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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1904)
n I i i if H r f r I.ohgk murr-rnn II. HI' It. T.-UnrdstniRRlo Lodge, No. 012 Mets every Sunday nflernoon nt 2., Boll's hall. Visiting brothers welcome. J. A. Dcnninh, W. M. M. Harokavks. Sec'y. h. O. T. M -Meet every Orst and third I'rr rlny at Kiwlo Hall Vlfcltlng Maccabees col dlally Invited. Mn. K. J. Hktzomi, U. ('. Mitri. Annik. YourT, It. K. Hot A 1. Hmin.ANii.His Alllmieo Castle No. 43 meets very ntvond and fourth Thursday rvinlnB In W. O. W. Unit. Visiting Clansmen cnnltnllv Invited. K 1. Woods, O. W. L.KIHY, tfoc'y. U I'. ATTOrtWRTB. WILLIAH MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE, OrriCRl'llONRlMI. . NEBRASKA. HF.MDKNGK I'llONKSKI. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Koonm I, S unil 3, Klrsl National bank build ItiR, Alllnncu, Ni'l). Notary Inotllcu. Soy&arkeS ,. A.lttI14.VH III I-iJI-W AI.MANCIC, NKIIKASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. smith p. Turri.i. I II A E. TA II. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main St.. - ALLIANCE. NKH. Dlt. KKIOAM10H, S DEITTIST S - J In Alliance i(i-3oof every month. Office over The Famous . . . 'Phone 391 0 e0e90eeecoea9e FREY & BALFE, OOTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. ins uox uirnv. Avr.xiri". IMmiH' tlVS. Culls answered in limn or country. TTiTiviooREri ri.rratr.u iii.iick, Ai.i.iAxci:. ni:ii. Calls answered Telephone No. 03. from olllcu day or nljtht. DR. L. W. EDWARDS PHYSICIAN AM) SlMtfilUlN Officiuiver I'ctetumoo. ALI.IANC'.. NKll H. H. Bellwood, PHYStOIAN ano SURQEON. Ilolslcn llulldlnc. - ALLIANJE, NK.H L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURQEON. Oftlce In 1'lrM unco Nebraska. Nulloiml Hunk block. Alll DR. G. W. MITCHELL, Physician ne .Surgeon Dy und night culls. Ofllroover UojuuHt4re, l'lionu 130. DR. GEO. HAND, i 11 v s 1 1: 1 v x a x i) s r it o v. o x 'l'lionu 51. oniiw over laoekniKKl'it, XIkIU full answered from ollU-t. -)lc- I E. E. BARR, H. D. Physician and Surgeon All Diseases of the EYE EAR NOSE and THROAT Successfully Treated T Fitting of Spectacles a Specialty t Office ( cr Alllunoe Shoe Store ik m "it m Hila Grand Tonsorial Parlors. Orvillk Ovvkn, Proprietor. Firstclass service. Patronage solicited. SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete . . . . ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA. Guy Lockwood . . UHAIIL'.VTU CHICAOO SCHOOL OF KMIIALMINQ Funeral Director and Umbalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Kxpcrt l.ndy Attendant;. Alliance, Neb. Zhe Iberalb. PUBLISHED FRIDAYS. T, J. O'KEEFE Publisher J B. KNIKST Associate Editor Entered at the postolhce at Alliance, Nebraska, (or transmission through tho mails, as second-class matter. PJT The Herald Is the Official Publica tion of Box Butte county and its circula tion is nearly twre that of any other Al liance paper. ADVERTISING RATES: Display, per single column inch por month.. - 5 Businoss locals, per lino first insertion .10 Each subsequent insertion, per line .05 Legal notices at statute rates. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. ( ADDITIONAL LOCAL. j Fred Davison of Hctuiugford was in town Saturday. Mr. and Mis. Claud Brown visited Heniingford Sunday. Don't fail to tead carefully Aclieson & J oder's advcitisenient in this paper. Peter Kennedy arrived todav to visit with J. B. Kennedy nnd family for a while. r... Fred Lichte came down ftoin Hem ingford yesterday and is having dental work done. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Annan fiom Dawes county drove down to Alliance Monday returning Tuesday. Frank Nagelschneider and Miss Nee land came down from Hemingfoid to attend the plav Saturday night. Mis. Robinson stopped off on her way to Ravenna Wednesday and spent a day with her daughter Mrs. Free land. ,w.www,wwww. Get a handsome set of waie woith $7. 