The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 16, 1904, Image 4

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    TOe Iberalb.
T, J. O'KKKFii Publisher
J. P. KN1KST Associate Kditor
Entored nt tlie postofllce at Allianee,
Nebraska, (or transmission through the
mails, an second-class ninttar.
H4f Iiik Hurald istlm Official. I'ubliatv
tion of Box liutte county and its circula
tion in nnarly twt:c that of any othar Al
liance paper.
Di .j lay, per single column inch per
Business locals, pur line first insertion
Each subsequent insertion, par line
Legal noticos nt statute rates.
Subscription, $1.50 por year in advance.
I'or I'resldonl,
(if-Now York
I'or Vice President.
West VintlnlH.
hlmochatu: conuiikssion.u. Ticuirr,
I'or Congress, Sixth District,
of Lincoln ctiiuity.
" Ifnr Oovornor,
OKOllOK W. IIKItt.'i:,
of I.itiicuMorcuunly.
I'or Ltoutontmit Uovernor.
of l'runkllti county.
I'or Auditor,
. '" of Kenriipy county.
Ior Treasurer,
of Pawnee county.
. For. Laud Commissioner,
A. A. WOltHI.KY,
of IJojd county.
l''or Superintendent of I'utillo Instruction,
of Perkins county.
Kor Attorney Uoicrul,
of Holt count y .
For Secretary of State,
of Hlchardsou county.
i)i;,M()t:n.vri: cotviv tu:ki:t.
For County Attorney,
, Por County Commissioner.
(l'Irt District)
It is not only a plain duty, on busi
ness principles, to vote for hucIi mun as
,13crgp for governor, but it real pleasure
as Well." '
Nothing should attract vour attention
from state issues this year. No matter
who is elected president, it will not les
sen your taxes or correct the infamous
revenue law. O'Neill Frontier.
The now revenue law takes away the
right of local assessment and the voters
of Nebraska have the power in their
bauds, if they are nt all dissatisfied
with it by voting; aganst the return of
the present members of the legislature,
who voted for.tbc law.
All possible haste should be made by
the city council in tho matter of the
new wells. The long dry spell has
jnado evarythiug dry as tinder and if a
fire should get beyond the control of
our fito laddies, for lack of sufficient
water supply, there is no telling what
great damage might be done. What is
more our fire department is considera
bly handicapped on account of the scar
city of water.
Colonol John S. Mushy who led the
famous "Mosby Guerrilas" during tho
civil wnr has recently bc,on promoted
to an assistant attorneyship in the de
partment of justice at Washington.
Colonol Mosby is well known in Alli
ance having spont several months here
sometime ago ordering stockmen to
take down their foncos. ' The cplouel
is in bis seventy-fust year, lie did
not need the endorsement of western
cattlemen to secure his now job.
There is no better time than right
now to agitate the question of an arte
sian well. What a grand benefit such
a thing would be to Alliance as well as
to the surrounding country. An at
tempt of this sort might be a risk, but
what do we attempt that lias not a cer
tain amount uf risk attached to it?
Then if it should prove to be a success
ful undertaking what a lasting blessing
it would be to Box Butte county. We
would like to see the matter investigated.
List of Jurymen.
Following is a list of tlie juryinon
drawu for tho October ioth term of
Alex Hill, Jr "
G. ,E. Loidy'
Wm. Curry
W. C. Mounts
.Martin Logan
Clark Olds
Charles Tierman
Joseph Nerud
C, A. Roland
P H. Zobel
W. A. Randall
J, F. Fleming
T, F. Ackerman
A. Triplett
C. tt. Ball
G. W.Parker
Ed Wildy
P. S. Olson
II. T. Carey
Alfred Vaughn
F, Naglaschneider
W. II. Snyder
D, W. Huhges
Q. E, Ball . ,
,, v '. '
.Keith L. l'lcrrp is fully anlhorlwd to v
llclt subscriptions and job work anil collect,
and recelnt for sim and tt-HfiMt't Nil other
tMiMnww In eoniiocthm with his xiHkHt ft hii
necredlted representative pf lb paper.
