The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 18, 1904, Image 2

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wm H
to Prove what Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Remedy
Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of this paper May
Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail.
Weak ftiul unhottltliy kldnoys nro rcsjioilslblo for moro
Sickness and 'mffurlnfr than, any othqr dl.soitso, therefore, whon
through negloct or othor causes, kidney trouble Is permitted to
contlnuo, futnl results nro Hiiro to follow.
Your othor organs innynocd attention but your kidneys most,
bocuuso thoy do most mid need attention ilrst.
If yoU nro wlclc or "fool Imdly," begin talcing Dr. Kilmer's
Bwnmn-Itoot, tho groat kidney, Hvor and bladder remedy, because
as 80011 as your kldnoys bogln to get bettor they will help all thG
othor organs to health. A trial will convince anyone.
Tho mild nnl immediate effect of
fiwatnp-lloot thq great kidney and
bladder remedy Is hoon realized. It
ctnndH thri highest for its wonderful
cures of tlio most distressing cases.
Swamp-Root will Met your whole pyhtciu
right, ami the best proof of this in a trial.
M Cottaob St., MBr.nosa, Mas1. ,
DbAhBir: Jan. lltu, lswl.
'KyCr since I win In the Army. I bod tnoro or
lew lllrtney trouble, ami within tho putt year It
beenmo ho toorn and complicated thnt I
pufTored cvoryihliu and was much nlarmctl my
ntronfitli Miditower was fiiKtlutn log inn. I row
lin advertisement of Sivmiip-Koot and wrote
Baking fur advlrc. 1 began tho uso of the
tnedloino and noted a decided Improvement
after taking Swmnii-Uoot only a short time.
I continued Its uso ami am thankful to nay
thai I am entirely cured and strong. In order
to bo very Hiiro about UiIm, I had a doctor exam-
ino itomo ot my water toty aod ho prouoUuoed
t nil rlulit avid In splendid condition.
I know thai your Hwiunp-Uoot U purely vege
tAblo and does not contain any harmful drugs.
a'hanUIng you for my oomplcto recovery mid
feoOmmcudhlg Swamp-Hoot to all suHororu
I am," Very truly yours,
Swamp-Root Js not recommended for
ovory thin jjliut it promptly cttres kidney,
EDITORIAL N0T3 In order to
firovo the vomlcrf ul merits of- Sjvnmp
lOot you i day Have a Mimpla bottle and
H book of vnljiablo infoi'hjatlon, both
tout absolutely free by malt. Tho book
tantalus tunny lof tho thousands upon
thousands ot tv.stimoulal letters re
vived front men and women cured,
the value and success of Swarap-Ropt
Kro bo well, known that our readers art
Jwlylhcd to (tend for a sample bottle. In
"kmdlng your address to Dr. Kilmer &
Po., lllrighnmtdn, N. Y., be sure to say
Jou read this generous offer in this
Trouble In Our Midst.
""NotrBlnco we-cat a lot ot motb balls
for poppormlnt lozeuRera havo wo
ta&do sich a mistake as wo done
yrhen wo wero to Memphis tho othor
day. Wo drunk a small bottlo of
Tickler's Antl-skeptlc, thinking It was
cream do mint. Wo aro now undor
trcHtmont for a restoration of our
thirst. Hard man (Teun.) Free Press.
Indian Girls Marry Young.
Tho custom of marrying girls when
hoy are mere children of nlno or ton
years is Increasing rather than de
creasing In Bengal and other parts ot
India. The resulting racial degenera
tion Is becoming so obvious that laws
have boon passed in several regions
forbidding the marriage ot girls undor
Japanese Dressing for Wounds.
At a cost ot 25 cents Japanese doc
tors can dross tho wounds of BOO
men. Thoy use a finely powered char,
coal obtained by the slow combustion
of straw In closed furnaces. Sachets
tilled with It are applied to the
Grounds, and its antiseptic and absor
bent' qualities generally effect a rapid
I Better Than OH for Roads.
A writer In an English automobile
paper claims that roads could be kept
permanently damp by the application
f strong solutions of calcium chlor
ide or magnesium chloride, and that
this would be cheaper than oils and
rlthout their objectionable odors.
