The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 23, 1904, Image 2

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Divorces In Japan.
Divorces In Japan, which can bo ob
tained on tho most trivial pretension,
hnvo somewhat diminished In number
In recent years, but they tsUll occur
nt tho rnto of ono to ovory thrco mar
rlages. In 1802 thore woro 349,489
marringes nnd 113,498 divorces.
Where He's Wrong.
A mnn has no right to glvo his wlfo
cway when sho boasts before com
pany, considering that sho never
gives him away by looking surprised
when bo offers her tho rocking chair
when company la present. Atchlso?
Leave Mementoes of Visit.
According to a very old custom pre
vailing at tho quaint old town of Oak
ham, England, every peer of tho realra
passing through tho town U requlrel
to leave n horseshoe, or Its equivalent,
to bo placed In tho castlo.
Australian Curiosity.
Australian geologists recently dis
covered a great curiosity In tho shapo
of n fish of opal. Tho fish Is about
throe and one-half feet long, and li
of tho shnpo of tho dog-fish. It has
distinct opal velnlngs,
River Skirts Lake.
One discovery inndo by an explor
ing party In Abyssinia recently Is that
the river Qclo skirts tho southernmost
extremity of Lnko Tata Instead it
flowing Into tho lake, as was hlthorta
When Opportunity knocks nt your
loor, go nnd open It quick, and don't
Hand still sneering at her because sho
-wasn't up to dato enough to ring tho
electric bell. Somervlllo Journal.
Women Know No Birthdays.
Among female Moors birthday cele
brations nro unknown. A Moorish
woman considers It a point of honor
to be absolutely lgnornnt of her ago.
Water as Sound Conductor.
Tho sound of a bell which can Uo
heard 45,200 feet through tho water
can bo heard through tho air only ISC
Oil for Locomotive Fuel.
Of tho 1,350 locomotives owned nnd
operated by tho Southern Pacific, 7S9
are now using oil as fuel.
Tartar Alphabet.
The Tartar ilphahet contains 20i
totters ho'-" '-' '---- to vorW
Tho Reason Why.
Dmnimond, Wis., Sept. 19 (Special)
Wholo families in Uayflold County
aro singing tho praises of Dodd's KJd
noy Pills and tho reason why is given
In experiences such as that of Mr.
T. T, Wold, n well-known citizen hero.
"I had such pains in my bnck that
I did not know what to do," says Mr.
Wold, "and as I canio across an advor
llfionu'nt of Dodd's Kidney Pills I sent
for a box. That ono box rellovcd mo
of alt my pains. My wlfo also used
thorn and found them just what sho
needed. I recommend Dodd's Kidney
Pills ns a sure euro for Dnakacho and
other Kidney Troubles."
Backache Is ono of tho cnrlicst
rytuptoms of Kidney Disease Dodd's
Kidney Pll's cure It promptly and per-
manontly and prevent It developing
Into Rheumatism, Dropsy, Diabetes or
Drlght's Disease.
Undertaker's Thank Offering.
Tho bishop of London, hac received
n subscription of $25 from an under
taker who described tho gift ns a
thank offering "hecnuso trado has
Veen so brbk of late."
While we aro Btnry to loam that
tho attendance nt St. Louis Is not ns
largo ns was expected, still thoro Is
tho hnppy thought that thore will not
be so mtny people who will want to
talk all winter about their visit to tho
A man who removes his hat In the
elevator of an office building nlways
does It with nn oppression which Indi
cates that ho believes every woman
In tho elevator will wrlto a noto to
the papers nbout his gallantry.
The nest ombodles nil that Is great
est in n bird's life; and as most men
nre a good deal like birds, tho same
ought to be said of the home. Now
York Tribune
They say that money does not bring
happiness. This Is an experiment,
howevor, which ovory ono wishes to
try for himself. Philadelphia Tele
Somo peoplo Insist that while it Is
fame to have a 10 cent cigar namol
for you It Is more notoriety whon a
fj cent cigar has your picture- on tho
Tho first stop toward tho elevation
of the stage should bo the Incarcera
tion of the big handed man who wants
eight or ton oncoros of every song.
Clnssic muslo and woman aro simi
lar. Lots of people llko thorn, but fow
understand them.
Some men admlro a well-formed
woman moro than thoy do a well-Informed
Many a man is willing to dlo for his
country, hut ho wants to fix tho dato
for himself.
