The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 26, 1904, Image 4
Zhe Derail l'l'BLISHBD FRIDAYS. T, J. O Kl- KVV. . J 1 KNIl'ST . . , . . . I'nblliher . AmociRte ICditor Filtered at the postollice nt Allinncc, Nebraska, for transmission through tlio mails, as socond-cltM mnttor. ISfT Tiih IIkrami lathe Official Fuuliea tion of Hox Hunt county and it elraula Hon is nenrl) ti:e that of nny other Al liance paper APVEKTISING RATES:- Display, per single column inch riuT month .50 Business locals, par lino first insertion . 10 1 ach subsequent insertion, pr line .05 Legil notices nt statute rntes. Subscription, Si 50 per onr in advance. HMUKIIATIC NATIONAL 'IIGUItT. Tor rrusldunt, ALTON II. I'AHICRIt of Now York For VIpb riesltlont. IIKMIY t DAVIS tt'wt Virginia, 111 Mm itvrn coN'UimssioN.u.'iic.KKT. lur ( engross lilxlh Dlstrlrl, AtiTKIt II. McNKILIi. of Lincoln county. iininiinnc tickist. I or (Inventor, (iU)iuii: w. iinitou, if Lancaster county. lor Llciituntiuit Oovtirnor, I)K A. TOWNSKNI). of l riiukllu eumy. l'nr Auditor, .1. fr. CANADA V. of Kearney county. I'nr Treasurer, JOHN IWIIOUN. of I'uvvm-o count), l'or Kind ('otnt)i(ssloucr, . a. woiisli.y, of Ilojd county. I or -"Upcrlnteiidont of 1'ubllc 1 twit action, A. HI'TLUY, of lVrklns county. Vt Attorney Octiciul, LHUAItl) WIIALBN, of Hull count), lor Secretory of btitt. It. 1:. watzki:. of Itlclmrdsuu county, 1)1 MOCItV'llC COI NT Y 'IICKirr. -s- l-or County Attoruc), YiM MITCHKLL. I or County Commissioner, (Klrstl)lrtrleu A t .IOIINSOX. A. A. Worsloy of Hoyd county una nominated for congress ly the people's path of this district. Chairman T.tKnaitof the Democratic lational committee has sent out invita ions to the Democratic editors of the 'nitPtl States to visit with him and the hominee for picsidunt at Esopus. Of ourse there will bu n grand 1 ugh to hake the glad hands of these dis- inguished Jeffetsonians. nil ii:itiL. It may be that the American people Allot view with alarm an encroach- lent of the Mongolian race but pros it indications point strongly to n new det of things in tho racial make up the people of the United States tthin the next feu years. The tri nph of Japan over the Russian govern Gnt in the war in the east would tend increase the danger of the yellow nl and in such an event the prophecy , historians would no doubt be fill ed, that the people of Japan nnd lina would overrun the western hem- jhere. Hut the principal cause in nging about this condition will re t from the cocial anJ business char eiistics of the classes and corpora 31. This is plain to be seen in the olesale employment of Japansuse 1 Chinese labot throughout the west 1 which is already spreading cast rd. On railways, farms, ranches I m shops the little jollow man is vilencc. The Lvson Pacific and vlu t n roads have found him re- II i.idustricus and ctiTcclic. He able to do a good day's wot k and it shirks bis ditty. Those corpor ns hae thousands of Japs in thoir )lo and and light heic in Alliance little men from the orient are as mon .1 sight as tho natio, Last k the packers in Omaha secured the ) f several hundred Japanese Kinm to take the places of the crs and it is said they proved so ble and competent that the bonds ( ho meat concerns at once an iced that the labor problem had solved, for they would be able to re all the help uecossary through a nsese labor agency In Denver. It (d that the Jap emigrant, is differ- than that of the Chitiobe in as 1 ns they do not loturn to their 0 land when once they seciuc a etence, but readily mingle with vhites and assimilate, This is .reater part of the danger of "How peril, for with an influx of labor and with Japan assuming jle of one of the leading nations situated directly