The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 14, 1904, Image 3

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i AS
Dr. Lapponl Uses Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills In His Practice Because Re
sults Meet His Expectations.,
Dr. Lnpponl, tho famous physician
to tho Vatlcnn, whoso name ImB re
cently como so greatly to tho front
on account of his unremitting atten
tion to His Holiness, the late Popo
Leo XIII., and tho high esteem and
confidence with which he is regurded
by tho present Pope, His Holiness,
Flux X., Ib a man of commanding
genius. He is more than a mere man
of Bclencoj ho is a man of original
and independent mind. Untrammeled
by the "etiquette" of the medical pro
fession, and having used Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Palo People in his prac
tice with good results, ho freely avows
the facts and endorses the value of
this remedy with an authority which
no one will venture to question.
Dr. Lapponl'a Letter.
"1 certify that I have used Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills in four cases
of tho simplo anemia of develop
ment. After a few weeks of treat
ment, the result came fully up to
my expectations. For that reason
1 shall not fall in tho future to
extend the uso of this laudable
preparation not only in tho treat
ment of other forms of the cate
gory of anemia or chlorosis, but
also in cases of neurasthenia and
the like." (Signed)
Via del Gracchi 332, Rome.
Tho "simple anemia of develop
ment" referred to by Dr. Lapponl is,
of course, that tired, languid condition
of young girls, whose development
to womanhood is tardy and whose
health at that period is so often Im
periled. His opinion of the value of
Dr. WilllamB' Pink Pills for Pale Peo
ple at that time is of the highest sci
entific authority and it confirms the
many published cases in which anemia
nnd other diseases of tho blood, as
well as nervous diseases, such as ner
vous prostration, neuralgia, St. Vitus'
dance, paralysis and locomotor ataxia
have been cured by these pills. They
nre commended to the public for their
efficiency In making new blood and
strengthening weak nerves. After
such an endorsement they will be ac
cepted by tho medical and bclentil'.c
world at their full value.
Colored "Auntie's" Claim Tiat Was
Almost the Limit.
In tho tlnys of Itanium, nn old
"auntlo" lived In East Tennessee who
wns reputed to be of gront age. LIko
all of her kind rIiu was extremely
proud of tho dlKtlnrtIn, and never
underestimated her age in tho least.
She had outgrown thnt weakness de
cades past.
Barnum heard of her, and conclud
ing that if sho was as old as rumor
made her sho would bo n vnluablo ac
quisition to his show, ho sent an agent
down to mako an investigation. Sho
caught tho direction of tho wind very
promptly, and wbb prepared for any
test question that might bo asked.
Gradually the agent led up to the
crucial Interrogatory, and at last
"Aunty, do you remember George
"Doqa I recomember George Wash
ington? W'y lawsn-massy. Mlstub, I
reckon I does. I orter, ortent I? For
I done missed lilm. Wo played to
gether cvy day when he wns a H'l
"Well, do you remember anything
about tho Revolutionary war?"
"G'way, chile! Yes, Indeed I docs.
Honey. I stood dnr lots er times, an
seed do bullets tlyln around', thick
er'n rain drops."
"Yes well, how about the fall of
the Roman empire? Do you recollect
anything ubout that?"
"The old woman took a good, long
breath. In fact, It amounted to a
sigh. She reflected for a few mo
ments, and said:
"Do fact Is, Honey, I was purty
young den, an' I doesn't have n very
extinct recommembrnnco 'bout dnt;
but I does 'member, now dat you
speaks of hit, dat I did hcah de white
folks tell about hearing' some'pn
A warohouso In Paris has been built
with glass floors.
Magnificent Crops for 1904.
Wl JVL4UP Vestern Canaaa'c
wnont crop tli3
Year Will be 60,-
000,000 Bushels,
and Wheat at Proo
ent Is Worth SI. 00 a
The Oat and Barley Crop Will Alio Yield Abundantly.
Splendid prices for oil fclnds of grain, eattln
ami other furm produce for the erovrlni; of
which tho climate is unsurpassed.
About 1W,000 Americans have settled In West
cm Canada during the past three years.
Thousands of free homesteads of 160 acre
raeli still available in the best agricultural UN
iricts. It has been said that the United States will
bo forced to Import wheat within a very few
j cars. Secure a farm In Canada nnd become
one of those v, ho w ill produce it.