YViltly dotes on Sunday.
tt. A. Hall was in town Monday.
I.. II. Neoland went to Alllancs Thurs
day. Clins. MaravakwM n Ilarnlnfford visitor
II. 0. Miller of St. LMftt, is visiting
frianda liars.
Ola Hodgecock was down from Mars
land Tuostiay.
For swall ladies wear se Wildy's new
C.J. Wlhiy returned from Ouwd the
Inst of thu week.
Chas. W. Lockwood, postmaster at Can
ton was in town Friday.
II. H. Funk mads a hunting trip to the
Ridge the first of the vvosk.
Clias. Tticek has n spud on exhibition in
town weighs 20 ounces.
J. C. FarrinRton shipped a enr load of
cattle to South Omalin Monday.
C. J. Wildy has returned ifom the onst
where he bought all kinds of goods.
II. R. Gruen made several improve
ments to his storo building recently.
For all kinds of men and ladies dress
suits, look at Wildy's Hig Double Store.
II. R. Groan and Norbert Frohnnpfel
wont out to the river to hunt Wednesday.
Mrs. llerian of Reno was in Ilemingford
Thursday. She was visiting Mrs. Frank
. Money saved it yoii. trade at Wildy's.
Lumber, cpfll, lime, posts, furniture and
undertaking goods.
. Wildy pays 35 cents for spuds but pre
dicts higher prices when his 25-car potato
house is complatcd.
James Parry writes from Portland,
Maine, that lie is enjoying a good visit
with tolativns and friends.
H. tt. Johnson bouglit two fine car loads
of steers from W.' 1). Cross and shipped
them to South Omaha Monday.
Remember that Wildy, does not shove
you out old sholfworn bankrupt stock, but
clean, honest fabrics at less money.
C- L. lltitton of Kentucky accompanied
by Attorney E. U. Boyd of Allinnce were
in Ilemingford on legal business Friday.
Get a $100 potato digger at Wildy's for
$75 and have the best, and pay the son's
or daughter's tuition fee to college with the
other $25.
Hurt Carr the phone man of Alliance,
was working here all Inst week repairing
and moving the switch board for the Ilem
ingford company.
The potato digging contest will occur on
the 24, in place of next Saturday as pre
viously advertised. Remember the date
Saturday September 2..
Potatoes went as high as 39 cents por
bushel in Ilemingford Wednesday The
town is sustaining its reputation for being
the best potato market in this part of the
state. ,
A contest among the various potato dig-,
gers on sale here is announced for next
Saturday. It is reported that four or five
different makes will be in the field. The
contest will be in the afternoon.
C. Olds & Co. have a threshing ma
chine and a corn binder for salo.
Terms to suit purchaser. This is a
bargain. Call on or address, Clark
Olds & Co., Hciuingford, Nqb.
Anton Uhrig is reported to be planning
a now store-building to occupy the lot just
south of his store. He noeds more room
for the increased stock he is carrying on
account of the larger trade now centering
There is a new hotel in town. It is
made of railroad ties and the weary Willies
of the road have several rooms, among
thorn a kitchon aud a dining room. It
seems to be well known to the tramp
fraternity for no sooner does one strike
town than he is making tracks for Hotel
de Bum. It is located just oast of the
stock yards.
In last Thursday's World-Horald is made
an important committee appointment
received bv C. A. Kirk'e of this place at
the Seventh Day Adveutist general con
ference. The statement is mnde in illus
tration of the furvrr of the membership of
this denomination that out of a member
ship of 2.700 in the state fully one-third
are in attendance at the two weeks meet
ing now being held in Omaha.
1 have the best potato digger on sale
n Homiugford that there is manufac
tured. Aarragomerts have boon made
whereby for a short time only in order
to introduce them I am permitted to
cut the regular price $10. Will take
the digger, for which I am agent, into
a contest in which the other diggers for
sale here ate leproeentud and will
demonstrate its superiority over all
others to the satisfaction of everyone.
r-D. J. O'Kbbi'k, Agent for The
Brown Potato Diggor.