Bees Love Bright Colors.
Tho bee is an nrtlstlc upholBterer.
It lines its nest with the leaves ot
flowers, always cbooslng such as have
bright colors. They are invariably cut
In circles eo exact that no compass
would make them more true.
Tribute to Her Vanity.
After a woman reaches a certain
Bgo, she may regard It bb a compli
ment fpr n man to nttmnpt to flirt
with her. even If she does not wish to
engage In tbe game. Atchison Globe.
Latest Fad In Furnishing.
Tho very latest thing In furnishing
la to have the walls of rooms cover-
4 with a coarse, dead-black canvas,
know rr
liver and bladder troubles, tho symp
toms of whlchuro obliged to pass your
water frequently night and day, smart
ing or irritation In passing, brlckdust
or sediment in tho urine, headache,
backache, lamo back, dizziness, poor
digestion, sleeplessness, nervousness,
heart disturbance due to bad kidney
trouble, skin eruptions from bad blood,
neuralgia, rheumatism, diabetes, bloat
ing, irritability, wornout feeling, lack
of ambition, loss of llcsh, sallow com
plexion, or Bright's disease
If your water, wbcu allowed to re
main undisturbed In a gloss or bottlo
for twenty-four hours, forms a sediment
orsottllngor has i cloudy appearance, it
is evidence that your kidneys and blad
der need immediate attention.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to tako nnd
is for salo kt drug stores tho world over
in "bottles of two sizes and two "prices
fifty cents and one dollar, llcmembor
tho name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and tho address, Bing
hamton, K. Y., ou every bottle.
paper Th&genulncness of tbls.oJter is
COUPON., . 1
l'lciise write or till In this Winpdn with yimr
nnmti und address und Dr. ICllmor &TCo., will
Mind you u free Sample Hot tie ul Swamp-Root
tbeUrout Kldnoy Kemrdy.i ? m
Name ,
'St, and No.)..,
City or Town.
Mention ttita pacr.
English Was Good Enough.
An English tourist was being drlv
on on a Jaunting enr through tho Don
egal highlands, nnd nfter a time tho
results of his observation came, to tho
surfaco in tho following query:
"Driver! I notice that when you speak
to your friends whom you meet on tho
road you Invariably do so in Irish,
but when you address your horso you
do so in Eugllsh. How Js this?" To
which came tho retort: "Musha now
thin. Isn't English good enough for
him." Tho Spectator.
Uncle Eben.
"Some men gets a heap o' educa
tion," said Unclo Eben, "do same as
some people get a fine collection o
halt wlfout catchln' any fish." Wash
ington Star.
Glass Bricks for Building.
Glass hous'os of a very substantial
kind can bo built now. 'Slleslan glass
makers aro turning out glass bricks
for all sorts ot building purposes.
Her Time Will Come.
Young man,i beware of tho girl who
lots you do all the talking during
courtship: she's playing a waiting
game. Chicago News.
Boatswain Burled Captain.
Quite recently the boatswain of a
British man-o'-wnr burled the captain
at sea, reading the burial service him
self. Chinese Outside the Empire.
The number of Chinese outside ol
China Is estimated at over 7,640,00(X
Ask Your Druggltt for Allen's Foot-Eaie.
"I tried ALLEN'S FOOT-EASB recent
ly, and have just bought another supply. It
has cured my corns, and tho hot, burning
and itching sensation in my f oet which was
almost unbearable, and I would not be with
out It now. Mrs. W. J Walker, Camden,
N.J." Sold by all Druggists, 25c
Before marriage a man
love; after marrlago be
8 wear.
Openings sometimes come to men
and oysters when least expected.
Men aro like chickens they alway
want to get on the highest roost.
M" I
Oh! tnn farm was bright, Thanksgiving
T.'lth Its stacks of liny and shocks of
Its pumpkin lienpa In the rambling slird,
And Its apples brown and green nnd red,
And In Its cellar Its winter store
In bms that wero filled and running
With nil tho things that a farm could
In barrel nnd bin and goodly heap,
Hung to the, rafters and hid away
Oh! the farm was a goodly sight that
And here nnd there were the Jersey
The sheep nnd horses old Prince nnd
Tho turkeys and gecso and awkward
And the goat that made the children
A pnlr of mules that n friend had sent
Out to the farm on expcrlmont,
Pigeons and fowls and a guinea-pig,
Dogs that were small and dogs that
wero big,
Chickens that were white and black and
On! tho farm was a pleasant place to
Out back of the house the orchard stood,
Then came the brook and the chestnut
Tho sawmill where the children play,
The fodder barn with Its piles of hay.
