, , , , I, iwbmwmwm ii II mmmmm In i i w w w m m fty V) ft K i itujwijfAiJrW.LUisiwiiawAa'M hsaSihiiiWi W iTOffi?imLa!rirwnrrt g X i2 a i Itt' . JS'egclaMcPreparationforAa- js slmilatingihcFoodandRcdtila- IS UilhcStoinachsandDowcisor $jj i l'WMfgltL-3'i!lilJllTwTIfWLi &t r' j"1 "'ig j For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Promotes Digeslion.Checrriir nessandRcst.Conlalns neither Opium .Morpliinc norIiiicral. TiOT 3lAllC OTIC . fix? ofoun-SAKUELmaza JmyJan Sad'" JU.Smn Jtoirnrotl - . Ctaifi4 Su&tr Apcrfecl Itemed forConslipa Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrliocn Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness nnd Loss OF SLEEP. FacSinuto Signature of NEW YORK. EiCACT COt!Y OF WRABfiER. I Bears the . I Signature A ) In (r Sva For i .mS Ira In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMl OtNTAUR OHKkNY. NCW YORK CrTT. BLUNDER THAT WAS FATAL. Absentmlndedncss Too Great for "Two Small Drinks." Thero Is a man up on Capitol hit) who BiipB with n ntunlior of old col lego chums two or thrco times n your, and usually nftor ono of theso sup pora ho is fit to roost with boiled owls. Tho last gathering of tho clun wns about a fortnight ago, and beforo Mr. well, we'll call him Jonks set out for It, ho promised Mrs. Jonks solemn ly that no matter what tho others did, ho would drink nothing but chars ed water and lomonado. Mr. Jonks camo homo about 2 o'clock, walking very cnrofully nnd sedately. Mrs. Jenks wns awako, aud sho turned up tho gns as ho camo in. "Aro you sure you didn't drink too much?" sho asked. "You hurt mo when you speak llko that," snld Mr. Jenks, somewhat In distinctly. "I had only two smalt drinks." Mrs. Jenks lay back on her pillow regarding him. Under her gnzo ho was most careful to bestow all his belonging to their proper places. His feelings wero hurt, and ho was deter mined to show his wife how unjust her suspicions wero. Ho was stand ing nt tho stationary washstand in tho corner of tho room when sho spoko again, and It was not so much tho matter as tho manner of her words that cut. "Charles." sho said, "you might as woll stop trying to light tho hot water faucet That's tho third match you'vo wnstod." Washington Post. Ivy In tho House. A small country hostelry near Bos ton, In Lincolnshire, (Ing.) can show a curious sight, Tho exterior of tho houso is covorod with ivy. This has found It swny through tho bricks and Invadod tho Interior of the taproom. The proprlotiess hns now trained tho Ivy so that It hns spread alt round tho room, nnd tho unusual sight can bo witnessed of Ivy growing lnsldo n room. A Real MIecr. A man in Missouri wtio swallowed a Scent piece bnck In tho days when silver coins of that denomination wero sometimes seen has just coughed it tip. Wo all of us havo had experi ence with Individuals who required a very long tlmo to cough up very small amounts. lloston Transcript. The Wabash Is the Only Line Landing You at the World's Fair, jltrbund trip rates from Omaha aro as follows: $8.G0 sold dally except Frday and Saturday, good 7 days. 113.80 sold dally, good 15 .days. The Vyabash Is the only lino that land's passengers at the main entrance of tho World's Fair grounds. Also tho only Une that can check your baggage to the. World's Fair station. Think what i saving of time, annoynnco vand tx tra'car faro. All agent3 can soil you through ticket and route you over tho Wabash. Very low rate3 to many points South, Jjoijtheast. For beautiful World's Fair folder ana all information call at 1C01 Fafnam St. or address Harry K. Moores. Gjm., Agt. ..PasP.ept Wab. tt.JL, Omaha, Neb. k ' r frTiio man who starts out to look for trouble doesn't havo to go far until ho tjha.lt tbrust.upon him. t. , , IMPERIAL" HERNIA CURE. Dr. O. S. Wood cures Rupturo by a now protessJn aXow 'weeks, with out loss jt tlmo or Inconvenience Rectal diseases .curcd without, the knife. Send -for cIfculaf."0?'S.,Vo6d7 M. D., 521 N. Y. Llfo Bids., Omaha-. Korean Good Burden Bearer. Tho Korean coolie Is as lazy as tho Chinese is Industrious. He can squat all day on his hool3 and smoko his pipe between Intervals of sleep, and ask but little more of Heaven than his daily "pap," as