The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 04, 1904, Image 5

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r- MW
Supplement to
Friday, November 4, 1904.
More "harmony" In the ranks of the
"How York Republicans. The Press,
of Nfh York City, In a veiled nttack
upon C. auncey M. Dopcw, says: "The
Press Is believed to be one of the or
gans of ex-Governor Frank S. Mack,
Who aspires to oust Dcpew from his
couriirtablo scat In the Senate."
Banker Vanderllp, the nioutliplece of
be Standard Oil Trust, talks about a
"return of prosperity" as likely, If
only bankers and would-be specula
tors will be careful not' to "run
ninuck." Vanderllp should pay more
heed to his words. It Is the claim of
the Republican campaign managers
that "prosperity" Is here already, and
lias been here ever since the Dingley
tariff went Into effect. Why, then,
talk about a "return" of ItV
'Among the numerous reforms that
may be looked for In the event of the
-election of Judge Parker Is olie lor
the preservation of the lives of trav
elers by water. The steamboat Inspec
tion service, by practice of graft and
Indulgence In lavorltlsiu, has been ad
mittedly rotten, like the bulk of the
life preservers aboard iliu Ill-fated
General Slocum. It was lottenest
when Chairman Cortelyou was Secre
tary of the Department of Commerce
and Labor, which has under its juris
diction the steamboat inspection tier
.vice. i
The Panama chicken Is coming home
to roost beforo the coop is ready. It
was not Intended to be.ready until af
ter the election.
The Steel Trust takes from the pock
ets of our people and does not even
give its workmen a fair share of its
swag. In fact, it robs them right
along with the rest of the people and
besides giving to foreigners a better
bargain than to our own people.
All signs point to the election of a
Democratic House of Representatives.
Then will the time come when a rot
ten Administration will not be per
mitted to Investigate itself and exclude
Congress from participation.
Announcement is made that during
the New York campaign the Republi
cans will keep Odell in the back
ground. The Democrats, on the oth
er hand, will keep Odell and Odelllsm
.well to the front. They ure worth thou
sands of votes.
' Roosevelt boasts of his undying do
Totlon to civil service reform, yet not
In a dozen years has the law been so
extensively and flagrantly violated as
now. All over the country Government
employes aro being forced to contrib
ute to the Roosevelt campaign fund.
The New York Press predicts that
Boosevelt will come down to the Har
lem River with 1O0.OJ0 plurality. If
lie reaches that point with 75,000 plu
rality he will bo doing very -well, but
even the former llguro will not save
liim, because Judge Parker's lead be
low the Harlem will be at least 125,000.
This is a Democratic year in New
" . , . . -
We have often wondered just what
was the matter with Tom Watson and
now wo know. Tho Nashville Ameri
can lets the cat out of the bag. "Tom
lias had a kind of viperlsh, gaugrcnlsh
liatrcd for the Democracy ever since
Judge Fuller, of Georgia, mopped up
tho earth with him in two separate
races for Congress."
I '
The Boston Journal, the nowspaper
that the Vermont Republicans regard
as only less sacred than the Bible, re
ports that eleven men have subscribed
each $1,000,000 to the Democratic
campaign fund,, and yet the Journal Is
suro that Roosevelt will win out. This
nice little wad of tho "long green" is
to be "dumped" into tho doubtful
States. Next!
Governor-Chairman Odell says these
stories about "perversion of State
funds" are lies from start to finish.
'On the contrary," ho says, "I have
saved the State over 50,000,000 by my
.vetoes." What an awful lot of graft
ers Odell's henchmen must be, if, in
addition to what they got away with,
the boss held them up and made them
disgorge to the tunc of $0,000,000!
"You can sec twenty acres of Philip
pine life at tho world's fair, -but you
cannot see a squaro rod of the Consti
tution." Justice Brewer, of the Unit
'ed States Supreme Court.
Respectfully referred to President
Itoosevelt, with the suggestion that
JuBtloo Brewer be promptly tried for
iilgh treason.