The walnut grovo and tho cranberry
Tho woodchuck hole and tho barking
Tho wlntcrgreen nnd tho robber's cavo
(Wherein who entered was counted
Uncle Isaacs Matchmaking
"Well, I declare!" said Aunt Nancy
Winters, "I never did see a turkey fat
up nlcer'n that" ono! I tell you, Pa,
It's too good for jest you an' me to
sot down, to. Hadn't wo olight to In
vito somohody.'td help oat Thnnksglv
Inf dinner?'1 jAuht Nnncy paused in
hqr of stripping tho feathers,
from tho turkey lit question, and
bqamoij, placidly upon U,nclo Isaac
through her gold-bowed "spccsV'
fUnclo Isaac Winters rubbed bis
hands togethe'r gleefully, and a, genial
smile overspread his face. "Jest like
ydu, Nancy, td think about somebody
shnrln' your bjcssln's. To be sUrc, to
ho suro, havo som6body In to help dls
pqso of, thnt feller. Who'll you in
vite?'' "Well," said Aunt Nancy, reflective
ly, ,fI'vo a notion to ask"Mariotty Pea
body, poor, lonesome old maid I I
don't know as there's a soul in the
village ttlatAvonld enjoy a nice piece
of breast meat an' sago Btuflln' an'
Hubbard Bquash an' mashed potaters
an gravy an' mince pie an' pumpkin
plo better'n eho would. I do bclievo
sho lives pretty slim sometimes."
Aunt Nnncy sighed n motherly sigh,
nnd looked thoughtfully at tho big
turkey lying across her lap. " 'Pears
to mo Marlotty dono a foolish thing
when sho glvo Silas Plummer the mit
ten tho way sho did years ago. I wish
sho was married an' settled down In
a homo of her own. Sllns would bo
a good provider an' Marietty she's a
neat housekeeper neat as wnx an'
scorns to mo they could be real happy
Unclo Isaac sat down on the edge
of the wood box nnd looked at Aunt
Nancy's kind old face. "S'poso we try
an' mnko a match betwixt 'em," ho
suggested. "It's high time that old
spat of thelr'n was cleared up. Lot' a
see It's as much as ten year, ain't'
It, since thoy quit spcakln' to each
other? I say lot's ask 'em both here
to dinner to-morrow an see how it'll
turn out."
Aunt Nancy stared at him In amaze
ment. "Isaac Winters," she Bald, "be
you clean gone crazy? Why, tho very
Idee! A pretty Thanksglvln' it would
be, wouldn't it, with them two glar
In' at each othor an' never sayln' a
wordl My! my! you don't know Ma
rietty Peabody, I guess, or Silas Plum
mer either, If you think you could
pacify 'cm at this late day."
"Well." said Uncle Isaac, meekly,
"you know best, Nancy! you always
know best. I thought mebby It would
work all right, but that's all a fool
man knows about sech things. Think
I'd best hitch up an' drive down to
invite Mnrletty? Jest as soon if you
want I should."
Aunt Nancy turned tho big turkey
over laboriously. "Why, yes. Pa," she
said, "you better go. Give Marietty
my compliments an' ask her to spend
Thnnksglvjn' with us. It she's goln
to mqetln' to-morrow she'll likely ride
homo with you in the cutter,"
When Unclo Isaac returned, an
hour later, ho remarked: "Marietty
soeraet awful tickled apmt your In
vite, Nancy, an sho said she wa'n't
coin to mcetln' she hadn't a new
thing to wear an' she'd come over
55 :
Tho skating pond with Its fringe of
Oh! tho farm was a pleasant sight that
The big home-barn was a place of Joy
For tho romping girl and the climbing
With beams and mows and ladders to
TIores and oxen and sheen to count;
Hunting of nests of sly old hens,
Tiiuneling bay and fashioning dens.
