The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 26, 1904, Image 8

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    To Everywhere,, onil Rock.
Tilt. HI -. . , i MMBR RATRB
The Bur im 'j i t.fl r t xcurMon rile t,i j
cet nirn n v iii i ht' is no
excuse for mimur t lur i iw nte
tome ot them
St. I -on ii and Wk Three kinds of
dad rttrs uidsa the spaclal low rata
rxa 1 xi imio n Mch Tnendur and Tlinra
lay during ViiKUit and September
I Imago and Intel; Dally low rats
cilln-r ilirttct or via St. Loala.wifli atop-over-
at St Lonia, Kanana City and
WotM'a fair stopovers at St. I-ouU on
through ifekota.
' Colorado and Utnh thare and lack
praitfcallr half rate all attmmer.
To California Satt Frnnclaco and Los
AngIa aud hack. Attaint lG to September
it, wily -S'-7i ''lu only chanc in 1004
"" to cat thla low rate.
Portland, Puget Sound and hack, Aug
list 16 to in, one fare for round trip.
To Michiitan, Minnesota, Wisconsin aod
the Great Lake Maion- the ideal lummer
country daily low rates to take you afcay
frm hom. L. S Saob, 'i'icket Aa,ent.
S0 5 to bt Louia An rxtuan.
The, ljfcr'ington offer the above "w
litis for tickets good Id coachct and chair
oats Mat free). On aula Tiwadaya and
Tliuradaya during August and September.
Sec ma for full particulars.
I. S. Saou, Ticket Agent.
One fare plus $2 lot-tha round trip to a
grant many points -'in Ohio Indian.! and
Kentucky. 1'ickots on sale Septombor f,
13, so, fj and Octoler 11. Good via St.
Louia nnd for stopover at thv great oxpo
sition. Hnal limit thirty thirty daya. See
meforftill particulars or write to L. V,
Wnkelejr, general passenger agent, Omalia.
L. S. Saok, Tickot Agent.
Ori'ICE I'llONB ISO. lUllliUSCB I'iioni: 2p3.
Itnoms t, 2 inn 3, 1'lrst National hiiuU build
lug, AUIauco, Nub. Nolai y In ofllcc.
.. .AttoiMicy lit JL.H-W- ,.
Collections given Piompt Attutitioti.
8U1TII v. iinni.K. I HA H. TA II.
North Main ft.,
Ofilco two bkn'l noith uf 'I linos building,
I'huiio "51.
IIour-H, to U it. in . -"Q u5 n in.
J. E. AlOORE, M. L).
I urn III It lll.OCK,
ai.i.iam :, m:ii.
Culls unswetod from uflli-o day or night
Telephone No. !:.
onico over Postollleo, allianci:, ni:u
H. 11. Bellwood,
ltoibtcn iiuiiuiiiK. - alma; jk, ni:h
Oftlce In Klrht Niitlnniil Hunk block. All!
nncu Nebraska.
Thirty jours experience. Diseases ot
women and' clilldii'ii nnd iHiii-surKlcul re
moval of Rail stones niul euro of upoudlci
tls, specialties.
Offleo first il(Hr wost of O'Connor's bakery.
TMionodayor night, UP.
Guy Lockwood
i:.tll.I..MING .
Tuneral Director and Kmbalmer
Pliones Office 214. Res 205
Kxpcrt I.tjjiy
Attendant.. Alliance, Neb,
Plumbing, Steam and hot water
'Phone, No. 35G. ALLIANCE, NEB.
f GObO,
ry Hi
L A M 1 1 M'l W 'wWVt'!l
Mr?iy.B'ffifBW a7Jkjb( KuIIjE Kl M fcK-
ICnlalmtin Couldn't Mur It, nnd Ilia j
(I'onin DlnRrureil tv.
When Kititf htilaknu of llnunil vis
ited J.ipni niatiy jciM timO '. a vrns
very ntuloi to t.i Hie .7!.imio?e
IiIh fnnious toyitl ftuflier elonk. It
tiki not lo.k wrll drnpwl ovi r tl.e r?nti
lar eoHttimc of the kltiK. whh-li wns
lmwl on I.ropentt Military ntodeln.
