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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1904)
P3 M ft? i. M- BACKACHE AND DIZZINESS Mot of tho Ailment Fccnllar to tin I'cmnlo Box nro Duo to Catarrh of 1'cltlc Orgnns. I ,. .I! I -H .-.--. I. -.. I MRS. IYI. BRICKNER. 99 Eleventh Street, Milwaukee, Wis. f 't sftorf tfnie at found my con dition very serious, I had headaches, pains In the back, and frequent dizzy spells which grew worse every month. I tried two rsmedtea before Perunn, and was discouraged when I took the first dose, but my courage sooa returned. In less than two months, my health was restored." Mrs. At. Drtckncr. Tho reason of so m.iny failures tc cure cases similar to the above is tho lactthatdiseahe FEMALE TROUBLE NOT RECOGNIZED AS CATARRH. peculiar to the female sex an not commonh recognized as being1 caused by catarrh Catarrh of ono organ is exactly the same as catarrh of any other organ. What will euro catarrh of the head will also euro catarrh of itio pelvic organs. l'cruna cures these cases simply be- cauio it cures tho catarrh. If voit hnvo caturrh write at once tc Dr. Ilartman, pivinga full statement ol your wise, and ho will bo pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President of The Ilartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O What Is Home? Homo is not a name, nor a form, nor a routine. It is a spirit, a presence, n principle. Material and method will not and cannot make it, says a writer in tho Cooking School. It must get its light and sweetness from those who inhabit it, from flowers and sun b'jlne, from tho sympathetic natures which, in their exercise of sympathy, can lay aside the tyranny of tho broom and tho awful duty of endless scrub bing. Irrigation In Kansas. Great state, Kansas! There is neither a mountain nor a mnrsh in all her length and breadth of 82,000 enuaro miles. One-third of her area is almost a barren steppe, owing to lack of rain. Irrigation will mako tho dry prairies a veritable "garden of the west," raise tho Kansas corn crop to 300.000,000 bushels and lncrcaso her live stock valuation to ?180,000,000. New York Press. Earrings Indicate Nativity. Tho earrings worn by Italian organ grinding women indicato tho part of Italy tho wearers como from. Tho longer tho earrings tho farther 6outh tho original homes of tho women. In tho far north tho ornaments nro Quito short. Instead of Wedding Cake. In placo of wedding cako in Hol land wedding sweets aro given "bruidr.ulkers" they aro called. They are handed round by children and arc fiirved in flower-trimmed baskets. Sometimes you can't tell, from what she has on, whether it's a shirt waist or a girl is going to bed. AS EASY Needs Only a Little Thinking. Tho food of childhood often decides r.'hothor one is to grow up well nour ished and healthy or weak and sick ly from Improper food. It's Just a3 easy to be ono as tho other provided wo get a proper start. A wise physician like tho Denver Doctor who knew about food, can ac complish wonders provided the pa tient is willing to help and will eat only proper food. Speaking of this case the Mother said her little four year old boy was suffering from a peculiar derangement of the stomach, liver and kidneys and his feet became so swollen ho couldn't take a step. "We called a Doctor who said at once we must bo very careful as to his diet as improper food was the only cause of his sickness. Sugar especially, he forbid. "So tho Dr. made up a diet and tho principal food he prescribed was Grape-Nuts and tho boy, who was very fond of sweet things took tho Grape Nuts readily without adding any sugar. (Dr. explained that the sweet in Grape-Nuts is not at all like cane or beet sugar but is the natural sweet of tho grains.) "We saw big Improvement Inside a fow days and now Grape-Nuts are al most his only food and he Is onco more a healthy, hap'v, rosy-chocked youngster with every prospect to grow up into a strong healthy man." Namo given by Postum Co., Battlo Creok, Mich. The