The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 25, 1904, Image 1

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    Stntr lllstorlcnl Poclctr
Alliance Herald
Official Publi
cation of Box
Butte County.
Largest Circu
lation of any Al
liance Paper.
General and Personal News of Alli
ance and Vicinity.
1 HE
EgffiHaaargraamTiMTi!'J7iggn C
A new Sot of Flannel, mer-
c wce jz,cu etna uinsiauuiic waisis
r in ail the fall follow ngs just
c received.
That will pay ou to investigate. We
have placed our entire stock ol
consisting of over 250 of the latest pat
terns in all of the popular styles and a
complete assortment of sizes on sale at
20 Per Cent Dis
from regular retail valued These poods
are not marked for the occasion, but will
be found to be just as represented in every
particular. Call and examine the superb
stock and be convinced of the values we
are offering.
0. "JD. Kovow.
3a-" tO-" tz-Tj -00 0; KIP T4 -T)- -Ol wiv.V foS tQu.
.. .( .) .k w .J. .41 .k. .l .Jv . .., . .. .(h - ' . .Jw, .( -ti .ft i .it .(V .1,
I ' is7' t. " "I "I w ! i if ij i t . - -l."ir
IKA n. Ill SIINhM.
I'KOi'KIhTOKS 01 mi:
Palace Meat Market s
g Fish and Oysters in Season
Your patronage solicited. Give us a trial
ii First Door North of Postoffice 'Phone 131 4jf
j,. .. . ,(. k . .fi .4' ( r1" " -1' l. ' ', t ' t ! elk k .1. ..
i 1 i -J 1 i ! .rf' . ,T ,. ,. .,(. .jTTj. ,YTyrT7fT
Triday is Trcsh Truit Day at
Glenson's Delicacy Store. Nov. 11 -tf
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house.
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
Dr. Koons, dentist. Office upstairs
Norton block.
See Humphrey for picture framing, up
holstering and furniture repairing.
I'orSale 75 Cords of dry hard wood
W. II Smiley, Crawford, Nebraska.
For Sale Carriage and phaeton, for 1
cash or on time. J. C. WIlson & J3ro. '
Hurold 13. Miller, M. D., physician and
burgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neo.
Geo. G. Gadsby will take down
screen doors and windows and stote
them till spring when they will be re
paired, painted and put up again. He
will also make and put up storm doors
and windows. Phone 400. 0-16 tf
Wanted A young giil attending
bchool to assist with liou&owork; good
home and wages, Mrs. Matcus Fran
kle. Special sale on all framed pictures
at Geo. Darling's. Discount of 33
percent until November 10th.
We are paying 20c for hand separat
ed cream with prospects for still
better price Harding Cream Co,
Go to the Alliance National Bank to
deposit jour money. Oct. 7-tf.
Will exchange new 10 inch Victor
Zonophone or Columbia record for one
old record and 65 cents. C. E. Marks.
Picture framing, upholstering and furni
ture repairing C. Humphry. 7-10-tf
Ladies when in Alliance do not fail to
call at Regan's where you will find the
most complete line of Millinery and
Ladies' Furnishings at the very lowest
For Sale Cheap Good seven room
house. Inquire at this office.
Closing Out at Cost.
Our entire stock of Children'; Hats mid
cloaks ut KcKiin's.
Ladles' Wiiisthiind Wrappers 11 1 UeRun's
Special sale Ladles' Suits and .skirts at
Hcfinn's. .
Phonograph supplies of all kinds. C.
E. Marks.
Highest price paid for hides. C. . E.
Nearly all the ailments of the human
race in thes days are caused by the Wood.
Stomach and Kidneys being out of order.
There is not a case on record than Co-Lou -Co
hasn't cured. Ask your druggUt.
Wanted K00111 and board for my
self and wife; private family preferred.
C. D. Fleming, Alliance.
Old papers for sale at this office.
Dr. F. M. Knight went cnt Mondav
morning fn a short isit which will in
clude a trip to tin wot Ill's fair.
Among the ranchmen in Alliance last
Monday wete MeMra. T. 11. Guthrie
anil L. J. Schill from northeast of
Win. King returned hist Saturday
fiom Denver where ho was intoiestetl in
the outcome of the gubetuatoiial elec
tion in Colorado.
Mr. and Mis. Thomas Regan enjoyed
a visit last week w ith limit son, D. C.
of Lend, S. D., who una on his return
from the wot Id's fo.ii.
The dance given last night at Zbin
den's hall was well attended, about
G2 couples paiticipated. . It was an en
joyable affair througlioui.
We ate giving free S7. 50 woith of
waie with every Majestic sold at our
stoie next week. See advertisement in
this pn pet for pat ticulars. Acheson &
J odcr.