It wnH off if Uk qu(ioii to wenr It
draped mer lirown evtltk1, ns wm tlto
nuclei it ri&ktt. Finally it wns do
fltlwl to lit UoIktI, ouu of lita nttond
ntita. wont- It. Willlmn N. ArtnatrotiK.
the kind's Attornoy xrucrnl, snld: "This
itddltlnnnl arvleo ilullRhted Roliort.
who -now, iiVL'onllng to 11 confldentlnl
fltntrment tnttdc to his .Inputieae at
temlnnt, wna 'keeper of the royal atimd
nrd,' 'gtiwnt of tlto feather clonk' nnd
vnlot lit orditmry.' AVI1H0 in the lm
IK'tial ear, on the 'way to Tokyo, the
king's anil Iinil atnldenly seen KobtTt,
sitting in atnte In the liwcnge ear,
(lreaant In n fdlk lint, Avhlto ulorrs nnd
with tlto Korgioua royal eloak linnglng
over hln nhoiildera. the tahlonii bulni;
cotnpletetl by it group of Jupnnese nt
tondanta who weto Htnnillng before
him lost In Admiration." Hut Robert
wns awtrcely erjttnl to the dignity tlint
wns hln. In his enpaelty of vulet ho
prectileil the party to the pnhice ns
tilgneil to them, and discovered there
nbundunco of wines and spirits, which
ho consumed until they nrrlvisl. Ho
wns found nsleep In the king's bed
chntnber with the Bilk lint fur down
over Ills head nnd tho gorgeous cloak
nskew on his shoulders. He wns nt
once deposed from IiIh olllco of 'groom
of the feather cloak.' "
Tiny WorniM Tlinl Trmel In u LoiiK
Ki-rpontlllio ."Uiimm.
The sclnru. of the genus tlpulx, a
tiny wonnllke crcnturo which Is found
In tho forests of Norway nnd Hungary
during the month of July or early in
August, gather In huge numbers pre
paratory to migrating In search of food
or for a change of conditions. When
Betting out on tills Journey, they stick
themselves together by means of some
cltitinous matter and form a huge bop
pentllko mass, often reaching a length
of between forty and llfty feet and sev-1
oral inches in thickness. As the sclara
is only on rn average of about three
thirty-seconds of nil inch in leagth,
with no appreciable breadth whatever,
tho number rciiulred to form a continu- i
ous line of the olze above mentioned Is
Their pace Is of course very slow,
and upon meeting nil obstacle, such as
a stick or stone, they either writhe over
or around It, sometimes breaking Into
two bodies for the pin pose. A ecle
brated French naturalist says that If
the rear poitiou of this Biiakellke pro- ,
cession bo brought into contact with
the front part the Insects will keep
moving round In that circle for hours,
never seeming to realise thnt they nre
getting no farther on their Journey. If
the portions bo broken in two, the pro
cession will unite In a short time. When
the peasant meets one ot these proces
sions, he will lay some obstacle In front
of It. If it passes over it. It is a good
The .liipanvito tli'ci Don.
The .laps have a quaint standard of
perfection b which they assess canine
merits. '1 litis the sleeve dog has or
ought ti hue live cardinal "points"
tho"lmtlciJl head," in which the color
marking i ('presents a butterlly, the
white blaze on nose and forehead
forming the body, nnd the rest of the
face and ears the wings; the sacred
"V" found in the wedge shape of the
blaze running up the forehead; in tho
center of this sacred V an isolnted cir
cle of coloi, which typtiles the "bump
of knowledge;" the "vulture feet" re
quiring ample feathering, as the fring
ing hair Is technically called, and lastly
the tightly curled, profusely feathered
tall symbolical of the sacred llower of
Japan, the chrysanthemum.
Wlial Coii-r(cit lllm.
This story regarding a converted bar
barian Is told in the English papers;
A negro clergyman was entertained nt
tea by the president of a college. The
guest, who came from west Africa, re
tailed some particulars of his early
life, when a lady asked him how he
became a Christian. "The story of
Jezebel cotnerted me," he answered.
