8 K ae'i SU SwU Sw'i JJpU S$ NH SeU 3 ::::::::::::::: Nw'i SwU g "t 8 m-u nV4 aeVi. Sw'i SeU SwU NeU li Nw',1 SwVi Ne; ! WH Se'i WH Se'4 NVfc n'i SV4 ne n4 seU.. SwVi NwVi NeU NwU Sw'i NeVi SwU SeU SwU NeU SeU NeU Sw'i SeU B'.4 NwU SwU 27 27 r .... R in ID 10 11 II IS u is is is r. ii 14 17 is 13 ii 20 IT 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 . .1.1 ..24 ..14 ..21 ..2.". ,.y ..26 .iSI ..27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 .SI .nt .34 NONPAREIL PRECINCT. TVpcrlptlon. NeU wu, Svc. Tp. 2H 211 2'! 2i! 26 2ti 26 20 26 !li 20 20 28 Hi 20 Ifi 20 20 ! 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 SO 20 27 . r. . G . u . 7 . 7 :! .it .11! .13 .11 .17 .17 .19 .1? 2 '.h ,:w .Rl .31 .34 .31 STi ; 26 .j7 .'.'.' '.'.'.h it si 31 31 34 t 1 !'.!!i!i() u n 12 ii 13 1 in r 15 is 19 27 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ' 26 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2.'. 2S si .'"".'ifi' 34 r, n',s 26 27 31 31 MBBRTV PRECINCT. Description. Sw'i SeU Nci Xw'i Sw'i .NeU NwVi NwU SwU NeU Siv'i XwU SV4 nwi nV4 t.wU... NcU Soli N',4 110U Sec. '.'.'.'. 8 ....10 ....10 ....10 ....11 ....12 ....u ....12 ....14 .... 0 .... 8 .... 9 ....10 ....12 ....13 Tp. 25 25 35 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20' 20 20 ....II ....II ....17 ....IS Sw'i SeU NoU NeU Sou im 24 NV4 neU tsc'i noVi ne,i sie'i SwU Se'.i S',4 nwU nwVi swU ;.'!3G hpU sou " neU eVi nwU I 2.. G2 25 52 2G 52 25 52 SwU bwU 1 KVi noU e4 seU 7 SV4 swU ? SwU neU se'.i nwU w seU " NwU S 25 HwU SV4 noVi NwU nwU V4 nw',i 9 SwU 9 rjt'Vi .......... . S'j swU 10 Vt'.ii neU wV4 ReU 15 'i IB .17 im"4 S4 ..... V,i neU eV4 nwV... NwU NwU ....17 ..1 .. 1 25 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 NwU Nrti XpU . C, ,11 It SwU ..IS OW-,4 NwU 1 UU r.n.1'. till BIVV. 1 ...13 .IS S'4 neU V4 pV ; .' NeU -" P.UNNINQ WATKH 1 .30 SeU , N , KW , Sw'i swU , Nw'i SwU , SoU SwU , ScVl Xw'i Wife , fieVi NcU SwU NwU Nw(, , E4 .oU Ne'. , SwV SwU Set; , NwU Sw4 SeVi SwU , SwU SeU , Net, V4 Ne'i ScV SwU E',4 SwU Nw'i NeU Wk NH XwU 'P.KCINCT. l.'iroi.i IJMIwtli j-. HH nd.i BV4 nwU SwU NeU ' " NwU 1 SfU ' NwU ....l. SwU Ji hw, , I SeU " XoU S SwU -s SeU S SwU 9 XeU 10 NwU 10 HWU "' SoU v 10 NwU 'J SwU 12 SeU IS Ne4 IS ! IS OwU It NS W Wli u a.....V Hwv. .........,i,...4vi.lK- . .'A 47 Sft ........... v Vvvi SwU f NVi NwU U 2 4.77 3.51 l.SS l.SS 2.SI 4.77 2M 13.3S 23.32 2.M 2.54 6.91 4.77 11.C9 47.53 2.54 2.54 1.8S 1.83 3.61 l.SS l.SS 1.R2 3.61 1.82 10.4G 1.S3 8.63 1.S2 1.S2 U2 1.82 l.M 1.82 1.82 27.41 27.41 1.G3 20.30 14.67 23.45 13.31 17.73 3.C1 9.51 17.7P NwK ... SwU .... NeU .... NwU ... Noli .... N4 nU SH neU NwU ... SwU .... SeU .... SwU .... SwU .... SeU .... NwU ... NeU .... SwU .... , . 25 20 27 .....27 ....U JO 30 30 30 no 31 32 32 3.1 31 S4 M 1 3 a ,i 5 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 20 20 22 2S 28 28 28 S8 3 S3 2S 2S 23 28 28 28 2S 28 28 2S 28 28 28 28 28 88 28 28 28 28 2S 28 28 2S 28 28 28 28 28 2S 28 23 2S 28 28 2S 28 IS 23 28 2S 28 28 28 28 28 23 28 28 28 28 28 28 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 4S 48 4S 4$ 43 43 48 48 48 4S 4S 43 43 48 43 48 48 48 48 44 43 48 4 43 IS 48 48 48 48 43 48 43 4S 43 43 48 48 43 43 4S 4S 48 IS 48 ........ ........ V7l 8wi SUne'l H nwU... S0V4 iiurli Sftti NeU- u.... NwU .... SwU SeU x.w SeU SwU Sw'i SeU ................ NwU SwU 814 n'U n'.A se'.i.... SV4 eU NwU SwU NH neU NeU SwU SeU N',4 neVi SwVi SeU SwU Xv.U XeU SeU NeU Nw'.i SeU Swy, .23 .23 .21 .23 n. 43 43 49 43 49 19 19 19 49 43 19 49 43 49 49 49 49 43 19 13 19 49 49 49 43 49 43 43 43 49 49 49 49 49 49 19 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 GO 50 CO 50 50 GO 50 50 50 50 CO CO 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 GO .50 CO 50 50 CO 50 GO GO 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Tax. 5.14 5.21 2.4S 2.S0 4.93 4.93 5.19 5.82 1.21 5.78 5.89 1.40 1.10 1.64 3.28 6.C0 3.C9 2.S0 2.80 2.S0 1.41) 14.SS 3.09 2.S0 10.75 2.S0 2.80 1.40 1.40 1.40 2.15 2.4S 1.9S 2.97 COO 1.20 1.03 1.01 4.21 3.30 1.63 l.M 3.30 3.30 2.S0 5. CO 4.00 2.30 13.26 3.30 7.57 2.80 1.41 6.49 3.30 3.30 2.80 1.20 2.30 4.21 1.41 2.80 24.77 0.27 2.80 2.30 1.13 2.91 1.05 1.05 1.05 2.10 1.73 2.30 4.60 2.76 7.30 2.54 2.80 .23 .20 .20 .27 .28 .23 .29 .29 no ) .33 .33 .34 DORSEY PIUCOINCT. Description. XwU XeU XwU Sec. 4 5 fi Tp. 27 27 27 27 27 R. 43 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 43 49 49 49 49 49 49 '49 49 43 19 49 49 49 49 49 43 49 49 49 49 49 50 60 60 60 50 50 CO 50 60 50 60 50 50 GO CO 50 CO 50 60 60 60 60 50 60 60 60 CO 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 60 60 60 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 17 . 18 . 18 . 18 . 18 . IS . IS . 18 . 18 . 18 . 18 . IS . 18 . 18 . 18 . 18 . 18 . 18 . 18 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 .19 . 19 . 19 . 10 . 19 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 20 . 21 . 21 . 21 . at . 21 . 21 . 21 . 21 NeU NwU 7 XeU 9 SeU 9 XeU 15 XeU 17 SeU 1 NwU IS SwU 18 XeU 19 NwU 19 XwU 21 SwU 21 Nu-li 22 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 2S 2S 28 28 28 2S 2S 28 2S 28 2S 28 28 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 SeU SwU S',4 swU i seU.... ,. 0 ..10 ,.15 .15 ,.18 .23 ,.21 ,.21 ..20 ..32 .. 1 . 1 ,. 1 O ','. a ,. 9 ,. 9 ,. 9 ,.10 ,.10 ,.10 ,.11 ,.11 ,.12 ,.12 ..IS ,.13 ..13 ..13 ..13 ..11 ..15 ..15 ..15 ..22 ..23 3 '.23 .24 ..13 So': Sni; WH SeU NwU V i NwU SwU SoU All NeU NwU SwU SeU NeVi NwU SwU XcU SeU SwU SeU ...... NeU XwU SwU SeU seU XH se'i swU se'.i... Se'l XeU NwU Sw'i SeU NwU SwU SeU SeU NwU SeU XwU NgU SwU ............. SwU NeU ............ SwU SoU SeU NwU VII..L.AOE OFHEM INGFORD. 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 2S 28 28 28 28 28 28 2S 23 23 .17 .18 ,.20 .21 .22 .22 22 .27 .34 n. 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 CI 51 51 61 51 51 51 51 5t 51 51 51 51 51 Tnx. 4.89 1.05 2.03 3.11 2.30 1.03 4.89 7.51 23.S0 20.56 3.53 3.53 4.76 2.30 2.30 1.18 3.68 31.96 1.65 1.C5 2.85 2.30 4.60 Iot. Hl!c. Am!. i 48 43 2.13 2.13 1 o 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 G G 5 5 6 r, r. o c i; o o r, o o o 4 5 r. 7 8 9 2.13 2.1b 4310 1S.11 1312 20,13 13.14 13 15 13 10 13,17 51 4.28 51 2.30 61 2.30 It 13 13 12 12 28.05 .93 3.90 12.93 15.90 10.80 3.51 8.83 6.73 3.53 3.63 1.78 3.53 7.00 3.53 5.40 7.0o 31.10 2.05 2.67 2.03 2.03 6.15 2.03 9.28 2.03 2.16 2.05 13 8 .. a .. 11 .. 12 .. V:. i .. i .. c .. 0 .. 7 .. 9 .. 10 .. It .. 12 .. 13 .. 14 .. 15 .. 16 .. 17 .. 18 .. 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 1 .. 13 13 7 7 7 S S 8 8 S 8 8 S 8 H 8 S 8 8 8 S 8 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 It 11 11 11 It 11 11 11 12 IS 1! 12 12 12 1! 12 12 V, 13 13 13 52 52 52 52 62 52 52 62 52 52 52 52 52 52 62 52 52 62 62 52 62 52 52 13 13 13 U 13 13 13 13 5 13 C 1.93 9 IS 10 13,11 13:12 1313 13,14 13,15 1316 1 ir 1? 46.2f 1.32 1? 1? 1? R. 