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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1904)
t'J Vt t. l.oiuir tnui rmu . II. or K. T. -HnrilitriiHRle Lodge. No. iV2 Mots ovary Sunday .iftornoon at t. Dell's lull. Visiting brothers welcome. J. A. Uf mnimo, W. M. M. HANtRAVM, Sec'y. Ih O. T. M "-Meet uvury first mid third I'rr lnyntUHfrl Mull. Vlsltlnn MmchIkhw cot dlMly Invited, mm. K.J.,u,lj. C. Mhc Annik Ymirr, It. K. lioYAi. )!mitKiRH Alliance Cnttle No. l.i win vwy sfj.i1 nrt fmirt Thwmlay i vpnliijr In V. O. W. Hall. Visiting Clansmen 'ntlallv Invited. V.. V. Wooiw. O, V. Li.ttir, Foe'y. ti. I. ATTnitNKVH. WILLI AH MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE, OFI'IOT. PlIONHlPO. NBMUASKA. ItuHinuNCi: I'uosn. R. C. NOLEMAN, - ATTORNCY AT LAW. llotlnli l.t noil 3, First Nntluttul Imnk liulld liiK, Allliinot, Nfli. Notary In ulllce. ,, ,Atforui!tYK IjIIM' .. AI.UANCU, NrinRARKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. ATTOnNEY AT LAW.' ALLIANCE. . - NEBRASKA. SMITH 1'." TOTTI.B. lltA H. TA II. TUTTLE & TAS.1, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Main SI., - ALMANOR. NKU. eiadsocooeoeoiisct)ooe o C a TU. It 1 1 30AM KOI? , "T "ctm "vr" T"i T" CiJ r-pi o JLy bCJ UN nL. .. hmS aX Q In Alliance 16-30 of every month. g 8 o c Office over 1 ho Famous . . . w 'Phono 391, o e eoaoocooocasaoaooaioseooooa FREY & BALFE, OOTEOPATHIO PMYSICIANe. ihh iiox mrri'i-: avi:nuk. I'llOIIO ti"N Calls unjuwud in uwu ur country. J. E. MOORE, M. D. ri.inciii'.u iii.ock, AI.I.IANCI'., xr.n. Cilia uuswck'iI from oftlci' iluy or nllii Telephone No. CJ, rilYSICIAN At.U SlRCiliON oniouoer I'oitonicu. ALUANOK, NKII H. H. Bellwood, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. HOlstcii lliilldtnj;. - AM.IANJK, NWI L. V. BOWMAN, PHYSIOIAN and SURGEON. Olllco In l-'list National Itituk block, nuco NolirH-.Uu. All! DR. G. W. MITCHELL, I'liyslcliiu mir HnrRcon Dy and night calls. OUIcoovor tAKiutitoi'. IMione IK). DR. GEO. HAND, 1 II Y S 1 C I A N A X ll S V K O V. O X IMioiio 361. Oirioo or lckMH)(r, Nltht culls muusred from olllce. --- .-j(tK.,. & E. E. BARR, fl. D. t Physician and Surgeon ' " . , . All Disoabos of the I EYE J EAR NOSE and THROAT Succofisfully Treated Fitting of Siiectacles a Specialty 7 I Office Over Alliance Shoe Store j Hila Grand Tonsorial Parlors. Orvili.8 Owbn, Proprietor. Firstclaw service. Patronage solicited. SEE Jos. Carey S: Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaningcesspools moving box cars, etc - . , . ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA. Guy Lock wood GKAIWATI! CIIICAOO .SCHOOL 1)1' EMUAI.JMIXQ Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 2i4?j4Res 205 Expert Lady Attendant.. ' AlllQIlGC, NBD, ttfoc Iberalc-. PUBLISHED Fit I DAYS. f J. O'KEEFE Publisher J H. KNIEST Associate Editor Entered At the poatoflice at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails, an second-class matter. CRT THr Hmkalii is tlia Official Publica tion of Iiox Butte county and it clrcttli lion is nearly twiie that of any other Al liance paper. ADVERTISING HATES: Display, per single column inch per month 30 Business locate, per line flrat insertion .in Each subsequent insertion, per line .03 Legal notices at statute rates. Subscription, Jt.30 per year in advance, V ADDITIONAL LOCM.. Miss Peaso rattirnod 'I'tioKluy from n fow (1hb visit at Oaiftha and St. Luuia. Karl Uubottom left Saturday for Vork to resume liis studies in u York col I ego. ,r.,Mrw.,., Mr. and Mrs. II. V..' Johnson of Homitif ford wore visitors in the city Tuosday. Mr, and Mrs. T. L. llo)kins jr., waicduwn from their lancli in KnnnitiK watur precinct lfi iday. Mib. Tltua. Murphy of Hill City nnd Miss drier of Yoik weirt ifiiests of Mrs. Kotudon Tliank'Ngivins. A bright baby fdrl nrrived at the homo nf Mr. nnd Mr.s. Ctuinkahunk Wednoaday, Novomber 23. Dr. Hmr oxpects his family to ar rive next Sunday from Crouton, Iowa, wlieto they have been visiting for sev eral weeks. Hal I'nirchild, a talonted younn man of Doane college, Crete, spent Sunday in the city, the guest of tiic Misses IJohn and Miss Kay VanBonl.irk. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kiusulla of Frnnkfoit. S. I)., who hnvc been visit itiK iclatives in the vicinity of floniint' fonl for several days wctc in Alliance Saturdav . Pete McCann, ruptchcutitiK Cudahy's soap tlupat tiiioiit, was nailing on the merchants of this city Inst Saturday. Alw) Mr. Cuuninchain of the meat de pattment of that company. JuiIkc Ilewett's new residonce i nenring completion and will mako a commodious and comfortable home, It will be in line with the substantial improvements in Alliance during the yeai 1004. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Guuicttough came up Iiom Mullen to oat Thanks Riving tin key with Mr. Goodenough's parents at HetninKford. Mrs. Good cnouuh sjient Wednesday in Alliance luwiiu; dental work done. TluMpiaiteily statouu-nt of the Al liance National bank will be found else uheie in this issue. As usual this stable hanking institution comes to the front with a leenrd that keeps it in the front ranks of t u business houses of that character in the west. John Wiight of Lincoln m rived in the cit Tucsdn.N and will spend a few daya bore ptucuriiiK views and data for the History of Nebraska, the work be gun by J. Sterling Morton. Mr. Wright says the work is being pushed as rapidly as possible. L. Sampy was down from his ranch in Nonpareil piccinct Tuosday. Mr. Sampy says be sold most of his bromos grass seed, and the fact that all the purchasers said they read his advertisement in Tur. Ali.ianck Hhk Ai.n convinces him that it pays lo ad vertise. Simon Spry enjoyed a visit this week with friends from Ridgcway, Mo., his old home. They were Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Giles and Dr. .1. C. Smith who woie onrouto to southern California to spend the winter. Dr. Smith was very much impressed with our city and he may decido to return here to locale. "L'uclo Zcko"' Mabin and sou Ed returned yesterday from a two months stay in Illinois, where Mr. Mabin has been receiving medical treatment. He is looking line but still experiences some pain from the effects of having his arm amputated last spring. Mr. Mabiu's mother, who is in her eightieth your, accompanied them home for a visit. Miller Bros, have leased the Mallery building, two doors north of the post office, and will arrange it for a select stock of goods such as tine glassware, fancy articles, and noveltios of every description. The stock will be select, ed with great care and no doubt there will be many things to interest the peopfe of Alliance and vicinity. Miller Bros, will continue the newsstand, etc. in the postofTice building. J. B. Miller will carry on his real estate and insurance business as usual at his of fice in the First National bank and will he found at home to those who want to talk with him along these lines. Closing Out at Cost. Having decided to retire from busi-nos-s in Alliance. I will close out my entire stock of groceries, ipieeusware, stoneware and notions at actual coat and many articles will be sold below cost. Fixtures for sale and store build ing for runt. All persons indebted to me are requested to call and settle at once. G. V. Young. City Marshal Boon sold his residence on Sweetwater avenue this week to Mr. Wil son. Thexonsideration was $1,200. Iliyl) School Declamatory Contest. The high school contest in declama tory expression, which took place at the opera house last Monday evening was well attendr-d nnd proved to le an intptrsting affair. The contestants welo Kail Mallerv, who choose for his selection "Toussaint L'Overture" in his mnster piece the young man won find honors. Ilia oratorical affect was vory fine and the judges were quick to decide on his merit. In the humorous, Miss tfthel Nt Ian won first place in her selection, "Naughty Girl." Miss Kthel is at ease 1m-fore an audience and her personality is a strong factor in the necesg she attains. Mian Irene Roup chooae for her offort the dramatic ox prtmaioii contained in ".iiigeialla, the mad Gypsy girl." In this painstaking