at our rn door, the question of the peril to be shoved aside as merely an dream. HEMINGFORD. (Keith L. lMrrcp Is fully authorized to hh llultulcrlptlon.i nnd Job work mid collect And n-uitnt fur shiho, nnd trmisHt-l nil othttr omlnt-ss In rmiiw-tton wltli his imsltlon 11 mm accredited reprostnilaUreot this mHjr. Mrs. MntttoOlds is very ill nt pre cut. Lou Naeleuid ratttruad from Onmbn Tuesday. Loiiln Htitike of Liudoln witt in town Wutliiettlny. Mm. S. ll. IJntk has boon uito ill thiR nook. Miss Nolliu Aliloy was cttito sick tills wewk. See Johnson for carriage, wagon or pow or xronso. A hay loader for sale at a barg ain at II, 15. Johnson. Rev. Shultz letumed from a tiip oust Thursday. W. H. Millcttts workiiiR for U. II. Funk this week. II. M. Snidor's father nnivotl from the oast TliurniUy. G. U. Curpentor and J. A. Hunter wont to Alliance Monday. Miss Gertrude Olds is visiting fiieuds in Alliance this week. ' Hen Price has invested in a new wind mill to be erected on bis ranch. Ropnirs for the Keystone liiowor will be kept constantly 011 band at John son's. A fine line of top buggies and spring wagons always 011 baud at H. E. John son's. A Missionary toa at the homo of Mrs. Sheiwood was largely attended Thursday, X.'Y. Johnson and P. C. Funk, of Funk, Nebr., aie the guests of II. H. Funk this ueek. H, II. Johnson, T. L. Hopkins and several others were on the market this week with cattle. Noil Hen an went to Lead City Sat in day to take a position which was olfeted him thcte. Mrs. Jctry N'ichols died in an asy lum in Illinois leccntly. Further par ticulars not lent tied. II. G. Rowland is the father of a fine big boy born August 19th. All concerned aie doing well. James Hunter was called to Illinois Monday by a telegram informing him of the death of his oldest sister. Mis. Georgio Muirhead came up from Alliance last week and will remain with her mother a couple of weeks. A deputy is here repiescnting some fraternal insurance lodge of Iowa and will organize here in the near future. Mrs. Isa Council came up Iroin Lin coln Tuesday to visit w ith her mother and other 1 datives iicte for a couple of mouths, James McLennan depatted for the Noith West Thuisday where he has gone to seek employment in the drug business, ' Roy Ilickey and his father, one of the Nebraska pioneers and a friend of the late ex-governor Cuming, wete in towiiThursday. I will sell buggy tops and spring wagon tops at a discount 6f ten per cent for tegular price till September 1. U. E. Johnson. Mrs. Mabel Pietce and son Glen went to Hay Springs Sunday to visit with her sister Mrs. Bowman, and hot friend Mrs. II. Peters. A. W. Patrick writes from Cosby, Mo. that he and his family are well pleased with their new location and that they arc doing well. Mr. A. B. Zapp of St, Louis was here this week to visit C, J. Wildy but did not see him on account of Mr. Wildy's absence in Canada. C. J. Wildy has put in a full line of furniture, and undertaking goods on second floor, having seemed a com petent einbahnor and hearse when evor desired. Miss Minnie Ladyhoff from Minne sota who has been the guest of A. C. Iverson and family, left for Crawfoul Monday where she will stay for some time with friends. s Strayed Between Bo Butte post office and Homingford since Mav 1, one two-yearold white faced roan steer branded K on tigh) jaw. Liberal re ward paid by Robert Kottloman or C. J. Wildy. If you want a mowing machine it will pay you to see the Keystone at Johnson's; the host machine on the market. He" has the five and six foot cut and will sell on time to suit pur chaser or trade foi cattle. Miss Mary Basse returned from Germany Wednesday. She has been goue more than two years and has been visiting her