i. Teachers ulisent from teachers inctliiire I Tent hers' visits to utrons in The second room in tho Fmer.snn build ing secured the llag this month. 1 lie loiiowing rooms were perlcet in punctuality In the Kmerson, room two; in the central, second primary, third pri mary, third grade, fourth grade fifth grndo, sixth grade, eighth grade, and high school. The total enrollment to date is just one groater than it was for corresponding time last j car, and the per cunt of attendance is one better than that of last year. It is the intention of the schools to have a public exhibit of thc work of the differ ent rooms about the last of February or the fore part of March. Kcspectfully submitted, V. II. Hakiz, Superintendent. Use New York Drafts To Send Money Anywhere. They are cheaper, as safe, and better than any other method of sending money, Mail order house; always want NEW YORK drafts. They arc better than money to them as their banks will issue them drafts free to an amount equal to the New York drafts they deposit. 1 lie reason some bouses do not want drafts is that many banks write them a draft on some other city than New York and it costs them to collect it. 1 here is no charge anywhere on a Now York draft and we always issue them when the money is to go out of thc state. Thqy are cheape"rthan any other way of sending'money. They'cDst. Under $5.00, 3c. I 'm!er $15.00, .5c. Under $100.00, 10c. (her $100.00, 10c. per $100.00. We also send small sums to any country in Europe direct and issue drafts in large amounts. Wo sell traveler's checks good anywhere without identification. Notary Public in the bank. Insurance written. Steamship tickets sold. Open a small account and see how con venient it is to do business through a bank. fp novaC jw FIItST STATE BANK. MEAT MARKET A. C. JOHNSON, Proprietor. Wanted New Ilnblta. Sad Looking Man I see you have a sign out, "Maker of Women's Hab its." Do you mean It? Ladles' Tailor Certainly I do. Sad Looking Man Well, since my wife's been going to the dub she's lost all the good onefl aba had, and I wish you'd make her a com plete new sel regardless of expense. And please Include the habit of staying at home once In awhile and mending my clothes. Practical Flaaaeiertnar. Rayuor There's a dangerous new counterfeit II v dollar bill announced. Better look through your roll Sad eoe If you have one of 'em. rJMMfc"Ctot much! I'll look at every tf WUJU MU I' take -lhthmtgh, -7011 eta AAiyst rPi-lt.l.nA . t vwv .. .a. Mini. ..j. Accounted For. "Phlsszer hus started up a wda water fountain." "Why, how could Phlzzer do that? He hasn't a penny of his own." "Well, I heard him say he had the fountain charged." Cleveland Plata Dealer. Mri The Konndntlon. "That's the new mansion of one of our wenlthy sugar refiners." "Ah! Another house built upon sand." "No; rather upon tho rocks he made out of hand." Philadelphia Ledger. It Is human nature to hate those whom we have Injured. Tacitus. BOX BUTTE AVENUE First Door South International Harvester Company's Office Having purchased the People's Cash fleat Harket, I desire to announce to the good people of Alliance and vicinity that I will be prepared at all times to supply their wants with everything in Fresh, Smoked and Salt Meats, the very best that money can buy. I have inagurated a strictly cash business and everyone from prince to peasant will be treated alike and you will get the best and most for your money. When you are shopping call at the People's Meat Market for your meat or telephone and your order will be delivered promptly. Our meats will always be found the best and prices the lowest. M) Phono 207. A. C. JOHNSON, Proprietor. mm MM KtW We've just received a line of Burnt Leather l NOVELTIES l Just the thing for holi day presents. They're going fast. Better buy thctn now while the as sortment is good. Nebraska Hide and Leather Co. Established 1878 Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leatherand Saddlery Hardware Always Reliable. L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebraska. NELSON ITLICTCIIIGK FIRE INSURANCE AGENT . REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING ' ' IN8URANOE OOMPANIK8. Liverpool, London mill (itolw ln. Co. Gcriimn Aniuilciin Ins. Co., New York. I'm mere mid MetvlmiitH Int. Co . Lincoln. Columbia Fire Insurance Coniinny. 1'IiIIikIi'I)IiIii Underwriter, I'IiociiI.n Ihs. ( 11.. Hartford. Conn. Hartford 1'ire Iusurancn Coiapuuy. North American of Philadelphia. Phoenix of lllooklyn, Nut York. Oonllnuatnl of New York City. NluKiiru fire lusuruncu Company. New York Underwriters, Now York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., London Office L'p-Ktnlrti, llctclior lllock. Alliance, Nebraska. Dray and Transfer Line. W Phone 139. 1 HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. . S. A. Miller will take charge of them; atoro thew in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship them wherever desired. Charges reasonable. The only spring dray line in the city. S. A. Miller. THIELE'S Prescription Druggist 306 Box Butte Are. J. Rowan DEALEIt IN FLOUR and FEED WIIOLKAAI.K AND IIKTAII. 1IANDI.KS TIIK Celebrated Ravenna Flour At PPUingtou'a old stand, 'phone No. 71. ID iamonds, Watches, Ui Gold Jewelry, Souvenirs . Repairing in all its . Hail orders promptly Branches. attended to.- A. O. Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. has. E. Ford, President S. K, Warrick. Cashier C S. Reed, H. M. Hampton, Vice Presidents. G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. First National Bank, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. - Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Directors: Ch'as. E. Ford, A. S. Reed, R. M Hampton. H. G. Warrick, S. K. Warrick. i , 1 thrown from a wagon. --"""ux,3 ms nom i us to l a Oldbuck Noneaense! The women ' wee- were using It before yon were born.