Tho campaign for the perpetuation of
OdelltBm in the State of New York is
progressing beautifully. "No act of
the Republican State Administration
could bring a blush of shame to the
face of any Republican," exclaimed
.State Senator Elsberg, one of Odell's
'henchmen, In closing an Impassioned
plea for fair treatment of the Governor-Chairman.
".Marvellous," comments
the Republican New York Sun, "that
eo Immaculate a thing should diffuse
such an appalling stench!"
' Colonel George Brumder, of Milwau
kee, who started out to help elect
Roosevelt, has decided that he made a
mistake, and Is now advocating the
election of Judge Parker Instead.
Colouel Brumder owns the leading Ger-mail-American
newspaper in Milwau
kee. He is also the proprietor of the
Irele Presse. published in Lincoln,
Neb., and a German-American weekly
of large circulation in Chicago. Colonel
Brumder Is a recruit worth having. It
is n fact of considerable significance
that a majority of the newspapers in
tho Western States that aro print
ed In the German language are
supporting the Democratic Presi
dential ticket. Four years ago
nine-tenths of these papers were on
the other side of the political fence.
More significance.
According to a dispatch from Hono
lulu the Republicans nre "after the
Chinese vote." They nre welcome to it.
W i-
Ilad Governor-Chairman Odell had
any idea what his Dontjcratlc Attorney-General
was go!g to do to him he
would not have endorsed him as one
of the soundest lawyers he had ever
met. "If the Democrats think 1 have
done wrong," said the Governor-Chairman,
"let them ask Cunucen about It.
I know of no lawyer whose opinion I
would sooner take", or value more high
ly." The Democrats did ask Cuuueen
almut it, and. Udell lias been on
crutches ever since.
Sonntor IjoOrp In n I'rck of Trouble,
nntl Teddy Goes to Ills Rescue.
Hon. Charles S. Hamlin, who is to
make a number of speeches for the
Democratic natlonnl ticket in the mid
dle West, begrudges tho time he must
give to that pleasant duty simply for
the reason that he would like to devote
all of his time to tho "doubtful" State
of Massachusetts.
While no well informed persoii In
cludes tho Bay State among those that
aro likely to go Democratic, nor even
among those classed as doubtful, there
yet is less of facetlousness in Mr. Ham
lin's remark than might at ilrst thought
be supposed. Senator Lodge, the Re
publican leader In Massachusetts, and
bosom friend of President Roosevelt,
is in a peck of trouble, and is mnUIng
frantic demands upon the Republican
National Committee for money and
speakers to help him carry Massachu
setts. Thirty thousand Republicans, acting
with a like number of Democrats, have
compelled Mr. Lodge to right-about-face
on the question of reciprocity with
Canada, nnd it Is now probable that the
r Senator will be further humiliated by
ircin iu i in u 4i iuiiiiiv;i; tjcuwwi-
Bt t whether tiie Republican organi
zation does or does not come out square
footed for this measure of relief which
Is demanded by the people of Massa
chusetts, there is bound to be trouble
for tho hide-bound partisans of pro
tection in that. State, and the Demo
crats should profit thereby.
Tho absurdity of tho stxty-ppven
cents a ton duty on coal Is one of the
tilings which is keenly realized by the
New England manufacturers who in
sist upon reciprocity with Canada. The
sole effect of this duty, so far as they
are concerned, is to exclude the New
England States from the nearby Nova
Scotia supply of coal, and to compel
them to pay an excessively high price
as a slight benefit to distant mine own
ers, to the mnterlal Injury of their own
industry. This same duty, it may be
said in passing, handicaps the people
of tho Northwest, who. but for It might
draw their coal from the fields of Brit
ish Columbia at a considerable saving'
over present cost.
But reciprocity with Canada is not
the only Important matter which is
troubling Senator Lodge and his Re
publican machine. "Pickled sheep
skins" are causing great annoyance.
