The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 16, 1904, Image 6

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T. J. O'Kcefe, Publisher.
A Philadelphia widow has inherited
$50,000,000. London papers plcaso
don't copy.
The Paraguayan rcbols seem to have
reached the "nothing to arbitrate'
stago of their fight.
Dogfish aro being oaton ns canned
salmon In Now York. In tlmo Gotham
may become an Igorroto village.
Tho eastern war has demonstrated
ono thing, and that Is tho crying need
of a good roads movement In Man
churia. Money that was URcd In tho yenr
600 D. C. lms been found. llussoll
Sogo will probobly want to know why
It was used.
Tho rumor thnt Russell Sngo paid
his respects to a friend the other day
has been confirmed, but ho parted
with nothing else.
If tho Dime Novel trust will put up
tho prlco to 15 cento tho act will havo
tho happiest effect in limiting tho out
put of boy bandits.
"In summer gowns," says a fashion
wrltor, "thcro aro somo exceedingly
pretty things." That's right. Evon tho
men havo noticed It.
Carnegie, who says It Is nn easy
mnttor to get rich, .probably was
brought to that opinion by his ex
hnustlng efforts to got poor.
Think of anybody's losing $140,000
worth of Jowclry by tho burning of
nn Adirondack camp! Aro wo "going
back to naturo" In evening clothes?
The czar, owing to tho birth of his
son. will remit $68,500,000 taxes. Ho
ought hereafter to bo ablo to get tho
tax-dodger voto without much trou
ble. Cotton Is going up. But ulnco only
thoso persons who stay out all night
havo acquired a tasto for cotton it
really cuts Httlo flguro ns a breakfast
And still thcro aro numerous mar
ried couples right here, not ono of
whom would consider for an instant
a proposition to swap their baby for
tho czar's.
Tho news that ex-bandlt Colo Young
er Is suffering from stomach trouble
shows thnt oven a man who leads an
actlvo outdoor Hfo Isn't certain to
avoid dyspepsia.
Thoso Logansport girls who com
plain because tho young men of tho
town do not spend monoy on them aro
Jn a fair way to got an awful rebuko
from Undo Russell Sago.
Mark Twain advised people nover
to go to bed, because frtntlstlcs provo
moro peoplo dlo In bed than anywhere
elso. But thlB won't bo truo much
louger If tho railways keep on.
Ono by ono our prized ldenls fall.
Now It Is tho Britons' cleanliness,
for lo! It appears tho poor Briton
knows not tho use at tho tooth brush I
Tho bath tub delusion will go next.
Fifty Cincinnati telephone girls havo
been discharged for flirting on tho
wires. They deserved what they got.
Girls who can't conflno themselves to
flirting fnco to face are not entitled to
any sympathy.
Russell Sago announces that he
doesn't bcllovo any mnu can mako
$50,000,000 a year honestly. It Is Bafo
to concludo now that "Undo Rus
sell's" annual Incorao doesn't reach
that figure.
Tho Paraguayan minister of war
has been captured by revolutionists,
who report that thoy will tako tho
Paraguayan army dead or allvo as
soon ns thoy find tho bed undor.whlch
ho Is located.
A man In Tacoma, Wash., has a
pair of Siberian fleas which ho ex
pects to sell to Baron Rothschild for
$5,000. It is comforting to know that
nt such a price as that tho baron can
not afford to turn them looso.
