The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 19, 1904, Image 8
4 !i m i GRANDEST 11 COMINQ'I Walter L. Main Worlds Exposition 3-Ring Circus ricnagerie and Racing Carnival Without fear of conttndiction, tho largest and best Ciicua, Hie most com plcte menagerie that ovct visited the city." Clovoland, OliiofWorld, May 10, 1904. .vCa.-co :- if. If Z'- , ,u .ft.rfC), C!3 R SE?SSS1hj!2 t tn-'. i wmotumm. BcllilicllaUlc8ct!obyJKrlofEler!nnlfl. Alliance, Mo The one great day to which all Alliance and vicinity look forward as the greatest event of the year m wnwwitiimiiMinwii ujhi'hi' Positively llic Only Circus oi Magnitude and Merit TO VISIT THIS SECTION An All Feature Show that Bears the Endorsement of the Nation ISpWKS"-' Vrftav I2&&5 Xtftfci THISNONOEiCfllPT No other show in th.s country ans under contract! su:ti high salaried features ani artists i wwwwwwwS' wriM ! imtwHWvt - nxt rimrw ramus rsisiufirri twvniMiammimmi . HESSE WAVOLO, the dnrltiK death defving (l.i'igri in the th illiug 'U tho loop " DAVENPORT & LOWANDA, only bareback oiiuustiinu throwing suinmor saults fiom house to horse follow ing. CUTE NURSING CAM ELS adopted and clnistianed by Mstio blinnors oL Al Koran und Damascus Temples. CUTE, cunning, bareback tiding ponv, only ouu over educated iu this act. "DAIN IT DEWDROP," smallest specimen of man oxtant, 33 jonrs of age, 17 inches -tall and weighs but 12 pounds. Coming oa its three trains of double-length cars, svith acres of sun nud waterproof ens nil ,irmv of tvnnlp nmirtrli liMrKcr cnfintr f.atviri(u ,- rwrt Cr rr&n tit vnni,w.: canv: cal department, trained and untrained liAats from forest, mountain and plain. Herds of Elophnnts, Cnntels aud Zebras, Uaby Lions, Tigers, Leopards, etc. America's and Europe's greatest riders, luapers, contortionists, tumblers, acrobats, gymnasts, athletes, jugglers, wire walkers and general performer. PROGRAM FOR THE DAY 10 a. m., grand street parade, a 111 le in length; 11 a. 111 , free display of Japanese daylight fireworks; 11.30, oponing of annex, 1 p. m , opening of doors of menagerie, wonder department and promiuadc concert; a p. in, afternoon performance, 8 p. m., stnrt of evening performance. Advance sale of tickets, both admission and reserved chair sats, opens August 21, 9 a m., at Holstene's drug store. Same price as charged on the grounds. Positively no advance To Evcrwhcro nntl Back. TUB BUSLINbTOX's X.OW hUMMBK RATKh. The Rurlington offers excursion rates in every directiou--so low that there is no excuse for staiug at home. Iiolow are some of them: St. Louis and buck Three kinds of daily rates besides the special low rate coach oxcursio is each Tueailav nnd Thnrs- rfav rlnrintv Aticrnet nnil n(amluii ' Chicago and buck. Daily low rates either direct or ua St. Louis with stop overs at S:. Louis, Kansas City and Omaha. Hoston and back, the only chance of the season for a low-rate visit to NewUnglnml. $42 75, August n to 13 loug limit. World's fair stopovets at St. Louis on through ticketh Colorado and Utah there nnd back practically half rates all summer. To California San Francisco aud Los Angelos and back, August 16 to September 11, only $45.75. 1 lie only elm nee in 1004 to get tlds-low rate. Portland, Puget Sound and back Aug ust 16 to 19, one fare far rourd trip ' To Miohigau, Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Great Lake region- the ideal summer countrj daily low rates to take jou away from home. L. S Sage, '1 ickot Agent $IQ.25 TO fcT. LOUIS AND RBTUKN The Di.rliugton offers the above low rate for tickets good in coaches and chair ; cars seats iree;. un sale 1 uesaays ana Thursdays during August and September. See me for full particulars. L. S. Sage, Ticket Agent. VISIT TUB OLD FOLKS. One fare plus $2 for the round trip to a T L-r- " 3.- KA1 "ra JiEa- i mil lof"rnifc i.e. hi ii aunitnc) oufpju,n nday,Aug.22 COMMINGLED INSOLVADIE CONUNDRUM raw "WILD KUb an untutored claughtet of tho f.ii)-t. Cautiiitul 111 Cuba. Is she woin.m or Ikmik ? THE PAMOUS NELSON FAMILY of nine pieiuiur acrobats. THE PEERLESS PLYING BOISE FAMILY of aerialists. THE PUZZLING NONDESCRIPT, an animal that has proven to bo nu tin solvable enigma. PROF. JOHN GILL'S .uncunllcil baud of 40 Guiman soloists. THECHA1.LANGE HERD OP AR T1LLERY ELEPHANTS, pacbydonn, that engage 111 battle like vctcinn sold iers, using gatliug guns. great many points in Oliit ndiana and Kentucky, 'tickets on sale eptember 0, 13, 20, 27 aud October 11. tootl via St. Louis and for stopover at the grost expo sition. Final limit thirty thirty days. See me tor full particulars or write to L. W. Wakeley, general passenger agent, Omaha. L. S Sage, Ticket Agent. Guy Lockwood it.ur.iT: Chicago school or