inbther. Miss Basse has many friends who will be glad to wel come her to her home again. B. E. Johnson and Win. Fosket went to Alliance Thurida to attend the trial which grew out of the alleged assault with intent to do Rfest l6Uily injury committed by Gene Thompson last Full. Tho renson that the dinner ndver tis'ml fur Saturday of this week was not given was because some mainl)ur of the Aid society wore sick. Presi dent Ladies' Aid. Not licit Fiohnpfel sustained some painful but us to his bauds Wod'iesdny evening; in uniting out a fire that some way got started in an nlchohol bottle with which he was trying to generate his gasoline lamp Tho central office will be removed to another location the first of September. Sealed bids Will be received by Maun ger II. R. Green from those who would like the job of running same all bids to be in by August 30th. Howard and Hany Pinkciton paid Hominglord a brief visit Satin day when on their way home from Chndron from the funeral of their mother. Both these gentlemen have built up excellent ranches in the sand hills nnd arc of the opinion that that section is tho best stockraising country in the wot Id. School begins this jear Monday October 3rd. Theie will be two rooms in charge of Principal L. S. Baker and Miss Bertha Hebb of Lincoln. They will icceive $55 and S45 tcspeclivcly. The principal has attended school at Shenandoah college and the primary teacher has been a student at the State university at Lincoln. Alonzo Sherwood's only son who is a prominent citizen of Bctricn county, Michigan, together with his wife and boy and girl, is making Mr. Sherwood a visit at present. He has' just return ed fiom a trip to the Holy land and made the trip the subject of an in teicsling discourse in the Congrega tional church Wednesday evening. The terrible accident which lesultcd in the death of Miss Matjlda Hctrick last Thuisday was fully described in last week's Hkrai.i). A brief funeral service was held at the home of C. J. Wildy . Friday and that evening the temains were taken to Walketton, Canada by C. J. Wildy and Thos. Batchelor, Miss Hetrick's uncle. Miss Hetrick was a Christian woman and enjoyed the respect and esteem of nil her friends bore. She was an active church woiker and in these circles she will be missed. Tuesday of this week she intended to go to Canada to remain 6 months and she made this trip to tho ranch so that she might have two weeks longer to stay in her old home. She had been on her land only two weeks before. Evetyone sympathizes with the relatives and friends who hac been bcieavcd in this terrible way. IttiSOLUlIOXb. Whereas, God in his wise provi dence has peniiitted the sudden taking away of our dear and beloved sister, Miss Matilda Hctrick, under circum stances peculiarly sad, and Whereas, The M. II. Sunday school of Hemingfoul has lost a care ful and uainstaking teacher, the Mis sionary society a worthy member, and the Ladies' Aid society an earnest and efficient officer; theiefote, Resolved, That we deeply mourn our loss, but bow in humble submis sion to him who, too wise to err, and too good to do wrong, yet has allowed us this sorrow. That we extend our tendeiest sympathies to hei hcait stricken relatives, who in this hour of grief arc commended to Htm whose love and compassion never fail. Respectfully submitted, MAKV Alll.liY, Maggik S.N'IIHiK, ClIAS. H. Bl'KU-.IOII. See These Prices ! Big Cut in All Meats. Boiling meat fiom 3 to 6 cents. Rousts fiom 0 to u centb. Beefsteaks fiom y to u i.j tents. II. L. Bl'SIINhU.. A Logical Deduction. Bright Boy I'm a chip of tho old block, ain't I, pa? Fond Parent Yes, my sou. Bright Boy An' you're tho head of the family, ain't you, pn? Fond Parent Yes, my son. Bright