The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 26, 1904, Image 2

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Fichu Collarette.
Collnrctlos of nil sorts aro much In
ilomnml and mako Ideal Httlo shonldor
wraps that add graco and charm at
tho same tlmo that thoy moan slight
warmth. This one Is peculiarly at
tractive and takes tho fichu form ho
much In voguo. As Illustrated It Is
nindo of net handed with ribbon ap
nllcd to form diamonds and Is finished
with frills and ties of chiffon, uluo
ribbon banded. It can, howover, bo
made from one mnterlnl or from vari
ous combinations. Tho capo portion
of sltk, tho frills of chiffon or not
makes ono that always Is attractive
and trnny others might bo suggested.
Tho collaretto consists of tho cape,
two frills nnd tho scarf. Tho upper
frill is applied over tho cape on Indi
cated lines, tho lower is attached to
ltn edgo and passes over tho upper
endfl of tho scarf, so giving a pecu
liarly full and desirable effect at tho
Tho quantity of material required
for tho medium size 13 4 yards 21
Inches wide, or 2 yards 44 Inches wide,
with yard of any width for the
capo and GO yards of ribbon to make
as Illustrated.
Salad of Iced Cherries.
Why not servo a dainty fruit salad
with the game courso? Procure ono
largo can each of white and red Cali
fornia cherries, romovo tho pits with
out breaking tho fruit nnd (111 the
cavities with minced walnut meats
moistened with mayonnaise or finely
chopped sweet peppers. Stand tbe
cherries on lcountll chilled, nrrnnge
nests of finely shredded crisp lettuce
odged with small heart leaves on
small plates. Fill tho nusts with as
sorted cherries and a spoonful of thick
cold mayonnnlso dressing, topped with
a slnglo rod cherry and tiny lenves
cut from a green popper. This salad
will bo found most toothsome, as well
as a decided table attraction.
Ono yeast cako Is equal to ono
tencupful of yeast, a measurement
often used In the older, much-prized
cook books.
An innovation for tho table Is boiled
lettuce. Boll tho lettuce until tender;
Horvo tho wholo head nud dros3 with
butter, pepper and salt.
Cracks In Iron kettles may bo
mended with home effort. Mix pow
dered lithargo with glycerin to tho
consistency of uptty. After those ele
ments are thoroughly mixed, apply
llko any cement.
Whon you huppon to have n few
tablespoonfuls of jam or jelly left
over, try what a delicious addition it
makes to baked apples, dropping a
tenspoonful into tho core of each ap
plo before they go in tho oven.
Keep a wire dishcloth to set In tho
bottom of a kcttlo while cooking
anything that may stick and burn.
It will adapt Itself to tho shapo of
a kettle bettor th'nn a trivet or a pail
lid. Of course, it must bo kept for
this purpose exclusively.
Handsome Waists of White Lace.
Very handsomo autumn wnlsts aro
mado of liberty satin and theso waists
aro not necessarily oxponslve. They
may bo In n deep shade of oyster
whlto, trimmed with pnlo whlto lace,
and finished with applications of laco
of a deep shado of ecru.
It is very fashlonnblo to mako laco
waists of half a dozen shades of white
laco and to use tho laco a3 ono would
uso flouucos of silk, with ono flounce
falling over tho other.
Lace, In a shado of lemon white, Is
appllquod with medallions of laco in
blue-white, whilo tho wholo Is em
broidered in stitches that are in a
made of pearl. This gives sovoral
shades of whlto and makes tho waist
much smarter than If It wcro all of a
single tone.
It Is very smart, indeed, to fasten
your white girdle with small blac vel-
ct buttons. Set a double row of tuoso
buttons nt tho sldo and. hook your
glrdlo Invisibly underneath. A whlto
sntln stock Is secured In tho snmo
manner, by Invisible fastenings, with
doulo rows of black volvet buttons at
each side of the stock.
Iced Chocolate.
Carefully made and served Iced
chocelnto Is delicious and wholosomc,
though not nearly so well known as It
ought to bo. To prcparo It, put Into a
granite saucepan four ounces of pow
Jorcd unsweetened chocolato and six
ounces of granulated sugar. Add ono
yuart of boiling water, and when well
mixed place over a moderate llro and
cook until the liquid Is of tho con
sistency of thick Byrup. Strain, cool
&nd (lavor'with vanilla nnd cinnamon.
