The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 02, 1904, Image 1
F-tnto H(eorlr!t Society 1 Ol.N NliU The Alliance Herald. Official Publi cation of Box Butte County. Largest Crca atoi of any 41 liance Paper. K LN VOLUME XI. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1904, NUMBER 50 M5'VV,VNVV' LOCAL HAPPENINGS General and Personal News of Alii t ' U - h Wais ts .A new lot of Flannel, mer cerized and brilliantine waists in all the fall fallowings just received. The HORACE BOGUE STORE TRADE WINNER. ,LAyUU-lJVli$UAv mMPSMd& fj The Best Selection & I of Men's & Clothing j xSJ Not only the best ut also the biggest by far, which of couisc sfe ivM means that if you have not as yet bought your heavy suit or over- f!f , coat, that you can do so here without the slightest thought of dis- im &' appointment. No matter what the clothing need, be it Prince JY, rj Albert or cutaway coat for full dress, Tuxedo, sack suit, or over- 'y- (Vjh coat, or even a pair of extra pants, it can bes'l be supplied here 'jh, 8jjS best from the standpoint of both tailoring and value-giving satis- jJfS 'wJ faction. ,. S At $10. OO. It is surprising indeed how good a suit or j? overcoat can be had here for this price. New fabrics, new cuts, n extra good tailoring, jig 'f At $12.50, $15.00 $18.00, W H $20.00. p S$ We offer suit or overcoat values that positively cannot be jgg iM matched elsewhere for less than 25 per cent more than we ask, J-? j9 besides in variety we show you two garments to any other store's n Cj one. pp. I AG. AID. Xortoxv. fci . ' !V V Ui U'. ttl) & w w V sV V u til ti! & &V tit MILLER BROS. WILL OPEN THEIR NeA Store SECOND DOOR NORTH OF POSTOFFICE 5, DECEHBER 15 , 15, 20 and 25c Counters WILL INTEREST EVERYONE Fine Line of China and Holiday Goods REMEMBER THE OPENING DAY y Xt ti Ht t Vt ti & & V V ti oV V it tit $ tit 'in it tt tie to ti til to to to to to to to to to to 1 S Ba 1gg3MBg3g3MEjyyMMiE?MglWPffP S-95-S-3-93-9-93-3-3-9-33t-6-S"S5-3&JS-&e&&6&&&g-e-S-te-&&eCL IRA i:. KlSHNhl.1. l.KNEST C. OLDAY t .1. .I 0f "I , I1' i" , l f t ,(. ..T 4 i i i .T 1 i iu " ' i i n 1 i J BUSHNELL & OLDAY PKOrKJUTOUS 01 TUP. t Palace Meal Market & CHOICEST FRESH AND SALT MEATS ALWAYS ON HAND IjT Fish and Oysters in Season Your patronage solicited. Give. us a trial ife First Door North of Postoffice 'Phone 131 'V I' v(. T ancc and Vicinity. A nuiniiiRo license was issued ycstci tiny to James Tliorp and Mis. Virginia Cluucli of HcmhiKfoiil. Filitor Pel ty of Slioriilnn wnsu Hi it au visitor last Tuesday on liis lctuin from n business tiip to Cheyenne. The leal estate firm of Muiihead & BaldiiKc was dissolved Wednesday, Mr. Mtiirhead letitinj; from the husi ness. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Zuni is quite sick as a icsiilt of a seveie cold contracted some time iKO. . Kilmer's specials next week will he of interest to the male patrons of this popular establishment. His ad in this issue refers to this fnct. Von are cordially invited to attend our exhibit any day this week. Come and have a cup of coffee and hot bis cuits, if you intend to buy or not. Mayor L. W. Hownian and T. J. O'Kecfe made a trip to the Black Hills the first of the week on business con nected witli the Alliance Mining company- Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Peters came down from the ranch Satm day. Mrs. Peters visited her mother Mrs. Khodes while Mi. Peters made a tiip to Lincoln and Omaha. Mis. Leonaid Sampy, Mrs. John Sampy and Mrs. IJ. U. Shepherd of Nonparicl ptecinct spent a few days in town this week. The former had some dental woik done. Albeit IlaKerman and Cecil 11. Kich aidson were niairied in the new city hall last night by Judge 1 Jerri. T'"s was the first ceremony of the kind per formed in the new building. Dr. Edwards' Thanksgiving pleasures were interrupted by a telegram from his father in Wisconsin requesting his immediate presence. The doctor and Mrs. Edwards left Friday morning in response to the urgent