Apply for Information to Superintendent of
Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to authorized
Canadian Uovernment AKentV. V. Bennett,
601 New York Life Building, Omaha, Neb.
7 U
YOU Wlbb riNBr
The but materia' billed twrlnen uH
uity-ieven veto Mperienoe hc rude
TOWER'S ilidm 0ti end ttsti
fcrvxii tte world cwr Th are rcjJein
Nsa or jtirowior til nno cr mi war.
trd every oarnent kirrottc 3IGN Cr
inc run uaarareewwoue ja
bfocticn. All (d&lkitiStn itll then
TOiftl CMtflAH (O.Ui.-teiT0C0flIO. OH
Try a Smile.
If the world will not bu conquered by n
f row ii,
Try a smile;
If your weeping will not ralne you when
you ro uown.
Try a smile.
If n stolid countenance
Will not help your cause advance,
Tliuw u bit and take n clmnce
Try a smile.
If a scowl don't make your neighborhood
respect you,
Try a smile;
If nn ovotlnstlnic grumble don't protect
Try n smile.
Dash away that childish tenr.
Chock thnt sob. it's bad to hear;
Spread your mouth from ear to ear
Try a Millie.
If you've hnd to let some stronger fellow
beat you,
Try a smile;
Let him know it takes two lickings
to defeat jou
Try a smile.
Mnkc lilm clearly understand
You don't bear the coward's brand;
Make lilm show his strongest hand
Try a smile.
If they've told you you nre going to the
Try tt smile:
Don't go cutting any desperation didoes.
i rv a sinue.
When you've been so knocked about
Thnt you're nearly down and out.
And are frclirdiiled for a pout,
Try a smile.
If your very utmost efforts didn't work,
Trv " smile;
Tlioupli vou feel that it must be n sickly
Try a smile.
Show the world that you can do It;
Send a glgglo gurgling through It;
Don't go get a rag" and chew It
Try a smile.
Baltimore American.
Why Diamonds Increase In Price.
"Diamonds aro very high now, and
they aro apt to go higher still," said
Mr. Irving L. Russell.
"Within the last two years the In
crease in the cost of diamonds has
not been less than 40 per cent. The
big South African company that virtu
ally controls tho diamond situation of
tho world claims that tho ground
which holds tho stones is gradually
giving out, and that with the end of
production in sight tho advance in
price is natural and legitimate. Wheth
er this claim is founded on fact, or
whether it is an excuse for curtailing
tho output, no one outside of tho com
pany knows. Anyway, it is a wise
policy for owners of really valuable
Rcni to hold them, as tho tendency Is
constantly toward appreciation In values.-'
Washington Post.
A Crop of 00,000,000 Eushcls of Whest
Will De the Record of 1901.
The results of tho lurching In
Western Canada nre not yet con.plct
cd. but from information nt hand, It Is
safe to say that tho average per acre
will be reasonably high, and a fair
estimate will place tho total yield of
wheat at 60.000,000 bushels. At pres
ent prices this will add to tho wealth
of the farmers nearly 500,000,000.
Then think of tho immense yield of
oats and barley, and tho largo herds
of cattle, for all of which good prices
will be paid.
Tho following official telogram wns
sent by Honorable Clifford Slfton. Min
ister of the Iuterior, to Lord Strath
cona, High Commissioner for Can
ada: "Am now able to state definitely
that under conditions of unuMial diffi
culty In Northwust n fair acrage crop
of wheat of good quality has been
reaped and Is now securo from sub
stantial damage. The reports of in
jury by frost and rust were grossly
exaggerated. Tho wheat of Manitoba
and Northwest Territories will aggre
gate from flfty-fhc to sixty million
bushels. The quality Is good nnd the
price Is ranging around one dollar
per bushel."
Frank II. Spearman. In tho Satur
day Kvenlng Post, says:
"When our first transcontinental
railroad was built, learned men at
tempted by Isotherraan demonstration
to prove that wheat could not profit
ably be grown north of where tho line
was projected; but tho real granary
of the world lies up to 300 miles north
of the Canadian Pacific railroad, and
the day is not definitely distant when
tho United States will knock at the
doors of Canada for its bread. Rail
road men see such a day; it mny bo
hoped that statesmen also will seo It,
and arrange their reciprocities while
they may do so gracefully. Americans
already have swarmed Into that far
country nnd to a degree have taken
the American wheat field with them.
Despite the fact that for years a little
Dakota station on the St. Paul road
Eureka held tho distinction of being
the largest primary grain market In
the world, the Dakotas and Minnesota
will one day yield their palm to Sas
katchewan" The bays of Cuba aro alive with
Ssh, but there Is no fish Industry.
One Letter Makes Differncce.