Large quantities of them are Imported
Into Massachusetts every year. For
merly they came In free of duty, but
recently tho Treasury Department dis
covered that there was an "Infant in
dustry" In domestic sheepskins which
must be helped over the rough places
in its pathway. Hence the department
ofllclals decided that these pickled
sheepskins must be treated as partly
manufactured goods, and taxed at
twenty per cent. Senator Lodge has
appealed to tho President, nnd unless
ho has lost his "pull" with his old
friend entirely pickled sheepskins will
bo restored to tho free list, at least un
til nfter election.
P. 8. Pickled sheepskins are back
on tho free list. Following his order
that no department estimates showing
the cost of running tho Government
should hereafter bo given out, Mr.
Roosevelt has given orders to the
Treasury ofllclals that no more duties
shall be collected on pickled sheep
skins until they hear from him again.
This may possibly "savo" Massachu
Mr. Schwab, of Steel Trust, Tolls of
Nlco Margin" MhiIo Out of
Homo Consumers.
Clearer proof of the truth that "pro
teetion Is robbery" could not be de
sired thnn was given by Representa
tive John Sharp Williams iu his
"You know we can make steel rails
for less than $12 a ton," wrote- Mr.
Schwab, "leaving n nice margin for for
eign business." Tho slzo of this nice
margin Is ?9 for tho price of American
rails to foreigners (tho Grand Trunk
Hallway of Canada, for instance) is
?21 a ton; but when the same corpora-
tion, wuoso lines are partly in United
States territory, buys rails to lay down
on this side of our tariff boundary, it
is obliged to pay for the goods at the
rate of $29 a ton. Tho President of the
company stands ready to vouch for this
fact. Tho rails cost $12 n ton to pro
duce; they are sold to foreigners at $21
a ton, which Is a fair prollt; but when
sold to bo put down in the United
States the sum of $29 a ton is exneted,
the extra $8 being pure robbery. Phil
adelphia Itccord.
Republicans to De Disappointed.
The Indiana Republicans have been
boasting that they would carry the
Twelfth Congressional District of that
State this year for the lirst time in
history. The district Includes tho city
of Fort Wayne, where Itohinson, the
Democratic nominee, was cut consider
ably in n previous contest. The staff
correspondent of the Indianapolis
News thinks the Republicans will be
disappointed. lie has traveled over the
Twelfth District, aud reports as the re.
suit of his investigation, that there "is
little foundation" for tho Republican
claim that they will win out this year.
Fort Wayne Is tho chief city In Alien
County, which sent Hearst delegates
to St. Louis. Tho Democrats there are
of the true-blue kind, and they are
solid for Parker and Davis and the
rest of the Democratic ticket
We.the people of the Uni ted
injure doThestic tranauility,
fare, and secure the blessin
cstabLish thu t
ARTICLE 5ecl Aulijuiatu
01iViMtUii limit iltuu w
aec.Sbiiuim inim ii,iuumiii"mw
tiiiitittuiii imi tiiuu iimtm Hum nun tm. .nit
Uliiltt uii.m iii in iim nut iiiii in mil
iiii iiiii. Mini iiHiii nun inn inn mm in, i
mill uim tun in inn mini mil iiiiii um tit
hiiiiiiiiiiii i'iiiiii n um mi. limit um in""
jcc.j.iHin linn nut mill nun.."
nun mil itm. u iiiuiiii'it
5EUt."ililu mill'
tllllt Hint 111(1 Mint IMIM Ml
limit linn itm ii mm nat t
Itltlt nmii Htm mi" iimi
imin iiutP mm mm uim w
!! tiaalt Itlll
mnllll milltllllll 'I" IIIII'IHI I
mum iiiliHH IIIIIIH llllllll illlliH
mini uiumt mini mum
muni iKiimu nun
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mill mm mil um nun mm tint iyn um iu mi
imt ml tl inn imi mill hum inn inn i"'
Mill III nut lllliv Illlll lllllt III" Hit" i
mi. .mi um nun Mini tiiiii inn im I
tun iimi in" ii'" '" '"'ll "" "'!
