The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 30, 1904, Image 1

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    Official Publi
cation of Box
Butte County.
Largest Circu
lation of any Al
liance Paper.
Hea-vy Cotton Suit- J
inorsin new
., They look like woo
Wash like linen
-jyj.nj,uusK $
f tV . .( .(Ir .V .f. ,J .. .. ., k ..
( t 57 j. j ,i, .,) , .(.
? .
To inspect the largest line of mer
chandise to be shown in Alliance
this season.
Regardless of the fact that monev
is scarce and merchants are biry
ingf very light, we have purchased
the largest line of Dry Goods,
Clothing and Shoes it has ever
been our pleasure to show in
Alliance. We have remodeled
making it the largest, and the in
terior the finest in all western Ne
braska. We invite you to call and
guarantee to show you the largest
line of merchandise to be shown in
Alliance this season. Watch for
prices in next week's issue of this
'ft. '. A. (. t . 4' tk 4k 1 ('
pUK Sack Suits, designed according to ad'anced fashion's prediclio:.:
for Fall and Winter, are here. The accompanying drawing is a
faithful illustration cf three styles cf particular cut and elegance
made by Crouse & I -andegce. Notice the length of coat the distinctive cut
cf the three-button I ,'cv;-ort also in our Normandie the same regard to detail
- .Vtf! b
4a: 'Jitiii "U
. J . -ti" tffi fin
timMin it ewea t mnun, ma, r ?.
ft w
i3Rv VTOk.--'
the short -man extra inches in appearance. We have these styles
in the NEW BROWNS in beautiful and choice materials, those new
patterns of slight over-plaids almost indistinct. These cost what you would
expect, $10.00 to $35.00.
I" f. ,b ,.,. .(! .( .(t flr j ii Ik V
i(j .jv (. in $ . !. y i ij -
O (' fh k6 tb (' K t 'tw to- h.
of style and finish. We
Keep mind
the fact that a tall man can
net vcar a suit that a short
man should wear. This is
the satisfactory feature on
both the Newport and Nor
mandie. They are absolutely
correct in every and all
requirements. Dut the man
who is not over six feet tall
is not overlooked; the same
careful attention has been
given him. The result is our
Arvon, which also has much
elegance of make and gives
Gcncrnl mid Pcriiotui! News of Alli
ance oiul Vicinity.
Mrs. Kcauloit is spending tliu weok
til Creston, Iowa.
Mrs. Allen Garden visiting at Hot
SpriiiRrt thin week.
A girl was born to Mr. und Mrs. j.
J. I'"nnston WednetKlny.
Judge Spuclit is spending n, few dny
at Sewaid, his former home.
Mr. Tlieilo, the ftuit man lias accopt
cd u position with the Burlington coin
pny. Mrs. Roheit Kicelnud arrived lionia
from the eusletn pnrt of Nebraska last
James Montague of Dunlap was at
the county hub transacting btisinoss
this wee!;.
Louis Hueclisunstcin was over at
Crawford Monday in the intwest of the
popular "No. 5" smoker, etc.
T. 1 Ackcrmun went , to Crawford
Tuesday where ho will spend some
time on plastering contracts.
The Ladies' Union will meet with at
at the home of Mrs. Win. Mitchell
Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 5.
Conductor Geo. Sanborn and En
gineer Charles Stevens wete killed in a
wieck near Custer Wednesday.
Miss Anna King came up fiom the
King ranch Wednesday for medical
care, being a suffeter with appondicitis.
Captain Allen G Fisher, mayor of
Chadiou, and J. D. Heywood, a Craw
foul ical estate agent, aie in the city
kul ay.
1'etci Annen and ttciuard Pit, two
stockmen friends fiom noiJh of Hem
ingford were in the city Wednesday on
Win. Mitchell, Robert Graham and
T. J. O'Kcefe attondod the democratic
repicfaentativo convention at Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johnson were in.icitv Mnndnv fur '.nt t ..
the city last weak on their return from
ft liip to Omaha
1 ney now icsiue at
Lost, buggy lap robe, on streets of
Alliance last Saturday. Finder will
please leave at this uflico and be re
wauled. Dr. 1. H. liarr arrived in the city to
day for a short stay. The doctor con
templates locating here about the first
of Jauuaiy.
The Queen Esthers will have si
"Snap" social at the home of Myrtle
Carlson, Saturday evening. Eveiy
body invited.
K. Cook came up from his ranch at
Lake Side Monday and spent the fust
half of the week with his family on
Yellow-stone avenue.
Peter Annen and Harney Pitt?'
rancheis near Ilemingford, wcie in
town Tuesday and Wednesday on busi
ness at the land office.
Dr. .Allen and E. H. Hovd wunt
down to the Platte valley today to file
on land under the sin vey ot the govor
ment irrigation canal.
