The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 14, 1904, Image 7

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S.v wW
Nothing is more interesting than the
manufacture of high grade lumber. We
buy only of the best manufacturers and
hence can assure you the best of every
thing in the line of liulldinz Material,
Forest Lumber Company.
;ii ?
-LIT -
C . ..i-js. W . .".!.. ,
For that small repairing1 we
have the fixings, Boards for
sidewalk laying-, fencing' and
the like, can be had from us
at reasonable price.
umber I
Coal Co.
Also agents for Nebr. Central Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22
In securing a car of implements, buggies,
wagons, etc., 1 am now able to quote
.. . . - t . n w...., i 11111 nun .luic IU IjUUiU
n&lfti fVs 'he celebrated Stoughton and
8lfcA Duere sPrin KS
builncws in connection with hK poMtlon ilk :m
..vviL.ui.Aiii-ia'.M'iitituveui uiib paper. j
Well sorted Early Ohio for storage pur
poses. Call at X. Frohnaphcl's. Big
General store.
Oct. 14-Ot. Raymond & Quivkv.
Wildy's new clothing has arrived.
Mrs. Ben Price is ill with a severe cold.
Mrs. L. Sampy is sick with rheumatism.
Sampy's bromo seed for sale at Wildy's.
Henry Brus was in Hemingford Tues
day. Wildy occupies Gooo square feet of store
Now top buggy for sale at a bargain.
Dr. Eikner was an Alliance visitor this
Louis Homrighousen was in Hemingford
C. J. Wildy has about completed his
potato cellar.
B. E. Johnson and Wm, I'osket went to
Alliance luesday.
E. S. Wildy was visiting relatives at
Scottsbluff recently.
Jou Urbanovskey has entered the cm
ploy of C. J. Wildy.
Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Connell were in
Hemingford Tuesday.
Mrs. Graves of Belvidere is the guest of
Mrs. Matt Beaumont.
Wildy received three cars of lumber and
two of coal this week.
II. L. Bushnell has been somewhat under
the weather this week.
Frank N'agleschneider went to Alliance
Monday to attend court.
Henry Von Bergen;.s little boy was
quite sick several days last week.
There are some very low rates to Eur
ope now. Inquire First State Bank.
Henry Winten and Andrew Tschachor
were in from Winten Wednesday.
Wildy's potato cellar nears completion
tnis week, wildy wants your potatoes.
Dentist Koons will be in Hemingford
October 21 and 22. Friday and Satur
day. Mrs. Patrick Kintsley was quite seriously
injured Sunday by being thrown from a
Everyone should be on the lookout for
the petty thieves who are" operating around
Mrs. Nellie McCrady came down from
the west to spend a few days visiting her
parents here.
On October 20, 21 and 22, Wildy will
have a car of choice winter apples at $1.00
per bushel out of car.
Dentistry. Dr. Koons the Alliance
dentist will be in Hemingford. Friday
ind Saturday, October 21 and 22.
Fred Davison mourns the loss of a fina
;overcoat feloniously abstracted from his
buggy last week during the Miss Garvin
J . .
.now is tne time to do your fall plowing.
Get one of the renowned Hancock disc
igang plows. They will plow where 'others
have to leave the field. For sale by A.
LLhrig. Oct. 14-2
Speaking about heating stoves. The
UJecKwith Kountl Oak and Coles Hot
ralast are the leading heaters in the world,
id while thev cost onlv n littln mnrw than
4 , ..... ...... w .......
!heir imitations, they will save their price
uel in one season. Call on A.
rng. 14.2
'Word came to town of an interesting dis-
Bssion between our genial roadmaster
Bad one of our farmers over old ties with
le farmer having the best of it. The
Lcompany ought to be ashamed to burn up
we old ties the way they do. They ought
;ive them to anyone who will haul them
and buggies, wagon boes. Universal
shoveling board, below any previous
prices, only while these last. Please call
and examine.- Anton Uhrijf. Oct. 14-2
Why not insure your farm buildings now
that winter is coming on ? I am anxious
to write your policy for you in a good sub
stantial company. You want to deal with
a home man on insurance for the reason
that about half the companies are offering
you policies the provisions of which you
won't like. Insure now. K. L. Pierce,
The time to insure your live stock is in
the fall of the year after you have sold off
and reduced your bunch. The insurance
I write covers your cattle at actual value
up to $30 a head. You insure what you
own now and you will be paid for all lost
by fire or lightning up to the face of your
policy at actual value, except when each
head is worth more than the limit. $jo.