A man who Bits with his hands in
his pockets usually hasn't much, else
Evory mau knowB how a wfo should
he managed, but fow aro ablo to do It
The men who mako a nolso In this
world aro always tho qulot ones.
ttvAI trW 'fWSVS&tyKa&llV-viWhm 1x8 B 1 I
Misses' 8even-Gored Kilted Skirt.
Skirts that arc mado flat over tho
jlps and arc bo plaited as to moan
generous fullness below that point
Incrcaso In favor week by week, and
nro shown In many variations. This
ono la peculiarly nttrnctlvo nnd suits
young girls to a nicety, being mndo
of plain cut bias nnd stitched with
cortlcelll silk. The plaltB aro turned
backward and aro bo arranged as to
conceal nil sonms, while tho many
gores do nwny with unnecessary bulk.
All suiting nnd skirting materials nro
Tho skirt consists of seven gores
nnd is closed Invisibly at tho center
back. Tho plaits nro laid on Indicated
linos nnd nro pressed lint for their
ontiro length, but Btltchod for n por
tion only.
Tho quantity of material required
for tho medium Blzo (14 years) is C
yards 21 or 27 Inches wide, or 3
yards 14 Inches wldo.
Whole Cucumber Pickles.
Lny iv hundred cucumbers In cold
water for nn hour. Drain, put Into a
stono crock nnd cover with cold brlno
that 13 strong enough to bear up an
ogg. Sot aside for three days, drain
off tho brlno, and wlpo tho pickles
dry. Wash out tho crock, put In tho
cucumbers, cover with cold water and
leavo for twenty-four hours. Boll In
vinegar two minced onions, twenty
clovos, an ounco ench of mustard nnd
celery seed and a fow blades of mace.
Add a cup of sugar and fill tho crock
with this boiling mixture Stir tho
cucumbers well, then covor closely
nnd leave for a week. At tho ond of
that tlmo drain off tho vinegar, boll
It up again and ngaln pour it over tho
pickles. Do not uso for several
Skirts Long and Full.
Tho newest skirts, In spite of all tho
prophecies to tho contrary, aro very
long nnd full, and, when puffings and
gaglngs aro not employed, there nro
many small frills, much tucked and
niched, or inserted with lace. Thoro
1b a general air of drooplness nbout
all tho smnrt toilettes of tho moment,
and ono really cannot deny their
grncoful elegance. A lovely llttlo
linen gown seen tho other day It
had been mndo In Paris for ono of
tho smartest Parislenncs renowned
for her perfect tasto In dress hnd
tho skirt cut very long, and decorated
with four flounces of embroidery in
graduating widths separated by nun's
plnlts. Tho plaited bodlco had n llttlo
fichu fastened In front of cither shoul
der by n rosotto of black velours mous
sollno, nnd tho deep pointed belt was
also of tho velours mousseline.
Skirt Styles.
Styles nro, In tho main, very much
whnt doslgners hnvo been leading up
to for a year or more Skirts, Instead
of molding tho form, spring light
away from tho waist line, though
many still bear witness to tho very
natural fear of looking bunchy nnd
thick, which haunts most women no
longer on tho right sldo of twenty-five,
by being set Into cordlngs and gaug
lngs. Tho pllsso skirt and tho box
plaited variety aro both admirable,
and likely to endure.
Tho short skirt has found Its right
plnco strictly ns a walking skirt, for
early morning wear, for shopping, or
for country and sports; tho most us
ual length Is that which just touches
tho ground all nround. Trains aro re
served for evening gowns aud cere
monious toilets.
Shirt Waists Here to Stay.
"Shirt waists aro too comfortable to
ovor go out of fashion," said a promi
nent modiste recontly. "They aro
growing moro drossy every season,
nnd yot I doubt, too, if tho real plain
tailor-made shirt waist, worn with a
white collar and black tie or n neat
stock, will ovor bo suporsodod for cer
tain occasions by tho drossier affairs.
1 mako up quantities of the whlto
handkerchief linen waists, hand-om-hroldered,
right through tho summer
and wlntor, Thoy laundor well, are
extremely becoming, and cool."
French Finery.