Bottle nnd storo In a cool plnco.
When needed put two tablospoonsful
oi tho syrup In n tall. glass, with threo
tablespoonfuls of whipped cream, ono
gill of milk and ono gill of carbonated
water. Shako well before drinking.
Currant Salad.
Hero Is a combination I never tried
before, but wo found it good, wanting
something different for lunch ono hot
day. I bad slices of corned beef laid
on a bed of lettuce; then wo had In
left chest currants thnt had been
washed and had sugar scattered over
them' and had stood over night on Ice.
I put spoonfuls of these over tho meat.
Served with my mayonnalso dressing,
It was very nice. Instead of currants,
beets cut Into straws and slightly
pickled would be real good. If tho
mayonnnlso gets a little thick It can
bo thinned with vinegar.
Care for Light Colors.
To preserve light colors In shirt
waists that aro built of wash goods tho
amateur laundress is advised to soak
tho waists In n gallon of cold water to
vfhlch has been addod n handful of
Bfilt. Allow them to soak for fifteen
or twenty minutes, then hang up 1
tl.o Bhndo to dry. When onco dry
colored cotton goods can bo washed
without fading, provided a Httlo caro
is used.
French bluo Is notable among fash
icr.rthlo colors.
Spotted and pnstlllo materials con
tinue to bo popular.
Tho fashlonnblo gloves aro cham
pagne or pure whlto.
Tiny spangled fans In tho geisha
slzo come for tho bnlr.
Long coats aro surely creeping back
nf mm H? x'
Frocks that fall in unbroken lines from tho shoulders aro always be
coming to small children and mako th 0 best posslblo modelB. This ono la
eminently dainty, and Is mado of sho or Porslan lawn with trimmings of
embroidery, but tho design suits stu rdy materials oqually well nnd tho
yoko can bo added, making It high at tho nock, whonover desired. To make
tho dross for a child of two years ot ago will bo required 25i yards of ma
terials 27 or 32 Inches wide.
Into vogue If, Indeed, thoy can
lio -
said ever to havo gone out.
Plain shirt waists aro tho only kind
invored for outdoor sports.
The laco and llnon suits aro two
thirds lace nnd ono-thlrd llnon.
Bolora jackets of Irish laco nrc
worn with any handsomo linen skirt.
Neckties made of rows of amber,
Jot, corliollan or nmethyst aro again
Elbow sleeves, consisting of throe
Iitiffs, each separated by a fall or laco,
are smart.
Many bIcovcb aro lifted nt tho arm
holes to glvo a high, squarc-shoul
dored effect.
Eton coats, Russian blouses nnd
short sneka of black glaco silk are
very smart
For Morning Wear.
IIouso Jackets mado with yokes thai
extend well over tho shoulders are
nmong tho latest shown nnd aro taste
ful nnd becoming ns well as fashion
able. The very pretty model lllustrat
cd combines pink nnd whlto dlmlnt
with whlto lawn, tho big dots being
embroidered nnd nil edges finished
with fnncy braldc; but tho design Is
an admirable ono for all seasons nnb
for all materials In voguo for gar
nents of tho sort. To mnke tho JacUcl
lor a woman of medium size will be
required 4 yards of material 27, 4
yards 32 or 2 ynrds 44 Inches wide,
wltl- -74 yard 32 Inches wide for yoke
and cuffs.
Creole Syllabub.
Into two quarts of rich sweet milk
pour one-half pint of strawberry
Juice, sugar to mako quito sweet and
a Httlo lemon julco or rosewater for
flavoring. Dcat to a froth with an
ogg beater and set on Ice until time
to serve. Just before serving stir in
one pint of bleached and pounded
almonds that have been soaked In
orango Juice. Servo In small glasses
July Housekeeper.
Children's Play Suits.
Many novelties aro found In play
suits for children. Jean, holland nnd
other sturdy, old-fashioned goods arc
employed for these, as well as khnkl
linen, .pique, etc. In addition, to the
"farmer suits," which nro among the
simplest nnd most popular, there arc
"Jap" and Indian rigs, cowboy outfits
and soldier costumes.
Useful Berthas.
Berthas of fancy laco may bo found
In the Bhops nt greatly reduced prices
They aro very useful in freshening up
a summer gown.
"Sister" and I.'