mtu nun' "" nil" mi' in"
iiiitiiiutu mini mm mm nm tmmi
mttuimi um him nun inn um nny
turn um nun miH mm tutu no' '
hum mitt unit mtu iiiuu tun utituu
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inuiuii nun mini nm il!"tiMii ')
ii niiim .ilium lllbfltll Mill IWI MtJ
...'........ . uuft nut nut titut
mnii 'imi im' "" ii.t .iiti iittH tit
ttlttlltl llllli tllttt hum VH ttl IU
iiiVii titiiit tinm mini i " " "l
ARTirt f VI..
mm mil mum lltllll tltll IV
.1 - ' ......... .....
iiii iim Iiltl tun mi" ""' ""
", im lilt llltl tun tint tlttt " '
lull IIIMll tilt till., llltl IIIII IlKtl" V
umiimiimiiii ililtn itltn illll tltt' tllllu
titut timi until dim um uim nut inn mm
ttttttt tllltl tlttt nit llltl lilt tin mi limit
iitttt t'lm ntu ittit .ui im u mi inim
nm um um ntu nw ui tim mu um
tititi nm mi um turn tint tun tu iv nut uu w
mi um hid uim iiiuu mm nm timt -mil
ntu iim tmu. unit nntl ntni minim
mti um um tium mitt itm .yitv .Mtu ,v
Hill Itltt III mm i.iwii '" ni. "
um tint Hu nut iiiii imt mu um '" u.niw
What (lie Tariff and Trusts, on Whicli
Roosevelt Stands I'af, Cost 1I13
Auisrican Agriculturist.
No class of Aniericnn citizens suffers
more seveiely from the excessive and
unjust Republican tariff nystem than
tho farmers, it is a well-known fact
that the cost of all production falls ul
timately upon the land, that whoever
dances the farmer has to pay the piper,
that when the great heads of Republi
can trusts travel over the world in
their yachts and automobiles, it Is the
farmer planting his corn and gathering
In his crops who has to pay for their
enjoyment, whllo ho and his help
sweat and tug in the Held nnd thu
.barn. As all wealth Is really based 011
land and its products the farmer, who
is nearest the land, ought to have his
fnlr share of it. Hut dues he? Let us
The Republican high tariff gives the
trust yacht-owning, ehampagne-guz-zling
monopolists the power to cliarge
what prices they please In the United
Mates, where competition has been
practically destroyed by the trusts,
while tho same monopolists, when they
sell their American goods abroad, have
to meet competition there, and as a
consequence they bell to foreigners
cheaper than they sell to Americans.
The American farmer has to pay, for
Instance, $11 for a trust-mado Ameri
can cultivator, whllo tho samo Ameri
can cultivator is sold abroad for $8.!0.
The American farmer pays $14 for a
trust-made American plow, which is
sold abroad for $12.00.
Tho American fanner pays $8.2.
a dozen for trust-made American axes,
which tho same trust manufacturer
sells abroad to the foreigner for $7.20
a dozen.
Tho American farmer has to pay ai,
barbed wire, when the same American
trust sells tho samo barbed wire
abroad to tho foreigner for $2 per 100
If the American farmer wants a lino
sewing machine for his wife he has to
pay tho American tariff protected sew
ing machine trust $27.G0 for a machiuo
which the same trust sells abroad for
$20.75. And about the same difference
In prices here and abroad applies to
Amerlcan-mado medium aud cheap
sewing machines.
And 80,011 through everything used
by the American farmer. It has been
carefully estimated that the 0,200,000
families in the United States engaged
in agricultural pursuits pay a tribute
annually to the Republican tariff pro
tected trusts of $517,700,000. This
vast amount the Republican trust mag
nates are enabled to extort from the
farmers of the United States by means
of a high tariff which prevents compe
tition from abroad, and of uulawful
trade combinations which the Repub
lican Administration has done nothing
to break up, nnd which virtually con
trol that Administration.