Linen gowns, It should bo ox
plained, aro tho chic thing for morn
ing woar at all tho smart French holi
day places Just now, and when thoy
nro not possible, on a dull or rainy
day, Bmnrt llttlo coats and skirts of
fine serge or somo thin cravenetted
cloth are In accordance with good
tasto. Hut muslin drosses nro n thing
npnrt: they aro for afternoon nnd gar
don party and soml-ovenlng wear,
dnlnty robes pnlntod or printed with
tiny pompadour designs of flowers,
and commingled with cobwebby Inces
threaded with tho very narrowest ol
velvet hobo ribbons that look ns
though fairy fingers alone hnd fash
ioned thorn. Roses, by tho wy, nro
tho most modish of nil flowers nnd the
most admired for wear this senson,
nnd apropos of matters mllllncrlal, all
tho newest lints have decidedly high
Artistic Fruit Centerpieces.
Tho English tasto for fruit center
pieces for the dinner lablo has boon
stimulated by tho beautiful designs In
olectrollors which goldsmiths and sil
versmiths nro turning out.
Tho wiring Is done through a holo
In tho center of tho tnblo and clever
ly hidden by low bowls with tubes
running through tho center, from
which riso and cprcad the electroliers.
In ono design, n bowl of exquisite
carved Italian marble Is supported by
six cuplds nnd from tho center spring
tho gold-plated electroliers in a spray
of throe, showing narcissi lights. This
howl may bo filled with fruits accord
ing to tho English fashion or, to meet
the American tasto, pink roses ars
Another centerpiece has narcissi
blooms at tho baso ns well as on tho
upper electroliers, nnd cuplds are
posed reaching from tho lower row of
lights to tho upper.
Elaboration In Gowns.
Modes of tho moment seem as fussy
as over, nnd nenrly all of thorn apper
tain to ono or other of tho Louis
periods. There Is simplicity In effect,
but In reality how different it all Is!
Gnuglngs and puffings and festooned
flounces, to say nothing of tho flat
boulllounoes now in voguo, spell end
less handwork, nnd It is really true
thnt dressmaking Just now Is nolthoi
more nor less than fine ncedlowork
More especially Is this tho case with
mousseline and taffetas frocks tho ro
quired lightness and daintiness of of
feet can only bo produced by hand
Btltchlng, and as tho newest skirts are
guiltless of lining it goes without say
lng that tho very finest needlework
la alone admlssablo. Taffeta Is more
and more In ovldenco, nnd Its most
serious rival Is glace silk, softlj
niched with chiffon.
Parisian Creation.
One of tho pretty American women
In Paris recently appeared at a re
coptlon gowned in a dress of black
Chantllly, beautifully mado over o
lustrous satin foundation. The hat
was a great wide-spreading black
laco plcturo hat and sho woro long
black gloves. The noto of color was
found In a beautiful turquoise blue
sash, In a great, long, blue ostrich
plumo and In n hnndsomo turquoise
brooch at the throat. Tho costume
was by nil odds tho most attractive
in the room.
Kimono Dressing Sacque.
No other form of dressing sacquo
Is quite so comfortable and satisfac
tory as tho kimono. This ono is pe
culiarly attractive and is mado of
light weight wash flannel with bands
of wash silk In plain color. As shown,
the sleeves nro pointed, but round
ones can be substituted whenever pre
ferred. Again, the yoke can match tho
baud in place of tho kimono when
that combination is liked. In addition
to tho "light weight wools Oriental cot-
ton crepes and all washable materi
als nro eminently appropriate and, In
plnco of tho bands bolng plain and
tho material figured, the matorlal can
bo plain and tho bands of any pretty
figured silk or ribbon that may be
The kimono consists of full fronts
and back which aro Joined to tho yoke
and Is finished with a collar and band
cut In one ploce. The sleovos nre In
ono piece each and slightly full at the
The quantity of matorlal required
In tho inodium size Is 4 yards 21
inches wide, 4 yards 27 inches wldo
or 3, yards 32 Inches wide; with 1
yards in any width for bands.
(Mm mm
ic? . J tew fw$
The Mortgage Lifter.
Itnll, to tho hoc! The American Iiok!
Tho plebplnn, Krovcllnp thine of the bop,
jo unsuc-uncKcti, BCurvy-sKl
tinned lgno-
bio doit
Of a hog!
Ho, to tho pip, the slop-catlng- pie!
Tlwo unrefined, wnllowlng stutter of
Tho vulgar-mouthed, menial son-of-a-
"Woof." big pig!
Ho, to the sow, tho fecundlous sowl
Tho leetcr-tlt, flabby-chopped, old row-
The sneky-shaped, rooty-nosed, old pork
er's frnu
Oh, thou bow!
Here's to them nil, tho Ignoble pen!
Tho louthsomest hoguos of pig-sty nnd
Tho muddy-nosed, tllted-eycd, saviours of
On the farm!
