The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 11, 1904, Image 1

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The Alliance Herald.
Official Publi
cation of Box
Butte County,
Largest Circu
lation of any Al
liance Paper,
General and Personal News of Alli
ance and Vicinity.
We have just received
a strong line of fur
Scarfs and Boas at
all prices.
c-sfJj. CDa
3 UIJ. -AJJ5J. .-S.
- JSKn iXri SSiW-. iI-'jU.'-.
This First Touch
of winter is a positive indication that you
can no longer delay the purchase of your
warm apparel for this year. At this store
you will find an assortment of winter wear
that cannot be excelled in variety or qual
ity, and at prices that are the lowest. A
n visit to this popular mercantile establishment
will convince you that we sell good goods
'Vfi. ". Kwtofc.
i:knust c. olday jtffc
I Palace Meat Market
Fish and Oysters in Season
Your patronage solicited. Give us a trial jjjfc
First Door North of Postoff ice 'Phone J31 $
Business Local Column.
Advertisements in this column will be
charged at the rate of 10 cents per line
first insertion and 5 cents per line each
subsequent insertion.
Advertisers should remember that The
Hkrald's circulation is much larger than
any other Alliance paper and has the lar
gest circulation in the city and county.
Friday is Fresh Fruit Day at
Gleason's Delicacy Store. Nov. n-tf
Dr, Allen, dentist, opera house.
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
Dr. Koons, dentist.
Norton block.
Office upstairs
See Humphrey for picture framing, up
holstering and furniture repairing.
For Sale 75 Cords of dry hard wood
W. H' Smiley, Crawford, Nebraska.
For Sale Carriage and phaeton, for
cash or on time. J. C, WIlson & Bro.
Harold D. Miller, M. D., physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
Geo. G. Gadsby will take down
screen doors and windows and store
them till spring when they will be re
paired, painted and put up again. He
will also make and put up storm doors
and windows. Phone 400. 0-16 tf
Cottle for Sale.
I have for sale 240 head mixed cal
tic, all well bred; Sixty head of year
liug and two-year-old steers in the
bunch. J. D. Hacektv,
Bridgeport, Neb.
Will exchange new 10 inch Victor
Zonophone or Columbia record for one
old record aud 65 cents. C. E. Marks.
Ladies when in Alliance do not fail to
call at Regan's where you will find the
most complete line of Millinery and
Ladies' Furnishings at the very lowest
For Sale Cheap Good seven room
house. Inquire at this office.
Closing Out at Cost.
Our entire stock of Children's Hats and
cloaks nt Regan's.
Ladles' .Wnlsts and Wrappers at Itccnn's
Special sale Ladles' Suits and Skirts at
Phonograph supplies of all kinds. C.
E. Marks.
Highest price paid for hides. C. E.
Old papers for sale at this office.
Taken Up.
Stray steer, at my ranch near Lawn,
about two years, Hereford stock, branded
VT (connected) on left side. Owner can
have steer by paying all expenses. Sec.
Mrs. L. A. Supriso is visiting tola
tives in Arcadia; this state.
Norbcrt Fiohnnpfcl was down from
llemingford last Saturday.
W. C. Thompson returned yester
day from a visit to the. woild's fair.
Thos. Olson was down to Grand Is
land last week on business returning
Mrs. J. J. Adams of Sheridan, en
route home from Lincoln, visited in
Alliance this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Abley of Non
pareil precinct visited Postmaster Tasli
and family Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slater were
visiting relatives in this city last Sun
day. They reside near llemingford.
Bishop Keanc of Cheyenne pass"ed
through the city Wednesday noon on
his way to Newcastle and Sheridan.
Passenger train No. 42 was several
hours off her schedule time yesterday
morning, arriving about seven o'clock.
Contractor Reck was over from
Kushvtlle, this week for a short visit
with his family and do his duty by
voting., .ww,
Geo. W. Young and little son, Ray
returned to Alliance, Tuesday on 41
from a two week's visit with his chil
dren at Lincoln.
Thos. Regan was a Crawford visitor
last week. Mr. Regan says that the
business men of our neighboring" town
are enjoying excellent trade.
A. T. Hemingway left last Monday
on 41 for Seattle to attend some urgent
business for the Forest Lumber Co.
He expects to be away a month or so.
Miss Mabel Carter of Portland, Ore
gon, is visiting Mrs. W. II. Maple.
Miss Carter is a graduate of Columbia
School of Oratory, of Chicago, and a
public reader of wide reputation.
The ladies of the First Presbyterian
church served an elegant supper in the
McWhinney building Tuesday evening
from 5 to q o'clock at which they
cleared upwards of fifty dollars.
Sheriff Reed and wife left Wednes
day morning for a trip to the old home
in Pennsylvania which Mr. x Reed has
not visited for many years. They will
go by way of St. Louis and spend a
few days at the world's fair.
Mr. and Mrs. E.- P. Sweeney have
received information of the forthcom
ing marriage of their neice, Miss Ada.
Heist, to a well-to-do young physician
of Des Moines, Iowa. The many
friends of the Heists in Alliance send
congratulations for the young lady has
made many friends here by her lady
like qualities.
Dr. Knight, president of the Busi
ness Men's club, will entertain the
members of the club at a "Roosevelt
ball" in the opera house next Wednes
day Inight. Spacht's orchestra will
furnish the music and " refreshments
will be served. Dr. Knight is an adept at
entertaining and no doubt the affair
will be most enjoyable.
Col. Wisner of the Bayard Trans
script, though almost seventy years of
age, came all the way to Alliance elec
tion evening to help celebrate the, re
publican victory. We thought the
colonel was old enough to quit such
bad company as Postmaster Tash,
Captain Akers and other rock-rooted
g. o. p's., but itjjcems not.
