The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 07, 1904, Image 1

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    State Historical ScJety. 3j
Official Publi
cation of Box
Butte County.
Largest Circu
lation of any Al
liance Paper.
We take pleasure in announcing
that we have secured the agency
of the famous
La Force
QLOVESThey are the highest
grade gloves on the market for
the price.
We guarantee every pair and fit
& NrfN,n.vJVAv.UlAUvrV
(:-iUK Sack Suits, designed according to advanced fashioA's prcdiclio;.:
QfazJr for Fall and Winter, are here. The accompanying drawing is a
faithful illustration of three styles of particular cut and elegance
made by Crouse . n-angee. Notice the length of coat the distinctive cut
of the three-button Newport :o h our Normandie the same regard to detail
of style and finish. We
M. F. Harrington
will speak on political
issuesrtt the opera house
in Alliance, next
Tuesday Evc Oct. 11
commencing at eight
o'clock. Air. Harring
ton is recognized as one
of Nebraska's most
forceful speakers and
brilliant orators.
General nnd Personal News of Alii
mice nnd Vicinity.
,-l r'lv
. J fsfer.T?' '.;
y.r jik:!"?
yrCV :;-iBaHle-J.
r;tm . t&Jmkm
Keep zm snirad
the fact that a tall man can
not xxzr a suit that a short
man should wear. This is
the satisfactory feature en
both the Newport and Nor
mandie. They are absolutely
correct in every and all
requirements. Dut the man
who is net over six feet tall
is rx.t overlooked; the same
careful attention has been
given him. The result is our
Arvon, which also has much
elegance cf make and gives
the short -man casftra 'inches in appearance. We iiavcf hese styles
in the NEW BROWNS in beautiful and -choice materials, those new
r alterns of slight over-plaids almost indistinct. These cost what you would
-s;si - - . mSKix:
.-'W'l V- f xr -'tertd:X'&
cracarj iMi acts i beikkce, unci, h. y.
J3 I
pect, $10.00 to $35.00.
Business Local Column.
Advertisements in this column v. ill be
charged at the rate of 10 cents per line
first insertion and 5 cents per lino each
subsequent insertion.
Advertisers should remember that Tub
Herald's circulation is much larger than
any other Alliance paper and has the lar
gest circulation in the city and county.
Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house.
Hattenberg patterns and stamped
linens at Regan's.
New ht les in ehildrens cloaks and
dresses at Regan's.
Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of
manufacturing dipping vats.
Dr. Koons, dentist.
Norton block.
Office upstairs
See Humphrey for picture f ramiiif;, up
holstering and furniture repairing.
Picture framing, upholstering and furni
ture repairing C. Humphry. 7-io-tf
For Sale 75 Cords of dry hard wood
W. H Smiley, Crawford, Nebraska.
Tall line of ladies waists and wrap
pers just received at Regan's.
Tor Sale Carriage and phaeton, for
cash or on time. J. C. WIlson & Hro.
Go to the Alliance National Bank to
. deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf.
Harold B. Miller, M. D., physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
Hand rubbed, polish finish oak stoves
at Darling's, same price others are got
ting for plain finish.
Children's School Shoes.
Over 300 paits of good shoes to be sold
from 50 cents to Si. 45 a pair.
Fred Mollring. Manager.
A .Milltncrv Opening.
Pattern nnJ Dress Main, Street urnl
Tailored Hals. l-urRCht und most etc
snnt Hue ever brought to Alliance now
on display nt HIIOAN'S.
Big Cloak and Jacket Sale.
Misses' and children's jackets and coats,
Jackets from $1,25 to $3.50.
Coats from $2 So to $7.00.
Fred Mollring, Manager.
Wutcli round.
Found in Alliance, a watch. The own
er can have wnne by calling on Judge
Berry, proving property and paying for
this notice.
Nearly all the ailments of the human
race in these days are caused by the Blood.
Stomach and Kidneys being out of order.
There is not a case on record than Co-Lon-Co
hasn't cured. Ask your druggist.
