The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 11, 1904, Image 3
J I Mrs. Mary E. Mescrve, of Salisbur', Mass., was cured of Anaemia, a disease in 'which there is an actual deficiency of the blood, by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People Sho says: "Tho first symptom was an unusual paleness. Later the blood seemed to have all left my body. I had shortness of breath and fluttering of the heart; was de pressed, morose and peevish. I suf fered for two years. Physicians did me little good but I am now a well woman because I took twelve boxes of Dr. Williams Pink Pills." These pills really make new blood and have cured obstinate cases of rheumatism, scrofula and erysipelas. They are es pecially useful to growing girls. i Sold by all Dnigght. JJ WET WEATHER COMFORT ,"l have used your FISH ORANO Slicker (or five year and can truth fully y that I never have had anything give me to much com fort and satisfaction. Enclosed find my order for another one." (NAM I ANO AOORISS OH A UOATIOn) You can dsfy the hardest storm with t Jower'a Waterproof Oilod Clothing and Hata ' OUR GUARANTEE IS DACK OF THIS SIGN OF THE FISH A. J. TOWER 00. jflWERS Boston. U. 8. A. BjBi. TOWER CANADIAN CO. ftfcS Toronto. Canada ZjflEA One does not havo to bo crusty In nature to give- a crust to tho needy. A GREAT INSTITUTION. It Is unusual that a single institution in a city of 8,000 people will overshadow In Im portance every bthor interest, but such is tho caso wltu tho American School of Osteopathy, and A. T. Still Infirmary at KirksviUe, Mo. A strangor in IClrksvlllo is immediately Impressed with tho ldoa that tho town ia sustalnod by this Institution, in fact, Klrksvillo has been mado what it is to-day by Dr. Still and his famous School and Infirmary. It is tho largest patronized un endowed institution of its Kind in the United States. Dr. Still's school enrolls over 700 students yearly and each student is required to at tend four terms of fivo months each beforo completing the course of study. Thorc are over 2.000 pr.du.ttes and tuoy are prac ticing in every stato and torrftory or tho Union. About two-thirds of tho states havo passed special laws legalizing tho scionco. This school teaches overy branch taught in medical colleges except "drugs" and osteopathy U substituted for that. So thorough is tho teaching in anatomy that ovcrono hundred human bodies are dis sected yearly by tho Btudents. At the Infirmary, patients from every Jiart of the country and with almost every orm of diseaso are constantly under treat ment. For tho past fifteen years almost evory train coming to Klrksvillo has brought some now sufforor hoping to find ro lief by tho science of Osteopathy. By tho thousands who have loft the institution benefited by the treatment, the science has boon heralded to the world as a safe and rational method of cure. Several years ago froe clinic was established In connection with the practice department of the school and this is still in operation. Hundreds of tho worthy poor, who are unable to pay for treatment, are treated every afternoon by tho sontor students froe of charge. 'ii few i You can not atone for stealing the bakery by giving away a few biscuits. Defiance Starch U put up 18 Ounces In a package, 10 cents. One-third more starch for the same money. A man 1b novor happy until he has coaaed to caro whether ho Is or not. Try One Package. If "Defiance Starch" do'ea not please you, return it to yomr dealer. If It does you getone-thlrd more for the name money. It will give you satis faction, and will not stick to the Iron. An honest laugh may havo more re ligion in it than the most pious logic. Catarrh of tie IUnddernnd Kidney Trouble absolutely curel bj Dr. IvM Kennedy' Favorite Itemed. Weill famous tor over 90 years, lie, bottle. A piano has moro keys than a door, but It isn't so often locked. Do our Clothes Look Yellow? Then use Defiance Starch, It will keep them white 16 oz. for 10 cents. Most moral infection comes from apparently small vices. I do not believe Plso's Cure for Consumption has an equal for coughs and colds. Joiiy P Uuteu, Trinity Springs, Ind. , Feb. 15, 190Q The game of chess is still Included In the curriculum of Russian schools. triTC permanently cored. Ko floor nerronaneee arte rl I nrat day's u of Dr. Kline'. Ureal Nerve lu.tor er. Bend for FHKK SJ3.00 trUI bottle and tretUea. UB. B. 11. Kuxz, IML, Ml Arch BUwt, t ladclpbla, fa Many a man who is willing to do good is unable to make good. Important to Mother. Examine carefully every bottle of