Boy Then you're a blockhead, ain't you, paV Pittsburg Press. The Verdict. Miss IJreozy Well, Mr, Ilnrkawny, now that you have Inspected me thor oughly, what have you to say? Mr. II. -All I can say. Miss Breezy, la, "I came, I saw, you conquered." Brook lyn Life. An Excellent Memory. Hicks He's very charitable, Isn't he?i Wicks-Who? Plncher? Hicks Yes. He Bays he always remembers thej poor. Wicks-Well, tuafs all. Ifs a' matter of memory. Philadelphia) Ledger. MARSLAND. Win. Ward of Hemingford is paint ing the interior of the school house. The car of lumber for L. Shoh's new residence was unloaded Saturday. Win. Thomas and family havo moV ed into their new home cast .of town. J. B. Burk of Hnirison was in town Friday night and left Saturday for Wil low creek. Mrs. Carmel Cheney ami bnbv tire down from the homustend to visit at the pateutal home. Dr. Miller of Alliance rns in town a day recently, having boon out to the True Miller ranch. J. Sullonbergor dolivercd a bunch of horsos to Reed Bros, at Heminfoul, Monday, assisted by Roy Richey. Fritz Hoffman and August Rhodes wete Alliance visitors last Thursday, having business at the land office. John Cleland, the iindettaker of Crawford w as dow n Thursday to take chaige of the funeral of Mr. Lemon. Mr. and Mis. Galbraith of Cotton wood attended the f uncial of Mis. Galbraith's biother, Mr. Lemon, Thursday. Those who went to Alliance to see the biggest show on earth feel consid erably sold out and fell far short of getting their money's worth. ' Mr. Cox, who is an aged man 85 years old, made the trip ftom Missouri to this place lecently, and will vi3it in definitely with his son near town. Mrs. Bcitha Chcever and son Ben left on Saturday night for Mountain Home, Idaho. They expect to stop a few days in Alliance and also at Lara mie, Wyo. , Miss Bessie Pomerdy of Crawford, who has been attending normal, stopped off at this place for a isit with her sister, Mrs. Dutnon, who lives on the old Ilollibaugh ranch. Chat ley Moreen, Roy and Tom Richey, A. E. Bvert, and daughter Edna, Misses Attie and Fern Snow and Chat ley Hunsaker were all in Alli ance Monday and so was the rest of the show. , Monday was "Woman's da" 111 this place the men having all gone to the show or elsewheie. Win. Waul came down from Hemingford to begin wotk on tho school house but was pressed into sci vice as mail carrier to Lawn being the only available person on deck. Ben Moore, a foiiim unclimaii neat this place but late of Crawfoul, will again euibaik in the ranch business having taken a hunk of Uncle Sam's homestead land near 33 ranch, and elected a comfortable dwelling and ex pects with his family to take up tesi deuce soon. Mice tri;,ln4l, Tlwnc ,,!,,, .,. I out fiom Ohio a few weeks ago and who has been attending the entire session of the noimal at Alliance, came up to this place a few days ago to te main a shot t time with her brother, Wm. Thomas. She will teach in the Alliance schools the coming term. Wc undei stand she is a teacher of consider able experience and will no doubt tender good service to the people of Alliance. Lewis Lemon died at the home of his daughter Mis. Hughes, near Mais land Wednesday, August 17, at 3 p. in. sfter a long and painful illness ex tending over many weeks. He was botn in Maryland where his' early years were spent, and came to this pait of Nebraska about 18 years ago. He was seventy-five years and six months old at the time of his death. He leaes a loing wife and five grown children all of whom were present at his death and burial and who also tendered much loving service during his illness. Fuuoral services weie hold at the Hughes home Thursday at -1 p. 111. conducted by Rev. Wm. Shriver of the Presbyterian