The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 30, 1904, Image 7

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Best of Backs Give Out Under tho
Burden of Daily Toll.
Lieut. George G. Warren, of No. 3
Chemical, Washington. D. C, says:
"It's nn honest fact that Doan's Kid
ney pills did mo a great lot of good,
and if It wore cot
true 1 would not
recommend them.
It was the strain
or lifting that
brought on kid
ney trouble and
weakened my
back, but sinco
U9lng Doan's Kid
ney Pills I havo
lifted eIx hundred pounds and felt no
bad effects. I hao not t?lt tho trou
ble comu back since, although I had
Buffered for fhe or six years, and
other remedies had net helped mo at
For sale by nil dealers. Price 50
cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
K. Y.
Tho moment we fefM angr -In con
t:oorsj we havo already censed striv
ing for truth, and begun stilving for
oursch f s. Cnrlyle.
How's This ?
Wo ofler One Hundred t)"llun Iteviirt for vj
aQ n( ( atarrh ttinl cannot be cured by Hall'
latmli t uri.
k. J. cunvr.Y i ro , loinio, o.
Wr, tlic tinilcrslunrJ. uan Uuin I. J. Ihency
lor tlinlan 15 year, and lieiieie Ii m perfpetl) In n
orabic lit uil limine" tnninncit -n and flnaneUlly
ble tocuiry out xnyubllKntiormuaile by his firm.
WaLPINO. Kinnn A. Mnvi.,
Iileip lruiBlt. Toledo, O.
Hall' f titarrli Cure Is tukin Internally, nctlnR
dlrrrtl) ui'oii the IjIihmI Mil tnucim-. ur(ai:esu( the
syatetn. liAthnonluls Kit free l'rlie 5 centa per
Lottie sold liy all DruKKlstn
'lake lU'l a lamlljr Tills for naitlpittloo.
The Marriage Partnership.
Marriage is a partnership, and as
one partner in a business house is
not grateful to the other partner fr
pajing him his portion, so a wife
snould not be expected to be grateful
to her husband. And If she has a right
to her money 'she has a right to her
own life, which Is the gift of God.
Ever body's Magazine.
Brunettes Before Blondes.
"The majority of city men choose a
dark girl as typewriter in prefcrenco
to a fair one,' said the manager of a
typist employment bureau "They ap
parently think the brunette more ener
getic and business-like."
Millions in Melons.
Thirty million dollars have been
paid by the East to Colorado melon
growers In tho Arkansas valley dis
trict sinco the diocovory of tho famous
Rocky Ford cantaloupes.
Golf Good Woman's Game.
- Golf is an excellent game for worn
rn, as the maximum of plcasuro'and
exercise Is to bo obtained with tho
minimum of labor.
Lesson For Women.
Jersey Shore, Pa., Sept. 2G (Special)
"DodJ's Kidney Pills have dono
worlds of good tor me " That's what
Mrs. C. B. Earnest of this place has
to say of tho Great American Kidney
"I was laid up sick," Mrs. Earnest
continues, "and had not been out of
bed for five weeks. Then I began to
use Dodd's Kidnoy Pills and now I am
so 1 can work and go to town without
suffering any. I would not be with
out Dodd's Kidney Pills. I havo good
reason to praise them everywhere."
Women who suffer should learn a
lesson from this, and that lesson Is,
"cure the kidneys with Dodd's Kidney
Pills and your suffering will cease.'
Woman's health depends almost en
tirely on her kidneys. Dodd's Kidney
Pills have never yet failed to niako
healthy kidneys.
European Forests.
The percentage of the wooded areas
of European countries, as compared
with their total areas .is as follows:
Finland, 51.2; Sweden. 19.3; Russia,
40.4; Austria, 32.G; I,uxomburg, 29.1;
Hungary, 27.7; Germany. 2C.1: Servia,
24.9; Turkey, 23.4; Norway, 22, Rou
mania and Switzerland. 21.1 each;
Bulgaria, 20.8. The other European
countries havo less than 20 per cent
of woodland. England has the smallest
wooded area, 3.C per cent.
World's Fair Visitors.