Tin re is one letter In the miming"
ceremony tho substituting of which
by another would induce thousands to
ninrr.c who aro now single, and would
Blw a license for unfnlthlulucsfl to
thousands who ar married. Which
Is tho letter? The letter "V." If you
could substitute tho lottor "It" joti
ntler "So long as ye both shall live,"
Into "So long as ye both shall like."
You lienor hear nny one complain
about Dellanue Stuieh." Theto Is noil"
to tenia! It In quality and quantity. 1C
ounces. 10 cents. Tty It now and kuo
your money.
Guile In United Kingdom.
Roforo tho elllfast Natural History
society Mr. J. Drown gnvo reasons for
conclud'ng that there aro 12,000,000
gulls In tho United Kingdom, and that
dining the herring season each bird
destrayed 1200 fry a day. or 1 12.000 dur
ing the two months of the season.
These, If they had como to maturity,
would have boon worth 24,000,000
Ixindon Feathered Life.
kjT.f. -TyJ Ml J
Defiance Starch Is guaranteed big
Rest and best or money lofumied. 1C
ounces, 10 cents. Try It now.
Weary Repetition.
No sooner does ono generation got
through with Its Utile pait upon tho
earth when another comes along, do
ing, thinking nnd acting tho snmo
things, indeed It's a mighty hand
from an oxhnuEtless urn that pours
forth Iho never-ending flood of years.
Dyspepsia Tormented JUe for Trnra. Dr.
IHtlrfkeiinrdy'ii rorltKinrdyciird in.'' Mrt.O.
. PoutbMj, Mlllilllt.N.J. U.drS9jtan. ll0.
Rarest U. 3. Coin.
The rarest coin In tho United States
Is not, as many suppose, the silver
dollar of 1804, but the double eaglo of
1S4!). nf which thero Is only ono In
existence, and that belongs to tho cab
inet of tho United States mint It
can not be bought.
LT-f .1
y vv
C r. '55
S l fJw
(r VWXl
EITC permanently cured. NefltnornertraiiieMartee
r 1 1 d flnt day'i u of l)r. KIlneM Urrat Nrrto Hritor
r. Stmt for FHKtS H.OO dial bottle and ".
Dfc U. II. KL1, LW., Wt Area Street, l'oujulclplitft, 1"
Every housekeeper snould know
'.hat if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time, because It
jever sticks to tho Iron, but becauso
;acii package conlnlns 1C oz. one lull
jound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up In 5i-pound pack
iges, and tho price Is tho same. 10
:ents. Then again because Defiance
Starch Is free from all Injurious ohem-
oals. If your grocer tries to sell you j
i 12-oz. package it is becauso he has
x stock on hand which he wishes to
jlspose of before ho puts in Defiance,
lie knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package In largo lot
:ers and figures "10 ozs." Demand
Defiance and save much time and
money and the annoyance of the iron
sticking. Defiance never sticks.
Tragedies of Love and Life.
Tho end or love Is a tragedy, just
llko tho end of life. Doth aro Tacts
In nature, nnd must bo accepted In
the same spirit. A person Is no more
to bo blamed when his lovo dies than
when his body dies. New York
Mr. "Wlnilown Rootlilng Syrnp.
Pnrrtillilren teelhlait, oftnm tliKnmi, reilurr In
Eramlluu, ! ;Iq, cure wind collk. SSc tnittle.
Women Not Wanted.
Ono of tho curious social laws of
Peru forbids women to attend funerals
and they do not appear at weddings
(except as ono of tho principals), un
less they are very Intimate friends of
tho contracting parties.
In fifty years suicide has Increased
in Great Urltaln by 200 per cent.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully erery bottle of CASTOTtlA,
a ttfe uud sure remedy for Infanta arid children,
and eo that It
" r Qi&syffi&&&M
Beart the
In Ueo For Over UO Year.
Tho lilud You Have Always liougkt.
Murlno Kyo Remedy cures soro eyes,
makes weak oycsstioug. All druggists, SOci.
They're Little, but O My!
Tho brain of Taguchl, the Japanese
anntomlst, weighed 1.520 grams, and It
stands ,.0th on the list or brain weights
of men distinguished In the profes
sions, arts and sciences.
I am Mire PUo's Cure for Consumption butrd
my llfo three years ubo.-JIus. Thos.,
Slajde Stieet, Noiwlch, N. Y . Feb. 17, WOO.
It Is possible to get a Turkish batlr
for 5 cents In New York.
vj .'. . ' . -...AN .....' r" .V
-- eij. - ., 1B1B1B1B1BB t
Mrs. Anderson, a snrip.rvW
. . "t - ------- -.w ....
.woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of.
(Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed
her signature to the following letter, praises
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
" Deati Mns. Pinkham : There aro but fow wives and mothers who
have not at times endured agonies and ouch pain as only women know.
I wish such women know tho valno o Iiydla E. Plnlcliain's Vcgrctablo
Compound. It is a remarkable medicine, diilorent in action from any
I ever knew and thoroughly reliable.
MI havo Been cases where women doctored for yearo without perma
nent benefit, who were cured in less than threo months after taking your
Vegetable Compound, Avhilo others who wero chronlo and incnrablo
came out cured, happy, and in icrfect health after a thorough treatment
with this medicine. I havo nover used it myself without gaining great
l)cnoilt. A few doses restores my strength and appotite, and tones up
the entire system. Your mediciuo has bpen tried and found true, heneo
I fully endorse it." Una. R. A. Andkkso:,, 2'J5 Washington St, Jack
sonville, Flo.
Mrs. Kecd, 2-125 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, Pft.f snys:
"DnAn Mns. Pinkiiam: I feel it my duty
to write and tell you tho good I havo received
from Lydla E. Plnkliam's Vcgctablo Com
"I havo been a great sufferer with femalo
trouble, trying different doctors nnd medicincu
wun no DcneiiL. two years ago I went under
on operation, and it left mo in a very weak
condition. I had stomach trouble, backache.
headache, palpitation of tho heart, mid was vory.
nervous; m ntcr, i aciica an over. Ji mid.1
yours is tno only medicine that reaches
tttiAli inmtmnn il tinll UimMtitllM u.
ty duwu nuuuira, iiitu uuum ucuiiuu; i;y
ommonu lyuia l'J.X'inuiianrs vegetable)
Compound to all suffering women."
When women nre trouble d vrlth Irregular or palnfnl menstruation, weak
ness, leueorrheca, displacement or ulceration of tho womb, that bearing-down
feeling, inflaminatlon of tho ovurles, backache, flatulence, general debility,
indigestion, and nwvous prostration, thev should rcmcmljcr tllt'ro In ono tried
and true remedy. Lydlu E. Plnkliam's Vegetable Compound at oco
removes such troubles.
Tho experience and testimony of somo of the most noted
women of America ro to prove, beyond u question, that Lydia E.
Plnkliam's Vegetable Compound will correct nil such trouble nti
onco by removing tho cuitso nnd restoring tho organs to a healthy
nnd normnl condition. If in doubt, writo Mrs. Pinkhnm at Lynn,
Mass, us thousands do. Her advico is frco and helpful.
London consumes 2 000 tons of lea
Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers pay they don't keep
Detlunce Starch. This Is because they
have a stock on band of other brands
containing only 12 oz. In a package,
whU'hth oy won't be able to sell first,
because Defiance contains 16 oz. for
the same money.
Do you want 10 oz Instead of 12 oz.
for same money? Then buy Defiance
Starcli. Jtequlieu no cooking.
Strawberry and
Vegetable Dealers
The Passenger Department of tho Illinois
Central Uallroacl Company have rccenUy IsMicd
n publication known Uk Circular No. 12, in which
it described the
best territory in this country
lor tho growtnK of early strawberries and early
eK'etablcs. Uvery dealer in such products
Khould address a postal card to tho undersigned
ntpubuquo, Iowa, rcquestlnc a copy of
Circular No.' 127' '
J. F. MEKHY, Asst. Gen'l Pass'r Acent
Mustang Liniment
GOXW3 Sprains and Strains.
5t Clfcar better Quality thin most 10! Cigars
Your Jobber or direct from r"ctorj Peoria. IP
A well-known Ualtlmoro society
man was recently upending a few
clays with his wife at Atlnntic City,
nnd In connection with his visit ho
tells tho following story: When ho
seated himself In the dining room on
the evening of his arrival ho discov
ered that he could not read the menu,
as ho had left his glasses In his room,
and his eyes were useless without
them. When ho passed It to his wlfo
sho exclaimed that sho was In the
same predicament. At a loss to know
what to do, tho gentleman called the
waiter to him, and, pointing to the
menu, said:
"Read that to me nnd I will give
you a dollar."
Quick as a flash the waiter replied-
" 'Sctifio mo boss, but I ain't had
much ejlcatlon maself!"
Fortune i In little crd
ene. Ktilljr grown
everywhere, belli la
American market at
6" to 812 per lb ; cotttto gruwlett than II. Die
Oemandi root ud eeed f-ir palei booklet freej write
inity OZAKH OIMBENO CO., Deft. B, Joplis, Ha.