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 17 47 47 17 17 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 Tax. 1.15 3.62 2.14 21.82 2.14 2.11 2.13 1.15 1.15 1.15 .9$ 2.20 1.15 2.00 1.1S 1.15 2.1Z 3.2S l.U 1.15 1.15 2.1 J 2.11 1.13 2.11 2.11 2.14 2.14 I.H 1.11 7.9 1M Vn: 3.S 8 .. 13 .. 14 .. 15 .. 16 .. 17 .. IS .. 19 .. 2u .. 21 .. 1.9 13 l. 13 13 1 131 i: It 1316 13 13 13 13 13 1.3 34110 26 l.M at is 311 9 .. 10 .. 13 .. 8 .. 3 .. ii 4 .. s .. 6 .. 33 la ll.TOl 7 1.87 8 36' 9 2610 7U 712 7 1 7 2 7 3 7 4 7 fi 7 fi ! I wl Wi tt r 4p f 4 4 ? 4f X ) 4 f 20 IS ie ........ If ;::::::s 47 47 . W . IB 47 47 47 MM :: 16 4 48 IS 4$ H 48 48 41 4S 4 4S 4H 48 4S IS 4S 4S 4f 4S 44 IS 4S 4S IS IS IS 4S 4S IS IS 4S 4H IS 4S 4S 48 IS 48 48 48 41 31 IS IS IS Soi WH neU sYi nwU . SwU i XcU NwVi SwU SfiVi NeU NwU f31 f rso', S',4 neVi nit soU... XwU NwU neU XwU SwU Se'.i S 9 l'l 11 12 13 II It 16 17 IS 1 n 20 20 ta r, 20 10 2.1 ! 20 20 27 27 27 Mi 1 31 31 34 31 31 .11 31 31 31 31 .13 .15 33 33 33 .V. 3J. 33 33 35 35 35 .IS .13 .15 35 35 33 30 30 30 36 30 30 13. 3 13l 4 13, I It! 6 13 IS I.8H 1 13 13 13 3. I 6 6 S '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 IS 1 o '.'.!'.'.'.'. 7 .. .... 8 11 12 1 13 13 27 13 13 13 9 13 10 13 11 1312 13 13 13 14 13 15 13 16 13 17 13 18 131 7 13 8 ll! 9 13 10 13 11 1312 .. 37 ...27 23 2S 2S 23 28 2S 2S 'MltlSHVI. ll.tS Lot 1 . nik. 32 32 LANDS INSIDE CORPORATION HEMINGFORl). Dcscrlntlon. Sro. 1'n It 'I'S s"4 T NwU seU 7 SwU se'J 7 Se'i wU 7 NeU nwU 17 NwU nwU 17 Sw4 nwU 17 SeU nwU 17 Sw'i 17 Part nwU IS 27 27 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 43 49 49 27 27 27 27 l.AU'N PRECINCT Description Tax. .1.08 .1.03 3.03 3.CS 31.16 3.0S 3.0S 2.53 21.Gt 3.0S 20.60 3.0S 3.08 3.08 5.81 3.08 1.81 1.81 1.81 NeVi SeVi Se'J SwU SeU Ne'i Nw'.', SeU Sw'i Ni NwU Nw', Xe'.i ,. Xw', NU; n w'i EV4 no',4 'i no", neVi .... Nw'i SeU NwVi Soy E'i swVi w',4 w.V 2.53 2.63 7.09 4.70 1.08 2.63 3.61 2.K! 2.53 5.00 4.70 7.09 2.31 1.69 1.69 1.69 7.97 1.59 1.69 1.69 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 3.19 1.69 3.08 3.03 8.63 8.63 5.81 .73 2.35 2.87 1.59 3.19 1.69 2.61 1.15 1.15 1.16 1.16 1.15 2.1J 1.70 1.70 4.26 1.15 1.15 2.13 1.16 2.78 1.63 7 7 7 7 7 SeU eU 20, neU wU ,21 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Gl CI 51 51 51 61 51 51 52 62 52 62 52 xrT.'.v "" il 11 ................ .i SwVi 22 SeU NwVi NwVi NwVi SwU NVi ., Sou NeU SeU , SwU NwV, SoU NVi SeU . SwVi NeVi W',4 . NeVi SwVi Sey . NwU Se'.i NeU NwVi BeVi NeU 8V4 .. XeU NwVi ,22 ,....25 32 33 33 .... 3 .... 3 .... 4 .... 8 .... 8 .... 9 .... 9 .... 9 ....10 ..'..10 ....11 ....11 ....11 ....13 ....13 ....14 ....14 ....14 ....15 ....15 ....17 ....17 27 27 62 27 52 52 62 52 62 52 52 62 52 52 62 62 62 62 52 62 52 62 52 62 52 62 62 62 62 52 62 62 62 62 62 52 52 62 62 62 52 62 62 62 62 52 62 62 62 62 52 52 62 62 62 62 52 52 62 62 62 52 62 62 62 52 52 52 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 SeU OCl , II NeVi 18 WV4 18 NwU 13 SwU 19 EV4 20 ..17 Nwt'. in HW ,...20 ...21 Hot! SWU 2: SeVi 2 NV4 BwVi n'4 seVi ? S',4 sw',i aV4 no'i 21 NV4 2 .22 ,20 ,27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 2.3 28 28 28 23 28 23 28 28 28 28 28 28 23 28 28 23 23 28 !8 NVI.5 .59 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10.01 25 NV4 SwVi NeU SwVi NeVi NwVi SwVi SeU NeVi XwU nwVi XV4 neVi noVi nwVi. SwVi XeU SeU ....30 ....30 ....31 ....31. 11M ....31 31 ....31 . ...33 .... 1 .... 2 13 13 OW( SW,4 u EV4 ne'i 7 SV4 swVi 8 EH nw'.i bw'.i 8 SeU 9 Vol! . 