Judge Parker, Democratic candidate
for the Presidency, is pledged by his
own utterances and tho party platform
to bring about such revision of tho
tariff as will prevent the trusts from
discriminating in favor of tho foreign
er and against the American farmer
in the sale of American goods.
Judgo Parker Is also pledged to
break up the uulawful conspiracies
called trusts, and reduce prices by re
storing competition. To this end ho
will enforces statute law, and, where
that is lacking, the common law.
President Roosevelt, on tho other
hand, says distinctly that he and his
party stand pat on the tariff and trusts
that the trusts, under protection of
tho Republican high tariff, will be per
mitted, If the Republican party is suc
cessful in November, to continue to
extort about $518,000,000 a year in tlie
.mti .Hi-PfmuiiiriV &i?wr,vJw!'i -ffi '.TitvTK'ITi .;
'.'UIfTwi um" y'-jyKmlr Tfrl JiM A X fMkxm
niiuiiii mu in uii " Hk r (IV Ulr jr tcoJt Bfff y
nt Mtr-m nun mm um' "KKWh&iL&JKf LiJiSl f.i'4
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..itrmci-i,,! ,Wm.,a'JI fn BiiVi'! B1S -:K'1U' nivvn.uc ah
MIllkUt- l v-- LaCW!WTll"".TM A 11 .B..vCW'V?n ls? V.V." X.
"JJJlll...... ....mi unlit tnUMH(NjatN-lBSJL D IrtCl ' XI H W?rS .vlth m.ii ...tu k.Jw
miiit ,,',.v. ; ....m mm imiitv(7) n iLViv n fcllw k. .v. .. :::; : 7."
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S7MBT uuV ..i liiw "iimi "n-n ''".'"'""iJ Vrffl tVTOWSr., IMA I K-Ttftv ,-,;,,; ,
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," iiiuu iniiiiiiiiii iiiiii iintt um mnTfiiS3H WJM ArtSw' K$m i
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5ttc5 inordtrtjC .?e perfect union.
arotiaRrflyrinrjr,lffliifao)en5e pf
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v TaOtJrfTLnir--v-i - .t ....jr.
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(lit nm uiJflTO1itlullUi,njflC,li un tin tm im
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-wjmu xmXtJKS9'n ntiiitttiSjjMJJii
ART! CuEwjtiW'iii iiiiii uh iiiiii iiimimii)l ARTtC
mi miii utiH mm 1111111 um.
11111 milium iimi. .
IK... 11... I.ii.llll. !..
"",,' '".X X .."" " " .. .iiii'i.i .in. r-
Illlll U I Iiii'IU I III lllllll mlltlu lIUlJS
lit 1111111 ntu iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii itui tun .v
ll Hill t1'l" 11 Illlll 1)111 ..1 11 ' TlWk..l
llli 1111 i'iiu . mt.i iiiiii. nti. Mill iiiiii it. 1
II I Illlll.. .u. AVkv9Wflil it... 11... i.ii.llll. .. 14 AX
uimi i t va3riiin miuiini uim. .iTi1; v m
shape of overcharges nntl excessive
prices lur giiinln 1'ioui American farm
ci. Tlin American farmer should remem
ber that when President Roosevelt was
(tovenior of New York he disapproved
a bill pusicd by the Legislature taxing
franchises, nntl Intended to reduce the
burden of State tax on farmers and
other individual taxpayers li.v making
corporations pay their just share. Thu
corporation lawyers pleaded with
Roosevelt that the bill was unconstitu
tional, and he was very ready to accept
their statement. The Court of Ap
peals, .ludgc Parker presiding, after
ward held Roosevelt's objection to tho
bill to be unfounded. Roosevelt's
"mistake," however, cost a largo
amount of money, which was saved to
the corporations, and hail to be paid by
the farmers and others. It madu
Roosevelt pollil. however, with tho
trusts, which run the Republican party.
and doubtless had .1 good deal to do
with his nomination for Vice-President.
