The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 02, 1904, Image 8

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    To Everywhere and Rack. I
iiitf Miibi.itMi-mSi'n .f?tifi?it nA-rirs. I
Tlio JJurllnRton offer excursion ratci in
every direction -o lowthif there is no
cxciue for staying At homo below nro
some of them
St. Louis nml Iwck. Three kinds of
daily rates besido the ipocial low rate
coach uxcursio is each l'uasdny and Thurs
day during August and September.
Chicago and liack' Dally low rates
cither direct or via St. Louis with stop
overs at St. Louis, Kanwn City and
World's fair stopovers at St. Louis on
through tickets.
Colorado and Utah there and back
practically half ratw aUttummer.
To CaliforniaSan Francisco ahd Los
Angelas and buck, August lO to September
11, only $45,75. The only cnnnCe in 1934
10 get tins low raie. - t
to many nolrtH in Indiana. Ohio and
Kentucky Suptimber Q, ij, to, 27 and
October 1 1- at one fare pin $2 for the
rou nil trip. ,
To Michigan, MionoMla, Wisconsin and
the Great Lake region the ideal sninmer
country daily low mte jo take you away
from home. L. S. Saok," Ticket Agent
'1 he Ht.rlington offers the abovu low
rate for ticket good in conches aud clislr
cars"sents free). On Sule Tuesdays and
Thursdays during August and September.
Sco me for full particulars.
L S. Sak, Ticket Agent.
One fare plus $2 for the round trip to a
great many points in Ohio. Indiana and
Kentucky. Tickets on sale September 0,
13, 20, 27 and October 11. Good via St.
Louis and for stopover at the great expo
sition. 1 innl limit thirty thirty days. Sec
me for full particulars or write to L. V,
Wakeley, general passenger agent, Omaha.
L. S. Saok, Ticket Agent.
Ladies' Tailoring
Dress Making
(Kj;um:it bystkm)
1!. Minis over- ttie famous Clothing Store.
All work guaranteed satisfactory.
M1H. H. C. YI'.AOKll. AI.LtAKda. NKH.
Of nan 1'iione Jno. Jtp.miiENCK I'iionksos.
Uoonis 1,S ami 3, 1'itst National hank build
lng.Ailliiticu, .Null. Notary iuolllce.
E. H. Boyd,
,. A.t lorius.v ill jL,jiw ..
Collections given Prompt Attention.
smith i. Ttmi :. iiu n. v 11.
North Main ?t.,
OMcu two blocks 1101 tb of Times building,
t S5.S,
Hours, 6 to 12 n. m., 1 :30 to 5 p. u.
runv.iir.ii ni.ocu,
ali.ianci:, ni;ii
Calls answered from ofilco day or night.
Telephone No. C-J.
Oflieo mur IWofllce. AI.MANOI, Ni:il
ft. H. Bell wood,
HolMt-n llllllUlnf?,
O nice In i'lrst. National Hank block. Alll
aneo Nebraska.
Thirty jewrs pperIonce. Diseases ot
v onion and children and iion-surgjoal re
mot ul of gnll Montuid cure of iipoudlci
tls, hpeclallloci.
Onlce first door west of O'Oonuor'a bakery,
j Phone day or night, 1 jl.
Guy Lockwood
- --.-
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Phones Offico 214. I?es 205
Expert I.ndy
Attendant.. Alliance, Neb,
Plumbiug, Stoam and hot water
Phone, No. 35JJ. ALLIANCE, NEB.
Buy at wholesale, "Crex" matting now
35 cents per yard, others sell it at 50 cents
per yard. Geo. Darling.
Herbert, the eighteen -year-old son of
Nlr. and Mrs. J. W. Wfhn met with an ac
cident near Bridgeport yesterday which
will cost him the forefinger of his right
hand. 'I he young man was hunting ducks
and after discharging one lfrtrrel of his
shot gun he considered the game oat of
range and with the other hammer cocked
he stood tos gttu upright holding his hand
Over the muzzle, When the gun struck
the ground it was discharged by the jar
and the charge mutilated the finger so
badly that amputation was necessary.
Several shot struck him in the breast and
face but scarcely passed through the skin.
While the accident was a p.iintul one yet
under the circumstances the young mnu
was fortunate that it was no worse.