Another, flro occasioned by the care
less disposal of a lighted cigar stub
must serve as a reminder that to tho
cost of tho amount of tobacco annu
ally burned In this country must bo
added the raluo of a good many build
ings Incidentally burned by and with
An enterprising postmaster suggests
to tho government that ho bo permit
ted to employ women to carry tho
malls. There are somo crusty cy!cs,
bachelors, of course, who are ready to
declare (thnt woman now exercises al
together too much control over tho
Certainly tho Japanoso havo luck as
well as pluck and Intelligence and en
ergy and enterprise nnd Indomitable
persistency. Witness tho discovery on
government property in Jnpan of gold
fields with an estimated yield of $500,
000,000. Imagine tho surprised Interest of
tho citizen who passed to a bottor Hfo
fifteen or twenty years ago If ho could
come back to this world of care and
trouble to-day and read how Lebaudy's
runaw ay airship in Franco was caught
bv chasing it in automobiles
Four Cruisers and Several Torpedo
Boats and Oestroyerc To De Join
ed Later at Llban by Twelve Trans
ports. CRONSTADT The Baltic fleet sail
ed Sundny for tho far east. Tho ves
sels of the fleet aro tho battleships
Souvaroff, Vice Admiral Rojosvcnsky's
flagship; the Navarln, Slssol, Vallky,
Borodino, Alexander III, Orel Oleg
and tho OsIIabia, Roar Admiral Vocl
kersnm's flagship; tho crulserB Ad
miral Nnkhlmoff, Dmitri Donskol, Au
rora and tho Almnz, Rear Admiral En
qulst'a flagship, and several torpedo
boats and torpedo boat destroyers.
Tho fleet will morelv touch at LI
hnu, whore It will bo Joined by twclvo
transports, colliers and supply ships,
already waiting there, and will Uien
proceed direct to tho orient.
Tho sceno on tho departuro of tho
fleet wns an Imposing one. At dawn
tho first anchor was hoisted on tho
swift cruiser Aurora, which, accompa
nied by two torpedo boats, slipped out
of tho harbor. Tho town was awnk
enod by tho booming of tho guns of
the forts ns the Aurora sped towards
Llbau In advance of tho main squad
ron. At 2 o'clock in tho afternoon, the
time set for tho departure of tho re
mainder of tho fleect, tho Imperial
yacht, with tho emperor, Grand Duko
Alexis, the high ndmiral and other
naval officers on board, put out from
Poterhof, on tho other side of tho
bay, with nn escort of thrco torpedo
boats. Admirals Rojestvensky, Vool
korsam and Enqulst went on board tho
imperial yacht and personally said
fnrowoll to tho omeror.
Then, with tho destroyers nhoad
and abeam, tho Souvaroff led tho
squadron down tho Finnish gulf. Tho
water front nnd tho piers and forts
woro crowded with spectators. Tho
cnsIgnB on tho forts and yachts wcro
dipped and tlio guns of each chain
of fortR across the bay joined in nn
admiral's saluto, whllo from tho sig
nal masts abovo the forts fluttered n
string of colored flags reading: "Good
luck to tho Baltic fleet on Its long
Japs Get Vast Stores and Ammunition
at Lino Yang.
TOKIO The genornl staff has not
yot mado public tho details of tho
battlo of Llao Yang, Tho peoplo aro
still colobrnting tho victory, but thero
Is considerable speculation over tho
official sllctnco respecting Gonoral Ku
rold's movements since Sunday.
It Is reported that tho Japanoso,
notwithstanding tho rnvages of fire,
capturod vast accumulations of Rus
sian stores and ammunition at Llao
Tho report that Lieutenant Tera
ouchl, Bon of Lieutenant General Ter
oouchl, minister of war, was killed In
the fighting beforo Llao Yang Is de
Kurokl and Oku Are In Pursuit of
from Gencrnl Kuropntkin, tlmod G:30
o'clock Wednosdny evening, was re
ceived Inter In tho day.
Ho reported that General Kurokl's
army was about twonty-sovon miles
eastward of the railroad nnd that Gen
oral Oku's army was twenty mHos
weat of tho railroad.
The gonoral staff expects that a big
battlo will bo fought. -
At 0:28 p. m. Genornl Kuropatkln
reported that ho did not loso a gun
during tho retreat.
Tho best information of tho war of
fice "Indicates that Gonoral Kuropatkln
lost about 17,000 men during tho ten
days' battlo at Llao Yang.
