The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 04, 1904, Image 3

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Tho Wabash Is the Only Line landing
You at tho World's Fair.
nround trip rates from Omaha nro
aa follows: $8.50 sold dally except
Friday and Saturday, good 7 days.
$13.80 sold dally, good IB days. Tho
Wabash Is tho only lino that land's
passengers at tho main entrance of tho
World's Fair grounds. Also tho only
lino that can check your baggage to
tho World's Fair station. Think what
a saving of tltuo, annoyanco and ox
tra car faro.
All agents can sell you through
ticket and routo you over tho Wabash.
Very low rates to many points South,
Southeast. For beautiful World's Fair
folder anu all information call nt 1G01
Farnam St. or address Harry 13.
Moorcs. Gen. Agt Pass. Dept. Wab.
IL U., Omaha, Neb.
Many a noblo thought has been
drowned In a shallow Ink well.
Write MtmiNE ETE HEMEDT Co., CMcsro. If
your ryrn are Mire or Inflamed, and pel oculist's
advice and fredanipleMUIlIKE. It cures all eye-Ills
Our acts our nngcls arc for good or
111, our fatal shadows that walk by us
till. -Fletcher.
Mr. TVInalown Sootlilnp- Ryrnp.
for children teettilnir, softens the Kiirns, rcdueea h
Sanuoatloa, ailaja mla, euro wind Lullu. 2Jc bottle.
A woman
thought sho
would rather people
waa tallor-mado than
, Youncr women mav
i .
ness and pain, says
they Will only have
Lydia E Pinkham's
"Deab Mrs. Pinkham: I feel
lslslslV v mvt ni!u 2&&X&$$WIK9mg
how much IJydla E. Pinkham's wonderful Vegetable Compound has
done for me. I was completely run down, unable to attend school, and
did not caro for any kind of society, but now I feel like a new person,
and have gained seven pounds of flesh in three months.
" I recommend it to all young women who suffer from femalo weak
ness." Miss Aula. Pratt, Holly, Mich.
. -'All
'All vountr trlrls at this period
write Mrs. Pinkhnra for ad vice ; sho has guided In a motherly -way
hundreds of young- women; her advlco is freely and cheerfully
(riven, and her address is JLynn, Mass.
Judging from the letters she is receding from so many young girls Mri.
"Pinkham believes that our girls axe often pushed altogether too near tho
limit of their endurance nowadays in our public schools and seminaries.
Nothing is allowed to interfere "With studies, the girl must be pushed to
the front and graduated -with honor ; often physical collapse follows, and it
takes years to recover tho lost vitality , often It is never recovered. ,
, A Youngf Chicago Girl Saved from Despair.
mDeab Mas. Pinkham: I wish to thank you "for the help and ben
efit I have received through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound and Liver PHIb. When I was about seventeen
health and
T iPsHk
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is tho one sure rem
edy to bo relied upon at this important period in a young girl's
life; with it she can go through with courage and safety the work
she must accomplish, and fortify her physical well being so that
her future life may be insured against sickness and suffering.
FORFEIT 1' w cannot forthwith
aooT tMlunonlal, whioh. will prore their abtolute genulneneM.
Ljdla E. Fiakbuu Medlclua Co.,
wP9KsBimV for n HiniinSnnsP
Mrs. Pare,
wlfo of C. D.
Pare, n prom
inent resi
dent rf Glas-
g o w, Ky
says: "I was
su ff e ring
from f. com-
plication of
kidney trou
bles. Besides
a bad back,
I had a great
deal o! trou
bio with tho
socro tlons,
which wero exceedingly -variable,
sometimes oxcesslvo and at other
times scanty. Tho color was high,
and passages wero accompanied with
a scalding sensation. Doan's Kidney
Pills soon reg.ited tho kidney secre
tions, making Uieir color normal, and
banished tho inflammation which
caused tho scalding sensation. I can
lest well, my back is strong and
sound, and I feel much better in overy
For salo by all dealers, prlco BO
cents per box. FOSTER-M1LDURN
CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
Glass Bottle Market
Loulsvlllo Is tho largest glass bottlo
market In tho cpuntry.
avoid much sick-
Miss Alma Pratt, if
faith in the use of
Vegetable Compound
it my duty to toll all voune -women
of life nro earnestly invited to
V7 ' W
years old I suddenly seemed to loso my usual good
vitality, .bather said i studied too
hard, but tne doctor tnougnt dmerent and
prescribed tonics, which I took by tho
quart without relief. Reading one day in
the paper of Mrs. Pinkham's great cures,
, and llndlng tne symptoms described an
' swered mine, I decided I would give Lydia
i E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a
trial. I did not say a word to the doctor;
I bought it myself, and took it according
to directions regularly for two months,
and I found that I gradually improved,
and that all pains loft mo, and I was my
old Belf once more. Lillie E. Sinclair,
17 E. 22d SU Chicago 111."
prodnca tha original letters and ilgnatare oi
X.TI1B, Mam.