selection won the applause not only of the judges but the entire audience. She fully understood her caul nnd itossosed the ability to give it the spirited life it icquiied. Mies Roupe won first place in the diBtn.itir. The others who also made good impressions in the contest were Ileiberl Butler, Marion Lot speich, Leah Kramer, Claud Mc Dounhl, Florence Rigdoti, Carl Spacht, Byion UfTord Urban Zcdikcr. The judges of the contest wete Rev. Father Galviu. Revs. Hogue and Jef fets, with Rev. C. V. Ra)F loforeo. Supt. Barlz and his assistants are to ho cougratuliitud on the mannerly and well executed program throughout. The The music was not the least interest ing patt of the program and the audience showed its appreciation in a hearty manner. Thanksgiving in Alliance. Thanksgiving in Alliance was an ideal one in every respect this year and the population had everv reason to bo gratoful for the good things that came their wav. The weather was as pleas ant as a June day, not a cloud ob scured the warm rays of the sun and outdoor recreation and promenades the order of 'lie dnv. At the First Fleshy tcrinn church special services were observed, in which the combined assistance of the ministers sanctified the occasion in a religious manner. A large number of people took advantage of this opportunity to give thanks in a special manner. There were manv delightful dinners given throughout the city in lnni'ir of invited guests and for the familv ciicles, and manv a proud gobbler that was boss of the barn yard but a few days since was the center of attraction on well filled tables- his proud spirit having been vanquished and his lifeless corpse soon to be the prey of his common eiicni) mankind. Dr. and Mrs. Allen entertained a number of their most intimate friends at a Thanksgiving spiead at Dismei's c.ife, yesterday. Mr. and Mis. Allen are most pleasing entertainers as was demonstrated at this November f(v live fonst. Those, present thanl.fullv partook of the delicious viands. Mr. and Mrs. J. 15. Kennedy in the kindness of their heatt entertained a couple of homeless lowaites at turkey dinner yesterday. The repast was de licious and the Hawkeycs made the most of the opportunity to satisfy the iunerman. R. C. Cook came up from Lakeside yesterday and ate Thanksgiving dinner with his family, returning to his ranch on tho evening train. Miss Lang entertained a friend from her old home yesterday. Sevei.d visitors from this city spent the day Thanksgiving at Ileminglord and enjoyed mingling with old-time friends in our neighboring town. This is the season of the year when the hu man heart quickens and there's no place like the old home after all. Hence these former Ilemingforditcs, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Muirhead, Chailes Bushucll, Mr. and Mrs. Bockman and daughter, Ernest Oldav, and the editor and sister, were glad to enjoy the na tional bird at the fireside of relatives and friends so close to their hearts. But this was not all for there was something doing at the Methodist church where a fine dinner and a sup per were served interspersed with an inderestiug program. At Woodman hall the vouug people enjoyed a dance in the evening and a fine supper added to the pleasure of the occasion, which was served at the Commercial hotel, lleiningford has every indication of of thrift, and the citizens are alive and active. New buildings have been erected during the past season and other improvements have added to the good looks of the place. HEM1NGFORD. Ernest Monday, Olday was up from Alliance Mr. and Mrs. B Allinnce Monday. F. Johnson went to Missus Blanch and Almeda l'osket spent a few days in Alliance last week. 1 wlhh to buy a car load of well broken hordes at once. E. S. Wildy. n P. L. Wells, a nephew of Jerry Wells, spent a few days here on his return from St. Louis where he has been for a few days. His home is at Bayard. Hemingford will be represented at the anmyil Crawford meeting of the North western teachers' association by Principal Baker, Miss Baker and Miss Hebb. James Stratton has heen very