Sing ye a song of America hog!
Tho dollar marked gruntor that's built
llko u log,
Tho gold weighted snootcr that clears
away fog
From tho farm!
Warble of humming birds, lovers and
Tho poetic metre, tho fair woman's face,
Dnmo Symmetry's form that Is fashioned
In grace
But tho hog
Remember tho hog, tho squenllng old hog
That fattens himself on sour swill, In
tio bog.
TIs ho In our business Is banker "In
cog" Kino fat pork!
The "Y" In the Railroad.
"Onco upon a time" in an infantllo
metropolis of tho West, there lived a
grandiloquent real estate dealer and
an nlr castlo carpenter!
Tho sedulous real estate agent waa
not doing (anybody) very well, nnd
tho other follow had tried everything
else and failed, so they decided to
start something!
As might be expected, they finally
concluded that a nice llttlo country
paper would bo about tho easiest
money going. Of course neither know
a shooting-stick from a tympan-sheet,
but both were "born editors" and ac
quainted with tho local publisher,
who didn't know much anyhow and
was getting rich at It I
"Now, my deduction Is," said
Boomlt, tho real estate man, getting
chesty, "that If Jobber, who almost
has paresis, can successfully hood
vlnk tho public Into liquidating, we
you and I can make Midas borrow
a stack of blues in about six months
and a fraction!"
Tho argument was philosophical and
appealed to Dollttle, tho fellow who
wasn't very busy anyhow, and they
set off enthusiastically for tho town
junk pile, where they unearthed a
printing outfit In about two jorks of
a mutton-chop's caudal appendage!
Then they bought two excursion
tickets, rodo as far as thoy had it
printed on 'em, and disembarking, be
gan a hot-foot up tho railroad track
toward Utopia which Is In the dic
tionary, but not on tho map carry
ing their "shirt-tall" outfit between
Thoy didn't know exactly where
thoy were, or whither they were go
ing, but it was so easy to mako money
hi tho newspaper business wherever
thero wero peoplo and green grass,
that It didn't mntter much anyhow
and thoy trudged nlong joyously,
practising on the use of tho. editorial
4'wo" and "ye editor begs to acknowl
edge," etc.
- Dollttle, long, lank and cadaverous,
was carrying a bucket of ink in ono
hand, a planer in tho other, and about
his neck dnngled ten feet of press
tape From his pockot tho editorial
scissors protruded at an anglo of 45
dcgrccB Fahrenheit or about that
Boomlt, short, fat and oleaginous,
wns staggering along under tho
weight of a mallet, a press-roller and
a grip-full of type-lice!
Thus they proceeded toward tho
Land of tho Long Felt Want, whero
peoplo wero lying awako nights wor
rying about tho light crop of news
papers and praying for moro rain!
Tho day was torrid, and desplto
thir Inner buoyancy, tho literary Itin
erants began to lather a llttlo at tho
turn of tlio road and other places!
Great glooules of perspiration rolled
down Boomlfa body for ho was
greasy and built llko a keg of nails!
Every few steps Dollttle would stop
and fan tho front of his throbbing
undershirt, and suggest starting a
nowspaper "on tho spot!"
"There's plenty of gTeen grass
around hero," ho nrgued, waving his
long arm In a semi-circle, "and won't
the peoplo come In omnibuses when
we get 'er started?"
But bettor judgment prevailed, and
after a time thoy sighted a village
church spire! Then, abruptly round
ing a curve, thoy came face to faco
with a "Y" In tho road!
On each side of tho "Y" was a slgn;
board. Ono read:
: 8
: to ' :
and tho other one:
: 12 :
: to :
and they went to Whlstlo Crick.
Tho entiro populaco of tho Crick
turned out en masse to greet tho now
Both Squlro Dlngem and Ol' Man
Dlnker Bald they'd subscribe. Tho
boy with a stone-bruise on his heel
Btruck them fox a Job, and the seven
yollow dogs wagged their tails as en
couragingly us could bo expected by
utter strangers!
Well, Dollttle and Boomlt an
nounced that they would begin with a
wrl o-tip of tho town, and tho corner
groevryman, who was going to begin
business soon, said maybe ho'd ad-'
vortlso after thn first vonr. If thn nn-1
per showed ovldenco of stability I
With light hearts Boomlt and Dollt
tle went to work. They set a neat
editorial card that read llko this:
BIRD Subscription Price 50c a Year
(Garden Truck Accepted.)
Published Every Thursday Evening.
