1 UOM t rasgwsri loo JSF:i:fiiH hoi Nothing is more interesting than the manufacture of high grade lumber. Wc buy only of the best manufacturers anil hence can assure jou tho best of every thing in the line of Hulldlnu material. BiwM'CTintJasraCTwrwMHtwirMiM CALL AND SF1! US OUK PRICKS AKli RIGHT PHONE 73 b: Forest Lumber Company. i m hviy IfjruiJLVfcLU &s r ,u fjtjwt- J. -'--.::'' y For that small repairing- we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying", fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. Irv THE rown POTATO DIGGER. This machine is offered to the public aftei years of ex perience and practical opera tion in the potato field, dur ing which time many altera tions and improvements were made, nor was it offered for sale until the inventor was as sured thai it was nearer per fection, both in construction and the ability to do the work of a first-class digger in the field, than any other machine ever offered to the public. D. J. O'KEEFE, (Agent,) Hemingford, - Neb. Wnnted- Real Estate. -Cash offer for S V. wc ,j- I can local you' An n 640 aent homa- Mtwtl, For Sale Ciaed farm in Cuatar county null desirable ranch property in Holt county. To livchanga Houta and lot in ancu for quarter section nanr town. Alii- Dierks' Lumber Coal Co. Also agents for Nebr. Central Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 toe i sid tockm en, WM Moomaw.Nob. O'MAHA Cattlo Catholic hratid-d t'roi- on Stockmen: It will pay you to advertise! your brands m tins has the largest circu lation of any newspa per in Western Ne braska. Xchrnsku Mock (Slower s Association. (Incorporated.) A.M. Modlsett, incident, Kuhvillo; 15. M. Hiiuipton, vlco-prcsldcnt, Alliance; 1'. M Searle Jr , secrotary-treasuter, Ojralalla Kxecutlve commit too I'. I. Myers, Lena; It. It. ICIncald. Ulm;huin; .lolm lireuuan, Alliunci'i.I. It. VanliosUrk, Alliance; V.. V.. Lowu.HjatiiiN; .lolm M. Adnnii, I'otter; It. M. Allen. Ames 11. LIrco, LodKopule; neit Eldred, Orlando; i:. C. Harris, Chadron; I.. V. WcUell, Kimball; ICobert Giahani, Al llaneo; John Conway. Dunning; .1. 11 Cooli, Agate; A. S. Heed, Alliance. r!t!lit litu TioiM" biandod same 011 tight shoulder. Ktinch on S V l of section 30, Si, 45 and adjacent ranee ca32ts jjnrst.r7:.il,i 3Hr ffL&V OuKwK A. 1)11, MNO llo Unite. Neli. Cattle branded as I) cut 011 left lll, iiIm) ultli the bar owr Instead uf under lirmifl Alsoon left hide K'nehnwVj section li. In township laiiKi" 4(1 JpSpSITime Table Alliance, Neb. CWT J ITC 1- ,.jmr LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, HUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, SALT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, and all points east and all points west and south. TllAINS J.KAVK ASTOU-OWS, MOUNTAIN TlMK! No 41 Passenger daily. DeadwtxMl, For Sale A ranch of, 4S0 acres deeded land and J20 acres loaned land 10 mile from Alliance. Lnnd Iny.s nice, io rubs under cultivation, good house and other buildings, splendid well with windmill, all under fence, fine grove of largo treog, lota of small fruit. This is one of the best places in the county. Price Js.too; half cash, live jears timo on tmlnnce nt S pur cant. T. J. O'Krupk. Taken Up. Stray bteer, at my ranch near I.tiwn, about two years, Horofonl tock, branded VT (connected) on loft side. Owner cnu linxti ateer by pnying nil opensos. Sec. 31-28-51. Louis IIOMRinilOUSKN. Notice. Owins to tho fact that the services of n United Stntes Land Commissioner have been greatly in demand since tho pabinge of the new homestead bill, I luuo decided to again attend to all kinds of business before tho United States land office Having had several earsi experience in the work, all manors will receive proper and prompt attention. Homestead filings, fmnl proofs, contests, etc.. can bo made before me nt any place in tio land dis tricts in which the lands desired arc located. I will also visit point's between Hroken Bow and t raw fold upon request. Any violation of the land laws or irregu larities of governmental acts will reccic the proper atten.ion when reported to me. T. J. O'Kkkfk, United States Commissioner for tho District of Nebraska. in) ) Alianw rid Official publication of ihe County. Largest Circulation of any Alli ance paper visits nearly every home in the county. We do not say that The Herald is l he only good paper in Alliance but the fact that it has nearly twice the circulation of any other is evi dence that The Herald leads. Prints all the news that's worth printing. The Herald can be had a whole year for the small sum $1.50 HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY.... . all points north and DBBJl II A ALMSON Lakeside, Neb O.ittle branded N op Waht hi p. HniiKe In Twji. 2tf. ianse-15, feher dan