Persons attending the great Exposition
at St. Louis should secure . room close to
tho Fair and In a safe brick building Ho
tel npworth has all the conveniences of a
first-class modern hotel, within four min
utes' walk of Convention and Administra
tion entrance, ltooms 1 00 per day and up.
Meals at reasonable price From Unlun
Station, go to Olive street take Delmar
Garden car going West to 6G0O Our boys
meet all cars.
Wouldn't That Petrify You!
At Knaresborough castle, in York
shire, in a dropping well, in which,
If pieces of wood, sprigs of trees or
flowers are dropped, they aro petri
fied, or turned to stone. It would
doubtless serv6 a human being in the
same way, only nobody appears will
ing to try the experiment
i - i .
Monument to Lithographers.
Tho town of Eothenhoffen, Bavaria,
noUd for Its quarries of lithographic
stones, has decidod to erect a monu
ment to Senefelder, tho luventor of
An offlcor sent to Investigate tho
affairs of a government farm In tho
Transvaal, near Potcerstroom, found
an expert at ?4,000 a yoar, an assist
ant at $2,000 and another at $1,500 in
(hargo of 200 chickens. Similar man
agement had rosulted in a loss, to
date, of $1,500,000.
It is suggested that porhaps one rea
son why martial law Is ) often yro
claimed In the South American repub
llcse is that It suspends the payment
of debts.
CopyrlRht, 1S90. by Street k.
CHAPTER XVI Continued.
The woles were closing In upon
They were on all sides, a famished,
tolling pack of devils, their white
fangs and fiery eyes showing with hor
rible distinctness as thoy sprang at
Tho rifle, swung with all his
trcngth from left to right, and from
right to left, cleared a path for him
and no sooner did one of the brutes
fall than a score of its fellows llteially
tore it in pieces.
Alexis was becoming exhausted.
It was too much for him In his weak
ened state.
One of tho wolves, ono larger than
tho rest, mnde a bound for bis
throat, but before It reached him sank
In denth agony with a bullet In its
At tho same moment, by the over
turned sleigh. Alexis caught sight of
tho object of bis heroic quest.
It was a woman!
With white face she stood there,
revolver In hand, her back protected
by tho sleigh. Shot after shot rang
out, and as each time, with unerring
nrm, the bullet lodged In the body of
a wolf, she gained a moment's icsplto
from tlie cowardly brutes.
But tho end was bound to come.
The last shot but ono had been
A3 If by some devilish Instinct tho
wolves seemed to Know that their vic
tim was now defenseless, and they pre
pared for a rush in all tho Btrength
of their numbers.
With a howl that could havo been
heard a league another pack of the
brutes had come down from tho hills
and joined the others.
Then It was that the helpless wom
an uttered the wild shriek of agony
that had reached the ears of her res
cuer had reached even to the courier
In the etape.
Alexis sprang forward. He found
that the arm was a magazine rifle,
and with a prayer of thankfulness ho
opened fire. Shot after shot, a perfect
fusllade followed, and half a dozen of
the brutes were lying bleeding in the
Another moment and ho had
reached tho woman. His faco was
povered with blood, his arms were
torn, but ho clasped ber by a strong
effort and began tho retreat to a place
of safety.
Repulsed by the shots, the wolves
had given wayfor a time, and then
had made a simultaneous rush to
least on the carcasses of thoso slain
by Alexis.
But the feast did not last long.
Maddened more than ever by the
tasto of blood, they sprang after Al
exis and his now unconscious bur
den. "He lias saved him!" shouted the
courier at tho moment, as ho caught
sight of Alexis, and then as he looked
again be exclaimed: "My God, it is
a woman! Men, men! to tho rescue!"
The soldiers waited no longer. Tho
fact that a woman was in danger
seemed to awaken all that was manly
In their natures and they rushed to
tho rescue.
Another moment and it would have
been too late.
A volley met the first of the fero
cious, maddened brutes. The pack
halted for a moment, and gave a long
howl of rage. Another volley checked
par qv ivw? (zm.?7wpr
another forward movement. Alexis
staggered along with bis burden.