"Sister" and I wore Just Jolly chums
1'p In Wisconsin, nt "Meadow Farm."
Sho was my "pardnor," n slender reed;
1 wan her "brother" to shield from
"Slater" and I!
"Blitcr" nnd I wcro like two old pals.
Up In Wisconsin, those Bummer hours,
Onre free, and glad In tho nuturo nooks.
Far to tho north with Its vlnc-declced
"Sister" nnd II
"Sister" and I told our snered dreams.
Sklinmin? the bayous, and then away!
Deep In tho wood, whore the groat elms
Joyous we romped till tho dusk of dny
"Sister" and II
"Sister's" blue eyes were llko sum
mer skies,
Sapphires aglow! And her lips wen
J-nijijli like the ripple upon tho ford!
Hands thnt wcru warm whon by rough
paths sped
"Sister" nnd I!
"Sister" nnd I nro In town ngnln
Hero, 1 am told, sho is "Miss Fra
zoro!" "Sir. theros a dlrfcrenco 'twlxt this nnd
that. '
Now we're In town nnd vacation's o'or!
'Sister' no more!"
"Bl'ter" nnd I! Ah, those happy days.
When we were chums where, the
zephyr's charm
Filled our two hearts with n strange new
Up In Wisconsin at "Meadow Farm"
"Sister" and 1!
A Chicago mother left her babe to
starve In a manger. The Judge in
sentencing her to the workhouse said:
"Work Is uplifting and a year over
tho washtub will do her good." Now
Ir tho father of the unfortunate girl
could bo mado to carry tho water and
run the ringer, all would bo well!
Tho now janitor rapped at the back
door tho other morning and asked my
wlto what tlmo her son (referring to
me) arrived homo in tho evening. Ho
wanted mo to help him lift a box. I
guess that will hold her for a while!
Some of tho doctors say cheese
causes indigestion. Others declare it
is a finer substitute for meat. During
tho meat strike, will tho first men
tioned coterio of "docs" please
"cheese It!"
King Edward Is now having his
trousers pressed square, so that they
stand out llko an oat-chute in grand
father's barnj. Bow-legged men aro
welcoming tho stylo with open ar
iv huge boulder. In an Iowa stream
is declared by the natives to bo slow
ly rolling up stream. This is undoubt
edly arothcr case of tho water run
ning tho same way.
Now that thoy aro manufacturing
beoksteak out of cotton-seed, it will
no longer be necessary to manufac
ture a pound of it out of two crisp,
ten-dollar bills!"
It is always a cinch whon men take
extraordinary financial chances, but it
is frequently hard even whon you
hold them to get both pedroes into
your own pile.
Automobiles mako a man forget all
his other sorrows. If you cannot for
get yours that way, move Into n flat
where your next-door neighbor has a
phonograph !
A Chicago man robbed tho slot
machines and was sent to jail. No
man over yet monkeyed with one of
theso devices that ho didn't get tho
worst of It!
We always wonder at tho bravery
of tho ablo-bodled man whoso wlfo
supports the family by taking in
wnshlng. It takes nerve to face that.
Many a modern man hearing tho
old song, "Is Your Namo Written
There," would presumo tho interpre
tation of "thero" to bo Bradstreet's!
Heavy local pressure Is usually ac
companied by lowering clouds If
father happens In just as his daughter
is being pressed.
As the campaign approaches, wiso
men aro having their fall suits mado
sans buttonholes. No man loves theso
coat-lapel tote-a-tetes!
1 FJylng machines for $23 each Is said
to bo one of tho probablo future bless.
Ings. Ono can not fly high on thai
sum nowadays.
Love Is not always blind, but in in
stances of this sort it frequently
wears blinders and Is checked too
high to be natural.
Tho baker never gets round-shouldered
carrying the holes in his dough
nuts. Moral Do not loso sleep worry
ing over nothing!
There aro more potty quarrels to
the square inch in a town of 2,000 peo
ple than turtles' cgg3 on a caviar
A Pittsburg man, wearing a paper
suit, is walking around tho world.
Tno rag man will get him If ho doesn't
watch out!
Some women's minds aro llko
patch quilts, and tho husbands get
irregular pieces of them at rogular in
tervals. If tho nowspapor artists would
draw hotter-looking plcturo.3 of Adam,
wo would all feel prouder of our ancestor.