church, who took as a basis for his discouusc those words, "Be ye also read-." Many neighbors and friends followed the remains of this highly respected citizen to their last resting place in Matslsnd cemetory. TSUNLAR A very pretty homo wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mis. A. C. Iveison when their daughter Mina N. was united in matrimony to Mr. Win. H. Bundoll. The bridal couple, led by Sarah Iversen and Ethel Brooks as flower girls, Christina Ivor son as the bearer of the wedding ring, James C. Bundell and Simon Iversen as groomsmen and Mamie aud Minnie Iversen as bridesmaids, marched to the altar to the strains of the wedding march played by Ruth Cockrell. The parlor was artistically decorated by Rose Potmesil and iu a conspicuous corner an arch was erected under which the bridal couple stood when the ceie moiiy was perfouued by the Rev. Bar ton of Antelope. The bride's dross of crttatn cnshmoic niid trimmed with lace was made by Miss ItdehofT. After the ceremony and congratulations all sat down to a sumptuous dinner such as ran be solved by tho bride's parents. The wedding ceremony was performed at Irigh noon and after dinner all were entcitained by vocal and instrumental music, lecitations and speaking, and in the evening the oting people gathered for the dance. All pteseut at both functions tepott a ver enjoyable time. The bride and gtoom aie both highly respected young people of Dawes county and congratulations follow in ordor. CANTON James Moraek was trading in Hem ingford Monday. G. II . Clayton was trading in the county sent this week. John Moraek and son Will wete trading in Heiningfoid Wednesday. The fanners ate stacking thoir grain and the leports are better than ex pected. Miss Uta Clajton came up from Alliance this week, where she has been attending the normal. J. P. Hazzard, county surveyor, was in this locality this week sutveing out new lines aud coiners for land seekeis. Quite a party of young folks went to the Pine Ridge this week to look for fruit in the way of plums and cherries. The fine rains that have fallen the last few days have been very beneficial to the late millet, potato and turnip ciop. E. A. Hall, one of Alliance's cattle kings, was in these parts Saturday looking after the interest of his cattle in Sioux county. C. W. Lockwood was in Heiningfoid this week to meet S. H. Wright form Loveland, Colo., who is here visiting with his many friends. While on his way to Heiningfoid Monday, J. W. Broshar found a fine Stetson hat. The owner will please call atound and let us see who he is. Mis. Lou Leavitt came down from Lawn this week and took Grandma Leavitt home with her. She had been visiting bete with friends for some time. Mr. Wallcge and Mr. How aid from Paris, 111., are here looking over the countiy in view of locating on 640 acres of land. They are the guests of J. W. Btoshar. New comers nt thing in the country and contemplate on building houses of Nebraska brick, should see Broshat & Phillips, contractors and buildeis of that material. W. M. Fosket, wife and three daugh ters, Misses Blanche and Almcdu and Mrs. Ralph Jackson of Omaha, passed through Canton Thuisday for a few days outing at the ranch of F. O. B. Fosket, on snake creek. A SPY'S CLOSE CALL. Item-neil From ImiieiulIiiK Dentil by n Clever Nevripuiier It use. On the battlefield of Antletam Mr. McCluro met General William J. raini er, then captain, nnd strongly urged him not to continue his movements as a spy after Lee had crossed into Vir ginia, but the gallant young soldier gave no promise ns to what he would bo likely to do, and the very llrst night after Lee crossed the Potomac lie was again In Lee's camp and brought back Important Information to