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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1904)
"? ; -s V r ::? 3 ' v ft, .K r i It':: !W- fl "V LJSli jIL& .....- .?th?Ai:f.iK t UOM - i fc 'JPI.I 5 " V HOUSE Nothing is more interesting than the manufacture ot high grade lumber. We i .-. - jSiPlip.iii.,rl lmv onlv of the best manufacturers anil - -r-Jr.!lX'V.7'7r!i hence can assure you the best of every -v.irftw 't'fV lliint? in thn line nf Hull il lnrr Material. L - - '7JJi hence can assi s -- ."A" .& - t?.&Kg&L-Z wliMwvaiiiritwriJiTTNTt-wTwora CALL AND SEE VS OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT 'PHONE 73 Forest Lumber Company, mmmm bm"1 O 1 , ' J-iTl'ff i I ft7T Yn p5 WJiTTirrrr Q , . jHjr For that small repairing we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying, fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. Trv Dierks' Lumber Coa! Co. Also agents for Nebr. Central Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 ATTOHNKYS. WILLIAH MlTCHELl ATTORNEY AT LW, ALLIANCE, OrriCEl'llOMKlM). - NEBRASKA. KESIDENCf. I'llONF.203. R. C. NOLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Itooms 1, 2 and 3, first National bank build ltijr, Alliance, Neb. Notary luotllce. E. H. Boyd, .. V.lioiniy ut Lmv .. ALLIANCE, NEI1KASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. SMITH I. TUTTLE. I HA II. TA II. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Mtilu St., - ALLIANCE. NEH. SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ete .... ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA. ZBINDEN BROS,, . . . DKALEKS IN. Flour i Feed, "Home Comfort" r Flour Is Our Leader. Try It. 'PHONE 105. Wi:ST SIDK MAIN STREET.. DK. ItltlSxVIISIt, I DEITTIST S In Alliance 1C-30 of every month. Office over The Famous . . . 'Phone 391. 1 ' eeaeasaoeoee00 FREY & BALFE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. l!18 HOX HPTTiS AVKM'K. I'hono 25s, Calls answered in town or country. J. E. MOORE, M. D. ii.i:ti:iii:u iii.ock, alliance, :. Calls answered from office duy or night. Telephone No. 02, DRTLrrEDWARDS PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON Oflleo OTer rostolllee. ALLIANCE. NEH H. H.' Bellwood, PHYSICIAN and , SURGEON, llolstcn lluilding, - ALLIAJ JE, NEB L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing call on 1- P. NICHOLS Also has in stock a now line of GENTS' SHOES of the best manufacture and at prices that will suit. Call and examine the stock before you buy and you will save money. At R. Madsen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. eaoeoaoeoooaaaoeoeaoeaooo I DO YOU KNOW I e that yuii enn get good g WALL PAPER, enoiiRli g 0 to paper n moderate size a a room, for St. 25; Unit o you can gel both paint o and paper for about $2? Just remember this nt o 2 houBc-clenning time and J a while e a o Your Remembering JJ just remember Hint the J a place to buy your pamt and pnprr and buy it o right is nt a o ! THIELE'S i a a o Prescription Druggist o g jiiccesor to J S. Htltltwy. g oeooaoaoooso'ao&oQOfteoaaoOft o e o o eeoBCoaeosoooQaeaaosaaioaea HEMINGFORD. iKrltli I. l'li'n-e It fully nntliorlroif l mi ilclt yulKcrliitlons ttml Job work liml oollwl ind ni-fipt for hiih, and tninwt ll othor bulln-.H. In connection with Ills noiltton hs 1111 AciirtMliitMl rt-irtiitntlv(j of this mHir.l PJBOP LB '3 PRWaKfll (Mill The Fall Sea'son Is here. mwuiimwiww i Miiaw it mi ipiiii So are We With Special Prices on provisions of all kinds. Call in and see us before buying. Lee Acheson 'Phone No. 4. W. M. F0SKETT -Au-o.ction.eer Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY. On FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. 'Phone, No. 35G. ALLIANCE, NEB. F. M. WALLACE DIUY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance t5T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hkmingiord, Ned. Wihly's new clothing ling arrived. Sntnp'8 bromo tmw for ! at Wihly's. Wildy occupiM flooo sqttftru fit of store room. New top buggy for snla at n lMirsin. Wildy. Mrs. Piannnsky lm lin quite sick tint Inst week. Nellie Carter bejrtui school in the Non pareil district Monday. Horn. Saturday nlRht. to Mr. and Mrs, John Armstrong, a sun. A baby boy was Iwrn to Mr, nnd Mrs. Shulu Saturday, Oct. so- Mamie Miller beaan her school in the Clark district Monday morning. Rev. C. II. Burleigh drove down to his ranch near Lakeside, Monday, Tho club reception nt the home of Clark Olds last Monday night was well attended and every one reports a good time. The now druggist, Mr. Anderson, enme in on .11 Tuesday and now has charge of the drug department in lledgccock's store. Noticu All persons knowing