TJ wi 1
lf Zr
m . J ff
ms--? af I
lMS5ff8P' DIKWlN "H-l-lnlWI
Ho nte n lot of rnre old chcoso
And went to bed.
"Another gono tho Milky Whey,"
The paper said!
Tho proposed dining cars on sub
urban electric cars open A new nvenuf
of enjoyment. In Chicago, for in
stance, ono can tnko his shavings anc
cream in Highland, his eggs and toast
In Evnnston, his coffee In Rogers Pari)
and his toothpick at Chicago avenuo
Following this up will undoubtedly
permit him to lake his stomach-ache
on State street. Thus there will be
onough of tho breakfast to keep a
man busy all the way downtown. Wo
aro Indeed u versatilo people!
A Chicago women emptied a re
volver at a midnight marauder In her
homo without hitting him. Had sho
boon armed with a rolllng-pln she
would, undoubtedly, have landed safe
ty nt tho outset: One should always
stick to tho wenpous that familiarity
Las mado a protection.
An Illinois woman prevented her
appeanyhec In court by swallowing
tho summons which was served upon
her, thereby mnking it non-returnable.
If this becomes general, Justices of
the peace will be compelled to have
their warrants printed on lly paper.
Paste this in . your scrap-book-August
8. 1904, wo had a fire in the
furnace; to tnko the chill from the
house, said Inclemency being caused,
not by a family jar, but by a growl
of Boreas from tho northland. 'Rah
for winter in the summer time!
Abdul Humid should he furnished
with n plethora of "dldnt-know-it-was-loaded"
literature, else ho will not be
prepared some dny when the United
States navy accidentally takes a shot
at him to enforce respect of tho stars
nnd stripes.
In Illinois n quarrelsome man and
his wife aro each to occupy tho same
1 ousc In half week relays, alternating
in tho occupancy. This moans that
the bed will be made three times a
week, anyhow.
The doctors say wo all cat too
much. It is a comforting thought
theso parlous times to know we can
live on considerably less If compelled
to nnd this Is no joke "cyther!"
Try as wo will, we cannot recall
that it was uncomfortably cold last
February, but almost anyone believes
he will remember next February how
hot it was In August.
From their own porches men sec
the sunset, but they make long pil
grimages to Naples. The ono Is freo,
tho other costs money. That's why!
What "lovle would do if dovie died"
Is frequently nover suspected by the
neighbors until a week after dovie
really and truly shuffles off!
A clever politician usually distrib
utes his' family members in tho local
churches with an eye to making them
go round as far as possible.
A woman's last word frequently
makes a popular novel look like a bob
tail pup and it's almost always "con
tinued" at that!
A Street Car Schedule.
T'pon the shaded porch he sat
With Sue.
Ho told her of n Hat just built
For two!
Out whure tho streets were broad and
Where Jlowers blossomed by tho side,
And blrdlings tlowt
He kissed her ns each car It' novo
In Mght!
She said she thought she . would at
She might!
Just then tho cable broke Its chain
And left a streut car nonr tho 'twain!
Couldst for more?
Fully half the pleasures of a coun
try town existence Is lost becauso
of jealousies aroused by knowing peo
ple too well.
When n man not given to spontane
ity laughs immoderately at your jokes,
boware; he Is getting ready to borrow
money of you!
It Is not difficult for tho rooster to
crow, but tho Jackass makes ludicrous
work of It. Moral Stick to your
Every town has its "village cut-up"
and Its "village society leader," nnd
ono Is frequently ns funny as tho
Tho truo philosopher never com
plains at tho heat, preferring to re
member it Is mighty good for tho
A hoy that will steal watermelons
will well, he'll hrag about It in af
tor years If ho is llko his dad!
The heart of many a man Is In his
pocketbook. That Is why, frequently.
It Is so hard to touch tho heart.
Any man that has the price can
play tho races. Evon an angleworm
Is a part of the fishing outfit.
Whon you see It from the war cor
respondent you know It's so until
tho next day's paper denies It!
If wishes were automobiles, pray
I whom would we all run over?
Costs io cents and equals 20 cents
worth of any other kind of bluing.
Won't Freeze, Spill, Break
Nor Spot Clothes
around in the Water
At ftO who Groccri. f
The Cause of Sleep.