Every farmer has at time cattle to
dispose of. It has been clearly estab
lished that the Republican tariff tax an
hides, which was levied solely fqr tho
benefit of tho great meat packers In
Chicago nnd other centres, docs not
put one dollar In the pocket of the
farmer or cattle raiser, who does not
get a cent more for tho nnlmnl on ac
count of the hide, while it enables the
great trust meat packers to charge
higher prices for hides than they would
be ablo to charge if hides were coming
In freo from South America, Mexico
and elsewhere. It is not necessary to
take Democratic authority for thesu
facts. Ask any denier in leather. Tim
Republican tariff tax on hides puts
millions of dollars Into the pockets of
tins meat trust, whllo it adds to tho
cost; of every pair of shoes and every
inch of leather that is used In the Uni
ted States and farmers havo use for' a
good deal of leather besides what they
wear as shoes.
The facts nnd figures above present
ed deal with tho actual cost in money
to tho American farmer of the high
tariff system on which tho Republican
party says it "stands pat," and which
is to bo eoutinucd Ju all Its oppressive
ness, extortion nnd injustice if Roose
velt should be elected.
The Republican Congress has author
ized u standing army of 100,000 men
four times as great as any previous
standing nrmy of the United States iu
time of peace. This means militarism,
n military aristocracy to co-operate
with the truBt aristocracy In trampling
on the ordinary citizen. It means tho
mllitn.ry system of Germany nnd Rus
sia for tho United States. It meaus n
weapon that might prove very danger
ous In the hands of n man of Roose
velt's quarrelsome ebaractcr.
Imperialism goes with militarism.
The policy of attending lo our own
business has been given up by tho Re
publican Administration for that of
meddling in the world's business, of
holding subject nations as colonics nnd
of exterminating them, ns multitudes
of Flllplnps have been exterminated,
when they dared to demand for them
selves the Independence for which
Americans fought in tho Revolution.
At any moment tho policy of imperial
ism, that meddling In the a,ffalrs of
foreign nations which Washington
warned us against in his farewell ad
dress, may plunge us Into a tremendous
wnr with some great power.
The election of Roosevelt would
mean a final step over the precipice of
imperialism. It would mean the
abandonment of American methods
and principles for those of continental
Europe, with a war lord for chief of
State and a largo nnd obedient stand
ing army at his command. It would
mean the stamp of popular approval
for Roosevelt's usurpation of authority
that belongs to Congress alone, aud for
future usurpations that would substi
tute the will of tho executive for the
Constitution of the United States.
Judge Parker stands for American
ism In all that the torm implies; Roose
velt for imperialism, as illustrated In
Berlin. VIennn and St. Petersburg, and
of late also In Washington. Every real
American should vote for the Ameri
can candidate, Alton 13. Parker.
U Li3
, establish justice.
-ornotc the penetyxl wot-
jstentv.cio owiain and
v r-
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ui iiiiii 11111 um mm mnk Mini uiu mu tin
t null nun iiu itm nun nun him tm im.
At tnc uu Game of Trying t) Frighten
and Corrupt tin People by
Flashing Money.
it seems impossible that any In
telligent person should be deceived
by the statement isuetl by Senator
Scotr, of the Republican National
Committee, purporting to be n "con
servative" estimate of the chances of
Roosevelt and Parker, respectively.
There aro many persons, however,
who are not familiar with political
conditions or campaign methods, who
may be misled by the seemingly sin
cere and honest statement made by
Senator Scott, who is u very smooth
politician nnd a past master In tho art
of politicnl Mulling.
Thero are -170 electoral voles to be
divided between the candidates, and of
these Scott modestly claims aiO. He al
lows Parker only 1C0, which represent
tho "Solid South," not including West
Virginia or Maryland. He, with equal
modesty, appropriates every so-called
doubtful State of tho East and West.