request. The beautiful autumn weather con tinues to gladden the hearts of the poor in health and pocket book alike, for to them it is a source of incalcuablc benefit to their material conditions. In deed, God tempers the wind to the shot n lambs. The newly acquiied business pioper ty of J. A. Mallerv is undergoing a thorough overhauling throughout. New shelving, flooring and other necessary improvements aic being placed therein. It will lequiie about ten days to com plete arrangements now under way be fore the building will be in order for the large stock Mr. Mallery will handle. Miller Bros, are making arrange ments to have their new stock ready for public inspection as soon as possi ble. Glen Miller went to Grand Is land this week to inspect the samples of a traveling salesman, consisting of fancy china wares and glassware, etc. The representative of this firm makes only the most important cities of the state and hence Mr. Miller had to meet him at the Island. In today's issue of Tiik Hekai.d will be found the official vote of the state in full by counties for picsidential electors and state officers at the lecent election. It is a good thing to preserve and for those who wish to keep posted on the result of the election of 1904 in Ne braska will be of value. Cut it out and paste it invour scrap book. In another column will also he found the unofficial vote of the counties of the state for president. The Tiiduan of special church ser vices in preparation for the Feast of the Immalculate Conception of the Blessed Viigin Mary, will be held in the Catholic church here, begining Sun day morning and ending Tuesday evening. The order of services will be announced in the church on Sunday. Kev. Fathers Carroll of Noith Platte and Sullivan of Sidney will assist the resident pastor. John Lcnzeu of Chicago, who par ticipated in the land lush last piingand seemed a section located about twenty miles west of this city, has returned from the east with a car load of house hold goods, two hoises and other prop erty and is now building a house and barn on his ranch, John Bloom, a brother-in-law of Mr. Leneu, is also a new comer to Box Butte county, having taken up a claim adjoining the latter. These gentlemen are men of thrift and in ogress and will he a beneM to our county. The Majestic range exhibition, which will be givtn at Acheson & Joder's hardward store in this city for one week, beginning next Monday, will be of interest to every household. The Majestic is decidedly popular and with public demonstrations to bo made on this occasion of its merits will doubt less increase this popularity. Messrs. Achosou & I oder invite all the ladies and gentlemen of Alliance and vicinity to call noxt week and sample the bak which will be demonstrated each day of the exhibition. I FOR THE COMING WEEK I I RULMER'S j I SPECIALS I I : WILL BE I MEN AND I BOYS I J CLOTHING I I 1 SHOES AND I I Ml OVERSHOES I jJB J J,- yd JB I CALL AND SEE I wmm WHAT WE WILL DO FOR YOU RUMER'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE Alliance High School Scholars Win. The oratorical, humotous and dra matic contests of the high schools of northwest Nebraska took place at the opera house in Craw foul last Fiiday evening and as a result the Alliance contestants won the distinction of firbt place in the contest. Earl Mallery, who but a week, ago was awarded first honors in the local field succeeded in keeping up his lecord in the oratorical class at Crawford and will repicscnt this district in the coming state meet next spring, with chances decidedly in favor of the young Alliance student. Fail has a full conception of the icquisites of an orator and with the natuial abil its he poscsscs, will make a decided hit. Miss Ethel Nolan also won the laur els of the occasion in the humorous class contest, just as she did at the opera house in Alliance the week pic vious. Her rendition of "Naughty Nell" brought down the house, and Miss Ethel was awarded first honors