: ir I A QUICK RECOVERY. A Prominent Officer of the Order of Rebeccas writes to Thank Doan'a Kidney Pills for It Mrs. C. K. Bumgardnor, a local oHl- nni nf IVin Tlnlinnnqa nf Tnnnlm t.... Room 10. 812 Kansas Av .,!. l ....l KaSfflClJWiMia- Doan's Kldnoy Pills during the past year, for kidney trouulo and kindred ailments. 1 wns suffering from pains In tho back and headaches, but found after tho usa of ore box of tho remedy that tho troubles; gradually disappeared bo that before I had finished a secordl package I was woll.l I, therefore, ceartlly endorse your re mo-! dy." (Signed) Mrs. C. E. Bumgardner. A FREE TRIAL Address Foster Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sals by all dealers. Prlco, CO cts. Try to muke two virtues look llko ton, and they will get so thin you won't know them. Smokers find Lewis' "Single Binder" straight 5c cigar bettor quality than most 10c bninds. lxiwls' Factory, Peoria, 111. Some mon lead double lives because they are driven to it A striking: contrast between Defiance Starch and any other brand will be foand by comparison. Defiance Starch stiffens; whlten5. beautifies with put rotting:. ft grrves. clothes back their newness. It i absolutely- pure ft wiH not. injure the most delicate, fabrics. For flno-things and all rhing&uso tho best there Is. Defiance 'Starch io cents for t6 ounces. Other brand k cents-fop ta ounces. A. strikingKontrasti THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO. Oaufatfeh W. N. U Omaha. No. 391904 AStfcfablc PrcparationfbrAs -slmilaling UicFoodandlleduIa ting ihc S toinachs andBowcls of rmJ4A&&X?73f&XWlVfm?3X 9 Kt y,a y w, I w; wittm Promolcs Digcslion.ChccrfuI ness andRcst.Contains ncitlicr Opium.Morpliino norIiiuiraL NOT HAK.C OTIC . J3apc afOUn-SiKUELRTCIWl acJmc ' jfcSZLiuk MtSnHrXumi Aperfecl Remedy forCortstlov Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions.Fcverisrv ness and Loss op Sleep. FacSinukt Signature f NEW YDHK. SSta. it XwJirWL : TMM1 K Ivl mm II MitmffSYIs ' p?iw I & I I , 'r. h. "( nw if HW m ijBuTi.1 h Hi n hi Win tt i i fM i 1 1 it i II I'llllHlFPTiinTHr w HhIS EXACT COPV OP' WRABBEH.. . SH K H M HANDY BLUEING BOOK. In sheets of PURE ANILINE BLUE. No bottles. No paddles. NoMasW. Gives the same unount ot blueing water each wash-da-. Ask your grocer tow it or sond lOo (or a boot of a lean. The Hintiy Bluilng Book Co., 87 E. Ltfce St., Chicago III. Utl Bas Couch Srnip. Tane Good. UM Km j-nriTih7TVwf-k BEGGS' BLOOD PURIF1SB V -mibi H1 CURES catMTb ol tftie at&mmOu Babies Carried In Boots. Gypsies carry their babies in old shawls slung over tholr shoulders and tied about tho waist. North Ameri can Indians carry their babies on tho backs of squaws cradlo and all. But tho Eskimo womon of Labrador carry their babies In tholr boots. Theso boots como up to tho knoo and are wIUo at tho top, with a flop in front. In theso tho llttlo brown babies llvo and aro happy. Cats With Knotted Tails. Thoro Is a brood of cats In Malacca which has this peculiarity. At first, travolcrs aro under tho Impression that somo cruel porson has tied a knot In pussy's tall "for fun," but this is not so. Tho klttons aro born with this peculiarity, and It continue! throughout their Ufa. Phllanthroplcal. It should bo a compensating thought to a man who dlos and lcuivoa insur anco monoy that ho is bonofitlng his own sex, for somo other man will como along and got it. Atchison Globa. Many Children Aro Slokly. Mother Gray's SweotPowdors for Children, used by Mothor Gray, a nurso in Children's Homo, Now York, euro Summer Complaint, FoYorlshno3s,IIoadacho,Stomach Troubles, Toothing Dlsordors and Destroy Worms. At all Druggiits', S5o. Samplo niaUod FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Lo Roy, N. Y. In accord with tho eternal fitness of things a book of loye-pooms should be bound In calf. Every housokeopor should know that If they will buy Deflanco Cold Water Starch for