Good Advice and Excellent Logic
Turned to the Disadvantage of the
Ueer Could Only Have Occurred
In Sinful Chicago.
"Doctor," snlil tho old mnn ns ho
took a Rout lu tho minister's study,
"I vo como to seo jou this morning
about a matter that I've been think
ing of with n god deal of earnestness
for eonio time. I'll pet to tho point
nt once. Do you bollovo n tnxdodgor
can enter tho kingdom of henven?"
"My dour Mr. Bullion," tho good
mnn replied, laying a hnnd upon tha
visitor's knee and looking at him
kindly, "I'm glnd you have como to
mo with this matter, and 1 will bo
frank with you. I don't bollovo a mnn
who avoids paying his just shnro of
taxes can havo favor lu tho sight of
the Lord. One who Is worth millions
may think when ho pnys his taxes
thnt ho hns a right to practice decep
tion. Ho sees that Smith's taxes
amount to only ?15 -n year, and ho
says to himself:
" 'SoUth has Just as many children
to etlucnto as 1 hnve. Tho police will
protect him Just as carefully as they
protect mo. Ho enjoys all tho bless
ings of living In a froo country, Just
as I enjoy them. Why, then, should
I pny flO.OQO n year In taxes whllo
ho pays only $15?'
"But In arriving at such a conclu
sion you would forget that oven If
Smith had as ninny children ns you
hnd his llltlo ones would naturally bo
In less danger than yours. Tho police
would not havo to guard them so
cnrefully ns they would yours Jo keep
them from being kitlnnped. And,
again, remember thnt whllo Smith
might enjoy tho blessings of freedom,
ho would not havo as much to loso If
our government wero to fall as you
would. Finally, Smith, in paying ?1B
a year, might bo conscientiously obey
ing tho law, while ou, even though
you paid $10,000, might bo violating
It. Thus you would bo sinning just
ns much ns If you stole, for you would,
Indeed, bo stealing frbm tho stntc."
"Um. I see. And supposing Smith,
In paying only ?15, was avoiding his
duty. What If ho ought to pay $20, to
Ijo exactly fair? Would tho Lord bo
likely to regard him ns being just ns
much of a thief as ho would consider
me for paying .only f 10,000 when I
ought to pay $15,000Y"
"Just as much. I don't bellcvo ho
would have any more chunco than you
would to enter tho kingdom of heav
"Thnt's what I thought. I'm much
obliged to you. I seo your taxes
amount to ?7.60, and you're drawing a
salary hero of ?G,000 a year. Say, If
your Investments havo been turning
out badly, como around to mo and I'll
put you next, to a good thing or two.
I always like to see a good man get
along." Chicago Record-Herald.
A Terrible Price for Fame.
An engineer named Knorr, a Ger
man who has becomo a naturalized
Russian, built four of tho great
bridges on tho Trans-Siberian railway,
including tho big Yenisei and Obi
bridges, which cost, respectively,
$2,300,000 and $2,000,000. They wero
great engineering fonts and brought
him International famo in his profes
sion. Ho had five daughters, who wero
famous In Russia for their beauty,
and whom ho loved dearly. Just nfter
his first grent bridgo was completed,
ono of thorn died; and as each of his
three succeeding bridges was built,
another died. Thero seemed to bo a
fatality In It.
Ho would not build a fifth bridgo,
and now all his famo and wealth are
worth nothing to him, for ho has nev
er recovered from tho shock of losing
his dearly-loved children.
Wasp Exercise.
"There's nothing like tennis," said
tho young matron. "Not that wo havo
a court of our own yet, as wo hope to
havo some day, but wi havo what
seems likely to prove an excellent sub
stitute so far as exerclso goes, and
that Is n wasp nest somewhere in the
sldo yall of tho house.
"Day beforo yesterday I killed twen
ty-two wasps this way: You grasr
tho jyhlsk broom, racquet fashion
keep your eyo on tho wasp, and when
ho serves with his characteristic dash
and vigor, you give a return stroke
thnt stuns him enough to glvo you o
chance to finish killing him off.
"I'm having lots of practice and
getting in flno form for that court ol
ours, by and by. And incidentally, I'm
chief lifeguard for my two youi.g
sters." New York Sun.
A Heritage of Hearts.
They whoso hearts aro whole nnd stronir.
Lovlns holinesH,
Living clean from soil of wronp.
Wearing truth's wiilto dress
They unto no far-ort height
Wearily need climb!
Heaven to them is close In sight
From these shores of timu.
