WV-I.U Society .-lJ Official Publi cation of Box Butte County. ERALD. Largest Circu lation of any Al liance Paper. VOLUME XI, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1904, NUMBER 39 The Alliance 'X l N & !-s & j i . -ofrvA- n Next Thursday S OUR This store was started September 22, 1900, and we take this method of thanking: the people of Alliance for the liberal and considerate patronage. It is needless to say that our four years have been marked by progress and the tone of the store has been constantly upward. These facts are of themselves apparent. It has been our constant aim to offer good goods at fair prices and when they are the newest. While our method of rectifying all errors and making1 good unsatisfactory merchandise has oftentimes won for us the name of being "easy" it has made a "Bogue Guarantee" as good as gold. We have endeavored to win the confidence of our customers and hold hold it. Our advertising has paid because we not only had the goods but were anxious to sell them, and that a Bogue Bargain is a bargain is proven by the success of our Special Sales. For this Fail we have open for inspec tion the largest and most complete stock of Dry Goods that it has been our pleasure to offer. We have the latest Novelties of the New York market, in Dress Goods, Trimmings and Fancy Goods, and are anxious to show them to you whether you are ready to buy or not. The HORACE BOGUE STORE 5-3F?WF-W-W; aoeeseeccooo&8t)9 : id :e asr t x s or I v -I...I. ..- i In Alliance 16-30 of every month. Office over The l'amous . . . J Phone 391. o easneooesoooesGOcocooeocc 1 c 1 e Business Local Column. Advertisements in this column will be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line first insertion and 5 cents per line each subsequent insertion. Advertisers should remember that The Herald's circulation is much larger than any other Alliance paper and has the lar gest circulation in the city and county. Co-Lon-Co. Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house. Dr. Koons, dentist. Olfice upstairs Norton block. Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of manufacturing dipping vats. Picture framing, upholstering and furni ture repairing C. Humphry. 7-10-tf , -"ijUK Sack Units, designed according to a:v.u.. J? for Fall and Winter, are here. The accom faithful illustration cf three styles cf particular cut and elegance rnade by Crouse , r-ance. Notice the length cf ccal t!ie distinctive cut cf the three-button I v.-prt a!:o in our Normandie the rame regard to detail rsh. 1 jsM- -' ,. C7 V'JilLUMfcm S ' I sr ,.'i''R,t?i J - H tonwciro m titra t mmrn, rnci, k y. VI f U '-bell $$.z ircA Wf -qrf - the short -man extra inches in appearance. We have these styles in the NEW BROWNS in beautiful and choice materials, those new patterns of slight over-plaids almost indistinct. These cost what you would c;;pect, glO.OO to &5.00. -U-'- ;. & :. -SSffiWCHift 0 1)3 ft. THDA.Y I 7 ' V J Ttf I Ut kV 8 fc n A IS L I.JU T.V I? 9? jg M'e Order ! School Books 1 1 ? Get them for vou you W A . 1 " J Any kind you want et them in a week o ?aeeoeeeeeeeoeooooeecooo We carry a Full Line of Tablets, Pencils, Inks, Copy Hooks, Composition books, Rook Keeping blanks, etc. Coll at our store when ou need them. illlLUL-, S Prescription Druggist Q Sticcetor to .1. S. McKlney. a o e3CcooecO0c9eQao0 1 -..-.. The accompanying d.v.vyjng- fc u -1 of style and finish. Ve t'.:c fact that a tail man can. not wear a suit that a short nan should vcar. This i the satisfactory' feature on both the Newport and Nor mandie. They are absolutely correct ia every and all requirements. Dut the man who h r.ot over six feet tall ii r.ot overlooked; the same careful attention has been I g'ven "n1, Tie result is our elegance of make and gives W. W. NORTON. The Ihirliiujton Sulfcrs by Tire. About itjo ViiltHMly inominc our citizens were startled by the otm ding of the fire alarm, and upon invos- tiKdlitiK it was loomed that the Hurling ton ice house was in Humes. In a vorv short space of time the fireman wore nt work with two or three streams of water playing on the doomed building, am' on nccount of the high wind pie vailing at the time, ami the headway the llamas had made it wan a hard fight for the hoys, and although they fought bravely it was impossible to f vo tha building, however it was not until the middle of the afternoon that the depart ment left the scone of the lire. The building contained considerable ice at the lime which can possibly be saved but the building is a complete loss as nothing remained but the inside linings. The supposition prevails ntnongtlic of ficials that the