"You know, we are told the dogs did
not touch tho palms of her ' :uda. Well,
that convinced me of the 'ruth of the
narrative, for we never ' the palms
of tho hands In my count. . They are
too bitter.''
Allltnile nnd VoIccn.
Generally speaking, races living at
high altitudes havo weaker nnd more
highly pitched voices than those living
in regions where the supply of oxygen
Is more plentiful. Thus In America
among the Indians living on the pla
teau between tho ranges of the Andes
nt an elevation of from 10,000 to 14,000
feot the men havo voices like women
nnd women like children, and their
staging Is a shrill monotone.
Hadn't Seen Hint.
Tho Vicar Did you see a pedestrian
pass this way a few minutes ago?
Farm Hand No, sir. I've been workin
1 on this tnter patch more'n a nower,
1 and notter thing has passed 'cept a ;
t solitary man, an ho was trampln' on
I foot.- London Telegraph.
Slncrulnr Crnturea,
"And so, Peter, you spell 'women
with nn "aV " said the teacher, cor
recting na exercise. "Please, sir," was
the reply, "my papa told mamma only
yesterday that women were singular
Men blush less for their crimes than
tor their weaknesses and vanity. La
Clerro-nien Wlio IlnTe Itoen itrrnrd-
ril lor Tlirlr I 'itrrtlnimiii nn.
Cntton Milvilio owed bis M.iif pro
motion to a pun, mi'' a I.iihuii Jour
nal. When the late liar I of Dudley,
who knew Mr. Molvllto aufU'ntly to
remember that bin I'hrlstiau naire iras
Dnrld, had a Ihiug at Ins (llapoAi he
reeelved a letter containing only the
word.. "Lnnl, remeniber Da eld." "Jiii
rmrl'H rPii'y was no letw tom and Scrip
tural; "Thou art the maul"
PerlmpB the earliest Instance of oe
clcAlAAtlctil promotion cu by n pun It
that of a citrute nnmeil .luaeph, who
was prompted by Swift to tak" tlila
tct for a loruHin preached In St. Pat
rick' cathedral, Dubltu, befcre the
viceroy. "Butler," tin Duko of or
tnond. "Vel did not Uie ehlM" Butler
remeiulier .rostpli, but forgfit htm."
The Rev. Dr. Mountain, who .1 i ine
son of a beggar, owed nearly ci
ste) of his HticccAsivu promotmiKi in
great part to hla facKUnmnetM ru 1
wen the Inn step of nil by a li le
Joit. When he was conaiiUed as huh!
of Dm ham by Oeorge II. as tt lb At
test person to fill the vacant archlepln
copul see of York he replied: "H.r.
hndst thou faith na a grain of inn itard
seed thou wouldst sny to litis Moun
tain tdiiiinutlcnlly utilklng his breast),
'Be thou removed nnd cast Into tills
sea (see).'" That Oeorge II. should
so understand and appreciate "the Joke
as to incept its suggestion Is pctbaps
tho sti.uig."!t part of the story.
Aprcipnj of puns, promotion nnd tho
see of Voile, bete is a good lory i.f a
living given by an archbishop of York
In reward for an Impertinent personal
pun. The archbishop, Sir William
Dawes, entertained bis clergy at din
ner shortly .vf ler the deatli of his wife,
Mary, who appears to have been a reg
ular Mrs. Proudle at once to bis grace
and to the diocese. At dinner the arch
bishop apologised, with a sigh, for
things not being In the apple pic older
that prevniled when lm dear, dead
wife, Mary, was alive. Being himself an
inveterate punster, he added, with a
sad shake of his bend, "f-'he, lndccd.was
Mnro Paeiflcuni!" A curate who knew
too well what a tartar the deceased
lady was icjoined, "Aye, my lord, but
she was Mare MortiitiiiU" and was
absolutely anil uu.nedlately rewarded
by the archbishop for this lmportiuent
pun with a living of f00 a your.