Judge Parker, ho says, with that care
ful conservatism which nlways char
acterizes his political utterances, "will
he beaten as badly as Greeley was in
1872." Now York ho puts down for
from r0.000 to 73,000 plurality for
As an offset to this ridiculous state
ment, there Is the latest estimate of
tho Democratic managers, which
claims 250 electoral votes for Parker,
or seventeen more than sujlcleiit to
cji;i;i iiiiii. iii'wr iurn is I'liiiuieu lor
Parker because the Indications all
point to a plurality for him of from
HO.OOO to 40,000, nnd a lead of at least
80,000 for Herrick over Hlgglns. New
York has never given a Republican
plurality in a Presidential election if
tho Democracy was united. It will
not belle its record this year. It Is
Democratic to-day, audit will be Demo
cratic on the morning nfter election.
New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware,
Maryland, West Virginia, Indiana,
Montana, Colorado, Idaho and Neva
da aro all claimed by the Democrats,
aud in most cases with much better
reason than the Republicans can ad
vance. Thero Is ground for hope that
Wisconsin and Idaho will give their
electoral votes to Parker, but these
two States are not counted on for him.
Tho Republican Committee's claim
Is no more extravagant nor worthless
than the claim it put forth n few days
prior to tho election In 181)2, the most
recent election with which it Is rea
sonable to make a comparison now.
That committee was. or pretended to
be, Just ns certain of a walkover for
Harrison as it now pretends to be of
n walkover for Roosevelt. It claimed
everything, specifically including New
York, New Jersey, Indiana and Con
necticut, nnd on the night beforo the
election it sent David Martin to the
Hoffman nous -with $100,000 to bet
on Hnrrison. The Republican manag
ers nlways claim everything in sight.
It has never hesitated to deceive peo
pio even to the extent of inducing
them to bet on Republlcau candidates,
when It knew that the Democrats
would win. It has done this iu the
past, hoping to create a general feel
ing that its own candidates would be
elected. This year It has wrung such
enormous sums of money from the
trusts nnd railroad systems that it is
evidently setting nsldo a much larger
amount than usual to influence bet
ting. Against this sort of chicanery let
Democrats and independents be on
their guard. Let all such stand by
their guns nnd continue to work for
Parkec aud Davis. If this is done, it
will bo very plain on tho morning af
ter election that not the Democratic,
but the Republican campaign, was
what Senator Scott calls a "Joke."
Large RCThfralioii Tliroiiiio-jt tlic Coati
try Shows llic TeDple Am
Deeply Iiileres:eJ.
The Republican National Committee'
claims of a walkover for Roosevelt am
based simply on this fact and supposi
tion, to wit: On the fact that thu
great trusts and railroad combines nre
supporting Roosevelt and pouring
money into his campaign chest, and
011 the supposition that with this mon
ey the Presidency can be bought. It
Is this fact and this .supposition itlouu
that Cortelyou and Scott base their
"claims" 011, and It I on these "claims"
(lint Wall Street gamblers base their
Judgment and the odds they offer Iu
Hut can the Presidency be bought
outright? That game was tried iu
1861 and In 1SI)2 nnd did not work. :t
was successful In l&SS, when Matt
ijuay, the arch corruptlonlst of the Re
publican party, aided by David Mar
tin, a product of Quayism, handled
the money contributed by the protect
ed Interests of the country lo tiefeat
Cleveland. It was played successful
ly in 1880, when "Blocks of Five"
Dudley bought up the "floateis" iu
Indiana with crisp new bank notes,
Hut to buy the Presidency In lor
Is a different proposition. The Demo
cratic party is organized and unltett
this year, and it will havo the practi
cally holld support of independent vol
ets. The Democratic oiganlzntlouIu
every debatable State Is aggressive,,
and determined that Republican brib
ery and fraud shall be exposed and.
prevented wherever possible. The
great registration In nearly all parts,
of the country where registration 1
required, and the deep, though quiet.