Doctors Hellwood and Edwards went to
Bridgeport to dress the wound but after
arriving there considered it best to per
form the operation here which was done
last evening.
The Lincoln Daily Star of Monday con
tained tno following:
Godfrey W. Rhodes, for a number of
years assistant general superintendent of
the Rurliugtou railroad in Nebraska, has
been offered the position of general super
intendent at Alliance, under the reorgani
zation of the road by Vice President Dnniel
Willard. It iB understood that Mr. Rhodes
has acceptud the position. At present he
is out of the city on a tour of the west side
lines in company with Mr. Willard. From
the latter fact it is presumed that he will
become the man for the division at Alli
ance. It has been stated that the successor of
Superintendent Calvert, who has been pro
moted to the advisory board at Chicago,
will bo a man from the Great Northern
railroad, one trained in the methods of .
J. Hill and who has worked up from the
ranks. The name has not been divulged,
though several different ones have been
whispered about. It is understood that the
new superintendent has some now ideas
which he will use on the lines west of the
Regretting to see the departure of Mr.
Rhodes from Lincoln, tiie officials at the
depot are glad he has received the promo
tion, and belicvo he will make a mark on
the west side that will be noted among rail
road men. He has been known durirrg his
stny in Lincoln as a man with n pherfom
nnl grasp ot detail, and besides being a good
organiser, pays particular attention to
smoothness and economy in operation.
He has become personally acquainted with
practically all the railroad men in this part
ot the country and all speak highly of him
personally and officially.
Officials at the depot do not know at
what time the new arrangement will go
into effect, though it is believed not be
fore tho latter part ot the autumn.
Information for Homesteaders.
Thoro being much enquiry and a great
dlveraiii of opinions amongs attorneys, as
to whether a homesteader ultn 1C0 acrus
under the old law, who has not yet made
final proof, and who obtains an additional
entry of tho contiguous land under the
hinkaiu law, can change his residence
from tho old homestead to the additional
homestend, without abandoning the old
one, Attorney J. E, Porter of Crawford,
loferred the quohtion to the general land
office at Washington, and he is in receipt
of tho following letter.
Washington, D, C, Aug. '23, 1904.
Sir: In reply to your inquiry of August
10, 1904, with reference to additional en
tries mado under the Act of April 28, 190.,
I have to advise you that an additional
entry made under Section 2 of said Act
constitutes, with the original entry, one
eutire claim, and the required residence
may be maintained on any part of said
claim. Very respectfully,
j, II. Fimplk,
Acting Commisbionor
M. L Church Notes.
Services will be held at the churcii next
Sunday as usual. Sunday school at 10 a.
m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Morning subject; "The End of the Road."
Evening Subject: "Decisions That Make
Noble Characters." Epvsorth League at
7: p. m. All arc cordially invited to at
tend. The regular prayer meng will be
held in the basement of thv church next
Thursday evening at S.o'clock.
The Sunday school teacher's meeting
will bo held at the home of Capt. Y. R.
Akors next Wednesday evening at S
o'clock. ,
The Conference Year will close next
Sunday, Sept. 4. The session of the
Northwestern Nebraska Conference will
meet September 7, iOoj at Atkinson,
City Teachers Meeting.
There will be a meeting of all the city
touchers in the high school room on Sat
urday, Saptembut 3, at 2 o'clock p. m.
W. II. Drtz, Superintendent.
'September Opening.
On Friday and Saturday, September
2 and 3, I wil hold my Septembor opening
at which time I will offer to the ladies of
Alliance ana vicinity a large line 01 tne
vary latest styles in street hats. Call and
see them whether you wish to buy or not.
Miss U. E. Manoan.
Frank Lysinger formerly of the machine
shop force here and A 1 machinist is now
at work at Havelock.
For Rent Stable room for two horses.
Enquire at The Herald office.
General nnd Personal News of Alli
ance and Vicinity.
What is "7.tV
Allorntiy Mitchell had legal lmstnaesat
Gering yeMerday.
Harry Pierce of Hemingftird was n
Alliance visitor Wednesday.
J. A. Hunter and son Robert returned
yostard.17 from a trip to Illinois and St.