Vnc Tor a f.lltlt- Orplmn.
Some yeo.M ago oue of the charltr Me
eocicties f Iowa sent a number of
orphans to one of the towns of tho
state for distribution among childless
pot pie. The distribution aroused much
interest in ho village. As the orphans
were being given to those who wauled
in .wlnll- ..lltlilpnu .1 lltlln tul1(ri1 nf
the town ran up to lier mother and
"Oh, innmnia, 1 wish jou would take
a little orphan girl!"
"But, my dear," lepllcd the mother,
"I have you. What do I v ant v. itb an
"I know you have me," said the lit
tle girl, "but you might want to havo
a funeral, and you could ue the little
oiphnn girl instead of me."
A Ilojal CInflf.
There are nearly -"K) clocLs at Wind- i
sor castle and about 170 in Bucking
ham palace. One of the most Interest-1
ing of tho-o at lud.-or is in a gilt i
metal case L.'en by IIeur. VIII. to '
Anne Bole.-n on the morning of their j
wedding, li lu ten inched and is '
engraved with the royal arms of I3ng-
land quartered with those of France.
The lend weights are engraved with
true ioers' knots nnd "II. A. Dicu et
?'on Droit" at the bae. This clock,
s'l ch at one lime became the property
i Horace Walpole, was bought by
Ou ' ! Victoria. It has survived four
ce !t. . four years only maiked
the u. n of the royal love of Hen
ry and Anue Boleyn.
1 How Ilollniiil Treiits I'nupcrn.
I There are few ablebodied paupers in
Holland. A tract of public land con
taining r,000 acres Is divided Into six
model farms, to one of which the per
son applying for public relief is sent.
Hero be Is taught agriculture and la
subsequently permitted to rent a small
farm for himself. Holland also has a
forced labor colony, tp which vagrants
lire sent to do farm and oilier work,
whether they like It or not.
A Lonir 1,1 oil l'llie.
In the museum at Mannheim there
was a skeleton of a pike which meas
ured nineteen feet and bad a ring
around it with this inscription iu
Greek: "I am the fish which was first
of all put Into tho lake by the hands of
the governor of the universe, Frederick
II., the of October, li0." The flsh,
hnvlng been caug t Im 1407, was 207
years old. dnrd.
Mnde Sure . tho I'lrnl IleiuU!t
Betty-So y.. .'I Is engaged? Well,
I'm sorry for the man. She doesn't
know the llrst thing about keeping
house. Bessie Oh, yes, she doesl Bet
tyI'd like to know what.' Bessie The
llrst thing iS to get n man to keep
house for. Harper's Bazar.
In SprlnuM Trouble.
"She's In a frightful dilomma."
"How so?"
"Why, Ji.ik proposed ,to her last
night and insists upon having an an
swer before she will have fluie to
learn whether Tom Intends to pro
pose." Chicago Post.
Sure Cure.
Corseta I wish there was some way
to make him stop buying expensive
presents. Mae You might marry him.
Cleveland Leader.
It is a wise man who knows his own
business, and it is a wiser man who
thoroughly attends Jd'lt. Wayland.
HjffijilA LITTLE MONEY.... S
, , 'K, t. L3 , r
jeneral Housef urnishing Goods
Banquet Ranges and Wonder Cook Stoves have been sold in
Alh'anc for t3ic past ten years and are so thoroughly known
by the people here that we need say no more than that the
patterns this season are neater in design than ever before and
their baking qualities remain at the same
& u1 J$ ti& ! ?
Dishes, Queensware and Glassware are expected by the end of
the week. Tin and Enameled Wcire and other kitchen utensils
are on display." Blankets and Comforts of best qualities for
prices asked are now on sale.
i Look at the Goods - - You will Buy
:: Undrtaknt and . .
:; 2mbalminjf C iiparn
Calls Mi.vered promptly Ja 01 night.
Claude Humphry,
L'ndei tiAer.
firs. Humphry,
Lady Assistant
Residence phone 2dq.
Flour 1 Feed,
it Comfort" ix
Is Our Leader. Try It
PHONE 105.