Only the anointed eye
Sees in common things
Gleam of wave, and tint of sky
Heavenly blOHgomlngi.
To tho hearts where light has birth
Nothing can be drear;
Budding through the bloom of earth,
ileaven is uhsays near.
Lucy Larcorn.
Good Income from Sheep.
A Monroo county man who Invested
$529 In sheep last fall has sold $227
worth of wool, has 143 lambs that will
average eighty pounds when ready for
market, which at four cents a pound
makes them worth $572. Total In
come from his flock of sheep $799, and
he still has tho sheep. Not one of
them has got away from him, Kan
sas City Journal.
Admiral Schley Uses
r , ' MgrnMssTagfe - i
SSll Peruna Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio. TiSjBte& M&.
fill! Gentlemen: "I can cheerfully state that J mtKBSKKK
fffljj Mrs. Schley lias taken Peruna and I be- " JiOHSlHiHHl
!pI tieve with good effect " tSwM&luSKm
lS Bailie of Santiago, Where Admiral Schley Made History. lferiPi
ONK of the (rrent est naval battles In tho world wns the
Fight Oil Snntlngu. Never since the dispersion of tho
Spanish I .. ' . . . 1 Armada
has thero I A fiRFAT NAVAL BATTLC. I boon n
moro op-
ing victory in tho onward innreh of civilization than in tho
notable event of July B3, IBUH, in wmen tuo great, nero,
Admiral Schley, took a leading part.
It was n (Trent naval battle. Without a moment's wnrnlng
It began. Quick decision, undaunted courage, excellent dis
cipline, resolute belf-confideneo thcbo combined in Admiral
Schley to produce thnt duih and daring bo characteristic of
the American soldier.
A man must think quickly In theso days. Thero In no
tlmo for slow action. New enterprises nrUo lu an hour.
Old ones pass away in a moment.
A multitude of great themes clnmor for notice. A mnn
man must tako sides for or against by intuition, rather than
logical deduction.
Ono day this lighting admiral, Schley, happened to be In
talking I --,
topics of popular "interest. The subject of
"A good many years ago I bought a
HSU 11RANO Slicker, and it lias proven
a valued friend for many a stormy day, but
now It Is getting old and I mutt have
another. Please send me a price-list."
(Tho name of this worthy doctor, obliged
to be out In all aorta of wcatber, will
be glren on application.)
wwtufAivi, a.imiica n k
Toronto, Canada "AJfSRAP"
Wet Weather Clothing, Bulti, and Hata for f
all kloda of wet work or (port
French In Great Britain.
Thero aro 26,600 French In Oreat
Britain and Ireland, moro than three
fourths of tho number being In Lon
don. Tho business most followed
among these Is cookory.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of CA8TOHIA,
a safe and euro remedy for Infants and children.
and see tnat it
Tieara tho
Signal uro
la Use For Over SO Years.
The Kind You Uavo Always nought.
Vertlable Treasure House.
Tho valuo of tho Vatican, tho pope's
rosldcnco at Homo, and Its treasures,
In money, would exceed 1150,000,000.
Mother Cray's Sweet Powders for Children.
Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurso
In the Children's Homo In New York, cur
Constipation, Fovcrlshness, Bad Stomach,
Toethlng Disorders, move and regulate tho
Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 te
tlmonlals. At all Druggists, 35c. Sample
FHEE. Addresa A. S.Olmsted, Lelloy.N. Y.
Tho chief end of man, according to
tho chronic ltlcker, Is his feot.
Why It Is the Best
iRbecause made by nn entirely differ
ent process. Defiance Stnrch Is un
like any other, better and one-third
more for 10 cents.
Dosperato diseases aro doctors' de
lights. Lewis' "Single Binder" straight Bo
cigar, made of extra quulity tobacco. You
pay 10c for cigars not so good. Iewla'
Factors Peoria. III.
Bargain hunters aro generally sold.
All Up-to-Date Housekeepers
use Defiance Cold Water Starch, be
cause it Is better, and i oz. more of it
for same money.
Bowaro of looso dogs and tight men.
Known the world over
Frumpteit, surest euro
Color rears goods brlahter snd fssler colors thsn an;
Ask i-eiler or . M send post paid at JOc t packag.f
ej Save on Driips
W write for our 100 page rutalotfue,
Aj showing 10 000 articles at cut prl es.
Cor 16th snd Dodso. Omaha, Neb.
I yi! 8 1
i i kvx wmmn,
och mak
Like- tho news of
will bo
by tho
and pabsed from
I wiui ma
RU - NA.
vr ore
on various
l'eruua was
spoken public endorsement by buch a man.
Magnificent Crops for 1904.