Geo. G. Gadsby will take down
screen doors and windows and store
them till spring when tlicy will be re
paired, painted and put tip again. He
will also make and put up storm doors
and windows. Phone 400. 0-16 tf
For Sale.
Cattle Ranch, 11 quarter sections all
deeded, land, good title. First class
improvements. Inquire at this office.
Cattle Tor Sale.
I have for sale 140 steers, 100 are
one and two years, 40 arc throe years,
twos and threes are dehorned.
Wm. O'.Mara,
Moomaw, Neb.
Bromos Crass Seed.
I have a quantity of choice bromos
grass seed for sale at my place 5
miles south of Hemingford, at 10 cents
a pound. Bromos is the ideal grass
for western Nebraska. L. Sampy.
Under the survey of the government
ditch in the Platte valley homostuads
are being taken up rapidly. These
lands promise to become very valuable.
Upwards of twenty Alliance citizens
have made filings this week. Wo have
a few choice numbers Ief but they
must be taken quick. SeeT. J. O'Keefe,
Alliance, or G. L. Shumway, Scotu-bluff.
Taken Up.
Stray steer, at my ranch near Lawn,
about two years, Hereford stock, branded
VT (connected) on left side. Owner can
have steer by paying all expenses. Sec.
R. Boyer moved his family into town
from the tanch this week to take ad
vantage of the superior methods of
learning taught in the Alliance Public
Stock Inspector Lawson came in
from the O'Keefe ranch today having
been there since Monday overseeing
the work of dipping about Soo head of
George Smith has returned from
Hot Springs, S. ID., where he spent
the summer season as manager of the
livans hotel bar. The tourist season
over, that popular loaoit has closed for
the season. Mr. Smith will remain in
the city for some time.
The weather of the past few days
has been decidedly variable and the
suggestion that the ice man will soon
be compelled to give 'way to the coal
dealer is realized. The sad reflection
as to what has become of last summer's
wages is also a proposition that con
fronts many of us poor mortals.
District court will convene in this
city next Monday with Judge Wcstuvcr
on the bench. The dor.ket contains
Ally-one cases. There ifc one ciiininal
case, nineteen foreclosure proceedings
and eight actions for divorce. Two at
tachments are docketed beside. appeals
and other legal frictions requiring the
attention of tho court.
A fair sized audience greeted tho
temperance lecturer and vocalist, Miss
Jessie Garvin, at the United Piesby
terian church Saturday evening. Other
denominations wore interested in the
good work. This commendable under
taking cannot but result beneficially to
the community. livery kind word or
good deed brings its own reward.
The locomotive which tipped on the
high line one day last week while going
over a high grade and in which Engineer
Stevens and Conductor Sanborn lost
their lives, was brought to the Alliance
yards this week and piesents a most
destructive appeal ance, in fact all that
remains of the ill-fated engine is the
boiler stripped of all the works.
Mrs. ID. C. Mclutyrc was the holder
of the lucky number, S536, at W. V.
Norton's store, entitling her tree trans
portation to the World's fair and ad
mission to the most important exhibits.
We understand she has decided to fore
go the pleasuie of the trip and take ad
vantage of other fine offers the Noiton
mercantile establishment holds out
Gov. Mickey and company passed
through the city'Tuosday in a special
car attached to train No. 41, enroute
to Seattle, whore ho will attend the
ceremonies at the launching of the
new imttleihip Nebraska. Among those
who made up the party was the gov
ernor's daughter, MibS Mary Nain
Mickey, an amiable young lady,
who will act as sponsor at the
christening of the monster built to
tiavel the deep seeking whom it may
devour in time of war or acting as
guard in the hour of peace. Governor
Mickey stepped from the train the min
ute it stopped here and was soon shak
ing hands with the faithful who crowd
od about his car. No politics were dis
cussed and the conversations dwelt on
tho trip and enjoyment anticipated on
the party's arrival on the coast. The
launching will take place Friday af-
temoon. The party expect to return
on or about October 12,
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