The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 09, 1904, Image 3
y Tno Pills That Curo Sick Nerves Mrs. Dora B. Frazier, No. 140 AlthcaSt., rrovidencc, K. I., has been cured of Nervous Prostration by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills For Pale People. Sho says: " I suffered for threo years and was several tiniest at tlio point of death. My weight vent down to scvcnty-fivc pounds. I wa3 afflicted with nervousness, dizziness, suffocating spells, swelling of limbs, sleeplessness and irregularities. 1 had a good doctor but lie could not help me. The first box of Dr. Wil liams' Fink Pills did mo goo and I continued their use until 1 was cured. I am now perfectly well." These pills arc a specific for all disorders of the ncrvjsfrom neuralgia to partial paralysis. Sold by oil Druggists. t Wui-i.lluiimn.iiii. in PBrawf5Smryn?rtST5TwftTr JMiUMiMI unmmMBi C CONTAINS 25.000 NEYWORDS.Etc. Now Gazetteer of tho World New Biographical Dictionary HO lunrto Init". Ne-Plates. 5000 Illustration!. Should bo In Every Home, School, and Office Iter. T.vmnii Abliott, I).I Editor of Tho Outlook, says! Webitcr has always been thraveriteix our household, and 1 have seen no reason 10 transfer my allegiance to any of hit competitors. FREE,"ATetlnPronunciatlon,"lnjiructl1e and enterulnlnc. Also lllmtrstcd pamphlets. G. S C. ME.R.RIAM CO., Publishers, Sprlnrjflold, Mass. TWEMTY BUSHELS OF WHEAT TO THE ACRE Is tho rocord on tho Froo Homo stood Lands of WostornCanoda for 1004. Tho I'iO.OOi) farmer from the TuUed States, who during the past seicn ji-ars liate gone tu Canada participate In this pmsnerlty. The United State will soon become an Importer of (cheat. Oeta free homestead or purchase a farm in Western Canada, and become ono of those who will help produce It. Apply for Information to Superintendent of Immi gration. Ottawa, Canada, or tu authorized Canadian lioernment Agent-W. V. Dennett, bOl New York Life Building, Omaha, Nebraska. l'lease say where you taw this advertisement. frlD YOU KNOW thatryoa can tetnibro light for lets injnejr with a MONARCH CARBIDE FEED ACETYLENE GENERATOR than from any thins else In the world-except the tan? Seed for Catalogue D. MONARCH ACETYLENE GAS CO.. 1012 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment C?tr03 Sprains' and StraiiiH. Wanted all kinds From all scctlons.of the country. Will pay hlchest cash prices. A. H. ItL'KlvIIAUOT. Inti-r-imtloiml I'ur .Mi-reliant, CINCINNATI, O. Every housekeeper should know that it they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starcli for laundry use they will savo not only time, hecauso it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 1C oz. ono full pound while all other Cold Water Starches are put up In -pound pack ages, and the price is the same, 10 cents. Then again becauso Defiance Starch Is free from all injurious chemicals.- If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it is becauso ho has a stock on hand which ho wishes to dispose of before ho puts in Defiance. He knows that Dcflanco Starch has printed on every package In large let ters and figures "1G ozs." Demand Defiance and save much time and money and tho annoyance of the iron sticking. Defiance never sticks. Tho average girl would rather hnve her feet frozen off than wear comfort able woolen stockings. WfflMsll 7 m WCHBSTBR K'MWdcM 'NEW RIVAL" VraaaaaTw v J7KjBaaW,r y&sWkwt Ar Winchester Factory Loaded "New Rival" Shells give bet ter pattern, penetration and more uniform results gener ally than any other shells. The special paper and the Win chester patent corrugated head used in making "New Rival" shells give them strength to withstand