Mis. P. A. Lewis of Scotia, Neb.,
ai rived Tuesday for a visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hawk
ins and oilier relatives.
The Horace Boguc Store advertises
a big sale in heavy cotton suitings for
Saturday. A visit to this store will be
a money saving one for you.
Miss Jack Holm has returneJ from
Yoik, where she went last spring, and
will make her home with her sister,
Miss Stella, for the fall and winter.
II. A. Maik returned from Lincoln
Tuesday and went down to Mitchell the
following day to assume control of the
Index printing plant during theabsonce
of his brother.
Attention is directed to the wind up
of the groat sale of the Mollring stock
which is now going on. This is an
other opportunity to buy goods at youi
own price. Read the ad.
Hon. E. J. Hurkott opened the re
publican campaign in Box Butte coun
ty at the opera house lust Saturday
night. Congressman Burkott has ap
peared in Alliance before and honce
was not an uutire stranger on this oc
casion. Ho was somewhat disappoint
ed at the small attendance and express-
d himelf with the statement that if he
ktirw thoi-B would tint hi. tr..,..u.,1
than that ptesent lie would have can
celled his date in this city. Howover,
thoie present enjoyed the speech and
while the distinguished politician inny
not have invented the voto of the par
ty he afforded a good deal of ploasuie
for those who came out to hoar him.
It is said that the grave ot Tom
Horn, at Boulder, Colo., is being des
poiled by people bieakitiR piocwi off the
tombstone, taking awav rocks and even
hand fills of dirt as souvenirs.
Nearly all the ailniaum of the human
race in these days ar causad hy the Blood.
StoniRch aud Kidneys being out c ordnr.
There is not a caws on record than Co-Lon-Co
hasn't cured. Auk your druggist.
The special silo at the Horace
Bogue stoic tomorrow will be on heavy
cotton suitings and the low prices on
the goods will bo an inducement for all
to take advantage of the o.trnordinrry
Fu-d Mollring has placod an an
nouncement in this issue of Tin:
IlLRALDof the "wind up" sale of the
bankrupt stock of goods. Our readers
will have a hplendid opportunity to buy
good goods at a big saving.
W. 11. Evans of Marsland was in
the city Sunday for the put pose
of filing complaint agafnst some
of his neighbors whom, he says, have
annoyed and threatened him with bodi
ly harm over range diffetenco.
Hon. A. Sherwood and Mrs. B. E.
Johnson of Ilemingford, W. C. Phillips,
Mrs. Broshar and Mrs. Randall of
Canton were among those in attendance
at the county Sunday school conven
tion last Fiiday and Saturday.
Miss Jessie and Master Morton
Sweeney, accompanied by J. D. Em
crick, loft Tuesday moining for a visit
to the World's fair. Miss Jessie will
also visit in Illinois while Morton will
go to Knox, 111., to enter school.
Wm. Roid ol the Rawling (Wyo.)
Journal in company with a paity of
fifteen delnfiitoR miasm! (ln-,n,.i. n,..
meeting of the grand lodge Knights of
Pythias, .vhicli was held last Tuesday.
Dr. G. W. Mitchell, who has again
made this city his home, has secured
coiufoi table office rooms in tho Hint
block and is prcpaied to attend to pro-,
fossioual calls. His card will be found
among' those of the piofessions in this
Jamos Gray leturnod fiom bis New
castle tiip yesterday. While out he
took a trip up the high lino to look at
the gold mining propositing at Mislic,
which has iuteiested a large number of
people in and about Alliance. Mr.
Gray consideis it a good investment.
Wm. Adams, the negro who shot at
H. C. Armstrong at the depot two
weeks ago, aud who was captured at
Clearmout, was to have been tried be
foie Judge Sumption at 9 o'clock Fri
day morning but tile case was continued
until next Thursday. Sheridan Enter
prise. Drs. Frcy and Balfe, the well known
osteopathic physicians, have associated
themselves in the practice of that
scionce. Their reputation and stand
ing in the community bospeak for
uiomseives success. Hotli ladies aro
graduates from tho school of osteopathy
at Kirk, Mo.
Col. Wisnor of the Bayard Trail
sci ip accompanied by his son Harry
of Mitchell ai lived in the city yoster
day, the lallor preceding to St. Louis
this morning to attend the Woild's
fair. Tho Colonel considers the pros
pects in the Platte Valley as most
encouraging and looks for a great oini
gration to the valley.
J. A. Rohnor of Carroll, Iowa, re-!
turned home Wednesday morning after
a visit over on his now homostoad
north of Mitcholl the day before. Mr.