H.M1IAI.MINU - Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Kxpcit tail j Attendant.. Allianrp. Nph. .....U,.UUI t.UUI 1 Wfem&mA DntiRcrn of tun Sen. Tlio fourth dny a perfect mountain of water, the biggest pen I have ever scon In all my life, came towering up and fell dn tho lloddum. I thought Hue wns foundered, hut she shook It off, und we Hitw that the after deck liotnro and tho hand steering gear had oeen carried away as clean as cutting off tfie top of a cuke. Apiece of the truck had got j.imnutl tu the wheel, chninrt, and tho iuxt basil the rudder got bfolce the chain. In half a minute we wore wallowing helpleswly In the trough of the 1,0a, and I knew nnothur big sea would end the chapter. (Jutting tho men toother, I mude a try at get ting the chain picked up and ppilccd. The Kteward, who was a brave lad, went over tho side and got up the loone end. We had tied oursolvufe to gether for tho work, and that was nil that kept lis from being washed over board. In n few minutes we had con nected up the chain with a sttong strap and were ready to get back amid ships when the wreck of the hand steering gear, which was swinging free, came clipping around and caught tho steward's leg, taking It urf" like n butcher chops off a bone. Metropoli tan Magazine. Gift fit It.ltitlKIll. Gifts to Infanta on their baptism are of ancient origin. Formerly tho spon sors generally offctcd Kilt spoons to the child. 'J huso spoons were called apostle spoons, because the tlguree of the twelve apostles were curved at the top of the hmi'.lcH. ltlch sponsors gave the complete pet of twelve, whiie for those who voio not no opulent four was cou Hideied the proper number, and poor sponsors would content themselves with offering one. In tho latter case the handle of the spoon generally ex hibited the llgtue of any saint in honor of whom tho culld received Its name. It Is In allusion to this custom that, when Cranmor professes himself to be unworthy of being bponsor to tho young princess, Shakespeare tho king reply: "Come, come, my lord, you'd cparo your spoons," Tho mug or spoon and fork offering of the piesent day appears as a very dobascd survival of a really beautiful christening offering. Westminster He view. The Ainrrlcnn Honeymoon. Faithful In few things, tho American public yet remains tnuAo an old hon eymoon tradition which assigns those to whom Iitiropo Is an Impossible ex pense to Niagara Kails and Washing ton, the national capital. In these two centers bridal pnrllrs have been since lunt, bttore tho civil war tho pildo and the piey of hotel men and cabuion. Modern maids may consider (hem a little old fashioned, but when the time conies to chon&e a "wedding tour the I west, the middle west and tho rural I cast of the United .States ate still true i to Niagara Falls and Washington. II j Is In, the spring and summer, when of course the larger number of marriages take place, that these resorts aie so i popular. In the wintor Now York itself Is the Mecca of the newly wed. Lou don Telegraph. i;n!l? Hurtic Kara t't-Ues. , Pilzes ror wlmi-rs of lurse races hundreds of yen is ago took curious forms. The earliest was the "brlglia d'or," or gt'dm tuldto. Aftr this the prize In Eng and as a hell. This idea wns taken from the cus'ci.i among owners of puk horses cf decorating the best horoc whli-li led tho cavalcade, with u bell, so that on dark ulghtB nnd In dangerotu pjaccs the whereabouts of the lender might be known aud tjio others follow boldly. At Carlisle, sll v ? bells wue raced for by tho moss ! pers and dalesmen nnd specimens 0. ' rse bells tiro still retained In the fn. , lull. h'e. -. ZU Gold Dinner Servicer. Thej .ay It is nil nonsense talking of solid gold dlmi t services, for there are not more than three or four of them lu the world, and they nre too small for use lu n party of any size. In many large houses lu England nnd also In the United .states n (pmntlty of silver gilt plate, which looks precisely the same, Is In use, but the feeling prevails that silver gilt Is not as "becoming" to other table furniture ns pure, dazzling silver plate nnd that It must be dis played with great discretion. Uo'ston Herald. Kllllnr; Hnru IlIrdM. Commenting on the crnze for killing rare birds wherever they may be found, 11 writer In London Truth says: "I should have thought that the fact that a bird Is rare would be reasoi for not killing it. I suppose the idea is that, hftwever rare u bird Is, something may still be done to make him rarer." AC The following t. Ical account of the nature of n ..tld comet Is glvon In an old I a military Journal: "It Is a par 1 of old stars who, bolng no longer fit for sorvlce, have been discharged on half pay and, to save expense, have agreed to moss to gether." The Teat. Adorer-You still doubt me? Test my love. Hid me attack wild beasts, defy savagiw, llnd the north po!c, de scend Into n volcano anything, no mat ter what, I will do it. Doubting Girl Go ask papa. Tin- Cynto. "Married yet. old man?" "No, but I'm ongnged, aud that's as good ns married' "It's bettor. If you only knew It." Jio Hustler. "Ho hns a head for business, nnd yet ho doesn't succeed." "That Is because he has no foot (or It Cleveland Leader. K mt- . 