K. I,. Pierce,
To the People. Trade at Frohnapfel's,
where you get the most for your money.
He has a new stock all the wav thromrti.
Remember, he has no brothers in St.
Louis to buy bankrupt aod (ire stocks.
Frohnapfol furnishes the potato trade with
good Hour, not an article shipped in for
that trade. Frohnapfel pays you for every
bushel of potatoes in your load, He will
also give you a dollar's worth for every
dollar purchase. Any bill you pay once
you never have to pay the second time.
I want your trade and will treat you right
and treat you so you will be glad to stay
with me. Norbert Frohnapfel.
Norbert Frohnapfel's store was burglar
ized Saturday ovenin and a couple of
suits, some caps and overcoats were missed
besides a quantity of cigars. It is thought
that the thieves are residents of this
vicinity for about so often there is a rob
bory of clothing here and the length of
time between the robberies corresponds to
the time it takes to wear out a suit of
clothes. There have been at least six nf
these robberies in the last three vears and
only one fellow has bsen caught and he
was sent up for another offense and is
doing time in Cheyeune now. If possible,
this gang, if there be one, which commits
these depredations should be broken up
and the leader punished. The same even
ing a dwelling was entered and some cash
found and taken.
A freight car jumped sideways while
running at break neck speed pnst the depot
and took out a bite of the depot platform.
Thiee well drills are in operation in this
vicinity and will likely be kept busy putting
down wells oj the many homemeads re
cently takn.
Elmer Squibb and Luther Clark hare
purchased a well drill. Thev are at tires-
ent drilling a wsll at Jewell's ranch on
boutli Table.
With a cattle inspector, a land insnuctor
and a liquor inspector nbrond in the land,
tilings will likely be run an ImsinoM
principles hereafter.
Mrs. Burleigh accompanied Mr. Burleigh
to Marsland last SiiniUv. The tMonlt
seem glad to have this worthy couple r
turned for another year.
John Furnsan returnetl from Omnha. lnm
Saturday where he had bn to market 50
steer. They averaged 1030 pounds and
old at $ j 95, which was a way up price for
K rawer.
Thoa. Betebmnior and family of Dead
man came down Sunday and were ac
compnnied by Bert Botelwnner and familv
who took 4 for Antioch. While here they
put up at the Commercial.
Mrs. Prettymnn and Miss lleam made a
tour of Pine Ridge last Snturdav. Thev
had as an escort that trustv driver Kov
Richey, who has made more trips over this
scenic route than any other loy of his age.
Mrs. Ingstroni and her sister Miss Saue.
went to Crawford last Saturday to attend
a social given by the Degree of Honor"
The latter was on the program for a solo.
They returned home Sunday and report a
splendid time.
We see by the Lincoln Daily Star, that
Lieutonnnt-Govcrnor McGilton has re
turned from a trip wust and tlmt ho has
visited all the important places along the
B. & M. Yes, he was in Marsland about
24 hours.
Judges :d Clerks of election.
Following is a complete list of names
of those who will act as judges nml
clerks of the voting precincts of Box
Bultc county at the coming election:
Alliance, First ward: Judges G.
W. Clark, C. C. Smith, 15. S. Cnvin.
Clerka Alex Muitliead, A. D. RoJgors.
Alliance. Second ward: Judges W.
II. Ashbaugli, A. M. D.ike, Charles
Snow. Clerks: Geo. Leidy, W. S.
Box Butte: Judges C. H. Uiitts::,
R. II. West. P. H. Znbol rinriM,
Chatles L. Wilson, John O'Mara.
Boyd: Judges W. G. Wnmbaiieh,
T. M. Lawler, William Bauer Clerks
N. M. Ilayce, Virgil Putman.
Dorsey: Judges A. M. Miller, taa.