CABTORIA, a safe and euro remedy for infant! and children, and tee that It Bears the ' &&&&& aUjrnataro Um Tot Over 80 Tears. Too Kind Tea Uxn Always Bought Golf Is World Game. At rtngdad there has beon a golt club for nearly ten yearB. Tho eigh-teon-holo course, which Is laid out In tho desort some three miles from tho city, is- said to bo of "a decidedly sporting cljaractor" which moanB, ac cording to some that ono loses nn lnv modcrato number of balls there. Golt may be played at Zanzibar, Benin ("tho city of blood," It will ho ro mombcreil), Crete, Bangkok, Honolu lu, Porak and also at WeMiaMVcl. London Times. Blx-ck Kerchiefs for Sailor's. All sailors in tho British navy aro obliged to buy n black silk handker chief. They get it from tho govern ment stores, and tho prlco, about $1, is deducted from their pay. This year tho Admiralty has ordered IGO.OOO handkerchiefs from the largest silk manufacturers in tho world. This number is 40,000 moro than has ever been required beforo. Each lmndker chief is thirty-five Inches square. To Utilize the Shark. The shark, which is so abundant in tho waters of Contral America, is to ho utilized in commercial products. A company Jias been formed which converts sharks' fins Into jelly and tinned soup, mnkes ilno machinery oil from their livers, handsome leather, equal to alligator's, from their skins, walking sticks from their backbones, and numerous articles from their jaw bones and teeth. Unable to Distinguish Red. Tho most common form of color blindness Is on Inability to distinguish red. Last year thirty-four officers and would-bo officers of the British mer cantile marine service failed on tholr color tests, twenty-three being red blind and the remainder unable to dis tinguish green. Tho 4, COO candidates for certificates wero also submitted to tho form vision teBts nnd twenty two of them failed to distinguish tho form of the object submitted. Man's Love Easily Lost. When a woman has won tho lovo of a man, however devoted ho may appear, it is usually necessary for her to take some pains to hold fast to his lovo if sho wishes to keep it. Thero are exceptions, but most men's lovo is a fire, which easily dies for lack of fuel. Exchange. Losses of Diamond Companies. In spite of tho strictest precautions, tho South African diamond companies, It Is estimated, lose over ?2,000,000 a year by tho theft of precious stones. Canals In United Urates. Tho number of canals In operation in tho United States exceeds twenty thousand, and their combined length Is not less than fifty thousand miles. The Wabash Is the Only Line Landing You at the World's Fair. Rround trip rates from Omaha aro as follows: $8.50 sold dally except Friday and Saturday, good 7 days. $13.80 sold daily, good 15 days. Tho Wabash is the only lino that land's passengers at the main entrance of tho World's Fair grounds. Also tho only line that can check your baggago to the World's Fair station. Think what a saving of time, annoyanco and ex tra car fare. All agents can sell you through ticket and routo you over tho Wabash. Very low rates to many points South, Southeast. For beautiful World's Fair folder nnu all information call at 1C01 Farnam St. or address Harry E. Moores, Gen. Agt. Pass. Dopt. Wab. It. R., Omaha, Neb. Understanding. Thero Is a great deal moro to bo got out of. things than Is generally got out of them, whther tho thing bo a chapter of the Bible, or a yellow turnip. Georgo MacDonald. Improved Milling Facilities. Flour-making and wheat-raising go hand in hand. During the past twenty years the milling industry has been revolutionized. Blanke Coffee Wins Everything. St. Louis, Nov. 8. World's Fair gives C. F. Blanke Tea & Coffeo Co. highest award, grand prize and gold medal, on coffeo, also five additional highest awards on Grant Cabin Tea, Quaker Ceylon Tea, China Tea, Shld zuokaken Japan and Formosan Teas, making greatest number grand prizes ever awarded ono firm. No City for Capital. Wales wants a capital, but, though tho search has been going on for years, no city has yet been found pre eminently suited for the honor. The "Broken-Hearted" Man. Thero is nothing so amusing as tho conversation of tho broken-hearted man who goes on eating threo good square meals a day. The Best Results In Starch In a can be obtained only by using De fiance Starch, besides getting 4 oz. more for the same money no cooking required. First Street Lighting. In 1697 the Now York stato council ordered householders to hang out lan terns tho first street lighting in America, Also Be Careful Who