ill and has been thought to be at death's door for several days, His daughter. Mrs, J. E. Morley of Chicago arrived Sunday. Ira Biifthuull spent seeral days here this week. Miss Mabal Phillips who teaches in the Dunham district went to Alliance Wed nesday evening to spend Thanksgiving. H II. Piarce has moved his house in town to his farm northwest of town. Pete Watson ot Sioux county was iu town Monday. " Photogr V A practical, satisfactory, economical solution of problem, which we are demonstrating' every day. N'KXT TO PAR DUE BAKER V.. VsV VsWj HEPOKT OP TMK roNDITION OF The First State Bank, iKHKMi;(rotti,Ni:ntiPKA. CUAK'l KK NU. IBS Incorporated in the state of Nebraska at the close of business Nov. 10, 1904. KKKomrca: 1mnsnrnl illwoum . SP.tWI.TS orerdrofli.jiccurMt and unsecured.. S.38 rumUiiMHMt fixture W0.W Current nxiM-uses and tuxes lxtld. . 1,IbU CT Due from iiutlonul, .tat ami m-t- mte Intnksnml ljHiike.ilO.ilKKI t'nMi ,5!7.t K9W..-iT Tilnl aao.vff-K I.IAWI.ITIMS: Caitital xtnek Mtd in..... t iV.lfXltoi Surulus fund I,dHi.i" UiHlivtdwl ror)U .)."1B 111 IikIUIiIiihI ilt'i(iltK MilJiet to elirCk Ttint" eVrVilliHtim of il'eiiiilV. l!!.S3!a,) CuililerJi clieean ((iiltumt Ing I.ftW,3 iW.xBI.WI Total &0.a7.Y.' T1'it OV NIMlltASlfA.) uowm orHnx num. I, ICellli tj. I'Uti'h. i-H'-'iit'-nf DifiilpOv(. imui' vl Imuk. ilo Koli'inuly swmr iliat lli a'mte HMitc ment Is correct and 11 trim copy of tbe it'in-t liiude to tlm Stute 1I:iu!.Iiik I'diikI. Kijitii 1.. I'ir.uci:. (!cr. AiTisr: .1 am us H Miu v, fWbpctors. Snlwcjrlticd unit sworn lo lioforo mo tills l.llh iliij ot .Nov.. lwi-l. T.J. O'Kcuki:. I. S. CuniuilHsloiiur. l--r i. District of Xoliiusl.u. Carye Bushnell and Anna Beaumont spent a few days in Alliance last week the guests of Mrs. Claude Brown. They at tended the declamatory contest while there. Mrs. Kustin and her daughter Lee came up from Alliance Wednesday. They will go to Crawford to attend the district teach ers' association to be held there the 25th and joth. Christ Hansen has just returned from a trip to the World's fair and to other points east. He has been gone a cauple of wcoks. Wm. Mabin arrived from the eait with an emigrant car lust week and will make this county his home, lie lived here sev eral ears ago and has many amoag the old timers. The Commercial hotel is now open to all the business in its line that comes to Hemingford. Help has been .secured and the former high class of service will be offered the public. Now is the time to do your fall plowing. Get one of the renowned Hancock disc gaug plows. Thov will plow where others have to leave the field. For sale by A. I'hrig. Oct. 14-2 . Speaking about heating stoves. The HecUuith Round Oak and Colo'.s Hot Blast are the leading heaters in the world, and while they cost only a little more than their imitations, they will save their price in fuel in one season. Call on A. Uhrig. 14-2 In securing a car of implements, buggies, wagons, etc., I am uow able to quote prices on the celebiated Stoughtoa and Abington wagons, Deere spring wagons and buggies, wagon boxes, Universal shoveling boards, below any previous prices, only while these last. Please call and esatnine. Anton Uhrig. Oct. 14-.! All parties owing II. H. Funk will pleabC call and settle same, with E. L. Everett. II. H. Funk. Nov. 25-31 Owiug to the earnest efforts of I!. It. Green, enough signers have been ob tained to consttuct the line from Dunlap to Hemingford. Mr. Green is to be con gratulated on his success in bringing this about. A very pleasant party occurrid at the home of John A. Johnson Saturday even ing there being many guests present and allenjoed themselves. The amusement of the evening was dancing. Mrs. Liska died last week apd was hur ried on Friday. Particulars of her death were not learned. The Liska family's many friends willsympatize with them in their bereavement. Ben Curtis came up from Bingham for a few days visit the frrst of tiro week. Mrs. Curris has gone to her ranch in Sioux county to remain some time. A. M. Rohde and wife were down from Marsland