Helping tho men to do up the chores,
Shutting windows and locking tha doors,
letting some work come In with tha
Oh! the farm was a Jolly place to stay!
Oh! the pantry shelves were loaded down
With cakes that were plump and rich
and brown.
With npplo pies and pumpkin and mince.
And Jellies and Jains and preserved
Cranberry sauce and puddings and rice,
Tho dessert dishes that look so nice.
Vegetables, breads and bonbons sweet.
A great brown turkey and plates of
Sauces fixed In the daintiest way
Oh! 'twas a glorious sight that day!
Oh, the farm was bright Thanksgiving
The sun shone clear on tho hay and corn.
Tho guests camo early with laugh and
And tha boys and girls scattered nbout,
Seeking tho pets they hnd known before.
Climbing through window Instead of
nnclng from barn to corn-crib or mill.
Shouting and laughing with glee, until
The dinner horn sounded. Oh, I ny
'Twas pleasant upon tho farm that day I
a WfWWtWlWiV
early an' help fix things for dinner
an then you an' her could visit long
er, she said."
"Well." said Aunt Nancy, "that's
real good of Marietty. There'll bo
quite a lot of work flxln' tho vege
tables an' such, nn' I guess sho can
help me quito a little. I'm real glad
she's comln', poor soul!"
Tho next morning when Unclo
Isaac, In his Sunday clothes, came
Into tho kitchen and lifted his chin
high so Aunt Nnnqy could adjust his
collar button and necktie, the denr
old lady said: "If I was you, Pa, 1 d
look alt over the meetln'-housc an'
pick ou. the loncsomest-lookln' per
son ther( anybody you think aln t
Invited nowhere to Thnnksglvln din
ner an ask 'em to come along homo
with you."
"Anybody." asked Uncle Isaac.
"Did you say anybody, Nancy?"
Aunt Nancy started swiftly toward
the oven door. ''Land snkes! I be
lieve that turkey's holltn' dry," she
said, as she opened the oven door
with a clang and poured hot water
Into the sizzling roastlng-pan. Her
rosy face peered Into the big, savory
smelling oven.
"Yes," she said, "ask anybody you
thjnk looks lonesome."
Uncle Isnac drove off to meeting
with n merry Jingling of sleigh bells.
Ho chuckled to himself as he drovo
along. "I shouldn't wonder if Sllns
Plummer would bo lookln' kind of
lonesome today," he sold. "Great
guns'. Who'd ever think I'd take to
mntchmakln' nt my time o' life?"
When the Thanksgiving sermon
had been preached and the last hymn
sung, the congregation moved toward
tho doors. Silas Plummer buttoned
his overcpnt and prepared to go his
lonely way. But Uncle Isaac, unhitch
ing the old white horse, called to him.
"Hold on, Sllns." lie said, "don't
you want to ride along with mo? An',
say, by the way, Nancy said she'd like
first-rate to have you eat Thanks
glvln' dinner with us."
Silas Plummer hesitated and was
lost. "Much obliged, Uncle Isaac,"
he said; "you aud Aunt Nancy are
very kind, but I was calculatln' on
goln to tho restaurant for my din
ner." 'Restaurant nothln'!" cried Uncle
Isaac, jovially. "Come, pile In here
an we'll bo goln. Nancy'll be Jest
tickled to death!"
But privately Uncle Isaac wasn't
so suro of that. "Merciful Moses!" he
thought, "mebby I've gono an' put my
foot In It. But we'll wait an' seo
how It turns out. ir Nancy scolda,
I'll tell her the poor fellow looked
lonesome, an' suro enough he did."
The cutter stopped at the side door
with a Jingle of bells. Aunt Nancy
enmo to the window and looked out.
"Of all things!" sho said to herself,
"what In the world possessed Pa to
go an do that! My land! what shall
I do? Hero's Marietty an' there's
Silas, nn' they won't speak I know
thoy won't!"