10 .10 SV4 nwVi iV4 nwU . SV4 swVi wV4 soU... XwU XV4 swU nVO xeU . ?. .::":;; ....10 ....10 ....11 ....26 ....20 ....31 ....31 ....31 ....33 ....35 ....35 7 7 7 20 26 9.90 2.64 20 20 26 20 26 '.'6 5.28 23 1.32 1.32 20 2.69 13 13 13 13 13 53.01 26 26 2G 20 26 M 20 13 13 1 3 13 13 11 13 13 IS 13.2(1 13 13 . 13 11 11.01 13 13 "I 12 3. IS 1.1 13 13 VtJ! nw',4 "Vi wt4- SeVf XwU SwVi Sw'i Se'.i 19 1.98 4.11 1.94 1..15 1.07 1.07 2.13 2.1.1 2.13 1.15 3.21 3.21 3.21 1.98 1.98 S.14 2.14 2.14 4.02 2,51 2.53 LSI 4.76 2.63 2.53 2.53 2.63 2.14 2.14 4.02 6.30 2.14 2.14 2.14 4.02 2.14 2.53 9.31 2.53 4.76 4.76 2.14 1.08 4.C5 4.02 1.08 2.14 2.14 2.14 1.28 4.76 2.51 2.53 2.53 4.2S 2.53 2.63 2.63 2.53 ec. TD. n. Tnx. o ? K1 .. rit SeU fi 27 61 8.82 SwU 7 27 61 2.53 NeU 10 27 61 2.53 Xw'i 10 27 51 2.63 SwU 10 27 61 2.5.1 SeU 10 27 61 2.53 NeU 11 27 CI 2.51 NwU II 27 61 2.63 Ne.', 12 .: 51 0.15 NwU IS 27 61 30.19 V'4 swy 18 27 51 29.47 XeU 19 27 61 - 1.81 XeU 22 27 61 1.81 SwU 2.1 27 61 3.29, S4 roU 23 27 51 1X5 NwU 24 27 51 3.29 S4 HWU 21 27 51 1.13 NeVi 25 27 61 1.81 -K 27 51 l.tS 27 27 51 8.63 28 27 51 9.67 2S 27 51 6.11 29 27 51 3.29 29 27 01 3,23 30 27 61 7.07. 31 27 61 12.83; 33 27 61 1.81' XI 27 CI .1.21? 34 27 61 3.29' 31 27 51 3.79i 33 27 51 1.81 1 28 61. .68 2 28 51 .58 2 28 51 6.30 2 28 61 68.47 G 28 47 7.07 14 28 61 1.70 15 2S 51 45.67 18 28 61 3.71 CORRECTIONS. The followlno should be stricken from the foregoing list, the taxes on the same having been paid after copy was sent to the printer. FIRST WARD, ORlOINAr, TOWN OF ALLIANCES, Lot 2. block 6. Lot 1. block 9. Lot 10, block 21. Lot 3, block 10. Lot 4. block 18. E'.4 lot 5, .block 18. SECOND WARD, ORIGINAL TOWN OF ALLIANCE. Lot 13, block 21. Lot 1, block 15. Lot 4. block 15. lot 10. block 15. Lot 11. block IS. Lot 13, block 10. Lot C, block 28. FIRST ADDITION TO ALLIANCE, SECOND WARD. I.ot 1. block 9. SECOND ADDITION TO ALLIANCE. FIRST WARD. Lot 4, block 3. . Lqt 1. block 6. ... j. , ( .. ..Lot 3. block C. ' " ' Lot 11, block . Lot 9. block 7. COUNTY ADDITION TO ALLIANCE, FIRST WA21D. Lot 17. , SECOND 'CqtlNTY ADDITIQN.'TO AL LIAXCE. FIRST W.?RD. Lot 1. block 1. SECOND COl'XTY ADDITION TO AL LIANCE, SECOND WARD. 8V lot 5. block G, lot G, block 6. Illock 14. !Vj block 13 Ni,I.KKl;U!) ADDITION TO ALLI ANCE IN LAKE PRECINCT. L"t 4. block 3. WYOMING AVENUE ADDITION TO ALLIANCE IN LAKE PR.KCINCT. Lot 11, block 1. Lot 4. block 2. Lot 8, block 4. Lot 9. block 4. LAND IN LAKE PRECINCT. W'4 Sec. 6. Top. 26, llnnce IS. Ni Sec. 7, Tit. 25. RnnRo IS. Sw'.i Sec, 7. Tp. 23, Ranee 48. NiU Sec. 4. Tl. 21, Run 48. NwVi Sec. 4, Tp. 21, Httiue 48. SwU Sec. 4, Tp. II, Rnnitn IS. NVi Sec. 9, Tp. 21. RnitKo 48. Xw'i Sec. 9. Tp. 24, lUnro 48. X'4 xe", it's nw' Sec. Is, Tp, XI, Rungo IS. NwVi Sec. 35. Tt. 24, Runtre 43. WRIUHT PRECJNCT. EV Sec. 1. Tp. 3S, limine 49. NV4 Scu. 2, Tp. 26. Rnnce 49. NV4 Sec. 11. Tp. 25. Ilaimc 19. NU Sec. 12, Tp. 23, RatiRC 49. Alt Sec. 19. Tp. 24, Rnnge 60. NVi Sec. 29. Tn. 24. Ranno 60. Sw'i Sec. 29, Tn. 31, RittiKO 50. V7i seU Sec. 29. Tp. 31. Raima 60. N'A Sec. 3a Tp. 24. Ranee 60. Ne'i neVi Sec. 31, Tp. 21, Rantso 60. X'i nwU See. 32. Tp. 21. P.atiKe 60. XV4 nwV4 Sec. 33, Tp. SI. RaiiKO 50. Ne'i Sec. til, Tp. 31, Unnfre 50. SwU Sec. 20. Tp. 21, Ultimo CO. NW neVi Src. 20, NVi nw'i Sec. 21, Tp. 21, UiuiRe 60. UOX lll'TTE PRECINCT. Sw'i Sec. 27. Tp. 27. HhiiK 47. HV4 Src. 20, Tp. 27. Ranee 47. Nw'i Sec. 20, T. 27, Itnnso 47. Sw'i See. 25. Tp. 27, limine 47. SoU Sec. 27, Tp. 27, RaiiRc 47. NeVi Sec 23, Tp. 27. Illume 47. NeU Sec. 9. Tn. 27, Ratice 47. NeU Sec. 