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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
I f ,ile 1 r r 'ii'sr v 'V---. V --rWYftOJ prorest Lumber Company, Klip? Dierks' Lumber I Also agents for Nebr. Central S Stockmen. Stockmen: It will pay you to advertise your brands in this paper. The Herald has the largest circu lation of any newspa- lock and iper m western -Ne braska. Nebraska Stock Urowcr s Association. (Incorporated.) A. M. Modlsctt. president, ltushvlllu; It. M. Hamilton, vIisL'-prosIdont. Alliance; K. M Scurlu Jr., secretary-treasurer, Opilallii. Executive uommltteo K. 1'. Myers, Lena; 11. R. Klncald. Illuuhum; .lolui llrcnnaii, Alliance;.!. U. Vanllo-sUirk, Alliance; K. K. Lowe, Hyannts; John M. Adams, Potter: 15. M. Allen, Ames; It. Llsco, J.im1kco1o; Evert Kldied, Orlando; LI. C. Harrli, Children; L. W. Illokull, Kimball; Robert Graham, Al liance; .lolui Conway, Duiirilntr; .1. 11. Cool;, Agate; A. S. lived. Alliance. MOSLKIt TULLY, ,Vt ,. Neb took branded as shown on cut on either side. Also J-O on eith er side. Towns hi p 20 w and ranj;e 43 CUKHAN Canton, Sioux county, Neb. ' (Cross II Cross) on leftside. Also 1 1 1 (in left tlilKh. under slopo on left ear. Horses branded tSmioaBcattls on left Jaw and u on left shoulder. STOltM LA1CK RANCH, ROI1KKT GRAHAM, Cleuian, Neb. As In cut on right or left lilp; left ear cropped. Horses branded O on left jaw. L MAIHN, llemlupford. Ni b. Cattle branded flylin; horseshoe on left hip, as In rut. Home ranch see. -j-,.,r-M). Horse ranch in 2tM!'. Mallmla, Neb. Onleftsldo. N on left sldo J. R. Xtirtul. Alliance, Net. :i 5 connocted any plucu on left side. Ratine on liwtd of i'lno Creok, Slierlduu ounty. POINT-Or-ROClW RANCH. john o'icni:i u & sons. Allliuico, Nob. Cattle britudud OK on left side: also ok and OK on left side. H'HILL IIROS. Schlll. Nub. Cattlo branded on rleht thigh or XV on rlRht side. Township 27, nniKO 4.',Slierldan county. I .1 Sw J) c J 3ysaSS2f I1KOS. ,IOS. XKIU'I) r i T- J- DU1 JtVJi in i ... irll-t. Ms3n!S&tt xv r MtoM LOG TO M JLJ Nothing is more int-irestinii tlmu the manufacture of high grade lumbar. We buv only of the best manufacturer and honce can assure you tlip b-st of every thing in the line ot Mitldlng Material. innu,jtt,.hitrr1Jm CALL AND SLE lS OUR PRICES AUK RIGHT I'll ON V. 73 For th:it small repairing- we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying, fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. Irv Bid. & Loan Asso. Phone 22 WM Moomaw.Ncb. Cattle branded Catholic cross on debt lilp. Horses hr.vuled same on rllit Hhoulder. Ranch on S. V. O'MARA M of section So, 29, 45 and adjacent runjie H. A. DILLTNG. l!ov Dutte, Neo. Cattlo branded as Dent on left hip. also with the bar owr Instead of under brand. Alsoon left fide II A. ALLISON Lakeside, Neb. Cattle hrandpd N oi iBht lilp. Raiipo In Twp. 20, iunRo45. Sher- dan county. i. JkJLwkAuk. A J For a Full I Line of... Staple..,. 3 -A- Fancy t i Groceries W flftlltw? s I list Tons,' - n :,., m J5, X I oiipci'iur nuiirs, That Can't Lb Beat In Town.... Quecnswarc, Tinware and Enameled ware CALL ON. DcaVvTVQ, I A. D. RODGERS. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL 'Phone No. , 5. Alliance, Nebraska. F. M. WALLACE DJiAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance. For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing -call on I. D. NICHOLS Also has in stock a new line of GENTS' SHOES of the best manufacture and at prices that will suit. Call and examine the stock before you buy and you will save money. At H. Madsen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. Coal Co i ?IScj ' vj us j "" 1P.inr V&fJ3N fBMTto ... WOOD ! OtiriK IHKI nmiv, ' B. or It. r. -Hr4trtirtK l.od. No. M2 MM pvery S.indar afternoon at at., Bell'd I'Ril. Visiting broilirfk welcome. J. A. Dl'SNlNO, W. M. 1. Hruav!. Sec'y. ttoiAi. llIlll.tWH-AtilKlt.1 CHstle Nn. W iiwt WrysmiMmrt md t-iUl. TliMrduj ernti tu . n. ft . linn. VtelMmt Olmismen oonllnllv lurlt.). K P. (wi. o. sv. Umsm; . ' L. P. 1 u. T. M -'.Totrtt -Mtry first and mint Frt iIh.v at Eiule Hall. Vlsltlm MntH'abws col rtlnlly lnvlU'd. Mno. R..T RrT70f.i, L. C. Mn Anii oust. It. K pSf JTSme Table 'aajisbfij Alliance, Neb. LINCOLN, WENVEK, OMAHA, 1IEL1SNA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH. SA LT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOl'IS. SAN FKANCISCO, nni .ill points CH( and nil points wist and MUltll. Thais Li-avk ab Piu.r.oiv, Mu'stain Tijik: No. 41 r.'imonKvi dallv. DpmIu hmI, HililiiKs. all iKitiits mil th anil , west .-;..: la-IB a.m. ,o.S2 I'assenjier dally. Lincoln, Uinnhii. ChlcaRo and all . points east No.sni l'nsseiiKor dully, for Denver Oj;den,alt Lake, Snn I'ran clsco and all intertuediate iHilnti, departs at No. 30 J 1'asseiiBer dally from Denver and all Internii'dlate points, v Jl.r,vl's ut 10:45a.m. No. .AI)ally. e.cep Sunday, for points south and west, de parts 1 2: SO a. in No. .Toil Dally, except Sunda). fiom south and west, nrrlvos 4:Mp. in. Sleeping, dining and reclining chair cars (seats free) on thitiiiKh trains. Tickets sold and hiiKKtiKU cheeked to any point in the Cnlted States or Canada. I"or inforuiatlon. time tables and tickets, cull on or wrlto to L. S. tAir, Agent, or L. V. Wakki.kv, Uen eral Passenger Agent. Omaha. Nebruska. The Summer Season Is here. So are We With Special Prices on provisions of all kinds. Call in and see us before buying-. Lee Acheson 'Phone No. 4. - - v.v--. . ...c. A W. iU. FOSKETT Auctioneei i Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . On COlxXCISSIOSsT, of 13 V THE DAY. tW" Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me IIliMIKGlORD, Neb. How About That New Suit or Overcoat For the Spring Season ? We stand back of Fit and Style . . CHAS. BRUCKNER First door south Charter Hotel. Contraclor ami Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, Ilrlck Shop Wt-fct of AlllanCO National Hank, Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400. BARRY HOUSE MISS MAGGIE HARRY, Proprietress Good Table Board Comfortable Rooms Opposite Depot, Alliance, Neb. OLD TIME COOKERY. Curium Hoclpps Tlint Wore In Vxc In the I'lftectUti Century. An old voIuuk the Ni. iU Hok ot Coohry, ft, .r u lrymi' w my otlin lNti.t.'lr UiMn.Mil. !!. wrlttfn nlKiut tht jt'Hf 1417, mi;..:i. uiuny rare uiil ftnions itx-i'toa :u uii hi Ihnw days nut ii.y fur urilliui-y lisucA, but those to ! e.iii-a mi t umi Ai (hiy. It In In re.ulli';,' thl cookeir book to tlnl Ihut ttierc tho naiiio birds, bi'asM nntl ttib", the huiiik courses ntul sometimes t!u fwiinr uatnun to (IIrIicm as In u inotU'ni oiip, but, nl though tho unim'3 nro often tlio nntiio, tho Ingredients nntl tho preparation tiro very difloront. For InstntU'o, their "bliitu-ho imtiigo" 'hs oi)tnpoetl of hunproy or othor llah, and their oils tttnla contuliii'd frosh inirh uilncod strmll. IUtp Is oho recipe from the booh: "To make mon amy take and boll cows cronm and when It Is boiled not It aside and let It cool. Then take cow curds and press out the whey; then bruise them in u mortar and east them In the pot to the eream and boll together. Put thereto sugar, honey and may but ter, color It up with saffron and In tho setting down put hi yolks of eggs well beaten and do away the strain and let the potago be standing; then arrange it in dishes and plant therein