Marietta was In the kitchen chop
nine cabbage, and did not see the
newcomer, who was ushered into tbe
sitting room by Aunt Nancyt whoso
-t W4
. -
Wvt tMftfWwWyjfcjCT
hospltablo soul was filled with con
flicting emotions. Sho resolved upon
a desperate move. "Marlotty," she
said when she' returned to the kltch'i
en, "I guess that cabbago Is chopped
flno enough now. Won't you Jest step
into tho settln'-room nn' put some
wood in the stove."
Marietta stopped chopping cabbngo
and filled her arms .with wood from
tho wood box. Sho looked very nice
In her. best black dress ' arid ,lnqe
Jtrlmmed apron. The warm kitchen
had given a flush to her cheeks and
tho pink ribbon at her throat was
very becoming.
Sho went througlj the dining-room
and Into the sitting-room ' Aunt, "Nan
cy, listening Intently In tho kitchen,
heard the sudden dropping of the
armful of wood. "My sakes alive!"
.she said, "whatever shall I do. They'll
both get mad an' go homo most like
ly. Dear) dear, .what did Pa gp an
ask him for?"
In tho sitting-room the wood lay
on the rag t:nrpet at Marietta's feet
She stooped to pick It up, but Silas
was already gathering tho sticks' to
gether. In some awkward way their
hands, touched, and they looked at
each other.
"Marietty," he said, "can't we over
look tho past? Can't wo be friends
again?" His earnest dark eyes wero
looking Into hers with the old look.
Marietta held out her hands, and he
caught them In his. Tho next nu
ment his arm was around her and she
was crying softly upon his shoulder.
He was smiling at her in the old
way which used to bo so pleasant to
her until thnt misunderstanding cam
between them. He took her hand
and led her into the sunny kitchen
whero Aunt Nancy was about to take
Uncle Isaac to task.
Tbe good old people started in as
tonishment as Marietta and Silas en
tered hand in hand. The lovers look
ed ten years younger.
"Aunt Nancy," said Silas Plummer,
'you an' Uncle Isaac have made a
real Thanksgiving for me."
"An' me too!" chimed in Marietta,
with blushing cheeks. "Oh, Aunt
Nancy, we've made it up an' we'ra
as good friends as ever!"
She looked proudly up at the tall
figure at her side. Love was in her
eyes love and pride. And in tho
face of Silas Plummer was a look of
happiness which had long been a
stranger there.
Tho dinner was a great success.
The big turkey was roasted to a de
licious brown, the cranberry sauc
was rich crimson, the mashed pota
toes whito as snowdrifts, and the
Hubbard squash a golden yellow. Tho
mince pie was Aunt Nancy's best,
and the coffeo was of her famous
brewing. It was a glorious dinner,
and Uncle Isaac said so after the
guests were gone.
"But land, Nancy! I believe them
two wouldn't havo known the differ
ence It it had been plain salt pork an'
johnny-cake. My! my! to think what
a good matchmaker I am. It's juat
amazln', ain't it?"
And Aunt Nancy smiled serenely
and said Jt was.
vain roK help;
When Hope hnd Almost Settled Into Utter Itellef Cam from an
Unexpected Source, i
Mrs. Emma Hcidebreder, of Noj, J 023
.Toy fiTreeTTBurlbigtoii,'lown,wb6solius
butidisau omployeeof thoEnud-Luniber
OoT tellsh storof pULnblo suffering: '
"For about five years," sho says, "I
bad n host of physical ills that keptmoan
invalid aud puzzled tho doctors. , Sonla
of them thought I was going into con
sumption. At times I was so weak thai
I could not comb my hair or oven wasb
my fnco. Then excruciating pains ran
suddenly up my thigh nnd I had to be
carried to bed screnming in my ngony.
I could no longer do my work and the
drain upon my husband's purso was
very heavy. I craved food but what I
nto ouly gave mo discomfort. My liver
was torpid, nnd often I had to be carried
to tho door for air to savo uio from suf
focating. ,
"Tho'worst was tho pain which seemed
as if my thigh were being pushed out or
my body. Tho host doctors could do wn
to deaden it by narcotics. Onco thoy
thought I could not livo for moro than
two days. In ouo of my worst attacks,
a frioud said : Why don't yon' try Dr.
