.3 The Alliance Herald. Official Publi cation of Box Butte County. Largest Circu lation of any Al liance Paper. VOLUME XI. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1904, NUMBER 40 State HlMurlrnl Society, UMOl.X MUU . fr VyN'v,n' Silk Suitings KsssizsassassH usas o'ijBataiiiry.age&aiiajtg&'zrf are stronger for Fall than they were for Spring and Summer. We arc showing the LATEST NOVELTIES, and at prices from 75c to $1.25. You know that we are always willing to show our goods. ...rrta.linii'rt.ffWBkajT.njm.m, The HORACE BOQUE STORE i TRADE WINNER. ARE YOU SAVING TICKETS? VUvvAAvvV'VllAAwrvyAiA A tk h , t C ' O 4 ' 4)' v 4 fv, f l v v f f . Tj iT - .(. ,. .. .. .. , ,), .( ,,, -j. ix .(, . i $ if ! ( it f ( i (r j& ii ' ? iji iji ii iji ' l iji ' .-. l -J ! ' TT i ii 't- t - - ii I7 Tir ii $ r .f. s ' V ' ?I? ii "!,? lr " '! ! i'i 'I- iji RUiVlER a7.3a?ga5feTiirdiS5fagayifS!5.iK INVITES YOU To inspect the largest line of mer chandise to be shown in Alliance this season. Regardless of the fact that money is scarce and merchants are buy ing; very light, we have purchased the largest line of Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes it has ever been our pleasure to We have isaESf.Tzsraa Alliance. show in remodeled OUR (rfigiMTrirrr-ttttt STORE yv'VWC3SI KTJT HSSSHE5HZS2aESS; making it the largest, and the in terior the finest in all western Ne braska. We invite you to call and guarantee to show you the largest line of merchandise to be shown in Alliance this season. Watch for prices in next week's issue of this paper. ) W. D. RUME ALLIANCE. NEB. . r. vtv 'J l- -h ' ' -t- it- ' t' it- DJ' ( ! l f l- 4' - v . T. TT il 1 ! ij l vif J . .-T. .(. ,(. ,. T.?T i5i r Aji ( y ' ' . vjr 4s- ?? 4- 4 '' .(. ' 4 V" t ?r & ft 4 A ':''&L' acJ; iiu'ts designed according to tuvaiceu J ia - r-"3' , p-?' ' C? for Fall and Winter, are here. The accompanying drawing is a, faiihful illustration cf three styles cf particular cut and elegance made by Crouse L C rar.J:gee. Notice the length cf coat the distinctive cut cf the three-tultcn I Newport c!so in our Normandie the same regard to detail cf style and finish. We Keop -n. cnaxad t:;e fact that a tall man can not vcr a suit t!:ut a short man shcuU wear. This h the satisfactory feature on both the Newport and Nor mandie. They are absolutely correct in every and all requirements. Cut the man who h not over six feet tall is not overlooked; the same careful attention has been given him. The result is our Arvon, which also has much elegance of make and gives the short -man extra inches in appearance. We have these styles in the NEW BROWNS in beautiful and choice materials, those new patterns-of slight over-pWds almost indistinct. These cost what you would expect, 10.00 to $35.00. W. W. NORTON. LOCAL HAPPENINGS Gcncrnl ncul Personal News of Alli iincu on (I Vicinity. Alliance is "chuck" full of liomt; grown water melons this week. Mrs. K. V. Hell returned to Alliance Sunday fioni Lincoln mid Wilbur. Hvorythinc in Alliance those dnys is hustle and hustle to Rot the stoves !' Mr. and Mis. Roy Strong moved hack to Alliance ftoin tlioir ranch this week. Mrs. T. Kuhottoin is ontcttainiuK a sister, Mrs. l'ishor, of Dos Moinns, Iowa, this week. J. 1). limerick departed last cvcniiiK for Chicago where he will enter a com mercial college. The new offices being elected for General Supeiintendcnt Rhodes and his force of cleiks, ate being enclosed this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cook cntettained a few neighbors Tuesday evening with ice cream and peaches and water melon as trimmings. The Royal Highlanders gave a delight ful supper in the McWhiuny building Tuesday evening and are well pleased with the patronage extended them. Uncle Levi Rubottoin was among the many callers at this printcry Wednes day of this week, and requests Tim IlKifu.i) to be sent to relatives in New Providence, Iowa. Mrs. Clayton, who was injured in a runaway one day last week, lias so far recoved as to be able to be brought to town. She is now at the home of her datightei, Mrs. Croy. S. K. Wn trick, has come into posses sion of the handsome residence proper ty of W. A. Hampton, and will move