tlowcra of violets and serve It." Some of the recipes In this uunlnt old book were Intended specially for n "lorde's" table. For Instance, a pike was to be served whole to "a lorde," but cut In pieces for the "eommonalto." Cabbages were to be thickened with grated bread for ordinary people, but nerved with yolks of eggs for a "lorde." Tho dishes at this time used at table were either gold or silver for great oc casions and wooden trenchers and pint tors for ordinary use. It was not till tho time of Queen Kllznbeth that plates of metal and earthenware began to bo generally used Instead of wood. WILLS IN ENGLAND. InlL-rentlnf Ooeiiiuenln That Are on Kile In .Sonicrsel IIouhc. In tho heart of London, facing on one side tho famous thoroughfare known ns the Strand and oti the other looking on the, will be found Somerset House, once a private palace, but now devoted to various departments of the Inland revenue of Great llrltaln. Perhaps the most Interesting govern ment department In Somerset House Is that devoted to tho fillyg of wills, and, ns might be supposed, the collection Is Immense, varied and extraordinary, ranging from the will of Shakespeare himself (containing practically the only known autograph of Uie worltl renown ed poet) rlgl t down to mere curiosities in wills, such as those carved on the lid of si desk or contained wlthlu secret cabinets or escritoires. Here for 2."i cents one may Inspect the will of any Hrltish person. There arc wills leaving immciibo sums to cats and dogs; wills written In human blood. Hut the most interesting one has quite a romantic history. It Is the will of a British olllclal who died in Cairo of the plague. Before his death he took care to prepare his will upon pnrchment procured from the skin of a freshly killed goat, but as he handled th.'-s skin himself It was thought lat"r on that the will might have the power of transmitting the dreadful plague from which Its writer died. Accordingly, after having been passed frott hand to hand with some what disastrous results In the way of plague and death, the will wan put into n bottle of spirits. Arrive! at Somer set House, the will was read to the next of kin and deposited among tho ar chives of tho department. Kansas City Independent. AVny in Avoid Annioiincc "I understand," he said, "that we are reported to be engaged." "I believe some one has taken the liberty of starting such a rumor," she replied. "Well, don't you think it would bu easier to muke the rumor true than to go to tho trouble and annoyance of de nying It?" he suggested. "Perhnps you are right," sho admit ted. "Such denials are always ineffec tive in addition to being more or less distressing." Chicago Post, A MmU-Ht Itrilon. Like the traditional Englishman, Ar thur Stanley, dean of Westminster, woro home from his first visit to Amor lea nn expression of amazement whkh only time could efface. He was at once beset by Interviewers, says tho autlior of "Out of tho Past," who ask ed tho usual questions. "What was the thing which most Im pressed you In America?" was ono of these. Without n moment's hesitation Dean Stanley replied: "My own Ignorance." A Ilo'nl Compliment. Mgr. 1I9, Nosmuud, archbishop of Toulouse, when preaching ono day In the private chapel of Louis XIV. lost the thread of his discourse, ho that he had to remain silent for some time. The king came to his lordship's relief with this graceful remark: "I am very glad, my lord, that you are giving mo a little time to digest all the good things contained In the former part of your sermon." Hovr She Took It. Harry Here Is a conundrum: When is two nn odd and lucky number? Ce lla You know I never can guess conun drums. Harry