his dish of rico is called, and an Industrious wlfo at home. Dut, as burden bearer, he rivals tho Chinese. With a sort of forked stick with pegs fitted to his back ho carries 400 pounds easily. CAB IN FRONT OF ENGINE. Dancers Wonderful Endurance, In a dnnclng tournament at ParlB M. Vincent and Mile. Schorln succeed ed in wnltzlng for six hours and three quarters without a moment's rest; while a Ilorlln mnn waltzed for six teen consecutlvo hours, from 9 n. m to 1 o'clock tho uoxt morning. Railways Own Staircases. In London tho stairways nnd clova tors used for access or ogress trom tho stntlons of tho underground rail roads do not occupy any part of tho streets. Tho railway companies hnd to buy spaco in a block whero they wanted a station. .B ' .irn r i &,.:mm v, i) .s v-y'.-m ' A prominent Southern lady, Mrs. I New In Rusty pipes do not enrich tho water of llfo. Tf vnn don't tret the btcrcest nnd best It's ybur'own faulti Defiance gtarcli, ts for said every.wliere ,ahd thero is positively nothing to equal it In qual ity" or quantity; - - . ' ;, . i. : A crusty tonguo seldom has a cbanco to get rusty. , , . oooooooooooooooooooooopooo n $100 Reward, $100. The rttdcnof thlt rrerwlll te pfd to lMrn tli&t lliera ti at lent ono drcadFdd!cae thanolcuta lm bred blo tn curs In ill Ita suited ttul that I'aurrb. Ilall't Catarrh Cure l tlio only ronltlTO cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catana beluit a cnnitltutlonal dlteahe. reaulret conilltu tlonal treatment. lUU'a CalarrU Cure l,tkcn In ternaUy. acttoit directly upon the blood and mucoua mrfotca of the ayati-m, tnereb" deitroylng the foundation of the dUeato, and gmnir the patleot BtrcaBlli by building up tho constitution and aUl lng nature In doing Ita work. Ilie proprletora hare ao muctrfaHri In Ita curative powcra that they ofKr' One Hundred Oollara for any ca that It falU l cure, hend for lltnf tentlmontata, Addren. K. J. CHKNKY CO., Tolodo, O. Holil by all Droirtrt'ta, lie ' 4.Tjke.Uir Family PlUi forconatlpaUon. Cavalry of the west coast of Mada gascar ride oxen. .. FOR SALE. Horses, Mules, Harness; Ono and Two-Horse Baggago Wagons; Lan daus, Berlins, Hansom and Four-Wheel Cabs'; Victorias, Ten-Seated Passenger Coaches, at reasonablo prices for cash. This Is surplus equipment pur chased on account of t.ho World's Fain Address D. Jamison, Superintendent Passenger and Baggago" Department, SU Louis Transfer Company, Broad way and Spruco street, St. Louts, Mo. Nature may make some fools, but all tho fops mako themselves. TVpe of Locomotive Used Somo Railroad Systems. An oll-burnlng englno with tho cab on the front end has been In opera tion on tho Pacific coast for somo time and locomotives of thlB construc tion havo also been in use for several years on Italian railways. The South ern railway (of Italy) has recently added to Its equipment somo four-cylinder compounds of this typo. They aro of tho ten-wheel class, with tho cab In front of tho truck nnd firebox and tho cylinders nt the rear end. Tho coal Is carried in bunkers at the sido of tho flrobox (four tons capacity), and tho tender has a cylindrical tank. The firebox Is of tho Belpalre type and extends over the frames. Tho cylinders aro all In a row behind tho Btnokebox (at tho trailing end of the frames), and all of them drlvo tho middle driving axle. Tho arrangement of tho cylinders and valves Is peculiar. Tho two high pressure cylinders are on ono Bldo and tho steam distributor Ib con trolled by a single piston valve and Wnlschaert valvo gear. Tho two low pressure cylinders are on tho opposite sido nnd aro also served by a slnglo piston valve and valve gear. Tho en glno has six driving wheels. In front of the cab Is a small platform with sido steps. Plaint of Grave-Digger. "Well, John," asked an acquaint ance of an old-tlmo gravo-dlggor, "how's trade with you?" "Bad. man," was tho reply; "very bnd, indeed. I have na burled a leavln' soul foi n month." Sanitary Certificates. Tho public health department of tho city of London issuea certificates to restaurants nnd hakerlos which havo been Inspected and found in good Ban Itary condition. Wedding Sweets In Holland. In place of wedding cako In Holland