Louis. "
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Woods have moved
into the new cottage at 411 Ycllewstone
J.J. Pendergnst and family are nicely
located in their new home on E. Wyoming
Mite M&me Laravas who visited with
her annt at Hot Springs, has "returned to
Alliance. ,w,,...w
R. Standen has sold, his meat market to
Trenkla Bros., and contemplates moving
to Wyoming.
Miss Jeesie Sweeney is spending n few
days with her cousin, Mrs. Stewart, at
H, O. Zbinden arrived Sunday from
Sweetwater and left Monday for Denver
on business.
J. A. Gainea and Steve Lowley came up
from Bridgeport today aud will go to
Mullen tonight on business.
Examinations for teachers' certificates the Superintendent's office
Saturday, September 10th.
' W. D. Rumor left Saturday last for
Chicago to make purchases of stock for the
store. He returned Thursday.
Miss Wysongwho has been visiting Miss
Laura Milliken for the past two weeks re
turned to her home al Bayard Wednesday.
Messrs. Wood and Hublitz are succes
sors to W. H. Zehrung in the painting
business and will aim to give satisfaction.
John O'Donnell, who has been employed
as telegraph operator at Granite Canyon
for sometime, is in Alliance visiting his
Ed McNair and Orville Owen are at
tending Frontier Days at Cheyenne. They
went InBt Sattlrday and espect to be gone
a week.
Engineer Davenport was injured in a
wreck at Seneca last night Another
wreck is reported" to have occured near
W. S. Ridgell has completed his con
tract of painting the new hospital building
at Ft. Robinson, aud returned to Alliance
last Sunday. '
R. R. Ralls was up from the Ilamptom
ranch this week. Ho says they arc about
done haying and have cut from 1500 to
2000 tons this season.
The Blaine hotel, a three story t-tructure
at Chadron, had a 5300 fire hiit Saturday
and the Northwestern depot at Fort Rob
inson was struck by lightuing nnd burnpd j
to the groand Mondav
The Crawford Bulletin h.v suspended
publication after an existence of seven
j oars. C, Lindeman, its editor and pub
lisher, will devote his time 10 his ranch
near that town. This leaves the Tribune
the only paper there nnd one is enough for
the town at present.
Tub Herald is informed that James
ivsvlin. C. C. Smith, Ira Reed, H. Mc
l-i'an, J. B. Gray, I. U. Hagar, Dr.
Mu r-, O. Hawkins, T. S. Fielding, R. II.
W.tti.i ., D. Marsh and boveral others
will le.-.v-j today for Mystic, S. D., to in
vestigate a gold mining proposition near
that place. t
Everything is hurry and bustle this
week among our young Americans gather
ing bchool books in readiness for school
Monday morning, and preparing for an
other season of profitable study. We have
had a long season of play now let us enter
school tiiis year with a determination to
make it one of the best and grandest of
our lives.
H. C. Armstrong was in the city Wed
nesday forenoon on his return from Chey
enne where he was summoned to appear
in the federal Court upon the charge of sel
ling liquor illegally, Henry says that his
trouble was simply spite work. He was
trying to introduce the Pabst product in .1
new territory and sent out si cases for his
proposed customers to uy and the other
brewery learning of this tried to trump up
a case against him. I'doc3not fear the
result of the invosti
North .... Alliance.
Mrs. O. Harris a 03 the sick.
Byron Ufford has returned from Scotts
Lluff. Mrs. W, N. Beach made a trip to the
sand hills last week.
Little Bertha Walden has been improv
ing in health the last' week or so.
Mrs. Anderson is visiting in the country
for a three weeks' duration,
Charlos Brinkman and family are enjoy
ing some of the rural festivities at the
Gregg ranch this week.
Claud Vaughn and Edith McDougle
drove out to the Swan home last Sunday
and returned home before it rained this
Mrs. C. Murphy, accompanied by her
friend, Julia Darnell, have gone to the J
Hills for a few days recreation. They ex
pect to be in Deadwood for the carnival,
and will visit in Lead and.other points be
fore returning.
I .General vHousefurnishing Goods
Banquet Raiigca ant!- Wonder Cook Stoves have been sold in
Allianc for the past ten years and are so thoroughly known ,
by the people here that we need say no more than that the
patterns this season are neater in design than ever before and
their baking qualities remain at the same high standard.