reloading. BE SURE TO GET WINCHESTER MAKE OF SHELLS. w-uVl 4m mm il 1 araw Dacon's Prophetic Worm. Roger Dncon (1214 91) mny havo foreseen tho possibility of making dynnmlto and other powerful explo sives when ho wroto tho following words: "A small portion of matter, about tho sizn of tho thumb, properlj disposed, will mnko a tremcndoit! sound nnd conisontlon, by which cltloi and armies might bo destroyed." Strange Foods. Certain Indians consider earth worms a dainty. They arc dried and rolled together Into n peculiar flour In Bahama nnd somo of tho Florida hoys tho conch Is eaten by far th toughost food known; more llko Intllo rubber than anything else, having tc be beaten nnd pounded before It car be masticated or even cooked Spectacles Needed In Alaska. An Alaskan missionary asks for a "peck of spectacles nnd eyeglasses." A few years ago ho made n similar re quest, nnd in rcsponso received a largo quantity. That supply is run ning short. There are frequent appli cations for glasses from people to whom they would bo a great boon. Car vs. Auto. A rather amusing thing occurred at Bridgeport recently, which shows tho power of automobiles. An auto struck a trolley car and tho front wheels of tho latter were thrown oft tho track. The mnchlne lost a guard, but aside from that suffered uo damage. Irishman's Shrewd Arrangement. Abraham Gruber tells n story of two Irishmen who were making an agreement for a meeting. Ono of them said: "If you get thcro first make n chalk mark on tho sidewalk; If I get thcro first I will rub it out." New York Times. State or Onto, City or Toledo,! ,, l.rca Covhtt. f '" Fpank .1. Ciipnkv makes oath that he li senior fiarlncr of the firm of K. .1. Cheney Co.. doluc mslncss In tno Uty of Toledo, County and Malo aforesaid, and that raid firm will pay the sum of t)NK lit NDKHI) DOI.I.AIiS fur each and ocry rase of c ATAitun that eatinut be cured by the use of Hall's CiTAiinit Cure. thank .?. citKxr.r. Sworn to before me and subscribed In uiy pres ence, this 6th day of December, A. 1). ISbfl. i A. W. tiLUASOX, I "i; 1 Kotahv 1'1'DMC. Hall's Catarrh Cure t taken Internally and acts directly on tho blood aud mucous surfaces of lbs system. Send for testimonials, free. Y. ,1. rilKNKV 4 CO., Toledo. O. Bold bv all Drtipplsts, 7"c. Take flail's Family l'llls forconktlpatlon. Somo people know too much to be lieve anytliing. GUARANTEED MINING INVEST MENTS. Wo are the largest mine operators In tho west and cordially Invito you to wrlto for prospectus and full partic ulars about OUH NINE ASSOCIATED COMPANIES, which have joined in forming our INVESTORS' GUARAN TEE ASSOCIATION, with $5,000,000 capital, TO GUARANTEE ALL OP OUR INVESTORS AGAINST LOSS. Write for free Information and be con vinced. ARBUCKLE--GOODE COMMISSION COMPANY, 325 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Half the fun of being bad Is tho wa It makes good people envy you. SPECIAL NOTICE. "PNDOMA Hair Tonic will lend to your hair that soft Huffy appearance appreciated by people of good tnsto uud refinement. Ask Your Barber. "Serin" us your name 'for free -treatment " THE UNDOMA. COMPANY; Omaha. Nothing else will curo your owr misery like mlnistery for others. Insist on Getting It. Some grocers say they don't kcci Defiance Stareh because they have t stock in hand of 12 oz. brands, whlcr they know ennnot be pold to n custo incr who has once lined the 16 oz pkg. Deflauee Starch for same money The president makes mountains out of molehills and tho optimist make: molehills out of mountains. "The Arena" (Boston, Mass.), tin der its new management Is more thar making good the promises of its edi tor nnd publisher. Each month