HiHtS nntHt AIL Uit i Wlb. UjM
Beet Cough Syrup. Taitea Good. UM Rl
In time. Hold by drorclita. 11
ljjaBr21 ( Hh llVl.k J rATVTS
A Commodore's 7lp.
Commodore E. C. Benedict and his
Wall street friend, L. D. Huntington,
were fishing together recently when a
casual acquaintance in another boat
who thought It n golden opportunity
to get n valuable tip maneuvered his
craft so that It floated by quite near
"How do you- think tilings aro go
ing, Commodore?" ns asked, eagerly.
"Well," said Benedict, who is an en
thuslastlc steam yachtsman, but has a
holy horror of naphtha, "sailboats may
go clown, but naphtha launches uro
more likely to go up."
Heavy Grape Crop In France,
it is reported that the past summer
has been extraordinarily favorable to
the vino In Franco and an unueual
grape crop if expected.
It is the purest, cleanest starch made.
It is free of injurious chemicals.
It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid
to use starch of any kind.
That's Defiance. Your grocer sells it
feVIHff FiU '5sa?MJ
1 .. bsMZV
r . ... s.STT sf . SliHEHIhJX-
faVMit iwmw
W A 71W
No other rnedicino for women in tho -world has received BUoh. vido
spread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a
lecord of cures of female troubles. Refuse to buy any Hubstitute.
FORFEIT If w cannot forthwith produce the original letter udrifntr80
tueir aMoiutesenuinetieia.
I'lnLUaui Uedlcluu Co., Xijnn, ham,
aliore icitlmonlali, hleU will tirote
LydU 1C
DINING CARS (Meals a la Carte).
A handsome World's Fair folder containing complete information,
views of buildings, etc., and map of St. Louis, will be sent free on
request to
fli. wjj j& lm C7J.WBJW trafu. k
vq'h 4 rvmLT'jntmitt ',vitjv
rAD5Jt fra T5i3i
Wt L, Douglas
UNION 0 Crt dLflafC roH
W. Lm Dauolam maJto and mmtta jhsw jncn'n
3.BO mlioms thmn any Bihar mtmmwmet'tUHiP
In tho world. Tbe reaaou W. U Ioola. 1J0 I
L. Uooxlu UM abore aio ln
Krrteat aeilua W tue world la berAuae.ot ibii excellent IC",
'aiy DillitK 4iu auprnor nrmnnjf qiuuiuv it toum piyiif
you lue ainerenoe uciirrcn ujd iuun inaue iu iny ivm;(7
would iuuler.Un4 wby VV. I. UuutiUs $3M ! rot i-no
lo make, wbj tliey lioM ttielr abApe, III Utter, mj tnoiwr,
and aie of irrealer tnlrtiitlu value than Any other $S-IO Wl
on tbe tmrkri to-daj, aud wlijr iLe ealc fr Ute jtar ui.liiy
July 1,11, were
Oonztii cuanuiteea their TaJue tnr atamDlns lite Home
and prtev oo tbe boilom. UV tor II- take no tularin"!,
tcuid by aboe dealers etcryubeie. fail wlor Butltls uuj
Kuperlor In Fit, Comfort and Wear.
lhatrwtrn W.Llkiuglttt rjv ihorivr f latt Kvfcw virt
tif A uUvlvH laiufar Iikh. I fi'.J IUrit tvpmor inJU vrnfut I
and r lo othrri twimj'im tB ' la fjOO.
it. X. iicfl IS, tkpt, ton., e. Jul. ju-i
n(BUf, IlithiAouii Va.
W. I- Douglua naH Corona 'iltklu In hlMfeu1.nO
aliot-a. Curonu Colt Iu iuu((dl to te the llntvtl
l'uttint I.euther inuilf.
a u roa CATiioii i ivixo nm dutkpctk hi
IIUW 111 OUUEli lit HAIL.
tV. L. DOUGLAS, DiKiaUtoa, KSttua
W. N. v., Omaha.
No. 42--1904
CURES catarrh of tbe stomach.
Cater more nafldt brlohter and latter eelere than an other dve.
Atk dtaler or xe lll tend pott paid at 10c a package. Write Icr free tooklet-Ho to Dje, Bleach ur.iJ Mil Colon.
One 10c psctaoe colon nil. wool and colton equally well and is guaranteed ta cive perfect rrullv
jiiiinubjivu iv., cfiiuntmir, jiiMCMft