When two are made one. Cella-Oh, Harry! Tills Is so sud den! Town Topics. Life Is the finest of tho fine arts. It has to be learned with lifelong pa tience, and the years of our pilgrimage are all too short to master It trh nmpknntly. -Drurumond. IIWiWM i MM1.,.M-. .1 Just to help business along for a limited time I start the ball rolling with pure Leaf Lard, in any quantity, at t Cents per pound. , You will find a jfood price on Vigor at iog per pkge. Two pktfs. of Gloss Starch selling- rapidly at 10c lb. Increasing the sale of Rice at 20 lbs. for'a dollar. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Prunes 20 lbs. Si. To help the packing houses out a little, liacon at 15 cents per pound. A great manv otiier bargains too numerous to mention. These prices can't last long Come Early, Join the Crowd nntl Rccche a Conllnl Welcome at GRAHAM'S GROCERY STORE 'Phone 5O HOLSTEN'S PHARMACY..-.. Ih One of the Most Up-to-l)atc Drug Stores In Nebraska Prescriptions Carefully ? a Compounded a r Watches and Daimonds. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. . T. E. 1IOLSTEN, Proprietor. --- I If You Have I HARDWARE at NEWBERRY'S? TRY IT You will be Pleased with the Quality and Prices. ! We guarantee satisfaction. No trouble to show t goods and quote prices. ; : O . jSL.. 3STEl"7":BE323I3"Sr. 4--9- -------- ' Nebraska Hide Dealers in Hides, Tallow, Furs, Established 1873 Cow ana Morse Hide Robes. I Always Leatherand Saddlery Hardware Reliable. L. C. BURNETT, M'gr. Nebraska jXJSLSOIV jrLICTCJITCTJ FIRE INSURANCE A GTE N T REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hertford 1'Ire InsunmcM Compiiny. North Amurlcmi of I'lillaiMnhiii. IMiooulx of HlooUlj'n, Now York. Continental of Nuw York City. Niagara t'lro In-.uruncu Company. Now York I'nilurwrlturi, N' York. Commercial Union Aviurutico Co., London Office I'p.StdllM, I'lctclicr lllocU. Dray and Transfer Line. W w ;H ". ? '! mem' The only spring Phone 139. Palace 2Lj i v o-r 37- Bern S. II. DKSC'II, l?i'op. oni: hmjck wi:st oi' Goo1 turnouts, strict attention to our husinoss, Tin: 'i:w ziiiNDLN . , an(j courteous treatment to all has won for us the m'll.WNO. 'l'lionc T2 excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us. c09ooeoecoooO0 - x - The placing of a few 0 dollars monthly in the ... ALLIANCE ... National Bank wiLl soon enable you to buv a comfortable home. S l. M, Knioiit, l'rosldunt .... W. If. CoitniN. v. I'rohldunt O o O. II. COSNKTT.Ouslllor. o o eeco039oo6ee, - : - ; - 0000OOKOOOA t TR.eVv ,. Twee. I Fire Insurance. 0 llKMIriGl'ORD, Neuraska. 0 2 9 Auuat fur tho Ouk-donlun. of Scoilatid, which lnsuro towu proporty only, uml tho Colum bia, which Insures town unit farm proporty and llvu btoclc, llotli uro rollubloold llnocoiu panlus Notarial 'Work,. I 00000000 Corbin Building SELECT STOCK OX Alliance, Nebraska. Never Bought ONCE! Ifl - --- ""- and Leather. Co City. Nebraska. Liverpool. London linil Globe Ins. Co. Oorniiin American Ins. Co., Now York. KiirniDif, anil Mcrclutnts Iiih. Co., Lincoln, Columbia Kro Insiimtvcu Company. '. I'lilliiilulplilti Underwriter's. I'liot'iiK Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Alliance, Nebraska. HEN YOU CO TO l.i.AVl- I OU N .'.n't uorrj about what in !o ,ith your jloi.nel'uld Goods S. A. Milicr v lit tald! charge oi tliin ; more thcr in a nice, drv and cool plnce anil p( 'j ntul sbi wnurevur oenimil. l.linre -TonabIe. daj line id the city. S. A. Miller. - '" - ''e83oooQ8e8 P, - : - J. Rowan DKALER IN FLOUR and FEED WIIOLKSAI.K ANn ItETAII. IIANPLK8 THK Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Pilklngton's old stand, 'phone No, 71. f 6ANK,eoOKj Jf kW ' M i 2 yc My