sweet of Grape-Nuts is tho Na turosweet known as Post Sugar, not digested in tho liver like ordinary migar, but pro-digested. Feed tho youngsters a handful of Grape-Nuts when Nature demands sweet and prompts them to call for sugar. There's a reason. Get tho llttlo book "Tho Road to Wellvllle" in each pkg. CARE IN TESTING FLOUR. B'o Mills Take Pains to Ascertain Quality of Output. "It Is surprising to note tho differ ence that oxlsts between tho various brauds of Hour," said O. I). Hutchin son, tho representative of ono of tho big mills In Minneapolis, Minn. "It nil depends on how tho Hour is milled rnd ou tho kind of wheat from which it is tcailc. Flour mndo from hard spring wheat will give? from twenty to forty core loaves of broad per bar rel than thnt mndo from tho softer winter wheat. It contnlns a larger percentage of gluten and absorbs more water. Tho mills aro exceeding ly careful about tho Kind of flour they send out, and tho testing department is ono of tho most important branches. "After tho flour is ground comes tho crucial tost. A sample is taken and made up Into bread. Wo bavo four bakings a day, and from twenty to thirty loaves aro baked each 'time, each ono representing n samplo of flour. After the test has been mado tho bread is turned over to the Asso ciated charities. "You may have noticed that1 tho col or of Hour is no lougor a marble white, but a creamy white. This comes lrom tho fact that tho rich portion of the grain, right undor tho woody coat ing, is ground into the flour. What is left can hardly be called bran, for It is only tho coarsest part of tho cuter fiber." Milwaukee Sentinel. Trees Make Complaint. When tho trees In his orchard nt Fresno, Cal., aro getting cold feet or chilled limbs, tlioy call Mr. J. P. .Bol ton up on tho phone, so to speak, and tell him to get up and put a hot wa ter bottle or a blanket on them. Mr. Bolton has had great trouble with his orchards on tho slopes of California mountains, whero sudden frosts killed the buds at night. But necessity proved tho mother of an invention, which, though it keep3 him awako cold nights, gives him enre-frco sleep between whiles. Iu every row thcro Is a tree fitted out with a thermometer and wires connecting with an electric boll and dial board in his bedroom. Whenever the temperature Is too tow for tho comfort of tho young buds. In any row, tho "monitor tree" with the thermometer registers a noisy kick in Mr. Bolton's bedroom and keeps it up until measures . avo boon taken to wnrm the trees up. The method in not to administer whisky or chafo tho llmlm, but to spread rolls of cloth about tho trees, squirt warm water on them and leave tubs of water about. These, by freez ing, use up the action of tho cold In tho atmosphere. Pay the Fiddler. Uvrry tlrro the trnltor Kolly chapes Rea son from her throne Somcono has to be the victim sonic poor sinner muHt ntoiie. It's nil old mid truthful saying printed on each parce of fume They who dnnci must pay tho fiddler: it's tho ethics of the came. , In this world where Kolly's minions nre j-'o Inrgcly In excess. Many u "ilddlcr" gets his money, quiet ly, ns you may ruoss: And the world is none tho wiser not n chance Is left for shame To tho man whose purse Is equal to tho limit of the game. But, nlns! for those who fuller, those who hesitate to pay I'or the muM and the rtanclnu through King Folly's night and day: Such a one dlbgrnco. dishonor, even pen ury, shall claim They who dance must pay the Ilddlcr 'tis the order of the game. New York Times. Rats and Sulphur. Hero is a farmer's inodo for ridding Ms premises of rats and mice: "if you will eprinklo sulphur on your barn floor and through your corn as jou gather it thero will not be a rat o.' mouse about. I have done this for Feveral years, and I have never been bothered with rats or mice. I havo Eome old corn in my crib at present, and not a rat or mouse can be found, in stacking hay or oats, sprinkle on tho ground and a little through each load, and my word for it, rats or mice can't stay thero. A pound of Milphur will bo spufflclent to preserve a large barn of corn, and It Is good for stock, and will not hurt tho corn for bread." English Legal Technicalities. In English courts tho solicitors must always appear in their robes. A London newspaper of recent date con tains tho following: "'1 can neither see you nor hear you,' said Judge Edgo to Mr. Turner, a solicitor at Clerkenwell county court, when that gentleman, who was unrobed, ro3e to epposo a barrister's application to havo a case adjourned. Mr. Turner began to put on his robe, but Judge Edge Interposed. 