The inspecting agent of the United
States government held up a car load of
stuff belonging to Wm. Fcwket and son
Oran. The stull was driven to town and
yarded with a car load he did pass aud
which had run over the same rango. They
were put into a yard here that has never
been disinfected so far as the people here
know. The cattle which were passed were
lodc.u in cars so dirty that it was evident
that no disinfecting process worthy the
name had been undertaken. Either the
government has not got its regulations down
to the point where they are effective or the
work done by the inspectors is a graft and
they hare to hold up a car occasionally to
make a showing. The way it is managed
at tlie present time is so notoriously ineffi
cient nd childish that the people have
cause to think Hint the inspection, as now
conducted, is to give a few men fat jobs.
The diseases which they hold cattle up for
are not necessarily fatal and it seems like
a good deal of fuss to be made over some
thing that from the nature of the yards,
cars and feeding stations will never be
eradicated by present methods. It is to
be hoped thnt tils government will so
change its regulations under the present
law so that the diseases it is trying to
stamp will be eradicated or else let every
thing go with out inspection.
S'suore Local.
Mr. and Mrs. Hagainan moved this
woek to the west part of town.
Mcsdaines R. H. and Charles Hamil
ton lutt this week for a visit in Illinois.
K. P. Scott, the. Bridgeport real
estate man, was in the city Wednesday.
Dr. Kraetnor, the dentist, wrilos us
that be will arrive tomorrow and re
main several days.
Joseph Manion will ship a car of
horses of bis own raising to Nance
county next Monday.
John P. Elmore arrived from the
rail road work in Missouri Wednesday
for a visit with his familv.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Whelan from
north of Iiemingford were Alliance vis
itors the latter part of the week.
James Graham purchased 15 heatbof
fine steers down in the sand hills this
week. He will use them for beef.
A big car load of Kansas peaches
were unloaded in this city yesterday
and distributed to the several dealers.
J. 15. Thompson, who has been visit
ing here with relatives departed for bis
homo at Plattsnioutb Wednesday morn
ing. .Rev. S. F. Clark of Rock Island, 111.,
returned to bis home Wednesday after
a pleasant visit with bis daughter, Mrs.
Robert Graham.
About 1 1 o'clock Saturday night a
chicken and coal house in the rear of
the property occupied by Win. Moul
ton, better known as the Draver pro
perty was destroyed by fire.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Steven departed
from Alliance Wednesday morning for
Geneva, Neb., for a visit to their for
mer place of residence. They expect
to return in about ten davs.
T. F. Allen, the Crawford land man,
is here again today doing business at
the land office. Mr. Allen is jn the
metropolis so often that we would sug
gest that he move down to a live
Rev. G. H. Hodge, a Methodist
minister of Denver, visited here the
first of the week with the familv of J.
E. ZbimU'ii of this city. Mr. Hodge
was enrou te to Sweet .vater to visit his
mother. ,www,ww..ww.
Mr. Sherwood was down form Ilem
ingford Saturday, having programs
printed and arranging forthe Sunday
school convention to be held in this city
next week. Mr. Sherwood is count)
chairman. An entertainment will be given at
tho M. E. church next Sunday by the
choir. Among those on the program
are Messrs. Reeves, Wood and Mrs.
Hildobraud for solos and Miss Iuice
McCorkle will recite.
F. E. Reddish rcturnpd Monday
form his trip to Indiania, his former
home. Mr. Reddish enjoyed his visit
greatly but owing to business matters
could not stay as long as he wished.
He says there is much talk Uiere about
western lands and he predicts a big
immigration to the west. Eastern land
is wearing out and decreasing in value
every year and he says that western
land is sure to increase in value.
Services Sunday September 18, at
tlie Episcopal church will be as follows:
Holv communion at 7:30 a. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. in. Service and
sermon at 1 1 a. in. aud S p. 111. Arch
deacon Cope will preach at both ser
vices. Subjects: Morning, "Tlie
Evening and tlie Morning." Evening,
Individual Rcsponsibilitce foriGifts aud
Talents." All are cordially invited to
the services.
