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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1904)
SUITS for $5.00 Men, Tluv arc Great ! mi " '" .1 inni" ji Wc arc putting in $10, $i i and $12.0 broken lines in MKN'S SUITS, at the low price of BOYS' SUSPKNDERS Silk Embroidered For one week onl Men's Tough, Old Mule Hide GLOVES per pair A very fine line of Black Cashmere I IOSE for men. A bipf bargain at the pair 25c The best SOX on earth at the price in brown and and black, ioc the pair or three pairs for JUtHC Value extraordinary looomile heavv black fleece UNDERWEAR double-seated drawers at 50c each SWEATERS in endless varities all (jualities from 50c to $3.50 C7 Imi mm It'X'A 1 I ' famous Jj&l 113 1IZ f 5H I I T Pi? I F I S 'r f f $f a FAflOUS I I TheSi.nof - - V- I 1 Y I K The Sign of I i. QUALITY IJjjjJ is abroad in the land and if anyone doubts that we will have good times ffff LOW PRICES I let them read these crop reports from government experts. There is of I W Dnn't mis; thnsi. ;.oo i ' '" i ... .... . . TJi ntlmtn n.-,.,, f-. ,, ; 1 , , ; OatR v S50 " " here in all kinds of men's i fc IK.; ;s :: :: iSPv O and boys' clothes- Boys' I DAVID ADLER&vSONSl SW8 Potatoes 300 2F3!3? r-. long pants suits tf fl n)B CLOTHING CO IfwikWR Cotto bales fa W 7j-? MILWAUKEE. V1P Rj 290 pounds L f - It- Copyiught W01 -J&i Tobacco 000 " " ? -" L- pimp r ft ' 1 11 H ' isab. ilav flo " " MtffiS ETT iNE line of boys double jE .-Smm. AiiiiVumnn.i.,Bii 1 r -ti jMS. CL breasted suits, all'sizes from fl . ., 1 t l v I ".VWX XVXVAYKw .r . 1... t, ...... ,... -.- - f.&ZW.a. ' Sjv . S fn n . H I I y.fllSRVittwjw.vSSK. imus ui uiu uimeu aiaios are going 10 '!n7iys iillit a " fcV 't "c IV k li.ive plenty of money to bnv Clothing v PY7 M i iT ! tf 2 fffl Sn to witb ami ti ate prepared to take care fr ffifWM M 1 B h.vJ' & id' ., a ,- y 'Karaiam oio,,a,o0,uieimmncM. m, hmmmm sr .- - m MmI0W IVIW; II w Uoods irom box to Hats milll HWWlvl IS stetson i i ats i MiMimA W i 111 w-----ww f ImIlI (O direct from Phila- i mm 1 la ill rl nr, liltea W delpWa. All su les and col- I K WIT M m'Hm?At "'' " "' WMliilill A ors, at city prices. h U;inw qiv r.Hif. ,bia i EmmMMmmmr A A ,117Abi 7 1 III v T -v sT 1" 8 .. .Jlf C.. A1:, . .., H ssaiiumiM&sszr 1 in i a "ff- "-" - uiaiiKeL-inieu JJJ 1 Mill 1 l 1 IIH IH rfcl Vt storm-collar Corduroy Coat H i -,? WMMimtiiii n,,;,,,,,!,, $r - - tmr mjl. i . . nv w in n i 1 i in i i u,,,u" ",o , -c iw 8 Hi f I I WWW 11 kirKjpKS vm 'llllllll! I Mill 11 o ------------------ I 111 1 T ANOTHER LOT ; 11 a i9c I P 1 1 P? of bys' Derby Kibbecl B J at prices that range from s' 111 ' Ui' i5,lirts ancl l-'rawers they iSBIM U K I jSDSaT a A good line of those won- cvifi a tlerful Knee Pants for box s, B cZ--Ifu ! B for io davs onlv, H e 95 , sawMtf iv.i 1-Trriw mnirlf nnrl Mb ...., ... . ..wv. ,r Blue M v 17 r k fjlkn tm i wiwnii Miminiuiiiji;wiwiiwmnwMwwwwi jw 0 p- vi QjVI ! fi Our $15 and $18 Lines are Unequalled COATS LIKE these, 52 inches long, xvith detachable belts made from Tweeds, Melt ons, Cheviots, Cassimeres at prices that range from 8.85 to See Them! 50 Long Storm Ulsters, Block and Gray, at rWwTlll'Ml I.MJWMi 111; 11 lC fw'ffl 65 Men s beautiful hand-tailored S17 and $ih grades, in finest Worsteds and bcotch Mixtures, tK during this sale at . . 