General Me Clellnn. Again he returned and entered the ConeUerate Hues, nnd when he did not report after a week It was assumed that lie had been .captured and would probably be executed us a spy, He had been captured, was tried and con demned as a spy and sentenced to bo executed, but he was saved by a clever newspaper device determined upon after a conference In Philadelphia be tween President J. Bdgar Thomson of the Pennsylvania railroad, Colonel Scott and Mr. Met' lure. Thomson took special interest In Pnlnier, ns he had been his secretary, and was much attached to him. It was decided that Washington dis patches should be prepared for all of the Philadelphia morning papers an nouncing the arrival at tho capital of Captain William J. Palmer, stating In what particular lines of the enemy ho had operated, aud adding that ho had brought much Important information that could not be given to tho public at that time. These dispatches ap peared next nioinlng In all the Phila delphia pnpers, prominently displayed, and of course reached the southern lines within forty-eight hours. The result was that Captain Palmer's ldontity was never established In Rich mond, and his execution was thus sus pended. In a little while, when some prisoners hud been exchanged, there was a vacancy made In the list of the exchanged men. by death. Palmer's friends had him take the place and name of the dead soldier, aud he thus escaped and returned to the service. For Sale Folding beds, good values; nothing wroug; we need the room and money. Geo. Darling, 32-tf. Notice to Non-ltcsldcnt licfcnJn nts. 'lot lie siiuvmlti r MortKHKe f-oiiiimij . Notice Wliorehj iwn Hint uu the Hh diyr of AiiRiiHt, 1IM. 1. .L U'Kecfe. !lnintlll. Illert Ms (wtitloii In the illntriet court of lto Ilutte iiiiiiitjr. Neltnibka. wherein The Shim alter MtirtOT-Re romiMMiy. John Lrn. (It-orge wnrncr Joint Kwffe. LtK-y Keetle, wrlfr of John Kwffe. uefttiilHlits,wwt tiimlc ilefeiidnnti, the object nnd prayer ot which HiUri petition is to ruruclo'M two certain tux Ileus linuM tion two tax certificate of tHX-wlHil.ned June 12, ll, iurcruixl for de lili'ltlent tnes for the jchm 1K iKtlluml 1W0, by l V. Stecin ami stihseqent taxes imlU ly ..C fetcwuH for Hie jenrs !H)I mid IMS, Uxm the f )lloiii described teal estnlo, slumlod In the rouutj of I lux Ilutte stutouf Nebratlai, to-wit. .Southern (tinrter of ecil-itt 2, and sotiliitteit (iuirler of oecllou 'J, nil In tunnlili Jiol riwguSO bitld (.' () Stevens for value retched lms dill) nstli;ncri, sold nnd tmiiMfcrrcd nil his rlht title and lutervt In itinl to wild to tux certitk'ntes unit stihl do lliiiiieul mill sulr-muent tuxes paid thore iiniier to this plalntlil we Is now owner unit holder ot Mime 'I In- amount claimed l) plaintiff niton snld two tux Mens Is the stun or 5.JHM1, with interest thereon from August IS. UK) I, ot which -null il.lfi is for Kttorncy's fee, and snoti for rmblUdnr'H fwe, the prayer of said petition Is for H docreH doi-lurlm; tut aforesaid amount. totfetHer with Interest thereon antl costs, to Ixi a first and paramount Men upon the aforesaid renl estate Hint that said leal estate nm 1m- sold under an ordei of the court to satisfy thesiune, and that wtilil defendants be forever barred and fore closed of all intci est or claim in nnd to Mild rear-vstale 111 any part there jf. ou ate rtt!iitd to answer said petition 011 or befoie the .Ul ilaj of Ociolmr, ltUJ T J. O'Kbbrt:, l'liilntlli IJy in. Mitchell, his Attornet fp All? 3d. Notice to .Noil-Hcsldeut Dcfcudnut To Thomas I) Sliurt. T V. lirown, I'ortur llros. .Vl'o., V W. Mark!inin,.lniiies , Slifn foos. ,Y Unit, l'ltch, It l.llutesell or U L. Oiitesell, The Ameileaii llnnk. W. It. lA'wis.Slmoiison Ilios ,11011-rusideiit dLfund utitn: hotkc I herelij given that onthoilthdny of AliKilsl, liui. Alliance Cemetery iifmk'IiiIIoh, 11 corporation dul Incorporated and uxisiln under unit bj li tile of the laws of the state of Nebraska. leKulatiin; Cemetery assort lions, plalntlil, tiled Its petition In the district court of Hox Ilutte count), Nebraska, wherein Alliance Cemetery association, a private cor poration oipmlred under the Ibwh of the id-ito of .Nebraska and composed of the folfowlmr persoui. Kobeit Haxter. Nelson I'letcher, 1 lioiiiits I). fehurt, T. . Drown, II . Axtell, l'orter llros ,. ( o W Murkinan, James 11. s-lKufooi. N. .Hurt, I.M 1'iteh, 1 . M. S.iedeker, 1 . il. Ninds It. I. f.utesell or II. h. (utesell, I he American Bulk, l.ouls Itui-chseiisteln, V. 1C. Lewis, W 1). Ilium 1, st,nons0ii jjrK ,lI1(j John ( urinific were made defendants, tho object and pruu-r of which s-ild petition Is to remove the cloud fiom tue title to the 1101th lei of northwest quarter of south--.U'st quarter of xecllon :.",', township L'J, milKO 17. and that laud cominuneltiK ut the noith east corner of the Alliance Cemetery associa tion jmiinulsUH stu-Nejcil, platted unit record ed. Then nmnlnj; east sixteen and otic h ilf rods, then south hfty six and ouo hall rods on II lino parallel with the east llnoof said remo ter). Then west llft)-i-lirlit nnd one half itids lu u line pirullel with tliusotitb line of ceme-ti-pr, then north on the west section line uf said section in which s-id cetiieterj is situated to thtiMiuthwest corner of said ceiimter) sltu nteil In Hox Ilutte count. Nebraska, known us Alllanci. cenieterj.aiid from any other laud of uny description owned in llo Untie county by defendant, Alliance ( emctery association. Ihujirajer of said petition Is for n decree n moviiiKihecloud fiom the title to the north west quarter of northwest quarter of south west 1111.11 ter of section -"), townships"), rungo 47. nnd thai land commencini' at the comer of the Alliance Cenieteiy association (.'rounds ns sune)ed. platted and recorded. Then riiiiuini! enst bixteen and one half rods, then south llft)-Nl and one half rods on 11 lino puiullcl with the east Hue of said cemetery. Then west lift) tlht and one half rods In a line parallel with the south line ot cemetei), then not tli on the wesc section line of said section lu which said cemetery Is tdtuuted, to the southwest corner of said cemetury situated In llox Ilutte couiiM, Nebraska, known us Alliance cemetery, and tho Improvements thereon and fiom all other lands, inonevs, credits tiuil proptrty of any and u'l descrip tion, by the reason of sauto being deeded to or by On, title bein in tho picteuded Alliance Cemetery association, tho defendant herein, and that tho iltlo to Hit. said land known us Alliance ceincter) and all improvements thereon nnd to all other lands, mone. s. credits mil nropei ty or iwery diBCilptloii, which is in the naiiio ot or belongs to the pit-tended Alliance Cemeteiy association bo ordeicd, adjudged and decreed to b in the Alliuntu Cemeler) assuciatiou, pl.ilullir, and the prop er!) of the same ami for such other nnd timber relief as mn) bu Just mid equitable. on and each of you 11 re requit-ecl to miswcr mid petition on or lieforo lln 3d d iv of October IH. Al.t.IA.NCK Cl'tCTl IIV AhsOCI VTIO.N ... , . I'laintiir. IlyU in. .Mitchell, IU Attornc). fp Am: 20 Contest Notice. L S. Lund Office, Alliance Neb., Aug IS, IWI. A sulllcient contest ultlduIt liming been tiled In this othev, b) Wm. Dclslng. con testant, ugaliiHl Homestead i-ntr No J7.M). niiuli November iti. IP01, for lot I, southeast qunrtci norllictist qr , noitli half southeast (puiitur .section X'. towiihhlp ss north, ninge -in west, b) James