laundry uso they will savo not only time, because it uevor sticks to tho iron, but because each packago contains 16 oz. one full pound while all othor Cold Wator Starches aro put up in -pound pack ages, and tho price la tho same, 10 cents. Then again because Deflanco Starch Is free from all Injurious chem icals. If your grocer trios to sell you a 12-oz. packago it Is because ho has a stock on hand which ho wishos to dlsposo of before ho puts in Deflanco. He knows that Doflanco Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures "1G ozs." Demand Deflanco and save much tlmo and money and tho annoyanco of tho iron sticking. Defiance never sticks. Man Is tho only animal that uses a handkerchief. Women's handkerchiefs are merely for show. Homo Visitors' Excursion Tickets to Indiana and Ohio. Via Tho Northwestern Line, will bo sold at very low rates on four Tuesdays, Sept. 13th, 20th and 27th, and Oct. 11th, limited to return within 30 days from date of sale. For particulars as to territory to which excursion tickets may bo sokL etc., apply City Offices, 1401-1403 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Very Low Rates to St. Paul-Minneapolis Via Tho Northwestern Lino. Excursion tickets will bo sold .at ono faro plus 50 cents on Sopt 28th, ; 29th and 30th, with favorable return , limits, on account of Gideons' conven tion. City Offices, 1401-1403 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over Thirty Years STOMA vxiosarrMin OiiKrf. nm tom orr. TTORIA Bears the J Signature fW ,v vjy h SQUELCHED THE SMALL BOY. Reference to "Higher Mathematics" Too Much for Him. James Ilogan was no doubt an im portant porson in Bradbury, aa ho wns tho only man who could bo hired to saw nnd split wood or to uso a lawn mower. Ho never lost a chnnco to Impress this fact upon a casual lis tener. "I'vo got to gqt through thta Job for your ma quick as ovor I can," ho announced to the small son of ono of his employers. "I'm losing Blxty cinta on hour right nlong evory mlnuto I'm here. Thcre'B thrco folks waiting for mo now, nnd I don't know how thoy'ro going to get along till tomorrow with out me, anny ono of 'em." "Why, Mr. Hogan," said tho boy, re spectfully, "I don't seo how you'ro losing sixty cents an hour when moth er pays you twenty, and you couldn't bo but in one placo and " "Have you got as far as geomethry In your studies?" inquired Mr. Ilogan, coldly, resting his arms on tho handlo oi tho lawn mower. "N no, sir," admitted tho boy. "When you do you'll understand a good many things that's hid from you now," said Mr. Hogan, resuming his leisurely progress over tho lawn." Youth's Companion. Mother Love. Do you remember, long nnd lonir npo. When Briefs enmo weighty griefs that meet a child Ami you went In to hor to sob your woo. How nntlcntly nnd soothingly Bho smiled T Do yon remember how sho healed each brulso And stopped tho hurt that catno from slip or fall? How suddenly tho llttlo pain you'd losa At: "It Is nothing nothing much, at all." Do you remember how, long. long ago, You would awaken, trembling In your fright When fenrsome things, which only chil dren know, Wero peering wildly nt you from tho night? Do you remember how sho mndo you seo They were but waving shadows on the wnll, And how sho wove Into a lullaby Her "it Is nothing nothing much, nt all"? And you remember, long nnd long ngo, Ifow every little fret of night or tiny Bcforo her talisman, when whispered low, "Would vanish, would bo driven quite nway : And you remember, too, how each soft word A newer happiness to you would cnll. As though the Joys of )outh enmo when they heard Her "It Is nothing nothing much, nt all." And can you hear it now? Of nil tho rest That llfo has let us keep within our hold, This memory must be tho very best This precious thing that is not bought or sold. When days nre dark nnd nights nro sad dened, now, Out from tho shrouding sllcnco docs there fall While her