'Now, thnt will do, he said. 'I will not have this court made a robing room of. Next case.' Mr. Turner protested that It was an Injustice to his client, but the judge ordered him to be silent." Whence Esopus'f Tho most puzzling thing about Eso pii3 Is the origin of the name. Phil ologlsts aro busy working on the ques tion. They aro divided on its deriva tion between tho Indians, the Dutch and the early English colonial gov ernors, with the odds in favor of tho Indians. Even Schoolcraft, authority on Indian mattors, could not settle tho Question in his researches. Ho thought It might bo from "Sepus," tlfo namo of a river among tho Mo toacs. Tuberculosis In Belgium. It is estimated thut tho deaths from tuberculosis throughout tho kingdom of Bolglum in 1901 wore 13,407. This malady is seemingly on tho incroase and efforts are being made to provido sanatorium for tho afflicted. Tho province of Liege has alroady ox ponded 1,300,000 francs (J250.900) In th,(,s matter, and will go further in its endeavor to offor medical enro and at tention to the afflicted. TORTURING PAIN. Half This Man's Sufferings Would Have Kilted Many a Person, But Dean's Cured Him. A. 0. Spraguo, i stock dealer, of Normal, 111., I writes: "For I t v o w h o 1 o years J was do Inn nothing but v buying modi- J! n tit ma in -ti- iiivj tir vuu tny kidneys. I do not think thnt nny man ever suffered as i did nnd lived. Tho pain in my back was so bnd that I could not sleep at night. I could not rldo n horse, and somotlmcs wns unable even to rldo in a car. My condition was critical when I sent for Donu's Kidney Pills. I used throo boxes and they cured me. Now I can go anywhere and do no much ns anybody. 1 sloop well and feel no discomfort nt all." A TRIAL ritEE Addro33 Foster Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For onlo by all dealers. Prlco 50c. A man's idea of personal liberty Is his ability to butt into tho affairs of his neighbors. Less Than Half to St. 'Louis and Re turn via Wabash R. R. Tickets sold Tuesdays Rnd Thurs days in August; into, from Omaha $S.G0. Daily round-trip rnto ?1X80. Correspondingly low ratis from your station. Tho Wnbash is tho ONLY line land ing all passengers at its own station main entrance World's Fair grounds, thus saving time, annoyance nnd extra car faro. All World's Fair maps show Wabash station, main entrance. For all information address Harry E. Moores, G. A. P. D. Wab. R. R., Oma ha, Neb. Steam Turbine for Pumps. Tho steam turbino prlnciplo has been adapted to a centrifugal high pressuro pump. Tho action Is re versed, however tho water entering nt whnt would bo tho exhaust end. gradually accelerating ns It passes through tho several fixed and mova ble vanes, until it, acquires a high velocity at what would ordluarily bo tho outlet end. It will bo news to tho reading pub lic that Russia has a counterpart to tho shrlno of Lourdcs waters that aro said to heal miraculously, flowing from a spring nt Sarov on tho site of tho hut of St. Seraphim, tho popular saint of Russia. Although Father Ser aphim has long been venerated, he was not formally canonized until Au gust 1, 100.1, a ceremony in which tho czar and czarina and tho dowager czarina nnd others of tho court, be sides tho church dignitaries, took part. It is believed that only two foreign ers were present an Englishman and an American, David Bell Macgowan, whose narrative of tho impressive and