21. Tp. 27. KAiipre 47. W',4 Sec. 1. Tp. 20, RatiKC 47. NwU Sec. 32. Tp. 20, Ranee 47. Ne'i Sec. 10, Tp. 27, RailKB 48. SeU Sec, 10. Tp. 27. RnnKe 4S. SNAKE CREEK. PRECINCT. Sw'.i Sec, 23. Tp. 23. ItmiKi' 62. N'4 Sec. 10. Tp. 21. Range 52. NV4 Sec. 14, Tp. 21, ItatiKo 51. SV4 nw'.i nVi ww'.i Sec. 15, Tp. 24, Range 51. S',4 hwU Sec. 15. Tp. 24. Rnnitn 61. NeVi Sec. 21, Tp. 24, Riiiiko 51. XV4 nw'i Sec. 22. Tp. 21. Rhuku Ct. Nw'.i Sec. 0, Tp. 21, Range 61. NON PA 11 E 1 1 1 PltECl NIT. 8E", See. 34. Tp. 20, ltaiiRO 49. SW', Sec. 33. Tp. 20, Range 49. NEU Sec. 29, Tp. 27, Hiuiro 43. W'4 Sec. 2S. Tp. 27. RaiiRp 49. SEU Sec. 29. Tit. 27, Range 49, NWU Sec. 36. Tp. 20. Range 43. WV4 Sec. 7. Tp. 20, Range 60. W'4 NWU Sec. 18, T. 26, Range 60. NWU See. 19. Tp. 20, llango 50. DORSEY PRECINCT. NWU Sec. (i, Tp. 28. lUingc 49. NEU Sec 5, Tp. 27, Ranpe 49. NWU Sec. 4, Tp. 27, Range 49. SWU Sec. 21. Tp. 27. Range 43. V'.4 Sec 32, Tp. 28. Range. 49. SW. Sec. 2, Tp. 27, RatiRo 60. NVW Sec. 2. Tp. 27. Rango 60. NEU Kc. 11. Tp. 11. Range. 50. SEU S(e. 11, Tp. 27. Ranee 60. RUNNING WATER PRECINCT. SWU Se.. 31. Tp. 23, Rango 48. LAWN PRECINCT. SEU Sec. 2. Tp. 27. Range 61. All Sec. 10. Tp. 27. Range 51. NVi Sec. V, Tp. 27. Rungo 51. 1 1 EM I NG FORD V I LL AG E. Lot 23, blk 11. Lot 1. blk 12. lyot 2, blk 12. LAND INSIDE OF CORPORATION OF HE.M1NGFORD. NEU SEU Sec. 7. Tp. 27. Rango 49. NWU SEU Sec. 7. Tp. 27. Range 49. SEVJ SEU Sec. 7. Tp. 27. Rango 49. SVy SEU Sec. 7. Tp. 27. Rango 49. L1I1ERTY PRECINCT. SEU Sec. 12. Tp. 20. Range 61. NEU Sec. 12. Tp. 26, Rango 51. NV4 NKU Sec. 13. Tp. 26, Rango 61. EV4 Sec. 21, Tp. 26, Range 51. 13 6.02 13 1,1 US 3ft 25 35 25 25 23 23 25 25 23 25 3ft 20 16 10 1G 10 16 ADD. Ami. OF Tnx. 1.18 1.13 1.25 .33 2.13 1.23 2.41 2.25 10.04 3.56 4.76 2.53 2.53 2.51 2.63 21.17 4.76 2.53 2.31 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.16 1.15' 2.33 3.51 2.33 2.38 1.15 4.77 1.15 1.15 1.74 4.73 1.16 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 2.31 2.33 2.3S 2.33 2.38 4.77 1.15 2.38 4.77 2.38 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.23 1.15 1.15 ni 2!3 4.77 2.38 3.'45 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 13.90 65.54 2.25 44.19 4.13 2.10 2.2B 1.14 3.11 3.79 5.66 .1.97 4.48 13.20 1.16 1.15 5.96 2.38 2.33 12.74 1.15 1.15 Truth is stranger than satire. Thcro was a genuine Mark Twain duel In Paris recently. One can nlways tell what time of year it is by looking nt the open, faced pumpkin pie. vSays the Memphis Scimitar, "Hoo ray, hooray, and likewise yip!" Yes, certainly. Boy or girl? It is Cupid's turn to laugh at Gen. Corbin. Most of us indulged in that diversiou somo time before. Mexico has n dynamite trust, but the courts down that way seem In clined to let well enough alone. John 1 4. Sullivan is once more on the water wagon. Nothing like keep Ing in accord with thu cttmpalgn. No one should Jump at the conclu nlon that allowing the milk of human kindness to sour is going to do any good. Mrs. Patrick Campbell says she ex pects to como to America "ever so often." Another farewell tour artist, apparently. A Chicago man who makes ghosts to order doubts very much whether spirits ever materialize, but he knows that dollars do. 