wedding Bweots aro given "bruld znlkcrs" they nro called. They nre hnnded round by children . and aro served in flower-trimmed baskets. Woman's Charms Not Lasting. Tho abundant Binooth black tresses of tho Japr.neso woman may bo said to form her chief beauty. Unfortu nately, howovcr, her hair Invariably thins after 30. Progress In Cabul. Tho progressive policy of (ho ameer Includes tho appointment of womett doctors at Cabul and tho use of elec tric power In I1I3 gun factory. Lewis' "Slnclo Binder" clgiir. The highest price 5c cigar to the dealer and thu smoker, straight 6c for the lilcbest nunlltv Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. All men nro good good for some thing or good for nothing. A Marvel of Relief St. Jacobs Qil Sif o nd sure, for i ' 1 Lumbago 'and . ' Sciatica Mrs. J. II. ;il-, Kvirctt. I'o., Buffered year. lth kidney aud irrftTtl trouble. Cured by Dr. Lavld Kennedy'. Faorlw Keinedy, ltoudout, . Y. I1.O0. Tho church service that does not stretch out on to tho street only servos the devil. New Microbe of Consumption. That phthisis of tho lungs cannot bo curod, says a St. Louis dispatch, was tho statement made by Dr. Fred Kolbenhoyer of St. Louis, who, nt the tuberculosis congress, explained tho discoveries of Prof. Otto von Schroen of tho Royal university of Naples. Prof von Schroen was unable to bo present and sent his paper to be read. Prof, von Schroen explained that a patient suffering from consumption could live for yeara In apparent healths but under favorable circumstances tho germ of tho disease would become act Ive and destroy the lung tissues. In cases of phthisis of tho lungs, the pro fessor said, ho had dieebvered a new germ, which, together with tho germ that had hitherto been known to doc tors to destroy all animal llfo, existed only in cases of phthisis of tho lungs. A committee of four was appointed to enlist tho nsslstance and corpora tion of prominent educators, manufac turers, philanthropists and others who may bo ablo in various ways to assist in carrying on a strong educational campaign against tuberculosis. London Kept Well Washed. Last year upward of 42,000,000 gal Ions of water wero used In washing tho streets and courts, In tho city pf London. Living Is High In Spain. Tho cost of living has doubled In Spain In tho last fow years and emi gration Is Increasing rapidly. Better Late Than Never. After kissing a pretty girl for tho first tlmo a young man always re grets tho opportunities ho haB wasted Many a man who wouldn't even think of making a wlfo of his cook has no scruples about making a cook of his wife. ANOTHER LIFE SAVED. prominent Blanchard, of Nashville, Tenn., tells how she was cured of backache, dizziness, pain ful and irregular periods by the use of Lyc&a E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, "Deati Hits. PijrrniAM: Gratitude compels ino to acknowledge tho rjrrcat merit of your Vegetable Compound. 1 liavo suffered for four yeara with irregular and painful menstruation, also dizziness, pains in tho back and lowor limbs, and iltful sleep. I dreaded the time .to come which would only mean suffering to mo. " Bottor health is tll 1 wantod, and euro if possible. Lydirt E. Pink ham's Vcgotnblo Compo id brought mo licalth nnd happiness in a few short months. I feel like another person now. "My aches and pains havo loft mo. Lifo seems now and sweet to mo, and overything seems pleasant and easy. " Sis bottles brought mo health, and was worth moro than months undor tho doctor's cans, whioh really did not benellfc mo at all. I am sat isfied thero is no mcdiolno so good for sick women as your Vegetable) Compound, and I advocate it to my lady friends in need of nxodical help." Mns. 15 A. Uianouaiu), 422 Broad St., Nashville, Term. When women are troubled wilh irregular, suppressed or painful menstrua tion, weakness, loucorrhcoa, displacement or ulceration of the. womb, that bearlnp-t'.own feeling, Inflammation of tho ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general dobllity, Indigestion, nnd nervous prostration, or aro beset tv llu Guclt symptoms as dizziness, inlntncss, las situde, excitability, Irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all-gone" nnd "want-to-bc-lcft-alono" feelings, blues and hopelessness, they should remember thero is, ono tried and truo remedy Lydia E. l'lnkhnm' Vegetable Compound at once reniOvcB buch troubles. Ref use to buy any other medicine, for you need thu best. . A Severe Cnso of Womb Trouble Cured I in Philadelphia. "Dbau Mns, PnfKHAM : I havo bceii cured of severe fenialo troubles by tho use of X.ydla 13. Plnltham'e Vcgctnblo Compound. I was your advertisement I purchased ono bottle of vour medicine, and it did mo so much good that I purchased another, and tho rcsidb was sJ sAtisfactory that I bought six. moro bottles, and am now feeling liko a new woman. I shall never ibo without it. I nopo that my testimonial will cdnvinco -women that1 your Vegetable Compound Is tho greatest medicine In tho world for' falling bf tho womb or any other femalo comphints." Mrs. Ma? Cody, 2GGQ Birch St., Philadelphia, Pa. ' Ecrae,mTer, ovcry woman is cordially Invit-pd to writ to Mrs. Pinkliam if thero is nnythinprnbout her symptoms sho does not understand. Her address is I-yim, Mass., lice advico is tree and Cheerfully given to every ailing woman who asks for It. Si2 PSB mssin It Is tho gpedflc vtrtuo of penetration In this remedy that carries It right to the palti tpqlr and ciiect prompt cure. 0000000000OOOOOCrOOOOOOl M3KNS FAIL IN ADRY TIME ilffiM0FIffiFI5HHEVffiFAO inamtimd: - WHTPON'TXOUWCAC J&.J(, fEmx mrm iiiii rw jrt f i' i AWWUJ 'KcK!iifffw lyEBa &TB!tf8S JT ajst tiAf"oavr.utf ANE KEEP DRW teWTARE Or IMITATION J. WOK f0 0Vt WADE MARX. UU1.PI. ' Abkl. BIH.I...M u.rfiu. M.lll A, J.TOWBB CO.. Somen, 1 Jl'm U. & A. , -xoruovo. uin, I am fcure Plso's Cure tor Consumption saved my We tjirce ycurs neo. Mna. Tuos. ItonBiws, Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, ISOa , Manyvpuid rather be la Bin than out, ?5 4Yrt ,M , , . Storekeepers report. 'that tna rxtra quantity, together ,wlth tho , superior oualitv of Defiance Starch makes It nejtt to (mposplbje to bU- "aby oher uranu. ' A young man BCldom bifrns his can dle at both ends if ho haa'to pay cash .forJlie candle. Mr. miiow-s Pootniner Bymn. animation, ailaj ptla, caret wtad oullu, 21o botue. 'or ehlldttn tcethlpe, aotteiu tbi kutoj, redacts to- Protect Babies From Evil 8plrlts. The babies In West Africa aro con sidered to bo free from the attentions of evil spirits for tho Urst seven Ways -of their lives. On the seventh day, howpver, ajargpjamlly,fga,sjs bejd, during which care .must bo (akpn tc throvf plenty, of tho (good things put side tho houso In 'drder to' propitiate tho evil powers. lnB LufltS mtii AilUit iAH.8. t Uoasa tlTTop. .taMtea Dvad. ne. &016 bf dniJSlBta. vn Dangerous Use of Arnica. While arnica is ono of the drugs Included In nearly every household medlcino chest, it is doubtful If tho average mother, who Is wont td apply It bo freoly to the fingers and toes of her Utle ones, realizos the risk she runs. Although many home remedies call for tho ubo of arnica, it is said to be highly dangerous to apply it to the skin unless greatly diluted. Ono part arnica to five parts water, tho propor tions commonly advised, Is said to form a lotion the use bf which is at tended with great danger. A corre spondent who has looked lip tho sub ject says (hat arnica should bo dilut ed moro than ten times. "If tised in full strength," sho says, "arnica will cause paralysis. A good combination Is that of ono teaspoonful of arnica to four tablespoonfuls of -witch hazel, and even then it should be used In moderation, as experience has shown. Chicago Evening Post. Mrs. G. W. Fooks, of Salisbury, Md., wlfo of Q. W. Fooks, Sheriff of Wico mico County, Bays: "I suf fered with kid ney complaint for eiht years. It came on mo gradually. I felt tired nnd weak, was short of breath and was trou bled with bloating attor eating, and my limbs wero badly swollen. One doctor told mo It wpuld finally turn to BrighfB disease, I was laid up at one tlmo for three weeks. I had not tauen Doan's Kidney PUls moro than three day when tho distressing apn lug across ,my back dlsappearedfand I was soon entirely, curqd." For salo by all dealers. Price CO cents. Fostcr-MIlburn Co,, Buffalo.N.Y. It is better to bo envied than edu caled. ' Kabo Corsets Get Grand Prize. St. Louis. Oct. 1C It has been an nounced thaY'KribQ Corsets", made by tho Kabo Coset Co.. Chicago, have beeq given tho Grand Prize and high est award by tho board of judges at tho Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Tho mnn who Is always talking about himself ns a poor worm of the dust is not likely to havo a great tidal of power 'to ljfi tho wprld.