Two of the soldiers sprang to his
Tho doors of the etape were thrown
In another moment, bruised and
bleeding and faint, Alexis Nazlmoff
staggered Into the room; the courier
held out his arms to receive tho sense
less woman from her rescuer. Alexis,
with a sigh of unutterable relief,
breathed a prayer of thanks, and then
as he gavo the courier the woman
whose life he bad saved his brain
reeled, the light faded from bis eyes,
his knees trembled, a shudder passed
through bis frame, and he fell at full
length on the floor.
He had lalntod!
The Courier's Mission.
Tho courier boro tho insensible form
of the woman into tho room occupied
by Cobb and tho baroness.
As the door closed behind hlra,
Karslcbeft turned quickly to Nicholas
and said In a whisper: "I havo a
plan wait!"
Then ordering the guard to resume
their arms ho gave the command to
march the prisoners to the kameras
xblS oil. - -
Smith, All rights resefTed
Alexis had ioied sufficiently to
nue nnd wns supported by two of
tho Cossacks.
Tho Injuries of Alexis were for
tunately slight. The fangs of the
wolves had reached him in ono or two
places on tho arms nnd on one cheek,
but the latter proved to bo a mere
scratch, though sufficient to draw
blood, and tho clothing had protected
the arms. In answer to eager In
quiries he explained thnt ho did not
see the faco of tho woman he had
rescued, becauso just ns he reached
her she almost foil Into his arms and
in his mrugglo during tho retreat ho
had not hoard her speak.
But it wa3 the presence of Cobb
so entirely unlooked for, and so inex
plicable that furnished them a topic
which kept them wondering for
hours. That Cobb's presence had
something to do with them, they lelt
cot tain, but now that ho was here,
how were thoy to let him know thnt
they wore near. It Is the rule on tho
highroad to tho mines for convoys to
march two dns and rest ono. and as
this was their resting place, they felt
Mire that tho morning's light would
bring some means of letting Cobb
Know that they were in the stockade.
But what hnd brought Cobb and tho
baroness lor they felt sure It was tho
baroness. Cobb having spoken of his
wife to that out of the way place?
That was tho puzzler, and It wns to
acrount for that fact that both Alexis
and Ivan taxed their Imagination.
While they aro In suspense we will
enlighten our readers.
General Cobb, after his marriage to
the baroness, found himself iu a posi
tion where he could afford to give tip
all tho business Interests that former
ly occupied his time. From the mo
ment Alexis had left St. Petersburg
ho hnd but ono object in view that
was to rescue his friend from the hor
rors of Siberian exile, and If possible
restore him to tho position from
which a chain of adverse circum
stances had so cruelly deposed htm.
Or, it that were not possible, it was
tho intention of Cobb, tho rescue of
Alexis once effected, to take him to
America, tho baroness having ex
pressed a strong desire to give up her
residence In Europe and make her
home In tho country of her husband.
Cobb's plans for tho rescue of Alexis
were warmly seconded by his wife,
and it was determined to mako an ef
fort to effect the rescue of Ilda and
Ivan at the same time as Alexis.
The blow to the prido of Count Naz
lmoff, who had seen his son sentenced
like a common convict, had been a se
vere one and shortly after his son
had arrived in Siberia the count was
seized by a severe illness, tho result
ot tho shock he had suffered. On his
recovery his feelings had undergone
a murked change. The tenderness
and sympathy shown him on every
hand had softened his nature, and the
hard pride had now given place to a
pitiful yearning for tho son he had
loved so well. Hence it was that
when Gen. Cobb, having heard of
Kirshkln's confession, and having
brought influence to bear to verify the
truth of the conspirator's story, ap
peared before Count Nazlmoff to plead
tho cause of his son, he met with a re
ception the warmth of which pleased
An imperial commissioner was sent
to each of tho convicts captured In
the Nihilist rendezvous. They were
closely questioned as to the events
that had taken place on that eventful
night, and their stories, ono and all,
served to exonerate Alexis and Olga
and Ilda, and to lift from the shoul
ders of Ivan the responsibility for any
complicity in or sympathy with the ex
treme Nihilists who sought the assas
sination of the czar.