Rohnor was well satisfied with the
country and piedicts, with the eomplo
tion of the proposed government irriga
tion canal through the valley, a vori
table garden of the whole Platto val
ley. Thos. Powers of Vaughn, Wyo., is
in the city today and spoke encourag
ingly of tho govornmont wotk in the
Platte Valley, whore Uncle Sam has
bought the Whalon canal and will ox
tend the big ditch so that practically
all of the land adjoining the river will
be irrigated. Mr. Powers has been
connected with ii'iigntiou work for
..,... ...! .. ..
luniij ,iwu5 iiim in umiuniiv Oil me
subject. He has a sub-contract
der the government.
Epiacopal church services Oct.
jp h. in., Sunday achool; it a.
service and sermon; 8 p. m. At the
evening sermon Archdeacon Cope will
preach a special sermon on woman'
part and losponsibility in tho regener
ation of social life. All aits cordially
invited to tho services.
Tho Dillon brothers who iaide 10
miles north of this city, came onto and
killed a genuine potcupino last Satur
urday. This tho first animal of this
specie that has been wen in this part
of the country aud the rarity of tho
little stranger has caused many to sjwe
ulate fiom whence it camo-
A street fight between a colored gon
Unman and a white man who had been
imbibing too freely of the O, be joyful,
was tho cause of a crowd gathciing on
lewer Box Butte avcnile Wednesday
forenoon. The sou of Ham had tho
best of the fracas anil it was not till
the police swooped down 011 the pair
that tho white man tried to make his
06cupo, but too late for he was soon in
ththo city cooler.
Julfs Zbinden has decided to lake a
little recreation and vacation from busi
noss and will leavo Saturday night for
Lincoln, whuro ho will he joined by his
brothers and the patty will go to
Omaha to visit the Ak-Sai-Bon for a
few days when they will continuo their
pleasure tiiptoSt. Louis at tho fair and
also at other points. Tioy o.pect to
be gone about thrco weeks.
The fall hunting season is on, und
among the ninirods to take advantage
of tho sport weio Editor Ellis of the
Times and W. O. Barnes who hied
themselves to Biidgcpo-.t last Sunday
for a day's hunt. As a rule, we are
proud to leport the succoss of Alliance
hunters, who aie known to be among
the best shots in the west, but in this
instance we would not dare to stale how
many birds ate in cold storage as a re-
hllHi .9L Una expedition aiainst tho
feaTfToTfrniro. '-.
The drawing for the free tiip to "the
World's Fair took place today af W.
W. Norton's store and tho person hold
ing tho lucky number, 8536, will he en
titled to the same providing it is (nought
in to Noi ton's within ten days, other,
wise the next number drawn, 361 1, will
bo given the piie. Considorable inter
est was manifested in this affair and
the lucky winner will no doubt be con
sidercd tho possessor of a rabbit's foot
of more than usual magnetism.
J. A. O. Thomas returned fronwMli-
anco Satuulav. wbnrn In, nrrn,mvn!.,i
his innthnr ulm will ,i... i t.
with another sou for tho present.
While in Alliance, Mr. Thomas was so
well pleased with the country that ho
purchased a quarter section near that
city. Although situated in that pait of
Ncbiaska which has always been con
sidered by many as an undesiiablo
-Ik. of.,, . tor ,. .imStSUflK
DOhCS. Alliance h:i p.ntHmnmt , ri. ! .. 1 i. , , ..
(juoum, muunce nag continued to urow
until it now contains a papulation of
4000. For the past threo years good
crops have boon raised, and to convince
his fiionds that he was wise iu the in
vestment he made, Mr. Thomas
brought back with him samples of corn
grown in ninety days, wheat with well
filled and plump heads of grain, broom
corn, millet and potatoes that compare
favorably with any grown in Nance
county. Genoa Times.
Miss Inico McCorklc entertained the
lady teucheisof the city schools a .t
reception given at her home last Tues
day evening. Miss McCorklc, who 14
a charming young hostess was assiste.1
in entertaining by Miss Geitrude Wai
ion. Elegant refreshments were serv-
ed at jo o'clock, the dinning room be
ing ueauinuiiy uocorateil m rrimsou.
broad ribbons running fiom the center
to the coiners of the table, which was
lighted with candelabia the dainty
shades being of the prevailing color.
The evoning was snent socially intor
sporsod'with selections of music. Those
who enjoyed the hospitality of this
lovoly home were: Missos Flakier,
Warion, Duffiold, Alexander, Huff,
Horton, Elwood. Griffith, Van Bus
kirk, Reed, Cariin, Wodiun, Thomas,
Laiavae and Supt. Ritstin.
A .Mllllncrv Opening.
Pattern uiiil Dress Huts, Street
Tullorcd Hats, l.urgest and most
gunt lino ecr brought to Alliance
on Ulsplu) at HKOAN'S.
Miko Clmore's Contract Locality In
Maryland the Scene of a
Serious Accident.