curious scenes of this unique oc casion Is to appear In tho September Century, with illustrations from pho tographs showing tho czar in the pro cessions nnd other scenes. Memorial to Le Conte. . An appropriate memorial to tho great geologist nnd scientist, Joseph Lo Conte, has been erected in Yose mite valley by the Sierra club of Cal Ifornln. tIt Is a lodge, built strongly and simply, containing one large room, twenty-five by thirty-six feet, with a largo stone fireplace at one end, and ft small room on cither side the entranco on tho opposito end. It Is at tho upper end of the valley. The August" Atlantic contnlns a powerful nnd instructive paper, which will surely attract attention and create discussion, upon "Unpun ished Commercial Crime" (tho way of tho rich man In eluding tho law), written by George W. Alger, author ol tho recent much-talked-of Atlantic paper on "Moral Overstrain." Bliss Berry contributes his striking tribute to Hawthorne, delivered at tho into Bowdoln college contonnry celebra tion. Daniel G. Mason discusi;o3 Dis sonance and Evil, a quaint analysis f tho connection between evil sounds .nil evil doings, and Martha Baker Dunn offers a characteristically amus ing paper on "Tempernnco and Judg ment to Como," from the "down-oast" point of view. England's Great Artist. George Frederick Watte, the rreat English artist, who died recently in London, rarely worked from a. living subjeot, but modeled fragmentary otudles in wax and olay for particu lar parts of the flguros of his pictures. This patriarch of painters said in ref erence to his principal works that one pf his great alms was to take the ter ror away from death. Leslie's Monthly Magazine for August. Ralph Connor begins a new novel, "The Prospector," In the August Fic tion number of Leslie's Monthly Mag azine, and the first chapters promise a, better story than either "Tho Sky Pilot" or "Black Rock." There are Cloven other stories in this number, by sucli peoplo as George Hlbbard, Henry C. Rowland, Alice MacGowan, Holman F. Day, H. I. Greono and Rox E. Beach, and tlioy cover near ly every variety of up-to-dato fiction. J. Adam Bode, tho humorist of the houso of representatives, has a most amusing article on "Tho Spollbind er8," whom wo all expect to llston to during tho noxt fow months, in which bo tells a number of good stories. Tho girl with naturally curly hair is tho only ono who gets full enjoy ment out of an ocean dip. iflRTOM.S tit jsmm fjtne -uy m Pcerbohm Treo tell that recently, while playing golf, ho hnd n particu larly silent and stupid looking end dlo. who followed close nt Ills hoola without saving n word. But slnco si lence sometime peakers louder than words;, tho actor was nervous, and after a particularly bud drlvo ho ex claimed: "Did you over soo a worse player on these links?" Tho cnddle said untiling. A still worso drlvo from tho next called forth tho same query, followed by tho samo silence Finally, "1 say, did you over see n worso player?" The cnddlo stared si lently for a fow momentH. "t hcard what ye snld rlcht enough," ho nt last slowly replied; 'I'm Just think int." Baron Atphonso Rothschlhf, tho most patriotic of Frenchmen, issued a notice during tho Frnnco-rrusslan war that ho would ' present n nana some sum of money to any Jowlsli soldier In tho French nnny who might capturo a German flag. Such a capture was mndo nnd In duo course the soldier enmo up for tho promised reward. After ho had received it Baron Alphonso Invited the ooldler Into his prlvnto room nnd nskca him to relate In detail tho glorious epi sode. "Well, Mgr. lo Baron, it was this way," said tho hero; "tho Ger man soldier who carried tho flag was also ono of us, so we did It on tho Joint account." The Murine I'.jrr timidly Co.. ChliMKO. rml Home K)o lluol. lief. Write ttirin kbuiit nur c)ci f Last Eprlng Governor Odell mot an old friend of bin up In Newburg, hh homo town, and Immediately shod how ho was getting along on tho air ship ho had been working on for years. Tho Inventor