his family and effects ft out Drokcn Bow about November tst. The world is suiely getting better. This fact was demonsttated in Alliance this week. A lady lost a ten dollar bill Tuesday mottling and before noon the missing bill was returned to her. The Huff Wyandotte chicken is con sidetcd the best all round strain and a poultry yatd without them lacking. L. A. Suprisc has a number of such choice fowls to sell and those interested had better see him before they are sold. L. A. Suprise has for sale a number of Huff Wyandotte chickens and they ate beauties. Any one wishing to se cure biids of this well known strain can have their pick bv calling on him at once. This is an offer in which first come first seived. X..T X f TITVKH t CWUKHTO 136 CMISH 4 KiUKR, IT1C1, K r. Joe Net ml the well known blacksmith and cattle man from the north hills has moved his wife and little daughter into the house belonging to Hen Gentry dis trict, where his daughter Miss Emma will teach this winter. This will give the little girl a chance to go to school and afford both her and Miss Emma the comforts of home in the meantime. Minatate Sentinel. St. Francis hospital, of Grand Island, has just discharged from its list of pa tients one who held the record for un consciousness. Samuel Covington was brought to that hospital from the rangos of Wyoming. He had been thrown from a horse and had his hip dislocated and received a fracture of the skull. Ho lay absolutely unconscious for six weeks. Ho is able to bo out on crutch es. Kavenna News. The Social Hour club meets next Friday with M. C. E. Hcntiett. Hairy Pierce and wife of Heming ford were in Alliance Thursday. Mrs. Root has ictuincd to Alliance from a few weeks visit to Chicago's large millinery houses. Mrs. Vermillion and Mrs Hanks weie calling on friend in Alliance from Mux Huttc Wednesday. O. M. Hums and Grant Hale went to Honiiugford today to spend ti week ot ten days painting thete. Dr. Julia V. Erey returned to Alli ance Wednesday from an extended vis it to 1 datives in Missouri. The Eastern Star will meet at the Ma sonic temple tomorrow night for initia tion work and it is desitcd that all members be in attendance II. H. Funk is down ftom limning ford today. Mr. Funk contemplates selling his drug store and moving to his former home in Phelps county. Miss Hessie Pet tin left this morning for Houlder, Colo., to enter the med ical depatment of the state univetsity. This is Miss Perrin's third year in medicine. A "welcome home" leccption will be given Rev. C. W. Ray and wife by his people at the Methodist church, Mon day evening, October 3rd; from 7:30 to 10:30. Everybody invited. Cut prices on Photos at Wilveit's Studio. On Sunday, September 25th, we will make a run on our medium size oval photo at 5?. 60 per dor. Regular pticc S3. 25. Studio open all day. Mrs. Catric Troneson has opened a reading 1 00111 for gentlemen near the steam laundry. Parties iiitetestcd in this work can lend a helping hand by presenting her with reading matter. Miss Mary Wavada came down from Hetningford Tuesday evening, return, ing Wednesday accompanied bv Grand ma Ehnoie who will visit her daughter, Mrrii Dan O'Keefe for a short time. Geo. Darling wants to call your at tention in this week's IIukai.d to his line of heating and cooking stoves. He has a fine line in stock and can save you money iu such an invest ment. W. II. Roland is down from his ranch, eighteen miles noithwost, today. Mr. Roland has a bunch ot good two-year-old steers for sale and he says several others in that vicinity also have some for sale. The grocery stoic of J. F. Hattson was closed Tuesday on account of a judgment issued in county court against the firm of Snyder & Hattson in favor of Allen Hros., of Omaha. The amount of the judgment is S2 15. 