50, free. See Achcson & Jodcr's advcitisenient in this papet for pat tic ulars. www. I. O. Bennett. G. L. Moffiilt, Miller Bros., Mrs. Jennie Pierce, V. C. I lee Inn and G. A. Walbiidgc nic new sub scribers to Tun Ilimu.ii this week. Services as usual in the Fiist Pres byterian chinch next Sunday at ii: 11. m., and 7:30 p. m. V. P. S. C. E. at 6:45 p. 111. Sunday school rt 10: a. in. Miss Jessie and Motion Sweeney ate home fiom an extended visit at tho Wot Id's fnir and other points in Illi nois, having arrived last Saturday. The young people had a most enjoya ble summer of it. The Majestic Mfg. Co., of St. Louis, Mo., have a man at Acheson & Jodcr's stoic this week, showing the Majestic Range in actual operation, baking bis cuits in 3 minutes. Come in any dav this week, you are welcome. All members of Alliance lodge No. I . r It xf ..... ...t.t t. iUi t. J. VJ. v., ail: iciui.aii:u iu uu nt the hall at 7:00 p. M., Saturday, December 3rd. Grand Recorder S. R. Barton of Graud Island will be present to address tho meeting. Visiting mem bers cordially invited. Louis Bucch setisteiu, M. V., A. T. Lunn, Re coaler. .....wwww . "The Fatal Sear" company, which played before an Alliance audience last Saturday night, draw a large, crowd and from a financial standpoint was a success. The notorious Frank James is at the head of this theatrical aggre gation, and no doubt a curiosity to sec him brought many people to the opera house. As an actor, James is far from a star and no doubt would do a better job iu n more familiar but discarded profession. Cupid's Victims. 'Way hack in his school day life genial Will Manchester, like the majority of school lads, had a flame so to speak. She was a light hearted damsel who found much to admire iu the hoy of her choice. His genial, good nature made such an impression on her childish heart that it proved in delible and no matter where Manches ter roamed, there was one who never forgot him. Though time separated the school companions, Cupid kept tab on both and finally brought them together last Thanksgiving day at the home of a friend of the groom, J. D. Smith, in Denver. The name of the happy bride was Mtss iwanuc untie, and her home was Salt Lake City from whence she came to Denver the day previous to take such an important part in the marriage ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Manchester arrived in this city last Saturday and are at home for the present at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Kaley. We believe we do not ovei estimate the groom's popular ity when we say that lie will receive the well wishes of everyone who is ac quainted with him, and as for his bet ter half, a hearty welcome will he ex tended in this her new home. Coming. Lewis & Poore's big, scenic production of "Ten Night in a Bar-Room" a grand re vival of the greatest temperance drama the world has ever known. An elaboratly constructed production, proving everywhere a sensation unparall- ed in the history 01 the drama. Carrying a superb band and grand aug mented orchestra of 10 people, all special scenery and a first-class acting company of ladies and Gentlemen. It is evident 1 that nothing has been left undone to make this the grandest triumph ot all modern dramas. Free band concert at uoon each day, displaying more wealth and grandeur than ever before attempted at any other opera house show. At Opera house one night, Tuesday Dec. 0, 1 will pay 7c in trade for yor hides. Geo. A. Hills. Joint Entertainment. The Box Butte and Gerdes schools en tertained the patrons at the school house of tho latter, the day before Thanksgiving from ten until four. The room was tastefully decorated with pine boughs and autumn leaves. '1 he guests spent a very interesting and instruc tive hour before dinner in looking over the exhibit on the walls, in which both schools were well represented by paintings in water colors, pen and ink drawings and English work, this taken with the work from the other branches of study showed careful preparation and explicitncssof detail, orig inality and freshness of idea on the part of both teachers and pupils. Shortly after twelve two