'Undoubtedly the Lord hates a liar." says the Boston Herald. Isn't this open to argument? Ho may hnto tnc sin, but love the sinner. One of tho doctors lias found a scrum for the prevention of hay fever. This being the case, let tho poots como on with their golden rod poems. When a woman can got a divorce In twenty minutes, why should we bother our heads with Mr. Meredith's theories about a ten-year mnrriage? It is Dr. Gunsaulus who romarks that tho day of tho boy orator has gone. But thero is nothing in this Etatement to nrouso any deep regret Philistines who have noted the ath letic style of great pianists cannot bo persuaded that thero are usually only throe or four movements to each sonata. Jean Do Koitzko gets $30 an hour for music lessons. Perhaps if Pattl could do that sho might forogo tho sweot sorrow of saying good-by to Amorlcan audiences. A Kansas judgo holds that the courts offor no rocourse whon a dog bltos a stroot-cornor spollbindor. The corvlcos of poor dumb beasts novor aro properly appreciated. Rapt in His Art. Musician I toll you, ladles, wo art .'3ts cannot succood unloss wo give up our very souls to our art. Why, last wok I was so rapt in a composition that I was playing, that a thief stole the violin from under my chin and I never noticed It. NEWS IN REVENUE LAW IS SUSTAINED. Supreme Court Reverses Lower Tri bunal In Nemaha County. LINCOLN Tho rovonuo law enact ed by tho last legislature has again run tho supremo court gauntlet and como out unscathed. Tho court. In deciding tho Ncmnha county tax case, hold that tho section attacked wait constitutional and re versed tho decision of the lowor court and dismissed tho case. Church Howo nnd others secured an injunction in the Nemahu district court to provent tho county clerk from adding B per cont to tho valua tion of the county property as or dered by the state hoard of equal ization. In bringing the suit the con stitutionality of the section which provided thnt the state board must equalize between tho counties by adding or deducting n percentuni of tho valuation was attacked. The opinion hns not yet been written, though tho decision waa tho uiianl moil sverdlct of tho court. In the cubo of Pino nsnlnst Pino tho decision of the lower court was roversed. This was the enso wherein tho husband, though proving tho in fidelity of his wlfo, was refused a di vorce because ho was a non-rcsldent. The wlfo filed tho first suit for di vorce and this was refused here by tho lowur court. REPORT OF WARDEN DEci.lER. Tells What is Being Done at the Pen Itentlary. LINCOLN Warden Boomer hns Hi ed his monthly report with tho state board ot public lands and buildings concerning tho administration of tho penitentiary for tho month of Septem ber. Sixteen persons wore received nt tho penitentiary In September, fif teen wero discharged, two commuted, one escaped, two wero transferred to tho asylum, and ono wns paroled, re ducing tho number of men on hand September 30 from ."420, tho numbor on hand August 31, to I11C. Of theso 1C5 wore employed on full task by tho Leo Broom and Duster company, nlno on three-quarters task nnd twen-ty-ouo on half task. Orpheum Vaudeville Bill. OMAHA, Neb. For tho week com mencing Sunday, October 16th, the vaudovlllo bill at tho Orpheum will be varied and includes both New York nnd European favorltos. Tho headline feature will bo Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drow. They will present a now come dlctte. Fay and Clark will also havo a now success In tho Hkotch lino. Tho Three Ramonlers aro a recent Import ation from Europe of tho Orpheum Circuit compnny. Paul Barnes will havo an assortment of funny stories. Klein and Clifton aro a pair of lively dancers and swoet singers. Build Big Elevator. BEATRICE At a meotlng of the Farmers' Elevator