new Improvements are added and while itf distinct character as an authoritative reflector of the ablest literary anc progressive thought of tho time it maintained, it is nlso being popular ized and rendered mpro attractive tc lovers of the artistic' nnd tho beauti ful. Tho mngnlficent frontispiece! printed on India-tint paper in deer sepia Ink havo proved very populai and tho November Issue of "Th Arena" contained two of these art pic tures. The Decomber issue contain four; ono, the portrait of Hon. Ed ward Tregear of New Zealand, anothei of Joaquin Miller, a third of Prof Edwin Maxey, and a fourth of B. O Flower. The richest man is the ono who can give freely with fewest regrets. CITC permanently cured. No flta or nerrensness arte il I O tint day's use. of Dr. Kline's Oreat Ner.o llntor- tr. Send for FltlCIJ tMS.OO trial bottle and treatise in. u. u. Klixk, Ltd., Ml Aich &trcet, i'biladelpula, l'a Nature leaves a lot of work for the dressmaker to finish. BLACK POWDER SHELLS. It's the thoroughly modern and scientific system of load ing and the use of onlv the best rnsterinls n-hlrh make WAGNER WAS TOO STRENUOUS. Threatened to Ruin the Only Piano in Faraway Nome. Ono of the characters In Nome, Alaska, wns Dick Dawson, who had n saloon, dance hnll nnd gambling hell combined, nnd had brought his out fit, Including nn automatic piano, down from Dawson City over an almost Im passable route. One day when things were rather quiet in the place, Oscar, tho chief and only musician on the staff, got to work with the automatic plnno nnd pumped at the pedals in ambitious Btjlo. He hnd ground out a lot of old fashioned homo und mother songs, whon suddenly, without tho least warning, ho struck Into tho "Itldo of tho Vnlkyrlcs." When tho crashing opening chords flrBt sounded, Dawson, who wns stand ing at tho end of the bar, started and looked around, to see what wns tho matter. Then the music took on n lighter tone, nnd ns n delightful thrill ing nm sounded out In the treble he settled back to enjoy it. Again came a clash and thump, thump, thump, as the bass chords got to work again. Dawson started ovei toward tho piano on tho run. "Don't bother yourself. Dlck,v said n hystnnder. "That's all right, thnt mu sic. That's Wagner." "Who tho 's Wagner?" wns the nnswer. "I'll kill thnt Oscar for let ting him spoil the piano!" Now York Sun. How He Meant to Reform. When Dick Winlcrsmlth wns Con gressman nt Washington," said Phil Thompson, "it hnpened tiiut a friend of ours fell ill. His name was John Wires. "Ho drank considerably, John did, nnd that last night of ills life he had split whisky all over his beard. "Ho wnnted it dnrk In tho room; so when the nurso went out ho reach ed for tho candlo and attempted to extinguish it. "His long beard, full of alcohol, caught firo Instantly and burned him up. "Thcro was n great deal of grief among us and consternation. " 'Tills ought to bo a lesson to us.' decided Dick, 'to stop drinking a while' '"So it ought,' assented Joe Black bum. 'What arc you going to do about It, for Instance?' " 'Mo?' said Dick. 'Well, It's come to this pass with mo that I havo firmly resolved never to blow out another candle.' " New York Times. Take Your Pillow Along. Many people when away from home find It difficult to sleep woll In n strange bed, and arise In tho morning with a sense of having passed a de cidedly unsatisfactory night. Vice President Knowlton of the Raymond & Whltcomb company, who ought to know, says tho trouble Is all In the pillow. It'B tho pillow first, last and always. Ho has slept in many lands nnd under all Imaginable conditions, and years ago came to tho conclusion that with one's own pillow