by the judges without a dispute. La Fayette Blanchard of Chadrou won second place in the humorous class. In the dramatic contest, Miss Blanche Sperling's rendition of the "Painter of Seville" bt ought her fust honors, while Miss Lena Williams of Crawfoid was becond. Miss Irene Roup's presenta tion of "Zingerella, the Gypsy Flower Git I," was given in a manner to receive the applause of the entire audience and while the little Alliance lady did not succeed in carrying of the honors of the occasion, her merit was recognized and like her appearance at the home contest, she won the admiration of all. Dean Fordyce of Wesleyan univer sity lectured before the audience and with the musical numbers produced, and papers read in which Alliance teachers took an important part, the session was both instructive and enter taining. At tin biihiue'-s meeting of the association, D. W. Haes of the Alliance high schools, was elected president for the ensuing ar and Prpf. Bartz piesident ot the Declama- i tory association. I About sixty tickets were sold hctei for Crawford the day of the meeting and hence our educational enthusiasts were considerably in evidence on this occasion. Winners in the Bowling Contests. The winners of prizes for the highest scores made at the Alliance Bowling alley dining the month of November closed Wednesday night and elicited a gteat deal of interest among indulge! s of that kind of sport, Han . Stiikle won the $5 cash prize given ' the the best bcorc between the rail, boys. I). Kowell captured the 5 pne I as the highest bowler among the town I contestants, and I). Bacon took the 1 second prize in this contest, a fine pan I 1 of ?4 shoes donated by Thos. Ol&on of! I the Alliance Shoe stou. The thud, 1 prize, value of Si at W. W. N01 ton's jbtoiewas captmed by Kicl.steiu and I the tout th prize was siwuidfd to M. O'Connor, which called for value of ?4 at Bogue's stole. In the ladies' j contest, Miss Rose Tiumbull scoied highest and $3 in cash was tho award for her expert rolling at ten pins. A match game played last Saturday night between two picked toams for an oyster supper resulted as follows: Reynolds 483 Brown 412 Zbinilen 407 Rickitein 495 Bowman 474 Wulfc 504 Wass 492 Oilman 543 Kidgell 514 Kowell 119 Total... .2370 Total. .2358 Mrs. Goet and little daughter, Kiz pah are guests at the home of liar brothor Bort Freeland. iiluzc in el Tailor Shop. A fire in W. H. Matthies' tailor shop 111 tho littlo brick building adjoining Mounts' bather shop on Box Butte avenue, Wednesday evening at mx o'clock, caused damage to the amount of about $1,000, which was covcied 1 insurance to the amount of $800. The cause of the fne was the igniting of gasoline which Mr. Matthies was using in cleaning clothing. After the use ut the exploMe fluid, a hot pi easing iron was applied to the cloth and immedi ately flames enveloped Mr.Matthies and while he escaped an almost miraculous death by binning, his face and hands weie evciely scorched. The small room was fillod with uiuce goods, suits and ovei coats, and while some of the piopeity was removed, the gieator pait was either entiioly destroyed or dam aged. The depaitinent was on hand promptly and succeeded in keeping the flames within the confines of the tailor shop by the free use of water. It was a close call to a disastrous conflagration as the scene of the fire is in the centet of frame buildings. M. E. CHURCH NOTES. Services will beheld in the church as usual. Sunday school at to: a 111. Preaching at ix: a. in., and 7:30 p. 111, Morning subject: God's Wotk. Com plete. Evening subject: The Losses of a Kich Young Man. Junior League at 2:30 p. 111., and Epworth League at 6:30 p. 111. All invited. Regular prayer meeting Thursday ovening at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday school teachers' meeting at the bonis of E. J. Swanson next Wed nosda' evening at 7:30- Wanted -Room and board for my self and wife; private family preferred. C. D. Flemiug, Alliance,