long tables were loaded with Thanksgiving goodies, and after thanks was offered by Mr. Wilkinson the guests did ample justice to the sumptuous repast After tho clearing away of the dinner, the Misses Wilkinson gathered their re spective schools behind tho curtains which were first raised for an opening address by Naomi Taylor. A humorous dialogue was then given by Hael Sheldon and George Gerdes. Edward Shaw rendered an amusing bur lesque. An amusing essay. "Thanksgiving Tur keys," was presented by John Manion in a pleasing manner. A dialogue by Katie and Erank Frei muthnflorded a fund of amusement. A Shakespearian oration was delivered by Paul and Vincent Taylor with so much vividness and naturalness of expression that the audience seemed to hear as from the past tho powerful invectives of the Romans. "The Russian Christmas" E. D. Banks, given by Miss Natolie Wilkinson received unusual merit. A burlesque on "Country Life," was eiven bv Cecil Wilkinson. Paul and Vin cent Taylor, producing much merit, and snowing wen uicir auniiy in cunuu ciiei.11. The little folks were not to be excelled by these and a closing address was given hy Naomi Taylor, the applause being evi dence of her success. After the program all returned to their homes expressing themselves as well pleas ed with their da). A Fhip.nd. A Recital. Our customers are invited to ptcscut at our btorc from 8 to 9:30, the evening of Satutday, Dec. 10, which time a grand phonographic ho on at ic- cital will he given with a double horn phonograph. This is the only machine of this kind in the state, and every lady in Alliance should avail themselves of this oppoitunintv to hear it. G10. Daim.ino. Money to Loan. $2000 -to loan on approved security at 10 per cent interest Dec. 2-jt G. L. Mokkatt. Co-Lon-Co Tridny is Tresh Truit Day ot Glcnson's Delicacy Store. Nov. n-tf Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house. Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of manufacturing dipping vats. Dr. Koons, Norton block. dentist. Office upstairs See Humphrey for picture framing, up holstering and furniture repairing. Hurold B. Miller, M. D., physician and surgeon, office and residence 321 south Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb. Geo. G. Gadsby will take down screen doors and windows and stoie them till spring when they will be re paired, painted and put up again. He will also make and put up storm doors and windows. Phone 400. o-ifi tf We arc payiug 20c for hand separat ed cream with prospects for still better price Harding Cream Co. Go to the Alliance National Bank to deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf. Picture framing, upholstering and furni ture repairing -C. Humphry. 7-io-tf For Rent five room house with or without barn; reasonable rent. In quire of Herman Rchder, next door to premises. 12-2-3 For Sale Fifty bushels Macioni seed wheat raised iu Dawes county. W. E. Spencer. W. E. Stiencer has moved his cteatn station and ofiicc to Zbiuden's feed store. .wwww. For Sale Cheap Good seven room house. Inquire at this office. Closing Out at Cost. Our entire stock of Children') Hats and cloaks at Itccun'H. Ladles' WnlntN mid Wrappers ut Itcsnn'N Special sulc Ladlex'SuitH and SklrtH nt KcRnn's. wwwvwv. Nearly all the ailments of the human race in these days are caused by the Blood. Stomach and Kidneys being out of order. There is not a case on record than Co-Lon-Co hasn't cured. Ask your druggist. CloWgOutatCost. Having decided to retire from busi ness in Alliance. I will close out my entire stock of groceries, quccuswarc, stoneware and notions at actual cost and many articles will be sold below cost. Fixtures for sale and store build ing for rent. All persons indebted to me are requested to call and settle at once. G. W. Yoi'xc Avoid Risk and Terrors of Operation for disease, by using Dr. Moses S. Hotch kiss' perfect specific for inflammation, Cure for all diseases, acute or chronic,. Paralysis overcome in from 2 to 4 months putting patient on feet. Equal relief for rheumatism and all other chronic diseases This specific is a never-failing cure for diptherta. perspiration induced inside of G hours and improvement shown in acute cases inside of ten days Specific single bottle $1.00, i dox. $5,00, Doz. $10.00. 