General Superintendent Rhodes ar
rived from Lincoln this week and hence
forth will make Alliance his headquar
ters. Those who know Mr. Rhodes at
Lincoln state that besides being high
up in railroad circles his private record
is above reproach and himself and fami
ly are held in the highest esteem by
everyone. To Mr. Rohdes and family
a most cordial welcome is extended by
the citizens of Alliance.
E. L. Ecrettof Hcnuugfurd was in
the city 1 uesday night.
Mrs. McLaughlin is entertaining a
cousin from eastern Iowa this week.
Mils Ponrl Bart left yesterday for
Denver to resume her studies in music,
Miss Minnie Morris went to Crawford
yesterday to play for a ball there last
We notice light weight ovocoats are
being brought from their summer hiding
The fellow that done the business
Tuesday night for the vegetable king
dom Jack fro3t.
Wanted To lease house suitable for
hide house; southwest part of business
district. Gno. A. 1 1 ills.
County Commissioner Locr was
down from his ranch Wednesday even
ing after repairs for a windmill.
There is no mistaking the fact that
our "Alert" fire department can be de
pended upon when it comes to fighting
a fire.
Miss Lctha Wctson departed last
evening for the sand hills where she
will spend a lew days with her sister,
Mrs. Roy C. Strong.
Robert French, father of Mrs. A. F.
Baldridge, visited with her last Satur
day. Mr. French was attending to
Masonic duties here.
The Horace Bogtte store has made a
change of their advertisement in Tnii
IIukali) this week to which the atten
tion of our readers is called.
Chas. E. Ford, president of the Bro
ken Bow State bank and of the First
National bank of this city made a visit
to Alliance the first of the week.
Two hundred and sixty head of horses
were in the local yards the latter pait
of last week. They hail from Miles
City, Mont., and belonged to Albert
Miss Ella MeCollough has returned
from her purchasing trip to Chicago.
On her way home 'diss McCullnugh
paid a visit with her parents at Mason
City, iow'.
Mrs. G. H. Albro of Alliance, who
has been the guets of her brother Brake
man C. II. Hoffman, for the past three
weeks, left for home last Friday. Mc
Cook Tribune.
The exercises at tlie Methodist
church Sunday evening by the Epworth
League were witnessed by a good sized
congregation and the progtatu given
was verv nice.
Mrs. R. T. Watson entertained the
M. E. Aid society Wednesday after
noon with a fine lunch. It is needless
to say that a goodly number of hungry
people were in attendance.
At Belmont last Friday night, the
infant child of George Lemons died.
Rev. Westley, ot this city conducted
the funeral. Mr. Lewis- is an uncle of
Mrs. Wm. Corey of Alliance.
Mac Shumway Enderly followed with
a reading from Hall Caine's "The
Christian," completely electrifying her
friends with the dramatic' fire of inter
pretation. Riverside Daily Press.
After consulting with Chicago and
St. Louis specialists, W. W. Norton
and son went east Sunday in the hope
that some cure may be found for the
spinal ailment of the eldest son of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Watson accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ilildc
brand, hied themselves to the ranch of
Ray C. Strong near Lakeside, Sunday
morning where they spent very
Mrs. W. A. Hampton departodlfor the
east the first of the week, where she
will make an extended visit in Indiana
and Illinois. Enroute to Lafayette,
hid., whore her son Verne is attending
college, she will visit the St. Louis fair.
George Denisou who owns a ranch
west of Billings, fed a shipment of cat
tle in tlie Alliance yards Sunday.
Among the bunch was one steer which
woighed 2, 1C0 pounds. The most not
able feature of this wonder was his
groat length.
Sunday noon the angel of death claim
ed Freddie, the four year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Robbins, of the
Triple B. ranch, Rev. G. C. Jeffors of
this city conducting tlie funeral exer
cises. Tlie sorrowing parents have the
sympathy of all.