had becomo dis gusted with hlu mechanical progress, and when tho governor asked if tho machlno was a complcto success ho replied: "Well, not quite yet. I havo two things to accomplish f.ctorc I can say it is." "What aro thoy?" asked tho governor. "I hnvo to Hnd out how to got my nyiehlno up In tho nlr and how to keep it there." Plso's Cure ennnot be too highly spol.rn or ns a coitgh cure. .1. W. O'HliliMJ, ! Third Ac . Minneapolis, Mluu., J.mi. C, 1000. As thero Is a law against burying In tho city of Albany, tho bishop had to havo a special net of tho legisla ture to bo buried in tho cathedral. Ho was successful in having tho net pass tho lawmakers, but bin friends were astounded and worried when thoy read Its text. It bgan with tho usual verbiage. Tho ending wns something like this: "Wo do grant that Bishop Donna tw buried within tho precincts of tho city of Albany. This act to take effect Immediately' Mrs. "Wliwlow's Soothing1 Ryrnp. ForOill.lrrn locUilng, Hof U'liu tlie uuran, rinhief-n lo Uaaui.tluu, ollsjri pun, curuu wlau uollu. IKi hotUe. In a llttlo bayou an old darkey's flat-bottomed ennoo was shelved on a mud bank. Tho mud was too deep for him to get out and push, and he got madder and madder. In his cxas poratlon he saw a woman stooping down at tho landing some yards above to fill her pall from the stream. "Get out o' dat!" ho called angrily; 'of you takes a drop outen ills yere bnyou till I gits afloat agin I'll mok yo pay for it ef I hov tor wado a3ho' tor do it!" Hundreds of dealers say the extra quantity and superior quality of De fiance Starch Is fast taking place of all other brands. Others suy they can not S4.-H any other starch. The Halo and the Straw Hat. An inventory clerk of a largo Lon don firm was put on to catalogue soma pictures for a sale. Ono represented a saint with halo complete. Ho en tered it as "Portrait of elderly gentle-' man In straw hnt." Many Children Are Sickly. Mother Gray's S wool Powders for Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurso in Children's Home, Now York, euro Summer Complaint, Fovorlshues3,Hcadachc,Stomuch Troubles, Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms. At all Druggists', 2.r,c Sample maPed FREU. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Lo Roy, N. Y. Women never weep moro bitterly than when they wqgp for spito. RIcard. Storekeepers report that the extra quantity, together with th superior quality of Defiance Starcli makes It next to Impossible to sell uny other brand. Women divine that thoy aro loved long before it Is told them. Marl vaux. Important to Mothors. Iaanlo crfUjr Tery bottlo of CA8TOTHA, a ufo sad ir remedy for iuf acts and children, u4 ie tkgt it Xe-nta SlgBltU la Vu r Oicr uo Yean, Tit K-ut Yon Havo AJwayi lkia.-t. It is discouraging to nn honest man to agree to accept a bribe, and then be buncoed out of it. Don't you know that Defiance Starch besides being absolutely superior to uny other, it put up 1C ouncea in pack ages und sells at same price as 12 ounce ijuckuges of other kinds? The financial editor Is not necessar ily pedantic, but ho is apt to Indulge in quotations. Dealers Fay that aa soon as n cus tomer tries Dollnnce Stnrch It is Im possible to yell them any other cold water Htareh. It can bn ued cold or bollud. After a man has been married n few years his bump of hope becomes a dent. Never nay a horBO was pulled. You may havo been dragged along. BEGGS1 BLOOD PURIFIED CURES catarrh of the stomach. STf.ssrzr-ZT' ' wevvc VF i-i"' - 1 ' .. W r-v Tjy . V. i i.w: . r: r ... : t- i -La -.:... ...-,.