at hnnd it mattered little about tho bed. On an extended tour he always tnkes his pil low with him, stowing It carefully at the bottom of tho trunk for futuro reference. "If 1 could start Hfo over again," ho Bays, "I would learn to sleep without n pillow (the only proper way), but the art must bo acquired during childhood. The next best thing is your own pillow wherever possible. Try it and bo convinced." ir., i Good Explanation. The ,Rcv. James T. Dougherty, rec tor of St. Mary's church nt Canandai gun, tells this story of his recent visit to tho St. Louis exposition: "In ono of the buildings I met a voluble Irish man In charge of an exhibition of Irish relics. My attention wns especially called to tho stump of a tree In which wns Imbedded so firmly ns to bo irre movable, tho points of a fine set of deer antlers. 1 was interested. 'How do you suppose the deer had como to get his horns so firmly fnstcned?' I asked. "'Surey I don't know, your river once,' was tho reply, 'but I think he must havo been "buttln' in." ' "New York Times. Knew How Freshman Felt. Tho inauguration of Dr. Luther to the presidency of Trinity college, Hart ford, which took place recently, sug gested an incident of a rainy day somo years ago. A freshman was walk ing along In. front of Nprthnm hall, when tho strap that held his books suddenly parted and they were scat tered over tho wet pavement. Ho wns just about to punctuate his thoughts with a few well-chosen words, when ho heard some ono just behind him. Catching himself, he glanced oyer his shoulder and saw Prof. Luther, who smilingly said: "Say it; go on and say it I never can, you know." New York Times. Knew What Was Proper. Dr. William H. Tolman, Director of tho American Instltuto of Social Service, tells a story of a "fresh air" youngster who was received at the country house of a friend of his for a two weeks' stay. "Ho was from the slums," snid tho narrator, "and sup posed to bo Ignorant of tho comforts of life, let alone tho amenities. At the dinner tablo the first day they handed him for dessert a triangle of apple pie fresh, hot and delicious. Tho New Yorker inspected it nnd remarked: 'Apple pie and no cheese. Hell." " Now York Times. The Azure. 'TU only In tho depths of blue Man tlnus his dearest dieuins fulfilled. Where careful norrown iuixa from view, And every heart-cry's hushed nnd atllled. So would I wing my Joyous flight To arure n'nlms whoro rnpture .ies, But to yonder mystic height I Aid my heaven In your eye! Ralph K. Kaspett In New Oncar.s Times-Do rncciat. Taught Carp Meaning of Words. A Spanish nnturnllst, Dr. Ribern, hns proved that ffsh can henr nnd dis tinguish sounds nnd words. Conceal ing himself behind n bush ho taught the carp in a pond to como to the stir faco for food every ttmo ho spoke n certnln sentence. To other words, not nflsociatod with feeding, they pnld no nttontlon. More Flexible nnd Lasting, won't shnke out or blow out; by uxlng Defiance Starch you obtain better rc aultn than pnttfdhle with any other brand nnd one-third mora for same money. Homes for Spinsters. In Sweden nnd Norway thcro nro several homes for spinsters. Ono of these, nt least, Is as attractive as It 13 unique. It Is tho monument to tho memory of nn exceedingly wealthy old man, who, dying more than POO years ago, left the major part of his fortune to tho old molds among his descend ants. Those Who Have Tried It will use no other. Defiance Cold Wn tcr Starch hns no equal In Quantity or Quality 16 or. for 10 cents. Other brands contain only 12 oz. Criminality of Professions. A French professor has been Inquir ing into tho compnrotivo criminality of tho professions. Ho finds