H. C. Armstrong, a former resident
of this city came in from tlie west the
latter part of last week. Mr. Ann
strong stated that he had a thrilling ex
perience up at Sheridan one day last
week. A colored porter of that place
fired three or four times at him, and
rtlicn fled. Mr. Armstrong was unin
gured. The porter has since been ar
A family llcunion.
Mr. and Mn. James Rodgers, of
South Alliance, had the pleasure of
entertaining yesterdav at dinner one of
tlie largest democratic families in the
county. Those who comirosed this
groat "love feast" were as follows:
Mrs. G. G. Kronktight, of Forsytlie.
Mont., Henry F. Rodgers, of Sigour
noy, Iowa, Joseph A. Rodgers ot What
Cheer, Iowa, Joshua T. -Rodgers. of
Bridgeport, Neb., John W., Lewis C.
and Thomas B. Rodgers of south of
Alliance and A. D. Rodgers, of our
city. Three brothers, one in Oklahoma,
one in Missouri and one in California
were unable to be present at this big
family reunion, but they were not for
gotten by those who were so fortunate
as to be present. It is needless for us
toattemtpto incline to the minds of
our readers of the happiness displayed
at this noon-time repast but let us
hope that this family may live to enjoy
many more such joyous occasions and
that the next meeting held will be
unbroken by the presence of every
member. Ilenrv Rodgers departed
to-day for his home in Iowa, and
Mrs. Kronkright will start for her
home next Tuesday. Joseph has
filed on a homestead and will re
main in Nebraska. If a report becomes
circulated that a camera has been
"smashed'' for the photographer you
can just lay all the blame 011 the Rod
gers family.
Closing out the Sioux City bankrupt
piano stock at prices below manufacturers'
cost. Used upright pianos, English make
$65.00, Hale SSS.oo. Hall & Sons $92.00,
Lyon it Healy SioO.oo, Kimball Si 10.00,
Arion S118.00, Chickering $145.00, Emer
son $i6S.oo. Over '20 more to select from.
300 no;? upright pianos, latest style cases,
nearly all makes, SuS oo, $132.00, $i.)8.oo,
$165 oo, $173 00, to $190.00, easily wortli
double. 150 cabinet grand upright pianos,
fancy or colonial styler, in beautiful, rare
natural wood mahogany, walnut, or oak
cases. The world's best standard makes.
$600 00 pianos for $438.00, $500.00 pianos
for $315,001 $400.00 pianos for $2f?3.oo,
$300.00 pianos for $210.00.
Square pianos, rebuilt good as new,
Steinway, Knabe, Chickering, Hallet &
Davis, Bradford, Foss, etc, $24.00 $36.00
$4S.oo to $60.00. Used organs guaran
teed in perfect order SS. 00, $12.00, $18.00,
$22.00 to $36.00. All makes. Terms to
suit. Bring this advettisement with you
or write for bargain list.
1313 Farnam Street. Omaha, ticb.
Attention, Odd fellows.
Alliance lodge, No. iOS, I. O. O. F.
will have special work at the lodge room
Tuesday evening, Sep. 20th. All Odd
Fellows arc invited to be present.
Neighboring lodges will be represented.
At the close of the evening an elaborate
banquet will be given. By order of
committee. W. O. Barnes, Sccv.
The Royal Highlanders will give a
supper in the McWbinney building,
Tuesday evening September 20th hours
5 to 3. Price 25 cents. Everybody
cordially invited. By Committee.
It will be interesting to readers of
Tins Hhicald to carefully read the
change in the advertisement of C. A.
Newberry this week.
G. W. Riddle moved-into the Peter-
sou property opposite the Catholic
church, this week. .
Carl Yoitng and sister, Miss Mabel
have gone to housekeeping in the prop
el ty vacated by G. W. Riddle.
The Bioscope Company.
The International Bioscope coinany
gave their entertainment in the opera
house last night to a good sized
audience. The pictures shown are the
best ever seen here being presented
without flicker or vibration. Among
the best shoun was a complete repro
duction of "Uncle Tom's Cabin,"
"Rip Van Winkle," "Little Red Rid
ing Hood" "A trip to the Moon" and
Life of an American Fireman." The
performance will be given again this
evening with a change of program.