So It was that after months of per
sistent and diligent exertion GenernI
Cobb had tho assurance that tho sub
ject had at length reached tho czar,
with a strong probability that the Im
perial clemoncy so earnestly sought
would not be denied.
But even if his efforts In this direc
tion failed, Cobb had made up his
mind that ho would still succeed. Ho
secured through tho American minis
ter an imperial passport to Siberia,
and a letter from tho authorities giv
ing him, as an American traveler fa
vorably disposed and friendly to tho
Russian government, the right to visit
prisons and other privileges not usual
ly accorded. This letter, addressed
to officials throughout Siberia, direct
ed them to extend all aid and assist
ance to General Cobb and his wife
and her companion, Caroline Cobb,
who were to travel across Siberia if
need be. And beforo ho left St. Peters
burg a passport for Caroline Cobb
was In his possession.
We pass over the long Journey of
Cobb and his wife. After many ad
entures and more hardships they
reached Stralensk and thoro discov
ered Ilda. Tho letters which Cobb
had In his possession mado him a
welcome guest at the houso of tho
commandant at Stralensk and they
had but llttlo d-ifflculty In obtaining
a private conversation with Ilda. It
wr.3 from Ilda they learned to thoir
great delight that Ivan and Aloxis
were at Chitka and that they could
reach that place with comparative
oasc. It was while on their Journey
to Chitka that their sleigh was over
turned and they wore attacked by the
wolves almost within shouting dis
tance of tho etape whore Karlscheff
was In command.
Karlscheff and Nicholas, after the
doors of the stockade had closed nn
the convicts, retuined to the hous
Be on your guard, father." urged
Nicholas, "jou havo mado a danger
ous ouemy ot the courier, and the
slightest mistake may piovo our ruin.
Try to conciliate him nnythlng, bo
there can bo no pretext for bis going
to extremes. Think what would bo
the consequences f ho should make
a report to the"
Karlschcrr said nothing, lie knew
ho hnd committed n grievous mistake
in defying tho courier and he felt ill
nt easo. Tho presence or Cobb and
tho baroness, too, wns nn additional
source of danger. Whnt It Cobb should
discover tho prosenco ot Alexis! Thnt
ho had not dono so nlready was llttlo
shoit ot a mhncle. But If ho should
discover him nnd appeal to tho cour
ier for Alexis especially after Ataxia
himself had won the henit of tho
courier there was no question as to
the result. Certainly tho cornier
would never leave Alexis and Ivan iu
his power.
The object now was to blind tho
courier If possible, to keep Cobb from
tho knowledge of tho presence ol
Alexis, and to havo matters remain In
statu quo until tho courier and tho
hated American should dopart.
Katherino entered tho room. Sho
hnd discovered tho Identity of Cobb
nnd tho baroness.
"Thoso people here," sho said,
"threatens danger. We must bo on
our guard all the time. A chanco
word may betray us Into trouble thut
will cost us dearly."
"Olga?" asked KarischofT.
"Sho is asleep," answered the
countess, "and I would shed no tear if
she never would wnke. Her cursed
folly has helped to put us whero wo
are. What Is your plan about about
thorn?" she asked, pointing in tho di
rection of tho convict quarters.
"We nuiBt wait uutll tho courier
departs. His presence "
Karlscheff stoppod suddenly.
The door leading to the sleeping
apartments opened and the courier
entered the room.
Producing his notebook, tho courier
in a peremptory tone demanded:
"What is tho name of that bravo
follow who saved the woman from tho
wolves? '
"I do not know It," replied Karl
scheff. "Then consult your lists and And
out," was the sharp rejoinder.
NIcholns saw that his father "was
again getting on dnngerous ground.
Ho determined to como to his as
sistance. "I know the name," ho said, look
ing meaningly at his father, "tho name
is Alexis "
"Alexis Pctroffsky," said Katherino.
"I asked It from tho bravo follow be
foro 1 bound his wound and gavo him
some medicine."
"Where Is ho now?" asked tho cour
ier. "He is " began Nicholas.