cool fingers seem to touch the brow. This: "It Is nothing nothing much, nt all"? W. D. N. in Chlcngo Tribune. Cockrell as a Fisherman. Senator Cockrell, of Missouri, caught tho fishing fever recently, and, with an equally experienced friend, hired a boat and went about thrco miles up tho Potomac river. Tho friend did tho rowing and tho senator tho fishing. A heavy stono tied to a ropo anchored tho boat where the fishing was supposed to bo good. After several hours of ill luck tho sen ator concluded it was not a good day for fishing and tho friend started to row homeward. All tho tlmo tho an chor stono was hanging ovor tho stern, tho senator having forgotten to haul It up. Tho oarsman, unconscloua of that fact, was tugging vigorously nt tho oars, and ho romarkod during his (requent pauses for rost that It seemed harder pulling with tho cur rent than against it. Returning to tho boat landing, tho man who rented tho boat to tho sen itor instantly noticed that tho anchor was dragging behind. As ho assisted tho senator to land he remarked julotly: "Jedgo, you don't look drunk and you ha en't tho smell of liquor on you, but this is the first tlmo I over saw two sober men pull a boat for threo miles with tho anchor dragging." "I paid for tho boat, didn't I?" re plied tho senator testily, not caring to admit his forgctfulness. "Well, then it is nono of your damn business if wo wanted to get a little extra exercise." She Stocked Up on Prayers. Ono little girl that I know of is so sleopy when alio starts for bed that it is occasionally hard work for her to mako up her mind to finish the good night prayer. A few nights ago sho dropped her head upon tho pollows earlier than usual. She wasn't very sleepy and at onco began to dash off a prayer in refreshing style. Tho first prayer over, along came another one and still a third. .About this time her mother, surprised at tho turn proceedings had taken, asked tho llttlo ono what sho meant by so many prayora. "Why," explained the llttlo girl, "I'm going to say twelvo prayers, now I'm awake, and then I can go two weeks without saying one." Lowell Courier. Judge Also a "6crchr." A Wolsh magistrate recently had nu automobile "scorching" caso on his docket for trial. On Uoa night before tho case was to come up his honor was staying at a villaso twenty-firo miles from the town in which court was to bo held. The Judgo slept a bit too well that night and awoko late. It was nocessary for him to hurry in order to reach tho scene of hla Judi cial duties on tlmo. Ho hired a mo tor car fpr tho occasion and accom plished tho twenty-fivo mllos well lu ;4de of an hour, reaching his bench in ample season to hear tho caso and fine tho other reckless driver (35 lor exceeding the tima lhniL The- Judg did not ae tho Joka, either. WIHow-waro Center. In ten years Maryland has Jumped from fifth to third placo in tho willow waro iudustry In tho tmttod BUten. ranking now next to Now York and Pennsylvania. Baltimoro Is one ot tho throt wlllow-wre centors which only hnvo shown any actual growth in tho bualnots. In Maryland tho center of th willow dlntrtot Hog In Howard county, la tho acighbarhood of Elk rldg nlono tha output of willow ex coods $5,004 per annum, while Anno Arundel county contribute (2.C00. Defiance Starch should bo in every household, none po Kood, besides i ot. more for 10 cents than any other brund of cold water stnrclk. Growth of European Papulation, Fow poraoea have any lata of tho extraordinary nanaor in which the population ( Burepe acts incroMd duriaf tfce loot century. According to atatlatlclaM this population hnn moro tkan aonblod itself from 1880 to 190. To this lnoreass the Lutla nntloaa of the wmt and south ost contributed the leant and the greatest growth was In the east, where tho pcoplo have not yet become thorovicfe ly saturated with the ideas of mod orn civilization. PUo's Curo is tho best medicine wo ever uttd for all