Williams' Pluk Pills? They nro the
only thing that over helped my rheuma
tism.' " I took his ndvlco. After using one
box I felt better, nnd I continued to use
the pills for tbrco or four months with
Bteady improvement until I was well.
For four years I havo been nblo to do all
my household work, and no longer hnve
to take medicine for nuy6erious trouble.
I gavo ono box of Dr. Williams' Piuk
Pills to n man on crutches because of
rheumatism nnd advised my market
woman to buy n box when sho was com
plaining of the sumo trouble I heard that
ho was soon able to throw bis crutches
away, and (.ho told mo sho had got rid of
tho rheumatism by tho uso of ouo box
aud could not thank mo too much."
Testimony multiplies ns to tho mag
nificent curntivo powers of Dr. Williams
Pink Pills for Palo People in cases of
rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous bead
ncho, palpitation of tho heart nnd all
forms of weakness in either initio or
fomnle. They aro told by all druggists
throughout tho world.
Small Farms In Japan.
Only 14,995,272 acres, or 15.7 per
cent of the whole area of Japan, ex
clusive of Formosa, consists of arable
land, and 55 per cent of tho agrlcal-,
tural families cultivate less than twoi
acres each; 30 per cent cultivate twoi
acres or more up to ono and one-half!
cho, or a little less than three and-three-quarter
acres, leaving 15 per
cent of tho farmers who cultlvato
farms ot, three and three-quarter acres
or more. London Engineer.
Between Wind and Water.
Not only will all tho Inhabitants of,
Chicago bo crazj In 750 years, but in
somewhat moro than 3,000 years, ac
cording to n geological expert, tho
slto of tho present western metropolis
will, be cqvered with, wpter. Let tho
Windy City begin now to prepare for
Its watery grave. Boston Transcript
Gorgeous Tibebtan Pheasants.
Two of the most prized denlzenB of
pur aviares comes from Tibet These
are tho gorgeous golden and Amherst
pheasants. The latter, it is suggested,
could profitably bo introduced Into
our coverts.
An Honest, Opinion.
" Mineral, Idaho,' Nov. 14th.-(Sp
rial.) That a suro cure has been
llscovercd for those sciatic pains that
make so many lives miserable, is the
Arm opinion of Mr. D. S. Colson, a
well known resident of this place,
and he does not hesitate to say that
cure 'Is Dodd's, Kidney Pills. The
reason Mr. Colson is so firm in bis,
opinion is that he bad those terrible1
pains and Is cured. Speaking of the'
matter he says:
"I am only too happy to say Dodd'ir
ftldney Pills havo done me lots of
good. I had 'awful pains In my hip
io I could hardly walk. Dodd's KId-v
ney PIHb .stopped It entirely. I think
they are a grand medicine."
All sciatic and Rheumatic pains are
raused by Uric Acid In the hlood.i
Dodd's Kidney Pills make healthy
Kidneys, and healthy Kidneys strain
ill the Uric Acid out of the blood.
With the cause removed there can be
do Rheumatism or Sciatica.
Since the discovery of America the
amount of gold produced In tbe world
has been less than eleven billion dol
lars. Mother Cray's Sweet Powder for Chlldrww
Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse
In the Children's Home In New York, oure
Constipation, Foverlshnew, Bad Stomach,
Teething Disorders, more and regulate the
Bowels and Destroy Worm. Over 90,009 te.
tlmonUU. At all Druggists, 25c. Sample
FREE. Addreu A. & Olmsted, LeRoy.N. x
Football to Harden 8oldlera.
All the soldiers in the army ot Aiv
gentlna are forced to play football. It
Is said to train them to bear the hard
ships of battle. N
Dealers say that as soon aa a cush
tomer tries Defiance Starch It la lm.
possible to sell them any other cold
water starch. It can be used cold oi
Many a man thinks he Is getting a
corner lot In glory when he puts a
dime In the collection that he couldn't
pass on tho street car. Chicago Trt
Wrlto MURINE KTB KEUEDT Co., Chicago, tf
your cjet are tore or InSamrd, and get oculttt'l
4vlcaadfriunpla MURINE. It carta all ayc-llla.
Some men have a delicate sense ol
humor and the humor at others Uj
i 'i