"Asleep soundly sleeping," snld
Katherino; "he begged me not to dis
turb him until morning."
(To be continued.)
Spectators Able to See It Only Ninety
Seconds as It Whirs By.
Tho world has not realized yet tho
full significance of tho historic Morion-fclde-Zosscn
high speed electric ex
periments conducted during 1901 and
1903. Speeds of 12G miles an hour
mean something in the way of velocity
and momentum.
The track upon which the experl
ments wore conducted Is straight, yet
on Jt tho car, when running at full
speed, was only In sight for a minute
and a half. That Is to say, from tho
moment the approaching car first be
come visible on tho horizon, to the
moment It disappeared in the oppo
site diroctlon, less than ninety seconds
elapsed. Spectators standing by the
3ldc of tho track were ablo to sec that
men were in tho car, but it was impos
sible for the eye to get sufficient Im
pression to ullow any one to be recog
nized. Despite tho use of powerful brakes
tho car traveled over a mile, after
their application, beforo coming to a
standstill, so thnt alertness of tho en
gineer in discovering obstacles on tho
track would count for little. It Isn't
probablo ho could discern such n inllo
distant, and any application ot brakes
within that distance would bo Inef
fective. As Others Hear Us.
A well known Oxford don was asked
to speak into a phonograph, and was
lntorosted In hearing tho reproduc
tion. He listened throughout, thon
said with scarcoly concealed disgust:
"Through this machino I am ablo to
spoak in a particularly bumptious and
affocted manner." Tho worthy man
had heard himself as others hear b'm,
that was all. H would bo a good
thing for many ot us to study our
method ot speaking through the me
dium of a phonographic reproduction.
IsbbbbbbbbRSHbbbbbbbHf s LuwbBhBbBsIbbbbbbbBbBhbbbbbbbbbm
HIBbHbIv ' QwHB69RsSbbbH
!bBBBBBHdH9xi& eBHanHn!BlBflmaBKB9gBHiliBB
9b9bHHbhbSbK tyfc HjJaajflpHHQHvHHEpJjfSiBiHH
Tho above cut represents a prominent Nebraska man who has risen
from the nowspnpor ranks, and now occupies tho position of member ot
congress from tho Second congresslo mil district ot Nebraska. Refcrcnco
Is mado to Mr. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, publisher of tho Omnha Dally "World
Horald. Mr. Hitchcock began his no wspapcr enreor In Omaha a number
of yenrs ago on what wns then know n ns tho "Evening World," which
wns later merged into tho "World-Herald." tho two publications being con
solidated. It Is rather rare for a no wspnper man to bo successful In pol
itics, It has been snld, especially wh on ho himself is tho candidate. But
Mr. Hitchcock has become an except Ion to tho rule, by being elected In a
strong republican district on a democratic ticket. Ho Is now a candidate
for re-election.
To Mr. Hitchcock Nebraska, and especially tho eastern portion, owes
much. Ho tins always been a progressive man and has largo property in
terests, in Omaha and Douglas county. He is a young man yet in years,
but ono old In experience. Ho Is n son of tho Into Phinens W. Hitchcock,
former United Stntos senator from Nebraska, and a man who ranked high
in political and flnnnclnl circles.
Despoil Italian Churches.
"The alleged exportation of Italian
works of art to tho United States,"
says tho Pall Mall Gazette, "seems to
proceed gayly, in Bplto of nil protests
and schemes for prevention. Tims two
Florentine churches havo lately beon
'rellovod of works by Delia Robbla
amounting in value to 600,000 francs
tho goods being shipped as 'pork.' The
chief delinquent In this fiaud, a dealer
from Prato, has escaped to the
Seek Proof of Death.
The Venetian courts for somo timo
havo been trying to ascertain whether
Prlnco Carlo Vlncenzo Glovannell, who
is known to hnvo been alive in 1703,
Is dead yet. Tho dlBirasal of a claim
to more than $1,000,000 is at Issue. So
far no death certificate in the case has
been procurable, but n priest lias of
fered to swear that tho prince Is no
longor nlive, and his deposition will be
Female Labor In Mexico.