Teamsters Return to Work.
CHICAGO All probability of com
plications nt the stock yards was re
moved when the packing house team
sters voted to return to work on Mon
day morning. The offer of tho packers
to tako back now ns many toamstors
as are needed an dto hire tho others
ns necesblty demands was mado
known through a committee that had
visited tho packers, and the proposi
tion was accepted without opiosltlon.
The packers wore at once notified that
the men would report for work at 9
Attendance at the World's Fair.
ST. LOUIS The nttendanco at the
World's Fair for tho week ending Sep
tember 10 was 875,947. Total since tho
opening of tho exposition, 9,994,510.
Tragedy In New York Hotel.
NEW YORK Warren J. Ferguson,
38 years old, a theatrical advanco
ngont, Is dying in a Now York hos
pital from a bullet wound rocotved
during a quarrel In tho Metropolitan
hotel, In Broadwny, nnd a young wo
man, who gave her name as Mrs.
Gcrtrudo Roberts, though acknowledg
ing It to be fictitious, admits that sho
did tho shooting. Sho nllegos that
Ferguson attempted to assault hor,
thnt sho pointed the revolver at him
to frighten him and that during a
scuffle tho rovolvor was discharged.
jaw jt iNzerr
Tho United Irish League of Ameri
ca at its session in Now York con
ferred nn honor on John V. Flnorty of
Chicago by re-electing him to tho
ofllco of prcsldont. Patrick Egan, who
was elected, first vice-president, re
sides in New York. Ho was formerly
minister td Chili. Both Mr. Finerty
and Mr. Egnn aro among tho lcaguo's
most earnest workers.
Orders of Russian Government Com
municated. ZANZIBAR, Islnnd of Zanzibar
Tho British cruiser Forto early this
morning tound the British volunteer
fleet steamers, St. Ptersbnrg and
Smolensk, within the three-mllo limit
and communicated to them the orders
of tho Russian government to desist
from interference with neutral ship
ping. Tho communders of tho Rus
sian vessels said they would forthwith
proceed to Europe.
A report was brought In yesterday
by tho Gorman stcamor Krlnprlnz that
tho St. Petersburg and Smolensk woro
conllng in territorial waters. The
Forto Immediately proceeded to
search for them, and eventually
found tho Run3lan vessels. They
wcro not coaling, Lut after tho orders
of tho Russian government had been
delivered to them tho Sholensk and
St. Petersburg Joined a German collier
and proceeded to Dar-Es-Salaam, on
tho African coast, twonty-flve miles
south of Zanzibar.
Consul Reports Many Victims of the
consul at Harput has reported to the
stato department that he has visited
Bitlls and is now In Moush.
Tho consul states that tho district
of Sassun is tranquil and pacified and
tho strategic points aro garrisoned by
infantry detachments and permanent
barracks erected. The survivors of
tho massacre nro in n destitute condi
tion, but are attempting to rebuild
their ruined villages with a little gov
ernment aid. Tho consular corps at
Bitlls estimates the number mnssa
cred and dead from exposure and hun
ger, etc.. as 3,500. Tho Amerlcnn col
ony at Bitlls appears to be In no pres
ent or prospective danger.
Sues Secretary of War.
Egnn, surgeon In tho United States
army, brought suit against W. II.
Taft, secretary of war, to compel him
to remove from tho record of court
martial proceedings, adjudging him
(Major Egan) not guilty on charges
of neglect of duty, tho Indorsement on
tho court's finding of Colonel Sanno,
tho rovlowlng officer, then command
ing tho department of Colorado, which
Indorsement tho complainant says Is
In effect punishment for allerred of
fenses of which he was found not
guilty at Fort Douglas, Utah, in De
cember. 1901.
Emperor Issues Some Orders.