15 years successful experience. Write for particulars and circulars, Frank McFarlasp, 49-4 G raw ford, Neb. For Sale Two gavenized iron waro rooms; one 16x50 and one 12x24. Can move any time. Must be moved by Jan. 1 st. W. D. Rutucr. it O-J Photographs for the A practical, satisfactory, economical solution of problem, which we are demonstrating- every clay. NEXT TO PAR. ) DEE BAKERY.. vVrsW . THE ALLIANCE MINING COMPANY Organization of a New Company Perfected .Last Saturday. An important meeting wns held in this city last Saturday at which a num ber of prominent business and pro fessional men of Alliance and iciiuty otgauized what is now known as the Alliance Mining company. This pro ceeding is the culmination of an investi gation ot some desirable mining prop- ertv situated near Mystic, bouth Da kota, and geographically iu about the center of the famous Black Hills. It is near to town and railway, having especial advantages in this respect. This proposition was thoroughly gone into and its merits sounded befoie steps were taken to complete the organiza tion. Several membeis of the conipanv made personal trips to Mystic and in vestigated the propei ty and with the verv favorable reports icceived from assaycrs at different points of samples of ore loiwauled, those inteiested pro ceeded along thoiough business Hues to organize for the development of what pi onuses to be one of the most valuable and highly productive mine investments iu the hills. The company has acquired title to a group of twenty-four claims embracing ovei 500 uuies. 1 n- iuieiiv is iuv crcd with a heavy growth of excellent pine timoer, which is of valuable con sideration iu itself. Besides this, the incorp.utcd land is tr,iotsed by Castle creek, one of the most important and beautiful streams in the Black Hills. The watci light has been secured and will be sufficient with an endless quant ity to spare. All in all this attraction is praised by every experienced miner who has investigated the same and it is the general opinion is expressed that with pioper management the Alliance Milling company that will receive many fold for the investment made. Iu speaking of this proposition, the Black Hills Miner, a publication of high authority on mining matters, gives the following write up of the company's interests in the hills: "The Alliance Mining companv is the name of the newest creation of the incor poration laws of the state coming to our notice. A majority 01 the oliicers and di rectors are residents of Alliance, Nebras ka.! and the property for which the com pany was organized to explore and de situated near Mystic and close to the line of the Burlington. The group taken over embraces 500 acres and aside from a large area of placer ground there are a number of quartz ledges outcroping. samples trom which give very lair assay returns. 1 he ore in this immediate dis trict is free-milling and amenable, as the tests have shown, to the stamp and amal gamation process without cyanidine, this, however, may change when developement has reached the original water level. The property is heavily timbered, which alone is a consideraton worth a great deal of money. Dr. Bowman, the mayor of Al liance, is the president; T J. O'Keefe, secretary, and Ira Reed, sheriff of Box Butte county, treasurer. The board of directors is composed of some of the fore most citizens of Alliance and are well known business men. There is unqestion ably some good ground embraced in the holdings of the company and under the right kind of management should be de veloped into an attractive proposition. Aside from the mining claims it has secured a valuable water right suitable for power purposes. Following is a holders: list of the stock- Dr. L. W. Bowman W. W. Norton J. B. Gray H. McClellan J. P. McClurken W. H. Bartz