them selves indebted to Clark & Co., either by note or on account, are requested to settle same as soon as possible.Clark Olds Ofc Co. Now is the time to do your fall plowing. Get one of the renowned Hancock disc gang plows. They will plow whore others have to leave the field. For sale by A. Uhrig. Oct. 14-2 In the absence of thu correspondent this week the llemingford news column is somewhat like tho "little end of nothiug whittled some. However, it will assume its regular aspect next week. Speaking about heating stoves. The Usckwith Hound Oak and Colo's Hot Blast arc tho leading heaters in the world, and while they cost only a little more than their imitations, they will save their price in fuel in one season. Call on A. Uhrig. 14-2 In securing a car of Implements, buggies, wagons, etc , I am now able to quotu prices on the celebrated Stoughton and Abiugton wagons, Deeru spring wagons and buggies, wagon boxes, Universal shoveling boards, below any previous prices, only while these last. Please call and examine. Anton Uhrig. Oct. 14-2 The Wilvert entertainers will give an entertainment in the llemingford school building tonight for the benefit of the school library. This is a first-class enter tainment, instructing aud amusing. Let everyone come and help to buy tho school a good library, the need pf which is very apparent to all interested in education. POTATOES WAN'IEO: Well sorted Early Ohio for storage pur poses. Call at N. Frohnaphel's. Big General store. Oct. 14-Ot. Raymond & Quivkv. MEAT MARKET KBawwatft3ggg,ir)MVWirctt BOX BUTTE AVENUE First Door South International Harvester Company's Office still We we II made are on Hr. High top. Price come down, and n Iimvh I ilW PPTrUv! Boiling Meat Rib Roast... Chuck Steak. and 6 8 cents cents 1 cents Round Steak 10 cents Loin Steak 10 cents Porterhouse 12 cents When you are shopping call at the People's Meat Market for your meat or telephone and your order will be delivered promptly. Our meats will always be found the best and the prices as quoted speak for themselves. 'Phone 207. E. H. SIMPSON, Proprietor. Official publication of the County. Largest Circulation of any Alli ance paper visits nearly every home in the county. We do not say that The Herald is the only good paper in Alliance but the fact that it has nearly twice the circulation of any other is evi dence that The Herald leads. Prints all the news that's worth printing. The Herald can be had a whole year for the small sum S1.50 The ) Alliance Herald J J.N Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED wiiolksaij: and iiktaii. HANm.lCH Till'. Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Pyicington's old , stand, 'phone No. 71. Dr. J. R. Taggart, D.V.S. Is prcpured to treat a ny and nil diseases known to the horse and cow. Special attention to dentistry. All work guaranteed x Barn North of Palace Livery. 'Pho 101 Oillco In First National Hunk block, anco Nebraska. AUl DR. G. W. MITCHELL, Physician line burgeon Hay and nightfalls. Ollleoovur HoguoStoSe. I'hono 150. DR. GEO. HAND, I II Y S I U I A ' A N 1) S I'ltGE O N Phone 201. Ofllce oer Ijockwood's. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. am: Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, Itrlck Shop West of Alliance National Hank, Alliance, Nub. PHONE 400. HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . . :: Embalming Company Night calN answered from oflli't. Guy Lockwood or GR A 1)1 ATI: CHICAGO SCIIOOI EMBALMING Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Expert Lady Attendant .. Alliance, Neb, Hila Grand Tonsorial Parlors. Orville Owen, Proprietor. Firstclass service. Patronage solicited. Calls snswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. Hrs. Humphry, Lady Assistant Residence phono 269. For a Full Line of... Staple Fancy Groceries Best Coffees, 1 Finest Teas, 2 . lienor hour M 3 Susprisc and Banquet. The home of Mr. nnd Mrs. R. T. Watson on Box Butte nvenue was the scene of much merriment last Satur day evening, the occasion being n surprise party planned by tho Epwoith League as a means of bidding Miss Letha Watson, who was about to de part for Kansas City, a farewell. The evening was very pleasantly passed in social games interspersed with vocal and insttunicntal music by Miss Mc Corkle and otheis, and a few choice selections from 11 double horned phono graph, all of which were heartily re ceived. Upon occasions of this sort some preparation is previously made looking to the comforts of the inner man, but owing to the lateness in the planning no opportunity was afforded the Leaguers to piopare nny such, but the host and hostess in older to make a double