.LONDON Tho Dally Mail's Sin
mintan correspondent cabling under
dato of September 11. says: "General
Kouropatktn has returned to Mukden
nfter Inspecting tho fortifications nt
Tlepass. work on which was not well
advanced, but which Is being hurried
along. At the same time costly offort3
to delay tho Japanese advance aro be
ing made. I learn from Russinn
sources lhat this is the outcome of the
emperor's orders and that tho emperor
oven peremptorily commanded Kouro
patkn to retake Llao Yang."
Conditions In the Balkans.
ST. PETERSBURG Prince George
I r.f Clrvinnn rnmmiqnlntinr nf tho
protective powers In the Island of
Crete, wll arrive here Mondny. It Is
understood he will report to the em
peror on tho conditions prevailing In
tho Balkans.
Offers Prize for Automobile Boat.
PARIS The Auto announces that
C. L. Chnrloy, tho automoblllst, has
offored n prize of $10,000 for tho first
automoblo boat which successfully ac
complishes a voyage from New York
to Havre.
Serious Anti-Semitic Riots,
rioting took plnco nt Rovno, in the
government of Volhynia, September 4,
durins which, It Is said, many per
sons wcro Injured and shops pillaged.
A similar outbreak occurred at Smela
In tho government of Kloff, whore
tho troops were callod. Ninety-olght
houses and 145 shops were plllnne-d
and sovoral persons seriously and
many slightly wounded by tho troops.
Many of the rioters wore arrested.
Tho affair lasted for two dayB, Sep
tember 4 and 5.
Terrlblo Experience While on tho
Forced March Floundering Through
tho Mud Along the Mandarin Road
Hospitals Taxed by the Wounded.
ST, PETERSBURG It seems to bo
definitely established that Field
Mnshal Oyama'u tlrod troops aban
doned on Wednosdny tho attempt to
head oft Genoral Kuropatkln, whoso
army lias arrived safely at Mukden
after frightful experiences In flound
ering through mud and mlro over tho
Mandarin road.
Somo descriptions of the scenes
along the lino of retreat aro almost
Incredible. Thoy tell how tho mon
lay down In tho mud and Slept In a
drenching rain.
It is evident that the lost deter
mined effort of tho Japanese to bring
Kuropatkln to bay was mado on Tuos
day, but tho Russian commander-in-chief
faced about and two corps with
nrtilllery beat off tho Japaneso, whllo
tho remainder of tho troops continued
tho march to Mukden. After that tho
Japanoso could only hang on to the
flanks and try to shell tho retreating
columns from tho hills.
Th outposts aro still in contact, but
they aro not ovon .exchanging shots.
A Into Associated Press dispatch
from Mukden describes tho horrlblo
plight of the tentless and sheltorless
Tho detailed statement of tho Rus
sian losses, which It Is promised will
bo Issued on Saturday, is awaited
with lntcnso Interest. Tho general
expectation Is that tho losses will ap
proximate 20,000, as against 30,000
for tho Japaneso.
Tho work of burying tho dead was
left for tho Jnpanese, who wero forced
to attempt the task as a matter of
Belf preservation, but it was an im
posBlbJo undertaking. Tho awful
rains have handicapped the work of
cremation, on which tho Japaneso re
lied, nnd only shallow trench burials
wore posslblo In most cases. Not
only Is such burial ono of great dif
ficulty, but it is almost valueless from
a sanitary point of view, tho storms
undermining soon aftor it 1b accom
plished. Tho caro of tho wounded has taxed
the hospitals to the utmost Ono cor
respondent says that 12,000 wounded
havo passed through tho Mukden hos
pitals up to Sunday and only the most
severe cases could bo attended by tho
nurses and surgeons. Many there
fore had to bo left to tho rough, but
well-meant care of their comrades.
Now that tho battlo of Liao Yang
is history officers of the genoral staff
aro more disposed to discuss some
of tho phases of tho fight, but they
still lack specific Information, mak
ing it impossible to speak on many
General Kuropatkln'o army at Llao
Yang consisted of twenty battalions
ot Infantry, 147 squadrons of cavalry
and 700 guns, approximately 10S.000
bayonets, 15,000 sabers and 10,000
gunners. Portions of two European
corps and ono Siberian corps had
ben left at Mukden and a number of
thoso wero brought Into tho fight.