The question iof female labor is bo
coming a factor in tho business life of
tho City of Mexico, ns well as In some
of tho other largo cities of Mexico.
Only a few years ago tills labor was
almost unknown in offices and stores,
but ovory year tho number is becom
ing larger. Tho wages paid to 'the
young women aro not ns yet very
large, but tho prospects are that as
they hecomo mora efficient wages will
The Beginning of "Contraband."
During the war between Spain and
Holland thoso powers acted with m
much rigor toward ships of every na
tionality convoying goods to tho bel
ligerents that England felt bound to
protest. Tho resistance provoked by
England led to tho first use ot the
term contraband of war when tho
treaty of Southampton was drawn uu
between this country and Spain in
1C25. London Answers.
Benefit of Panama Canal.
By Capo Horn tho distance between
New York and San Francisco is about
14,840 miles. Tho Panama canal will
reduce this to something less than
5,000, a difference of nearly 10,000
Mare Has Rheumatism.
A Deptford (England) drher,
charged in court with working a mare
in an unlit state, pleaded that sho was
suffering fiom rhoumatlsm as a rosult
of drawing an Ico wagon.
Battles to Be Fought In Air.
War In tho air is not an immedlnto
possibility; but with tho gradual de
velopment of aerial navigation It Is
practically certain that in tho distant
future tho armamonts of nations will
include flying machines.
The Brute.
"If you could toll a woman's age by
hor tooth, llko her horso's," romarked
the Obsorver of Events and Things,
"a woman would be more Inclined to
keep hor houth shut," Yonker3
Care for Horses In Paris.
Pat Is used to bo called unhcalthful
for horses, but in recent years tho
conditions havo been considerably ini
piovetl. During tho hot weather In
July tho Society for tho Prevention
of Cruelly to Animals provided tho
cafes and restaurants with free wood
en buckets on condition that tlyjy
would supply cabmen with water for
their anlmnls. Most of tho proprietors
of theso plncos accepted the offer.
"Cry Down Credit."
The colonel of a British regiment
stationed at Portsmouth has revived
the old custom of "crying down tho
credit of tho regiment." Tho drums
and fifes marched to different parts of
the town and tho drum major, at each,
read a proclamation warning trades
men that men of tho regiment could
not be hold responsible for debts over
tho vnluo of ono day's pay, say, 25
King Solomon's Gold.
Tho evidences that Rhodesia was
tho country from which King Solo
mon's gold wns obtained aro said to
be uccumulatlngt. Tho builders of tho
more nnclont portion ot the massive
and extensive ruins recently explored
nt Great Zimbabwe are believed Xa
havo lived about 100 B. C, and to
havo belonged to a raco who were the
gold purveyors of tho world.
English Pooh-Bah.
The only man on tho list of voters
for the parish of Hopwas Hays, in Ens
laud, is that of tho assistant overseer
himself. Besides being the only oc
cupier, ho appoints himself overseer
at the annual parish meeting, over
which ho presides and alone attends
As assistant overseer ho collects tho
guai dians' precepts from himself and
pays himself his own salary.
Artificial Stone.
The firm of Joncquel & Hayn, of
Hamburg, Germany, have patented a
process for manufacturing an artificial
building stono from infusorial earth,
which thoy call guhrolIL This stono
is very light, is fireproof, withstands
the influence of most chemicals, and
can be easily sawed, nailed and bored.
Employ Fewer Servants.
There has been a considerable de
crease In tho number ot domestic
servants in Paris sinco tho law was
passed taxing families in an Increas
ing ration in proportion to their num
ber of sorvants. Much of tho work
is now dono by women or men who
are hired by tho day.
Terror Cures Physical Ills.
An alarm of Are has had a wonder
ful curative effect in somo cases, es
pecially in gout In tho feet; and It Is
said to bo a fact that many poo pie
hao boen entirely cured by the opera
tion of terror arising either from a
real or imaginary cause.
Bee a Night Worker.
A beo that works only at night 13
found in tho jungles of India. It is an
unusually large insect, the combs be
ing often six feet long, four feet wide
nnd from four to six Inches thick.