Wliclan, A. H. Plaice. Clerks Mat
Beaumont, I). E. Johnson.
Lake: Judges L. M. Kennedy, G.
W. Jones, R. J. Boon. Clerks D.
W. Hughes.
Lawn: Judges A. H. McLangh-;
an, Jas. A. Bull, Clms A. Posvar.
Clerks Jos. Wane!:, Jas. PJanansky.
Libeity: Judges G. H. Clayton,
Henry Winten, Jos. Calm. Clerks:
David A. Pnul'W. C. Phillips.
Nonpareil: Judges Leonard
py, Thos. Green, Willhun Jowctt.
Clerks Fred Abley, O. D. Rouse.
Ruuningwater: Judges John Pot
mesil, Daniel Meyers, Barney Halbur.
Clerks. T. L. Hopkins, William Io
dence. Snake Cieek: Judges John Sever
son, John yildy, John Htiriiw. Clerks
Al. L. Kennedy. Jos. Nernrl. lr
Wright: Judges Valentine Wright
l- ranees McCoy, Allon Wright. Clerks
W. J. Johnson, John Pierson.
Henry Shimek shipped cattle to South
Omaha last Tuesday.
A. McLaughlin and Bert Furman came
in on 41 last Tuosday.
C. II. Richey is out on a two weeks
drive with a traveling man.
L. Snow received a large invoice of
pressed tinware last Monday.
Everybody has got their threshing done.
1 lie yield was good and quality line.
James Wilson was, in town Saturday
with another load of fine dry wood.
True Miller, the father of the "stamp
act," was in from the ranch the other day.
Byors & Zimmerman received a car load
of that excellent Lexington Hour Inst Mon
Mr. Hoy, the grocervman. is making his
fall visit in this valley taking orders from
Miss Mary Ilickey, who teaches in the
Poole district, made a visit to the home
folks Saturday.
Potato digging is the order of the day in
this valley, The yield is a little light, but
the quality is fine.
Charles Bacon (the Col. Waynj of the
Marsland Dramatic Co.) has gone to old
Missouri to shuck corn.
For Fine Boot and Shoe
call ox
Also has in stock a new line of GENTS'
SHOES of the best manufacture and at
prices that will suit. Call and examine
the stock before you buy and you will
save money.
At R. Madsen's old stand, first
door south of Cigar Factory.
I loafing.
Steam and hot water
Lighting Plnnt Cholines Hands.
A deal wns consummated last Tues
day evening wheirhy W. D. Ruiner
disposed of the clccttic light plant to
Messrs. J. I). Lawrence of Dead wood
find R. J. Walker of Denver. Mr.
Litwience wna in th city and closed
the transaction with Mr. Rtimer Rtul
the new firm will, assume charge of
the business toiuo. row. Thuy state
the plant will bv kept in the Iwwt condi
tion and first-class son-ice guaranteed
the patrons of the concern. If the do
inRtul justifies, more ninchinory and an
increased capacity will h iustnlled.
The new owners come to Alliance
highly recommended and we haw
overy reason to feel proud of their ac
quisition to our business circle. Mr.
Ruiner 111 retiring will tecoive the con
gratulations of all in his efferts to give
to the iMSople of Alliance a lighting
plnnt that required no small undfirtak
ing and money.
District Court.
Disttict couit convened al the court
house last Monday, Judge Wealover
presiding. J. D. Scott, reporter, put in
appoai unco the next morning, and the
judicial mill is in operation since.
The firat day was ungnged in the as
aignnicnt of the dockot comprising some
fifty cases. Aside from the Worlnv.
Thompson nssault action, the docket
contained little of general interest.
The following divorces were uranted
at this toim of couit: Mary Taiblo
from Ray Tnrblc, cause, adultery.
The plaintiff to assume her maiden
name of Mary Smith. Josie Winis,
coloied, was permitted to separate
from her spoiiBo, James Winis, also
colored, on the giotind of dosottion.
Abandonment w.-ta llw urrm,ii i...t
gave E. L. Everett cause for separation
from his wife Myille. Doha Lewis
was also granted a decree nullifying
her niairiugo with her husband Clar
ence who had already led a fair ladv
to Ileyinan's altar.