county. MUSLHU . TUI.LY, Jess, Neb Stock br.mded at shown 011 cut on either side. Alsod-O on eith er side. Township SO and range 4't Canton. county, Neb (Cross II C'ros) ou left side. Also 1 1 1 on left thixh. Under slo po on left ear. Horses branded r-ame as catll3 on left Jaw and u on left shoulder. &vA"&arsiiMB .MSKf i&gssmsss&e: t CUKKAN IIUO i-loux For a Full Line of... Staple AND Fancy Groceries STOKM IAKH KAXt II, ltOIIIUtTGKAHAM, Clemau, Neb. As in cut on right or left hip: left car cropped. Horses branded 0 on left jaw. .OS NKHL'O. &$ .. .11 .wn T .1 JJOWI). sfcA ?iJ5?'5SS mmmm K MA11IN. HcmliiKford, Neb Cattlt. branded flyini; horseshoo 011 ilcht hip, as Incut. Home ranch sec 't-'J7-W). llorsurunch In '-ti-m i Finest Teas, f Superior Flours MllllllL' west U':.1ja.ui. No. 4J I'.isseiiger dally, hlneoln, Oinaha. Chicago and all points east 'M'ih.iii. No ilOl Passenger daily, for Denver Ogdeii.suit Lake, .in I'ran eiseo and all Interiuediato points, departs at 2:l.'u.iu No 3ft) Passenger dally from Denver and all lntcr.iicdhilo points, arrles at .... 10: 15a. in. No. DOjDally, ocen Sunday, for points south and west, de pirts ... l'Ji.V) 11. in No. 3W Dally, except Sunday, fiom south and west, 11 wiles 4:55 p. in. Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars (seats free) 011 through trains. Tickets sold and baggage cliecked to any point In the I'nlted States or Canada. I'or information, time tables and tickets call on or write to L. h. Saok, Agent, or L. V. Waki'i.ky, Ueii eral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Nebraska. Is One of the Most Upto-Dnte Drug Mores in Nebraska A SELECT stock or Prescriptions Carefully ? w. Compounded & Watches and Daimonds. Fine Watch Repairing . , a Specialty " "" Alliance, Nebraska. T. B. HOLSTEN, Proprietor. ----'--- -- -- ------ The Price of a Heating Stove Doesn't cut much ice if the stem will savo you one half your conl bills. Tlmt is exactly whnt our best henters will do; Anil tho prices of these stoves tire low too, At tho licacil of our Hue of hcatinc stoves rue COLES9 HOT BLAST BECK WITH' S RETORT OAK AND ROUND OAK See Humphrey for picture framing holsterini; and furniture repairing. That Can't De Beat In Town.... Queensware, !r Ti'mifirfl -i ' - and -??$ Enameled ware CALL ON. A. D. RODGERS. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in The Summer Season Is here. So are We With Special Prices on provisions of all kinds. Call in and see us before buying. Lee Acheson f 'Phone No. 4. W. M. FOSKETT Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COMMISSION, BY THE DAY. Of Malimla, Neb. On left side. N on left Mdo J. It. Nerud. Alliance. Neb. ;i 5 connected any jilaeo on left side HiillKO on bead of I'lno Creek, Sheridan unty. rOINT-OK-KOCKS RANCH. JOHN O'lvKKKU .S: SONS, Alliance, Neb, Cattle branded OK on left side: also OK and K on left bide. : V- AJ f XV f SCH ILL IIHOS., Schlll, Nobw Cattlo branded on right thlk'h or XV on rlBht bide. Township 27, range 45,SherIdan county. COAL & WOOD 'Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. F. m. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moying Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . , Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance. For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing CALL on I. D. NICHOLS Also has in stock a new line of GENTS' SHOES of the best manufacture and at prices that v. ill suit. Call and examine the stock before you buy and you will save money. t At R. Madsen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. t 83T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Huminoi'ori), Nr.ii. ur- For Sale Carriage and phaeton, for cash or on time. J. C. WIlHon k Hno. "Irish Mnil"l Do jou know what it is? Your boy does and ho wants one. Geo. Darling. 32-'f Stinjcil. July 27, from my place in cast Alliance, one red cow with white s,pots on face, branded F U on left side and right hip knocked down, S5 reward for return of same. Jacoii Sciirkinp.r. As j ou become older, accustom your self to neglect. In promises for tho future your friends are nil Kood to you. Listen sister: If you nmrry money or a title, that Is all you oiiRht to expect to get out of It. When n man Is sick and thinks ho is goliiK to die he Is so badly Hcured that he Is not cross. If you want to please the hostess don't'accept all the Invitations extend ed by the host and the children. If n husband doesn't like to have his wife wive the old love letters bo wrote her lot him write her new ones. A man has many advantages over a woman. A man can stop on the street and watch other men work and make suggestions, but a woman can't do It without being talked nbout. .vtciuson Globe. The Senator's Ilnlinii. A prominent