- ?' .,f im't. L . v. "-. : ?: ..wjti.ii -.... tv.v...w-: . - -' Mrs. Rosa Adams, niece of the late General Roger Hanson, C. S. A., wants every woman to know of the wonders accomplished by Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound " Dkah Mns. PisitnAM : I cannot toll you with pen and ink what good Iijdiu 13. PinkliiuirH Vegetable Compound did for mo, Eufforlnrr from tho ills peculiar to tho sex, oxtrcim lawdtudo and that all gono feeling. I would ribo from my bed in tho morning feeling more tired thnn when I went to bed, but beforo I had used two bottles of Lydia 15. IMiiklmm's Vege table Compound. I bcpnii to feel tho buoyancy of mv younger daya return ing, became regular, could do more work and not feel tired than 1 had ever been ablo to do before, so I continued to tiso it until I waB restored to porfeeb health. It is indeed a boon to sick women nnd I heartilv recommend it. Yours very truly, Mlts. Rosa Auamo, 810 lL'th St., LoulBville.'lCy." i few doses every week, for I And that it tones up the system nnd keeps mo feeling strong, and I never havo that tired out feeling any more. " I certainly think that every woman ought to try this grand medicine, for it would prove its worth. Yours very truly, Miss Elsie Dahfobtu, 203 Do Soto St., Memphis, Tonu." PRKE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN. Don't Itttbitnte to write to MrN. Pinkham. She. will understand your case perfectly, and will treat you with kindness. Her advice Is free, and tho address is Lynn, Mass. No woman over regretted having written her, and she has helped thousands. S5000 FORFEIT if wo cannot forthwith produco tho original letters and algn&tureaof -be to toatlmonlall. wUlcli will HmDY BLUEING BOOK. In sheets of PURE ANILINE BLUE. No bottles. Ko puddles NowuMe. Gives the same amount of blueing water each waali-diiy. Ask your grocer for It or send 10c for u book of 25 leaves. Tht Handy Blueing Book Co., 87 . Lak. St., Chicago. 111. S" ANTISEPTIC PILE CONES DRUGGISTS. Samplo Free ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE CO., Crelo, Neb. SLEEP. fEib "FOUOW TUB FLftO.- TAKE THE WABASH TO AS NT LOUIS THE ONLY LINE TO '$ FAIR MAIN ENTRANCE. Ilausucc c!icril to I'nlr Kruunil. Htopovora allowed All Agents can route you via the WAnASII. Vor beau tiful World's I'ii I r folder and all Infor mation uddrvsx IIAItHY 12. MOOnES. Oen. Act. J'ass. Dept,, Omaha, Neb. HORETEADS S?vcrt,wo,0.8n Montana. Kenil M", tut imp aul lnroriiiu''i u J. i KitLLEY, Keal EsUte A,ncy, BUl.ngt. -lout. BIV.W5 Thompson's Eyo Water W. N. U., Omaha. No. 351904 i$faES3HI3x3: . liltrftX WHIHf AIL flSfcTAlLS . Una, IViiink Uvnia. ',.. .1-a .Irvu, MV. . WBU UII Uk ., JW id lime, acta or aruxBuu. SUsHraal : t Uwlwj Byffl8j JtTXTl -Ja el rsY? mJSZrM tA" ;.v yp' - .--y Any tvomen ivbo nro troubled with ir regular or painful menstruntlon, weak ness, leticorrliaiu, displacement or ulccr ntion of tho womb, that bcarlng-down feeling, inilnminnf ion of the ovaries, back ache, general debility, and ucrvotiH pros tration, should know thcro is ono tried nnd true remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound. No other mcdiclno for women bun received stteli wide-spread and unqualified indorsement. No other medicine lias such a record of female cures. " Dkai: Wns. Pinkiiam: I nm very pleased to recommend XiYdla 12. Pinkham's vege table Compound for womb and ovarian dtfllcul ticb fi om u hich I have been a sufferer for years. It was the only medicine which was at all beneficial, and within a week after I started to use it, thcro was a great chnnge in my feelings nnd looks. I used it for n little over three months, and at tho end of that time I MiflVrcd no pain at the menstrual period, nor was 1 troubled with those distressing1 pains which compelled me to go to bed, and I havo not had a headache since. This is nearly a year ago. I always hern u bottle en hand, and take a proro their atmilntn cenulneneu. LjdU K. lMnkliam Mm). Co.. T.yno, Mm. 0 JP" THE WDY I WHO IRONS 1 I I Knows how important it b W 9 1 to use ae.ood starch. Dcliince I . CfAprh ic lri k-rf tiwkl a Jk. I madt. It doesn't stick lo IB ft ii Him, i I the iron. It cives a beauti 1 I Jul soft tjlossy stiffness to the w M clothes. It will not blister I it or ai le S00(k- It stfc Ifftn for less, goes farther, .does m YD I mort' tlt ':( K" a Y a irons. Defiance Starch at all V V grocers, 15 oz. for 10 cents. I THa DEflANtt STARUI CO.. m omaiia r.m