Alexander Blng Boomlt Manager.
Al. Simpson Dollttle Editor.
Now la tho Tlmo to Subscrlbo!
Then they went out whero tho
green grass was growing and started
to do business. Whenever they met
anybody, thoy got the glad hand, and
tho yellow dogs barked hospitably
but there didn't seem to bo any big
contracts! That night tho "literary!
gents" dug a few greens, nnd went to
sleep alongside tho railroad track!
Thoy were weary and somewhat sur
prised but not discouraged! I
And here, oh, gentlo reader, begins
tho tear-splashed part of this narra
About midnight, the fast mall train,
sweeping llko a demon through Whis
tle Crick, threw out a huge sample-
copy bundle of Chlcaro papers. Tht
massive roll went hurtling through tho I
right-of-way llko a torpedo through a ,
Russian cheese!
And Boomlt, slumbering with Mor
pheus and Dollttle bcsldo tho Iron
rail, was struck and telescoped!
Ho lived hut a fleeting moment and
his last words wero:
"Partner don't give up our
editorial skip!"
"Alas! Poor Boomlt!" walled Dollt
tle, standing aloft, while tears of woo
fell with sodden thud upon tho dead
man's flannel shirt "Poor, poor
Boorait! And wo just getting such a
good start!"
Then tho chief mourner ran uptown
and spread the direful news!
Squire DIngcm shook his head sad
ly, and tho corner groceryman said ho
had felt all along the town wasn't big
enough to support a newspaper.
Dollttle, dazed and weeping", hung
around all next day, slobbering softly
to himself, but when tho evening shad
owb fell aslant the cottonwoods and
painted silhouettes on the bosom of
Whlstlo Crick, he mournfully with
drew up the railroad track, chanting
a requiem of sorrow as ho went!
Tho next day, a Russian junk ped
dler swooped down upon Whlstlo
Crick and its print shop with a writ
of replevin, tho current Issue of the
trado paper said: "Tho Whistle Crick
Mockingbird has ceased to mock!"
and the people lived happily over aft
erward! Moral Most any gazabo can start
As tho Fall approaches, nearer and
nearer como the rehearsal echoes of
tho altlloquent campaigner from his
practice stump in tho forest primeval.
Rhetorical bombast reverberates from
afar off, llko harbingers of tho storm
that sweeps In fury later on. In tho
inimitable parlance of tho slanglst,
"We're up ag'ln' It!" this is campaign
A moan old "geezer" down In New
Jersey is using his first girl's picture
to scaro tho rats from his hen house.
Ho probably has forgotten whon fath
er's shotgun couldn't scare him away
from tho original which proves he
either didn't have even rat sense In
those days or Is a completo mental
deformity at the present tlmo!
This Is the season of the year when
tho erubescent maiden nnd tho awk
ward swain got married at tho county
fair, or tho town carnival, amid the
plaudits of gathered thousands. In
after life It must bo sweet music tc
their ears to bo known as "that tliere
couplo that got tied at tho Berrien
county fair."
About the hardest luck extant was
that of tho young man who, married
but three days, was drawn on the Jury
and accepted In a case that lasted
threo weeks with two days and nights
for a verdict. A man Is entitled to a
pension for ouch service to his coun
Tho graminivorous bovlno In the
nn.tti,A 1.3 -lucf nltrtuf tinu- rmitnt nn
adjunct of corn meal and bran to
stimulate a lactoal flow. To even
things, the kid that drives her Is hit
ting tho applo barrel In tho cellar reg
ularly. Wo, of the city, don't get all
tho good things of llfo.
Many a man that kicks another
when ho Is down refrains from kick
lng a dog when It has a tin can tied
to Its tall. Our sympathy for misused
brutes la frequently moro marked
than our pity for human beings.
When a young married couplo with
their first baby go visiting and tho
young husband carries a packago tin
dor his nrm, all tho old married folks
know what'a In tho bundlo without
Many a woman that could. not cook
has mado a noble mother and none of
her sons In aftor llfo was In a position
to mako his wlfo unhappy by refer
ence to tho biscuits mother usod tc
If you haven't anything to say, let
the other fellow say it and make a
monkey of himself.
The envious man misses his own
blessings in coveting those of othere.
a Mi "3n
Costs io cents and equals 20 cents
worth of any other kind of bluing.
Won't Freeze, Spill, Break
Nor Spot Clothes
Ground in the Water
At Q wto Oreoers,
The Germ 8oare In France.