company of Blue Springs t was deeded to build a now 20,000-bushol capacity elevator. The building will ho erected on tho east side of tho river from Blue Springs and will bo operated by gasoline power. Will Argue Boyd Case. LINCOLN Tho Boyd county land case will bo argued In tho supreme court October 18. Tho attorney gen oral la seoking to oust settlers from lands In Boyd county, supposed to be long to the school funds. Farmer Killed by the Cars. TILDES Mr. Hawkins died hero from injuries received two hours b'e fore, whon n wagon loaded with oats wh.lch ho was driving was struck by a spoclal train at tho depot crossing. Lteutenant Kavanagh Returns. TECUMSEH Mr. and Mrs. John Kavanagh of this city have received word thnt tholr son, Lieutenant Ar thur Kavanagh or the Unllted States navy, has reached San Francisco on a return trip from Chlua and within a week or ten days will return to his old home town for a visit. Lieutenant Kavanagh, who la a graduate of Ann apolis, has a brilliant service record. Ho stood on tho bridge of tho Olympla with Dewey during tho entire maneu vering of tho Manila bay engagement and was. In fact, second In command. Corn Looks Fine. LINCOLN O. E. Mickey camo down from Osceola to call on hlB father, tho governor. Ho brought with him a grlpful of cars of corn picked at random on ono of tho gov ernor's farms. Tho executive coun tenance assumed the Hemblanco of a smllo as the com was laid out In or derly array on his desk. "We have lots of corn llko that In Polk county," said tho goyornor. Great Corn and Cabbage. NEBRASKA CITY W. It. Cothern exhibited two cabbagos, one weighing twonty-throo uud three-fourths and the other twowty and ono-half pouuds. each grown near this city. William Matthows exhibited six oars of corn that moasuro eighteen and twenty rmvs around and olichtaon Inches In length. He picked tho oara from a nlnoty-'acro field of corn promiscu ously, whero he says that he tus plenty of ears to match thero. His corn is out of danger from frost, as is all of the corn south of the city. n NEBRASKA THE STATE AT LARQE. Two Grain elevators aro to bo ercct ed In Papllllon. In a runaway accident nt Beatrlco Mrs. John Ossowskl was' seriously If not fatally injured. Tho fruit yield Is something enor mous In Bownrd county this year. Peaches nro especially plentiful. Moro ponchos wero grown In Casa county this year than for twenty years past. Thoy aro of suporior quality and flavor nnd aro selling on the strootn of Plnttsmouth for 40 ccntB per bushel. Timothy L. Smith ot Lawrence, Kan., a largo property owner of Oago county, flnlshod sholllng corn on his farm thrco miles southeast of Ellis last week, from which ho rccolvod 8,000 bushels. A. J. Mooro of Vllllscn, la., has ar rived In Omaha and taken his placo as successor ot Albert O. Swift, post oinco Inspector, who waa transferred to tho Chicago division laBt week, after many years of service In Ne braska. A. Jess of South Omalfa was ar rested nt Chodron for selling liquor to the Indians, At first ho attempted to resist arrest, but finding officers not to bo fooled with, ho wont to Jail and Is now there, not being nblo to give a bond for $300, for which amount ho is bound over. At Grand Island F. Z. Brandt, Joo Blrdsong, nnd Joaoph Bailey wero sentenced to ono year In tho peni tentiary, having plead guilty In tho district court of burglary and L. Mc Cormlck to 0110 year for forgery. All wero caught In tho Bcvoral acta and no trial resulted. Upon tho complaint of Fred