Tho slzo of tho Japanese army hns
not been definitely established, but
itB actual fighting force Is supposod to
havo had a superiority in numbers of
from 50,000 to 00,000 men and a con
siderable superiority in artillery.
Ono of tho chief advantages pos
sessed by Field Marshal Oyama, ac
cording to Russian experts, consisted
in tho greater elasticity in move
Find Russian Vessel Sunk Within
.Six Hundred Yards of the Shore.
TOKIO Tho officers commanding
th Japaneso expedition sent in to ex
amlno tho wreck of tho Russian
cruiser Novlk roport that it Is beach
ed 900 yards Bouthwst of Korsakovsk
lighthouse. It has a 30-dcgroo list to
starboard, nnd with tho exception of
a small portion of its bow It 1b en
tirely submerged. Even on Its upper
dock tho water Is knee deep In tho
most shallow places. Its conning
tower and upper works were heavily
damaged by tho Japaneso shell fire.
It Is impossible to ascertain definitely
tho extent of the damage under the
water, but evidently it Is consider
able. Russinn land forces fired on the
Japaneso expedition whllo tho ex
amination was being made, but tho
oxpcdltion retired without sustaining
tny casualties.
Big Fire at Juarez, Mexlcoo.
EL PASO, Tex. The city of Jaurez,
Mox., across the rlvor from El Paso,
Is threatened with destruction by fire.
Already one block of tho boat business
houses has burned and all efforts of
tho flro department have thus far been
futile. Tho loss Is heavy.
Confesses His Complicity.
TOPEKA, Kan. B. F. Slagel, alias
Robert Romalno, a deported Colorado
miner under arrest hero for burglary,
has confessed to tho county attorney
to complicity In tho Independence de
pot and the Vindicator mlno explo
sions In tho Cripplo Creek district
last Juno by which fifteen non-union
minors were killed outright and oth
ers Injured Romalno says ho helped
to place tho dynamite and wires run
ning beneath tho depot and by which
tho charge was set oft with sysh dis
astrous results.
Warden Bccmer Rewards Good Pris
oners. LINCOLN Warden Beemer Is rap
Idly Inaugurating a chance In tho uni
form of tho convicts In the Nebraska
penitentiary. The average number
of tho prisoner there Is nothing to
gust was 323. Warden Beemer re
ports that 150 havo been given the
new uniform. This conslstB of cloth
of a solid black and whtto stripes.
Tho number of tho convict wearing
tho new uniform Is fastened to the
Inside of his coat out of sight. When
tho warden asks for a man's number
tho prisoner pulls back tho right side
of his coat and exposes the figures.
Tho coat Is then dropped to Its right
ful position and from the appearance
of the prlsono rthcro Is nothing to
suggest that ho 13 a convict. Warden
Beemer does not give the now uni
form to ail who come to his doors.
Each prisoner must wear stripes for
six months. If his sentence is six
months he will never wear anything
but stripes whllo he Is In the peni
tentiary. After six months, If a pris
oner shows a disposition to obey all
rules of the prison ho has the right
to don a grey uniform. He is also
given two soft white shirts. Usually
each prisoner removes his outside
whito shirt when ho goes to work.
Tho warden believes the men are
well pleased with the change in dress.
Ho declines, however, to abolish the
lockstep. Ho says very few prisons
hnvo abolished It, and ho is of tho
opinion that It is retained solely be
cause tho mon move much moro rap
Idly in the lockstep movement than
In any other way. He says they
would have to bo trained to keep the
proper distance, tho samo as soldiers
are trained, or tliry woinu lag and
Btragglo whllo In lino. Ho believes
ho can move 1.000 men In the lock-
stop more quickly than he can 300
without tho lockstep. Warden Beemer
bellovcs the opposition to the Iock
step Is founded mostly on sentiment
rather than on any practical reason.