hemito"r, who cla.'ms to be rather more cultivated than some of his colleagues, prides himself on bis knowledge of Italian. During a rccotit visit to New York ho patronized a street boolblacklng stand and as he got Into the seat directed the bootblack In his best Italian to make haste, as he wns trying to catch a train. The bootblack stared at the senator for a moment In apparent perplexity, then answered briefly: "Mo no bpeak liugllsh." A newsboy Htandlng on the corner bud -witnessed tho Incident with In terest. "He ain't no Frenchman," ho ob served conlldontlally as the senator got down from the stand. "He's a bloomln dago. Talk Italian." Harner's 'Weekly. Then we have a latgc line of cheaper heaters you will also find the largest and best line of Steel Ranges Cast Ranges and Cast Cook Stoves at lrresistablc I'tices "Nuff Scil" Call and see them nt --- --- - -------- ---- - . - Nebraska Hide and Leather. Co Established IS78 Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Cow and Horse Hide Robes, Leatherand Saddlery Hardware Always Reliable, L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska City. Nebraska. FIRE IS1CI..S03V FLKTCIIKIt INSURANCE AGENT nEPnnsENTS the following INSURANCE COMPANIES. lUrlfoid Tire Insurance Cnuipan. North American of Philadelphia. Phoenix nt lllooklyn. New York, Continental of New York Ulty. Manila Fire liisuraiicu Cumpauy. New York Underwriters, New York. Commercial I'nlou Ahsurance Co., Loudon Liverpool. London ami Olobe Inn, Co. lieriiian Aiuuileau Ins, Co., New York, runners mid Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Cite Insurance Compiny. Philadelphia Undcrwi Iters. I'liocnK Ins, Co., Hartford, Colin. Office I'p.Stnlrs, I'lctchcr lllock. Alliance, Nebraska. Dray and Transfer Line W m HF.N YOU GO TO LEAVli TOWN, rlont worry about what to do wall vour 1 1 onset old Good S. A, Miller will tale charge of then ; itore ther in a nice, dry and cool plate rfiul 1 r k and abb thorn wlieretnr det.nud. ('haiim -t-onable. Phone 139. The only spring dray line in the city ? 3. -4. Mliier. UPsLlSLce s. II. ONi: III.OCK WT.ST (IP 'I IIP. Jfl'.U ZII1NDLN . , JLj i -v o x 37" 13JSSCSI. 1'i'op. Good turnouts, htiict attontion tu out luiiiioss, and courteous tieutinont to all ha won bur us the m'll.DlNfl. 'Phono Ti oxcellunt pationage wo enjoy. Trv un. Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, Hrlck Shop West of Alliance National Hank, Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400. Half Rates to Newcastle and Return. For the Weston county fair at New castle, Wyoming, September 8 to 10 llur lington will sell tickets at one fare for the round trip. Return limit September 14. Ask the agents for details. I.oiiK Wlmlftl. There have been many terms of re pronch and ridicule applied to Inter minable and wearisome talkers, but here are two that seem to be particu larly nut: One Is the comment of a politician on a Washington orator, "He has a Rood train of thoiiKlit, but It lacks terminal facilities." The other comes from the village hu morist, who said of the village" orator, "He's the only feller I ever knew AVho could sol his face talkln' an' then po off an' leave It." Japnncde Pottery. Everybody who knows anything at nil about Japanese pottery knows tlmt there is such n thing us Sutsuma ware. Beyond the fact that It H yellowish In tone and always crackled knowledge In most cases does not go, however. The name of the pottery Is taken from the clny which comes from the prov ince of SatHtima and Is the only clny In Japan, possibly In the world, which will stand the number of llrlngs neces sary hi the elaborate decorations of which It Is tho subject. C0C00rS0O0S000OO00-W-X---',-'0OC0000OG(t00Oa09e 0 e The placing' of a few dollars monthly in the ... ALLIANCE ... National Bank e o - o (9 a n o - e o 6 O will soon enable you to buy a comfortable home. SI. Kmoiit, President .... V. lUCoaniN, V. President O. II. Co.NNUTT.Gasliler. ooeoaooo98O9oeeo-,--x-:-;co8es9ec0O9o89G The Ilrnntl, The old gentleman had just stepped Into tho crowded car and hnd ncclden tally trodden on AJgy Fitzgerald's foot. "Confound you, you cnreless old buf fnw!" cried Algy. "You'vo crushed my foot to a Jelly!" "Ah," said tho old man calmly "calf's foot Jelly, I sup-poso!" OOOOOOOOO0 0 ..,.... -TV f X KfcttW x. nevce. k 0 Fire insurance. H&MIriGPORD, Nkbraska. 0 0 0 0 9 i HKO OK0JfO00000 Aeeut for tho Culodonlan. of Scotland, which Insures town property only, and tho Colum bia, which Insures .town and farm lironorty und live stock, llotli uro rellubloold lluocom-punles Nota.i'ial Work.. J. Rowan DBA LEU IN FLOUR and FEED wiioLKSALi: asi ttFrrAiL HANUI.HS THK Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Pilklngton's old stand, 'phone No. 71.