553 1 DAVID ADLCR& SONS CLOTHING CO MILWAUKEE. Copy rig i t 190-1 mamraacjB The Haruain of the vear- 45 of 0111 elegant StcrlniR (piality Men's Ulack Clay Worsteds, Hair-Cloth FrontH, l'addcd Slioulduts.iiu.ility and rolorKiiaiaiitecd. Others rf Q Or Kut lSu.50, our piicu for 10 ip000 I.1V8 . . . DOUGLAS SH0US are so good (t mm f they made him governor of Mas- .R." 1 I v.., .... ..,j.v., .... .v.. ...w. r How xould You Like to be In His Shoes? 00 CLOTHING HOUSE TWO 1DOOKS SOUTH OF I'OSTOFFICE ..-. SELLERS ot High Grade Advertisers of FACTS Merchandise at HOCK inuiiun rwcES... 1 THE HERALD PRESS Tickets with Every Dollar Purchase ONLY 37 MORE BUSINESS DAYS UNTIL Wc Give A way that WB.0QINOOLD! GET YOUR TICKETS Extra Double Breasted Flannel Shirts at 1 1.50 Underxvear, in all wool, derby ribbed material, gray, small sizes only, great value at 1 g f each. i.xJU Look for this. DR. FENNEFTS Kidney AND WS Backache Also I'uitiFiis thu Blood. All Diseases of tho kidnttys, bladder, and urinary organs. Alio catarrh, heart disease, graTel, dropsy, rheumatism, backache, lemala troubles. . leuiam irouoics. Cure Don't becomo dlscouraeed. There 1b a cure for you. If uecossurv writo Dr. Koimor. pBebas spout a Ufctlmo curltiK Just such casos as yours. Alt consultatlous FREE. Jf o Longer Fears Bright's Disease or Rheumatism. JluiH'ie, Ind., March 15, 15)08. "After having taken other so called cures without any relief I commenced taking Dr. Fanner's Kidney and Backache Cure. I took 4 bottles and I am glad to pro claim I am a well man. "No more aches or pains, no fear of Bright's Disease or Rheumatism, both of which have troubled me for years, and I can give all the praise to Dr. Fenner. Jas. 1 . Smith." Jfcrtd by Druggist3, 00c. and $1. Get Cook Book and Treatise on the Kidneys FREE. M. M. Fenner, M. D., Fredonia, N. Y. For Sale b F. J. HRFNNAN & CO. 'HX"X:"XX'-X" F. J. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLOCK. rennan & Co.... I DEALERS IN "Oft ,j. Drugs, Perfumesf "" Toilet Articles.! Paints, Oils and Wall Paper "PtgsctVpVvotxs CaxuW CowpouxxcAcri. X Alliance, Nebraska. xxx:"Hx;X":xx';"X"X"XX''X'-iv Palace X-j i tt e r "st Bain S. II. OISSCII, rro!. one iilock west of Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, THE NEW ZMNDEN . , am courteous treatment to all has won for us the UUII.MXG. 'Phono 72 excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. School Report. To the Hoard of Education and patrons of the Alliance City schools Find herewith appended a partial list for the month ending October 28, 190.). Toliil number of pupils cnmllt'd this inoiilli . .. ...731 XumlHTnf lioy. 3.11 Numlierof itlrls KK) Total uiiDilh'il to ilii( .704 AvcruKc dully .ittt'iiiliiui't' iioti W AviTimtiiiiimlMTlx-lniiKtiii: . (ixH SJ I'urcL'iit.ottlully iittt'iiduncu . . . 10.33 NuiiilHinif tiiullt's ih IVr font, of puiii'tuiiilt.v .iisi.hji NfltliL-r ulisHiit nor tunl fnrtlm imintli ,'!T(i Ncltliernlisfiii imr titrily to datf ..271 Nuniln'r pri'siint cvimj iluy . ...5U NiiiulxTot NlttiiH m Minuets lost Ity lurdliifs nw Tf.iclii-rs tanly utsfliiHil ... 2 Tmelicrs tunlj ut Tfiielu-r's Mt'ttliiK 1 TcuelieiV vIUh to putrons 15 The second grade in the Central school secures the flag for the present month. The following rooms sere perfect in punctuality Second, Fifth and Sixth grades, all in the Central school. The per cent of daily attendance is fair, but there is no reason so far as we can as certain that tho attendance might be much better. Hespectfully submitted, XX'. H. Hartz, Superintendent. Picture framing, upholstering and furni ture repairing C. IIumpiiki. 