surprise for the merry-makers ordered nn elegant spread at Dismer's restaurant, and when all were seated aiound the festive board it was found that twenty-eight plates were laid. At the close of the repast toasts were called for by Mrs. Watson. Messrs. Dr. Allen, Hill, Swanson, Snyder and Woods, and Mrs. Hill aud Miss Mc Corklc responded to tho call witli a few well cho3en words whereupon Miss Letha responded in a very pleasing ami touching manner. All then returned to the Watson home and bade their co-laborer God-speed in her new avoca tion. A vote of thanks was also given Mr. and Mrs. Watson for their loyal hospitality Miss Watson departed Monday morning for the city on the Kaw where she will enter the Fish training school for Deaconesses. Notice! All persons arc hereby warned that no hunting will be allowed on my premises. John Hendukson. 49c SPECIALS In suitings on dis play in Norton's window. HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... - -v;.,i, - 1 Best Quality SULPHUR IN 100 POUND SACKS FOR $3SO Special Prices on Larger Lots at Holsten's. S 2 The Price of a Heating Stove Doesn't cut much ice if the stove will save you one half your coal bills. That is exactly what our best heaters will do. And the prices of these stoves arc low too, At the hened of our lino of heating stoves ate COLES' HOT BLAST RETORT OAK AND BECKWITH'S ROUND OAK Then we have a large line of cheaper heaters you will also find the largest and best line of Steel Ranges- Cast Ranges and Cast Cook Stoves at Irresistable Prices "Nuff Sed" Call and sec them at . . Nebraska Hide and Leather Co. Established 1878 Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leatherand Saddlery Hardware Always Reliable. L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebraska. ) That Can't lie Beat In Town.... Queensware, Tinware Enameled ware CALL ON. L "iowvs ov 3&t A. D. ROBGERS. Notice to Creditors. In I'ounty Court, within and for Hot Htitto county, Nubtuhku, Oct. 31, 1004, In the mill lor of the otaU of Dorsey II. Ault., (Iccoiised. To thu creditor of bald uMatu: You uru hereby notlUed. Unit I will sit at the County Court Itoom In Allluneu In suld county, on tho Sd day of Muy, 1!W5, to ro- culto uud uxumluu all claims uulnst suld cotate, with a view to their adjustment and iillowiinrn. Tlio time limited for thu nrs- oiitutlou of cltilms ugiilniit said estate U six mouths, from tlu3lst day of Oct , A. I). 1004. and the time Uu'lted for puyrnunt of debts is oiib yuiir from suld Slut duy of Oct lMll. Witness my hand and thu soul ot said county court, tlil day of Oct., 1901. A Truo Copy) u. it. M'ACiiT, 1 HKALl I'pOi'l. I-4W. Comity Judge. Shertff'.H Sule. Hy vlrtuo of 1111 order of wile isfciiod by tlie clerk of thi district couit of llox Hutto coun t, Nebraska, upon decree rendered by Mild court lu favor of Tho Kiiuilitble Land Co.. pliiiuUB, uud luulnnt Huiney McC-abu, uud Josephine MeC'awililK wife, uud )i. H. Hallurd. dufuiulHUls, 1 will oiler on the 15th day ot NnwiiMlmr A. II. IM1I. Ill lu i.'l" ock H. 111. Oil Mild day, ut the west front door of tho court liouhe 111 AlllHlico. in muu roumy. mi uis Ioiiowiiil: uuocrllMHi reui oniaie, 10-wii: Northwest ijuur. soc. 15, twp. 28n.rungo 47 w. lu llox liutte county, Nebraska, ut public auction to thu hlghust bidder for msli. to Mt Ulv Mild nrilnrnf h.ilu.ln tliBsumof St'.U.O) Hlld liitureht, costs uud ccr. lint costs taxed w hiinieoi to (ill unpuiu luxua. ika ur.t.u. 5 V. G. Simomson, SlieiiJJw'I said County Attorney for l'laintlir. V V Oeu 14 FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Kite Insurance Company. North American ot Philadelphia. I'hoeulx of lllooklyu, New York. Continental of New York City. Niagara Flru Insurance Company. Now York Underwriters, New York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ixjndon Liverpool, London uud Globe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co., New York. I'linnurs and Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Fire Insurance Company. 1'lilludclphlii Underwriters. I'hoeulx Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Office Up'Stalra, rielchcr lllock. Alliance, Nebraska. Dray and Transfer Line. 4&& IV $& HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store thetn in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship them wherever desired. Charges reasonable, Phone 139. The only spring dray line in the city. S. A. Miller. Palace Livery Barn S. II. 13IDSOII, Prop. oni: 111.OC1; WKST of Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, THE NKW 7.MNDKN . , and courteous treatment to all has won for us the UUILUING. 'Phono 72 excellent patronage we eujoy. Try us.