Mr llnay, n farmer living a tow miles west of Croto, Josoph Kulhanok, a neigh bor of Mcllnay's, was arrested charged with selling liquor on Sunday. Ho was brought before Justlco Fay, whero ho unexpectedly pleaded guilty and was fined $100 and costs, amounting to $5.75. Thoodoro Brush ot Cass county, has petltlonod tho district court for a de croo annulling his marriage to Mrs. Edna Brush. Tho couplo woro mar ried at Lincoln, Novombor C, 1900. Ho alleges that at tho time of the mar riage ho was only 17 yoars of age and Incapablo of contracting a valid mar riage with tho dcfondaiit A criminal assault was mado by a youth named Walter Klnglo, aged 1G, upon a woman of 55, named Mrs. Dana, near Crawford. Tho woman teaches school near Crow Butte, and tho boy had been carrying mall and doing chores for her for somo months. Ho tied her to tho floor and assaulted her. Ho Is bolng hunted for. Tho Burlington shops at Havolock will bo enlarged in tho spring and the present force wil bo increased by tho addition of ICO men. Tho machine and boiler shops will bo cnlargod. At tho present tlmo tho aro overcrowded. At this tlmo GOO men aro employed. Tho proposed incroaso In tho working force will bring sovcral hundred people to town. Nows of tho death of Hon. C, H. Gore of tho State Journal wob ro celved In Pawneo county with pro found Borrow. Mr. Gero was a resi dent ot that county and a stato repre sentative back in tho sixties. His father and mother, H. N. Goro and wife, and his brother, J. N. Gore, who waa Idled by tho Indians In 1870, all aro burled In Tablo Rock cemetery. Tho Infantry drill regulations adopt ed by tho United States army and which went Into effect September 10 In the regular army, will be adopted by Commandant Chaso at tho Univer sity of Nebraska, and tho style ot drill of tho university battalion will under go an almost complcto change. Drill at tho university has been dolayed a considerable time, awaiting tho arri val of the new regulations. t Tho beet liarvost is on In tho vicin ity of Sutherland. As yet it Is diffi cult to determine what tho average yield per aero will bo, but tho indi cations aro that It will bo between eight and ten tons. Tho boots are ot good qunllty and there aro few small ones. John Sheeny, aged 40 years, a la borer, was found dead In a box car at the Burlington dopot at Greenwood. Sheehy, with several companions, had consumed a keg of beer during the night. Thero is a story of a fall from tho car door, but no oxternal Injuries can bo discovered. Near Verdlgro, Knox county, while Lydla, Myrtle and Louie Groellng wero going to a danco, their team became unmanageable and ran away, demol ishing the carriage, cutting and bruls Ing the young peoplo In a horrlblo manner. Louie was thrown over a barbed wlro fence and his throat, legs, stomach and arms woro badly lacer ated. Lydla was thrown against a post or tree and It Is thought sho suf fered a slight fracture of the skull Myrtle was badly bruised, but was the least Injured ot tho three, Tho finest crpp of pears In Sarpy county are those raised by Adolph Peterson of Portal. The trees are woighted down with well developed and ripened fruit, Benjamin Poteet of Falls City some time ago brought suit against the Bur lington Railroad company for Jl.O'JS damages for backing up water on hl land by the grade, Tho company hai sottleo out of court by paying Mr Poteot tl.400. Another similar cass U now ponding In the dUtrlct court against the Burlington, brought bj Cliurlos Pribbono.