Wontorn Canaan's
Wheat Crop this
Year Will bo 00,
000,000 Bushels,
end Whont at Pres
ent lo Worth $1.00 a
The Oat and Barley Crop Will Alio Yield Abundant!.
Splendid prices for nil Vlnd of crnln, cattle
nna otiicr farm produco for tho fruwlutr of
which tho cllmitto Ik unsun'UHwd,
About IM),ono AmerlrutiR hitm ncttlni in Went
cm Cuuuilu during tho past Uirco ycurx.
ThouHanilH of frco liotncfttrailR of IfiO tirrr
rnrh mill uvutlablu In the best utfrluulturul tlU
IrlctM. It bits been said that tho United State will
bo forced to import wheut within a very fvjw
your. Seeurn n fiirro in Cunnda und become
ona of tbONC who will produco it.
Apply for Informntlon to .Superintendent of
Immigration, Ottawa, Canada. or to itulliorlted
Cnnmllun Government AKt'nt W. V. Iiennctt,
01 New York Life Hull Jlnt', Omubu, Nub.
Strawberry and
Vegetable Dealers
Tho Passenger Department of tho IlllnoU
Centrul Railroad Company hnve recently Urnied
u publication known us Circular No. 12, in which
ixdCMcrlbed tho
bisi territory in this country
for tho erowlng of early strawberries Bnd early
vegetable!. Kvcry dealer in such products
Mhould address u postal tard to tbo undoraiKued
atDubuauo. Iowa, rcuucbtlutf a copy of
'Circular No.' 12'
J. F. iLEKItY, AssU Qon'l rass'r AeenU
Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers say they don't keep
Defiance Starch. This is because they
have a stock on hand bf other brands
containing only 12 oz. in a package,
whlchth ey won't be ablo to sell first,
becuune Defiance contains 16 oz. for
the same money.
Do you want 16 oz. Instead of 12 nz.
for same money? Then buy Defiance
Starch. Requires no cooking.
It looks as If tho czar wero duo to
got his crown nlcoly Japanned.
Defiance Starch
should be In every household, none so
good, besides 4 oz. more for 10 cents
than any other brand of cold water
Nothing convinces llko conviction.
In sheets of PURE ANILINE BLUE. Nobottles. Nopaddle Nowasto. Gives the sau
unount of blueing water each wash-day. Ask your grocer for it or send 10c for a book of 55 leaves.
Iht Handy Blutlng Book Co., 87 E. Likt St., Chicago, HI.
EW1NT YflUR N1UE and will send you prospectus
nun I 1 UUffl nAMC Bnd full parilculnra of NINE
Mlninr ComnSnlfiS. If Vntl will tnnii licvnnr namnnnrl aAA,.. Ull. II... r.
ss the
Rheumatism and Neuralgia
other drs. One 10c aacksce colors silk. mooI and eellan muill .n nrt l nn,.,ni..rf in nu ..ji ...,.h.
Wr.le for (ret booUet-HoS to 0, tletch and Mix CoIom!
Mt Cough Bjrsp. Tattos Good. TjM Tm
In ttna. riolo br draefftsts. Sri
In His
raised, its popularity ns a cntnrrh remedy, 1U uationul liu-
puruuicu, ji extensive use.
Ono asked his opinion. Without a moment's hesitation,
ho said: "I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley has tnkin
l'eruna and I bellcvo with good eft'cot'
Like the Huttle of Santiago, tho thought wns sprung upon
him without any warning, nnd ho disposed of it with tho
sumo vim nnd decision as ho did with tho Spanish licet led
by tho ill-fntcd Viscaya.
His words concerning I'orunahavo gone out Into the world
to bo repented by a thousand tongues, because he bus said
IiIr victory over Cerrcra, his words con-
1' o r u n a
caught uji
mouth to mouth, across oceans aud con-
Except for nn in-born mnnly independence, In a country of
free speech, these words never would have been uttered bv nn
olileer in such a notable position us thnt of Admiral Schlej
Except for a world-wide notoriety and popularity, uch a
Peruna enjoys, no remedy could ever have received such out
A striking: contrast
between defiance Starch
and any other brand will
be found by comparison.
Defiance Starch stiffens,
whitens, beautifies with
out rotting.
It gives clothes back
their newness.
It Is absolutely pure.
It will not Injure the
most delicate fabrics.
For fine things and all
things use the best there
ts. Defiance Starch
io cents for 16 ounces.
Other brands to cents for
I? ounce.
A striking contrast.
Oauha, Nek
Keep the luxuriant, healthy head of hair
'which nature save you. If your hair Is falllnir
out you can stop ituse Undoma. 1 1 elves new-
life to sickly hair. It's euaranteed-Ask tour
barber. Send us your name for free treatment
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
W. N. U., Omaha.
No. 451904
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.