Sioux City, Iowa, Daily Journal, April
7 1004.
The Bioscope company comes to the
opera house for two nights, Wednes
day and Thursday, September 21, 22.
Other scene s shown are scenes at the
burning of tlie steamer "General Slo
cum" at New York City in which nearly
one thousand people lost their lives.
The Chicago Theatre Fire, Tlie Great
Train Robbery, Robinson Crusoe, Gul
livors Travols, etc. Prices 25 and 35
cents. School childreti undor 12 years
10 cents to any seat in the house.
Itcprcscntutlvc Convention.
The Democratic electors of the 53rd rep
resentative district of Nebraska are horeby
called to meet in delegate convention in
Crawford. Dawes County, Nebraska, on
Tuesday September 27th 1904 at 2 p. m..
for the purpose of placing in nomination
one candidate for representative for said
district, and tej transact such other busi
ness as may properly come before the con
vention. The several counties of the district are
entitled to representation as follows: Box
Butte 6, Dawes C, Sheridan 5, Sioux 2.
J. D. Scott
State Committeeman. ,
-- v
Notice to Nonltcsldent IMctldnitts.
Nntii'e Islicvt'by KiVtMl Unit, on tin Mtltli lny
uf Ausjiist, run. T. .1. tl'Koofe. Muinttn.
tllctl Ills inaitloii in tlm (llMr t court
of Hn llutli. iounty, Nelimskii. wherein
The StiowAlter MortKiiue. compiinr. .lolm
Iirwui. (leonee Wnrner John K.t'tle. Lui-y
KeHTe, wife or .lolm Kecffe, Jefwi(lniits,wpie
marie defendant, ihe object mid prayer uf
wliieli sit ll iictltiim Is to fureclo t wo certain
tax Hens bated upon two tux certificate uf
taxsftleuiueu.iune 1. iuK.tiurcuHftt.-u i;r tu
limitiotit taxes for the years ls!K 1V and two,
by r. V. .Stevens anil .subeent tuxes jiulil by
C. C. Stevens for the yours nwi and UW, upon
thefiJlowinp ilixerllfu real cstwte. situated
In tlie county of llox liutte. state of .SpIiIuhUii.
to-wit: Southeast iuurter of Mctl-tii S. unit
southwest mtttrter of feotloii -. nil in
township 25 t r:inne ."W. Said ('. V. Stevens for
value received litis duly assigned, toltl and
transferred nil bis right, title and Interest lu
and towald two tav certificates hiiiI sulil de
linquent mid subsMUent tuxes paid tbei-o-iiiidfr
to this iilnluiltr vvliu Is now owner and
bolder of sunie.
The nr.i.iunt clal i.ul by pliillitlit UHin .said
two tux Ileus Is the sum r 38.Mi, with interest
thereon from Ain$utls.uul, of which sum 54.15
is rr attorney's Ice. mid 5-d.OO for iubli"her'n
lVe, the prayer of said petition Is fm-ii iteereo
(lecturing tliouforetmld iiiiiiiunt. together with
Intciest thereon mill Costs, to lie a tlrst mid
puriiuiiiuut lien tiuoii tlie uturesnid real e-.ttto
mid Unit sn'il real estate may be sold under an"
order of the court to satisfy the siinio, mid that
Mini defendants be forever Imrrert nnd fore
closed of nil interest or claim lu anil to said
real estate orniiy part thereof.
V011 are required to answer snld petition on
or before the :!tl uuy of Octulmr, IW4.
T..I. O'Kimri!. I'ltilntltr.
Hy Win. Mltcholl. his Attorney, fp Aut;. '.M.
Notice to Noii-ltcsldcnt Hcrciidiints.