Sees Him. When a man squeezes a girl's hand under tho table he should bo careful It Is not some other girl's. New York Press. "If girls would eat more onions they would havo fewer calls from physi cians," says a scientist Also from other young men The ball player finds that too many highballs lnterefero with fly balls. A secret sorrow Is a joy forever to most people. RUSKIN'O KINDNESS OF HEART. Absence of Snobbishness In Character of Grtsat Writer. An intlmnto friend of Buskin's re lates nn Incident Illustrating that simplicity, gentleness and sympathy which wero characteristic of his re lations with tho servants of hiB house hold. "I was dining with Mr. Huskln ono ovenlng, when during tho meal, as wo wero enjoying a rhubarb tart, I happened to say Uiat it wna tho first I had tasted that season, nnd re marked how delicious it was. Mr. Ruskin manifested delight at my ap preciation of his rhubarb, and ringing for ono of the servants, ho said, 'Picaso toll Jackson I want, him.' When Jackson enmo into the room his master said: 'I nm vory pleased to toll you, Jackson, that your first pulling of rhubarb is quito a success, and my friend hero says that it is delicious.' When wo had finished din-1 lng, n servant brought lighted candies into Ibo room, which was almost dark, tho windows being shaded by tho dense, overhanging trees, although tho sun had not yet gono down. After placing tho candles, sho was about to leavo tho room, when sho suddenly Btopped and said: 'Please, sir, thero's a beautiful sunset sky just now over tho Old Man.' Jluskln roso from his chair, nnd said: 'Thank you, Knte, for telling us,' then left tho room. Ho returned soon. 'Yes,' ho said to mo, it is worth seeing. Come,' nnd he led tho way upstairs to his bedroom. It was a glorious sight. Tho sun was sinking behind tho Conlston Old Man mountain, and tho mist and ripples on tho lako wero tinged rrith a crim son flush. Wo sat in tho window rocess without spoaklng n word till tho sun went down behind tho moun tain." Harper's Weekly. GAUGE TO MEASURE FOG. Callfornlan Suggests How This May Be Accomplished. A correspondent of tho Monthly Weather Review living in San Diego, Cal., makes n suggestion that an In strument consisting of a wiro frame work bo contrived, which shnll collect fog particles, conduct the drops Into a rnln-gaugo, and thus make tho meas urement of fog possible. Tho object of this measurement would bo to show that in such a legion as southern California, where tho rainfall is small and where thero is a good deal of fog, tho fog deposit Is a considerable ono, nnd Is ono of noteworthy Importance to vegetation. In his comments on this suggestion, Prof. Abbo rightly polntH out that it -would be dlfflcult, If not Impossible, to arguo from tho catch of a log screen to tho catch of an orchard of trees; that tho "fog depositor" would givo no positive Information as to how much tho leaves and stoms of plnnts collect, or 'how much of the water falls to tho ground In such a way that tho roots of tho plants mny utilize it, and that tho chief benefit which delicate plants on tho California coast obtain from the fog is probably in tho protection which tho fogs afford against tho heat of tho sun. Not Even Then. A Yorkvllle police court lawyer de fended a policeman at tho police trialB before Deputy Commissioner Linds ley. Tho patrolman was cbarctcd with striking a roundsman with his night stick when ordered to tho station house. "Why didn't you arrest him?" asked tho lawyer. "I don't arrest in such cases," re plied tho roundsman. "In all cases I order tho offender to tho station house." "But a weapon was used in this caso," persisted tho lawyer. "That made it a felonious assault." "Yes, Blr." "Suppose that this dofendant had drawn his revolver and shot you dead." What would you havo done In that case?" "Nothing," answered tho rounds man. "I would havo dono nothing. I would not havo arrested him even then." New York Sub. Across the Hills. Across the hllli The mountains rise, And kiss the raveled, iiluo-KoWned skies; The serried trees ptand bale and bold, Wheie crimson Icuves and yellow gold Hobo richly every bo-iky dell, And Ceres slKhlnc that her spell Has ended, waves a long faiewell. Across the hills Thp Hong birds lire To Southland's newer Arcudy: The robin, bluebird and the thrush Have left behind the woodland'ti hush J.Ike as tho peimlvo. prayerful times, When some catliedntl'H sacred chimes Have stilled to metn'ry-echoed rlijmcs. Across the hills And do we know (The meanlnir of the splendid clow? Tho nutumn