Wednesday. Norbert Frohnapfel has moved into the house receutly occupied by II. B, Funic. Mrs. Hunter and Robert came up from Alliance Wednesday and will spend their Thanksgiving at the ranch. Ed Kinsley and wife of Frankfort. S. D., have been visiting with Wm. Friel for some time. Miss Edith McDougal who teaches in the Beaumont district is having a week's vacation. Rev. E. C. Russel of Lincoln, President of district of Nebraska, Wyomiug, the fvo Dakotas and Missouri, of the Adventist church spoke at their church at this place last Saturday aud is said to have delivered a fine address. It is expected that he will conduct a series of meetiugs here in the near future. Avoid Risk and Terrors of Operation for disease, by using Dr. Moses S. Hotch kis' perfect specific for inflammation, Cure far all diseases, acute or chronic,. Paralysis overcome in from 2 to 4 months puiting patient on feet. Equal relief for rheumatism and all other chronic diseases This specific is a never-failing cure for dipthenn. perspiration induced inside of 6 hours and improvement shown in acute cases inside of ten days. Specific single bottle $1 00; )4 doz S5.00; Doz. 510.00. 15 years successful experience. W'rire for particulars and circulars, Frank McFarland, Crawford, Neb. A 'breezy time" at the opera house next Wednesday night. Be sure and see it. aphs foi the ALLIANCE mA i&wmm&imem&immvnmt&mmKamimmmB tV-Xr v--v"'-V-v---v-V'-Vv We want you to i m I MONEY AND PRIZES 1 1 AMOUNTING TO & Si C d W (f li bf edgmsf JP O C 4w li j WYcil AWdj 10 buWidliS M e , --. - J J f worth your while will give away the fol lowing prizes on December 1. 1904: FIRST PRIZE, $5.00 CASH to any Railroad Employe making the highest score at "ten pins" ten frames to a game from now until December i, 1904. $5.00 CASH to any Town Player making the highest score at ' 'ten pins" ten frames to a game from now until Decem ber 1, 1904. SECOND PRIZE. Your choice of any $4. 00 pair of Shoes donated bv the Alliance Shoe Store, Thos. Olson, proprietor, will lie given as the second prize, per conditions given above. THIRD PRIZE. To be donated by W. V. Norton, valued at $4. OO, on display in store window, will be given as third prize. FOURTH PRIZE. To be donated by The Horace Bogue Store, Horace Hogue, proprietor, valued at $4.00. See prize on display in store window. FIFTH PRIZE. Oyster Supper for the first two teams organized in the city. Five men to each team. SIXTH PRIZE. For Ladies; will give $3.00 CASH for highest score at "ten pins" from now until December 1, 1904, and $1,5Q for first score of 165. Alliance Bowling Alley W. S. R1DGELL, Proprietor. &S2ESIE8J3EJSrH5!& l-J ! AT 1 i iiaillHOv -", -rrcntti. nn. J V- X saipnrMipir.cmrc -a'MiiEMjroiy.'sifga flgpttw OTatmMM CASH wnarenarearoxixcsmaaKtaMiTCTBs stsxacs.sjsnaKtwxiaiixrxa.aass3Baas cigBBaiigwgfliaiagaamrj,yn,tTas A. C. JOHNSON, Proprietor. BOX BUTTE AVENUE First Door South International Harvester Company's Office Having purchased the People's Cash Heat Harket, 1 desire to announce to the good people of Alliance and vicinity that I will be prepared at all times to supply their wants with everything in Fresh, Smoked and Salt Meats, the very best that money can buy. I have inagurated a strictly cash business and everyone from prince to peasant will be treated alike and you will get the best and most for your money. When you are shopping call at the People's Meat Market for your meat or telephone and your order will be delivered promptly. Our meats will always be found the best and prices the lowest. 'Phone 207. A. .............. --."-..- :-: Hiss Wilhemine Bonn !L Instructress of 0 Voice Culture Class 11 nd Individual Lessons For terms, etc., call lit HX Box IJutte uvenue. Tlionoyjl t i H-.-H:',H-.,H:..j.w r 1 .frj Fr the Christmas Gift Can we show you ? ART STUDiO bowl, and to make it -A.IU.. -.J ' 'S wmiMiMi Iililnirc aiuiiiuava i JhmV tiMKMitmUaaXD 9BMJB.JITH10 SCnnaTKK0U T MARKET C. JOHNSON, Proprietor. F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . , , Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance t Jf?S