Tuesday morning the Worloy. Thomp
son case was called and trial hod by
jury. 'J he slate was represented bv
County Attorney Mitchell, M. F. Har-
rington and W. 11. Fanning. Defense
ly R. C. Noloman and B. F. Gilmau.
The facts in this case are so well known
to the people that a review of the same
at this time would seem aupcrflous.
Brit-fly stated, the plaintiff, Mrs. Wor
ley, was attacked one day on the
praiiie by some one whom, it is alleged,
thiew a lasso over the wheels of the
huygy in which she was tiding. The
vehicle was overturned and the plaintiff
beriously injured. A warrant was sworn
out charging Gene Thompson, a neigh
bor, with the act. Tuesday and Wednes
day were takon up with testimony and
arguments and the case went to the
jury late in the evening. After five
or six hours' deliberation, the jury re
turned a verdict in favor of the defendant.
1 be case ot Nathan Taylor vs R
D. Hessoy was one in which Taylor
sued for S140 alleging this amount due
him for labor. The jury returned a
verdict today allowing plaintiff the sum
The case of Rockey vs Vaughn,
which grow out of a dispute over a pota
to deal, is now occupying the attention
of the court and will go to the jury this
Thore will be one more jury (rial,
that of Johns & Sandy vs Reed, which
will probably go to trial tomorrow.
Court will adjourn tomorrow.
All persons are hereby warned that
no hunting will bo allowod on my
liremieos. John Hundrksok.
lMTTnin,aTMewaarTnariaiaeeeai 11
First Door South International Harvester
Company's Office
limy; i
w -OU I! I XtilxJUKJ
Boiling Meat 5 and 6
Ulh Roast
Chock Steak -Round
Steak -
Loin Steak
8 els.
7 cts.
! 0 cts.
1 0 cts.
12k cts.
M . iYhe.n y?u are chopping call at the People's
Aleat Market for your meat or telephone and your
order will be delivered nrnmnHw nf... .,,.. ...m
always be found the best. nnt Hip .... ..,wi
speak for themselves.
honti -7- E- n. SIMPSON, Proprietor.
Official publication of the Count)'.
Largest Circulation of any Alli
ance paper visits nearly every
homo in the county.
Ve do not say that The Herald
is the only good paper ill Alliance
but the fact that it has nearly, twice
the circulation of any other is evi
dence that The Herald leads.
Prints all the news that's worth
printing. The Herald can be had a
whole year for the small sum Si. 50
Hie J
Alliaitco I
Mil )
Is One of the Most Up-to-l)ate Dru-r
Stores in Nebraska
Prescriptions Carefully JB.
Compounded s &
watxnes and Uairnonds.'
Pine Watch Repairing
a Specialty, K "A" -
proprietor. Alliance, Nebraska.
--- -.
--------- -- -., ,
The Price of a Heating Stove
Doosn t cut much ,ce-if the stove will save you one half your
con bills. I hat in exactly what our bdat heaters will do
And the prices of these stoves are low too, At the hcoed of out
line of heating stoves are
Then we havo a largo line of cheaper heatcrs-ou uill alf0
find the largest ami best line of Steel Kan -Can ltiifM
and Cast Cook Stoves at Irresistable Piice -"Nff SmV
Call and see them at
- --!-"--.-- (, i, 4.
-- !.. .v- ... . ,,,
. I.'MWWI.,MM4
Nebraska Hide and
Leather. Co
j Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, J
Cow and Horse Hide Robes, M
1 LeatheranflS;irlUi, hf'.,,.,t.,.L
...j, .uuiHYUlC
I Wit) s
'Phone, No. 35G. ALLIANCE, NEB.
Moving Household furniture
and Trunks a specialty -. ,
Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance.
John Kay was down from Linton rnnrh
last Friday and broucht to this mari.- k
J fattest dressed beef we ever saw.
Wm. James,
Sheriffs Sale.