Tho man who is kept awako bj
pain, or who suffers in any other waj
from lack of sleep, can usually obtain
it by tho uso of a drug. Such sleep,
howover, Is generally regarded as un
natural, and hypnotic drugs, nra
nvolded when possible. But now comes
Mr. Raphael Dubois, a French physi
ologist, who tells us that all sleep la
tho result of drugging, tho sleep-producer
being carbonic-acid formed with
in tho system. "
Weight of Doad Sea Water.
A gallon of distilled water weighs
ten pounds, of sea water ten and three
fourths pounds, of Dead sea water
twclvo pounds. Thero nro eight and
one-half pounds of salt In every 100
pounds of Dead sea water to two and
four-fifths pounds in ordinary sea
water. ,
Original Rough Riders.
Tho original Rough Riders ante
dated $10 pony express by several
years. Tho Rifle Rangers themselves
woro rough riders, and Mayno Rold
was a captain, loading in pernon many
n gallant chargo against tho "greas
ere," Apaches, Commanchcs and Sioux..
Shouting Their Pralsc3.
Frtarpoint, Miss., August 22" (Spe
cial). Cured of Bladder and Kidney
Troublo after 2G years of sulfering,
Rev. H. H. Hatch, of this place, is
telling tho public tho good nowo and
shouting tho praises' of tho remedy
that cured him Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Rev. Mr. Hatch says:
"I have been suffering from Blad
der and KIdnoy Troublo for 26 years
and t havo tried everything tht neo
plo said would do mo good. But
nothing did mo any good except
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"I haven't felt a pain elnco I took
Dodd's Kidney Pills. They gave mo
health and I feel like a new man al
together. Dodd's Kidney Pills aro
tho best I ever had." .
All Urinary and Bhrotfer Troublo3
aro caused by diseased Kidneys. Tho
natural way to euro them Is to euro
tho kldnoyR. Dodd's KIdnoy Pills
never fall to euro diseased kidneys
in any stago or place. They always
cure Backache and they aro tho only
remedy that ever cured Brlght's Dis
ease. Unhappily thero nro virtues that
ono can only exerclso whon ono Is
rich. Rlvarol.
Tho Defiance Starch Co. will glvo
25 ladles a round-trp ticket to tho St.
Louis exposition to five ladles In
each of tho following states: Illinois,
Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missou
ri who will send In tho largest numuor
of trado marks cut from a 10-cent, 1C
ounco packago of Defiance cold water
laundry stnrch. This means from your
own homo, anywhere in tho above
named stales. These trado marks must
bo mailed to and received by tho De
flanco Starch Co., Omaha, Neb., beforo
September 1st, 1901. October and No
vember will bo tho best months to
visit tho exposition. Remember thnt
Defiance is tho only starch put up 1C
oz. (a full pound) to the package.
You get one-third moro starch for tho
same money than of any other kind,
and Deflanco nover sticks to tho Iron.
Tho tickets to the exposition will be
sent by registered mall September 5th.
Starch Xor sa!6 by all dealers.
A woman nover cares anything
about tho answers to tho questlous
sho asks.
For Your Perfect Comfort
At St. Louis Exposition, which is very
severe upon tho feet, rcmemher to tnko
along a box or two of ALLEN'S FOOT
EASE, n. powder for Hot, Tired, Aching,
Swollen, Sweating Feet. 30,000 testi
monials of cures. Sold hv all Druggists,
Never play a horso- that Is too high
toned to run with tho others. Ho has
tho habit.
If you don't get the biggest and best
It's your own fault. Deflanco Starch
Is for sale everywhere and there is
positively nothing' to equal It in qual
ity or quantity.
If a man has a worthless dog and
a frivolous wlfo he caL at least pois
on tho dog.
Lewis' " Slnglo Binder " strnlght 5c cigar.
Mode ot ripe, mellow tobacco, so rich in
quality that many who formerly smoked
10c cignrs now smoko Lewisf "Slngla
Binder." IaswIs' Factory, Peoria, 111.
The Tailor Took His Measure.
"I was getting measured for a suit
ot clothes this mawnlng," said young
Mr. Sissy to his pretty cousin, "and
Just for a Joke, y'know, I awsked
Suipem if it weally took nine tailors
to mako a man. He said It would
tako moro than nine tailors to mako
a man ot some people. I thought it
was qulto clovah." Exchange.
When somebody takos the shlno oft
of you, romombor that there aro plen
ty of bootblacks. Philadelphia Record.