WI'.ST sidi: MAIN ,
Dr. J. R. Taggart, D.V.S.
" Is prepared to treat any ind all
diseases known to the horse
and cow. Special attention to
dentistry. All work guaranteed
Barn North of Palace Livery. Tho 101
SEE Jos. Carey & Co.
eta t a r
For house moving, well boiing
making and cleaning cesspools
moving box cms, cte ....
X nice 10 Ciciitoit
I a County Court, wltltlu and for Hon liutto
county, Nobr.iik.i. July 27, llVM. tn tliu
muttor of the uotato of Sniah Lemon,
(loewised To the creditors of said uMMv:
lull arc hereby notified, that 1 will stt at
the County Court Itoom lu Allliiuce in said
'county, on the 2fth du of Juuuary. HWj, to re
ceive and OMiinlue all claims uguliitt said
eNtato. with a low to their adjustment and
allowance. The thno limited for the pr
ontuUoii of claims ukuIuM said astute Is six
months, from the 27lh day of July, A I). UKM,
and tliettinelliKitttl for iamout of debts h
one year from said 27th day of July. JflOt.
Wftnuss my liana and the of said
county court, this S7tli day of July, 1901.
(A True Copy) 1. K. Sp CHT.
8KAI.1 KiJuly-4w. County Judge.
i-F. J. Brennan & Co... !
Paints, Oils and Wall Paper
"pT6scnv)vAOT3 C.afivVv ComvovxTv-iBu,. I
J iamond
Repairing in all its . flail orders promptly
Branches. - ' attended to.- -
Jeweler and Optician.
Cuas, E.i Ford, President
A. S. Rued, R. M. Hampton, Vice Presidents.
First National Bank,
Capital, $50,000.
Chas. R. Ford. A. S. Reed. R. M Hampton. H G. Warrick. S. K. Warrick.
Notice to Creditor.
Iu County Court, within aud for ltox Huttu
county, NlrasUi. July 1, I Vol In ilia
matter of i lie (state nf Martin II. Putmorc,
deveiiMHl To the eniilltorB otthesutd ettf
Vou are hereby notltled. tlint I ulll stt at
The County Court ltiMim in Alllauee in Mild
count on the :Kltliday of Junuur), UHC. ut 1
o'clock p. m. to nveli c aud exumlnettll elaimi
against bald estate with a view of their ad
jiihtmenl and a!io,aiiee. The tlmu limited
for tho prenontation ot claims against said es
tate Is il months, from the -.3d day nf .luly,
A. I), UVU. aud the time limited for the
iiuyuuntof dehts is one jear from said L-Jd
dny of July. A. J . tlOt.
Witness ray hand nnd Sfal of said County
Court, thlsrad day of July. 1104.
(A true copy) I). K. SPAOHT.
IBBALI County Jltdne.
fpjuly il-lw
high standard.
nicies, i
Alliance, Nebraska.
- - . -
Drugs, Perfumes I
n?- Oil 1 A iO-ef
Gold Jewelry,
S. K. Warrick. Cashier
G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier.
Sftrplus and Profits, $20,000
Notice to Creditors.
In the county court, within and for Hov Iluttw
county, Neliraska. Auj;. a. l'.wt, tn tho matter
of the estate of illlum Houess. deceased.
To the credlton. of tuld eatutc.
Vou tire hereby tiotilii-d, that I will sit at tin?
county court rtKinitnAlliniico, iu wild count j,
on the Cth day of I'vhiuury, A. U. I1KO. ut l
o clock a. m.,lo recune uodcxamluo all claims,
usaliibt suid ctutc, with a view to their ad
justment and ullouance. Tho time limited
for the presentation or claims aealust said
estate Is six months, from tho Otli day of Aug
ust. A. 1). 1H, and tho tlmu limited for pay
ment of debts Is one ear from sahl 0th day or
August, ItXU.
Witnuss my hnud and the seal of said cotinty
court, thlstith du of August, HOI.
1. K. Hi'ciit, County Judco.
(Copy.) fp Aug. 12.