B&ectlons of the thront nnd lungn. Wit. O. Evdslbt, Ynotmrcn, IuO., Feb. 10, MOO. Clvllliatlen and Railroads, Nothing is more Blgnificant of tho auddoa developnmnt of Japan than the history of hor railways. The first rail ways olghteen ralloe ia length, wai complotod in lSl3. At the preeeat tlmo there are 1,844 mllos of state aad 3,150 miloa of private railways in o oratlon, aad thero are 8S2 miles under construction. For tho moat part tboy pay woll, tho largor yioldlng dividend) from 10 to 13 per cent Mrs. Window's HootUlajr flyrap, 7trcbUdra tcethtni, lofuiai tht Rtinu, reduce to OumnUkm, Ujiln, curst wind cullu. 83obutUo. Ohlnoae Moat Spoken Language. Thoro are 383,000,000 Chinese speak ing thA same language, making Chi noso tho tnoet spoken laaguAga. Thorp aro many dlaieots. however, which Boom soarcoly to belong to tho Domo tongue. The inhabitants of Mongolia and Tibot can barely understand tho dlaleot of the people In Pahia. OUvor wldoly epoken longuagoa aro aa fc lowa, In millions.: English, ISO; Gor man. 70; Russian, 68; Spanish, 4-1; Portuguooo, 32. "Dr. David IConnMr'n Fnvnrlte rVmcrty rmrv tao prompt fcntl roinplK relief rem ttrfp.j'iHii end UTordiruiouint."n.T.'rrwbrld(e,llulinK.H,K.Y Reading With a Purpose. Reading without purposo is saanter lng, not exercise. More la got from ono book on which the thought set tles for a definite end in knowledge, than from librarloo skimmed over by a wandering eye. A cottage fkrwer gives honey to the boe, a king's gar den nooa to the butterfly. Lord Lyt ton. Tbn Murine Ere r.euwtfr Co., ChU'tra.end Home Eye Iloofe free. Wrtre tneni Xtnt jtrar T Slovenly Russian Servants. Tho slovenliness of wc-ojoa servants In Russia is a faot ofton eommented upon by Americans. A naid when waiting upon tke table ia often dressed ia a short prlat skirt aad loose blouso. Is aboeleaa and etookiagleas, and baa a colored handkerchief ttoS) over hor hair. All Up-te-Date Houeekeepera use Dcilanoe Cold Water BUrch, b causa it Is butter, and 4 oa. more of it for eamo moaoy. Loft-Haaded CompirMeat. fa a case involving the manage ment o aa Daalloh insane asylum oov oral formor lamatoa ware called as witnessed and the king's counsel, who called tbeca, reaaarkod that they wore aa sano as any one in tho court. The Judgo oq tho beaah showed do aa thuslaam at the announcement , When Bettora Should Quit. Tho London Sketch says a profes sional betting man should go out of business when 50 years old. Aftor that ago a man makoa mistakes. Dotwoen 50 and G5 ho stands to loso 75 per oent ot what ho accumulated bcforo CO. Old Fashion Beat. A Massachusetts man waa fined tho othor day for kicking a cat. This would mako It appear that the old bootjack is still tho best weapon with which to got evon with a folino of fonder. Why It la the Bee isbecause made by an entirely differ ent process. Deflanoe Htnrch ia un like any other, better nnd one-third more for 10 cents. A man's place in heaven may be qulto different from bis pew down here. BEST BY TEST "I have tried all kind t wtierereof dothirtf f4 have waver found anything I any price to eomptre wirfi yeor Ruh Brand for protection frem all kinds of wcarher." OH nun tni tdirmt tf tr wrw er" tm wweluted letter mtf ke 14 van ifplirilien.) A. J. TOWER CO. TheSwirfeS. Bw. U.S.A. CrWEJUf TOWER CANADIAN llfAtfr CO. LIMITED f r Toouo. cmu 'XsuaaM MdUf of Wrnult Wi Ueatk CittMtm PUTN Staeersa Uvea nro oleuJn. fci tfMSr m wrv&sti&w eaksBBBBBBBeVkTjrii!!eK?KBSew Miss Gannon, Sec Art Association, tells do to avoid pain and suffering caused by female troubles. "Dear Mns. PimniAM: -I can conscientiously recommend LydlaB. Plnklmm's Vcfrotnblo Compound to those of my sistors suirorinff with foinole Aveakneea and tho troubles which bo often befall womenil suf forcd for months with freneral weakness, and folt so weary that I had hard work to keep up. 1 had shooting pains, and was utterly miserable. In my distress I was