Interest shown In the campaign iu the
rural districts everywhere, may meau
that the people approve of the alliance
made by the Roosevelt managers with
Hie trusts and other great aggregations,
of capital, nm. an not averse to the'
corrupt scheme of those manngers to
buy tho Presidency, but there are
many patriotic people who refuse to
believe it.
They believe, on the other IiiuhV
that tho slgnlllcauce of the large regis
tration, and deep Interest shown by
tho voters throughout tho country,,
and particularly In the great Industrial
and commercial States, Is of another
kind. They believe It points to an up
rising of the honest nnd pntrlotlc-
masses everywhere who will drive the
Republicans from power and robuke
the pupils and successors of Quay unit
Dudley, who nre boasting thnt they
havo the Presidency In tliel: grasp.
Senator Scott, In one 0' his arrogant
and lusolcnt "claims," sent out wlil
the sanction of the Republican Nation
al Committee, Bays; tho Demopratlc
cnmpalgn ts only a "Joke." Ho -Wilt
be of 11 different opinion on tho morn
ing after election, when ho discover
that his own Stato has gone Demo
cratic and that n Democratic Legisla
ture hns been elected, which will send
n Democrat lo represent West Vir
ginia In tho Senate In place of himself
Scott 4s a great; bluffer, and nlway
has been, but this year the Democratft
nro prepared to "call" I1I01, and thcj7
arc doing it right along.
New York Stato Turning- Unrtoubf
odlr to I'arkcr and Herrick.
Republican politicians nro mail
ing the most extravagaut claims as fo
llow New York will vote In November.
They rldlaulo tho cry of "Odoljism" nd
say Roosevelt "will sweep the State."
Only fools or persons. Ignorant of the?
situation will be misled by claims s
palpably insincere. New XorU Is an.
certainly Democratic this y.ear ns
Georgia. The attitude of the press of
Now York City Is alone sufficient to
satisfy nuy reasonable man where New
York stands. The only dally papers
supporting. Ropa,eve!t are tho Tribune
Sun. Press. Evening Mail( Evening
Giobo andHwo Brooklyn papers or
purely local Influence, and not muclu
at thnt.
The papers advocating the election
of Parker arc the Herald, World,
American, Times, Staats Zeltung,.
News. Evening World. Morgen Journal,.
Evening Post, Telegraph, Evening:
Journal, Courier des Etats IJnls nmL
Telegram. Outside of New York City
the Democratic and independent pres
Is solid for Parker.
The betting, although thero is. but
little of it, Is a't even money ns to the
Presldential ticket, and nt odds of HV
to 7 in favor of the Democratic Stat
New Yorkers all know hoi" iq Stale
Is going. If others have doubts, a short
visit in Now York would dispel them.
Parker will win the State's electoral
votes, and all of "Odell's creatures"
will be "driven Into the Hudson Riv
er." ns the Sun has expressed a wish
they should be. The only question 1
as to the size of the Democratic ma
Mr. OverbnugU lve III Htnou
For III Preference Tor Parker
Over Itooievelf.
Do Witt Clinton Overbaugh. of New
York, of tho well known firm of Over
baugh & Camp, President of the
Grantl Hotel Company. ex-President
of the Hoard of Education of Kings
ton, it member of the famous Commit
tee of Seventy which overthrew Tam
many. President of the North Side
Hoard of Trade, nnd a lifelong Repub
lican, who declared for Judge Parker
for President, said, in taking that step.
"Can tho people trust the present Ex
ecutive? Is he safe? I think not. I
ndvocato Alton H. Parker because of
the vast difference between the tw
candidates the ono strenuous, erratic
and hasty; the other with a Judicially
trained mind, thoughtful, competent,
careful, firm ns a rock where Justice
leads him, sympathetic and dignified.
Not since tho days of Thomas Jeffer
son lies the Democratic party had a.
better nominee." i