To Thomas I). Shurlz. T. W. Hrown, Porter
llros. & Co.. r. w. Miirknimi,.iiitms II. Miru
fuos. N. Hurt, i:d I'itcb. 1. I . Uutesoll ur
H. i. Uutcsoll, The American Hank. W. 1!.
I.ewls.SSIiiionsoti lirns., non-iesident defend
ant: Notice Is hereby given that on tlieiotli day of
August, liJJ, Alliance 'cnitery association, a
corporation duly liicurpointcu mid oxlstlni;
under niid by virtue of tlie laws uf the stale of
Nebraska, icguhitiiu; cemetery itsso'ivtloiis,
philntltr, tiled it-, petition lit tin district court
of llo.x liutte count-. Nebraska, wherein
Alliance t'emetery association, a private cor
poration organised under Hip laws of the slate
of Nebraska and cmnpoi-cd uf 1 1 1 following
persons: Robert Haxtcr. Nelson ITetclier,
Thomas I), .slnntz. T. XV. Hrown, II. XV. AMell,
Porter Hros. & Co.. I'. XX. Mnrltinmi, .lame-. If.
Slgafoo-i. N. Hart. 1M l-'itcli. I'. M. Snedeker,
V. 61. Smuts. It. I. litttzesell ur 1J. I,, tiutesell.
The American Hunk, Louis liueehseiistelii, XV.
It. Lewis, W. I). Itunier, Sitnonson Hrus. and
.Tuhu Cnrmlcle wen- made defendants, llio
object and prayer of which said ptltiun Is to
remove the cloud from the title to the north
west iiuuriei- of northwest quarter nt suuth
west quarter of section sv, township -'J, rango
47. mid that laud commencing lit the north
east corner of the Alliance Cemetery associa
tion grounds us surveed, platted mid record
ed. Tnen running east hlMuen and one half
tods, then south fifty six mid one hair rods on
a line li.iiallel with the east llneof said ceme
tor. Then west llfty-elght and one half rods
in 11 line parallel with the south line of ceme
tery, then north on tlie west section line of
said section In which said cemetery Is situated
to the southwest corner of said cemetery situ
ated in Hoy Untie county. Nebraska, Known
as Alliance cemetery, and from any other land
of any description owned lu Hox Hutto county
by defendant. Alliance Cemetery association.
'I lie prayer of said petition N for u decree re-
tiioviuu thoeloml from tho title to the north
west quarter of northwest quarter of south
west quarter of section y.i, township i", rnnjro
IT. ami that laud couimeuclm; at the northeast
corner of the Allinnce Cemeier association
grounds ns surveyed, platted and recorded.
Then riinnlmr est sixteen mid one half roils,
then south fifty-si and one half tods on a lino
parallel with the east line of said cemetery.
Then west fifty elitht and one half rods In n
line parallel with tuo south line of cemetery,
then north on tho west sootiun line of said
section In w liicli said cemetery Is situated, to
the southwest corner of said cemetery situated
in Hox Hutte conntv. Nebraska, known as
Alliance cemetery, mid the improvements
tiicreou ami nom an other lands, mones,
credits nud property of any and u'l descrip
tion, by the reason of same bclim deeded to
or by tlie title being in tho ptetonded Alliiinco
Cemetery association, thu defendant herein,
and that the iltle to tho said laud known ns
Alliance cemetery mid all improvements
thereon and to all other lauds.moucy.s. credits
1111 1 property of every description, which Is
in the name uf or belongs to the pretended
Alliance Cemetery association be ordered,
adjudged and decreed to In- lu the Alliance
Cemetery association, plaint 111', mid the prop
erty of the same and for such other and
further relief as may be Just mid equitable.
Von and each o you arn icqulrcd lo answer
snld petition on or before tho ad (lav of
Octolier n).
, i'lmntiff.
HyWm. Mitchell, Its Attorney. fp Ang 20
Contest Notice.