7-io-tf Parties baving cows or burses that they want wintered near town, sec J.J. Piurson. 47.2W Horses wanted to winter on the Hall ranch, iG miles not theast of Alliance. Good range and plenty water. 40c per month till May i Arthur lluingard tier. " 472t Sheriff Mile. No. lisl. Hy iituuuf nuorilfri t nU Icsiifd by tho flurkof thudNirlct oourlof llox Itiittiu-ouuty. Neliraslai, uhii h di'ftoe remleiiH" liy s.ilil four I In favor of 1'runl. I'. Moon, l'lalnlill, iiikI UKHliist t'luis. U. Wi'lN and Ktlu clls, iltitdiidiiuts. 1 will, on I hf ttli day of lk romlmr, A. 1) , HUM, at lOo'flivli :i in. on said day. at tho uust fiout dtnir of tliofourt liou.o In Allium.'", in mi lit fouuly.Mll tli- following dc-frlbfd n-ul i'statt. to-ult. t'oiunifiifliiKiit u point on vast line of lot tlirt'e. In section three township twenty-four norlli. of ruiiKi) forly-o.M ' twenty nuls soul li of tliu tiortheiisteoruei of lot tlireo nud ruuiiliiL' thciifu west tin in) four uids, par allel with tho north lluoot said lot, thence south lift) -threw and oiio-thlrd tods, theueu enst ikiriillol with tins north Hue twenty-four rods toetist line of aid lot, tluinv north 011 the east Hue of snht lot titty three uml unv thlril nnls to pl.ico of hivliiniiit;, coiuuIiiiiik olKlit ue res of hind, ho It tlm hiinie.nioro or less, stihjoeitoa roAilono rol wide 011 tho west sldu of this Hurt, In Itox lliitte eonuty, Nc hniKUa.ut public auction to the hlKhctl bid der for rush, to sutlsf) ui Ul order of stile, In sum of ,t7.,'i0 mid Interest, fosts mid ."iccriiinj: costs tned at tJ 7.1 and mibjei-t to (.11 unpaid taos. I it a. ItLiD.SliHrllf of --tild 1'nuuty. f.. A. Ilorr)', AtU)rne for IM.ilutlir. f.Nov. II Sheriff's Sale. No. 1570. Ity vlrtui of an order of s ile Issued by the clerfc of tho district court of llox Hutu eoun ly Nubrnsku, ukii udeeieoreiidcrtd by s.ild court in faiorof Jleiijauilii JohiiMiD.'jl.ilntltt, iindnxtilusljnhnl .Welsiieruud W.K.ihnstivU. dufendants, 1 wilt on the UthUay of Dec, A. I). lim4, ut 10 o'eiook m tu, on Mid day ut the west front door of tho court l.oiuolu Ab iiuce. In wild fuuuty, so'l the following de (.urlbeil real elate, to-wit: 'i'ho southeast .iu.trtui.secliou 9, in town ship SI. riiuco50, west ot Uuw-ili prlncliMtl meridian, lu Hon Ituttat ouuty. Nebraska, nt public uuctlou to tho highest bidder for uusli, to satisfy said order of sale In 1 lis sum of f"&0 unit Intel ut, costs and accruing costs tuxud ut jS0.7S.aud subject toalluiiiuldlusw. UtA KKhll, , . . Shurlll of siild county. L. A. Uerry, Attorney for 1'talutlif. fp 11 f4& f ft f Ai t & ?;? rir "r . V t' ? ' THE FIRST MAN Who bought furniture of us over three years ago when we first begun business came in recently and bought a stove and other housefurnishings. He has been a constant customer all this time and is satisfied. We can make you one of our permanent customers. Try us. SPECIAL PRICES ON DISHES A half dozen drinking glasses special price Creamer, sugar, spooner and putter dish. A four piece glass set Special price A similar glassfour piece set, Special price SEE THE GOODS. . 15c . 40c . 75c YOU WILL BUY. GEO. DARLING Furniture and Housefurnishings. t Aji 4i ' i I" 1- t .s - 'i e. 4i ft f I- ii ' WWWW&Wfa 4 X f ii " li vatira.,.- v .Jl'