Wilcox, contestie, in which It U alleged that sahl.l nines Wilcox never re dded 011 said tract mid has w'hoily nlundoiied same foi more than tun years last past and that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to Ids employment In tho arm), navy or murine coips of tho United .States ns a private soldier, officer seaman or marine during tho war with isptin or dining any other war lu which tho t'nited States iiuii lie engaged, ciid parties nto hereby noti lied to uppenr. rescind and oner evidence touching bald allegation nt 10 o'clock 11. m. nil October 18. l!W4, before the lieglster mid Hecelveruttho I'ulted states LamUOIllce In Alliance. Nebraska. The said contestant having, in 11 proper uf llduvlt. hied JunelO, XM, set forth facts which show that uflor due diligence personal service of tho notice can not be uiadu. It it- hereby or dered mid directed such notice lie given 1 1) due and proper publication. fpAug. M. llut'CK Wilcox, ltegister. Contest Notice. I . S Land Olllce. Alliance, Neb., Aug )h, uvjt. A sullicienr. eonti-st.,1t l,u, t.,., l....... Illcdinthlsolllcolij Miko hhltnek, eontesinut. against Homestead entry No. ;i7so. made Sept. .u likWl f.,w .,.,.,1. I. .! - , .."-. .. iiui.i, 11, in r.tiuiue.isi. (inarier, Botithwest iiuarter sottthuist (jr. southeast (ir., southwest quarter section HO, township Sh north, range 01 west, by Joseph Lynch. contestLC. In which It Is ulleged that said .loseph Lynch never resided 011 said land and has wholh abandoned the same for that said alleged absence from the said land was licit duo to bin employment In the tinny imvy or mailne corps of the I'nltLd Mates ns 11 irluto soldier, officer seaman or murine during the war with Spain ordurlngnny other win-In which tho t'lnted Mutes may be eu gagpd, said pirtles uro heieb) uotllUd to ap pear, respond mid oiler evidence touching said ,.,.l'.,?''lt'."",i)0!CK,U ll " on October Is IIWI, before tho Heglsler and litcelverat tho Inited Mates Uiml Olllco in Alliance. Nebiasku ' Th said, iiitest.u.t h ivliu In n proper uf lhlinii.fiiiil.luui 1., liui, 4-t foi th facts vvhluli show- that iiftirnumliilw nee pei-iuiul servlcn of th.s notice can i.ct o- imule. It it. hereby ordei .1 and -Uroct-d th. 1 MU-h iiuiliti Iki ghci iy due and prope Publli-uhm fi , .-,)(, Hi'O . W'juox. Kt,-i ter. Contest Notice U I . id O-kie. Alll.ini, Neb.. ug. K i3(. A -1', lent contest iithdavlt Inning boun Iiimi jimi 1-11 Mike Slilimk, conti-staut, iit.intsiM.(ieulr) No. 37-11. inado Hep, Ss, 11KK), for wet lulf southtNtst quarter soullieast quarter southeast qntulur stsition ll,soiithwestiiiaiiei-suiuhwebt iiuarter sue tioii St. township ., iniige .-,1 west, b) D.ivldCook. conlestt-e. in winch it is nlKsjed that said David tVx.k nun r resided on nld laud tiuil ha wholly .ili.iiidciiud same for moro than Hire,; vwirs last, pan ,n thill said alleged alienee from the said laud wis not il , to his oninl) Mviit lu the arui). uavy or mar no corps of the t'liited Mtits us 11 priv me Mildler. ollii or, seaman or marine dining tho I iKirtlt are hereby notltled to uiipear,rVel(')Jiid aiiiloller u Idem ntmiK ,1.... ..i.( .. n.. . '.i ' ' .' 00 clock 11 in.. on October is, hum. I.eforo the Ueglster urn! Ki-t-eiver at the ir,,ited Staim Land (Knee in Alliuncc, Nebraska ..nli,flli,'",i.n..S0"it,t""1 "Inu. in n prupr 4AU illiU' "l1?1 ,u,.u, tf "nt forth fuov. which show that after due dillgent-o personal service of this notice cannot & mui e, it U pnlorwl mid directed that such notice U) given I.) due mid uroiier nubllontion. fp Aug SB. llitDcc Witox. H,'lBtur. Harold B. Miller. M. D., physician and surgeon, office and residence 321 south Seventeenth street, Lincoln, Neb. Old papersTcTsauTaTThiToflTice. 1 .A jO 1