-Chicagd Tribune. , , Hundreds of dealers say tho extra quantity and superior quality of ppr fiance Starch Is fast taking Place of all other brondH. Others say thuy ca"n not sell ,nny othor starch. But few men would strlvo to achieve fame if it wasn't for tho sake of pleas ing somo woman. Don't you know that Deflnncc Starch besides being absolutely superior to any other, it put up lfi ounces In pack ages nnd sells at same price as 12 ounce packages of othor kinds? A man's failure to accumulate a for- I tuno Is seldom due to bis liberality., Value of th Spruce Tree. Were it not for the fact that tho finest of wood pulp can bo made from spruce Jogs, white paper would cost so much that nowspapors and maga zines and books would bo much high er in price, apd their circulation cor respondingly restricted. Even the malls would bo lighter by far but tor the spruce tree BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. Home. Whether in tho Arctic circle Or on India's coral ntramli. Where the winds are perfume laden And warm waves enrpm the stnds, YVhrthor eaHtwnnl. whether westward. When the dayllKht fades to gloam, WhTe a baby runs to met you, And to Ids you. that 1b home. Where a baby runs to meet you That Is nil there Is In life; AH ttieie Is at all worth winning. ,1' Worth the slaving and ths strife;' Two wee dimpled Rrms vretchod to you Two expectant eyes that-'wpltt, tt is home for you nhcreyox " '. There's a baby 'at the gate.' ft Is home sweet home--forevpr, Where the lilts of Inuphter run Of a tousle-hsaded baby, BIttliiK playing in the sunt It is home where every nlcht time Ai the evening shadows creep K wee nluhtrobed figure whimpers: "Now I lay mo dov .t to s'cep." Houston Post. Faith creates tho future. 'T WEAR A WIG. Keep the luxuriant, healthy head of balr which nature gave you. If your hair Is falling out you can stop It use Uudoras. It gives new life to sickly hair. It's guarantewl-Ahk your barber. Seed usyour name Ipr f rtw treatment. THE UHQOMa COMPANY, OMAHA. 03 Save 3 on Drugs LLJ write for our 100page catalogue, rr showing 10.000 articles at cut prlee-. fV PATENT MEDICINES, RUUBEtt U"M GOODS. TRUSSES. 0. SHERMAN & McCONNEll DRUG (0. " Cor. 16th, tl Dqds.,OmUia. Neb, HANDY BLUEING BOOK. In sheoti of PURE ANILINE BLUE. No bottles. Jfopaddles. Kowaste. Cjve tpe tanw amount of blnelng water cacU wash-day. Ask your grocer for It or send lOofor ft book of 25 leaves. Hie Handy Blueing Book Co., 87 E. Lake St., Chicago, III. t We would teach the l&dj who buys. Lesson number ocs,, Bt&rch is an extraction of wheat used to stif fen clothe when .laundered. Meet starches in time will rot the goods the j are used to WtifTen. TTuiv Ml ecntala A Id U-irW life Defiance Star u absolutely m It ffvrea new life Hri'a 11 Hvcssa tiia cJ tion xr -money back. It elk tetmnces for 10 centaf wry best v UttJACTUtD BY ItaPEnAHtf STARCH CO., 0MAIU - NEfft W. N. U., Omaha. No. 471904 MEXICAN Mustang Liniment 'is it pc-Kiti vo cure for Tiles. e warn yhb hahe dsisars SUCCESSFUL COLD, SILVER, COPPER, LEAD, ZINC AND QUICKSILVER Mlnin? Companies, If you will send usyour numo and address. Mining Maps Ffoe. AUBUCKm-qoODU COMMISSION CO., 323 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. "'.'rMfThompson't Eyo V.Tatr When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This FjJper. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES ... i .. -il.-j . .a. ...l... ..I... lib ..1 ..i inMAn .nil, I, w. 1 infl It fluttranm latar mtt woii br otr no laner coir man anj oiner ore. um iuo f""!'"'"'" S, w i u . ri.. N ii Vii ijmdu Hi IS. IZiu aV .a lll ttod out oald at 10c acUA WrlU lr frM bcokloV-Ho to On. BlMCh and Mix Color. JiUXUOJt DU uu W., uoranteed to ah perfect retuli Untunvtllt, Jllvttri