Is It understood. That all Is beautiful and good? The Maxtpr bldB us b of cheer. His woiks In earth and sky appear AcroHS the hlllst und Ho is near. Frank Hates Flanner, In the Indian upolls News. The President Would Do. While James Jeffrey Roche was having a chat with President Roose velt In the White House last week, the telephono bell was ringing quito porslstently. Thero being no attend ant at hand tho president excused himself and went to answer tho re peated call. This is the conversation that took placo on tho line, according to the testimony of Uio distinguished gentleman at the president's end of It: "Well, what is It?" "Hello, Is Archie there?" "No, he's not." "Who's this I'm talking to?" "Tho president." "Well, you'll do. Tell Archie come over and play ball." And tho president proceeded to to execute the order, as directed. Bos ton Horald. Japanese Belief In Dreams. A fanciful race, tho Jnpanoso peoplo let great s'-to by dreams. Tho native astrologer is usually very busy In tho early part of tho yoar delineating tho meaning of tho many visions brought lo him for solution, and foretelling events to come. If you il renin that you aro struck by lightning, It means you will grow suddenly rich; but to dream of frost moans n feast; of wind, it denotes that slckuoss is coming. Living on Flirtation. Whllo thoro Is no doubt that mon understand tho art of flirtation n groat deal better than women, It la ddubtful whether they get qulto as much enjoyment out of It ns tho lat ter do. A man may, and generally doos, get excellent sport for his pains, but ho cannot live, ns so many women do, oh fllrtntlon. A mnn flirts when ho has no moro exciting occupation. Ladies' Field. Insects and Snakes as Food. In Arizona Indian children may bo seen catchlug ants and eating them and in Mexico tho honey ant Is eager ly sought after by tho natives, who cat tho well-rounded, currant-llko ab domen. In South America tho largo lizard, tho Igunno, Is a delicacy, not to speak of tho larger snakes, which In taslo nro liko chicken. Tho ordi nary rattlesnake, it is said, is very good eating If ono can overcomo tho Inborn prejudice There la mora Catarrh In this section of the cenntry thin all other diseases put together, and until the lut tow years was supposed tube Incurable, For a great many yearn doctor pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and hy constantly falling to euro with local treatment, pronuunced It Incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional dis ease and therefore require constitutional treatment. IUll's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It I taken Internally In doses from in drops to a tcaspoonf ill. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Tbey oiler one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Bend Xur circular and testimonials. Addresst F. J. CIIKNEY A CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Boldhjr IlruiiKlsts.TSc. Take flair Family l'llls for constipation. And Some Won't Pay Any. Peoplo who own their own houso won't go away becauso they object to paying rent and thoso who lcaso a houso won't because they object to paying two rents. New York Press. PILLSBURY'S BEST Takes Three Grand Prizes At the St. Louis World's Fair. The Grand Prizo for the highest grade of flour, a (3 rami Prize tor tho finest exhibit and a Grand Prizo for tho best loaf of bread. A man is not Arm in faith becauso ho Is fossilized in mind. Mrs. Fairbanks tells how ne glect of warning symptoms will soon prostrate a woman. She thinks woman's safeguard is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dsi.n Mbs. PmiraJLH: Irnoranca and neglect are tho cause of untold female suffering, not only with the) laws of health but vrlth the chance of a cure. I did not heed the warnings of headaches, organic pains, and general weariness, until I was well nign pros tratcd. I know I had to do something, napplly I did the right thing. I took Lydia E. Plnklmm's Vegetable Compound faithfully, according to directions, and was rewarded in a few weeks to And that my aches and pains disappeared, and I again felt the glow of health through my body. Slnco I have been well 1 have been more care ful, I have also advised a number of my sick friends to tako Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and they have never had reason to bo sorry. Yours very truly, Mm. May Fairbanks, 210 South 7th St., Minneapolis, Minn." (Mrs. Fair banks ia one of tho most successful and highest salaried travelling saleswomen in the WesL) S5000 forftlt It erttlnal ef aoout Ittttr prosing gtiwlntntu cannot bt product J. Mrs. Pinklmm Invites all sick women to write her for advice. Sho has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. MEXICAN Mustang Liniment anrtts Sprains and Strulnu. DON'T WEAR A WIG. Keep the luxuriant, healthy head of hair which nature cave you. It your hair la falling out you can stop It um L'ndoma. It elves new life to sickly hair. It's guaranteed Ask your barber. 