Roy Cunningham of Mastotmechanic
Kramer's force, accompanied by his
younger son, went to Lincoln hist
Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with
his sister who resides near that city.
Glen Hampton, the efficient assist
ant cashier of the Fitst National bank,
depnrted last Monday for a ttip east
which will include the wotld's fair and
a visit with his mother and brother at
othor points.
Engineer John S.iinpy has been
transfeited from the Shetidnn to Al
liance division and with his wife ar
med lieu Thursday. Thev spent
Thanksgiv ig with the "old folks" in
Nonnateil precinct.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I. II. Huston were
called upon to part with thrir
babe who died last Satin day. The
funeral took place from the residenco
Sunday afternoon, Kcv. G. C. Jeffers
officiating. Interment took placo at
The Majestic Manufactuting Co., of
St. Louis, Mo., will have a man at
Acheson & Joder's store all next week
who will show you how to bake biscuits
brown top and bottom in 3 minutes.
Don't miss this chance of seeing the
great cooking wonder.
The Alliance Art studio is making
some special pi ices on high class pho
tography for the holidays. This will
be an opportunity to secure fine work
that will make a fine present. This
old reliable establishment always gives
its customers the benefit of special
prices at this time. Read the ad else
where in this issue.
, J. A. Mallcry purchased the business
block of Miss Ella McCollough, situated
on Hox Butte avenue and formerly oc
cupied bv the Alliance Candy company,
last Satuulav, the consideration being
?3. 500. Mr. Mallcry is having the
building lenovated and arranged for
Ins convenience and w ill have a spacious
and convenient business place in keep
ing w ith his increasing trade.
Eugene Clark Burns, foimeily of
this city, and Miss Carmen Mitchell of
Omaha weie united in maniage at
Billings. Mont., last Tuesdry morning.
Mrs. B. L. Burris, accompanied by
the bride, left heie Sunday for Billings.
The newly married couple will make
their home at the latter place after a
wedding ttip which will include Spok
ane and other western points. The
voting people will receive the hearty
congratulations of many Nebraska
While playing near a hotse one day
last week, the five-year-old son of L.
L. Raymond of ScottsbluQ was kicked
by the animal and his skull ctushed in.
Dr. Bellwood was summoned to assist
two other surgeons in cateing for the
lad. A piece of the skull nearly an
inch and a half long and over a half
in width was removed. It wag at first
thought the patient would die of his
injuiius, but he is still alive, with indi
cations of ultimate recovery.
The W. D. Rutncr metcantile estab
lishment will undergo a general over
hauling. A commodious basement
will be excavated thereunder and the
building enlarged and improved in
many particulars, before this change
is being made, Mr. Rumer will teinove
his stock to temporary quarters and
business will continue uninterrupted.
When Mr. Runierhns the contemplated
improvements completed he will have
one. of the finest mercantile establish
ments in the wost.
The bans of marriage wete performed
at Holy Rosary church Wednesday
morning uniting Mr. John Ellis and
Miss Agnus Ryan. The groom but re
cently came from Billings ai.d is em
ployed in the B. & M. sh- n. His
bride is a pleasing little lady who
showed her devotion to the one neatest
her hoart by coming all Mm way from
Wheatland, Wis., to become his bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan ware school matos
in childhood and their marriage was
the conclusion of true love, which never
smothers. Father Galvin performed
the ceremony.
'IMIIJI Willie
! llSJill 111.1 ool iulALto
0 H I1M
Table Linens, Crashes
Bed Spreads, Outing Flannels
Reel and Blue Oil Boiled 3C n CJ
Lnions, per yard jyiPfJ ClSiU jJ,,
HeeY1fci 45, 50 and 60 c
ls-tteT fT.60, 75 and 90 c
72-inch Heavy Linen Domestic,
ya ?-90c, $1.00, 125
vn?ite Bed Spreads, Marselles Pattern,
S fi65c.$l, 1.25 and 1.50
. . .(LC
G-ood Ootton Towels, Fringe Ends, each.
Huck Towels, All Linen, Hem Stitched.
Plain or with Border, each
Turkish Towels, Extra Heavy, each
Ootton Orash Towling, per yard 4c
Ail Linen Orash Towling, per yard.-
Outing Flannels, Bleached
yleached'5,7,9, Wand 12k
Robe Prints and C f Q oyjf 1 fir
Oretons, per yard. Ui t i (J ciiiki ti
We want to call your special attention
to our large stock of
Dress Goods
Ladies' and
Children's Cloaks
mes TSelmwA Sftove;
1 fc ?li!rv2r
Among the Bowlers.