cause of the conflagra tion was set by a spark from an engine. A force of workmen are engaged in cleaning away the charred debris. Mnrshnl Unit ally Murdered. The night marshal at Sidney was murdered Saturday night. A huge gang of hoboes boarded a Union 1'acific train leaving Cheyenne and the train ctew were unable to put them off till reaching Sidney when the services of the watchman wcie asked and during the melee he was knocked down and brutallv kicked to death. Three men were arrested for the ciiinc and a special to Tin: IIkkai.u yesterday staled that they wore given a trial and sentenced to, the penitentiary. Mrs. G. ll.Clnyton Injured in Runaway Thomas Rubottom came in from his raiich twelve miles northwest yesterday to summon a doctor for Mrs. G. H. Clayton of Liberty precinct who sus tained injuries in a runaway accident near his ranch. Mrs. Clayton was on her way homo from Alliance when her team ran away, throwing her out of the buggy and bruising her fpiitc badly. Mr. Kubottom did not know whether she sustained internal injuries. II. N. Cliiford Passes Away. II . N. Clifford died in the hospital at Grand Island Monday after his foot had been amputated the second time. Mr. Clifiord's fiiends Had despaired of his life before he left Alliance and were not surprised when the end came. lie was an old settler in the county and a good citizen. NViirRaise'AifdTfa. The indications are that Alliance will lose some of her best citizens. At any rate four of them have taken home steads and it will be necessary at least that their families shall reside on the new possessions. We refer to Sam Smyser V. A. Manchester, I. H. Gray and G. D. Woods who filed to-day on homesteads eight miles from' Scotts bluff, under the survey of the new government ditch which will be the big gest in the world. The Denver News of yesterday says that the government will commence work on this canal next March and there will be sufficient water to irrigate 500,000 acres. The canal will terminate at Bridgeport. There has been a great scramble lately for land under the survey of the proposed ditch and Thk Hukald believes that our citirens have lands which inside of three or four years will be worth S75 per acre. Hroke His Leg. The twelve-year-old .son of James McLain living north of Alliance had his leg broken Tuosday night. The boy was trying to stop a horse from caving a corral when the animal run over him with the rosult stated. Ancnt Stock Inspection. The editor of our Hemingford depart ment scoies the government stock in spector this week for alleged discrimi nation in passing on stock offered for shipment at that point and says "the way it is managed at the presont time is so notoriously inefficient and childish that the people have cause to think that the inspection, as now conducted, is to give a few men fat jobs." The writer would not like to make such an assertion. However, we do bolicve that if the stockman were subjected to as many inconvenioncos undor a demo cratic administration as they have ex perionced under the present one, a howl would have gone up from some of our republican brethren that would have jarred the earth. The rules by which the inspectors are govcrened ap pear in another column. Al Wiker is among thoiw attending the during leunion this week. The roller skating link will open for the season Satuiday night. Ive; boily invited. Postmaster Tash went' to Got nig Wednesday to spend a oouplo of days at the leunion. The next regular meeting of the board of county couuuimiouers will be held October .. Mrs. Thos. Regan and daughter, Miss Mid, returned to Alliance hut Sunday from Chicago, where they spout several davs buying now millinery goods. C. I!. McFall and daughter, Miss Minn, and MisB Mastrud, are up from Lakosido today. Mis Mina will soon begin a tonn of school and onmo here for teachers examination. W. D, Rumor and son, Hud, left for uic cii Monuay. 1 noy will meet a couple of fiionds at lldgcmont, and to gather they will go to the Indian reser vations in Montana for a few days hunt. Elsewhere in this ismie of Tiiu IIuu ai.u will be found a program of the e eicises of the county Sunday school convention which will convene in the M. K. church, at Alliance on Friday and Satuiday September 24 and 25. Stanley Krajicck, who has been spending his vacation out at the Lots peich ranch leturncd to Alliance the first of the week. Stanley expects to resume his studies in civil engineering kat Lincoln before the week has passed. Mrs. C. A Newberry, Mrs. John Q'Kccfe and Miss Mary wont to Hot Springs last Satuiday remaining till Tuesday night. They spent llioir time there althe