The long discussed question as to
where the postoffice will be located has
at Jast been set at rest. It will remain
where it is and Mr. Simonson, proprie
tor of the building will add 20 feel to
the rear of the same, thus giving the
required space necessary. Sufficient
light will also be provided and the
room made as comfortable and con
venient as required.
. The editor of the Chadron Times
indulges in the following compliment
ary remarks regarding The Herald:
T. J. O'Kcefe, proprietor of the most
successful newspaper enterprise in this
northwest country. The Alliance
Herald, visited our little city from
Saturday night till Monday morning
and returned full of good impressions
of out place and people. Wo trust
that he has fouud sufficient attraction
here to come again."
A ' 1 1 mi .11 1 1 , .if V.
Table Linens, Crashes
Bed Spreads, Outing Flannels
ReifnneB1Pueer 5J?5, 35 and 50 c
HeSLed 45,50and60c
12"S? 360,75 and 90 c
72-inch Heavy Linens, Domestic,
Assorted Patterns,)) tf fkfk 1 O SZ
per yard J7lC p I lli ZD
White Bed Spreads, Marselles Pattern,
mil size
per yar
Outing Flannels, Bleached
$&leahe&:5,7,9, Wand 12k
Cretonsfper yard 6? O 3?U IOC
full size, TCr 01 1 O C oW Cl
aJJs9P A aJ cw ,t7l
G-ood Cotton Towels, Fringe Ends, each-
Huck Towels, All Linen, Hem Stitched.
Plain or with Border, each
Turkish Towels, Extra Heavy, each
Gotton Crash Towling, per yard 4c
All Linen Crash Towling, per yard-.r...,
Wc want to call your special attention
to our large stock of
Dress Goods
Ladies' and
Children's Cloaks
jumet's T)fcp&Tm& Sore
V v
:: :
Voice Culture.
Miss Wilhemiuc Holm, who has
spent much time in preparation under
the best professors of Voice Culture in
Nebraska, will give lessons in that
beautiful art, in Alliance during the
coming winter, This accomplished
young lady possesses a rare contralto
voice, of singular power and culture,
and we have every reason to believe
that she will meet with the patronage
of the music lovers of Alliance.
Business Change.
Messrs. Ira Bushncll and Ernest Ol
day of Hojningford have purchased
the Trenkle meat market, first door
north of the postoffice, aud assumed
charge yesterday. The new proprie
tors are young men" of sterling worth,
experienced in the business and will
doubtless command their share of pat
ronage. A bowling contest will take place at
the Alliance bowling alley Friday, Nov.
1 8, between the railway shop team and
the town bowlers. The line up will
be as follows: Shop team: Richstesn,
Stirkel, Martin O'Connor, Joe Rear
don, Fred Fritz. Town team: New
man, Bacon, Roy Wells, Gilman, Geo,
Brown or 'Dr. Knight. The fur will
fly in this game, for the contestants are
all good bowlers.
Mat Beaumont was down from llem
ingford Wednesday.
Men's one buckle OVERSHOES at
$i.oo per pair at Norton's. - , 2w
Services will be held at the church
as usual. Sunday school at in; a. in.
Preaching at 1 1: a. in., and 7:30 p. m
Morning subject: "Christian life in
daily practice." Evening subject:
"Carry your Cross and obey Christ.."
Junior League at 2:20 p. m. Epworth
League at 6:30 p. m. All arc cordially
invjted to attend.
Ladies' Aid Society will meet at the
home of Mrs. A. Muirhead next Wed
nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The Sunday school teachers' meet
ing will be held at the Parsonage,
The bible study class will meet at
the home of Alex Muirhead uoxt
Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock. All
are cordially invited to attend.
The regular prayer meeting
held in the basement of the
Thursday evening at 7:30.
invited to attend.
1 v ;
. -.- 11 1-. :n r-v f :
i 11&& vviincmine oonn :
&. Instructress of
J Voice Culture
Class una IuJivtdiiul Lessons
For terms, rte , cult in nw Uo lluttc
ovuuue, 'IMiuiio.'Ul
will be
All are
v -
On Monday evening Nov 14, at 8
o'clock, Prof. H. Deschamps of Paris,
will give an illustrated. entertainment
in the M. E. church on "How to read
character from the face." It will be a
very helpful and instructive entertain
ment. At the close a number will have
the privilege of having their faces
read free. Admission 25c. ' Children
under 14, 15c.
Don't forget the picture sale at Geo.
Darling's. Special prices until Nov
ember 10th.
Men's one buckle OVERSHOES at.
J5i.oo per pair at Norton's. aw
Wanted A young girl attending
school to assist with housework; good
home and wages,- Mrs. Marcus Fran
kle. I desire to extend my heartfelt thanks
to all who so kindly assisted in my late
sorrow and especially to the A. O. O.
P. lor their prompt payment of insur
ance. ' L. M. Hawkins.
Parties having cows or horses that
they want wintered near tovyn, see J. J.
Picrson. 47-2'
Horses wanted to winter on the Hall
ranch, 16 miles northeast of Alliance.
Good range and plenty water. 40c per
month till May 1. Arthur Bumgard
tier. ww 472t
Go to the Alliance National Bank to
deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf.
Nearly all the ailments of the human
race in these days are caused by the Blood.
Stomach and Kidneys being out of order.
There is not a case on record thanCo-Lon-Co
hasn't cured. Ask your druggist.
for Sale!
Cattle Ranch, 11 quarter sections all
deeded land, good title. First class
improvements. Inquire at this pffice.