1 w& a 1 HUMPHRY c :: Undertaking and . . :: Embalming Company Calls snswered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undoi taker. Tlrs. Humphry, Lady Assistant Residence phone 2G9. ZB1NDEN BROS,, DI'At.OhS IN our 1 re "Home fc Comfort" -A' Flour Is Our Leader. Try It. PHONE 105. WKST PIUJJ MAIN .STitKET . Dr. J. R. Taggart, D.V.S. Is prepared to tieut any and all diseases known to the horse nnd cow. Special attention to dentistry. All work guaranteed Uarn North of Palace Livery. 'Pho 101 SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, ote . . . . ALLIANCE, KUBUAKKA. FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. "Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEIL Application for DruRRlst't, Permit. NutlfO Is linroby given tnut II. II, lrunk lius fllwl Ills petition with tho tHXiril f Ullajjo trustees of tlio village of Humlngfimt, .No braska, for n permit to boll mult, eplrituous nnd vinous lUiuors for medicinal purpoios on lots, Mock 10, in tho vllluge of HenihiKford, Nub., for the PiiMilnfr year, fpjulyl H. II. Applicant. ,..s m-4' v y $q edc X This Isn't an r. Advertisement... It is a personal, heart to heart talk v about our busines expansion. We are doinn; this to defend our interests, simpl)r looking- outi for Georrre, no one else will, we must. We have lost sales -' in furniture hty not having" stoves and other goods, so what would you or anyone else do but as we intend doing ? We did not borrow any money to put , into this extension, nor did anyone give ' , it or loan it. Let us tell you something, collections were exceedingly good in July, we had no back bills to pay, so the money came in nicely to complete a desire we have had for a year or more. , ' We are preparing to do an extens-" ive business in house furnishings and " ' invite you to allow us a chance to furn-1 ish vour home. ' GEO. - . Jr. J. Brennan & Co..., v tr j in . - 2 1 I and Pfiifs. reri J rrr 4 .1 A j e Paints, Oils and Wall Paper .J FIRST NATIONAL DANK BLOCK. ;-.:..k..:..:..x..x.m 1 T" tamoncls, " o Souvenirs e Repairing in all its Branches. Jeweler and Ciias. E. Foru, President A. S. Reed, R. M. Hampton, Vico Presidents. First ' National Bank, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Capital, $50,000. Directors: Cha. E. Pord, A. S. Reed, R. M Hampton. H G.Warrick, S.K.Warrick, Notice to Creditors. lnt'unty Court, within and for llox Ilutto county. Nohriiskit, .lulv S3, 1901. iu the matturuf tlio ttstute ntMurtin 11. I'utlilorf. ilorousud To the crudltoN of tliosald utalo You uro lieruby notllltsl. Unit I illicit at, TlioCounli Court Itoinn In Alliance in said county, mi the 30th ilay of Jiinnurj, UTO, atl o'clock p. m. to jvt'oh u und pxamine nil cluini I against Mild itute lth u Mew of their ad ' justmont uud allowance. The tlmo limited i for th proRentutinu of rlalm against bald us tuto U tl months, from tho 33d day of Jul , A. 1)., l'.OI- and the tlmo limited for tlio imymunt of duhu U ouu yojir from Mild 23d day of July, A. 1).. 11W. , , Wltnoas my hand aud sal of wild County Court, this l-M day of July. 1001. (A true copy) J). K. Sl'AOItT, HHAL1 ITountvJudKe. fpJuly 29-1 w DARLING. . , 1 - I DEALERS ti -22 iro, j. ! umes i icies. t Alliance, Nebraska, t Watches, i of iei An .Gold Jewejry, Hail orders promptly attended to. Optician. ' S. K, Warrick. Cashier G. Hampton, Ass't Cashier. Surplus and Profits, $20,000 Notice to CrcUltorx. In the county court, within and for lto llutte want j , Nehrasl.a, Aug. ft. 1U0I, in tho matter of the estate of William lioues-,. deceused To the creditors of suld estate Von are hnreuy notified, that I will hit at tin county court room In Alliance, iu said county, 011 the tttli day of Fohruary, A. U. 1003. at t o'clock a. in. .to receiH aodexamino all claims Kjalii5t wild t8tatu, with a low to their ad justment end allowance. Tho time limited for the presentation of claims aualust said calnto it, six muntliK. front the 0th day of Aug ust, A. I). 1IXH, and tho time limited for pay ment of duhu U one j ear from bald 0th day of AoBUSt.lOW. Witness my hand nnd tho teal of said county court, this Oth day ofAuirust, 1P04, I). It. BpaCht, County Judge. (Copy.) fpAuff.12. J. i A 1