thnt tho convictions per 100,000 of each aro as follows: Lawyers, 100: nrtlsts, 33: doctors, 25; lay teachers, 19; clcrlcnl teachers, 7; Catholic clergy, 4. No chromos or cheap premiums, but a better quality und one-third more of Deflnnco Starch for the name price of other starches. Tho nggresslvo mini who nlwnys wants to tako things into Ills own hands is never sntlsfied unless ho Is taking tho things thnt don't belong to him. Superior quality and extra 'quantity must win. This Is why Defiance Staich Is taking the place of till others. You need not be a shadow hecnuse you aro not n sun. TO CI7KI! A COM) IN OKI! HAY Take I.aiatltu llmimi Ijulnlnn Tablets. All dni2 cl.ts retuud tho ituney If It falls to cure. K. . Oroo's signature Is on each box. 23c. Being a great political leaders Is making other people believe what you don't bcllevo yourself. Mrs. VriiMln h Footlilng Rjt np. For children tcetulnit, miftrns tho intra, reduces In flammation, allays atn, curua wind colli.. u a bottle. I Mrc I C filnvr Viro.Di-rtc ,iiaa7 a. v. uiuivi,-nn. ' '"" ident Milwaukee, Wis., Business Woman's Association, is another,' tfcf jr .tt. f uneror inc muiiun women who have been restored to health by using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. Deah Mns. Piniciiam : I as mar ried for several yearn and no children blessed my home. Tho doctor said I had a complication of female troubles and I could not have any children un less I could bo cured. He tried to curo mo, but after experimenting for sev eral months, my husband became dis gusted, nnd one nh'ht when wo noticed tho testimonial of a woman who had been cured of similar trouble through tho use of Lytlia I'. Plnklmm's Vegetable Compound, he went out and bought a bottle for me. I used your medicine for threo uud one-half mouths, improving steadily iu health, and in twenty two mouths a child came. I cannot fully express tho joy nnd thankfulness that is in ray heart. Our home is a different pjaco now, as wo have something' to livo for, nnd all tho credit is duo to Lydia 13. l'inkham's Vegetable Com pound. Yours very bincercly, Mns. L.C. Ulovkr,014 OrovoSt., Milwaukee, Wis." Vice President. Milwaukee Business Woman's Association. fSOOQ forfeit If original of abov$ Utter prouln gtnulnt' nut cannot bt productd. u Save k on Drugs UJ write for our 100-page cataloKue, nhowlriB l&.ooa nrtldos ut cut iirhen. PATENT MKDK'INKS, IlUUBKIl GOOD8, THUB8K8. SHERMAN & McCONNfLL DRUO (0. Cor. 16lh and Dode. Omaha, Neb. DR. M gCj R E Wi av TC earn Iu madii ,t Kiierlalt) otIMSrKArKS (II'MDN, Ktziit foil yi-rfra tu Uiitaliu, llta llomr Trrutiiiriit h u h jx-mi ui'-nth enrett thotianndH nt hhiuU coat, Savn 1 1 trn) and money by deai-nb-Ina; your can, and writ- for free bookntidterniHOf trt-alnii-iit. M1 litne soul in plain paokut-i- Ilox Tort, Offlct Vli Sotilli Htli Strttl Omaha. Nebraska. W. N. U Omaha. No. 50- 1904 PUTNAM Tolor more qoodi brighter nd latter colon than any ayVIU lis W IB vwwua niiyiiivi snw maivi vwswi tiieeii wis Aik idler or we will send pott paid at 10c a package. SMOKERS FEND LEWIS! SINGLE BINDER 5f Ciftar better Quality thin most lot Cigars Your Jobber or direct from factory, I'eorta, IV No man enjoys the farm whon he plows it with his face. l ' ir ' li? 1 I I Mre I C filnvsr Viro-Di-rtc. 1 'IWJ IW mf& KtS'Nw mm li .aYcgclable PrcpnrnltonTor As similating IhcFoodnntincdtila- slmllating IhcFoodnntlRcdtila liiuj the Stomachs nud Dowels or Promotes Digcslion.Checrful ncss andltest.Contalns nelllicr Onlum.Morphinc norlutcral. NOT "NAM.C OTIC. .Atef toujt-swuaimiXR witsaliM Sritt' Stx.Sivut XhMU&J- MsttCKTsf nanWJtusu towsrj m rtsmr. Apcrfccl ilcmctly rorConslipa Hon. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worins .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ncss nnd Loss of Sleep. FncSlmilo Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. "- - " RXnSr ) W. L. Dounfaa matron ntl a""-- a t -.... .a . , noes wan any aiiivr ntuutui Tht reason ' W. 1 Koni-lnsrs.rislioesnre tbe r IcntstTle.e.isy milnit nint mi-rlnr n carina- 'iiislltlea. If I cot-Id show yniitlio dirTercnce tiotneeu th slioes iiindo In my fix tory atd those of other makes ami the Mali vrailn lent ieratipd. juit iwttii d under stand liy W. I.' ioiiobi J-1W rhoea cost more in mnl.e. why they hold tlielr aliniir. tit better, wear longer, and are of reater lutrluslr valun than aiiyotber $.1 Waboo on the uiarkot to-day, nnd why Uio tales ror thnyenrt-iidliiK-liily t.l'OJ.wrrr Hn.Vd.'l.lllO.iMl. . , .. . ., , ,.,. W. 1.. Dough vtMMtitees tbelr vnlne br piamtdnh' his tut toe and price on the bottom. Look forltr takenoeubttlitite. hold hy rlioo dealers everjwlici v. SUPERIOR IN FIT, COMFORT AND WEAR. " hat r icorn It", L Dnuplm li W iWl far Iht tntl Wtlrr vnn vtlh nhMtuti iii V'rtri n I Ami tlifin tupmor i HI, cowl rr nul ttn'r to n'hrti mHwunm t-yod (o tUtl.x-ii, .1 Jlf('l K, ),;( lt. I .1, Inh linmur, AVAiiwhi, to. XV. T.. nnuclns nor ( iirnnii 'iithlii III III Ji.'t.r.O ('iimrin riilt U eonerilcd to bo llii) nueat 1'iitt-iit l.eutlu-r niaile. I iii ruliir i:j-l-li iiseil -si lusltely. IV. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Massachusetts HAVE YOU A HORSE? WOULD YOU LIKE US TO GAnHLE SEND YOU A BEAUTIFUL "" " "- FOR THE MOST WONDtHFUL SAODLE OrrCR EVER ItEAND Or, an ellsr bjr which anyone can ha Iht saddle hi Ms nslahbsrhaai), cut this m out ami wna It to us soil you will rccrlve our New, Dl and Bssutllul Spcclsl Bsddl Cststoius, Isrvc, handsome phutofra- bio llluttratluus of all kinds of rflon's, Womon's, Boys' and Girls' Saddles, Stock Saddlos, Ranch and Rango Saddlos, SMALU MEDIUM AND LARGE. PLAIN AND TANCY SADDLES. EVERT IMAOINf ILE KIND AND STYLE AND SHAPE OP SADDLE. OUR PRICES WILL ASTONISH AND PLEASE YOU. You wilt st sur Vary Latest and Most AsUnlshlnllf Llboral Offer, you.wllt net our New Free Trial 1'ian. u will recti-. e a asdille orrrr that etaiy liorw) owner afceuld hae at vni-n. It you oll a bore, Incut this ad out and aerttl to us today andseo what all you vet by letiltn mail, free, postpaid. ADDRESsfgEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago. .aaarMaaaaaaaaw aaj'soaoaa . a9aaaaaaac r- Kj IBWEnfmsBSfirttimffl uDH B r TaaVaaak BM aV aal tRT ftlF''' JBHBJrSi ft W ffBH eaKa?WaaaaVr JLW Bv, mVlBBmLESmSkaiimasWBBkssmsssw jmsv I I It is the purest, cleanest starch made. I I I It. is free of injurious chemicals. I I I I It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid I I I a to use starch of any kind. I ft I I That's Defiance. Your grocer sells it WWW 1 I THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO., I I FADELESS DYES other die. One 10c package colora silk, wool and cotton e. write lor iree Dooklet-How to Dye. Bleach and Mix Colora. .UUSWtJUcUu VO.,Vuiiniilti, Siltsourl When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS' CHERRY C0UGH! SYRUP cures coughs and colds. Tf E-g,;a OASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA VHIOtHTAUH aOWKlNT. NEW TOH CUT. soils mora man's $3.1)11 (c ., at .. fats allsik aAM, aatf f i-reatcst rellera In tha world l WnnMOf tliolf eirel. ttutrvr - enuall well and li guaranteed t .; n..f.i .....h. CUAtS WrltkE Ait tLst FAilSL," t Lougn Uyrup, Tastes OckmI. TJm in ttaie. rioia br druitelsts. asagRiffiij AW fT a7 TOSfflK IEs9ai Js$$) leaaalfe'iu 'TOR-tliV ItlSnKas' i Mf JWrH 11 mm 11 '