It has been recommended by tho
Frenoh health authorities of Paris
that laundry articles bo conveyed In
closed bags, aad that all clothes bo
first disinfected before they aro
washed. The washerwomen aro to uso
rubber gloves for their own protec
Chinese Name for Port Arthur.
Tho Chinese namo for Port Arthur
was Lushunkow; tho town had, twen
ty yeara ago, only a few thousand In
habitants, and was usod as a plaoo for
tho deportation of criminals.
Doath From Slight Accident.
Wallo carrying a keg of beer In-
landed for a plcalo in Rending, Pa.,
Elmer Korchoff stumblod oyer a wlro.
The keg clipped 10 suddenly that tho
jar dislocated his neck.
Inefot en Qottlng It.
Somo grocers Bay they don't keep
Defiance Starch. This la bocauao they
have a atock on hand of other brands
containing only 12 on. In a package,
whlchth ey won't bo able to soil first,
becauwj DeAanco contains 1G oz. for
the amo money.
Do you want 16 02. instead of 12 oz.
for same money? Then buy Deilanco
Starch. Requires no cooking1.
Most peoplo cat their sorrows and
drink tholr disappointments.
Alton's Foot-Ease, Wonderful Remedy.
"Hare tried ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, and
find it to be a onrtaln oura, and gives com
fort to one suffering -with sore, tender and
BYTolloa foot. I will recommad ALLEN'S
FOOT-EASE to my friends, as it is
certainly a wonderful remedy. Mrs. N.
IL Guilford, Now Orleans, La."
Most Aotlve Volcano.
Mount Sanguay is tho most active
volcano in tho world. It is In Ecuador,
is 17,120 foot is height, and has been
In constant activity slnoo 1728. The
sounds of Its ruptloas aro some-tlmce
heard In Quito, ISO miles distant, and
27 reports were onco counted in one
Pathetic Appeal for Sympathy.
Did you ever carry two suit cases,
a hat box aad a bag of fruit onto a
train that was Just starting, for a
woman, and then have her walk pnst
seven empty seats looking for one
that might bo a llttlo better? Coun.
cil Bluffs Nonpareil.
Midnight Bun.
'Teo mighty glad," said the old col
ored Inhabitant, "dat de worl only
turns 'roun' once In a day. Kazo of
ever hit turned in do nighttime hit
would er kotched mo at many a lien
roos'." Atlanta Constitution.
Laughter a Health-Tonic.
There is nothing bettor established
among physicians than that cheerful
ness prolongs llfo, and also enrlchos
and enlarges It. Whole-souled, Joy
ous laughter Is a poworful health
tonic. Fungus on Corks.
It has been found that somo of tho
cork imported in this country from
Algeria is affected by a fungou3
growth, which, unless tho corks aro
sterilized, glvs bottled liquids an un
pleasant taste.
Some Very Fine Results Follow.
The wrong kind of food will put
the body In such a diseased condition
that no medicines will euro It. Thero
Is no way but to change food. A man
In Mo. says:
"For 2 years I was troubled so with
my nerves that sometimes I was pros
tratod and could hardly ever got In a
full month at ray work.
"My stomach, back and head would
throb bo I could get no rest at night
etcopt by fits and starts, and alwaya
had distressing pains.
"I was quite oertaln tho troublo
came from my stomach but two phy
I f ,c3 " nt elp me and all the
tonics failed and bo Anally I turned
to food.
"When I had studied up on food
and learned what might be expected
from leaving off meat and tho regu
lar food I had been living on, I felt
that a change to Grape-Nuts wovld bo
Just what was required bo I went to
etting it.
Trom tho start I got etronger and
bttsr until I was well again and
from that tlmo I haven't used a bit
of medicine for I haven't needed any.
"I am so much better In every way,
Floep soundly nowadays and am frao
frcm tho bad dreams. Indeed this
food has mado such a great change
in mo that my wlfo and .daughter
have takon It up and wo aro never
without Grapo-Nuts on our table now
adays. It Is a wonderful sustalner
Rnd wo frequently havo nothing !so
at al, but a MUcer of Qrapo.Nuta
crcam for brealuast or supper." Namo
givoa by Postum Co., Battle, Creek.
Good food and good rest. These
are Oio tonics that succoed whora all
tho bottled tonlca and drugs fall.
Tea days trial of Grape-Nuts will
Bhow one the road to hoalth, strength
and vigor. "There's a reason."
Look in each pkg. for the famous
llttlo book, "The Road to Wellville."