Dishes, Queenswnre and Glassware are expected by the,end of
the week. Tin and Enameled Ware and other kitchen utensils
are on display. Blankets and Comforts of best qualities for
prices asked are now on sale.
Look at the Goods - - You will Buy
... ;.' GEO. DARLING
W W W w w
:: Undertaking' and . .
:: Embalming Company
Calls answered pioinptly day or night.
Claude Humphry,
Hrs. Humphry,
Lady Assistant
Residence phone 269.
Flour Feed.
V Comfort" $
Is Our Leader. Try It
PHONE 105.
vi:st sim: main
Dr. J. R. Taggart, D.V.S.
Is prepared to trentanyand all
diseases known to tho hor&e
aud cow. Special uttention to
dentistry. All work guaranteed
Barn Xorth of Palace Livery, 'l'ho 101
SEE Jos. Carey & Co.
For house moving, well boring
making and cleaning cesspools
moving box cars, ete ....
XMtce to Creditors.
In county Court, within and for Hon Uutte
county, Nuhi-iisLit. July 27, 11KH. In the
nmttur of the ustato ot Snnili Lemon,
ileceiiM'il. To tho creditor:, of said tulat:
You tiro horeby notlUcd, Unit 1 will sit at
tho County Court Itooin In Alliance In Mikl
county, 011 thutMhduirof Juuuary, lft3, to re
ceive uiul examine all claims apitiiKt bald
estate, with a view to their adjustment unit
allowance. The tlnu limited for tho pns
eiilatlouof claims uKulnit said estate In six
months, from the S7th day of July, A I), loot,
and the time limited for iiajmeul ot debts U
oiih year from said 7tli day of July, 1004,
Witness my hand and tho soul of bald
county court, this i7th duy of July, 1P01.
(A True Copy) D. K. hpACHT.
rtAL l-ji July 20-4 w. County Judge.
1 F. J. Brennan & Go.... ""
Paints, Oils
"TcscvvpVvoTva GarxAVvi CowpoM&c&.
:"X":':"X - v:X":": -
D iamonds,
Repairing in all its
VU. Oo Barnes
Jeweler and Optician.
Ciias. E. Ford, President ' S. K. Warrick. Cashier
A. S. Reed, R. M. Hampton, Vice Presidents. G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier-
First National Bank,
Capital, $50,000. - Surplus arid Profits, $20,000
Chas. E. Ford, A. S. Reed, R. M Hampton. H G. Warrick. S. K Warrick.
Notice to Creditors.
In County Court, within and for Uox llutto
couuty, Nolirnsku. .lulx S3. l0t. in the
matter of the oMuto of Martin II. I'uiuiorc,
deceased To the creditors of thosnld CHtutu
You are hurehy notlllcd, that I ulll bit at
The County Court ltoom in Alliance In said
county, on the 30th day of January, 1003, at l
o'clock i. m. to receive and eiauiluoitll claims
against said (state ith u view of their ad
Justment and allowance. Tho time limited
fur the presentation of claims against bald es
tate is 0 mouths, from the '.3d duy of July.
A. I)., 1004. and tho time limited for the
payment of debts Is one jear from said 23d
day of July. A. U. IrtM.
Witness ray hand and seal of said County
Court. thUSU da of July, 1UCH
(Atrueconyl I) K SI'ACHT,
IBB A LI County Judge,
f I) July 29-4 w
Drugs, Perfumesf
-"Toilet Artides.1
and Wall Paper
Alliance, Nebraska. $
": - ':"::"::.:.:X":X":"'X':X''X
Go!d Jewelry,
Souvenirs .
1 Hail orders promptlj'
attended to.-
Notice to Creditors.
In Die county court, within and for Uox Ilntt
coiiiity. Nebmjka. Ahr. . not, in tho matter
of the estate of William lioness, deceased.
'Jo the creditors of said estate
You are hreby notified, that I will sit nt the
county court room in Alliance, In said counti
on tho Gth duy of February, A. U. p, at
o clook a. receive and examine all claims
aaliut said estate, with u vlow to tbolr ad
justment aud allowance, Tho time limited
for the presentation of tlaitn against said
ate I"; six months, from the (ith day of Auk
us'. A. I). llKM. und tho time limited for pay
ment of dehu is one car from said Bth day of
AUgUSl, lOOt,
(Copy) fp -,8" . bounty Jurtw.