sisters hospital. Mr. New berry accompanied them up, returning here Sunday night. R. C. Knox, who has bean employed at Alliance as a machinist, for several years, and during the past year as air brake man, resigned bis position last Fiiday and on Saturday left for Liv ingston, Mont., where he has accepted a better position with the Northern Pa cific. Mrs. Knox will join him soon. A pleasant patty was giyen at the home of Mrs. E. A. Hall Saturday eve ning in honor of Miss Pearl Shuiiff, of Elwood, Kansas, who departed Monday morning for Pueblo, Colo., for a visit before returning to her home. Miss Sheriff has made many fiiends among the young people of Alliance dining her visit here. County Surveyor Hazard loceived a telegram Tuesday front a man at Lex ington, Kentucky, asking if there were two sections of government land left upon which himself and a friend could file, and if so to hold the laud for him. Mr. Hazard wired the gentleman that theic was still government laud hcie and the answer came that he would start for Alliance on fitst train. Dr. G. W. Mitchell, after an absence from Alliance covering a period of nine months returned here last Saturday, and has decided that the climatic con ditions of Box Butte county arc much more favorable for his health than the low altitude of Pennsylvania, so he will desiring to he near his sons, here and ' in Donvct. He was accompanitd on his return to Alliance by his two ' daughters, Misses Mary and Bessie. They are now at the home of William ' Mitchell. The, Doctor will again o,rn an office in this city for practice, and will have rooms tip-stairs in the hart ' block, south of the poetoffice. Dr. I Mitchell's friends aru phutscd to luic him return lice to become a permanent re-sidont. Mrs. Hoskins entertained the B. l R. T. at the home of Mrs. GrotheTut" 1 dayevening.it being 'tho occasion of the regular bi-monthly social a goodh ) number of the uiumbotship were pics- ' out. Progtossivo high five waB the order of the evening's ontertainiiirnt. ' Mrs. Hoskins won the ladie' prize and May Reod socurod the ladies' boob prize. Messrs 1 om Harris and Charlie Moats cut for the gentleman's prize the former being the luck one. Mr. Grothe won tho gouts booby prize. ' The evening's entertainment concluded with a big water-molon feast and the swiftness with which the molons disap peared was a caution. At a late hour all betook themselves homeward feeling that they had spent a very pleasant evening. iuamiMkioAesaKEHjaa rn When they are New they are here. FasTioug CLOTHING HOUSE YOUR There is only one word we know of that fully ex presses our l-all and Winter line of Hen's Ready to Wear Clothing and that is MAGNIFICENT. The Choicest productions ot New York, Chicago and Cincinnati Markets are on our tables. Every new Fabric and Style is here When its new its here Our New York agent, Mr. Butler, made another CLOTHING SCOOP having bought 85 Suits of the Just ly Celebrated Leicester Worsteds way down below the Price. These goods are nice genteel patterns - Hard finished Worsteds made substantially Full of Snap and Style - Square Cuts and Round H a n d m a d e and Sewed Collars $i2.5o and $115.00. These are better values than the so called made to measure clothing and fit better at half the price of fhr nt h rr K'ltirl 20 Doz. Hen's Overalls Blue Denim at the re diculously low price of 39c NEW SUITS NEW UNDERWEAR NEW PANTS NEW OVERCOATS NEW SHIRTS NEW NECKWEAR NEW HATS N E W FURNISHINGS SEE the NEW CAPSHAT and CAP in ONE For Men and Boys 50c and T'ESc 50 Pairs of 1 1 a nan's $5.50 and $6.00 Shoes in Vici Kid, Patent Leather, Russia Calf, all styles yo for (j?J TJ during this sale. The Denver and P '? s Omaha Agents get $5.50 and $6.00 a pair for these line goods Men's 75c Summer Shirts - "C CARHARTTS OVERALLS IN STOCK all sizes AT a'Cl TIMES BOY'S Seasonable Wearing pparei at CUT PRICES. u I Wmm Mmm i AGENTS for KEIBMx 1 ii VuB i liifl GI ; jH VmMWh 1 WK9MWKffmtKk MB mKESEMSSMtSSSSSSmmm 1 A FINE LINE OF STETSON HATS JUST RECEIVED Get Your tickets with EACH one Dollar purchase on that $75.00 in Gold that we are giving away, ia j An up-to-date Store II J for Men and Boys. i FAIL SUIT is now ready ,, -'WvuvwXnf.vi A line line of Uoy VSuits AH boy's suits from $2.50 s up we will give an Extra Pair of all V O O L TROrSERS. Bov ' , Shirts attached Col--lar made of Percale, and dras cloth at " ! lcr. w 's Silver Grav Derby RIMipd Full and Winter rnelerwear Sh ir t s a n d Dtawers, sillc trimmed .11 h 19c" Hn s Cowboy Plats trim med with leather worth 75c nov. 39c A splendid M. D. Wells Shoe for boys worth $1.50 now $1.10 Douglas Shoes $3.50. vbuAriJ