About 200 yards of the old striped
cloth still remains in the warden's
tailor shop, but ho believes it will bo
used to clothe men serving their first
6lx months.
Of tho 323 convicts in the prison
during the month of August, 185 were
employed by the Lee Broom and
Duster company, tho only firm that
holds a contract for convict labor.
During August ten wero received and
ono was returned from tho asylum.
Twelve were discharged by reason of
expiration of service, five were pa
rolled and ono was remanded by the
supremo court, leaving the count 320
at the end of tho month. Y
McKinley Window In Church.
AUBURN The ceremony 0f laying
the corner stor.o of tho now Meth
odist church occurred here. Dr.
Smith of tho First Methodist church
of Omaha preached the dedicatory
sermon. Tho services wero impres
sive. Tho church when orccted will
cost $10,000. Hon. Church Howe ad
dressed tho congregation and mado
nn appeal for tho placing In the
church of a McKinley memorial win
dow. Ho started the list by subscrib
ing $25 for this purpose and in a few
minutes he raised ?1C0 for that pur
pose Wife Wants Damages.
LINCOLN After flftr-flve years of
pobriety tho husband of Mrs. Ida
Younggren was last month enslaved
by liQiior, so she declares In a $10,
000 damage suit against several sa
loon keepers.
A little smile today may be worth
tho most eloquent funeral sermon to
morrow. Escaped from Hotel.
ALBION Some day ago Chief of
Pollco Wnrlng received a telegram
Mbntana requesting him to arrest one
Avery if ho should appear here. War
ing arrested a party under that name
and has boon holding him pending
tho arrival of tho Montana sheriff.
Last night tho man went to bed In an
upstairs room In tho Central hotel,
whero the officer supposed him to bo
safo from escape, but this morning
tho bird hnd flown and the Montana
sheriff is hero and will bo compelled
to return alone. It Is alleged the
man was guilty of highway robbery.
Wman Is Ca'.ise of Two Deaths.
BUTTE Henry Toler. a merchant
r.t Anokn, nnd wife, wero fntally burn
ed br what was said to bo tho explo
clon of n can of coal oil that Mrs. To
ler was startinr a flro with. Mr.
Toler died and his wife is lven up
by the physicians in attendance. Be.
foro dying Mr. Toler refused to say
how tho accldont occurred, but since
his death his wlfo has said that they
woro quarreling and sho set fire to
l.orsolf. Her husbnnd was burned by
putting out tho Cro.
Culver is Investigating.
LINCOLN Adjutant Cor.eral Cul
ver Is still Investigating tho charges
preferred against soldiers of tho Na
tional Guard, who aro accused of mis
conduct by the rcslderts of David
City. In one instance n soldier is
sa d to have knocked down n man
who was walking alon tho stroot
with a young woman. Aftor this ho
marched off with hor. Tho details
nnd tho r.amos of tho men are sup
posod to be known by the authorities
with authenticity enough to warrant
court martial proceedings.
Tho races at Wymoro will bo. held
September 21. 22 and 23.
Somo cases of scarlet fever havo apr
peared In Columbus and aro being
quarantined. Lincoln automobllists aro talking of
a big race meet to bo held at the fair
grounds early In October.
Omaha gets the meeting of tho
Stato Teachers' association next Jan
uary, and Lincoln retains the poultry
Rudolph Schneider, aged 59 years,
died at Lincoln presumably from tho
effects of somo poison taken with sui
cidal Intent.
At a special election in Osceola, the
bonding of the town for a system of
water works to cost $25,000, was voted
upon. Tho result was a majority in
favor of tho bonds of over four to one.