90. Messrs, J. H. Knicst and J. A. Rolinor arrived front Carroll, Iowa, Tuesday afternoon and filed on lands under the proposed government ditch in Scotts Bluff county. Mr. Rohnei went down today to see the country. W. D. Rumer has made a wondeifiil improvement in the arrangement of his store and the front has taken on a truly metropolitan appearance. Mr. Rumor has an ad in today's lliimi) that will be of interest to purchasers. Ilalbur N. Rindcin, of Elgin, Nebr., and Miss Lena Fulsas, of Boiu steel, S. D., woie married at Fairfax, Scntamher fi. Tim lirirln furniMil. .... sided in this city. They aro spending' their honeymoon at the World's fan I BHcnBKascafflsaaranasanHsaa s Dr. G. W. Collins and wife departed Tuesday for thu Black Hills country for a pleasure trip and will go from there to St. Louis for a short stay bofote going to Chicago where they will spend the wintet and perhaps remain per manently. The doctor has practiced medicine in Alliance dining the past year and has made warm friends who wish himself and family success whor. ever they should decide to locate. The Ladios' Union, accompanied by a large number of friends gathorod at the home of Mrs. S. A. Smith Saturday evening and from thore wont in a body to the residence of Mrs. M. A. Standon. for a surprise farewell social to Mrs. S, Griffith and Mrs. Standon, They were each presented with a fine cut glass dish as a memento of the occasion. Nice refreshments were served and a general good time was enjoyed by those present. Silk suitings for fall wear seem to be ! the style and the ladies of Alliance and .Mr.!..;.. ...Ml T....I II-... I! r '"""j "" "iiu sin e.uunuiii line 01 silks in all hadfi .it The limine Bogue Store. Tlioir ad today tells -x ' bout the offers they are making in tlu-i 1 line. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Huntor, who re cently moved to this city from their ranch near Heminicford, suffered Un less of their infant twins born last Mondav morning. The remains wen taken to Hetningford Tuesday for in terment. The parents have the syin pathy of all iu their hour of broaement. Tub Hiikalu learns that the next annual meeting of the Northwest Ne braska conference of the Methodist church will be hold in Alliance. This year's sossion which was recently held at Atkinson, returned Rev. Ray to this place for anothor year. This meets with the approbation of the members ot church here. When they are New they are here. rn An up-to-date Store for Men and Boys. Famous CLOTHING HOUSE Ymmr FALL sulT I UUI is now ready There is only one word we know of that fully ex presses our Fall and Winter line of Hen's Ready to Wear Clothing and that is MAGNIFICENT. The Choicest productions ot New York, Chicago and Cincinnati Harkets are on our tables. Every new Fabric and Style is here When its new its here Our New York agent, Mr. Butler, made another CLOTHING SCOOP having bought 85 Suits of the Just ly Celebrated Leicester Worsteds way down below the Price. These goods are nice genteel patterns Hard finished Worsteds made substantially Full of Snap and StyleSquare Cuts and Round Hand made and Sewed Collars $i2.5o and $15.00. These are better values than the so called made to measure clothing and fit better at half the price of the other kind. n Mr 1 UWoMUMI 20 Doz. Hen's Overalls Blue Denim at the re diculously low price of 39c NEW SUITS NEW UNDERWEAR NEW PANTS NEW OVERCOATS NEW SHIRTS NEW NEOKWEAR NEW HATS NEW FURNISHINGS SEE the NEW CAPS HAT and CAP in ONE For Men and Boys- 50c and ''"Sc 50 Pairs of I lanan's $5.50 and $0.oo Shoes in Vici Kid, Patent Leather, Russia Calf, all styles jjo for (jyj EZ(fh during this sale. The Denver and P Jr(LStLr Omaha Agents get $5.50 and $6.00 a pair for these line floods- Men's 75c Summer Shirts - "4bc CARHARTTS OVERALLS IN STOCK all sizes AT ALL TIHES fcMMM WWmwiMWr.ll man KJ WMMUMMMMMMMMMMHinMHIWHamMMi BOY'S Seasonable Wearing Apparel at CUT PRICES. A fine line of Hoy's Suits All boy's suits from $2.50 up we will give an Extra Pair of all V (X) L TROUSERS, Boy's Shirts attached Col lars made of Percale and Madras cloth at 1 lc. Uj 's Silver Gray Derhy Ribbed Fall and Winter Underwear Shirts and Drawers, silk trimmed each 1 9c Bon s Cowboy 1 lats trim med with leather worth 75c now 39c A splendid M. I). Wells Shoe for boys worth $1.50 now ' $1.10 AGENTS for Douglas Shoes $3,50 A FINE LINE OF STETSON HATS JUST RECEIVED Get Your tickets with EACH one Dollar purchase on that $75.00 in Gold that we are giving away. 1 4 Eam 3r- B I a MSGffltii YttKT.i ($ rj If liillnKSES H MaMUULMIMlLiaMMiHMMnMMWJHI B 3