5cnd us your name for free treatment. THE UNDOMA COMPANY, OMAHA. W. N. U., Omaha. No. 461904 PUTNAM tolor mote ooodi brloMer and latter colors than any Uk seller or we will aend poit paid at 10c a package. 1EWIS9 SINGLE BINDER iSTRAIGHTSf CIGAR R5,600,00f Tear Jobber er Olxact fro- Factory, Ftorta, lit UNCLB SAM "A Remedy That Has Such Endorsements Should Bo In Every Home." Election Returns That Interest All Parties. When You Buy Starch buy Defiance nnd get the best, 16 or., for 10 cents. Once used, always used. Mnny a man whom wo think has a big heart has only a patient car. Mrn. Wlnelow's Pootlitnir Byron. For children teethlnu. aoflena tha auras, rnilm flammaUon, allay pain, euro wind collo. Ittoa IwtUo. T Itrlnff In it.r. nndt nnlw t.ltta 4tin J-,IT.llfe ill lliu )lIOb UI1IJ jfuio t.iw headlight on tho rear plutform. Write MOltlNi; KVK ItKMKIir Co.. Chlraco, If your eyes are sore or Inflamed, and net octillst'a advice audfroosampleMUlllNK. llouresalleye Ilia To llvo Is to cat crusts; to llvo and to lovo Is to banquet WUWcWSsTEm i-vJJti. IUFLE (& PISTOL CARTRIDGES. " It's the shots that hit that count. " Winchester Rifle and Pistol Cartridges in all calibers hit, that is, ft aTTl'jH' . they shoot accurately and strike a good, hard, pene trating blow. This $3 the kind of cartridges you will get, if you insist on having the time-tried Winchester moke. ALL. DEALERS SELL, WINCHESTER MAKE OP CARTRIDGES. aaaHaacaaaas XrfPiQU.GIL th ms? FFVms.'jzyrrryrt aw ii asa . m W. L. Douglam mmkem mrtd nwva auAro muijj nfvff niau . The reason W. I.. Donilaa tl.M shewn are the vreatest aellera lr lent tt jle. east- ntlinr and siirrlor woarlnK qualities. -If I cm-Id lines made In my facWirr and those cf other makes ana tho hlah-i rimiu wilf vr. Im IfUUKias VI W enoc. rust mure w nmur, wny iiivj mm tuvir pimpr. lib iraiin. vhi Oliffer. and arn f ttitrlnRlr v.lun titan anTf)therll3.bO shoo on the market to-dar. BJld wbl tn aalrs for the year ending .lulrl. IUI, were sn, . , ..... . . . .. . V. I,. Dounlaa guarantees their rslue hr siamtilns his name and price on the bottom, look (or it take no aubMltute. Sold by ahoe dealers everywhere. SUPERIOR IN FIT, OOMFORT AND WEAR " Aire worn II'. , Dmiglot $3K thnttor thi lait tirrlet vrarl tcilk qbiolvU lattifaetitm. ifnd thtm tupirior in rtf, romfort ami Ufar to ethtrt eottinort KM to 17.00.--P. s. ilcdVB, Drpt. Coll., V. 8. Jnt. Jlnenue. RuhnonJ, Va. yV, T,. Pongln. uses Cornpn Cnltskln In his B.1.SO ehnm. Corona) Colt la conceded ts be tho finest l'ltteut leather muile. Fast Color Kyelete usimI exclusively. IV. L. DOU0LA8, Hroakloti, Mwm&awlmwttw. . ..i.isii.1 .ii.-i ii! iii n a n, iM-i. ai , I THKRES NO USfi ARGUING I aB sB H DdsfSbbefafbrtStinfaaatW You caa'l kac V'l7W? H Ddhancf Steidt ta'aWAj-r Ire tWUafctk jQiBPHffiL H kfeabstiKckailaolbjxuJrffMtf6 tfwxESsSwK H Get I d year froccr. yrmwwwSEmmwmwW H jvt ft! of toy other baaJ. lHrliSaHvBrl mmmWlaammwRHKmwmm mmmMtHmmmmwSmwamwwm . . . . i . .. . . FADELESS DYES other die. One 10c package colora silk, wool and cotton equallr well and It guaranteed to give gerfact reiulta, Writ lor free booklet-How to Die, Dleach and Mix Colora. UUXUUK 1H Ou CO., VnionwUt; MUour When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP curve coughs and colds. J5-, lf M iwi wnNSmJmf DID YOU KNOW that you can net more Ilttht for less money with MONARCH CARBIDE FEED ACETYLENE GENERATOR than from anything else la tlio worhl-exccpt tho ant Send for D. MONARCH ACETYLENE: GAS CO 1012 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. pJ Save 3 on Drugs LJU writs for our lOOfPaKocntrtloijUB, mk j howlne; 10.OOO articles nt cut price. fy PATENT MEDICINES, IIUBBEH nn aooDa. Tiiussns. n. SHERMAN & MtCOnilELL DRUG (0. Cor. 16th and Dodtfe, Omaha, Nobt JBfc mmllm morn matt'm 93. SO (C ihi i wrvr www aw Tflalest.rllcra In the world la tranfof tbalrtneeU snow .you maaiiirrencs iwiwern wir rrml. frath. rftu.d. Ton wonld under Iict imltl their ahnpr. lit better, wear -TM-.TfcMlTT.Ui.MW Wk Beat Cough Syrup. Taatea OoodT VM M CD tn time. Sold by (hrutfUta. t r-qrTr-WTTT i-.-ir ------ rim lirra 2sX-