L. W. Garounte of Lincoln has been
appointed to n position on the staff
of Governor Mickey. Mr. Garouuto 1r
a traveling man, and his appointment
is expected to smooth out the Hayes
A boy employed in the drug store of
Walter Bros., Beatrice, had his arm
badly burned by sulphuric ncld, tho
accident being caused by the bursting
of n large Jug of the liquid, which
he was handling in the cellar.
Word has been received In West
Point of the death, In Erie, Pa., of
Robert Pallock, formerly cashier of
tho First National bank of this place.
Tho remains will be Interred In Erip,
the former homo of tho deceased. Ho
was CO years of ago.
Incorporations at the secretary of
state's ofllco recently were the Farm
ers' Elevator company of Wilber, a
eo-operntivo concern, with n capital
stock ot $15,000, and the Elsomoro
rlace company of Benson, Douglas
county, a real estate firm, with a cap
ital of $15,000.
Following is tho mortgage report
for Gage county for the month of
August: Number of farm mortgages
filed, 25; amount, $31,141; number of
fnrm mortgages released. 19; amount
$27,710. Number of city mortgager,
filed, 24; amount, $13,381; number of
farm mortgages released, 17, amount
The Otoe Preserving company has
been running twenty hours a day for
the past ten days canning sweet corn
and tomntoes. The pack has averagod
90,000 cases a day since the plant be
gan operations. The sweet corn crop
Is unusually largo and of fine quality
this year. Prominent farmers say the
rop is the best they havo ever raised
In this stnte.
R. R. Kyd, as a taxpayer of Gago
county, filed an injunction suit in tho
district court and secured n tempor
ary restraining order from Judge Bab
cock enjoining County Clerk Plasters
and his deputy, G. E. Emery, from ex
tending the 5 per cent increase in val
uation on both real and personal prop
erty in tho county which was ordered
by the state board.
B. E. Fields, the nursery man,
has a big Held of cabbage east of Fre
mont which nro attracting consider
able atention. Tho ground was planted
to small trees last spring, but they
woro drowned out by heavy rains. It
was then planted to cabbages. The
yield has been good and thero aro
onough cabbages on tho tract to loan
an average freight train of forty cars.
Tho peach crop about Humboldt Is
being harvested and as predicted early
in the season the yield is ns fine as
any reported by the oldest Inhabit
ant, whilo the quality of the homo
grown article is much superior to that
of any shipped In so far this season.
Farmers are suffering, however, from
a iRck of market, thero being no buy
er present, nnd thus far all efforts of
the local Commercial club to interest
somo buyer havo proven unavailing.
Clark O'Hanlon. democratic nom
inee for county attorney of Washing
ton county, has sent his declination to
Chairman Faber of the county central
committee, and will not make tho raco
for that ofllco his fall.
Mrs. Bady of Grand Inland attempt
ed suicide by taking sulphate of cop
per. A physician was called and by the
administration of n prompt antidote
soon had the woman out of all danger.
Mr. Bady and wife recently ramo hero
from Kansas, where he hnd bean era
ployed In a canning factory.
Acting under the advice of tho state
department of public instruction, tho
various county superintendents aro
sending out letters cf Instruction to
rural school boards containing sug
gestions for tho heglnnlng of the fall
terms of school. The boards are asked
to keep the school yards mowed, to
renovate buildings nnd furniture and
to take proper sanitary measures to
prevent rontamlnation of the water
supply and tno possible outbreak of
disease. Tho directors also aro warned
against patronizing representatives of
bcok concerns not recognized as stand
am by the department of public in
struction. Farmers nbout Ord agree that corn
Is- practically out of tho way of frost
and aro now asking for rain to put tho
soil Into condition for fall plowing.
Richard Sampson, living one-hal'
mile northwest of Soward, was awaU-,
ened by sounds outside his houso On
opening tho front door, ho found a
three months old baby wrapped in a
shawl, lying on tho doorstep, with a
slip of paper fastened to the shawl,
statins; tho birth of tho baby. Mr.
Simpson has been unablo to ascertain
who are tho parents of tho child or
who left it on his doorstep.
L 4