I. U. Hacer T. 1. O'Keefe E, S. Parks A. F. Baldridge H.'A. Peters C. H. Tully L, Snow Ira Reed L. D. Pitts The directors elected at the meeting held last Saturday are: Dr. L. V. Bowman, president: J. B. Gray, vice president; T. J. O'Keefe, sec retary; Ira Reed, treasurer; A. F. Bald ridge, H. McClellan, H. A. Peters, C. H. Tully, W. W.Norton. County Schools. The county schools of Marple, Box Butte and district 15 joined in giving a Thanksgiving program in the school house of district 15, Wednesday, November 23. The patrons of the schools were present and enjoyed the program rendered by the children. After the program an excellent dinner was served that proved a delight to old as well as young. Misse Natilic and Cecil Wilkinson and Miss Sarah Hopkins who have these schools in charge are among our most progressive teachers and are teaching splendid schools. Miss Bessie Whaley closed a fall term of school in the Nason district the day before Thanksgiving and gave an excellent en tertainment Wednesday night to which the surrounding schools were invited. Miss Whaley leaves for Hemingford Saturday and will leach a winter term near there. Geo. A. Hills pays Sc iu trade for cured nati"oe. 7c in. trade for hoavv side brands, be in trade for light side brand,; ic lesu for- cash; 7c in trade for green natives, Gc iu trade for heavy side brands, 5c in tiade for light side brands; ic loss for audi. 1 buy horse hidos, sheep palts and furs. Bring them in. Now is the time to save a liitlo for a robe. ALLIANCE PBOPLB8 CASH MEAT MARKET A. C. JOHNSON, Proprietor. BOX BUTTE AVENUE First Door South International Harvester Company's Office Having purchased the People's Cash Heat riarket,' I desire to announce to the good people of Alliance and vicinity that I will be prepared at all times to supply their wants with everything in Fresh, Smoked and Salt Meats, the very best that money can buy. I have inagurated a strictly cash business and everyone from prince to peasant will be treated alike and you will get the best and most for your money. When you are shopping call at the People's Meat Market for your meat or telephone and your order will be delivered promptly. Our meats will always be found the best and prices the lowest. 'Phone 20; A. C. MARSLAND. Peter Spracklin of the .south tabli in with grain Wednesday. Mrs Hughes shipped a car of cattle to Omaha Wednesday. S. Duman shipped two cars of cattle Wednesday. L. Snow sent out a car of wheat Tues day. Charley Kvans shipped some fine dress ed hogs down the line Tuesday. Mrs. Ream is spending the week on her homestead near Whitney. Charley Hunsaker went to Edgemont Monday to secure work on the B. & M. The social held on Friday night at E. T. Gregg's for the benefit of Rev. Burley was well attended and all report a good time. L. T. Poole and family came up from Alliance to spend Thanksgiving at the pa ternal home of Mr. Poole. Miss Elizabeth Thomas who teaches iu Alliance, and her nephew Car), who at tends school in the same place were up for the Thanksgiving enjoyments at Wm. Thomas'. Miss Henning left Friday to join her husband at Billings. Mr and Mrs. Hart arrived Friday from Oregon and went out to the Shipley ranch in Sioux county for a visit. Mrs. Hart is a sister of Mrs. Shipley, and they are re turning to their home in Wayne county, Iowa. The Misses Anna and Nora Niece went to Crawford Thanksgiving day to visit their grand-mother and attend teachers' association Friday. Miss Minta Spease closed a successful term of school in the Shipley district and returned to her home near Crawford, Miss Beam came in Sunday having spent a week on her homestead near Whitney and attended the association on Friday at Crawford. Miss Battey, Miss Hollie Furman and Burt Furman enjoyed teachers association at Crawford last week Ed. Masan was down from the ranch on Friday and took out a box of sweet pota toes and other good things which were shipped him from Missouri. The social at E. T. Gregg's was well at tended and several dollars were added to Bro. Burley's salary thereby. Miss Susie Miller, daughter of Mrs. J. F. Roll is here for a visit among her many friends. L. Snow shipped two cars of wheat the last of the week. Byers and Zimmerman sent out a car of macaroni wheat on Saturday to a break fast food firm in Kansas City. GidDumon, Mrs. Hughes and Hickey Bros., all sent cars of cattle to Omaha re cently. David Hunsaker and children returned from Missouri last Saturday. Mr. Wentz is in Lincoln visiting Mrs. Wentz who is in a hospital taking treat ment. We hear she is a little improved in health. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore ou tho 12th. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gregory have arrived from Oklahoma and taken up their resi dence at the Lee Gregory ranch west of town. Mrs. Gregory is a graduated phy sicsan of the Homeopathic school and makes obstetrics and the diseases of wo men and children a specialty. Quite a blaze started in the top of the Miller house Wednesday night. It is oc cupied by old Mr. Hollibaugh and it was with considerable work that the fire was extinguished. Holidays! the Christmas Gift Can we show you ? ART STUDIO JOHNSON, Proprietor. II. Pritchard and family left for Deer Lodge, Montana, Monday to reside. Byers A- Zimmerman, also Will Pretty man are buying bones. Seven dollars per ton is the price paid. Wm. Clark has moved to the country and occupies the house recently vacated by E. E. Horner who moved to his home stead. CANTON News is scarce this week but buildin, fence i flih nrrlr of VIibiIt,. I" t Scott Hood left the first of the week for his homestead in the pine ridge. Bert Stewart fills vacancy at the Roy Hickey ranch. Mrs. Doc Randall was trading in Hem ingford Monday. Con Bass was doing ousiness in the county capitol Tuesday. B. C. 'Curtis, accompanied by his mother is on hin ranch in Sioux county at this writing. The turkey dinner at the W. Broshar by order of K. L. Thanksgiving was immense. home of J. Shetler ou Geo. E. Zimmerman returned home from his western trip Wednesday. Dur ing his rounds he visited, Denver, Pueblo, Cripple.Creek and various other points of interest. Everybody and their friends are in the pine ridge this week for wood, and those that are not, are off to the saw mill for lumber. Mrs. W. L.Jewell and son, Geo. Otis, of Lawn precinct were visiting with her brother Con. Bass Saturday evening. Jimmie Lemon and sisters of Bellmont were visiting with their cousins, Misses urah, Jessie and Master, the fore part of the week. John Hickey, Sr., is building a three wire fence around his entire premises. Albert Stewart has charge of the fencs gang. Mrs. Barta left Wednesday morning for South Omaha, where she will visit with two daughters for a couple cf months. Miss May Enyeart was the guests of the Misses Broshar Saturday and Sunday. Arthur Wright of Carpenter, was on the streets of Canton 'Sunday and stopped over and took part in the Sunday school lesson. 1 ii22 wiuicmine oonn Instructress of Voice Culture T i X- t:iusx and Individual Lesson For terms, ttc. call at 801) Hon Hutte avenue 'l'hnncXM XXX"X-X--X"XX--XX Notice to Creditors. In comity Court, within and for Uox llutto county, Nebnikku, Sept. 21, HUM, In the mutter of the estuto of John r-erstor, deceased. To the creditor!, of said estate: You uro hereby notified, that I will sit nt the County Court Uoom In Alliance In said county, 011 tho SOtli day of .March, 11W5, ut one o'clock p. m to reecho and uMiinliio all claim nj;uliist Mild etate. with a view to their adjustment and allow mice. The time limited for the pres entation of claims agitlnst s-alit cstato Is six mouths, from thu 21th day of Sept . A I). 1901, unit tliutlme lindted for piijinent of debts Is onn year from said 2ltli day of ueptemlior Vtltnoss my limul and tint seal of Mid county court, this 21th day of tieutenilier. 1MH. ounty court, tli (ATniHl'iiiiT) fSKALl l'p Doc 2-4w. 11, n.. iiFACHT. County . Indite. For Sale 75 Cords of dry hard wood W, H' Smiley, Crawford, Nebraska. Old papers for sale at this office. x? V ( S t