advised to use LycMn. E. Plnklmm's Ycgctablo Compound, and it was a red letter day to mo when I took tho first dose, for at that tirao my restoration began. In six weolcs I was a changed woman, perfectly woll hi every respect. I felt so elated and happy that I wantaU womon who suffer to gotwcllas I did." Miss Guila Gannon, 850 Jonos St, Detroit, Mich., Secretary Amateur Art Association. It Is clearly shown in this yonncr Indy's lottcr that Iiydla Ef. Plnlchnm's Vcffotnhlo Compound will certainly curo tho suffering of women; and when ono considers that Miss Gannon's letter Is only ono of tho countless hundreds which wo aro continually publishing- In tho nowspapors of this country, tho great virtue of Mrs. Pink Iiam'a menicino must bo admitted by all ; nnd for tho absolute curo of all kinds of female Ills no substitute can possibly take its place. Women should bear thin important fact in mind when they go into a drug store and be sure not to accept anything that is claimed to bo " just as good " as Lydla E. Pink hnm's Vegetablo Compound, for no other medicine for female ills has made so many actual cures. How Another Sufferer Was Cured. Diun Mns. PmnnAii: I cannot praise your wonderful remedies enough, for they have dono me moro good than all tho doctors I havo had. For the last eight years and moro I suffered with female troubles, was very weak, could not do my housework, also had nervous pros tration. Some days I would remain unconscious for a wholo day and night. My neighbors thought I could never recover, but, thanks to your medicine, I now fcel llko a different woman. " I feol very grateful to you and will recommend Lydla E. Plnk lmm's Vegetable Compound to all. It has now been four years sinco I had the last spell of nervous prostration. I only weighed ninety eight pounds at that time ; now I weigh ono hundred and twenty-three. "I consider your Vegetable Compound tho finest remedy made. Thanking you many times for tho benefit I received from your medicine, I remain, Yours truly, Mrs. J. II. Fakkek, 2800 Elliott Ave., St. Louis, Mo.' Remember Mrs. Plnkham's ndvico is f rco nnd all sick women are feellHk if thoy do aot otftc for it. Sho spenks from the widest oxpcrleaaw, and has helped multitudes of women. $5000 FORFEIT If ouinot forthwith tWn iostuaouUi. whkU will were IWHlHMiMlBBMl Great Reduction in Rates via WABASH RAILrROAD Home visitors excursions eord every Tuesday In September and October 11th. naif fare (plus IZ.00) for tho round trip to all points In Indiana, points in Ohio and Kentocfty. J8.C0 St. Eouts and return, sold Tuesdays and Thursdays, J18.80 St. Louis and return, sold dally. 27.15 Buffalo, Niagara Falls or Toronto and return, sold dally. 121. CO Detroit and return, Bold dally. $20.00 Chicago and return (one way via St. Louis), sold dally. Long limit and stop over allowed at St. Louis on ALL tickets. SohednVe of our Fast trains. Read down. Read up. TUG a. m.;30 p. m. Lv. Omaha. Arr. 9:00 p. m. 8:20 a. m. 8:W a. m. 6:45 p. ra. Lv. Council muffs Arr. 8:45 p. m. 8:00 a. m. 7:35 p. m. 7:00 a. m. Arr. World' Fair Station Lv. 9:15 a. m. 7:45 p. m. T:50 :. m. 7:15 a. m. Arr. St. Louis Lv. 9:00 a. m. :30 p. m. ThetM trains run dally. Compare this time -with other lines. TtM Wabaah lands all pcuyttngara ut and checks baccaco to its own etation at main entrance of World's fair grounds. Think what this means; quick tlma. extra car rare raved, and a delightful trip, and you are not all tlrod out before entering the Exposition grounds. Ml Aganta can rout yon rta th.e Wabash R. R. For beautiful World's Fair tokkir and all information addrOB, MARRY E. MOORES, a. A. V. V., Wab R. R., Omaha, Neb. FADELESS DYES xuAtbtm I y Detroit Amateur young women what to predeee the original letter and signature! of ihelr atwolnte mnulneneM. IffOU K. rinldimm Mo1. Co, , LTin, Mate. p)vptthtT silk, -wool or cottoBi Hira ,rcrrrjTtocrc or nuuiea v3 CO.. VRtoavtU. Mv