The following asociated press dis
patch fiom Cumberland, Md., dated
Sept. 3, tells of the explosion of 750
lHiiinds of dynamite and the killing and
injuiing of tovernl people. The acci
dent !b of oapocial intetost to the people
of Alliance because of the fact that
Mr. Elmoie was involved in the affair,
which lesulted as follows:
"Thi' villngc ol North Branch, four
miles oast of Cumberland, was wiecki-d
by dynamite this aftornoon, the explo
sion having been caused by a Balti
more iS: Ohio eastbound fast freight
running into u wagon loaded with dt na
mite rt a crossing. C. Wnltor White
hair, a brakonian of Brunswick, and
Nelson Piko, engine driver, of Martins
burg, wore killed. A. R, Snnders, iirc
mtui, North Mountain; Charles Ilamil
ton, of Little Orleans, Md.: Janus A.
Ashkottlo. of Little Oilcans; Mary
Twigg, of Old Town; Raymond, U10
3 year old son of Cluirlos Hamilton;
Maude Seibert Jamos Laing, driver of
the dynamito wagon, were tho most se
verely injured. The Baltimore & Ohio
tower was wtecked, as wore the resi
dences of Adam Seiheit, Charles Ham
ilton, Dhatles Bloss, J. Lewis ScibertJ
Stephen A. Bloss and John Coleman,
and tho commissary of Michael El
more, a Wabash sub-contractor, all of
fice, stable and hospital buildups.
Windows of the school houses and of
the rosidonce of G. A. Rimnierly and
othors on the mountain, half a mile
away, were broken, out and school
children we're thrown into a panic.
The dynamite wiih buing hauled for Mr.
Elmore, for construction work in pro
gross nearby, There were 13 cases on
tho wagon aggregating 750 pounds.
Laing was ctoasinfc the tiack with the
load when he saw the train coining.
Ho became panic stricken and Mnpp'd
on the track, according to eye witnesses,
and then desetted tho loam ami ran. He
escaped with ruptured ear drums. The
tiain struck the rear of the .;on,
which lacked only throe feet of clearing
the track, but the engine ran on 50
feet befoio the toiritic explosion u cur
led. The horsos wore unhurt thui"h
ovorn fence. Grant Hamilton and
James Ashkottlo were in the tower with
1110 lormors qroltier and realized what
was coming. Tla dnped down and
BlRltdj!vjgrJonplftd.jrijj;K. Tliev
weio covered wiin cutsarom glass and
Your Last Chance.
Every desirable piece of land under
the survey of the government irriga
tion ca'nal will be taken hisidoof the
next week. Everything desirable with
in eight miles of town is now taken.
I received today numbers of three
choice (tmi tors subject to entry.
JL?'Kn'1 ! '
Uncle Zotl Goodwin shipped two cars
01 sieera ami 0111
ol steers and one car of cows to South
U1,I" l "esuay night anil todav iv
coived notice that the three loads were
quarantined and tho steers will be held
till October fi, to ho dipped again be
fore they can bo sold. These cattle
weie dipped hero once before being
hhipid. After this slock is fed on
slock yards hay for a week they will
lose Uncle Zed a lot of money unless
s been
a heavy run this week and the'iinrket
at present is rotten.
In speaking of the Rev. Ray-Watson
nuptial, which took place tecenth in
Lincoln, the Nebraska Slate Journal of
tho 15th inst. says:
"Thcuiaiiiage of Miss Claia Bell
Watson to the R-.v. Charles Wane
Ray occurred yesterday afternoon at
2 oVl.ick, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Haiina, 2440 Y street, m East
Lincoln. The house was beautiUllv
decorated with white roses und carna
tious and smilax.. The weddin.' n..rK
entered tho room, the bride dieted 111
h Into, carrying white roses, while Miss
Lillian May Beach played the match.
The impressive ceremony was pci
formed by the Rev. J. A. Scamahorn,
a presiding elder of the northwst No
braska conference. Theio weie on! a
few guests present, among them beiti"
several members of the Wesley an uni
versity faculty, The bride was a 4i-d
ent in the olocution department or the
Wesleyan last your and was popular at
University Place. She has occupied
piominent business iwsitions, being a
bunk cleik at Valentine nefoie cuPiuiq;
to University Place. The groom is
pastor of tho Methodist church at Alb
anco and one of the trustees of the
Wesleyan university. Those in attend
ance say it was one of the prettiest
weddings they had over attended. The
happy pair btarted at 5 o'clock last
night uiKin their wedding tour to Den
vor and other points of interest after
which they will be at home to their
friends in Alliance."
Ju O. T. M. Mvetb evury llr&t und third Frr
dayatKaulo Hall. Vlsltim? ,.,.i.
dlally invited. .Mas. Ji J. IIbtzolu. L. C.
Jlus. Anmk Vousr, U. K.