U. ?. Lund Olllce. Alliance. Neb., Aug. IS, 1001.
A stllllcfeut contest uiltduvH having been
Hied In this ollico bj XV m. Dulslng. con
testant, against llouiesteiiit entry No 47.V),
made November JS. l'.HJl. for lot 1. .southeast
quarter northeast qr., north half southeast
quarter section -. township is north, rango -til
west, by Juries W'lloox. contestee, in which
Misalleged that said James XX'l'.eox never in
sided on said tract and bus wholly abandoned
same for more than two years last past
and that said alleged absence from the said
litud was not duo to his employment In tho
army, navy or murine corps of the United
States as n private soldier, olllcer scatniin or
marine (luring tlie war wltli Spain or during
any other war in which tin- I'nited Slates
may be ctiifuged, said parties are hereby noti
lleu to appear, tcspoinl mid offer evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m.
on October is, JP0, before the Heglster mid
Uecelverut tlie l.'nlted Statts Land Ulllceln
Alliance, Nebraska.
Tho said contestant having, in a proper af
fidavit, tiled June JO, nun, set forth facts which
show that after due diligence personal service
of the notice can not bo niado, It Is hereby or
dered and directed that such notice lie lilvcu
by duo aud proper publication.
fpAug. 211. tJui'CK XVii.Cox. Heglster.
Contest Notice.
I. S. Land Olllce, Alliance, Neb., Aug. l-i, liioj.
A sutllclont contest allldavlt having been
filed Inlhls otllcoby Mike SlilmeU, contesiant,
against Homestead entry No. IITk). made Sept.
's. HW. for north half southeast quarter,
southwest (juarter southeast qr. southeast qr.,
Mjuthncst quarter section 'M, township
U's north, range 51 west, by Joseph Lynch,
contestee, In which it Is alleged that said
Joseph Lynch never resided on wild laial
mid has wholly abandoned thu same for
more than three years last past and
that said alleged absence from the said laud
was not due to his employment In the army,
navy or marine corps of the Culled Slutosas
11 private .soldier, olllcer seaman or marliiu
during tho war with Spain or during any other
war In which tlie I utted States may bo en
gaged, said parties are horeby notified to up
peur, respond aud offer evidence touching said
allegation at tu o'clock a. in. on October IS
1WI, before the Heglster and Hcelverat tho
Cnitcsl States Lund onu-e In Alliance,
The said coiitcst.iut having, lu a proper 11 f
ildavit. tiled June 1., IsVll, forth facts which
show that utttrdu ublllgence personal service
of this notice can not lie made. It is horeby
otdered and dlreUtd that such notice bo
given by duo and proper publication
i p Aug. '.id Hkucu Wilcox. l,vlster.
Contest Notice
U. is. Land Olllce, Alliance. Neb., Aug. Is. Ifw.
A sulllclent conlcst allidavit bating hecn
filed in this oihce by Mike Sbiniek, contestant,
tumtusl HumcsU-iKl eiitrj No. HTsI. made Sep.
is, P.V0, for west ball southeast quarter
southeast quarter southeast quarter wliui!
ll'.sou th west q muter son thwest quarter section
A, township W, muge 51 wesl, by DavidCook,
conlesteo, lu whicu it Is alleged that wild
David Cook never resided 011 said html mid
has wholly abandoned same for more
ibau threo years hist oust mid tlutt
said ulleged ubseiice f ruin the said land was
not due to liUi-tiipIyiueni In the urmy. navy or
murine corps of tho United Stutoh us .. private
soldier, othcor. seaman ur marine d.irtugthu
war with SSiwIn ur during miy other war In
which the United States may lie engaged, said
iHirtlesare hereby notlticd tu appear, respond
and oiler eildenoetouchiimsahf allegation at
10 o clock a. 111., on October 1. IP0I. beforo tho
Heglster mid Ifeceiver at the United States
Laud Ortlce n Alliance, Nebraska.
Ji'1.."'.1,1. eei-ttmit having, in a proper
arhdiivti, mod June 0 mil. set forth facts
which show; that ufter duo diligence personal
service of this notice cannot Iks made, it is
ordered and directed that such notice bo given
"j '"! iiiovr puoumiijuji,
f p Aug '.'II,
Imiou Wilcox. Heglster.
Harold B. Miller, M. D., physician and
surgeon, office and residence 321 south
Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb,
Old papers for sale at this office!