The bowlinK contest last Friday niclit
at the Alliance Bon ling alley between
the round house boys and a town team,
resulted in a victory for the latter by a
score of 2373 to 2037. The scote is as
FnU 330
I Burris 39O
joe Keardon .. 401
Kiclistein 483
H. Stirkle 407
Total . . .
Bacon . . . . . 416
Oilman 507
Howell 4Q4
Wells 519
Brown 439
2037 Tot.l 2373
This victory put the town team on
their metal and they wont forth other
worlds to conquer. But their k was
.short lived for a picked or scrub team
met them on the bowling alley Monday
night and they went down in defeat by
a score of 22S2 to 2430. Following is
the score:
Bacon 44O
Oilman 447
Rowull 408
Wells 4O3
Brown 518
Total 2282
Hi'lRl 544
lieu man 536
Wats 492
Kaynokls 390
WsMon 46S
Two shop teams will piny a game to
night which promises to bo decidedly
lively. The town and picked trains
will bowl again Saturday nig"ht for an
oyster supper.
Mrs. G. D. Woods who has been
bed-ft for the past week or ton days
has recovered sufficiently as to be up
and about the houso.
The short days of the year are upon
us, and the foolish virgins who neglect
to roplenish their lamps in the hours
of daylight, miiBt groupe about in dark
nos for the kerosene can.
Fit & Webster present to the theatre-going
public ol this citv their new
est version of the big Farce Contudv
success, "A Biei'zv Tinic." A stitfr-it
of niciry ideas and hilaiioiif. filiations,
incorporated into n pint of ingenious
originality and intense interest An
entertainment of absolute supt-iiority,
well to the front in the tucc for popu
larity. The name of Fitz & Webster
for past season has been a "trade
maik" for good clean, comedy, and
those who attend a performance of
"A Bieezy Time" can assure them
selves of an evening's enjoyment serv
ed up in the very latest style. Our
specialty artists arc a decided feature,
having been chosen from among tic
leading audevillo performers of t'i
day, and uilh our long expericne o
could not do otherwise than rliuue
pleasing and catchy acts. In alt a.
production of vast amusing uosfcihili
tios and lecognied noon it-- nieiiW as.
the best Faice Coined v on the toed.
At the Phelan opeia house Wednesday
evening, Nov. 30.
A large delegation went to Crawfoul
today to attend the teacher a atfeocm
tton which will be 111 session Ftiduyl
and Satutday. Some of those who
went were Superintendent Bait, l'tin- '
cipal Hayes, County Supeiiutendent j
Mrs. Kusttu, Misht-s McCorUc, Keen,
Fjazier, Darling, Kramer, McDonald.
Worloy, Clatk, Fullurton, Reynolds,
Smith, Kit; duii, Perry, Mesdntuts Cogs
well, Stonur, Robinson, and Koup;
Clayton Koed, Claud McDonald, Kay
Clapp, Ilerbeit Butler. Karl Mallery,
Ethel Nolan and Irene Koup the suc
cessful onos in the High School Du
claumtory contest Monday night also
accompanied thu party and will partici
pate in the district coutost which will
givo the winners the right to enter the
state contest.
An Interesting Game.
The foot ball game which took place
at the ball gfounds yestcrdav be
twee! the Bnrlington and the
High School learn drew an immense
crowd and proved most e.citmg and in
tetesttng. The brass band added to
tho enthusiami ami with the ideal
weather then e was nothing lacking to
make the o"casion one of entire stis.
faction to those in love with sport cm
the gridiron. The game ended in a
tie sroio of 5 each and it 8ec-m- is ti
honot are even in every respect. Two
20 minute halves weie played and the
fe.i lures of tho game consisted of two
end runs. Barks went through the
high school line like a whirlwind .-nd
made a toncbdown as did Dn is UirU-e
school Ihjvs. The B & M. team .v a
little too much for their opponent in
matter of weight, hut the students sue
ceeded in holding down their opponents
in this lospcct. So far no arranf
inents have boen made to play otf the
tie. The line-up was as follows:
Worluy , c Klappall
Ed Burris r g , Scott
Uodgers 1 g Gibson
Campbell ,,rt...,. Carroll
Smyser... 1 t Fernald
Wehn re.... Dr Kramer
Wilson Ie F Burris
Knglohorn r h Wheaton
Spacht. 1 h Pardee
Smith .q b Allen
Davis lb -.Parks
Mrs. Moroland, daughter of Mr.
Stratton of Borea, arrived here from
Chicago last Sunday to be with her
fathor who is very low.
Drop in and have a cup of coffee and
hot biscuits at our store any day next
week, will be glad to see you if you in
tend to buy or not. Acheson & Joder.