Hr virtue ufHiinNk-r of Hbta issued by t tin
elurk or tliodUtrlut .ourtof lio lluttocoun
ty, elir.(skii. 1111011 a dwrw romlerml by salil
T,.i.ii" ,uVlr ot, 1,1U. .'-'lUltablo Lain Co.,
Iilulntlff. and Bguliist Iluinny ;Mc;lo, an
JuMsiililiioMcCNlMiliiswifu.aiiil It. . IlallHrd,
V?"""'""' , ,"' ' ""it on 1110 istli day or
acivmiiiIm.i a 11 ... 1.. 1. .. . y
wild dj. at the wett front dwjrnf tlioeiuit
iioiue in Alliance In said county, m-11 tii
loilowliitfiloM'rllHHl roitl tvnla.u 10 wit:
DI.MlllL'1. .r. Iillfji. .-i... ,r. .u... ., u ..
Ill llox IJutto comity. NubptauH. Ht nubile
anctloji to tlin liUI,.t bidder for lUsli. 10 st
Uuy will ordior Mtlf .In tbomini of tkAMi and
liitcrntt, coi, and accr InxcoKis taxal &U.IX
Miblti't to ult unpaid iu. ika ItEKIi
,,. r. ,. Hlmii, , sild Oouut,
Attorney for Plaint I l. p J Oct.
Nebraska City. Nebraska.
rsTGTWOlV H,r.rviV'Trir-.
Appoliitintnt of AdmlnlNtnitor.
Stat of Nobrtihkn, ;
Ib Hnttot'ointy
of the UktMtv of l)orxy It,
Slav Aultz. iiraylnir tlmt wlmlnistriition nf
In tbt) matier
Dealer in
ISo. 5.
i2? WA."'.0...!'"."!"?" .. w
u.T.i, ... i"-"1 '"' Kuiuiiiisiniuon ;
twid uttt) mar busntnti'd inlmr ...i,i
...wwiinwi. umfAMtH)
HartfoMl Plio Coniimny.
North American of 1'lillndulplila.
l'!ioiilx of Hbxiklyn. New York.
ContlneiiUI lif New York Olty.
NlufrHi-a Uro Insiimiico Cuiniwtny.
Now York ITudurwrlter, New York.
CoininurclBl Union AsMimnco Co., rxjndon
Liverpool. London uud Olobe Ins. Co,
arinn;i Amorican Ins. Co., New York.
l'Mrmuo, and MerclmntM In. Co , Lincoln.
Columbia Mre Iiihurance Company.
I'lillKriulpliU Undornrlters.
JMipenlx Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.
Office t'p-SiniiH,
i'lctclicr lllock.
Alliance, Nebraska.
Ordwsj.1 that October W. A. I). 1001, at S
o c.k p. in., in akiilKI,is for hearinvr wifd po
titlun, wlimi all peraona luluroale,l in kuUI
iMttiTinay npiar at a county court to bo
uhlM" aml r"1' "'' ". il aliow ohumj
.VJ,,1'!? ,'rH1J.,'1- ul I'etltionor bbould not I
MIil petition and the heartu tbert-of. Iwahen
i,i?ii ,!vr')",, l"U.ruhtd In bald nmttor liy
''"Wy'uKiivoiiyort his order In Tm: Am.i
Mid J. l.mA .'lt 'i ,VuoUi' uwiHi.i.r printel In
u, liTIZZ'0 weeks ,,rlor
Datod Oct. 7, llOI
(Atruo cop,-.)" K- S,'AC,,T' UoU,"J' J,,J8'
Is m-1 fpOot. 7
Buv at wholesale, "rr.v" mni.:,, ...
35 cents per yard, others sell it at 50 cents
l"" 7'u sjcu Lariiog.
Dray and Transfer Line.
abOUt Win n rln .Jlt. TT II .. V. .'
a. A. Miller will nk-n rhnr t .i,. .. ., .
n a nice dry and cool place and pack and sbic
uijniicii. a ri iroiiD rairnnitKiA
-- . mu)lvj fMflauiiauin.
Phone 139.
... ... ?awawvw& UCSDC
The only spring dray line in the city
S. A. Miller.
Palace Livery Barn
.S. II. DESCII, 3?roj.
THMm01' Gd tUr"0Ut3' st attention to our busineS9,
. .-n. unsuk . . and courteous treatment to all has won for us the
in IMH.NQ. 'Phone 72 excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us.